投稿者/ Gaijin man 恋愛初心者(1回)-(2008/05/27(Tue) 11:23:48) when I first came to Japan, j-girls were refreshing because they were: thinner、more considerate、helped clean/cook more、cute、feminine but then, as I got settled, and learned more japanese, they, things turned. now I see all their flaws. 1) no muscle tone whatsoever 2) very needy, very dependent 3) very jealous 4) ridiculously unopinionated about important things, and overopinionated about idiotic things. 5) clingy6) unmotivated7) shallow8) passive9) apathetic 10) bad teeth 11) stubby feet/legs12) no breasts13) pancake ass 14) always freaked out about getting sunlight on them 15) afraid of rain 16) horrible taste in music (with very few exceptions. very few) 17) backwards 18) racist without understanding they are racist. 19) Cool good at finding bent divorce-lawyers 20) crap in bed 21) crap at kissing 22) inapable of original thought 23) sexist (i.e. subservient to inherited, unchallenged phallocentric patriarchal values) and unaware of it 24) stupid 25) surprisingly hirsuite (down there) 26) good at applying make up: scary with it off 27) unimaginative at selecting underwear 28) English leeches!!! whew. I feel better. I have realised g-girls are much more attractive than j-girls both outside and inside. j-girls suck.