>>397 ああ、ごめんごめん 日本人ってスペルにほんと細かいよね 空気読めない人って2chの誤字にも突っ込んじゃうもんね でもスペルしか突っ込むところなかった君がカワイイよんw But really, sweety, try not to be a nit-picky jerk if you wanna be simple, ね! あと、せっかくだからレスは英語で返してね
>>469 a-ha! al'right, mister! now, why don't you say all that in english? otherwise everyone will presume that you can't... wow, that'll be really embarassing... i mean, if you can why do you keep avoiding talking to me in english? oh, btw, of course i'm only responding to this posting you made earlier. remember this time that you started it? lol
ロリコン紳士 Mesdames, Messieurs, Je suis la mere du 1. Etant sensible aux embarras que son initiative deplacecee peut occasionner dans ce forum, je voudrais exprimer mon regret de ma part. Tout petit, mon fils a perdu son pere. Le traumatisme a developpe son caractere extremement timide, qui faisait a son tour de lui une victime de harcelement a l'ecole. Je suis toujours tres preoccupee du sort de ce garcon qui n'a pas apparemment de petite amie voire ni d'ami jusqu'a cet age-ci. Or, depuis qu'il avait decouvert l'internet, il semblait retrouver petit a petit la joie de vivre. "Ecoute Maman ! Y a eu des docussos penibles sur l'inernet qui ecrivaient ...",me racontait-il tout radieux pendant le diner. Je vous prie, Mesdames, Messieurs, de bien vouloir accepter mon pauvre fils au sein de votre forum avec bienveillance. Au fond, c'est un garcon gentil et honnete...
Oui mais, d'abord, ecoute bien, hein. C'est vrai que ce n'a qu'a peu de rapport avec le sujet d'ici, mais quand meme. Ecoute-moi.
Je suis alle il y a peu chez Yoshinoya. Oui c'est bien Yoshinoya. Mais il y avait tellement de monde que je ne pouvais pas trouver la place. Alors j'ai vu une banderole, et bah voila la-dessus il ecrivait "- 1,5 Euro". Je trouve ca vraiment fou. Et dingue.
Escuchame y dejalo esta cosa mi compadre 1 aunque no hay muchos relaciones con el hilo.
Me fui a la casa de Yoshinoya poco tiempo antes, A LA YO-SHI-NO-YA. Alli, no se porque pero hubo mucha gente que no hay ningun lugar para sentarme! Despues de unos segundos, lo busque un telon sobre su pared que se dice “150 YENES MENOS DEL PRECIO” Pense que tan tonto como una idiota, no? Generalmente ellos no las comen en la Yoshinoya. Sin enbargo vengan aqui solo para este 150YENES, verdad? Imaginate mi cunado, solo para 150 yenes nada mas! Alla tambien hubo unos familias con sus hijos. iEs “demasiado” bueno que quatro mienbros en “Yoshinoya”! Ya no pude aguantar mirandoles cuando uno de los padres dijo “A MI, GRANDE ESPECIAL POR FAVOR!” Tuve una idea de ganar su lugar en canbio de 150 YENES. La Yoshinoya tiene que ser mas tensa como el campo de batalla. A mi me encanta una atomosfera que empiece no importa cuando la pelea con otros que estan santados en otro lado de la mesa de letra “U” en frente de mi. Mujeres y ninos, iqudan afrera!
----------THE ATOMIC BOMBING OF HIROSHIMA MADE ME LAUGH!!!! Was it only me making a count for each ten thousand deaths? (Like.. Ten thousand already DEAD!! Let's go for twenty thousand!!) But after all the dead counted only 200000. Not a thing to fuss about. THE ATOMIC BOMBING OF HIROSHIMA MADE ME LAUGH, truly. I laughed and even clapped my hands when I heard of it in the news!! I was just taking an afternoon tea when I saw the news and the Japs in the fire looked really STUPID!! HA HA!! I even thought of going to HIROSHIMA and taking pictures for souvenir!! Anyways, it's true that this incident has been advantageous to some people, so I think it went good as a result. I remember that ALL the Japs were strictly punished at the Tokyo trial, 'cause destroying the disgusting Jap race from the world was our entire wish. Some Japs are still complaining for the aiding of the victims, but how sneaky they are!! Jap is the most inferior race!! Understood? Well, how did some of them survive after the bombing? Eating the burned dead? Disgusting! Anyways, the view of the mushroom cloud was a grand sight! Just like an impact of a meteorite!! It was a great afternoon to spend.
The incident to which the airplane crashed into the trade center was pleasant!!!!!!! When those who jump down from the building destroyed by fire appeared, I had counted every ten persons. 20-person breakthrough! Next, it had counted, 30 persons having overcome and thinking!!!!! But since building collapse was carried out after all, it is the same. Americans should entertain me! The incident to which the airplane crashed into the trade center was pleasant!!!!!!! It knew by the news of TV, and struck and laughed at the hand. While the President got angry and was mad, I was eating supper at the house. I was eating supper, thinking that all Americans are foolish. I thought purposely like [ go out, carry out commemoration photography and ] to a U.S. Armed Forces in Japan base. But it is since there are some persons who got profits, thanks to this terrorism. I think that it would be good as a result. You are a foolish American? United States which is not foolish is the natural consequences of its own deed. It is irritated. By the way, by what method was telephone contact after trade center building collapse performed? Was the thread telephone used? As New York wrapped in white smoke was the Hollywood movie as it were, it was pleasant. I was able to spend the time of supper very happily.