
67おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/10 23:24 ID:xLkEn55U
I would like to introduction of myself.
I am a girl , 22years old.
I work at bookstore. I am not good speaker,but I like trip to all over the world.
I didn't study hard in my class,but I remenber my skill,because
I have some friend who are native speaker.
68おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/10 23:27 ID:r/aSL5D+
*How do you think
○What do you think
69おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/10 23:28 ID:xLkEn55U
Oh! I finally found English speaker!
How do you do? Nice to meet you!
70おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/10 23:32 ID:xLkEn55U
Don't your prid gets in the way!
71おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/10 23:34 ID:DBd2O/mq
 Thanx for your advice.
Do you satisfied with your snobism?

I will give you a message "in 2ch, pointing the errata is not cool! Go to damm."
72おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/10 23:38 ID:xLkEn55U
Oh! you have to study hard!
I don't understand your words.
73おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/10 23:42 ID:xLkEn55U
What's “errata”?
I think that it's a “error”
74おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/10 23:46 ID:xLkEn55U
Hello !
there are anybody who speak English?
75おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/10 23:52 ID:VjLuK6Vc
Please ask some.
76おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/10 23:54 ID:VjLuK6Vc

I can speak a little English.
77おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/10 23:55 ID:VjLuK6Vc


I can speak a little English.
78おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/10 23:56 ID:xLkEn55U
Me to Jenny!
Would you like be friend with me?
79おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/11 00:09 ID:J5JkXJwp
it's terrible self actors here, isn't it?
80おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/11 01:39 ID:glaYoUxv
parlez en francais
81 :03/02/12 01:55 ID:LPiOmp6Z
82 :03/02/12 04:39 ID:J2dtXQvX
83おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/12 04:46 ID:e1z51zLa
i like it! rerally
84おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/12 04:55 ID:oBHBCSYK
bonjour !
je souhait que ca marche beaucoup mieux qu'hier .
85おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/12 04:58 ID:KunA9/A+
this thread should be use
86おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/12 05:07 ID:EId/TuMt
I'm gona go to bed.
Good night. "don't let bed bugs bite."

87おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/12 05:40 ID:OvwgbZ+B

88おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/12 11:05 ID:5QimuyWX
It's fine day today.
Let's stay home and enjoy NICHANNEL!!!
89おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/12 11:29 ID:m+jnRVRx
Are you “hikikomori”?
90おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/12 20:44 ID:ye8Pu+qj
91ヒゲと…:03/02/12 20:47 ID:rc0uGwWU
How are you?
92naomi:03/02/12 20:48 ID:yXpb9NrB
I am looking for some friends who speak English like me.
I am doing part time job, people call me Freeter.
But I can speak English because I'm so smart!
93おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/12 20:48 ID:c848bIoq
I drink every day. Yes, I drinck everyday.
And now, Now, I am drinkin.
So what ? Any missspelling?
94おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/12 20:59 ID:p0edwQi+
Long long ago, a little girl lived with her mother near the woods.
95 :03/02/13 00:57 ID:/ttALAFf

>I am looking for some friends who speak English like me.

maybe [who speak}is wrong.
[who speaka} is correct,right?

Are you lookin' for someone who can't speak English like you?
96 :03/02/13 00:59 ID:/ttALAFf
97コッパ=:03/02/13 01:03 ID:ZadBb8Qg
Let's get carefree!
by the way , Do you often study English ?
You seem to be proficient in English.
98ヒゲと…:03/02/13 01:14 ID:nOuY2BEz
Today,I ate udon.
Because new udon shop was opened near my house.
It tasted good.
And I will go Tokyo tomorrow.
I would go English area.
99おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/13 01:59 ID:V2w5B81h
>this thread should be use English!

you should write in English in this thread.

ou parlez en francais!
100おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/13 02:11 ID:0VQIGHeE
J'ai obtenu 100
101おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/13 02:25 ID:CiPpeSac
102おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/13 02:35 ID:0VQIGHeE
merci, c'est gentil.
103おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/13 02:51 ID:zkzTzUM8
Good morning.
I am going to do early time job.
I am sleapy....
104おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/13 02:53 ID:Vmj7USJT
105おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/13 02:58 ID:V2w5B81h
I adore The Early Times Whisky.
106おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/13 02:59 ID:b6qDO41S
Does anyone like Manic Street Preachers?
Recently I found the meaning of their lyrics and moved with them!
107106:03/02/13 03:03 ID:b6qDO41S
I prefer to stay up all this dark midnight, but I should go to sleep because of tomorrow work.
(I am student and my work is just part-time though).
There is a mad woman employee at my cake shop, so I always have much stresses with her.

Anyway, good night for everyone on this thread. :)
108おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/13 03:13 ID:V2w5B81h
Assomes-la avec le couteau!
109107:03/02/13 03:16 ID:b6qDO41S
I still wake up ..
Actually I've been studying French, but only for one year, so I don't understand
what you said. This spring vacation I'll study French more with my favourite book,
Le Petit Prince! Thank you for your response. Good night :)
110おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/13 11:59 ID:d2pUeXja
By the way,please listen to me,>>1
Yesterday,I went to a neighbour Yoshinoya,you knouw,Yoshinoya.
Then,the floor was conjected,I could not seat myself.
I had no way,turned around and went back home.
111おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/13 12:55 ID:l7HWnpzt
Pardon. I got tired of hearing the talk.
Do your best in French study.
I am interested in German.
Viel Spass!!
112おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/13 22:59 ID:AoRoSzxo
I・・・I don't knowヽ(`Д´)ノ
113コッパ=:03/02/14 00:54 ID:NfPJQGxl
How do you study English ?
I usually use NHK radio program .
114おさかなくわえた名無しさん:03/02/14 00:58 ID:xw76rT5L
Recently I use a online software called P-study System for increasing my vocabulary.
Or, listening to my favourite music (almost british music) is fantastic way to study!
115コッパ=:03/02/14 01:07 ID:NfPJQGxl
Sounds good . You seem to enjoy studying English ,so you can
keep on studying easily.
well ,I start to study right now .