You sexy boi!白人12歳です。talk to me!
1 :
Racheal :
02/12/01 19:30 ID:13VAySN0 Please talk to me!I'm so bored.
2 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 19:30 ID:53UDjOJr
3 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 19:30 ID:HgJs2wR2
4 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 19:31 ID:nxAEb82B
5 :
Racheal :02/12/01 19:33 ID:13VAySN0
I have difficulty to read japanese. cause I am an american.
6 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 19:33 ID:twDclZ7/
7 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 19:33 ID:JuKcPPxs
Kiss my asshole.
8 :
2 :02/12/01 19:33 ID:53UDjOJr
nanda sekkaku eigode kaitanoni
9 :
Racheal :02/12/01 19:34 ID:13VAySN0
>7 I like you
10 :
Racheal :02/12/01 19:36 ID:13VAySN0
answer me you dickheads
11 :
Racheal :02/12/01 19:39 ID:13VAySN0
hey,you yeah you!
12 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 19:39 ID:NRmty3ND
>Rechael Please input "fusianasan" to 「名前」
13 :
Racheal :02/12/01 19:40 ID:13VAySN0
are you pissed that i called you dikheds
dikheds ?
15 :
Racheal :02/12/01 19:42 ID:13VAySN0
>12 i know this is a trick you penis brain
16 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 19:42 ID:JuKcPPxs
17 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 19:43 ID:JuKcPPxs
are you gay?
>RACHAEL Please Change your NAME to "fusianasan" !! HURRY UP !! fusianasan fusianasan fusianasan !!!!!
19 :
Racheal :02/12/01 19:43 ID:13VAySN0
dikhed:ching ching
boi ?
21 :
2 :02/12/01 19:45 ID:53UDjOJr
Racheal is thirty and hikky
22 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 19:45 ID:b4pV/pMs
I have tired live.
23 :
Racheal :02/12/01 19:46 ID:13VAySN0
>18 fuk you! oh i'm sorry.are you to dumb to know what that means?
24 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 19:46 ID:JuKcPPxs
Fuck off.Doss cunt.
25 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 19:46 ID:b4pV/pMs
>Racheal I have tired life. how about you?
26 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 19:47 ID:b4pV/pMs
Please tail with me
27 :
Racheal :02/12/01 19:47 ID:13VAySN0
>20 boi means boy >21 i'm 13,not 30.excuse me Mr penis brain.
USA is already DEAD !!
29 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 19:48 ID:tVzLIvHR
30 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 19:48 ID:JuKcPPxs
you prick.
32 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 19:50 ID:b4pV/pMs
>>Racheal I barnefeld never the pellarm notice fan. And, the neigh green side menplessed to play high selith. Do you have a pless casshed fullmovie??
33 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 19:50 ID:tVzLIvHR
AL QUEDA COME━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!
34 :
Racheal :02/12/01 19:51 ID:6SaJHh4l
>25 you sound like 60 year old >26 huh?
35 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 19:51 ID:JuKcPPxs
For fuck's sake.
36 :
Racheal :02/12/01 19:52 ID:6SaJHh4l
Japan sucks
37 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 19:52 ID:b4pV/pMs
do u like bjork?
You matherfucker
39 :
Racheal :02/12/01 19:53 ID:NRmty3ND
I'm ever Cherry boy
40 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 19:54 ID:JuKcPPxs
>Racheal Right,I'm off for a piss.
41 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 19:54 ID:b4pV/pMs
I have tired liveI have tired liveI have tired li veI have tired liveI have tired liveI have tired liveI have tired liveI have tired liveI have tired liveI have tired l] iveI have tired liveI have tired liveI have tired liveI hav e tired liveI have tired liveI have tired liveI have tired live I have tired liveI have tired liveI have tired liveI have tired live I have tired liveI have tired liveI have tired l iveI have tired liveI have tired liveI have tired liveI have tired live I have tired liveI have tired liveI have tired liveI have tired liveI have tired liveI have tired liveI ha ve tired liveI have tired liveI have tired liveI have tired liveI have tired liveI have tired liveI have t ired liveI have tired liveI have tired liveI have tir ed liveI have tired liveI have tired liveI have tired liveI have tired liveI have tired live
42 :
Racheal :02/12/01 19:54 ID:6SaJHh4l
>37 NO >38 what the fuck are you on about you fuckin penis brain sayin mother fucker to a 13year old?
43 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 19:55 ID:b4pV/pMs
>>Racheal I barnefeld never the pellarm notice fan. And, the neigh green side menplessed to play high selith. Do you have a pless casshed fullmovie??
44 :
2 :02/12/01 19:56 ID:53UDjOJr
Since it has your bad attitude. you are not dear.
45 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 19:56 ID:6SaJHh4l
hey fuck you >39.
46 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 19:56 ID:b4pV/pMs
Why do you dislike bjork?
47 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 19:57 ID:6SaJHh4l
>44 huh?
48 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 19:57 ID:cEOGdPlJ
omaera bakaka?
49 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 19:57 ID:JuKcPPxs
I think you better go,Racheal !
50 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 19:58 ID:b4pV/pMs
>>Racheal I barnefeld never the pellarm notice fan. And, the neigh green side menplessed to play high selith. Do you have a pless casshed fullmovie?? Are you real american? Do you understand???????
51 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 19:59 ID:anlummJ8
Fool I care,cow was two,be come water sound.
52 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 20:00 ID:6SaJHh4l
>all well fuck you you fuckin little japanese dikheds. probably all have small dicks as well.well i have big jugs so you dont deserve me.maauhahahaha
53 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 20:01 ID:JuKcPPxs
Racheal,this is not natural,man.
55 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 20:02 ID:6SaJHh4l
>50 you are just makin all this up a aint ya you little ching ching
56 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 20:03 ID:JuKcPPxs
>>52 Racheal,are you racist? ......damn!
57 :
2 :02/12/01 20:04 ID:53UDjOJr
1は本当にアメ人なの? それとも釣人?
58 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 20:04 ID:6SaJHh4l
>54 well i am a street kid and i am 13 so dont you dare say a fuckin thing bad about my english
59 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 20:05 ID:b4pV/pMs
I'm little ching ching. So,Please anser this Question. I barnefeld never the pellarm notice fan. And, the neigh green side menplessed to play high selith. Do you have a pless casshed fullmovie??
60 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 20:05 ID:JuKcPPxs
61 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 20:06 ID:6SaJHh4l
>56 well if i was a racist i wouldnt be fuckin talkin to you fuckin shitman!
62 :
2 :02/12/01 20:06 ID:53UDjOJr
63 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 20:08 ID:6SaJHh4l
>59 hey if i wasnt american i was so fuck no say your a bunch of fuckin little japanese dikheds
64 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 20:09 ID:6SaJHh4l
>60 if you wanna talk to me you talk in english not that shitty little japanese crap
65 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 20:10 ID:b4pV/pMs
66 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 20:11 ID:JuKcPPxs
Racheal 必 死 だ な w
67 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 20:11 ID:6SaJHh4l
>65 well then dont be fucked to talk to me you fuckin little japanese ching ching
68 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 20:12 ID:6SaJHh4l
>66 huh?
Fワード覚えたてだから使ってみたかったんだろ バカの一つ覚えみたいにファッキンファッキンって うるせーっつの
70 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 20:14 ID:j507x1tx
Hello.I am Japanese girl and I can't speak English a little. こんな私だけど、 Please talk to me,Racheal? dame?
71 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 20:15 ID:6SaJHh4l
>69 what the motherfucker you talkin about you fuckin ching ching you think i am not american dont ya?hey?hey?well fuck you.
72 :
2 :02/12/01 20:15 ID:53UDjOJr
れーちぇるかわいくねーぞ 小学生かお前は!
73 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 20:19 ID:6SaJHh4l
>70 i dont like girls. >72 no i am starting my first year at highschool and my first year at stripper club it takes good bodies to be and believe me i am B75 much better than those flat japanese chicks who dont even shave their pussies.
74 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 20:19 ID:B+Xq4nJn
75 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 20:20 ID:6SaJHh4l
>74 go ahead shit boi
76 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 20:20 ID:JuKcPPxs
>>Racheal Every time I have sex with my boyfriend, and I'm on top,my balls hurt, When I'm just playing with myself,or he is, they feel OK. But when they start banging against him during sex, they get sosr. I can't feel anything abnormal on then. And it only happens When I'm the top man. Should I be worrying about this? Should I see a Racheal ?
77 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 20:20 ID:WRtvsiTR
Hello.I am Japanese boy and I can't speak English a little. こんな僕だけど、 Please talk to me,Racheal? dame?
78 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 20:22 ID:6SaJHh4l
>76 you probably dont have any balls.
79 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 20:23 ID:6SaJHh4l
>70 how old are you miss piggy?
80 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 20:24 ID:6SaJHh4l
>77 fine you little jackass but you better understand my favorite word ......fuck
81 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 20:25 ID:JuKcPPxs
you're too young....
82 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 20:26 ID:6SaJHh4l
>81 too young for what?
83 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 20:28 ID:6SaJHh4l
excuse me 81,i had sex when i was only 11.and i enjoyed every bit of it so i have as much right to have sex as you do.
84 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 20:29 ID:JuKcPPxs
That means fuck all.
85 :
◆uWTDEJ5GTo :02/12/01 20:30 ID:pMNXplp5
86 :
2 :02/12/01 20:30 ID:53UDjOJr
┏━━━━━━┓ .' , .. ∧_∧
┏━━━┓┃ ━━━━━┻━━━━━━━┓ .∴ ' ( )
>>1 ┌┃┗┓ ┣┫ ━━━━━━━━┫', ・,‘ r⌒> _/ /
┌│┃┃ ┣┫ ┃. ’ | y'⌒ ⌒i
││┗━━┯┛┃ ━━━━━┳━━━━━━━┛ | / ノ |
│└―――┘│┗━━━━━━┛――――――┘ , ー' /´ヾ_ノ
└―――┘│└――――――┘――――――┘ / , ノ
└――――――┘ / / /
/ / ,'
/ /| |
!、_/ / 〉
87 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 20:30 ID:6SaJHh4l
>84 now youre talkin thats what usa is all about Mr ching ching
88 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 20:30 ID:pMNXplp5
89 :
Mr.珍々 :02/12/01 20:31 ID:JuKcPPxs
90 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 20:32 ID:6SaJHh4l
>2 well kick your fuckin balls Mr ching ching china man
91 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 20:33 ID:6SaJHh4l
>89 no it's Mr dikhed!!
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses, And all the king's men, Couldn't put Humpty together again.
93 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 20:35 ID:6SaJHh4l
hello ching ching china men i wanna ching ching talk to you ching chion china man language
94 :
2 :02/12/01 20:36 ID:53UDjOJr
∧_∧ ∧_∧ ( ´∀` ) ( ´∀` ) ⊂ ⊃ ⊂ ⊃ |⌒I、| | |⌒I (_). | ∧_∧ ∧_∧ | ´(_) (_) ( ´∀` ) ( ´∀` ) (_) ⊂ ⊃ ⊂ ⊃ |⌒I、| | |⌒I (_). | | ´(_) (_) ∧_∧__ (_) (∀` ) ( > > / /\ \ (__) (__) ♪Let's go!! Won't you take my hand For I will be your man So tonight we gonna dance the night away One and one is two Don't you be so cruel Synchronize this love is what we're got to do All the time we'll be together 'cause it's yours and mine Forever we're in this love thing...
95 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 20:37 ID:6SaJHh4l
>92 ok mr dikhed i have enough with your fuckin friget language ching chion china man
96 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 20:38 ID:JuKcPPxs
Get away,Racheal Fuck you.if you can't speak Japanese, you shouldn't be in the 2channel. Now,fuck off. Sorry enough for being a fact cunt.
97 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 20:39 ID:JuKcPPxs
98 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 20:39 ID:6SaJHh4l
>94 i dont care about ching chion chinese song
99 :
2 :02/12/01 20:41 ID:53UDjOJr
/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ミ / ,――――-ミ / / / \ | | / ,(・) (・) | (6 つ | | ___ | / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | /__/ / < >1 Unreasonable ! /| /\ \______
100 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 20:41 ID:6SaJHh4l
>96 why didnt you fuckin tell me you were female you fuckin little hoe
101 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 20:42 ID:6SaJHh4l
>97 bye mr fanny hed
102 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 20:45 ID:6SaJHh4l
hey you yeah you!unko!
103 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 20:46 ID:6SaJHh4l
oi,ching ching china
104 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 20:48 ID:6SaJHh4l
why the fuk are you ppissed with me you little dikheds , rascist ching chings
ハンプティ・ダンプティ。塀の上に座ってた。 ハンプティ・ダンプティ。すってんころりん。 王様のお馬、王様の家来。皆みんな ハンプティ・ダンプティを元に戻せない。
106 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 20:51 ID:6SaJHh4l
fuck you you dikheds if you aint talkin to me in ten seconds i will leave you with your flat little japanese chiks which dont even shave their pussies
タイプミス多すぎ。 おちつけ。
>>1 You are small drill penis!
Go home! Get out here!
109 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 20:53 ID:6SaJHh4l
>105 what the fuck you on about its like your haie like you have some crush on a little fuckin egg?
110 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 20:54 ID:6SaJHh4l
>107 that's in impurpose you dik
Eeny,meeny,miney,mo, Catch a tiger by the toe, If he hollers, let him go, Eeny,meeny,miney,mo.
Oranges and lemons, Say the bells of St.Clement's. You owe me five farthings, Say the bells of St.Martin's. When will you pay me? Say the bells of Old Bailey. When will that be? Say the bells Stepney I'm sure I don't know, Says the great bell at Bow Here comes a candle to light you to bed, Here comes a chopper to chop off your head chop,chop.chop.chop,chop,chop,Chop!
113 :
2 :02/12/01 20:59 ID:53UDjOJr
∧_∧ ノノノノ -___
(;´∀`) (゚∈゚ ) ─_____ ______ ̄
>>1 ) 丿\ノ⌒\ ____ ___
| | | 彡/\ /ヽミ __ ___
(__)_) ./∨\ノ\ =_
.//.\/ヽミ ≡=-
ミ丿 -__ ̄___________
(⌒\ ノノノノ
\ヽ( ゚∋゚)
(m ⌒\
ノ / /
( ∧ ∧
ミヘ丿 ∩∀`;) ←
>>1 (ヽ_ノゝ _ノ
丿 ,;⌒⌒i.
ノノノノ⌒ヽ ( ;;;;;) .______
(゚∈゚ ) ミ) ,,:;;;) |End of the |
/⌒\/( ) ヽ| |/ |;,ノ .|Road |
( ミ ∨∨ | / .,i |______|
ノ /
>>1 | | ,,i; ,, . ,; ‖
( \/ヽ ,,,丶, | |,,,;. ;i, ..‖ヽ
\ ) ) .. ,, ´ヽ (,, ..‖丿.,,,
/// ,, ,, .. ´ヽ ..‖,,, ..,
`ヾ ヽミ ,, .、 ヽ .. ヽ丶,.ヽ ‖、,,
114 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 20:59 ID:6SaJHh4l
well if you think i am japanese well your fucckln wrong cos i only learn japanese at school cos i fuckin have to so dont you fuckin think i aint american you ching chion china men.
115 :
Racheal ◆L9bOiOT2g. :02/12/01 21:00 ID:6SaJHh4l
yous are so fuckin gay i am not talkin to you bye!
I am a pen.
・・・だからあ。間違い多すぎ。 もう少し勉強してからスレ立てなってば。
118 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 22:07 ID:PctYlSS9
オッス不細工帰国子女。 わかったよ。わかったわかったわかったわかったわかった。 みんな英語くらいできるから。 留学生も不細工しかいないね。それがイキがってんだからなあ…。
119 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 22:08 ID:oc4u8eq2
121 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/01 22:10 ID:p8piFAJ2
122 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/02 00:04 ID:PAbPJATy
Getting sleepy. Too late fo me.
123 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/02 19:25 ID:vcNTIuVz
124 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/02 19:51 ID:/ycBeMF5
126 :
をかめ参上 ◆ehGo7zCsgI :02/12/07 20:59 ID:j7vMWnFe
>125 おまえも早よこいやゴルァ!
スマソ(へこり いま何してんの?ハァハァ
>>130 だめぽ。
137 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/07 22:03 ID:vCvLXDTk
、、、、、 `, -'~ ̄ ̄ ̄~`ー、 / ゚ ○ ヽ 三 = 三 = o三、 ■|. ,-―'、 >ー--、■ 「you know me? zura? no! ozura!」 i^| -<・> |.| <・>- b | ..||  ̄ |.|  ̄ .|/ ..| /(oo) ヽ | | ____ / ■■■■■■ ヽ ´ ニ `, / ■ ■ ` ー-― ' ■ ■
138 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/08 04:19 ID:iJiQN4kC
、、、、、 `, -'~ ̄ ̄ ̄~`ー、 / ゚ ○ ヽ 三 = 三 = o三、 ■|. ,-―'、 >ー--、■「you know me? 8ch830am ozura program ZURADANE! 」 i^| -<・> |.| <・>- b | ..||  ̄ |.|  ̄ .|/ ..| /(oo) ヽ | | ____ / ■■■■■■ ヽ ´ ニ `, / ■ ■ ` ー-― ' ■ ■
139 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :02/12/09 04:56 ID:iOMm5mpS
、、、、、 `, -'~ ̄ ̄ ̄~`ー、 / ゚ ○ ヽ 三 = 三 = o三、 ■|. ,-―'、 >ー--、■ 「you know me? zura? no! ozura!」 i^| -<・> |.| <・>- b | ..||  ̄ |.|  ̄ .|/ ..| /(oo) ヽ | | ____ / ■■■■■■ ヽ ´ ニ `, / ■ ■ ` ー-― ' ■ ■
140 :
おさかなくわえた名無しさん :
02/12/11 04:09 ID:69M44/rl 、、、、、 `, -'~ ̄ ̄ ̄~`ー、 / ゚ ○ ヽ 三 = 三 = o三、 ■|. ,-―'、 >ー--、■ 「you know me? zura? no! ozura!」 i^| -<・> |.| <・>- b | ..||  ̄ |.|  ̄ .|/ ..| /(oo) ヽ | | ____ / ■■■■■■ ヽ ´ ニ `, / ■ ■ ` ー-― ' ■ ■