26 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :04/12/10 18:32:31 ID:t/RW8WgX K-1WORLD MAX2005 World tournament opening game 16 Candidate players
Preceding year best 8 1, Buakaw Por.Puramuk 2, Masato 3, Albert Kraus 4, Takayuki Kohiruimaki 5, Shamil Gaidrbekov 6, Jadamba Narantungalag 7, John Wayne Parr 8, Mike Zambidis
The design which attaches on December 5 and comes out 9,(Representative determination tournament champion of Japan) 10, Woon Jae Lee(Representative of Asia) 11, Michael Lerma(North American Continent representation) 12, Marfio“the warrior tiger”Canoletti(South American Continent representation) 13, Oreg Sightv(The Russia area representation) 14, Mike Cope(The Oceania area representation) 15, Jean Skarbowsky(The Europe area representation) 16, Kaoklai Kaennorsing(Sponsor recommendation)
Super fight candidate player Genki Sudo Norifumi“kid”Yamamoto