-基本単語- *次のフレーズを和訳。 1 [experiment] conduct an experiment 2 [divorce] my parent's divorce 3 [intimate] We have been intimate for years. 4 [avoid] avoid the traffic jam *traffic jam=交通渋滞 5 [convey] convey my pleasure to her 6 [narrowly] 7 [combine A with B] 8 [desire] A desire to succeed 9 [annual] the annual event 10 [addict] be addicted to the Internet 11 [prejudice] prejudice against woman 12 [be reluctant to V] 13 [boast] boast about one's children 14 [seemingly] 15 [organize] organize one's desk 16 [pile] a pile of books 17 [duty] a duty to earn money 18 [remain] remain in the office 19 [urban] an urban life 20 [race] the race problem 21 [domain] the American domain 22 [accuse] accuse A of B 23 [please] please the children 24 [layer] the ozone layer 25 [fliction] trade fliction 26 [envy] envy the rich 27 [transmit] transmit message 28 [fluent] a fluent English 29 [superior] be superior to him 30 [victim] victims of the war -同義語- 31 escape 1.appreciate 2.bow 3.flight 4.scatter 32 control 1.rule 2.thrive 3.flourish 4.plead 33 isolate 1.explode 2.sow 3.separate 4.supply 34 barrier 1.dominate 2.diminish 3.chase 4.obstacle 35 environment 1.pledge 2.liquid 3.tax 4.surroundings -多義語- *次のフレーズを和訳。 36 [meet] meet one's demand 37 [coin] coin a new word ★ 38 [fix] fix a drink ★ 39 [submit] submit to A 40 [height] Summer is at its height. ★ -単語(発展) ★- *次のフレーズを和訳。 41 [shrewd] a shrewd businessman 42 [supreme] the supreme power 43 [render] render A B 44 [colossal] colossal squid *squid=イカ 45 [criterion] criterion of success 46 [troop] a troop of monkeys 47 [despotic] a despotic rule 48 [nevertheless] 49 [kidnap] 50 [crave] May I crave a cigarette?
今までなんで気付かなかったんだろ。 解答はこんな感じに書けばいいんでは。 ↓ 1 [experiment] conduct an experiment 実験を行う 2 [divorce] my parent's divorce 父と母の離婚 3 [intimate] We have been intimate for years. 私達は何年も親しい仲だ
1.クローン技術は人間にはもちろん、牛にも応用してはいけない。絶対にしてはならないことだ。 We can’t [apply] cloning techniques to cattle, [let] [alone] human beings. It’s forbidden.
2,進化論は私の想像力の範囲を超えている。 The theory of [evolution] is [beyond] the reach of my imagination.
3、その生物学者は自分の歴史的発見に誇りをもっており、そのことを臆することなく口に出す。 The biologist is [proud] of his historic [discovery] and doesn’t [mind] boasting about it.
4,脳の構造は複雑だ。 The [structure] brain is [complex].
5,「これって偽者だろう?」「何言ってるの。本物の骨董品よ。」「まさか!」 “This is [fake], isn’t it?” “Hey, it’s a [genuine] antique.” “No way”
6,そのパンツはあなたには似合わないと思う。こっちをはいてみて。今すごく流行っているのよ! I don’t think those pants look good [on] you. [Try] these [on].They’re really [in] now.
7,当店のお客様は、わずかな追加料金で配達サービスをご利用できます。 Delivery service is [available] to our customers for a [slight] extra [charge].
8,現金が足りなかったので、先週口座に入れた100ドルを引き出した。 I was [short] of cash, so I [withdrew] the $100 that I had [deposited] in my bank [acount] last week.
9,私が約束を破ったので、罰として両親に門限を6時にされた。 My parents gave me a 6 pm curfew as a [punishment] because I [broke] my promise
10,我々は会議で率直な意見を交わしたが、この件に関してはまだ全体の意見がまとまらない。 We [exchanged] frank opinions in the meeting, but [consensus] is yet to be reached [regarding] this matter.
11,「あなたは彼と同じ意見?それとも違うの?」「彼のほうを支持するよ」 “Do you agree or disagree [with] him?” “I’m on his [side]”
12,もう一度詳しく説明していただけませんか?お話の意図が分かりませんでした。 Could you go [over] it again? I couldn’t make [out] what you were getting [at]
-基本単語- *次のフレーズを和訳。(フレーズなしの場合単語のみ) 1 [tremendous] a tremendous success 2 [quote] quote a well-known saying *well-known saying =有名なことわざ 3 [offend] I was offended at her bad manners. 4 [glance] He wouldn't even glance at me. 5 [hypothesis] A hypothesis is not a fact. 6 [prefer] prefer coffee to tea 7 [hate] hate to study 8 [purchase] purchase a car 9 [domestic] domestic violence 10 [appreciate] I'll appreciate hearing from you soon. *hear from〜 ~から手紙を貰う 11 [quit] Quit doing that. 12 [reduce] reduce one's weight 13 [income] a low income 14 [temple] a beautiful temple 15 [concern] be concerned about〜 16 [decline] Her health began to decline. 17 [unemployment] Unemployment has decreased. 18 [absorb] be absorbed in 〜 19 [gaze] gaze at the blue sky 20 [short] be short of〜 21 [raise] Raise your hand! 22 [naked] the naked boy 23 [encourage] encourage him to try again 24 [harvest] the harvest of corn 25 [district] a school district 26 [tragedy] -同義語選択- 27 talent 1.enmity 2.ability 3.storm 4.purpose 28 principal 1.chief 2.rule 3.vocation 4.harvest 29 attempt 1.demonstrate 2.manage 3.try 4.calling 30 deprive 1.owe 2.deserve 3.steal 4.superfluous 31 enemy 1.rival 2.crisis 3.heir 4.fate 32 grasp 1.bend 2.shatter 3.enhance 4.understand 33 employ 1.dispute 2.banish 3.previous 4.hire -多義語- *次のフレーズを和訳。 34 [fire] fire Takeo 35 [leave] Don't leave me alone. 36 [recall] recall defective products *defective products=欠陥商品 ★ 37 [major] major in economics *economics 経済学 38 [generous] a generous amount of time ★ 39 [decline] decline his invitation 40 [reduce] be reduced to 〜ing ★ -単語(発展) ★- *次のフレーズを和訳。 41 [intuition] rely on one's intuition 42 [tyranny] the tyranny of the cruel king 43 [hostage] free a hostage 44 [paralyze] paralyze the mouse 45 [autocrat] 46 [soothe] soothe the pain 47 [soar] The price of vegetables is soaring. 48 [ascribe] ascribe A to B 49 [fanatical] a fanatical collector 50 [terminate] terminate the contract
■■■解答編■■■ *同義語選択問題は正しい番号に★印を施してあります。 1 [tremendous] a tremendous success 大きな成功 2 [quote] quote a well-known saying 有名なことわざを引用する 3 [offend] I was offended at her bad manners. 彼女の無作法に腹が立った。 4 [glance] He wouldn't even glance at me. 彼は私をちらりとも見なかった。 5 [hypothesis] A hypothesis is not a fact. 仮説は事実ではない。 6 [prefer] prefer coffee to tea 紅茶(お茶)よりもコーヒーを好む 7 [hate] hate to study 勉強が大嫌いだ 8 [purchase] purchase a car 車を購入する 9 [domestic] domestic violence 家庭内暴力 10 [appreciate] I'll appreciate hearing from you soon. すぐにお返事して頂けると有り難いです。 11 [quit] Quit doing that. そんなことするのはやめろ。 12 [reduce] reduce one's weight 体重を減らす 13 [income] a low income 低収入 14 [temple] a beautiful temple 美しい寺院 15 [concern] be concerned about〜 〜を気にかける、心配する 16 [decline] Her health began to decline. 彼女の健康は衰えはじめた。 17 [unemployment] Unemployment is decreasing. 失業率は減少している。 18 [absorb] be absorbed in 〜 〜に夢中になる 19 [gaze] gaze at the blue sky 青空を見つめる 20 [short] be short of〜 〜が不足している 21 [raise] Raise your hand! 手をあげろ! 22 [naked] the naked boy 裸の少年 23 [wind] winding road 曲がりくねった道 24 [harvest] the harvest of corn トウモロコシの収穫(量) 25 [district] a school district 学区 26 [tragedy] 悲劇;悲しい出来事 27 talent 1.enmity 2.★ability 3.storm 4.purpose 28 principal 1.★chief 2.rule 3.vocation 4.harvest 29 attempt 1.demonstrate 2.manage 3.★try 4.calling 30 deprive 1.owe 2.deserve 3.★steal 4.superfluous 31 enemy 1.★rival 2.crisis 3.heir 4.fate 32 grasp 1.bend 2.shatter 3.enhance 4.★understand 33 employ 1.dispute 2.banish 3.previous 4.★hire 34 [fire] fire Takeo たけお(武夫、武男など)を解雇する(クビにする) 35 [leave] Don't leave me alone. 一人にしないで. (放っておかないで) 36 [recall] recall defective products 欠陥商品を回収する 37 [major] major in economics 経済学を専攻している 38 [generous] a generous amount of time 多くの時間 39 [decline] decline his invitation 彼からの招待を断る 40 [reduce] be reduced to 〜ing 〜する羽目になる 41 [intuition] rely on one's intuition 直感に頼る 42 [tyranny] the tyranny of the cruel king 残忍な王の圧政 43 [hostage] free a hostage 人質を解放する 44 [paralyze] paralyze the mouse ネズミを麻痺させる 45 [autocrat] 独裁者;独裁君主 46 [soothe] soothe the pain 痛みを和らげる 47 [soar] The price of vegetables is soaring. 野菜の値段が上昇している。 48 [ascribe] ascribe A to B AをBのせいにする (Aの原因をBに帰する) 49 [fanatical] a fanatical collector 狂信的なコレクター 50 [terminate] terminate the contract 契約を終わらせる
1、「君の不屈の努力、勇気、そして知恵には感心するよ。」「お世辞でもうれしいわ!」 “I [a ] your [p ], courage and [w ].” “You [f ] me!”
2、客観的に見れば、前者は後者よりも劣っている。 From an [o ] viewpoint, the [f ] is inferior [ ] the [l ].
3、皮肉なことだが、彼らの最善の努力にもかかわらず、任務は完全な失敗に終わった。 [I ], [d ] their best [e ], their mission resulted [ ] complete failure.
4、機内への可燃物の持ち込みは禁止されています。 Bringing flammable items into the cabin is [p ]
5、ちょっとした事故が原因で、私たちのウィーン行きの便に遅れが出た。 Our flight to Vienna was [d ] on [a ] of a minor accident.
6、彼らは昼夜休むことなく、その墜落事故の原因を調査している。 They are working [a ] the clock looking [ ] the cause of the crash.
7、全従業員を代表いたしまして、犠牲者の方々に対してお悔やみを申し上げたいと存じます。 On [b ] of all the staff, I’d like to [e ] our [s ] for the [v ].
8、車両の欠陥がないか3ヶ月に一度検査される。 The [v ] are [I ] for [d ] every three months.
9、食べ物が腐らないように蓋をしっかり閉めなさい。 Tighten the [l ] so the food doesn’t [ ] bad.
10、この織物を染めたら縮んでしまった。 I dyed this [f ] and it [s ].
11、その混ぜ合わせたものに小麦粉を加えて、とろみがつくまでかき混ぜましょう。 Add some [f ] to the [m ] and [s ] it until it becomes [t ].
12、新しいパソコンに全額をつぎ込むこともできたが、考え直してまさかの時のために多少は残しておくことにした。 I could have [l ] out all that money on a new PC, but on second thought I decided to put some [a ] for a [r ] day.
1、「君の不屈の努力、勇気、そして知恵には感心するよ。」「お世辞でもうれしいわ!」 “I [admire] your [perseverance], courage and [wisdom].” “You [flatter] me!”
2、客観的に見れば、前者は後者よりも劣っている。 From an [objective] viewpoint, the [former] is inferior [to] the [l].
3、皮肉なことだが、彼らの最善の努力にもかかわらず、任務は完全な失敗に終わった。 [Ironically], [despite] their best [endeavors], their mission resulted [in] complete failure.
4、機内への可燃物の持ち込みは禁止されています。 Bringing flammable items into the cabin is [prohibited]
5、ちょっとした事故が原因で、私たちのウィーン行きの便に遅れが出た。 Our flight to Vienna was [delayed] on [account] of a minor accident.
6、彼らは昼夜休むことなく、その墜落事故の原因を調査している。 They are working [around] the clock looking [into] the cause of the crash.
7、全従業員を代表いたしまして、犠牲者の方々に対してお悔やみを申し上げたいと存じます。 On [behalf] of all the staff, I’d like to [express] our [sympathy] for the [victims].
8、車両の欠陥がないか3ヶ月に一度検査される。 The [vehicles] are [inspected] for [defects] every three months.
9、食べ物が腐らないように蓋をしっかり閉めなさい。 Tighten the [lid] so the food doesn’t [go] bad.
10、この織物を染めたら縮んでしまった。 I dyed this [fabric] and it [shrank].
11、その混ぜ合わせたものに小麦粉を加えて、とろみがつくまでかき混ぜましょう。 Add some [flour] to the [mixture] and [stir] it until it becomes [thick].
12、新しいパソコンに全額をつぎ込むこともできたが、考え直してまさかの時のために多少は残しておくことにした。 I could have [laid] out all that money on a new PC, but on second thought I decided to put some [aside] for a [rainy] day.
-基本単語- *次のフレーズを和訳。 1 [hide] hide the present 2 [occupy] occupy an important position 3 [focus] focus on A 4 [indifferent] be indifferent to A 5 [despise] despise the poverty 6 [participate] participate in the game 7 [define] define words 8 [well-being] the well-being of one's children 9 [somewhat] 10 [submit] submit one's homework 11 [impact] have an impact on A 12 [attitude] a positive attitude 13 [quarrel] a terrible quarrel 14 [resemble] They resemble each other. 15 [cling] cling to A 16 [consensus] reach a consensus 17 [store] store vegetables 18 [fertile] a fertile dog 19 [politics] 20 [investigate] investigate the murder *murder=殺人事件 21 [conclusion] come to the conclusion that... 22 [according] according to A 23 [official] an official rule book 24 [abound] Oil abounds in Alaska. 25 [proud] be proud of A 26 [polite] be polite to others 27 [seriously] "Study seriously!" -同義語選択- 28 [foolish] 1.sincere 2.wise 3.stupid 4.aggressive 29 [lure] 1.senator 2.bait 3.warfare 4.nuisance ★ 30 [remote] 1.revolve 2.enclose 3.disclose 4.distant 31 [assemble] 1.separate 2.retain 3.devoid 4.gather 32 [delight] 1.joy 2.sorrow 3.temperament 4.cradle 33 [humble] 1.blame 2.smart 3.modest 4.independent 34 [haughty] 1.arrogant 2.emancipate 3.reinforce 4.deed ★ 35 [income] 1.arrival 2.interfere 3.earnings 4.praise 36 [desire] 1.companion 2.wish 3.avoid 4.illegal -多義語- *次のフレーズを和訳。 37 [ground] on the ground that〜 38 [room] There's no room for doubt. 39 [long] long for Nancy to come back 40 [proclaim] Her face proclaimed that she was an Asian. ★ -単語(発展) ★- *次のフレーズを和訳。 41 [bondage] Poverty is a kind of bondage. 42 [denote] denote mistakes 43 [sensation] I had the sensation that I was flying! 44 [disgusting] That's disgusting! 45 [hemisphere] the south hemisphere 46 [specimen] 47 [vow] break a vow 48 [slang] the movie with lots of slang 49 [sweeping] a sweeping generalization *generalization=一般論 50 [outrage] outrage the audience
-基本単語- *次のフレーズを和訳。 1 [hide] hide the present プレゼントを隠す 2 [occupy] occupy an important position 重要な地位(ポジション)を占める 3 [focus] focus on A Aに焦点を当てる 4 [indifferent] be indifferent to A Aに無関心である 5 [despise] despise the poverty 貧困を酷く嫌う (軽蔑する) 6 [participate] participate in the game 試合に参加する 7 [define] define words 語を定義する 8 [well-being] the well-being of one's children 子供たちの幸福 9 [somewhat] いくぶん、多少、やや 10 [submit] submit one's homework 宿題を提出する 11 [impact] have an impact on A Aに影響を与える 12 [attitude] a positive attitude 前向きな態度(姿勢) 13 [quarrel] a terrible quarrel ひどい口論 14 [resemble] They resemble each other. 彼らは互いに似ている 15 [cling] cling to A Aにくっつく、しがみつく、すがりつく 16 [consensus] reach a consensus 意見が一致する(合意に達する) 17 [store] store vegetables 野菜を蓄える 18 [fertile] a fertile dog 多産の犬 19 [politics] 政治学 20 [investigate] investigate the murder *murder=殺人事件 その殺人事件を調査する 21 [conclusion] come to the conclusion that... ・・・という結論に達する 22 [according] according to A Aによると;Aに従って、Aに応じて 23 [official] an official rule book 公式ルール本 24 [abound] Oil abounds in Alaska. アラスカでは油が豊富だ。(油はアラスカで豊富だ。) 25 [proud] be proud of A Aを誇りに思う 26 [polite] be polite to others 人に対して礼儀正しい 27 [seriously] "Study seriously!" 真面目に勉強しろ! -同義語選択- 正解のものに☆印 28 [foolish] 1.sincere 2.wise 3.stupid☆ 4.aggressive 29 [lure] 1.senator 2.bait☆ 3.warfare 4.nuisance ★ 30 [remote] 1.revolve 2.enclose 3.disclose 4.distant☆ 31 [assemble] 1.separate 2.retain 3.devoid 4.gather☆ 32 [delight] 1.joy☆ 2.sorrow 3.temperament 4.cradle 33 [humble] 1.blame 2.smart 3.modest☆ 4.independent 34 [haughty] 1.arrogant☆ 2.emancipate 3.reinforce 4.deed ★ 35 [income] 1.arrival 2.interfere 3.earnings☆ 4.praise 36 [desire] 1.companion 2.wish☆ 3.avoid 4.illegal -多義語- *次のフレーズを和訳。 37 [ground] on the ground that〜 〜という理由で 38 [room] There's no room for doubt. 疑いの余地はない。 39 [long] long for Nancy to come back ナンシーが戻ってきてくれる事を願う 40 [proclaim] Her face proclaimed that she was an Asian. ★ 顔を見て彼女がアジア人だとわかった。 -単語(発展) ★- *次のフレーズを和訳。 41 [bondage] Poverty is a kind of bondage. 貧困は一種の束縛だ。 42 [denote] denote mistakes 間違いを意味する 43 [sensation] I had the sensation that I was flying! 飛んでるような感覚だった! 44 [disgusting] That's disgusting! 最低!、むかつく!、うんざり!、不愉快だ! 45 [hemisphere] the south hemisphere 南半球 46 [specimen] 見本、標本;〜な人 47 [vow] break a vow 誓いを破る 48 [slang] the movie with lots of slang 多くの俗語が出てくる映画 49 [sweeping] a sweeping generalization *generalization=一般論 大雑把な一般論 50 [outrage] outrage the audience 観客を怒らせる
11、世界はかつてない危機に直面している。 The world is [f ] with an [u ] crisis.
12、議会は発展途上国に財政援助を行うことを決議した。 The [p ] decided to provide developing countries [ ] financial [a ]
13、彼らは攻撃を逃れる安全な場所を探したが、隠れる場所はどこにもなかった。 They [s ] shelter from the attack but found no place to [h ].
14、交渉は進行中だ。そろそろ正念場を迎えるだろう、 The [n ] are [ ] way. Before [ ], they will enter a [c ] phase.
15、貴族たちは思うがままに特権を乱用した。 The [a ] [a ] their [p ] to their hearts’ content.
16、私たちは彼の順番をわざと飛ばした。 We skipped his turn on [p ].
17、彼のことは大嫌い! まるで自分が大物であるかのように振舞うのよ。 I [h ] him! He believes as if he were [s ].
18、頑固になればなるほど孤立するよ。 The more [s ] you are, the more [i ] you become. 19、課題は電子メールで6月10日の午後5時までに提出してください。 Please [h ] in your [a ] via e-mail no later than 5:00 PM on June 10.
20、彼の小論文は簡潔で要領を得ていた。 His essay was [c ] and to the [p ].
-基本単語- *次のフレーズを和訳。フレーズがないものは単語のみ和訳。 1 [adopt] adopt a new policy 2 [landscape] the beautiful landscape 3 [found] found the school 4 [recover] recover from one's illness 5 [consume] consume much time in reading 6 [distinguish] distinguish A from B 7 [medicine] study medicine 8 [temperature] the temperature of the room 9 [refuse] refuse his invitation 10 [furnish] furnish food to him 11 [misfortune] 12 [hardship] suffer the hardship 13 [lately] Have you seen him lately? 14 [mammal] A whale is not a fish but a mammal. 15 [disable] the disabled 16 [physical] physical beauty 17 [awake] awake her at 6:00 18 [genuine] a genuine work by Gogh *Gogh=ゴッホ 19 [peculiar] customs that are peculiar to Japan 20 [ruin] ruin one's life 21 [mend] mend shoes 22 [wealthy] wealthy people 23 [earn] earn one's living 24 [budget] a government budget 25 [enrich] enrich the mind 26 [invest] invest one's money in stocks *stock=株 27 [discrimination] racial discrimination -同義語選択- 28 [steady] 1.poor 2.avenue 3.stable 4.spectacle 29 [barter] 1.choice 2.exchange 3.admit 4.casual 30 [seize] 1.starve 2.catch 3.famine 4.protect 31 [path] 1.way 2.marine 3.continent 4.infant -多義語- *次のフレーズを和訳。 32 [sentence] sentence her to death 33 [physical] a physical phenomenon 34 [ruin] the ruins of Rome *Rome=ローマ 35 [compose] compose oneself ★ 36 [capital] capital of $2000 37 [cost] at the cost of A 38 [provided] I'll go,provided that the weather is clear. 39 [bill] pass a bill 40 [plot] the movie which has a poor plot -単語(発展) ★- *次のフレーズを和訳。 41 [statue] a large statue of a lion 42 [renaissance] a renaissance of interest in religion 43 [malicious] malicious rumors 44 [malnutrition] 45 [simultaneous] simultaneous interpretation 46 [adversity] face the adversity 47 [revere] revere the old professor 48 [masterpiece] 49 [delinquency] juvenile delinquency 50 [fancy] I fancied that she was hungry.
-基本単語- *次のフレーズを和訳。フレーズがないものは単語のみ和訳。 1 [adopt] adopt a new policy 新しい政策を採用する 2 [landscape] the beautiful landscape 美しい風景 3 [found] found the school 学校を設立する 4 [recover] recover from one's illness 病気が治る (病気から回復する) 5 [consume] consume much time in reading 多くの時間を読書に費やす 6 [distinguish] distinguish A from B AとBを区別する 7 [medicine] study medicine 医学を勉強する 8 [temperature] the temperature of the room 室温 (部屋の温度) 9 [refuse] refuse his invitation 彼の招待を断る 10 [furnish] furnish food to him 彼に食糧を供給する 11 [misfortune] have the fortune to break one's arm 不幸にも腕を折る 12 [hardship] face the hardship 苦難に立ち向かう 13 [lately] Have you seen him lately? 彼に最近会いましたか 14 [mammal] A whale is not a fish but a mammal. くじらは魚ではなく哺乳類だ。 15 [disable] the disabled 身体障害者 16 [physical] physical beauty 肉体美 17 [awake] awake her at 6:00 彼女を6時に起こす 18 [genuine] a genuine work by Gogh *Gogh=ゴッホ 本物のゴッホの作品 19 [peculiar] customs that are peculiar to Japan 日本特有の文化 20 [ruin] ruin one's life 人生を台無しにする 21 [cure] cure A of B AのBを治す 22 [wealthy] wealthy people 裕福な人々 23 [shape] be in good shape 体調が良い 24 [budget] a government budget 政府予算 25 [enrich] enrich the mind 心を豊かにする 26 [invest] invest one's money in stocks *stock=株 金を株に投資する 27 [discrimination] racial discrimination 人種差別 -同義語選択- 28 [steady] 1.poor 2.avenue 3.stable☆ 4.spectacle 29 [barter] 1.choice 2.exchange☆ 3.admit 4.casual 30 [catch] 1.starve 2.seize☆ 3.famine 4.protect 31 [path] 1.way☆ 2.marine 3.continent 4.infant -多義語- *次のフレーズを和訳。 32 [sentence] sentence her to death 彼女に死刑判決を下す 33 [physical] a physical phenomenon 物理的現象 34 [ruin] the ruins of Rome *Rome=ローマ ローマの遺跡 35 [compose] compose oneself ★ 落ち着く 36 [capital] capital of $2000 2000ドルの資本 37 [cost] at the cost of A Aを犠牲にして 38 [provided] I'll go,provided that the weather is clear. 天気がよければ行きます。 39 [bill] pass a bill 議案を可決する 40 [plot] the movie which has a poor plot 話の筋が悪い映画 -単語(発展) ★- *次のフレーズを和訳。 41 [statue] a large statue of a lion 大きなライオンの彫像 42 [renaissance] a renaissance of interest in religion 宗教に対する興味の復活 43 [malicious] malicious rumors 悪意のある噂 44 [malnutrition] 栄養失調 45 [simultaneous] simultaneous interpretation 同時通訳 46 [adversity] face the adversity 逆境に立ち向かう 47 [revere] revere the old professor 老教授を尊敬する 48 [masterpiece] 最高傑作 49 [delinquency] juvenile delinquency 青年非行 50 [fancy] I fancied that she was hungry. 彼女は空腹なのかと思った。
1、字が汚いことを別にすれば、君の要約は完璧だ。 Your [s ] leaves [ ] to be desired [a ] from the terrible handwriting.
2、とりわけ、科学用語には厳密な定義が要求される。 [ ] all, scientific [t ] call for [p ] definitions.
3、何よりまず、公式を暗記しなさい。 First of all, learn the [f ] by [h ].
4、樽の底にとても小さなひびがあるのを見つけた。 Tiny [c ] were found in the bottom of the [b ].
5、「この顕微鏡、どこかおかしくなっちゃった。修理してもらわないと。」「見せて。僕が直せるかも。」 “Something is [ ] wrong with this microscope. I need to have it [r ].””Let me see it. Maybe I can [f ] it.
6、正確な気温はセ氏22.68度です。 The exact [t ] is 22.68 [d ] Celsius.
7、偶然その人に出会ったの。優しくて頭もいいの。おまけに独身! I met the man by [c ]. He’s gentle and smart. What’s [ ], he’s single!
8、私の両親にボブを紹介したら、二人ともすぐに彼のことが好きになった。 I [i ] Bob to my folks, and they took [ ] him at once.
9、「大切なのは肩書きなんかじゃない。絶対そうだ!」と、ボブは語気を強めて言った。 “It’s not your title that [c ]. That’s for sure!” [e ] Bob.
10、若さが永遠のものではないことを忘れてはならない。 Keep in [m ] that [y ] is not eternal.
1、字が汚いことを別にすれば、君の要約は完璧だ。 Your [summary] leaves [nothing] to be desired [apart] from the terrible handwriting.
2、とりわけ、科学用語には厳密な定義が要求される。 [Above ] all, scientific [terms ] call for [precise ] definitions.
3、何よりまず、公式を暗記しなさい。 First of all, learn the [formula ] by [heart ].
4、樽の底にとても小さなひびがあるのを見つけた。 Tiny [cracks ] were found in the bottom of the [barrel ].
5、「この顕微鏡、どこかおかしくなっちゃった。修理してもらわないと。」「見せて。僕が直せるかも。」 “Something is [gone ] wrong with this microscope. I need to have it [repaired ].””Let me see it. Maybe I can [fix ] it.
6、正確な気温はセ氏22.68度です。 The exact [temperature ] is 22.68 [degrees ] Celsius.
7、偶然その人に出会ったの。優しくて頭もいいの。おまけに独身! I met the man by [chance ]. He’s gentle and smart. What’s [more ], he’s single!
8、私の両親にボブを紹介したら、二人ともすぐに彼のことが好きになった。 I [introduced ] Bob to my folks, and they took [to ] him at once.
9、「大切なのは肩書きなんかじゃない。絶対そうだ!」と、ボブは語気を強めて言った。 “It’s not your title that [counts ]. That’s for sure!” [exclaimed ] Bob.
10、若さが永遠のものではないことを忘れてはならない。 Keep in [mind ] that [youth ] is not eternal.
11、いったいなぜみんながそれ程までにボブを軽蔑するのか、僕にはわからない。 I can’t [figure ] out why on [earth ] everybody feels so much [contempt ] for Bob!
12、さらに厄介なことに、彼は私たちに迷惑をかけていることさえわかっていない。 To make matters worse, he isn’t even [conscious] of annoying us.
13、消極的なその男性が、人前で自己表現をすることはまずない。 The [passive ] man seldom, if [ever ], expresses himself in [public ].
14、ボブは根が怠け者だから、与えられた仕事をしばしば怠る。 Since Bob is lazy at [heart ], he frequently neglects his [duties ].
15、ボブが働いている間、ジェニファーは家でくだらないメロドラマに夢中になっていた。 While Bob was at work, Jennifer was at home [absorbed ] in [silly ] soap operas.
16、ボブはマンガ好きだけど、僕にはそれほどいいものとは思えない。実際、つまらないよ。 Bob likes [cartoons ], but I don’t think [much ] of them. As a matter of fact, they’re [boring ].
17、彼女は我慢しきれなくなり、襟首をつかんで彼をののしった。 When her [patience ] gave out, she [grabbed ] his collar and [swore ] at him.
18、ジェニファーがじっと立っている間、ボブは歩道を行ったり来たりしていた。 While Jennifer was standing [still ], Bob was [pacing ] back and [forth ] along the sidewalk.
19、「仲直りしようよ、リサ。」「私がいて当然だなんて思わないで。私たち、今度は永遠に終わりよ。本当なんだから!」 “Let’s make [up ], Lisa.” “Stop taking me for [granted ]! We’re [through ] for good this time. I [mean ] it!”
20、ボブは自分の道徳的信条を曲げない男だ。正直でいれば最後に報われると信じている。 Bob [sticks ] to his moral [principles ] and believes that honesty [pays ] off in the long run.
-基本単語- *次のフレーズを和訳。フレーズがないものは単語のみ和訳。 1 [lively] Sh's lively for her age. *for one's age=年のわりには 2 [career] the career of great persons 3 [funeral] attend a funeral 4 [significant] a significant event 5 [vital] play a vital role 6 [illiterate] an illiterate girl 7 [spoil] The bad weather spoiled the lettuce. lettuce=レタス 8 [subjective] a subjective response 9 [biography] 10 [worth] The place is worth visiting. 11 [illustrate] illustrate the point 12 [revise] revise the plan 13 [allowance] make allowance for〜 14 [capital] the capital of Japan 15 [costly] a costly jewel 16 [financial] a financial adviser *adviser=顧問 17 [immigrant] immigrants from Europe 18 [discern] can't discern who the man is 19 [deserve] He deserves the prize. 20 [cancer] develop cancer ★ 21 [require] require washing 22 [prohibit] Smoking is prohibited in this room. 23 [medicine] take a medicine 24 [choice] have no choice but to... 25 [provide] provide A with B 26 [border] over the border 27 [agency] an advertising agency -同義語選択- 28 [offspring] 1.child 2.profession 3.vogue 4.temptation 29 [protect] 1.heritage 2.fable 3.precious 4.ban 30 [appeal] 1.request 2.offer 3.inflict 4.revenue 31 [vanish] 1.disappear 2.discriminate 3.consume 4.distinguish 32 [immediate] 1.decade 2.annual 3.close 4.constant 33 [promise] 1.responsibility 2.colony 3.word 4.truth -多義語- 34 [convention] attend the convention 35 [department] the Department of Physics 36 [tongue] a mother tongue 37 [chance] The chances are that he will not come. 38 [trust] trust one's child to him 39 [novel] a novel technique 40 [mold] a man of serious mold ★ -単語(発展)- ★ 41 [frugal] lead a frugal life 42 [neat] a neat turn *turn=回転 43 [assess] assess his knowledge 44 [exquisite] the exquisite design 45 [commodity] the commodities company A manufactures 46 [monopoly] monopoly capitalism 47 [foster] foster imports 48 [stimulate] stimulate the patient's heart 49 [wrinkle] wrinkled paper 50 [predicament] be in a predicament
■■■解答■■■ -基本単語- *次のフレーズを和訳。フレーズがないものは単語のみ和訳。 1 [lively] Sh's lively for her age. 彼女は年のわりに元気だ。 2 [career] the career of great persons 偉人たちの生涯 (経歴) 3 [funeral] attend a funeral 葬式に出席する 4 [significant] a significant event 重大な行事 5 [vital] play a vital role 重要な役割を演じる 6 [illiterate] an illiterate girl 読み書きでない少女 7 [spoil] spoil the party パーティーを台無しにする 8 [subjective] a subjective judgement 主観的判断 9 [biography] 伝記(伝記文学) 10 [worth] Kyoto is worth visiting. 京都は訪れる価値ありです。 11 [illustrate] illustrate the point 要点を説明する 12 [revise] revise the plan 計画を改正する 13 [allowance] make allowance for〜 〜を考慮に入れる 14 [capital] the capital of Japan 日本の首都 15 [costly] a costly jewel 高価な宝石 16 [financial] a financial adviser 財政顧問 17 [immigrant] immigrants from Europe ヨーロッパからの移民 18 [discern] can't discern who the man is その男が誰なのかわからない 19 [deserve] He deserves the punishing . 彼は罰せられて当然だ (罰則に値する) 20 [cancer] develop cancer 癌になる 21 [standard] the standard language 標準言語 22 [prohibit] Smoking is prohibited in this room. この部屋で喫煙することは禁じられている 23 [medicine] take a medicine 薬を飲む 24 [choice] have no choice but to escape from here ここから逃げるしかない 25 [provide] provide A with B AにBを供給する 26 [border] over the border 国境を越える (境界線を越える) 27 [debt] I'm in debt. 私には借金がある。 -同義語選択- 28 [offspring] 1.descendant ☆ 2.malice 3.vogue 4.temptation 29 [protect] 1.heritage 2.defend ☆ 3.precious 4.ban 30 [appeal] 1.controversial 2.resort ☆ 3.inflict 4.revenue 31 [vanish] 1.disappear ☆ 2.discriminate 3.consume 4.distinguish 32 [immediate] 1.decade 2.annual 3.close ☆ 4.constant 33 [promise] 1.responsibility 2.colony 3.word ☆ 4.truth -多義語- 34 [convention] attend the convention 会議に出席する 35 [department] the Department of Physics 物理学科 36 [tongue] a mother tongue 母国語 37 [chance] The chances are that he will not come. おそらく彼はやって来るだろう。 38 [trust] trust one's child to him 子供を彼に預ける 39 [novel] a novel technique 今までに無い手法(テクニック) 40 [mold] a man of serious mold ★ まじめな性格の人 -単語(発展)- ★ 41 [frugal] lead a frugal life 切り詰めた(つましい)生活をする 42 [neat] a neat turn *turn=回転 素晴らしい回転 43 [assess] assess his knowledge 彼の知識を評価する 44 [exquisite] the exquisite design この上なく素晴らしいデザイン 45 [commodity] the commodities company A manufactures A社が製造する商品 46 [monopoly] monopoly capitalism 独占資本主義 47 [foster] foster imports 輸入を促進する 48 [stimulate] stimulate the patient's heart 患者の心臓を刺激する 49 [wrinkle] wrinkled paper しわしわになった紙 50 [predicament] be in a predicament 困難な状態にある
1、「ジェーン、タイムズ・スクエアーまで乗せていって欲しいんだけど。」 そうしてあげたいのは山々だけど。今、全然時間がないの。」 “Jane, please do me a [ ] and give me a ride to Times Square.” “I wish I could, but I’m [ ] up right now.”
2、私の前を走っていたトラックがスリップして横転し、積荷を路面いっぱいに散乱させた。 A truck driving [ ] of me skidded, turned over, and scattered its [ ] all over the road.
3、緊急の際には、すぐに私の代理人と連絡を取ってください。 In case of an [ ], get in [ ] with my agent right away.
4、「パンクしちゃったよ。手を貸してくれる?」「喜んで。」 “I’ve got a [ ] tire. Can you give me a [ ]?” “I’d be glad to.”
5、火星にはかつて原始的な生物が存在していたと彼は力説している。 He [ ] that [ ] life once existed on Mars.
6、多くの天文学者は、宇宙は無限に膨張を続けていくものと考えている。 Many astronomers [ ] that the universe will [ ] infinity.
7、滅亡の危機に瀕した地球を守ろうと、ある基金が設立された。 A fund was set [ ] with a view to [ ]our endangered planet.
8、毛皮のコートのために動物を罠で捕獲するのは残酷なことだ。 I think it’s [ ] to trap animals for fur coats.
9、熱帯雨林の消滅が地球規模で急速に進んでいます。その原因の一つは酸性雨です。 Tropical rain forests are quickly [ ] on a global scale. In part, it’s [ ] to [ ] rain.
10、オゾン層の破壊は環境に影響を及ぼす。 The [ ] of the ozone layer [ ] the environment.
1、「ジェーン、タイムズ・スクエアーまで乗せていって欲しいんだけど。」 そうしてあげたいのは山々だけど。今、全然時間がないの。」 “Jane, please do me a [favor ] and give me a ride to Times Square.” “I wish I could, but I’m [tied ] up right now.”
2、私の前を走っていたトラックがスリップして横転し、積荷を路面いっぱいに散乱させた。 A truck driving [ahead ] of me skidded, turned over, and scattered its [load ] all over the road.
3、緊急の際には、すぐに私の代理人と連絡を取ってください。 In case of an [emergency ], get in [touch ] with my agent right away.
4、「パンクしちゃったよ。手を貸してくれる?」「喜んで。」 “I’ve got a [flat ] tire. Can you give me a [hand ]?” “I’d be glad to.”
5、火星にはかつて原始的な生物が存在していたと彼は力説している。 He [contends ] that [primitive ] life once existed on Mars.
6、多くの天文学者は、宇宙は無限に膨張を続けていくものと考えている。 Many astronomers [assume ] that the universe will [expand ] infinity.
7、滅亡の危機に瀕した地球を守ろうと、ある基金が設立された。 A fund was set [up ] with a view to [preserving ] our endangered planet.
8、毛皮のコートのために動物を罠で捕獲するのは残酷なことだ。 I think it’s [cruel ] to trap animals for fur coats.
9、熱帯雨林の消滅が地球規模で急速に進んでいます。その原因の一つは酸性雨です。 Tropical rain forests are quickly [disappearing ] on a global scale. In part, it’s [due ] to [acid ] rain.
10、オゾン層の破壊は環境に影響を及ぼす。 The [destruction ] of the ozone layer [affets ] the environment.