
The first scribe of childhood with a well-sucked crayon will
as surely lead to the making of recognizable shapes to represent
mother as will his early enthusiastic claps to the rhythm of children’s song
or popular song to the free-flowing steps of a yet unknown
pop culture or the formal patterns of the traditional dance.

*as 〜as の同等比較と、lead to のtoが後ろのpopular songs (lead) to the free-flowing steps
253名無しなのに合格:2007/07/09(月) 20:49:12 ID:4FfkRjPJ0
(1)Level 60
The dream of the race is that it may make itself better and wiser than it is, and every great
philosopher or artist who has ever appeared among us has turned his face away from what
man is toward whatever seems to him most godlike that man may become.

(2)Level 60
There was no pleasing some people, she thought. Lawson had looked anything but pleased at
being left alone with the luscious looking redhead.

(3)Level 70
We indeed hear it not seldom said that ignorance is the mother of admiration. A falser word
was never spoken, and hardly a more mischievous one; for it seems to imply that this
healthiest exercise of the mind rests, for the most part, on deceit and illusion, and that with
better knowledge it would cease; while, in truth, for once that ignorance leads us to admire
that which with fuller insight we perceive to be a common thing, and one demanding
therefore no such tribute from us, a hundred, nay, a thousand times, it prevent us from
admiring that which is admirable indeed.
254名無しなのに合格:2007/07/09(月) 20:49:43 ID:4FfkRjPJ0
But the fact remains that the Japanese were living until the 20th century in a culture not too
far removed from the primitive rice cultures.
*not 以下は直前のa cultureを後ろから修飾してどんな文化なのか説明を加えています。
〜in a culture (which is) not too far removed from〜と考えると分かりやすいかも。