1 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :
2005/06/06(月) 22:33:13 ID:OG/KHTh00 let's get start! i hope we all are going to be better at speaking English! no pens,no notes,no fuckin textbook!!! you can also write in 2chanesewwwwwwwwww warosuwwww
2 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/06(月) 22:33:46 ID:Ym2XMuXHO
3 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/06(月) 22:34:26 ID:OG/KHTh00
ohwwwwww nowwwwwwww got 2ndwwwwwwwwwmyselfwwww uehuehwwwwww
4 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/06(月) 22:35:34 ID:OG/KHTh00
>>2 oh my godwwwwwwww what a shamewwwwwwwuheuhewwwww
5 :
TOM ◆0erykblqsc :2005/06/06(月) 22:39:16 ID:OG/KHTh00
write write!!!! don't be shy baby!!!
6 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/06(月) 22:41:02 ID:6ZnnN7a40
7 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/06(月) 22:41:19 ID:rHgPC13l0
>>5 your pronunciation is more or less correct.
8 :
´∋`)y-~ .。oO( ◆YaMaTo/LDw :2005/06/06(月) 22:41:38 ID:wzGx4SUW0
9 :
TOM ◆0erykblqsc :2005/06/06(月) 22:42:43 ID:OG/KHTh00
10 :
´∋`)y-~ .。oO( ◆YaMaTo/LDw :2005/06/06(月) 22:42:48 ID:wzGx4SUW0
>>7 u copied it from DUO,didn't it?
11 :
TOM ◆0erykblqsc :2005/06/06(月) 22:45:21 ID:OG/KHTh00
DUO suckswwwwwwww
>>10 Because,
>>1 is giving off a DUO's smell.
13 :
TOM ◆0erykblqsc :2005/06/06(月) 22:47:37 ID:OG/KHTh00
>>12 hellno!!!wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
i use SOKUTAN foreverwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
suck my dickwwwwwwwwwwwwww
/ jjjj ___
>>1 <I'm soaked with sweat.
/ ノ {!!! _ ヽ、
,/ ノ ~ `、 \
`、 `ヽ. ∧_∧ , ‐'` ノ
. プ━━━━━ \ `( ´_ゝ`)" .ノ/━━━━━━ン!!
豸. ``Y" 拜
;": :: i. 、 ¥ ノ .":∵ :‥: :.
; .;: :∴: `、.` -‐´;`ー イ ': .;∴;": :. .
. ': .;".;": i 彡 i ミ/ . ': .;".;": ;": :
: .;"∵;": ::″: ; / `\ : .; "∵: .;": ::″: ;
: .;".;":: :.;".;": / /ヽ、 ヽ ; "∵;": ::″.;":: :.;".;":
ヽ( `Д´)ノ <Stand Back!You stink.
( ) Take a shower.
/ >
15 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/06(月) 22:50:53 ID:ZhsmzBYnO
>>1-13 perdon?wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
i is a bic fool man hehehehe
16 :
12 :2005/06/06(月) 22:54:51 ID:rHgPC13l0
/ ヽ r ,,,....,,, ヾllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 彡ヘ i i ,.-''";;;;;;;;;`ヽ、 ヾllllllllllllllllllllllll lヽゞノ ', ''i"~`゙`‐-、,;;;゙、 ヾllllllllllllllllll _____, ,...,,,,__ `ヽ _,,,..、-‐'ヾlllllllll l `ヽ l ヽ ,.r‐'''"゙ WV 'i 「ヽ, ヽ7''~ ̄ `ヽ U :::::: ゙、 l,'゙ヽ ゙、'"´ :::::::::: ゙、 { \ .) U ::::::::::: `゙'ト、.,_,,...,_ゝ='ヽ ヽlllulllll`~´::::::::::ヽ ・ ゙、-″,,,,,..,_..,_ ヽ :::::::::::: U ::::::: ./ :\ ):::::::::::::::: :::::::::::: .../ U ::: , ' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ../ ./::::. '" ::::::::::::::::::::::::: / ../ ./ :::::::,,,,,,::::::::::::::::::::::: , . - '" / / ヾ゙i;;;;;;;;;;::::::::::::::::::,.、,.、-' " ../ ヽ、;;;;;;;;;;;;,.、-‐''" \ / `'''''''''´ \
17 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/06(月) 23:03:22 ID:rHgPC13l0
18 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/06(月) 23:04:22 ID:6ZnnN7a40
is anybody here?
>>1 Ure wrong.the correct is ゛Let's get started〃.U know what I'm sayin'?I don't like U.So please get fuck out of here!
20 :
1 ◆0erykblqsc :2005/06/06(月) 23:59:19 ID:Or+0ejl3O
21 :
TOM ◆0erykblqsc :2005/06/07(火) 00:01:07 ID:Or+0ejl3O
22 :
TOM :2005/06/07(火) 00:08:34 ID:8HKfKYgsO
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, /": : : : : : : : \ /-─-,,,_: : : : : : : : :\ / '''-,,,: : : : : : : :i /、 /: : : : : : : : i ________ r-、 ,,,,,,,,,,、 /: : : : : : : : : :i / L_, , 、 \: : : : : : : : :i /I THINK /B) (B> |: :__,=-、: / < l イ '- |:/ tbノノ \ WORKING IS THE LOSS IN LIFE l ,`-=-'\ `l ι';/ \ NEET(24・male) ヽトェ-ェェ-:) -r'  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ヾ=-' / / ____ヽ::::... / ::::| / ̄ ::::::::::::::l `──'''' :::|
24 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/07(火) 00:14:16 ID:bX7SPp5IO
I want to fly.
25 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/07(火) 00:19:43 ID:7CBpi8+EO
>>20 do you know the meaning of pimp ?
26 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/07(火) 00:21:45 ID:1vC/HlgGO
>>20 MEN. See,I respect U,I don't beef wit' U.I just said the correct. I wanna laugh with U.
27 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/07(火) 00:24:05 ID:8HKfKYgsO
29 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/07(火) 00:38:20 ID:+VI1gDtrO
>>ALL Live
30 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/07(火) 00:38:22 ID:7CBpi8+EO
English please
32 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/07(火) 00:40:32 ID:CUMwg0RUO
you dont make a sence
34 :
のねむ(ウザッ) :2005/06/07(火) 00:51:19 ID:pJ7LcCinO
what? cant you read numbers?
>>30 前の方でスラングあったから使ってみた。では、
37 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/07(火) 01:01:32 ID:pJ7LcCinO
well.... 2:00 am
39 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/07(火) 02:23:07 ID:CtUttHYMO
I'm very tired.
40 :
のねむ(ウザッ) :2005/06/07(火) 08:03:36 ID:pJ7LcCinO
41 :
TOM ◆0erykblqsc :2005/06/07(火) 10:52:03 ID:HNYhQiAQ0
TOM is back!!!!! how are you doing>?
42 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/07(火) 10:58:31 ID:XrUM8FEaO
I'm bocking now!! _ ∩ ( ゚∀゚)彡 ( ⊂彡 | | し⌒J
43 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/07(火) 11:09:32 ID:8LkDX4Ej0
fuck japanese racist
44 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/07(火) 14:47:45 ID:xAamtIsC0
I don't want to study...orz (ってゆーか受験生なのにこんな程度の英語しか浮かばないなんてw モウオワッタ。。。ウワーン)
45 :
hina :2005/06/07(火) 14:50:01 ID:bvca3yrY0
I wanna go2 toilet... But There is no toilet....
46 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/07(火) 15:34:05 ID:8HKfKYgsO
47 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/08(水) 14:30:24 ID:ga878mSuO
48 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/08(水) 15:27:16 ID:DzdspDdn0
I am father fucker
49 :
HINA :2005/06/08(水) 15:36:13 ID:kZYv8yoj0
WHY r u father fucker...
I'm frightend of
50 :
のねむ(ウザッ) :2005/06/08(水) 16:05:27 ID:tpGCFvmsO
Im very tired
52 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/08(水) 22:15:14 ID:weeBVaYI0
who nonemu?
i dont know
54 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/08(水) 22:17:25 ID:9+Dw/l4Y0
55 :
ε(@u@)з ◆FdDkKT8m9s :2005/06/08(水) 22:18:04 ID:dv+ZJa1kO
Is this a pen?
56 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/08(水) 22:18:47 ID:9+Dw/l4Y0
No, it is Tom
I see who is tom?
58 :
K ◆FdDkKT8m9s :2005/06/08(水) 22:21:02 ID:dv+ZJa1kO
Tom is a cat.
I understand
60 :
K ◆FdDkKT8m9s :2005/06/08(水) 22:25:17 ID:dv+ZJa1kO
I can run fast.
61 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/08(水) 22:26:32 ID:9+Dw/l4Y0
My penis is bokking
62 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/08(水) 22:31:34 ID:NiQrXXfL0
63 :
K ◆FdDkKT8m9s :2005/06/08(水) 22:32:45 ID:dv+ZJa1kO
Look at this ear boike o'moine.
64 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/08(水) 22:32:56 ID:weeBVaYI0
MY pen is bokking I wonder,,,,,,
your pen is mysterious
66 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/08(水) 22:38:01 ID:NiQrXXfL0
MY pen is working
67 :
K ◆FdDkKT8m9s :2005/06/08(水) 22:39:27 ID:dv+ZJa1kO
My pen is … beautiful.
69 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/08(水) 22:44:09 ID:NiQrXXfL0
>>68 its mean is probably bokking
70 :
K ◆FdDkKT8m9s :2005/06/08(水) 22:45:10 ID:dv+ZJa1kO
‘Bokking’means excited penis
Got bokking,we can fly,we can fly
72 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/08(水) 22:48:03 ID:NiQrXXfL0
73 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/08(水) 22:52:19 ID:hDBFmEKMO
I see
74 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/08(水) 22:54:41 ID:7HcIRfVHO
bokking=to get the penis boned.boner.
76 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/08(水) 22:59:25 ID:7HcIRfVHO
ex. A)Hey,that girl looks so sexy.My dick has got bokkied. B)Go home and play yourself right now!
77 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/08(水) 23:09:28 ID:NiQrXXfL0
he tends to bokki
78 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/08(水) 23:10:08 ID:9+Dw/l4Y0
Your dick is like the Eiffel Tower
79 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/08(水) 23:10:24 ID:ga878mSuO
80 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/08(水) 23:13:31 ID:NiQrXXfL0
oh,no you are dirty.
81 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/08(水) 23:20:38 ID:hDBFmEKMO
Let's change the conversation.OK?
ok well.... what do you say to talk about japanese ecomic situation?
oh! then...every one went away
84 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/08(水) 23:37:01 ID:9+Dw/l4Y0
85 :
ウィー ◆7LC6Tyx0sQ :2005/06/08(水) 23:40:47 ID:ylClzRyk0
I'm just looking for another good time. my heart, my heart, kickstart my heart.
>>82 Japanese economic situation is a depression
.What do you think about JAPANESE ECONOMIC?
my heart is broken... people say me that your fool! HAHAHA! I may dive.
WHAT DO YOU SAY TO〜? = How about〜?
Thanks. OK.Let's talk about Japanese economic situation.
92 :
あゃ :2005/06/09(木) 00:34:32 ID:Y2wRgIrlO
93 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/09(木) 00:37:07 ID:S2ZEct2aO
>>92 Get the fuck outta here cocksucker
94 :
あゃ :2005/06/09(木) 00:45:10 ID:Y2wRgIrlO
I'm sorry. i can't understand English.
oh you tell a lie
96 :
あゃ :2005/06/09(木) 01:02:04 ID:Y2wRgIrlO
I'm an English beginner.(?)
98 :
あゃ :2005/06/09(木) 01:16:44 ID:Y2wRgIrlO
Of corse!(?) I'm a FOOL.
99 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/09(木) 01:31:27 ID:S2ZEct2aO
100 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/09(木) 01:58:38 ID:8lK6aVRE0
You're bitch!
101 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/09(木) 02:00:00 ID:S2ZEct2aO
>>100 Shut up son of a bitch
102 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/09(木) 02:00:52 ID:y1R0RhgW0
shut your fucking mouth
103 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/09(木) 02:03:29 ID:S2ZEct2aO
>>16 What're you doin'?
You looks as if you were blowin' somethin' ・・・dirty.
This innuendo must be harmful for people underage.
>>104 Your English is terrible.
106 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/09(木) 06:01:25 ID:XZbyk1lu0
>>105 I am gonna get my dad, my dad works for the telephone company,
he is going to find out who in the fuck is doing this.
107 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/09(木) 06:21:17 ID:CxzOWAWK0
>>106 You are pond swamp.
108 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/09(木) 07:19:10 ID:DQ6RmOF80
>>107 C'mon, don't bull shit me.
109 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/09(木) 22:11:27 ID:8lK6aVRE0
Mother fuck'in zebrahead bitchi!!!
Please tell me your oppinion about YASUKUNI-JINJYA.
111 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/09(木) 22:30:43 ID:PPChQpfQO
112 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/09(木) 22:33:03 ID:71lA6HbG0
Do you accept credit cards?
114 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/14(火) 01:22:17 ID:yPquFHCW0
116 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/14(火) 01:26:44 ID:eL4Oe/n3O
117 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/14(火) 02:12:52 ID:uhudf2ENO
>>110 Yasukuni-shrine doesn't matter anything to me. Because it has nothing todo with me.
Anyway,it is difficult to write English sentences.
118 :
orz ◆orz...1H2c :2005/06/14(火) 03:39:15 ID:/Vqf28/+0
I think, Koizumi prime minister should visit Yasukuni shrine more actively. Should not meddle in the internal affairs of another country.
What are you talkin' about?
120 :
orz ◆orz...1H2c :2005/06/14(火) 14:57:01 ID:/Vqf28/+0
problem of Yasukuni shrine
121 :
ぽくねん :2005/06/14(火) 15:07:34 ID:TTxxMXxQ0
Ihe spile Douichu Was macha do relne?
122 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/14(火) 15:15:15 ID:h+JVu8QNO
Oh,really? I don't know what it's like to be a background of Yasukuni.So I can't talk about Yasukuni now. I need to study it. A matter of fact,I don't have time to spare. I leave here!!!ノシ
124 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/18(土) 23:55:21 ID:pG7nhp5K0
126 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/19(日) 03:48:41 ID:h+cSb/ik0
My shit tighter than 小学生のPUSSY
Though always think, attend at off-line meeting people of a HIKKY board so much it feels like can go out to be courageous. Though there are a lot of people who have the talent. Should such people go out to more society? It does not have undue importance to smoke to that board.
128 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/28(火) 20:07:14 ID:qTZuuVqa0
129 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/06/28(火) 20:16:03 ID:ozuZKylIO
130 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/07/07(木) 22:45:44 ID:TIVTXdZs0
Wake up from the delusion!
131 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/07/09(土) 11:01:01 ID:aAc/xuVU0
132 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/07/10(日) 10:55:18 ID:hjg9hUa40
133 :
名無しさん :2005/07/10(日) 12:09:07 ID:+thKdnkz0
I think that Japan will face many problems for aging population in the future, however I would like to point out one major problem that we should be more concerned about: social expenses. If Japanese population keeps on aging at the same degree, social expenses will be tremendously higher, and it will be impossible to keep the society within the next few decades of years. Actually, this has already been one of the current problems, that there are now more than twice as many retired-elders to be socially supported as there used to be a few decades of years ago, in comparison to the younger generation on the jobs to support them. The government has been trying (though I don't believe that they have been trying their best) to solve the problem by encouraging the retired-elders to have jobs, as Japan's economy has been terribly bad since the early 90's and the government finally realized that it would be impossible to cover the social expenses in the future not far away. However they failed to solve it so far, and it seems very difficult to solve, for the reason with our culture. Our culture has the way of thinking that everyone should respect elderly people (unfortunately now younger people would not think so and many of them often say that they would not like to support the elderly), and I believe that this makes the problem remaining unsolved; elderly people tend to think that they should be respected, so they would not be so eager to accept that their salaries to be lower than younger people, and would not like to take any jobs generally offered to them as these jobs are usually too simple, and too disrespected as well, such as collecting garbage, sweeping floors, etc., for their being proud of themselves for their experience on the past jobs. With the above-mentioned circumstances, I think that we should reconsider on the retirement age which is now settled at 60-65 years old. I understand that many companies would like to avoid keeping on them employed because their salaries are usually too high for their abilities, as Japan's employment system is rather strange, like lifetime employment with promised annual raises, so their salaries might have to go down if the retirement age would be reconsidered. This would not simply solve everything, but at least would protect their pride that they could work for the same jobs as they used to, and they might decide to work so that they would earn enough for themselves to live on. So as described, I think that once the retirement age is reconsidered to add on some more years, the number of socially- supported people would be much decreased and that of employed people to support them would be increased rationally. I believe that this could be one of the effective ways to solve the forthcoming problem, social expenses with aging population.
134 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/07/10(日) 13:21:38 ID:hjg9hUa40
This sentence takes me a long time to understand. Prease give us short sentence .If next occasion is exist. Thanks.
135 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/07/10(日) 13:25:17 ID:jjfUEqrzO
ゆーいずあふーるまん。 はーはーはー
136 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/07/16(土) 00:26:16 ID:4bgpblQL0
137 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/07/19(火) 01:24:28 ID:E9sOy3v2O
138 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2005/07/19(火) 01:31:49 ID:Q1wJgPYrO
That's impossible.
140 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/07/28(木) 18:34:38 ID:QWmKaq9u0
Oh,moi god!Ya can't speak Angliski!
What!?What Angliski!?Ahoka!Gojun different toka
mazi wakewakarane!Bunpou muri!It too difference from
Japanese to study!Kankei daimeisi?Ha?What?What!!?
>>137 Хвввввв!!!!!!!
141 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/07/28(木) 18:41:00 ID:Ede7mjlZ0
>>140 Huuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!
Don't think so difficult huuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!
English is one of the most easiest language in the earth huuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!
Can you speak Japanese?
If you can,you can speak and write and read English too huuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!
Kaku you ore mo Grammer Muli huuuuu!!!!!!!
142 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/07/28(木) 18:44:33 ID:QWmKaq9u0
Хахахахаха!!!!! Ya muli Grammer so ya touhiing to Russian!Hwwwwwwwww! Ya go to Moscow Univercity!Angliski Sine!Sine! Kanshi,for example:the,a,very uzeeeeeee!Russian doesn't have any kanshi!HAHAHA!Eigo toka mazi kuso!Irane!Uwan!
Cao Ni Ma!!!!xie xie
144 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/07/28(木) 20:24:52 ID:8XQy5Hyl0
i see your point but
In an era when attending collegr can cost $40,000 a year or more, hardship tales abound. Could it really be true?
146 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/07/30(土) 01:15:29 ID:q1qtNlbA0
i have a narrow circle of friends......sniff what should i do???
147 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/07/30(土) 02:11:05 ID:0bEKJV9qO
well,i think friends are just friends. if you are confident in yourself and know about yourself,you're attractive. no worrying about it,ok?
148 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/07/30(土) 17:59:37 ID:tT+faZwL0
>>147 it's definitely ok!
thank you very much!
thanks to you, i decided not to kill myself!
149 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/07/30(土) 19:18:52 ID:p+tLj1xJ0
________ | | | / ̄ ̄ ヽ, | | / ', | | {0} /¨`ヽ {0}, ! POOR THING!!! |.l ヽ._.ノ ', | リ `ー'′ ',| | |  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 5代目住職 ジュウシマツ和尚
151 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/07/30(土) 20:39:02 ID:amgXGVnl0
pirori 菌
I don't want to come home
153 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/07/30(土) 21:46:41 ID:yGf9s8YH0
>>152 then it would be better to go to a soap land
154 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/07/30(土) 21:50:51 ID:uAr+jKVvO
You should die.
155 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/07/30(土) 22:05:10 ID:yGf9s8YH0
>>154 well....you had better go to a pink saloon ノシ
156 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/07/31(日) 00:33:47 ID:ffn/coTr0
have a good night's sleep, everybody!
157 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/07/31(日) 01:25:00 ID:M1A8/qAo0
i'm sure you little men can never even construe this choice sentense! "The masses are likely to replace an unchanging mode of life by fashion which it will be in the economic interest of certain people to change as often as possible."
158 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/07/31(日) 01:26:46 ID:tF7RYhw60
hi there
159 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/07/31(日) 01:28:45 ID:tF7RYhw60
you posted it on honobonoita, didnt you?
160 :
152 :2005/07/31(日) 02:19:54 ID:D2eDNLeAO
161 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/07/31(日) 14:12:26 ID:a6W5dWjf0
>>160 even if u r female, u may go to a soap land!
162 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/07/31(日) 14:13:34 ID:tF7RYhw60
anybody there?
>>161 Uh..I don't know what soap land is like.
Perhaps ERO...
164 :
テLテ^テm :2005/07/31(日) 14:25:04 ID:3JmOwBFI0
165 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/07/31(日) 14:38:54 ID:a6W5dWjf0
u dunno soap lands?? OH NO!
166 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/07/31(日) 14:47:42 ID:z78BAKNtO
oh…yeah hah hah you are so hot! I feel so good more and more.
167 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/07/31(日) 14:53:43 ID:z78BAKNtO
>>163 oh you are female?
you shoud work soap land.there is very very good place.
168 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/07/31(日) 15:19:43 ID:dA86gPzc0
>>167 soap lands are illegal business and infringe upon human rights.
nevertheless you recommended others to work there.
so i have just informed the Tokyo Police Department
170 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/07/31(日) 16:01:22 ID:dA86gPzc0
>>169 that's very clever!
171 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/07/31(日) 17:32:05 ID:dA86gPzc0
what are you doing ?
173 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/07/31(日) 19:26:17 ID:7vAc7b9F0
having sex with my boy...fr..iend..UGH!
174 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/07/31(日) 20:57:26 ID:mmh8px0C0
kakukaku ,ィヘ⌒ヽフ oraora / ( ・ω・)) -=3 ε// し ヘ⌒ヽフ AAn! ( ( _,.ノ( ・ω・)) -=3 し しー し─J
175 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/08/01(月) 11:52:57 ID:N+G2Pxjb0
176 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/08/02(火) 21:48:19 ID:gXZ4W6We0
i'm happy!
177 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/08/03(水) 01:12:11 ID:OFa63Hql0
178 :
ワトリンくん :2005/08/03(水) 01:17:26 ID:r/UTCRfNO
So is Watorin.
179 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/08/03(水) 05:24:21 ID:xkp/iZY00
are you happy?
181 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/08/03(水) 17:38:11 ID:vkWPs8cS0
what is tanasinn?
182 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/08/04(木) 03:48:37 ID:h3RV1SOM0
u r General!
How are you???
184 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/08/04(木) 18:22:38 ID:ahpgBc5mO
185 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/08/04(木) 18:29:37 ID:r3D6xxIIO
186 :
MOBミSTYLES feat.コーネリアス ◆HimondyEBo :2005/08/04(木) 19:37:58 ID:EQrxS5F00
Helen`s parents allows her playing video-game everyday. I accepted the meeting to speak at next month's the chambers. Is that Tom? / No,that's a pen.
187 :
MOBミSTYLES feat.コーネリアス ◆HimondyEBo :2005/08/04(木) 19:39:52 ID:EQrxS5F00
No,that「is」 a pen.
188 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/08/04(木) 19:42:53 ID:SxNRDMw10
If Pat hadn't appered the center exam I colud have gotten more good score
189 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/08/04(木) 19:51:19 ID:WaNDOcyr0
I study English of entrance exam of university very hard. Neverthless,I don't prove problem of it. I may be going to belong NITTOUKOMASENN or DAITOUATEIKOKU. That is by far worst!Aaaaaaa......
190 :
MOBミSTYLES feat.受験がやってきた ◆HimondyEBo :2005/08/04(木) 19:54:20 ID:EQrxS5F00
192 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/08/05(金) 09:16:15 ID:3qVLIfB60
rawr. so school starts in 2 1/2 days. not cool. . i'm dreading it..but at the same time i'm a little excited. i miss my friends. and the first day of school is always fun ! and the excitement of seeing who your teachers are and what classes you have and whos in the class and all that, its fun and not fun at the same time lol. i've been pretty lucky the past 2 years with teachers, i've had some good ones but a few crappy ones. sooo chyeah. not much happened this summer...for the most part all i did was sit on my bootay infront of this computer..but i had fun doing it so i guess thats all that matters lol. i made some new friends this summer! lets see here. well Jen first of all, sooo glad i met her!! Joy, gom. we were ment to be friends lol. Billy, Julie, Mary, all those DMI people, yup i'd say i did a pretty good job makeing some new friends without even leaveing the house haha. my eyeballs itch X_x.
193 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/08/05(金) 12:05:08 ID:3qd/OZbk0
194 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/08/05(金) 12:42:45 ID:TCqcqc5gO
>>192 So what?
Your sentences are too long to read all.
So I read until terawaroru.
195 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/08/05(金) 12:46:41 ID:UC/yGK3TO
Everyone,what are you doing now? I am studying.
196 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/08/05(金) 13:13:56 ID:rG4yjPTQO
>>195 I'm playing 0721 now!
197 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/08/05(金) 14:00:43 ID:UC/yGK3TO
What is it?
198 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/08/07(日) 03:22:49 ID:HTgAwjMP0
I defeated,,,only defeated...
199 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/08/21(日) 23:31:34 ID:OeBECwY90
>>192 Ordinary girl's crappy diary.
Where did you get it from?
You talk and use your word.
駆け出したー Keep on going are your dream come true? 君は今何をしてるかな
201 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/08/21(日) 23:48:59 ID:OeBECwY90
>>133 looks like an assignment
maybe a college student
202 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/08/21(日) 23:58:49 ID:Zjf0N88bO
203 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/08/27(土) 01:31:02 ID:Rbr+DQjL0
what does yunagi union mean
204 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/08/28(日) 16:28:26 ID:BZgbOUYZO
AHH〜Very hungry.
205 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/08/28(日) 17:15:37 ID:1KDiHdqNO
206 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/08/28(日) 18:31:30 ID:rV+nEg6O0
207 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/08/28(日) 23:57:28 ID:X1xBDt8YO
I am sleppy very much. and we love sleep
208 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/09/08(木) 20:15:51 ID:nziNu/hWO
no kidding
209 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/09/08(木) 20:27:26 ID:YhJhCCLS0
You had better return to forest!
210 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/09/08(木) 20:36:19 ID:62juY/I/O
211 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/09/10(土) 09:03:00 ID:kd/vE/xG0
Do you study hard? me?oh! Don't ask me!
212 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/09/10(土) 11:00:53 ID:lbay8AC0O
Everyone! You write few words down on this board, so I would like you to increase English words to raise your skill to write. I'm a university student. Somebody come on!!
213 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/09/10(土) 14:34:49 ID:2h6I+Uw/0
214 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/09/10(土) 15:27:44 ID:2G91EL9tO
Leave me alone...please...please...
215 :
名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう :2005/09/10(土) 17:03:21 ID:qD9fSt/Q0
i have very afrade now! who are worry to me? i,m lonely. who are hug me? who are, who are… i.m very solitary. but,i have must fight!! if however hard,if want to die,but i have must fight!
216 :
名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう :2005/09/10(土) 17:05:01 ID:qD9fSt/Q0
↑what this name spese?
217 :
名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう :2005/09/10(土) 17:14:44 ID:cTZV7+9mO
Jack, this is where we first met!
218 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/09/23(金) 19:48:27 ID:/c/32xr60
i shoot uzi and ganja allnite.i'm serious aiight?fuck all motha fucaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!
219 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/09/23(金) 20:24:27 ID:ekI9mg4+O
Touch me I'm sick
220 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/09/23(金) 21:25:26 ID:My/OEtlm0
You're very very interesting!!!!!! tokorode moshikashite ji ni natta kamo...ketsu no ana kara chi ga deteru...
221 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/09/23(金) 22:28:45 ID:SEzOsxmV0
>>220 Don't mind.
I'm going to play shadow sex.:-)
222 :
MOBミSTYLES feat.うんこ ◆HimondyEBo :2005/09/30(金) 16:16:59 ID:ZqZMp2IR0
What word book are you using now? Now I use 'FOMURA'.and finished it,I'll be going to buy'DUO 3.0'.
Don't think. Feel.
TRIC or TREAT!(´ー`)
225 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/11/01(火) 21:35:29 ID:SBP4kMqX0
Iam rubbing off now.
226 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/11/01(火) 22:07:51 ID:qvtanQmjO
227 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/11/01(火) 22:12:11 ID:QesSysFt0
I did not study today. I have a bad feeling about this.
228 :
亡霊 :2005/11/02(水) 16:48:50 ID:/Nd87QKGO
I shouldnt have.
229 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/11/02(水) 17:03:26 ID:Dnd266CQO
I've always loved you.
230 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/11/03(木) 06:10:29 ID:L6Nk7wtdO
231 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/11/07(月) 19:51:27 ID:VALpl3i0O
>>1 。刷れとかかはりなきことなれど。
234 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/12/08(木) 21:30:12 ID:T/gJhA3Q0
>>232 You have to talk in English without Japanese.
235 :
◆bdNRGBKzdo :2005/12/08(木) 21:53:16 ID:4I9+qRHf0
I'd do anything.
236 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/12/08(木) 21:58:15 ID:P3GNeTHWO
237 :
あひるくん :2005/12/14(水) 03:23:26 ID:pxfIKzDv0
mummy, where do babies come from ?
238 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/12/14(水) 03:26:17 ID:LufAy1lhO
239 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/12/14(水) 06:18:03 ID:/u004hlAO
Lately I have been very sleepy. It seems to be about time that I hole up.
I don't know who I am.藁 I hope I became woman who be able to use English very well!
241 :
チェリ ゚д。(大学生 ◆DQNg9lebQw :2005/12/21(水) 20:31:56 ID:Ld0ROB+y0
few people speak collect English in this スレッド.
242 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/12/21(水) 20:46:56 ID:KVTMrdnjO
Oh! You're talkin' to yourself,men! How stupid you are!
244 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/12/21(水) 21:24:21 ID:AQ3B5eqw0
>>241 I know.
I can't miss in such an short sentence! hahaha...
245 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/12/21(水) 21:33:06 ID:EqooPPrOO
Not having many friends in my school ,I do not want to go to school any more(´・ω・`)
246 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/12/21(水) 21:49:48 ID:oun9DI+bO
But… (゚ε゚)I don't mind!!
247 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/12/21(水) 21:51:26 ID:8xgwM+R7O
Hey, girl. Let me see your pussy.
248 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/12/21(水) 22:03:00 ID:AQ3B5eqw0
>>248 Why? Up yours!
By the way, I found that
>>243 's ID is `Sex'.
>>243 must be a god!!
251 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/12/21(水) 23:52:04 ID:QRJw+q0oO
MOTHERFUCKERRR X'MAAAAAAAS!!!!!!!!! HEY GUYS, HOW R U DOING??? I'M SO INSECURE・・・・ 「サンタさんへ クリスマスプレゼントは合格通知を下さい、ガチで」
252 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/12/22(木) 00:09:47 ID:fhv5UOYXO
dis is a pen!!
253 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/12/22(木) 08:34:24 ID:neH7Dk/zO
254 :
G免 :2005/12/22(木) 11:04:58 ID:XM97SAwu0
>>244 ???
I do not make a mistake in the sentence I wrote before.
A lot of snow falls today.
It's too cold and cannot go out!
255 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/12/22(木) 11:33:37 ID:Vu47y6Ao0
256 :
G免 :2005/12/22(木) 14:33:19 ID:rcMEYuV90
How old are you?
I am 18 years old.
258 :
チェリ ゚д。(大学生 ◆DQNg9lebQw :2005/12/24(土) 20:54:11 ID:nSRGJYIm0
>>231 you are great!
to transfer japnenese to previous japanese is difficlt to complete
....only if you write it on youreself...
260 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/12/25(日) 09:26:53 ID:IZPo5AVj0
>>258 IN your sentence, there are many mistakes!
It is only a mistake of spelling of a word.
Start it again from a junior high student!!!!
261 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/12/25(日) 23:14:19 ID:Ag4JVBdc0
bull shit
puripuri shimasho isshowni
263 :
名無しなのに合格 :2005/12/26(月) 02:18:09 ID:vuE4F0980
puripuri shimasho isshowni
O T L! O T L!
265 :
コメ助 :2005/12/26(月) 02:57:23 ID:8BDRJhL6O
Hello I am rice boy!
266 :
コメ助 :2005/12/26(月) 03:02:27 ID:8BDRJhL6O
I am not good at writing too much and speaking English. I want to come to be able also to describe English like everyone. Because it wants to advance English more, may I use here?
267 :
名無しなのに合格 :2006/01/04(水) 01:23:42 ID:y+2qP3O+0
I'll bad result in examination of univercity this year. Because i say my parent "I study very hard! but somehow my score is bad! " though i sayd that everyday.But in fact,My the rate of studytime is very little! ...sorry mamm. ...sorry dad. I want to try again .
268 :
修正 :2006/01/04(水) 01:24:18 ID:y+2qP3O+0
I'll <have> bad result in examination of univercity this year. Because i say my parent "I study very hard! but somehow my score is bad! " though i sayd that everyday.But in fact,My the rate of studytime is very little! ...sorry mamm. ...sorry dad. I want to try again .
269 :
名無しなのに合格 :2006/01/04(水) 15:40:58 ID:PM40xWRF0
If I were you,I say Because I have been saying my parents "I am studying very hard! But I don't know why my score is so bad." though my rate of study is too little.
I am UNKO.Are you?