English-language thread

1局長 ◆13.T2aSPXQ
You can post messages whatever one likes to do,
But must write in the English language.
Correct somebody else's errors, if any.
Please use practice in writing English.

-space alc-
2∫ε д (*'-') ◆AVENUEBvJ. :04/08/16 21:33 ID:TldwZ2NE
I got 2 or 3
3領(・∀・∀・)海 ◆Follytq8Bw :04/08/16 21:34 ID:L6OyYMsS
what a brutal thread!
4局長 ◆13.T2aSPXQ :04/08/16 21:39 ID:DcWftLwb
Hmm....................I fail to understand what you meant.
5領(・∀・∀・)海 ◆Follytq8Bw :04/08/16 21:44 ID:L6OyYMsS
yeah,my English is really broken.
6∫ε д (*'-') ◆AVENUEBvJ. :04/08/16 21:50 ID:TldwZ2NE
7局長 ◆13.T2aSPXQ :04/08/16 22:02 ID:DcWftLwb
Sorry.My word is short on detail.
Correction, I don't know which means your word `Kusosure"or`hardwork thread"
8領(・∀・∀・)海 ◆Follytq8Bw :04/08/16 22:12 ID:L6OyYMsS
good thread,i think
9名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/08/16 22:12 ID:/cZVErks
I discovered a pervert.
10フィロソフィアTAKESI:04/08/16 22:16 ID:NazMdMMy
OK Let'sGO!!
11領(・∀・∀・)海 ◆Follytq8Bw :04/08/16 22:17 ID:L6OyYMsS
hey ho let's go
12名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/08/16 22:18 ID:/cZVErks
13名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/08/16 22:20 ID:iPQhwF15
14局長 ◆13.T2aSPXQ :04/08/16 22:21 ID:DcWftLwb
My gender is male
You ought to say your girlfriend!!

Thank you, It's my pleasure.
15局長 ◆13.T2aSPXQ :04/08/16 22:24 ID:DcWftLwb
It seems quite clear that you love punk-rock!!

16名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/08/16 22:28 ID:+1T/sbGL
Oh sorry,the other one.
17名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/08/16 23:03 ID:CjS1Wq84
I thought like this thread will be KUSOSURE.
But it isn't right.
18名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/08/16 23:05 ID:CjS1Wq84
19くるたん ◆ragnarok4Y :04/08/16 23:18 ID:Q6403aWk
What a coincidence to meet you here!
20局長 ◆13.T2aSPXQ :04/08/17 09:47 ID:V4itaNzw
I hope so.

Hi, I think Why you come here is that God's guiding hand,
Or number of thread is small.
21高三のモニカ ◆2RHJ3.Rbv6 :04/08/18 19:52 ID:xm1mI7xU
I can't use English.
So I would like to participate in this thred.
If some mistakes occur, I want you to correct...
22名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/08/18 21:48 ID:thcNIbV2
23領(・∀・∀・)海 ◆Follytq8Bw :04/08/18 21:51 ID:fYtEBLz0
i love hardcore more than punk rock!!
24局長 ◆13.T2aSPXQ :04/08/18 23:17 ID:8LkrbVtv
I can't use English too.
For this reason, I think We should try to write in English.

Hardcore's musician is a SLAYER, PANTERA, and DREAM THEATER.Aren't they?
25 ◆XJAPAN.e5A :04/08/18 23:25 ID:NTQRzebL
Memorial writing!!
26領(・∀・∀・)海 ◆Follytq8Bw :04/08/18 23:51 ID:fYtEBLz0
well, i think Slayer is "thrash metal",
maybe pantera is "modern heavyness",
and dream threater is "progressive metal".
they are so-called "Metal" in Japanese music scene.
i don't like them,but i don't hate them.
however, i like Metalcore.(its sound is like mixture of hardcore attitude ,a few hardcore elements,and metalic riffs.)
and i also like generally hardcore.
this is not kinda hardcore prono,much less 2ch's amazing superhero "MANABU OSHIO"!!!
maybe you wanna say "what is your favorite band?" i think.
for example...Minor Threat,Government Issue,Fugazi,etc...
if you have money alot,i recommend to buy their bands.
lastly i wanna cry out,HARDCORE RULES!!!!!!!!!!!
27くるたん ◆ragnarok4Y :04/08/19 02:21 ID:lKAeKgOr
good explain(w
28名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/08/19 04:17 ID:bd7tDITz
I'm sleepy.
29名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/08/19 09:19 ID:ca4GVEZG
This thread seems to be interesting.
30名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/08/19 09:22 ID:ca4GVEZG
You guys! post on this thread more!
31局長 ◆13.T2aSPXQ :04/08/19 11:39 ID:sEOiMSLk
That explains it. I have heard a few things about FUGAZI.
And I think OSHIOSAMA's music is super-stupid-fuck'n-hardcore too.
But No.1 hardcore musician is Sgt Hartman. I think.
32くるたん ◆ragnarok4Y :04/08/19 20:57 ID:j5vNiE6S
33局長 ◆13.T2aSPXQ :04/08/19 21:48 ID:sEOiMSLk
I think this thread run out of new things to say....
So, I'm going to ask you a question.
`Where do you live? Is there any famous thing?"

I live in Kanto's boondocks.
And This place is famous in earthnuts, roses, and cukes.
Only consolation is open to traffic broadband .
34(′⊂`):04/08/19 21:54 ID:/71x+HjT
35名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/08/19 22:28 ID:rNil7awo
This is a pen.
I play tennis.
36名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/08/19 22:40 ID:KWj14oED
37名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/08/19 23:44 ID:YdCfUocX
I am a pen.
38名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/08/20 00:53 ID:YG8ppC1M
This is a penis.
I play with this penis.

siko siko siko ∩゙(゚∀゚ )ahya
39名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/08/20 01:11 ID:eCIf3Bsa
40名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/08/20 09:14 ID:X+SQvt7N
The posting man, naned Kurutan, is always writing in so easy English that junior high school students can write easily.
41たかちゃん:04/08/20 19:45 ID:2pR2UUfL
His handle name is not ゙Kurutan゙ but ゙Crutan゙.
42( ´∀`)ノ⌒☆:04/08/20 19:51 ID:dmKBgPRq
It makes no difference.
43名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/08/20 19:53 ID:z0UZpJfB
Come to think of it, what I do never follow me.
I hope I can succeed in everywhere in every inches.
But I can't carry out what I think every day.
Please help my forecast if you have your possiblity to carry it out.
44くるたん ◆ragnarok4Y :04/08/20 21:26 ID:boQ3+2UW
I wanna write while the spirit moves me.
I dare say I see for fear that beyond your competence in coping with reading.
yet...depth word is not always worthy of reverence,I think may be.
Now are you satisfied?

surely well (w

you shall dide.
45高三のモニカ ◆2RHJ3.Rbv6 :04/08/20 23:23 ID:j8E4U1T+
I enjoy watching judo game on TV...
46名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/08/20 23:40 ID:X+SQvt7N
Are you O.K?
47領(・∀・∀・)海 ◆Follytq8Bw :04/08/20 23:41 ID:Q6Jwhph7
im not satisfied with myself.
48名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/08/20 23:43 ID:X+SQvt7N
49領(・∀・∀・)海 ◆Follytq8Bw :04/08/20 23:48 ID:Q6Jwhph7
because i cant study little(or a little?).
50名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/08/21 00:07 ID:jvmYCNJh
"I can't study very well."or"can study little."

If you build it, he will come.
It means that your possible exercise makes your hopes come.
51名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/08/21 00:25 ID:vdypzFBV
ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ここからは ゆうこりん語 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
52名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/08/21 04:07 ID:kFSD3xTD
ぇぇっとぉ、、、ゆぅこはぁ、  って無理。
53領(・∀・∀・)海 ◆Follytq8Bw :04/08/21 20:52 ID:mq3Kcd18
If I tried to move on, would you care? Could you try?
Never again will I trust, how can I love?
So lost, moving forward while you hold your tongue.
Never again will four letters of lies control my life.
Don't mistake my insecurities for anything more that what they are.
I've given up everything for this broken heart.
This time I won't survive this self-destruction.
If I tried to move on, would you care? Could you try?
Would you remember our memories together?
I tried to be your only everything, and you let me fall.
You wear a beautiful disguise to hide such an ugly lie.
I want to rip your heart out and watch you bleed.
When our heart awakes, I too will kill it off, and if the weather fits we'll witness her hurt.
Her hurt, dry heart. Her hurt, my heart.
54名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/08/22 00:03 ID:MZZCDLmr
55領゜+.(・∀´З`)゜+.゜海 ◆Follytq8Bw :04/08/24 02:46 ID:XoaWsXpi
hey yo men ...waz up??
56名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/08/24 02:48 ID:T8DEj2fy
I am pen. It is true.
57領゜+.(・∀´З`)゜+.゜海 ◆Follytq8Bw :04/08/24 02:50 ID:XoaWsXpi
58名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/08/24 02:50 ID:SzzaTLDy
go to hell
59くるたん ◆ragnarok4Y :04/08/24 08:40 ID:apacAJRz
what's up?
60名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/08/27 14:10 ID:l+bNSfLj
I am not well...
61領゜+.(・∀´З`)゜+.゜海 ◆Follytq8Bw :04/08/27 15:33 ID:IuZhazqG
im all alone
62名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/08/27 20:09 ID:fwiPZ09C
Uho, iiokoto
63領゜+.(・∀´З`)゜+.゜海 ◆Follytq8Bw :04/08/27 20:11 ID:IuZhazqG
                   , '´  ̄ ̄ ` 、
               \  i r-ー-┬-‐、i /
                  | |,,_   _,{|       / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
               ̄   N| "゚'` {"゚`lリ  ̄  < Do you mind fucking me?
               /  トi   ,__''_  ! \    \_________
                    \ ー .イ   
64名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/08/27 20:12 ID:fwiPZ09C
65領゜+.(・∀´З`)゜+.゜海 ◆Follytq8Bw :04/08/27 20:14 ID:IuZhazqG
 、        ヽ
 |ヽ ト、  ト、 ト、 、.`、
/|l. l. | |l l | | l |l.| |l. l
/' j/ ノ|ル'/レ〃j/l |
-‐7" ヾー---┐|_.j
 ̄   ./゙ニ,ニ.f、'' l _ヽ
::   ,.,. |ヽ_(9)_.` K }.|
    l'  """  l ) /
  n、,.ヘ.      レ'/ uho, what a goodlooking guy!
 r.二二.)     /  
  ≡≡    ,イ
.       / !
\   /  ├、
::::::` ̄´   /  !ハ.
66くるたん ◆ragnarok4Y :04/08/28 11:37 ID:tefAVXGr
67名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/09/11 23:50:44 ID:r648jOzg
OH!! This thread is serious KUSOSUSE!!
68名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/09/25 00:15:11 ID:ATqLcbZ0
This thread is very good.
I would praise >>1 if I could meet >>1.
Now I check the thread as a routine every day.
But I'm pity that a few man only come here.
Someday...I wish more men come here.

Good night...
69名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/09/30 00:28:21 ID:0k5ZAlNS
First step that you are able to use English is to try to use whether you are good at or not!
In fact it took me some minute to type this sentence.
Thus you should too write in your ordinary experience.
And it is better for your success to do it.
70名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/09/30 00:34:38 ID:HsXB+ewx
71名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/09/30 00:36:26 ID:NS0StVVS
   .,-、,,‐,!i、    ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,、  .,rニヽ.,,-.
  .,/ ,/゙!,゙l,丿    | .,,,,,,,,,,、 |  .!,゙l,丿\.ヽ
 .,i´,i´          | |   | |       ヽ ゙l、
 | .l゙         | |   | |        l │
 | .|         l゙ .l゙   | |        | |
 | │          ,i´.l゙   .| |          l゙ l゙
 .゙l ヽ      ,,ノ`.イ,,,,,,,,,│ ゙l,.     ,/ ,l゙
  .゙i、\     | v-------.|    ./丿
   `ー′    !-l゙      .―"    ゙'‐`      _
 |''''i、 ,l'''''i、 ,l'''7 l''''!              ,-=@ .,r'",,,,,`''i、
 .| } |  ゙l .l゙ .l゙ .| .|            | |  l゙ ,i´ .゙i、 |
  ゙l │l゙ ._ .゙l l゙ │ | ド, ̄'i、 /゙ ̄ヽ、 .|″.゙,,! !-"  丿丿
  │ l.| 《 .゙ll゙ .l゙  | l゙`│ | {,,,/_,,7 .|  .| |    /,/
  ゙l ト | l ト l゙  .| .|  .| | ,r'",,,-,.|  | |    l゙ .|
   ゙l  .| .|  │  | |  .| | .l゙ │.丿 |  | |    二、
   .゙l,,,,l゙ ゙l,,,,l゙   .|,,,,|  .|,,,} \,,,,,,,i、,,|  ゙l,,,,,,}   .| |
72名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/09/30 01:57:25 ID:HjH+k6nC
     /     \
    /    /=ヽ  \
   |    (゚) (゚)  |   How many people in this thread can understand such easy English written in this thread?!
   |     )●(  |
   \     ▽   ノ
  r‐-‐-‐/`ヽ、    r‐-‐-‐/`ヽ、≡=─
  |_,|_,|_,hに丿ヽ   |_,|_,|_,hに丿ヽ ≡=─
  | `~`".`´ ´"⌒⌒) | `~`".`´ ´"⌒⌒)≡= -
  人  入_ノ´~ ̄ 人  入_ノ´~ ̄ ≡= -
/   // /''   /   // /''  ≡=─

I don't know how to feel〜tomorrow, tomorrow is a different day