大学名 平均GPA 平均LSATスコア 01 Yale U (CT) 3.89 173.5 =アイビー 02 Harvard U (MA) 3.87 173.5 =アイビー 03 Columbia U (NY) 3.72 172.5 =アイビー 04 New York U 3.72 172 〜〜〜〜〜ロースクール四天王〜〜〜〜〜 05 Stanford U (CA) 3.84 170 06 U Chicago 3.73 170 07 Georgetown U (DC) 3.62 170 08 Duke U (NC) 3.79 169.5 09 U Michigan-Ann Arbor 3.71 169.5 〜〜〜〜〜Aランク〜〜〜〜〜 10 U Pennsylvania 3.72 168.5 =アイビー 11 U Virginia 3.72 168.5 12 Northwestern U (IL) 3.65 168.5 13 UCLA 3.72 167.5 14 Cornell U (NY) 3.68 167.5 =アイビー 15 Vanderbilt U (TN) 3.66 167.5 16 U Southern California 3.60 167.5 17 U Texas-Austin 3.71 166.5 =ブッシュが不合格食らったロー 18 Emory U (GA) 3.52 166.5 19 UC Berkeley (Boalt) 3.76 166 20 Boston U 3.68 165.5 21 U Illinois (UIUC) 3.60 165.5 22 Fordham U (NY) 3.56 165.5 〜〜〜〜〜Bランク〜〜〜〜〜
23 George Washington U 3.63 165 24 Boston College 3.58 165 25 U Notre Dame (IN) 3.56 165 26 Washington U (MO) 3.55 165 27 Brigham Young U (UT) 3.66 164 28 U Georgia 3.60 164 29 Washington & Lee U 3.39 164 30 William and Mary (VA) 3.65 163.5 31 U Minnesota-Twin Cities 3.60 163.5 32 U Colorado-Boulder 3.52 163.5 〜〜〜〜〜Cランク〜〜〜〜〜 33 U Alabama 3.67 163 34 U Washington 3.65 163 35 Yeshiva U (Cardozo) 3.58 163 36 UC Davis 3.67 162.5 37 UC (Hastings) 3.58 162.5 38 U Arizona (Rogers) 3.52 162.5 39 Florida State U 3.50 162.5 40 U Florida 3.64 162 41 Ohio State U 3.64 162 42 Tulane U (LA) 3.55 162 43 U North Carolina 3.53 162 44 Pepperdine U (CA) 3.53 162 45 Wake Forest U (NC) 3.50 162 〜〜〜〜〜Dランク〜〜〜〜〜 46 George Mason U (VA) 3.54 161.5 47 U Iowa 3.59 161 48 Arizona State U 3.55 161 49 U Wisconsin-Madison 3.53 161 50 American U (DC) 3.35 161
-In California, 14.8% of full-time and 6.1% of part-time students seeking bachelor's degrees finished in four years. After eight years, about 60% of full-time and 41.6% of part-time students had earned a degree. カリフォルニアでは4年以内に卒業する割合はフルタイムの学生で14.8%
メディカルスクール入学難易度ランキング http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-medical-schools/research-rankings/sort+test_score/sortdir+desc 大学名 MCAT入学者平均点(受験者平均は約8点) 01 Washington University in St. Louis 12.5 02 University of Pennsylvania 12.2 =アイビー 03 Yale University 12.1 =アイビー 04 University of Chicago (Pritzker) 12 〜〜〜〜〜メディカルスクール四天王〜〜〜〜〜 05 Harvard University 11.9 =アイビー 06 Johns Hopkins University 11.9 07 Columbia University 11.9 =アイビー 08 Duke University 11.8 09 Mount Sinai School of Medicine 11.8 10 University of Pittsburgh 11.7 11 University of Michigan--Ann Arbor 11.6 12 Vanderbilt University 11.6 13 Cornell University (Weill) 11.6 =アイビー 14 Case Western Reserve University 11.6 15 University of California--San Francisco 11.5 16 University of California--Los Angeles (Geffen) 11.5 17 Northwestern University (Feinberg) 11.5 18 University of Virginia 11.5 〜〜〜〜〜Aランク〜〜〜〜〜
19 Stanford University 11.4 20 Baylor College of Medicine 11.4 21 Emory University 11.3 22 Brown University (Alpert) 11.3 =アイビー 23 Ohio State University 11.2 24 University of California--San Diego 11.1 25 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center--Dallas 11.1 26 Dartmouth Medical School 11.1 =アイビー 27 New York University 11 28 University of Southern California (Keck) 11 〜〜〜〜〜Bランク〜〜〜〜〜
29 Mayo Medical School 10.9 30 University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill 10.8 31 University of Rochester 10.8 32 Boston University 10.8 33 University of Minnesota 10.8 34 St. Louis University 10.8 35 University of Iowa (Carver) 10.7 36 Yeshiva University (Einstein) 10.7 37 University of California--Irvine 10.7 38 University of Miami (Miller) 10.7 39 Tufts University 10.7 40 University of Massachusetts--Worcester 10.7 41 Stony Brook University--SUNY 10.7 42 Loyola University Chicago (Stritch) 10.7 43 University of Colorado--Denver 10.6 44 University of Cincinnati 10.6 45 Medical College of Wisconsin 10.6 46 University of Florida 10.6 47 Jefferson Medical College 10.6 48 University of Maryland 10.5 49 Wake Forest University 10.5 50 University of Connecticut 10.5 〜〜〜〜〜Cランク〜〜〜〜〜