University of creation, arts,music and social work... About the University We have two Departments; The Creative Arts Depart ment and the Social Work Department... Creative Arts Department ==Music Course ==Art Course Social Work Department ==Social work Course
University of Creation, Arts,Music,and Social Work... ===Our University=== ==Creative Arts ==Social Work ==International level professors and performing artists ==Unique facilities ==University hymn ==Interesting History
University of Creation, Arts,Music and Social Work... On Creative Arts,we have the Music course and the Art Course; On Music Course; One to one lessons with the professional perfor ming artists.Prospective applicants capacity:80. Period for fulfillment of degree requirements 4years.
University of Creation, Arts,Music,and Social Work... On Music Courses; =Vocal Music =Pop Music =Piano =Electric Organ =Wind Instruments =Stringed Instruments =Percussion Instruments =Traditional Japanese Instruments =Ethnic Instruments =Tuning =Composition =Music Education =Musicology =Music Therapy
University of Creation, Arts,Music,and Social Work... A unique course,where besides design you can earn a BA in cartoons, ceramics,tea ceremony, or physical expression. Prospective applicants capacity:100.Period for fulfillment of degree requirements 4years...
University of Creation, Arts,Music,and Social Work... On Social work Department; Social worker education in the frontline of welfare. Prospective applicants capacity:100 Period for fulfill- ment of degree re- quirements 4years..
University of Creation, Arts,Music and Social Work... =SOSAI (Creative Talent) by Heisuke Hironaka, Academic Director....
Each and every human being possesses a U- nique character that has been passed down from the heavens.As this character is nur tured and encouraged from without,the uni- queness of this cha- racter exerts a major influence on us from within.
University of Creation, Arts,Music and Social Work... Continuation of =SOSAI (Creative Talent)
The purpose of the Univer- sity of Creation,Arts,Music and Social Work is the nur- turing of"creative talent". SOSAI is a Japanese term that refers to "creative talent"the talent that stirs up the originality deep with in our minds and stimulates our potential to contrive va rious ideas that helps us to accommodate to various situ- ations...
University of Creation, Arts,Music and Social Work.... Continuation of the =SOSAI(Creative Talent)
Nurturing this talent leads to an attitude that encourages us to thoroughly enjoy sti- mulating our origina- lity and creativity. This,in turn,generates an ever-growing curio- sity with regard to knowledge.
University of Creation, Arts,Music and Social Work... Continuation of the =SOSAI(Creative Talent)
This curiosity helps us anticipate the existence of unanticipated discove -ries simply by allowing us to be absorbed with the ideas and accommoda- tions that lead to ever more positive attitudes.