政経お爺さんの懇請も聞き入れられずww テラワイソス
http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/saku/1093522128/180-203 早稲田政経政治OB ◆XsPab3UToI
コテ早稲田政経政治OB◆XsPab3UToI を誹謗中傷し、身分特定と暴露を
592 :
エリート街道さん:2008/01/14(月) 19:43:20 ID:YeC/Xjoj
hi, how are you doing,sir?
it's cold today isn't it.
but what's been happening in this sled?
all the normal people have left here? disappeared?
how come only two abnormal persons, a sled dog and a so-called killer have remained?
are they doing the final dogfight in front of us?
anyway you guys take care of not catching the new type flu.
593 :
エリート街道さん:2008/01/14(月) 19:47:00 ID:YeC/Xjoj
let's sing "The Glory of Waseda"
594 :
エリート街道さん:2008/01/14(月) 20:07:11 ID:lxOiwXDR
do you want to sing a fake college song like waseda's? of cause you not.
fair to middling.
it's not just cold, but shivering.
×take care of not catching the new type flu.
Take care not to catch an acute type of the flu.
203 :"早稲田政経OB:2008/01/10(木) 09:27:34 HOST:eaa1-ppp1345.east.sannet.ne.jp
205 :"早稲田政経OB:2008/01/11(金) 09:03:40 HOST:eaa1-ppp1449.east.sannet.ne.jp
206 :"早稲田政経OB:2008/01/12(土) 09:37:28 HOST:eaa1-ppp1254.east.sannet.ne.jp
209 :"早稲田政経OB:2008/01/13(日) 08:54:24 HOST:eaa1-ppp1464.east.sannet.ne.jp
政経obの悲鳴ww ↓
http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/saku/1093522128/203- 以下凄まじいコテに対するバッシングと荒らし行為が再燃し、
598 :
エリート街道さん:2008/01/14(月) 20:48:36 ID:YeC/Xjoj
you should not put an x on my natural english.
yours are stiff, unnatural exam janglish. shame on you.
599 :
エリート街道さん:2008/01/14(月) 21:04:09 ID:YeC/Xjoj
moreover, 'an acute type of the flu' is fundamentally wrong.
what i said is about the newly discovered flu-virus which is expected to go around all over the world, and killig eight digits people.
あっw わかったww
アタマいいですねww 意味が分からないと荒し認定できないですもんねww
601 :
エリート街道さん:2008/01/14(月) 21:14:44 ID:YeC/Xjoj
Waseda's school song is not a fake,
but a song recomposed from one of Yale's college song.
therefor, you should declare as under;
the original work = Yale's college song
recomposer = Tetteki Togi
602 :
エリート街道さん:2008/01/14(月) 21:16:29 ID:pbkgHiLH
603 :
エリート街道さん:2008/01/14(月) 21:21:43 ID:YeC/Xjoj
even in japanese you are tend to make typos.
why not in english? but all the same, thanks for your kind pointing.
you are tend to→you tend to
605 :
エリート街道さん:2008/01/14(月) 21:34:34 ID:YeC/Xjoj
>>600 oh, you ara so sarcastic.
i havn't got such an intention, cuz i believe he's got an ample knowledge and ability to be able to read my simple english.
i just hope that he also would express his ideas in english.
don't you think it would make a refreshment for all of us?
606 :
エリート街道さん:2008/01/14(月) 21:41:35 ID:YeC/Xjoj
>>604 oh, you fool.
'be tend to' is an idiomatic expression. it's a perfect english.
you should be a product, a victim rather, of the worst english-education in japanese high schools.
607 :
エリート街道さん:2008/01/14(月) 21:43:13 ID:YeC/Xjoj
Faultfinding produces nothing.
pls write your original ideas, if any.
608 :
東工兵士 ◆pGc4w5YhzM :2008/01/14(月) 21:44:02 ID:Rpk0Yh1d
609 :
エリート街道さん:2008/01/14(月) 21:47:49 ID:YeC/Xjoj
what a weird sled this is !
What a weirdo you are!
Once again
×the new type flu
○the new type of flu
612 :
エリート街道さん:2008/01/14(月) 22:10:33 ID:YeC/Xjoj
sorry, i admit.
>'be tend to' is an idiomatic expression. it's a perfect english.
'Be apt to' 'be likely to' 'be prone to' 'be inclined to' are
idiomatic expressions. It's perfect English.
614 :
エリート街道さん:2008/01/14(月) 22:19:59 ID:YeC/Xjoj
once again,
thanks for your kindness, but 'the new type flu' is a proper english.
you can say both way, like 新型風邪 or 新しい型の風邪、both are right.
you tend to make english stiff. don't be bureaucratic, but be poetic.
You should be advised that syntax of Japanese is totally differnt from
that of English. You cannot argue about the grammaticality of
English phrases or sentences on the basis of the morpholgy and
syntax of Japanese.
You should be reminded that Japanese syntax is totally different from
English sentence-formation rules.
You cannot argue about the grammaticality of English phrases or sentences
on the basis of Japanese morpholgy and syntax.
617 :
エリート街道さん:2008/01/14(月) 22:40:48 ID:YeC/Xjoj
anyway, the new type flu is OK. american news paper uses that expression.
i don't want to discuss linguistics. it's tedium.
your speciality is to accuse what others say.
you don't have any original idea inside you. i really pity you.
618 :
エリート街道さん:2008/01/14(月) 22:56:18 ID:YeC/Xjoj
i would advise you to join a chat in some american website.
if you apply very severe grammatical rules on them, you'll find so many mistakes the natives are tended to make.
again, don't be bureaucratic, but be poetic.
619 :
エリート街道さん:2008/01/14(月) 23:42:29 ID:ABPb6J8N
全部 英語じゃん。
×it's tedium.
○It's tedious.
If you cannot abolish the tedium of linguistics, you can
at least relieve it.
No, no.
618's English is broken, corrupt and fractured.
622 :
白井だが・・:2008/01/14(月) 23:53:26 ID:d1EgEMpH
Fuck your shit.
624 :
エリート街道さん:2008/01/15(火) 00:01:30 ID:d1EgEMpH
i dont care dumn