Test four was short lived, I'm sorry to say, because my fears came true.
The unit shut down after less than a minute - I'm not surprised... are you?
I tried to get the thing started again... I prodded, I wheedled, I pleaded.
It just wouldn't run - no sir, no way - a gentler approach was needed.
Of course it's efficient here, my dears, it's overrated - not steak, but salad.
That is, until the button was pushed for test four, my heart filled with dread.
The unit ran for a second or two or three and then BOOM, it was dead.
Just what inside broke down and failed... maybe emit a cackle of glee.
Anybody want a peanut?
I must confess I don't see how useful this approach is, what with only that sink on the left being connected to anything in the power supply itself.
The sink on the right is only connected to the sink on the left.
That gives this unit a good solid 2 here.
This unit, quite simply, is a 500 watt unit pretending to be twice as powerful as it really is with a heatpipe added purely as a gimmick.
コイツ、俺を殺す気かwwwww 読めない人はここらあたりを機械翻訳にかけても楽しめるかもしれん。1000W虎の威を借る500W狐電源・・・ああ、やっぱ悪魔的に動物だ