CPUアーキテクチャについて語れ 16

AMDネタの上、11月の Financial Analyst Day の頃の話題なのですが、
ネタは当時の comp.arch での "bulldozer details + bobcat"というスレッド
なのですが、業界の人気者 Andy Glew が登場して色々語っています。
Glew の投稿だけでも拾い読みすると面白いかと。とりあえずここではかい

- AMD's Bulldozer is an MCMT (MultiCluster MultiThreaded)
 microarchitecture. That's my baby!
 Bulldozer は俺の考えた MCMT (MultiCluster-MultiThread) アーキテクチャの

- The only bad thing is that some guys I know at AMD say that Bulldozer is
 not really all that great a product, but is shipping just because AMD
 needs a model refresh. "Sometimes you just gotta ship what you got."
 でもなぁ… AMDのツレが言うにはAMDは製品サイクルに切迫して製品化
588MACオタ@続き:2010/02/14(日) 03:37:20 ID:Wj71GeXX
- came up with MCMT in 1996-2000 while at the University of Wisconsin.
 It became public via presentations.
  I brought MCMT back to Intel in 2000, and to AMD in 2002.
  I was beginning to despair of MCMT ever seeing the light of day. I
 thought that when I left AMD in 2004, the MCMT ideas may have left with

- Of course, AMD has undoubtedly changed and evolved MCMT in many ways
 since I first proposed it to them. For example, I called the set of an
 integer scheduler, integer execution units, and an L1 data cache a
 "cluster", and the whole thing, consisting of shared front end, shared
 FP, and 2 or more clusters, a processor core. Apparently AMD is calling
 my clusters their cores, and my core their cluster. It has been
 suggested that this change of terminology is motivated by marketing, so
 that they can say they have twice as many cores.
589MACオタ@続き:2010/02/14(日) 03:59:15 ID:Wj71GeXX
- My original motivation for MCMT was to work around some of the
 limitations of Hyperthreading on Willamette. E.g. Willamette had a very
 small L0 data cache, 4K in some of the internal proposals, although it
 shipped at 8K. Two threads sharing such a tiny L0 data cache thrash.
 Indeed, this is one of the reasons why hyperthreading is disabled on
 many systems, including many current Nhm based machines with much larger
 closest-in caches.

 元々 MCMT のアイデアは Willamett で Hyperthreading の性能が上がらない
 問題を解決するためのものなんだ。知ってのとおり Willamett の L0 [データ]
 キャッシュのサイズはメチャ小さい。初期の設計では 4KB だったし、出荷された
 バージョンでは増えたとは言え 8KB だ。
 ングが多発する。結局のところ、これが多くのシステムで Hyperthreading が
 無効に設定された原因だし、当時よりはるかに大きなL1キャッシュを持つ Nehalem
590MACオタ@続き:2010/02/14(日) 04:00:43 ID:Wj71GeXX
- To avoid threads thrashing each other, I wanted to give each thread
 their own L0. But, you can't do so, and still keep sharing the
 execution units and scheduler - you can't just build a 2X larger array,
 or put two arrays side by side, and expect to have the same latency.
 Wires. Therefore, I had to replicate the execution units, and enough of
 the scheduler so that the "critical loop" of Scheduler->Execution->Data
 Cache was all isolated from the other thread/cluster. Hence, the form
 of multi-cluster multi-threading you see in Bulldozer.

 スラッシングを避けるために、俺はスレッドごとに L0 キャッシュを占有させる
 そんな訳で、俺は実行ユニットとスケジューラも独立にした。これで ディスパッチ
 →実行→データキャッシュアクセス というクリティカルな部分がスレッドごとに
 独立した「クラスタ」ができあがる。。君らが見た Bulldozer の構成図そのものという
591MACオタ@続き:2010/02/14(日) 04:21:49 ID:Wj71GeXX
- True, there are differences, and I am sure more will become evident as
 more Bulldozer information becomes public. For example, although I came
 up with MCMT to make Willamette-style threading faster, I have always
 wanted to put SpMT, Speculative Multithreading, on such a substrate.
 SpMT has potential to speed up a single thread of execution, by
 splitting it up into separate threads and running the separate threads
 on different clusters, whereas Willamette-style hyperthreading, and
 Bulldizer-style MCMT (apparently), only speed up workloads that have
 existing independent threads.

  Bulldozer に関する情報が増えてくれば明らかになるんだろうけど、俺の
 MCMT が Bulldozer そのものって訳じゃないだろうね。例えば、俺は
 Willamett の Hyperthreading を高速化するに当たって Speculative Multi-
 threading (SpMT) の実装が頭にあった。SpMT は複数スレッドを費やして

- If I received arows in my back for MCMT, I received 10 times as many
 arrows for SpMT. And yet still I have hope for it. Unfortunately, I am
 not currently working on SpMT. Haitham Akkary, the father of DMT,
 continues the work.

 もし俺が MCMT の実装にかかわっていたら、SpMT を全力で押してたと
 DMT [Dynamic Multithrading] の提案者の Haitham Akkary が今でも
592Socket774:2010/02/14(日) 04:23:41 ID:/LK7WEU/
593MACオタ@続き:2010/02/14(日) 04:35:13 ID:Wj71GeXX
- Perhaps I should say here that my MCMT had a significant difference from
 clustering in, say, the Alpha 21264,
 Anyway: if it has an L0 or L1 data cache in the cluster, with or
 without the scheduler, it's my MCMT. If no cache in the cluster, not
 mine (although I have enumerated many such possibilities).

 MCMT は Alpha 21264 のクラスタリングの概念とは大きく違うことは強調して
 クラスタリングは俺の MCMT アーキテクチャということになる。もちろん

- Motivated by my work to use MCMT to speed up single threads, I often
 propose a shared L2 instruction scheduler, to load balance between the
 clusters dynamically. Although I admit that I only really figured out
 how to do that properly after I left AMD, and before I joined Intel.
 How to do this is part of the Multi-star microarchitecture, M*, that is
 my next step beyond MCMT.

 俺は MCMT でシングルスレッドを高速化するために頑張った。例えばクラスタ
 そのための「正しい方法」ってヤツを思いついたのは AMD を退社した後、ちょうど
 Intel に戻る前くらいだった。それが MCMT を越える新しいアーキテクチャ M*
 (Multi-star) さ。
594MACオタ@続き:2010/02/14(日) 04:55:08 ID:Wj71GeXX
- Also, although it is natural to have a single (explicit) thread per
 cluster in MCMT, I have also proposed allowing two threads per cluster.
  Mainly motivated by SpMT: I could fork to a "runt thread" running in
 tghe same cluster, and then migrate the run thread to a different
 cluster. Intra-cluster forking is faster than inter-cluster forkng, and
 does not disturb the parent thread.
But, if you are not doing SpMT, there is much less motivation for
 multiple threads per cluster.

  そう言えば、SpMT のためにクラスタ内で更に SMT をやるってのも考えた。
  いずれにせよ SpMT を採用しないなら、クラスタ内 SMT にそれほど意味はない。
595MACオタ@続き:2010/02/14(日) 04:57:11 ID:Wj71GeXX
- With Willamette as background, I leaned towards a relatively small, L0,
 cache in the cluster. Also, such a small L0 can often be pitch-matched
 with the cluster execution unit datapath. A big L1, such as Bulldozer
 seems to have, nearly always has to lie out of the datapath, and
 requires wire turns. Wire turns waste area. I have, from time to time,
 proposed putting the alignment muxes and barrel shifters in the wire
 turn area. I'm surprised that a large cluster L1 makes sense, but that's
 the sort of thing that you can only really tell from layout.

 元々 Willamette が頭にあったから、俺はクラスタ内の L0 データキャッシュは
 のサイズに収まるようにL0の容量を決めると良いんだよ。。 Bulldozer の L1 は随分大
 L1 が大きいからといって良いことは無いと思うんだけど、まぁそれもチップのレイアウト
596MACオタ@続き:2010/02/14(日) 05:13:23 ID:Wj71GeXX
- Some posters have been surprised by sharing the FP. Of course, AMD's K7
 design, with separate clusters for integer and FP, was already half-way
 there. They only had to double the integer cluster. It would have been
 harder for Intel to go MCMT, since the P6 family had shared integer and
 FP. Willamette might have been easier to go MCMT, since it had separate FP.

 FPU を共有していることに疑問を持っているヤツもいるよな。もちろん K7 は
 P6は整数パイプと浮動小数点パイプでスケジューラが共通だから MCMT の
 実装は難しい。Willamette は浮動小数点パイプラインが分離している分、MCMT

- Anyway... of course, for FP threads you might like to have
 thread-private FP. But, in some ways, it is the advent of expensve FP,
 like Bulldozer's 2 sets of 128 bit, 4x32 bit, FMAs, that justify integer
 MCMT: the FP is so big that the overhead of replicating the integer
 cluster, including the OOO logic, is a drop in the bucket.

 君らは独立したFPクラスタが必要だって言いたいんだろうけど、Bulldozer の
 FPU は128-bit の FMAなんて実行ユニットだけでもでかすぎる。その上、
597MACオタ@続き:2010/02/14(日) 05:22:11 ID:Wj71GeXX
- You'd like to have per-cluster-thread FP, but such big FP workloads are
 often so memory intensive that they thrash the shared-between-clusters
 L2 cache: threading may be disabled anyways. As it is, you get good
 integer threads via MCMT, and you get 1 integer thread and 1 FP thread.
  Two FP threads may have some slowdown, although, again, if memory
 intensive they may be blocking on memory, and hence allowing the other
 FP thread t use the FP. But two purely computational FP threads will
 almost undoubtedly block, unless the schedulers are piss-poor and can't
 use all of the FP for a single thread (e.g. by being too small).

 じゃあ一つのクラスタの中に FPU も入れろよって言うヤツもいるかもしれない。
 クラスタで共有している L2 なんて、すぐスラッシングでダメになっちまう。とにかく
598MACオタ@続き:2010/02/14(日) 05:41:14 ID:Wj71GeXX
- I don't expect to get any credit for MCMT. In fact, I'm sure I'm going
 to get shit for this post. I don't care. I know. The people who were
 there, who saw my presentations and read my proposals, know. But, e.g.
 Chuck Moore wasn't there at start; he came in later. Even Mike Haertel,
 my usual collaborator, wasn't there; he was hired in later, although
 before Chuck. Besides, Mike Haertel thinks that MCMT is obvious.
 That's cool, although I ask: if MCMT is obvious, then why isn't Intel
 doing it? Companies like Intel and AMD need idea generating people like
 me about once every 10 years. In between, they don't need new ideas.
 They need new incremental improvements of existing ideas.

 Anyway... It's cool to see MCMT becoming real. It gives me hope that my
 follow-on to MCMT, M* may still, eventually, also become real.

 色々書いたけど、俺は MCMT に関する権利を主張しようって訳じゃ無い。
 を読んでいるか知ってるけど、当時まだ Chuck Moore はいなかったし、俺の
 仲間だった Mike Haertel も Chuckよりちょっと前に入社した程度だった。Haertel
 は MCMT を買ってくれたけどね。
  それにしても俺は思うんだが、 MCMT がうまく機能するとすれば、何故 Intel
 は俺の提案を袖にしたんだろうね?結局のところ Intel や AMD みたいな大企業

 とにかく MCMT が日の目を見たのは良かったと思うよ。願わくば M* も採用される
599MACオタ@続き:2010/02/14(日) 06:16:58 ID:Wj71GeXX
- There were several K10s. While I wanted to work on low power when I went
 to AMD, I was hired to consult on low power and do high end CPU, since
 the low power project was already rolling and did not need a new chef.
 The first K10 that I knew at AMD was a low power part. When that was
 cancelled I was sent off on my lonesome, then wth Mike Haertel, to work
 on a flagship, out-of-order, aggressive processor, while the original
 low power team did something else. When that other low-power project was
 cancelled, that team came over to the nascent K10 that I was working on.
  My K10 was MCMT, plus a few other things. I had actually had to
 promise Fred Weber that I would NOT do anything advanced for this K10 -
 no SpMT, just MCMT. But when the other guys came on board, I thought
 this meant that I could leave the easy stuff for them, while I tried to
 figure out how to do SpMT and/or any other way of using MCMT to speed up
 single threads.

  当時 K10 なるプロジェクトはたくさんあったのさ。そもそも俺がAMDに雇われた時の
 キャンセルされて俺は宙ぶらりん状態になった。丁度そのころ Mike Haertel が入社
 してきて、一緒にハイエンドの OoOE プロセッサの開発を担当することになった。例の
 低消費電力プロジェクトをやっていたチームが我々の K10 の開発を行うことに
 なった。この K10 が MCMT の K10 って訳だ。
  俺の K10 プロジェクトに関しては、Fred Webner から MCMT の実装だけに専念して
  SpMT とか余計なことに手を出さないように約束させられた。しかし (Webner が失脚して)
 別の取締役が来たんで、その約束は無かったことにして SpMT を含むあらゆる方法で
 MCMT によるシングルスレッドの高速化を実装することにした。
600MACオタ@続き:2010/02/14(日) 06:48:35 ID:Wj71GeXX
- - indeed, the scheduler structure of queues
 feeding an RS arose from the debate between OOO (me) and in-order (Sager
 and Upton) -

 実際、(Willamette 開発時に) スケジューラの構造で OoO派(俺)とインオーダー派
 (Seger と Upton)で議論があった。
- Mitch Alsup was K9.

 [K9について尋ねられて]Mitch Alsup が K9 をやってたな。
 [MACオタ注: Mitch Alsup は Motorola 88Kや Ross HyperSPARC のアーキテクト]
- Some of us have done a lot of work on dynamic predication. (My resume
 includes an OOO Itanium, plus I have been working on VLIW and
 predication longer than OOO.) But since such work inside companies will
 never see the light of day, do not let that hold you back, since you are
 not so constrained by NDAs and trade secrets.

 俺の経歴にも書いてあるように、OoO の Itanium やプレディケーションについては色々
 研究したけど、Intel 社内では日の目を見なかった。俺はNDA とか色々あって無理だが、