80GBのX25-MでVelociraptorのRAID0構成(2台分)とほぼ同価格とか。。。 ------------------------
The question, of course, remains: How much will SSDs cost? In answer to
that question, an Intel rep told us to wait until the first SSDs ship in
30 days. One tiny bit of pricing information did slip, however, during a
demonstration of a Mainstream SSD beating the pants off a high-speed
RAID 0 setup. The RAID contained two 300GB Western Digital Velociraptor
drives spinning at 10,000 rpm; the capacity of the SSD was not given, but
considering that the 160GB Mainstream SSDs aren’t even scheduled for
sampling until the end of this year, 80GB might be a reasonable guess.
During the demo, an Intel rep mentioned that the two storage systems
were “about equal” in pricing—and considering that 300GB Velociraptors
retail for $300 each, it doesn’t appear that SSDs are going to be cheap
when first released.