まずAppleブランドのPWRficientチップの写真す。 http://digitaldaily.allthingsd.com/20080728/apple-pasemi-2/ AppleとP.A. SemiがARMライセンスを取得するという噂す。 http://www.eetimes.com/news/design/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=209900392 ------------------------- LONDON ― Warren East, chief executive officer of ARM Holdings plc (Cambridge, England), has declined to name the company that has taken a multiyear architecture license for ARM's current and future technologies. But East gave enough clues while speaking to financial analysts on Wednesday (July 30) to show clearly that Apple is a contender. ------------------------- 予てからの報道通り、自社の次世代携帯機器向けにARMコアのチップを開発する模様す。