去年の今頃、IBMがThrough-Silicon Viasによる3Dダイスタックの発表をしたのを覚えているヒトも 多いと思うす。http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/21350.wss 高性能チップ向けで3Dダイスタックの最大の問題が冷却にあるのも周知の話題すけど、IBMが 重ねたダイ間を水冷する技術を発表したす。 http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/24385.wss ------------------------ Brunschwiler and his team piped water into cooling structures as thin as a human hair (50 microns) between the individual chip layers in order to remove heat efficiently at the source. Using the superior thermophysical qualities of water, scientists were able to demonstrate a cooling performance of up to 180 W/cm2 per layer for a stack with a typical footprint of 4 cm2 ------------------------
上の発表と別に、IBMとジョージア工科大学が3Dダイスタッキングチップにマイクロチャンネルを 彫り込んだヒートシンクを統合するという論文発表をしたとのことす。 http://www.eetimes.com/news/semi/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=208402305 ----------------------- With the technology, a microchanneled cooled processor at 3-GHz can operate at 83 Watts in 47 degree Celsius conditions, according to the paper. In comparison, an air cooled processor at 3-GHz operates at 102 Watts in 88 degree Celsius conditions, according to the paper. -----------------------