
this is a pain.
2Socket774:04/09/23 20:05:34 ID:HAoaeK9/
this is kusosure
3Socket774:04/09/23 20:08:40 ID:Jp7T9EvL
I am Nullpo.
4Socket774:04/09/23 20:10:18 ID:wsO/uxqK
You is big fish man. hahaha!
5Socket774:04/09/23 20:11:28 ID:J0bQ9Sv2
For you ga!
6Socket774:04/09/23 20:11:56 ID:Jp7T9EvL
I have very big pocket monster!!
7Socket774:04/09/23 20:14:37 ID:ogk304BN
Who is here?
Where am I?
8Socket774:04/09/23 20:26:01 ID:pPkT301J
My name is Ted Baker.
9Socket775:04/09/23 20:34:11 ID:LhQ7tzgM
L'Office europeen des statistiques a annonce jeudi un depassement
des deficits grecs depuis 2000 de la limite de 3% du PIB fixee par le pacte de stabilite,
dans une drastique revision a la hausse des comptes publics grecs.
10うさだ萌え:04/09/24 10:41:10 ID:lGheFB9A
Tashiro is God
11Socket774:04/09/24 11:00:04 ID:5tAAEbCQ
SHIT!! Here is FUCKING Thread!
While I try to prevent >1.
Run away! Hurry! Don't care about me!
12Socket774:04/09/24 11:13:58 ID:gH31SMPR
watasi nihongo wakaranaine.
13Socket774:04/09/24 12:14:32 ID:BDTblb55
I'm going to go to America.
14Socket774:04/09/24 13:32:14 ID:EKM4tN4s
I'm not forget you!!!
15Socket774:04/09/24 15:01:37 ID:K2iiOUUU
all your base are belong to us
16Socket774:04/09/25 05:23:32 ID:F0L67Yw6
17Socket774:04/09/30 07:22:38 ID:AizSYTtw
I'm hungry.
18Socket774:04/10/07 12:43:33 ID:3WlnyT3h
19Socket774:04/10/10 00:40:46 ID:rV1mIcjm
I'm very poor.
Condensation of lateral filling.
Good Bye.
My pc is stronger than Strong Kobayashi.