ABIT 友の会  Rev.5.0

ABIT NF7-S Motherboard
2003-03-10 01:57:12



Features & Options 9
Stability 9
Documentation & Manuals 8.5
Fine Tuning Features 10
Presentation & Packaging 9
Performance 9
Overclocking Features 10
Design & Layout 8.5
Price 9
Future Worth 9
Reviewer's Personal Impression 9.5
Reviewer's Award
Total Score: 91.364%
941Socket774:03/03/11 02:02 ID:OpF2AduL
ABIT will be at CeBIT and that means shameless tweaking and gratuitous public
isplays of overclocking, featuring our NF7-S with a 400 FSB and our 800 FSB BH7,
both torture-tested to be able to run the next generation of CPUs. ABIT will have five
sweet demo rigs set up for your viewing pleasure!
