I could stay awake just to hear you breathing Watch you smile while you are sleeping While you’re far away and dreaming I could spend my life in this sweet surrender I could stay lost in this moment forever Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure
Don’t wanna close my eyes Don’t wanna fall asleep ‘Coz I’d miss you baby And I don’t wanna miss a thing ‘Coz even when I dream of you The sweetest dream would never do I’d still miss you baby And I don’t wanna miss a thing
Laying close to you Feeling your heart beating And I’m wondering what you’re dreaming Wondering if it’s me you’re seeing Then I kiss your eyes And thank God we’re together I just want to stay with you in this moment forever Forever and ever
Don’t wanna close my eyes Don’t wanna fall asleep ‘Coz I’d miss you baby And I don’t wanna miss a thing ‘Coz even when I dream of you The sweetest dream would never do I’d still miss you baby And I don’t wanna miss a thing
I don’t wanna miss one smile I don’t wanna miss one kiss I just wanna be with you Right here with you just like this I just wanna hold you close Feel your heart so close to mine And just stay here in this moment for all the rest of time Baby@`baby
Don’t wanna close my eyes Don’t wanna fall asleep ‘Coz I’d miss you baby And I don’t wanna miss a thing ‘Coz even when I dream of you The sweetest dream would never do I’d still miss you baby And I don’t wanna miss a thing
>>43 It’s always nice to register on the radars of industry players because it’s another indicator that Telephone.com has a solid business model and the telecommunications market is ready for what we have to offer.
Commented Buddy West@` the CEO and President of Telephone.com@` But true success will come from concentrating on growing our business. We have the industry experience@` a strong sales force@` a sharp technology team and all the right stuff to become the cool established company to keep watching.
>>44 Hands-on rapport om Nikon D1X Den første brukerrapporten om Nikon D1 er gjengitt på Rob Galbraiths diskusjonsforum. Fotograf Michael C. Weimar fikk prøve serienr. 306 med programversjon beta 0.6. Du kan lese hans rapport på www.robgalbraith.com. Blant de viktigste inntrykkene er at D1X er praktisk talt fri for digital støy. Det var mindre støy ved 800 ISO enn D1 har med 200 ISO@` og et bilde tatt med 30 sek. eksponering var også nesten helt støyfritt.