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241国連な成しさん:04/09/05 19:59 ID:???
242国連な成しさん:04/09/05 20:00 ID:???
243国連な成しさん:04/09/05 20:03 ID:???
244国連な成しさん:04/09/05 20:03 ID:???
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245国連な成しさん:04/09/05 20:04 ID:???
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246国連な成しさん:04/09/05 20:06 ID:???
707th Special Missions Battalion
The 707th Special Missions Battalion, part of the Republic of Korea's Army
Special Warfare Command (ROKA SOCOM), is South Korea's primary counter
terrorist and quick reaction force. The unit's soldiers ? distinguished by their
black berets ? are tasked with conducting urban counter terrorist missions, and
constitute the Army's quick-reaction force for emergencies. During wartime they
perform clandestine special-warfare assignments. This elite force of operators was
formed after the Munich Olympic disaster in 1972. The South Korean government
realized the need to raise a specially trained unit to handle the many threats facing
it. These threats ranged from North Korean special operations forces conducting
operations to destabilize the government to foreign terrorist organizations operating
on Korean soil.
In 1982 the South Korean government tasked the battalion with providing a counter
terrorist response to any potential terrorist incident occurring during the upcoming
1988 Seoul Summer Olympics. The unit immediately began a program to rapidly expand
it strength and operational capabilities, almost tripling in size.

247国連な成しさん:04/09/05 20:07 ID:???
The 707th provided security for VIPs and for key facilities during the 1986
Asian Games and during the 1988 Olympics. At both events terrorist attacks
were considered to be a real danger. In addition, the unit has reportedly seen
extensive action against North Korean infiltraters, and according to several
unconfirmed reports, they have also conducted multiple operations on the
North Korean mainland.

The Songham City based unit is currently composed of approximately 300
operational personnel who are split into six companies; two of which are actually
tasked with conducting counter terrorist missions. Each of the counter terrorist
teams is organized around four 14-man operations teams. Support and demolitions
teams also exist to augment the main teams.

It is also reported that the 707th maintains a group of female operators for use in
situations where a woman would not be suspected of posing a risk, such as an
aircraft hijacking where food and medicine might be allowed to be taken on board.
248国連な成しさん:04/09/05 20:07 ID:???
Prospective candidates for the battalion are only drawn from the ranks of qualified
special forces personnel. Special Forces operator training and selection lasts for a full
year, and includes six months of basic infantry combat training, with an additional six
months of special warfare training and parachute training. During the special warfare
portion of their training are provided instruction in basic parachute techniques,
rappelling and mountain warfare, martial arts, fire arms instruction, and demolitions.

Korean special forces personnel are well known for their toughness, and 707th SMB
personnel are reportedly even tougher. Throughout their training physical fitness is
stressed and students are driven hard by their instructors. Various reports have stated
that members frequently perform daily calisthenics in the snow and subzero
temperatures, and swim in freezing lakes without any thermal protection.

Those special forces personnel wishing to volunteer for service in the unit must first
pass an extensive background check and endure a ten day selection process that
eliminates approximately 90% of the applicants. Counter-terrorist training for the 707th
is intensive, and once an operator is accepted into the unit he will receive additional
instruction in combat shooting, breaching, assault tactics, SCUBA diving, and various
other skills.
249国連な成しさん:04/09/05 20:08 ID:???
The battalion's training facility, which is reportedly one of the finest in the world,
has an extensive network of range facilities allowing for the development of CQB
skills in the unit's operators. It also reportedly contains a complete mockup of a 747
airliner, allowing operators the opportunity to conduct live fire training exercises, and
hone their aircraft takedown skills.
In addition to working with other Korean special operations forces and special Korean
counter terrorist police units, such as the Korean National Police Agency's SWAT team,
the 707th maintains close ties with similar units from around the globe, including
Singapore's STAR team, the Australian SASR's Tactical Assault Group (TAG), and
Hong Kong's SDU, although the unit's closets ties are with the US Army's 1st Special
Forces Group, and the 1st SFOD-D.
250国連な成しさん:04/09/05 20:09 ID:???
The South Korean government lavishly funds the battalion, and as a result they use a
wide variety of foreign and domestically produced weapons. Pistols include modified
versions of the US produced Colt .45 and the Daewoo 9mm. The HK MP-5 is now used
as the primary submachine gun for assaults. Both the Daewoo K1 and K2 assault rifles
are used, albeit modified for assaults with the addition of forward pistol grips and in
some cases low-light vision devices. For rearguards a Benelli Super-90 shotgun with
pistol grips is used. For light sniping the HK PSG-1 and M-24 7.62mm rifles have been
used, heavier sniping needs are cause for the RAI .50 caliber weapon to be broken out.
When heavier firepower is needed the unit has M-203 40mm grenade launchers,
M-60E3 and K3 Beltfed 7.62mm machine guns at its disposal. The unit has also
deployed Short Brothers Javelin man-portable SAMs as a defense against low level

251国連な成しさん:04/09/05 20:11 ID:???
36 :名無しの報告 :04/09/05 17:46 ID:AsQfhMYJ



37 :▲ 某ソレ511 :04/09/05 17:51 ID:lJ9OX2GL

38 :S.H.E ◆5A7Xlyzdb2 :04/09/05 18:16 ID:9d3gWZFK

39 :名無しの報告 :04/09/05 18:33 ID:NIrb81Dx


40 :名無しの報告 :04/09/05 18:35 ID:F/e8LgdP