I'm from Korea. please read this.

1& ◆Vw4pUc5XIcYl
dear japaneses
Sorry to leave the comment that is not related to the topic
but I speak little japanese so didn't know where to go...
i had monitered 嫌韓s through Korean site which translates
foreign site into Korean.
i felt disappointed since i've liked japan
since the school trip to OSAKA(we visited namihaya high school)
you may not know but... not all Koreans hate 日本. in fact,
when it comes to young people,
about half of them feel friendship with japan
(i had made a simple research online)
I know Korea and Japan hate each other
and you may insult me seeing this but..
I really want to get along with japaneses...
I always tell Koreans to stop hating Japan on the internet
and i want you to stop hating us, too... please
it makes me really sad
If some of you can understand my words,
please make it available to other 2 channelers
-from a Korean who really wants 韓日 friendship..
2 ◆3C9TspRFnQ :2009/06/26(金) 15:14:14 ID:???O
3& ◆Vw4pUc5XIcYl :2009/06/26(金) 15:16:56 ID:???0
please write in english;; i can't understand T_T
4 ◆3C9TspRFnQ :2009/06/26(金) 15:43:58 ID:???O
If you sweep away prejudice,You have to make topic in http://tsushima.2ch.net/korea/i/

And I hope to discuss this problem with you.So I glad if you stay here.
5& ◆Vw4pUc5XIcYl :2009/06/26(金) 16:01:39 ID:???0
sorry, but. I can't create thread there; I can't read them...
6 ◆3C9TspRFnQ :2009/06/26(金) 16:17:59 ID:???O
I think If you creat this topic there, people who have enough knowledge to discuss this issue and are good at English will gather.
7 ◆3C9TspRFnQ :2009/06/26(金) 16:26:24 ID:???O
>I can't create thread there
you need wait to be able to make thread or request it
8& ◆Vw4pUc5XIcYl :2009/06/26(金) 16:30:18 ID:???0
thanks for help... you mean, the site is having some trouble now, right?
9 ◆3C9TspRFnQ :2009/06/26(金) 16:40:58 ID:???O
Yes, people in this site always quarrel about south korea all the year around.
Therefore first of all you have to go there and eradicate misunderstanding.
10& ◆Vw4pUc5XIcYl :2009/06/26(金) 16:47:05 ID:???0
hey... The problem is that i can't read hiragana or gatakana at all
11 ◆3C9TspRFnQ :2009/06/26(金) 17:05:08 ID:???O
I think if you insist your opnion there in English, Japanese master English come and take over you.probably...
So shall I make topic there?
12& ◆Vw4pUc5XIcYl :2009/06/26(金) 17:18:50 ID:???0
yes, if you make topic there, it will be great help. onegaishimasu.. soshitte, arigatto
13& ◆Vw4pUc5XIcYl :2009/06/26(金) 17:21:05 ID:???0
and teach me the site address if you make thread. onegaishimasu
14 ◆3C9TspRFnQ :2009/06/26(金) 17:46:20 ID:???O
15ゆきぺ ◆YKPE/zzQbM :2009/06/27(土) 00:46:32 ID:???0
please write in japaneses;; i can't understand T_T
16豆娘:2009/06/27(土) 02:22:18 ID:???O
I like only kimuchi chige ('¬'*)
17 ◆3C9TspRFnQ :2009/06/28(日) 02:35:50 ID:???O
I am a pen.
18 ◆3C9TspRFnQ :2009/07/01(水) 03:20:35 ID:???O
July start.
19 ◆3C9TspRFnQ :2009/07/12(日) 01:48:53 ID:???O
fake star
20ササドフ ◆2JDabjxW7g :2009/07/18(土) 21:35:17 ID:UuA4b3LcO
21 ◆3C9TspRFnQ :2009/07/21(火) 23:26:21 ID:???O
test is hell.
22 ◆3C9TspRFnQ :2009/08/04(火) 06:54:04 ID:???O
23ユキペ ◆YKPE/zzQbM :2009/08/04(火) 23:38:26 ID:???0
24 ◆3C9TspRFnQ :2009/08/08(土) 01:33:36 ID:???O
25ユキペ ◆YKPE/zzQbM