Home ? Accountability ? Strategy
Strategy 2010/11
The IWF has adopted a three year strategic business framework.
The strategic programme of activities for 2010/11 shows specific activities
the IWF will be carrying out this year within the goals and priorities of the three year business framework.
Strategic Plan 2011-2014 Consultation
We are currently developing our new three year Strategic Plan (PDF 113KB).
This sets out our vision and mission and our strategic aims to achieve them.
The plan has been developed over the past few months, with input gathered from a number of sources.
We are now entering a formal consultation process,
the purpose of which is to obtain wider feedback before the document is finalised.
If you would like to contribute to the plan,
please let us have your views, and if possible please specifically address whether:
・There is anything in the plan you think we should not be doing and if so, why?
・There anything not currently in the plan that you think we should be doing and why?
・There anything we currently do that you think we should stop doing and why?
Please email your responses to
[email protected].
The closing date for responses is 5pm, 1st February 2011.
The consultation responses will then be collated before discussion with the IWF Board on 8th February 2011.
Strategy 2010/11 | Internet Watch Foundation (IWF)
http://www.iwf.org.uk/accountability/strategy - IWF DRAFT STRATEGIC PLAN OUTLINE
http://www.iwf.org.uk/assets/media/accountability/strategy/Plan%20for%20consultation%20December%202010.pdf ---------------------------------------
Home ? Accountability ? Complaints
Complaints Processes
The IWF has comprehensive processes in place to deal with complaints.
To make a general complaint about the IWF’s service delivery
including the behaviour of members of staff see the IWF General Complaints Process.
To appeal against an assessment leading to a notice to remove content or the inclusion of a webpage on the IWF
child sexual abuse content block list please go to the IWF Content Assessment Appeal Process.
Complaints Processes | Internet Watch Foundation (IWF)