A divisor is said "to go into" a dividend if the dividend has as many bits as the divisor. [ COMPUTER NETWORKS (2nd edition) by Andrew S. Tanenbaum の 209頁の文章です。 ]
+32,767 in decimal is but 0111 1111 1111 1111 in binary. But far from intuitive, 1111 1111 1111 1111 in binary is not -32,767 but -1 in decimal. When all bits are set to 1, its singned number in decimal is always -1, anytime and anywhere. http://d.hatena.ne.jp/simply-k/20100824/1282743815
(・∀・) Show me the binary number of -32,768 in decimal.
>>963 go into sthg. phr v [T] 1. [no pass.] to enter (a profession, state of life, etc.) 2. [no pass.] to be put into 3. to explain in depth 4. to examine thoroughly
質問君はアク禁中です。シベリア超速報にいます。シベリア郵便局スレにいるよ。 質問君の代行をします。A difference between professionals and amateurs is a flame never die in him. Shitsumon-kun can join us. ↓
In any division problem, if you diminish the dividend by the remainder, what is left over is divisible by the divisor.