
Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 press briefings
19 November 2009 press conference
Read the transcript of the 19 November 2009 press briefing [pdf 45kb]
>How has the vaccine's safety been measured? National authorities are responsible for
>monitoring the results of immunization campaigns in their countries. Surveillance systems are
>set up to record any occurrence of illness or death in people who have been vaccinated. The
>national authorities have been regularly sharing their findings with WHO. So far, there have
>been a similar number of events reported as we would see for seasonal flu vaccine.
>We haveseen a rate of about 1 report for 10,000 doses of vaccine.     ←●
>Only 5 reports out of 100 reports arefor a serious event.           ←●
Each instance is investigated by national authorities to see if there are any
connections between the vaccination and the adverse event. Since many deaths and illnesses
are expected in the general population over any given period of time from other causes, the
investigations focus on finding if there is a plausible link to the vaccine. The reports are then
assessed to see if the vaccine may be the cause. A small number of deaths have occurred
following vaccine administration. All such deaths, reported to WHO, have been investigated
by the countries. Although some investigations are still on-going, results of the completed
investigations reported to WHO have ruled out that the pandemic vaccine is the cause of death.
There has been in particular a lot of concern about Guillain-Barre syndrome because of the
incidences during the swine flu vaccination campaigns in 1976 in the US. To date, less than a
dozen suspected cases of Guillain-Barre have been reported following vaccination. Only a
few of these Guillain-Barre cases may be linked to the pandemic vaccine. Illness has been
transient and patients have recovered.
Nyka Alexander: Question from Sharon. Next we have a question from Sharon Ottawa,
Sharon Kirkey, Canwest News: Dr Kieny, could you go over again the adverse reaction
reports? I am wondering in particular if serious reactions what the current rates are. The Chief
Public Health Officer for Canada on Tuesday said that serious reactions with our adjuvented
vaccine here in Canada are less than 1 per 100,000 doses. So could you go over again, just the
Dr Marie-Paule Kieny: So the reports that we have is one report for every 10,000 doses of  ←●
vaccines. So these are all reports together and can be anything from very mild to more
serverw. Now, of the reports that we get, 5 out of 100 reports are for a serious event.     ←●
Nyka Alexander: Sharon do you have a follow-up on that?
Sharon Kirkey: Sorry could you clarify what some of the most serious events are?
Dr Marie-Paule Kieny: Well, of course most of these serious events is death and there has  ←●
been a small number of deaths. But again a report. doesn't mean that this event is linked to the
vaccine or that the vaccine is the cause. But they have been investigated so the more servere
event, as I say, is death and of those we have heard around 30. Then potentially Guillain-
Barre but Guillain-Barre we had a dozen of which only a few can be possibly due to the
vaccination. And all have resolved without sequelae. So these are types of events that we
have recorded.