10 cls:randomize:a = int(rnd(1) * 5) + 1:time = 10000 20 print ">>1ガデタラSPACEデナグレ!" 30 for i = 1 to time 40 if i mod 200 = 0 then a = int(rnd(1) * 5) + 1 50 locate 10,5:print ">>";a 60 if inkey$ = " " then if a=1 then score = score+1 else score = score-1 70 locate 2,2:print "score";score;" "'←半角空白3つ入れてます 80 next
10 CONSOLE 0,25,0,1:WIDTH 40,25:COLOR 7,0,0:PRINT CHR$(12):X=36:Y=0:A=1:B=0:Z=10:C=36:TIME$="00:00:00" 20 IF INP(9)=191 AND A=1 THEN Y=Y+1:IF Y>7 THEN Y=7:GOTO 50 ELSE GOTO 50 30 IF Y>3.6 THEN B=B+1.8:Y=Y-1.8:A=0 40 IF Y>1.8 THEN B=B+1.8:Y=Y-1.8 50 B=B-0.3:IF B<0 THEN B=0 ELSE IF B<0.8 THEN A=1 60 X=X-B:LOCATE C,Z:PRINT" ";:IF X<0 THEN Z=Z-1:X=X+36:IF Z=0 THEN PRINT"GOAL ";TIME$:END 70 C=INT(X):LOCATE C,Z;PRINT"<O=";:GOTO 20
10 DIM A$(3,5):A=1:RESTORE 20 FOR I=1 TO 3 30 FOR J=1 TO 5 40 READ A$(I,J) 50 NEXT 60 NEXT 70 WIDTH 80,25:CLS 80 LOCATE 38,10:PRINT "A A"; 90 FOR I=1 TO 3 100 LOCATE 36+I,11:PRINT a$(I,A); 110 IF INKEY$=" " THEN 140 120 A=A+1:IF A>5 THEN A=1 130 GOTO 100 140 IF INKEY$=" " THEN 140 150 A=1 160 NEXT 170 IF INKEY$=" " THEN 170 180 lOCATE 34,15:PRINT "PRESS SPACE" 190 IF INKEY$ <> " " THEN 190 200 GOTO 70 1000 DATA "<###>","(###)","[###]","(###)","{###}" 1010 DATA "^#^","゚#゚","゙#゙","T#T","'#'" 1020 DATA "-","ロ","w","o","x"
100 CLS:RANDOMIZE:A$="C?D?E?F?G?A?B?":L1=200:L2=200 110 B$=MID$(A$,(RND(7)*2+1),1):B=ASC(B$)+32 120 C$="O5L128"+B$+"R" 130 PRINT "cho-ultra--don!!" 140 LOCATE 5,5:PRINT A$:PLAY C$ 150 FOR I=1 TO L1 160 FOR J=1 TO L2 170 IK$=INKEY$ 180 IF IK$<>"" THEN IK=ASC(IK$):I=L1:J=L2 190 NEXT J 200 NEXT I 210 IF IK$=B$ OR IK=B THEN PRINT "O! ";B$:GOTO 230 220 PRINT "X! ";B$ 230 END
N88互換BASIC 2GET-GAME 2 cls:k1=11:l1=1:for i=0 to 3:read a:v(i)=a:read a:w(i)=a:next i 5 color 7,0:locate 10,0:print"##################" 6 for y=1 to 16:locate 10,y:print"#"; 7 print spc(16);:print"#":next y 8 locate 10,17:print"##################":a=1:b=255 9 color 2:x2=20:y2=10:locate x2,y2:print"2":color 7:h=0:goto 15 10 for i=0 to 31:next i:locate 32,9:print spc(5) 11 x2=int(rnd(1)*16)+11:y2=int(rnd(1)*16)+1 12 locate x2,y2:color 2:print"2":color 7 15 g=h mod 4:x=v(g):y=w(g):k0=k1:l0=l1:k1=k1+x:l1=l1+y 16 locate k1,l1:print"O":for i=0 to 63:next i:locate k0,l0:print" " 18 if k1=10 then 50 else if k1=27 then 50 19 if l1=0 then 50 else if l1=17 then 50 20 if k1<>x2 then 25 else if l1<>y2 then 25 21 for i=0 to 7:for j=0 to 7:color j:locate 32,9:print"2GET!" 22 next j:next i:a=a+100:goto 10 25 for j=0 to b:next j:if inkey$=" " then h=h+1 27 locate 29,0:print using"SCORE ####";a:a=a+1:c=a/100:b=int(b-c) 30 goto 15:data 1,0,0,1,-1,0,0,-1 50 locate 15,9:print"GAME OVER":for i=0 to 255:next i:end
2 cls:color 7,0:x=10:y=0:for i=0 to 3:read a:v(i)=a:read a:w(i)=a 3 for j=0 to 16:locate x,y:print "#":x=x+v(i):y=y+w(i) 4 next j:next i:k1=11:l1=1:a=1:b=255:h=0:k0=255:l0=255 10 locate 32,9:print spc(5):x2=int(rnd(1)*16)+11:y2=int(rnd(1)*16)+1 11 locate x2,y2:color 2:print"2":color 7:if inkey$=" " then h=h+1 15 g=h mod 4:x=v(g):y=w(g):k0=k1:l0=l1:k1=k1+x:l1=l1+y 16 locate k1,l1:print"O":for i=0 to 63:next i:locate k0,l0:print" " 18 if k1=10 then 50 else if k1=27 then 50 19 if l1=0 then 50 else if l1=17 then 50 20 if k1<>x2 then 30 else if l1<>y2 then 30 21 for i=0 to 7:for j=0 to 7:color j:locate 32,9:print"2GET!" 22 next j:next i:a=a+100:goto 10 30 a=a+1:for i=0 to b:next i:if inkey$=" " then h=h+1 31 locate 29,0:print using"SCORE#####";a:c=a/100:b=int(b-c):goto 15 50 locate 15,9:print"GAME OVER":end:data 1,0,0,1,-1,0,0,-1