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名無しさんのみボーナストラック収録 :
03/08/26 19:40 ID:XZxaRGGR 好きなおっぱい、嫌いなおっぱいを語るスレッド
おらぁぁぁ、お前ら気合入れるぜぇぇええぇえ!!! じゃあ、ゼルダの伝説 風のタクトをプレイしてくる!!! きぇぇぇぇぇぇぇええいいっっっ!!!!!!
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て、言うか 「いっぱい」の「い」を「し」に変えると・・・ (●人●)おっぱいがしっぱい(●人●)
20年前まではAcupが6割を占めていたらしいが、 今のブラジュアの売り上げは Acup 10% Bcup 30% Ccup 30% Dcup 20% Ecup 10% らしい。素晴らしい世の中じゃないか。
どんどん巨乳化してるんだあ でもあまりにでかいと垂れるからCくらいでいいかな
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てst :03/09/11 15:13 ID:???
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[bootleg]guns n roses 1986 -02-28 Guns N' Roses - Troubadour-Hollywood [bootleg]guns n roses 1986 Music Machine - Los Angeles, CA, USA 03.11.1986 [bootleg]guns n roses 1986 ROXY'86-1-18 [bootleg]guns n roses 1987 , June 22 - The Marquee, London, England (complet) [bootleg]guns n roses 1987 .10.30 - CBGB's, New York, NY - Acoustic Jam [bootleg]guns n roses 1987 Greatest group on earth Pasadena, CA. December 30th 1987 [bootleg]guns n roses 1987 Live @ Paradiso Amsterdam '87_ALBW.mp3 [bootleg]guns n roses 1987 RITZ87 [bootleg]guns n roses 1988 - Sydney 12-17-88 [bootleg]guns n roses 1988 August 20 - Donington Park, England (complet) [bootleg]guns n roses 1988 RITZ88 [bootleg]guns n roses 1988 The Ritz 88 remastered full show.mp3 [bootleg]guns n roses 1989 STONED IN L.A. 1989 L.A. Memorial Coliseum, October.21st.1989 [bootleg]guns n roses 1991 .08.03 - Great Western Forum, Inglewood, CA [bootleg]guns n roses 1991 NY RITZ'91 secret gig [bootleg]guns n roses 1991 rock in rio 2 [bootleg]guns n roses 1993 -06-12 Stockholm, Sweden [bootleg]guns n roses 1993 hartford 93 [bootleg]guns n roses 1993 Olympic Stadium - Athens, Greece 05.24.1993 [bootleg]guns n roses 1993 sydney 1-30-93 [bootleg]guns n roses 1993-06-22 Karlsruhe, Germany [bootleg]guns n roses 2002 Guns N' Roses Pittsburgh, PA 2002 [bootleg]guns n roses 2002 Live in Cleveland sound board (1-13) [bootleg]guns n roses 2002 Live in Nampa 1-16 [bootleg]guns n roses 2002 msg [bootleg]guns n roses Live-Rockin' Chile-ALBW by Skybuddy(1).mp3 [bootleg]guns n roses Live-Rockin' Chile-ALBW by Skybuddy(1).mp3 [bootleg]guns n roses rare tracks No Refrain [bootleg]guns n roses rare tracks november rain
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名無しさんのみボーナストラック収録 :03/09/15 23:09 ID:uULtE5zk
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A級性速 ◆ZQVwil85oU :03/09/28 12:13 ID:BCsZmLHJ
今までの最高はJカップだった。 デブスだったが…