Let's talk with Jim-san.on HK.

210 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc
211(^-^) ◆witch2estc :2011/06/28(火) 05:24:59.47 ID:2/H3mmvh0
I am hard to use a new deletion system very much.
I want I contact Itadaki-san and to make a conventional thing.
212jim ◆IamTAAl4HA :2011/06/28(火) 08:59:18.56 ID:6wfY1NF80
Good morning Witch-san. What we have is currently the result of input from volunteers. Please make your suggestions for it. We can't go backwards, we can only go forwards.
213(^-^) ◆witch2estc :2011/06/28(火) 23:51:28.14 ID:2/H3mmvh0
I illustrated it.
May I transmit png Image?
214jim ◆IamTAAl4HA :2011/06/29(水) 05:37:52.27 ID:h7QBrSac0
Please email the photo here.
[email protected]
Then we can all look at it.
215(^へ^) ◆witch2estc :2011/06/29(水) 10:00:21.35 ID:JbZ+AR4k0
216(^-^) ◆witch2estc :2011/06/29(水) 10:06:28.93 ID:JbZ+AR4k0
[email protected]
217jim ◆IamTAAl4HA :2011/06/29(水) 11:33:40.97 ID:h7QBrSac0
That file is not found. Please send to [email protected]
There is no [email protected] email.
218jim ◆IamTAAl4HA :2011/06/30(木) 09:01:00.44 ID:z76/hWRF0
Hi Witch-san, how are you today?
219 ◆witch2estc :2011/06/30(木) 09:26:18.90 ID:FLz+2r9F0
I transmitted an email again last night.

[email protected] & jin@bbsp‥‥
220 ◆witch2estc :2011/06/30(木) 09:28:05.70 ID:FLz+2r9F0
jin → jim
221jim ◆IamTAAl4HA :2011/06/30(木) 11:05:26.05 ID:owFh7dKw0
Hi Witch-san
That is not my email. It is an automatic email for uploading photos.
You did cc my personal email address. Why don't you put that link here?
However I already looked at it, and it looks like the old system that caused us much trouble and heartache a few months ago. We won't go back to that system.
If you have so ideas from it we can discuss on the deleter thread and if others are
interested we have engineers assigned to Pink channel that can make changes.
We have been doing that for several months and there have been many changes and tests.
222 ◆witch2estc :2011/06/30(木) 14:26:39.36 ID:FLz+2r9F0
Yes, that resembled old system.
Cannot you lock it with pink about the trouble?
I want the system which can work in a click than copy & paste.

Because it was the details about the system, I did not write it here.
I did not know that I was shown by the transmission of the image.
Because >>216 did not arrive at Jim-san., I used CC.

Because I am going to take a rest from tomorrow, I end the talk.
223jim ◆IamTAAl4HA :2011/07/01(金) 11:09:39.78 ID:vhn49Up00
224jim ◆IamTAAl4HA :2011/07/01(金) 11:19:42.97 ID:vhn49Up00
Take care friend.
225名無しさん@ピンキー:2011/07/01(金) 18:07:38.58 ID:pCWBB4lE0
show running-config
226Primavera ◆FLOWERqR32 :2012/04/22(日) 21:34:22.48 ID:lHqeNG4h0
We encountered to one deletion problem.

The megami board has "no redistribution" in local rule.
In the deletion about that rule, first picture URL was deleted
as the cause of the redistribution along with the deletion of redistributed URL.
I think I want to ask you an opinion about whether or not to
preserve first picture URL even if there is redistribution's danger.
227jim ◆IamTAAl4HA :2012/04/22(日) 22:29:03.34 ID:69xkOv1M0
When in doubt deletion is better.
228 ◆JACK/GoIHM :2012/04/23(月) 12:33:12.46 ID:YVNVtXZK0
Is that about all the deletion matters?
Or is it only about the important deletion matter?
229自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA :2012/04/23(月) 13:55:58.62 ID:wLZ66RL/0
I think I made some confusion. Sorry about that.
For normal deletion matters, not deleting if you are uncertain.
For important deletion matters, please delete if doubtful. 重点削除
230 ◆JACK/GoIHM :2012/04/23(月) 14:15:51.73 ID:YVNVtXZK0
Thank you for your reply.
I understood these.
231自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA :2012/04/23(月) 15:25:47.03 ID:c/b45mUN0
Again, I am sorry for any misunderstanding.
232名無しさん@ピンキー:2012/04/23(月) 18:17:36.87 ID:xFgQz3v8O
何故 重点削除だけを質問するのですか?
233名無しさん@ピンキー:2012/04/23(月) 18:51:46.42 ID:PE/Q+ZrZ0
226 名前:Primavera ◆FLOWERqR32 投稿日:2012/04/22(日) 21:34:22.48 ID:lHqeNG4h0


227 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA 投稿日:2012/04/22(日) 22:29:03.34 ID:69xkOv1M0

228 名前: ◆JACK/GoIHM 投稿日:2012/04/23(月) 12:33:12.46 ID:YVNVtXZK0

229 名前:自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA 投稿日:2012/04/23(月) 13:55:58.62 ID:wLZ66RL/0

230 名前: ◆JACK/GoIHM 投稿日:2012/04/23(月) 14:15:51.73 ID:YVNVtXZK0

231 名前:自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA 投稿日:2012/04/23(月) 15:25:47.03 ID:c/b45mUN0
234 ◆JACK/GoIHM :2012/04/23(月) 20:10:50.38 ID:hULTaITh0

One person of Deleter did deletion work.
And I think that the work of him/her has a mistake.
I want to solve that problem by discussion.
That discussion is in progress by the following thread.
運営ボランティアさん指導部屋 3号室

Is this solution good?
235自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA
Yes, that is a good idea.