Let's talk with Jim-san.on HK.

192Primavera ◆FLOWERqR32
Dear Jim-san,

One problem happened now.
You were sentenced in the interim order from the Tokyo district court on May 9th 2011.
There are a lot of deletion request which are based on the interim order.

I am thinking so,
If there is not refutation 7 days later to the deletion request, you permit deletion.
What do you think?
193jim ◆IamTAAl4HA :2011/05/30(月) 21:31:41.71 ID:FCadFacm0
This court does not have jurisdiction over the Pink Channel servers.
That would have to be done in Carson City Nevada, or maybe San Francisco California.
I see my name, and many old posts on archive servers.
This person has taken a lot of time and effort to do this. Did they ever
ask for a deletion request on our boards, and if they did it might not have been
justified since it is about an actress who is at least B level.
If it is justifiable for deletion, then we can delete, but that court order is not
194Primavera ◆FLOWERqR32 :2011/05/30(月) 22:21:59.39 ID:eR+p25X40
I knew that the interim order was outside for you.
However, in future, may I report similar order to you?

Thank you.
195 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 jim ◆IamTAAl4HA :2011/05/30(月) 23:07:00.41 ID:FCadFacm0
Yes please do. thank you for reporting this.
196名無しさん@ピンキー:2011/05/31(火) 01:45:56.87 ID:ieamHlik0
Getting interim order is one of the ways at 2ch for requesting deletion officially.
You had better keep in mind that this might be taken for a proof the
lawyer requested for deletion officially and you did not delete them
within reasonable period of time when they will do official lawsuit at
NV/SF later date. (Not following BBS's official way for requesting
deletion does not matter.)
197jim ◆IamTAAl4HA :2011/05/31(火) 09:45:28.29 ID:Gk+39F370
I know this might sound offensive, but what happens in Japan does not
matter. This court order actually has no affect, those posts from 2002 and 2003
are valid, and do not need to be deleted.
198名無しさん@ピンキー:2011/05/31(火) 11:42:10.57 ID:JwrrB5/e0
Who is going to pay 300,000 yen?
I think that the later additional money is caused.

You say "2002 and 2003 are valid , and do not need to be deleted.'
Do you understand, for example, the following contents?
199 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 jim ◆IamTAAl4HA :2011/05/31(火) 12:14:46.22 ID:zAgSXwtq0
Please paraphrase for me? I understand the date stamp, and the fact that it is 8 years to late to complain.
200名無しさん@ピンキー:2011/05/31(火) 13:05:51.81 ID:ieamHlik0
Well, although Japanese court order may not have any effect to you,
the fact remains that you now know the requests were made and ignored.
That may be used for unfavorable proof at official trial in the U.S.
against you. I'm not blackmailing to you or anything, just suggestion
since the lawyer seemed to be serious like doing 300,000 yen deposition
getting the interim order.
201名無しさん@ピンキー:2011/05/31(火) 17:55:40.82 ID:JwrrB5/e0

71 名前: 名無しさん@ピンキー 投稿日: 02/09/12 03:13 ID:tGDXVVvI
> AV actress name.
> The real name.
> A birthplace.
> The high school which graduated.
202 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 jim ◆IamTAAl4HA :2011/05/31(火) 18:22:56.97 ID:Gk+39F370
Thank you for paraphrasing for me.
Lawyers can often be very expensive, and very often the return for the investment in their time does not give you a return.
203名無しさん@ピンキー:2011/05/31(火) 22:08:18.58 ID:DrM0aYaa0
204名無しさん@ピンキー:2011/05/31(火) 23:14:49.63 ID:ieamHlik0
Since Japanese court admitted they are worth deleting,
U.S. court may also rule the same and the fact you refused
makes you liable for restitution. I just wondered why
you are going to take such a risk (not deleting) If you
talked with your lawyer about this and got your relief,
I won't say anything anymore though.