
CDC Prepares for Swine Flu Surge in Fall
Swine Flu Still Hot in Northeast but Easing in Most of U.S.
By Daniel J. DeNoon

WebMD Health NewsReviewed by Louise Chang, MDMay 26, 2009 - As the U.S.
swine flu epidemic eases -- except in the Northeast -- the CDC is shifting i
ts focus to preparing for a surge of cases when flu season returns in the fall.

The count of people who have been infected with the H1N1 swine flu continues to rise.
Today's official count is 6,764 cases -- and that number should rise considerably as many
state and local health departments did not report new cases over the Memorial Day holiday.

The WHO may decide to raise its caution level in ways less likely to sow the seeds of panic
than a pandemic alert, Keiji Fukuda, MD, WHO interim assistant director-general for health
security and environment, said today at a news conference.

"We have no specific plans to raise the alert in one region or another," Fukuda said.
"But if the disease got significantly worse in one country, we would get that information
out to other countries very quickly independent of 'phases' or 'alerts,'" he said.