
111卵の名無しさん:05/01/01 02:33:48 ID:zxp8wNDd
"The" worst, right ?
112卵の名無しさん:05/01/01 02:56:11 ID:BO5xBz8B
Finally, we need English to import or export medical technique.
113卵の名無しさん:05/01/01 03:05:50 ID:bish36Yg
Sometimes defenitive articles of the superlative degree would be
omitted in descriptive method, right?
114卵の名無しさん:05/01/01 03:13:15 ID:hdX5UOCD
In the next decade, you use English to communicate with
healthcare workers from foreign countries, I think.
115卵の名無しさん:05/01/01 03:21:22 ID:fUo+bALc
If we could have easily used the Internet and English communication in 1980's,
The HIV disaster would have been avoidable in Japan
as not a few medical people read CNN now.
116卵の名無しさん:05/01/01 17:02:30 ID:dVstHfHj
I don't think so.
Have you ever heard Abe's mistake?
117卵の名無しさん:05/01/02 15:22:34 ID:K9/vFefn
No I don't think so. That occurred because of the MHLW's misleading.
Before the initial mtg., the MHLW's policy was supposed to ban the use of
non-heated blood products, and for this purpose, several authorities
were gathered. However, at the second mtg. one week after, the policy had
completely changed and the expectable miserable result occurred.

The officers in charge, Matsumura and Gunji, failed to choose the members
of mtg, especially the personality of Gunji is not suitable to tough
negotiation. The fault should be attributed to the tactical failure of the
MHLW, I guess.
118卵の名無しさん:05/01/02 15:27:53 ID:Gd1D7OxI
Some sensible pediatricians never gave their patients non-heated
blood products, their patients, not to mention the result, were
not infected with the HIV virus.
119卵の名無しさん:05/01/02 19:53:16 ID:vqY16dpX
HIV = Human Immunodeficiency virus
not HIV virus
120卵の名無しさん:05/01/02 20:45:41 ID:sXkd81W1
If Japanese pediatricians usually had seen CNN with Internet, they
would not have given their patients non-heated blood products. The
nations where the victims of HIV are numerous are Japan and France
among the advanced countries. That could be because they are out of
the area speaking English.
121卵の名無しさん:05/01/03 15:49:24 ID:6V2quboa
You mean, pediatricinans who didn’t have English communication skill should have more responsibility rather than MHLW. Do you?
122卵の名無しさん:05/01/03 16:06:06 ID:N7g6IykE
Don't many pediatrician concerned feel their fault at all?
123卵の名無しさん:05/01/03 19:59:02 ID:RgfeLwBm
Then He said, "Go out, and stand on the mountain before the Lord."
And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore
into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord,
but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake,
but the Lord was not in the earthquake;and after the earthquake a fire,
but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.
124Dick:05/01/05 23:22:28 ID:bgLZqZ+H
Country road , take me home
To a place I belong, ♪
125卵の名無しさん:05/01/12 21:57:48 ID:tQi+9Oid
West Virginia, mountain momma
Take me home, country roads

Almost heaven, West Virginia
Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River
Life is old there, older than the trees
Younger than the mountains, growin’ like a breeze♪

126Dick:05/01/12 23:39:37 ID:LhHutHj4
Thanks a lot !
127卵の名無しさん:05/01/13 02:29:57 ID:EieIb0Ws
Not at all!
128卵の名無しさん:05/01/13 11:42:51 ID:MtmD4Ab1
Go up!
129卵の名無しさん:05/01/13 12:10:23 ID:Aj2XqUTG
Silly HN ''Dick''
130Dick:05/01/13 13:03:56 ID:ACoUUB7L
Yeah, that's what I intended to do.
But the name Dick exists as a real name and there are many boys called Dick.
131卵の名無しさん:05/01/17 00:04:46 ID:Gbp+lu4A
Tomorrow, I have to work. Blue... blue Monday...
132卵の名無しさん:05/01/19 17:46:16 ID:OvWMbXiU0
Get it up !
133Dick:05/01/19 19:10:21 ID:gJ15Fo2r0
Hi, guys.

It's still blue for me on Wednesday .
I hate work.
I love dating with pretty girls.
134卵の名無しさん:05/01/19 20:02:11 ID:x3kIvIUn0
Japanese medical students can learn medical technology in their own
language in their medical school though Philipino students can't do it.
However, Once they begin to work internationally, Philipino doctors
take advantage in this area. Japanese medical doctors gets their positions
to transrate English medical journals.

Which doctors is obsolute? It's clear, isn't it?
135Dick:05/01/19 23:00:25 ID:gJ15Fo2r0
Well, if you're a medical student, you should buy medical books in English.
It will help you to read medical journals in future.

What matters is that many Japanese doctors can read books in English,
but cannot speakvery well.
If you go abroad for some kind of conference, you will find many Japanese
doctors having trouble with answering questions.
Doctors in other asian countries have very strong accent in English, but
they speak their opinions fluently.
136Dick:05/01/19 23:01:22 ID:gJ15Fo2r0
Oops, forgot to make a space between speak and very.
137Dick:05/01/19 23:08:48 ID:gJ15Fo2r0
Japanese doctors are hard-workers and they are very good researchers.
But they have disadvantages in their English so I think they are not
deserving what they should deserve.

Many of you have learned medical English, I guess.
I wish there were medical English converstation program.

I love making silly remarks, but I have to be serious sometimes.
138卵の名無しさん:05/01/20 23:37:19 ID:drd9M2rD0
Dr. Dick, you're right. All Japanese doctors seem to have speech disturbance
in English.
139卵の名無しさん:05/01/21 02:25:39 ID:fgAxWmAr0
Don't kiss me baby we can never be
So don't add more pain
Please don't hurt me again
I have spent so many nights
Thinking of you longing for your touch
I have once loved you so much ♪
140卵の名無しさん:05/01/21 02:42:09 ID:QLi16h/M0
Your dick might be very busy and hard working as you are.
141卵の名無しさん:05/01/21 05:52:42 ID:0LfjCe7a0
Hey!Suck my dick!
142卵の名無しさん:05/01/22 23:56:36 ID:GIDmTgQT0
English板には、ボランティア的な日本語 → 英語、英語 → 日本語の翻訳
143卵の名無しさん:05/01/23 00:49:21 ID:PiflPnHo0
Would you write in English in this "sure"?

Anyway, when I went to the international congress and spoke my research,
I felt many speakers from other countries could not speak Enlgish. However,
The difference is that they do not worry for mistaking their English.
I think the people in Japan feel to speak perfect English. But this is not so
important. The point is that you have and speak your opinion to oher person.
144卵の名無しさん:05/01/23 01:12:11 ID:tiXRSbnX0
> There are some threads on the English board in which some volunteers
> answer the questions that are posted by the other about translation from
> Japanese to English or from English to Japanese, the usage of words and
> phrases. However, the problems of medical English are hard to solve in
> the threads because of its specificity. So, it would be useful that we permit
> such Q&A, I guess. There are many doctors who are good at that in this
> thread.

Does the above make sense?
Okay, you mean that English is only a tool of internatinal communication?
I agree to the opinion, but there are many expression which might cause
misunderstanding between speakers and listeners. If doctors in such kinds of
trouble can get some advice, it will be useful, won't it? Do you think so?
145卵の名無しさん:05/01/23 12:27:57 ID:Xf+1pniN0
Hotta imo ijiruna?
146Dick:05/01/28 13:38:30 ID:jVytlUrV0
Hi, my dick is not as busy as yours.
I love dating with pretty girls, but in reality, I have no chance to
do threesome.
147Dick:05/02/02 13:03:22 ID:NbF1X1Hy0
Is anyone here ?
148卵の名無しさん:05/02/02 13:36:50 ID:3ydmQxRf0
Nobody Nowhere
149Dick:05/02/02 13:49:22 ID:NbF1X1Hy0
Ah, you are there !>>148
150Dick:05/02/03 12:53:03 ID:Xu1ykKAK0
I'm lonely. orz
151卵の名無しさん:05/02/03 19:56:18 ID:4ErdiMa40

It is a consequence of its deeds.
152卵の名無しさん:05/02/03 21:39:10 ID:M0lxLo5S0
I like Hirosima wife.
153卵の名無しさん:05/02/04 13:15:29 ID:eGyPSwpy0
Nobody knows who I realy am..
154Dick:05/02/04 15:35:20 ID:5oiPobWT0
I'm still standing!
Yeah, yeah, yeah !
155卵の名無しさん:05/02/18 15:31:04 ID:4kxIc1Qe0
The board about hospitals and MD's is very boring now. There are
no interensting topics.
It's more interesting to participate the English board and to
translate sentences.
156卵の名無しさん:05/02/18 15:33:51 ID:d1XzfjCp0
It is difficult for me, but I will try it.
157卵の名無しさん:05/02/18 15:49:37 ID:ERs+w1lj0
How was your valentine's day?
Guess,your son have done very good job.
158卵の名無しさん:05/02/19 02:46:58 ID:s1PwI6P10
Have a nice weekend.
159Dick:05/02/19 17:36:19 ID:p1YjBl9V0
Oh, hi ! How are you doin' ?
My valntine's day was miserable.
My son is used only for urination right now. ( uh, oh )

Thanks & you too have a nice weekend .
Hi, I am DQN.