Diagnostic Radiology and IR ,who should do?

A turf buttle for diagnostic radiology and interventional radiolody
seems to be disadvantageous againt radiologist in Japan.
But is it really benefit for patients?
Discuss about the subject ,everybody.
2ten:01/11/10 20:48 ID:fK5fmN6j
In English? Or Japanese?
3卵の名無しさん:01/11/10 20:49 ID:???
4Tc:01/11/10 20:50 ID:8C/xJl1m
To eliminate what we call "chubo",discussion in English
is suitable.
5To 1:01/11/10 20:52 ID:???
Very funny...
6Tc:01/11/10 20:52 ID:8C/xJl1m
Such a invalid opinion is no use in this thread.
7Tc:01/11/10 20:53 ID:8C/xJl1m

thanx a lot.
What do you think about the subject?
8Tc:01/11/10 20:54 ID:???
Correction for 6

Such an invalid opinion is no use in this thread.
9To 7:01/11/10 21:00 ID:???
I can get satisfaction .You'd better take a hike!
10To 8:01/11/10 21:02 ID:???
って間違うなよ!せっかく…いい線逝ってたのに…>>8 Shit!
11To 1:01/11/11 02:37 ID:???
Did you get it?
12To 1:01/11/11 03:06 ID:???
I'm pissed off at you.
13卵の名無しさん:01/11/11 03:37 ID:???
You have not a chance. Let's go out for a drink. - Why not?
14卵の名無しさん:01/11/11 04:38 ID:???
age age age
15卵の名無しさん:01/11/11 23:21 ID:???
What in Heaven's name brought you to this BBS ?
16卵の名無しさん:01/11/11 23:23 ID:???
This is a pen. But that is a dog.
17卵の名無しさん:01/11/11 23:26 ID:???
Kiss my ass!Dog!!
182:01/11/11 23:31 ID:nboOGkTT
Nobody is discussing,disgusting!!!
I think that radiologist should do IVR more.
It is old fashioned to just sit in front of heaps of films all day.(boring)
When you're young, do IVR.(but diagnostic training is necessary)
When you get old,do diagnostic radiology.
192:01/11/11 23:34 ID:nboOGkTT
P.S.Diagnostic radiologist and interventional radiologist should not fight!
They should CO-OPERATE.
20卵の名無しさん:01/11/11 23:37 ID:???
Judy is may friend. But Tom is your father. How much is this pencil?
21Tc:01/11/11 23:41 ID:awlvXmvO

Only god knows hehe


I agree.From the ecomonical point of view,
There is no way except for performing IR.
But can refering physician interpret film precisely?
I think that they prefer their clinical diagnosis to
film interpretaion.Then,obtaining films is meanless.
There is some contribution to diagnosis
when films are interpreted precisely.
22Tc:01/11/11 23:44 ID:awlvXmvO

Right.We should live with refering physicians.
Born to be cooperator,aren't we?
23卵の名無しさん:01/11/11 23:47 ID:???
Why did you think ”厨房” not understanding english ?
We studied it at junior high school?
Maybe, are you CYUBO?
24卵の名無しさん:01/11/11 23:49 ID:???
But my pencil is too long. Is your pencil long too?
25Tc:01/11/11 23:50 ID:awlvXmvO

Chubos generally can not understand English
even though they have studid.More over,
they don't bother to read English response.

Of course,I'm also a kind of Chubos...lol
26PPP:01/11/11 23:50 ID:???
You ,it is character production superior hypocrisy
Anus breaking is the devil of definite aim in life.
27Tc:01/11/11 23:52 ID:awlvXmvO

Pencil?What are you talking about?
28卵の名無しさん:01/11/11 23:55 ID:???
I have a pencil that is as tall as Judy, isn't it?
29PPP:01/11/11 23:59 ID:???
Don't sleep, with anus exposure carried out It is anxious to suffer you from cold.
30Tc:01/11/12 00:01 ID:JiOwqYu7
"Judy",Who do you mean?
I can't under stand you.
31Tc:01/11/12 00:03 ID:JiOwqYu7

I'm not interested in your homosexual story
and stop talking about it.

Theme of This thread is radiology.
32外来患者A:01/11/12 00:07 ID:???
>>13 に同意.厨房にゃ勝てん.
332.18.19:01/11/12 00:12 ID:xlBo2mZs
You should say "with anal exposure"
Or "with anus exposed" and delete carried out
anus should not be used in this sentence. Anal is collect.
34PPP:01/11/12 00:13 ID:???
Homosexuality is oozing from your text.
It was worries for a while for me.
It does not end. Teach me whether the future is in radiology.
3533:01/11/12 00:13 ID:xlBo2mZs
Sorry,I made a mistake.
Collect is wrong,correct is right.
36卵の名無しさん:01/11/12 00:18 ID:???
Entstammt dem lateinischen Wort bi = zwei. Unter bisexuellen Menschen versteht man Menschen, die mit beiden Geschlechtern sexuelle oder Liebesbeziehungen eingehen.
37PPP:01/11/12 00:22 ID:???
Der Heuchler bellt, zu dem das Gesicht dem Anus ähnelt.
38卵の名無しさん:01/11/12 00:25 ID:xlBo2mZs
Please translate it into English or Japanese.
Ich kann nicht...............
39卵の名無しさん:01/11/12 00:25 ID:???
Singapour dont le mot d´ordre était : "pas de sexe, pas de violence, pas d´informations".
40卵の名無しさん:01/11/12 00:28 ID:???
I sex-shops vendono guanti in lattice lunghi fino al gomito, e concepiti per un uso multiplo. Puliscili e disinfettali ogni volta che li usi.
41卵の名無しさん:01/11/12 00:28 ID:???
42fake Tc:01/11/12 00:31 ID:xlBo2mZs
English and Japanese only.
Other language such as German,French,are not allowed.
43卵の名無しさん:01/11/12 00:32 ID:???
En nuestro sexshop, podrás comprar todos los artículos eróticos sin moverte de casa.
44PPP:01/11/12 00:35 ID:???
You ,who only have barking later as for ability.

Noisy Die immediately now!
45卵の名無しさん:01/11/12 00:35 ID:???
Che cosa parlate. Non ho capito.
Posso scrivere in italiano, cazzo?
46卵の名無しさん:01/11/12 00:35 ID:???
Ascolta, approfondisce e promuove il dibatto 1=Tc culturale attorno alla responsabilità personale e collettiva di fronte al guadagno di un giusto risparmio, alla sua gestione economica ed al suo impiego per lo Tc sviluppo socio ambientale.
47Tc:01/11/12 00:37 ID:OYiskBKO

hey,hey,hey this is not a thread for "Multilingual" mania.


Future for radiology is still in the darkeness.
It depends on each radiologist's effort.
48Tc:01/11/12 00:40 ID:OYiskBKO

I can't understand Italian .
Pls translate it into English.
49卵の名無しさん:01/11/12 00:42 ID:???
Misrepresentation of your age in order to gain access to this sled may be a violation of the law. If you are not 18 years of age or older, you must exit from this site immediately!
50PPP:01/11/12 00:42 ID:???
Sorry,I am very deficient in Italian reading ability.
51PPP:01/11/12 00:51 ID:???
It will have consulted, if my friend wants to become a radiologist.
I am opposed to swerving honestly.
Although it thinks that radiology is not lost,
I can't think that the one side future is bright.
52PPP:01/11/12 01:11 ID:???
Is a weak brat's Tc sleeping?

Die forever.
53卵の名無しさん:01/11/12 23:22 ID:???
>>49 “sled” はみっともなさ過ぎるべや。
54卵の名無しさん:01/11/13 22:46 ID:???
Lux refulget de supernis edita, adest dies prophetis indita!
55>49:01/11/14 01:23 ID:???
Do you wanna take a long vacation?
56卵の名無しさん:01/11/14 12:34 ID:???
57 :01/11/14 13:32 ID:???
58To 1:01/11/15 02:57 ID:???
It's cold!なんとかせーよ!!
59a bogus Tc:01/11/15 11:20 ID:???
I soon get tired of things...Sorry.
60放火の話題が多いようですが:01/11/20 15:03 ID:???




61卵の名無しさん:01/11/20 15:36 ID:???
62ぷし公:01/11/20 16:54 ID:???
63a bogus Tc(外来患者):01/11/20 17:36 ID:???
最近は CRT だったりしないんですか?
64卵の名無しさん:01/11/26 14:28 ID:ZxXReGbU
65卵の名無しさん:01/11/27 18:47 ID:???
Your proposal has obvious propaganda overtones.
66卵の名無しさん:01/11/30 12:59 ID:???
The above was described by one famous IVRist.
I agree! Making a diagnosis without seeing patients
appears brack-brained, in general.

To me, but, neither IVR nor diagnostic rad never
made any contribution to patients worldwide.
If hoping increase confidence of radiologist as a
medical stuff in hoppitals everywhere, radiologists
and Tc(presenter 1) have to grow out of the radiologic
horse sense. Drs,most of fields,think that most of
radiologists lag far behind what is considered common
sense in medical society.
67卵の名無しさん:01/11/30 13:45 ID:???
You′d better go another place suit with your abilities,
if you know where this is.
We now recognize you can′t understand Italian.
68卵の名無しさん:01/11/30 14:34 ID:???
69卵の名無しさん:01/11/30 19:44 ID:???

Mom, I found a sample of typical self-conceited radiologist!
7099mTc-onany:01/12/01 23:39 ID:???
放射ネタかいな 藁

71卵の名無しさん:01/12/01 23:50 ID:???
Keep OUT!! This is the IR area...
7270さらしあげ:01/12/02 10:05 ID:???


73名無しさん:01/12/04 20:32 ID:lyLj1nCa
74卵の名無しさん:01/12/04 20:33 ID:RVpaXMxk
Oh、My GOD・・・・・
75卵の名無しさん:01/12/06 17:36 ID:hyrSXYgv
Let there be X-ray, and there was X-ray.