It was June 2004 when "The Sopranos" last aired. That's 21 long months since Tony Soprano sat down on Dr. Melfi's couch; nearly two years since anyone said "Christophah" quite like Adriana; a virtual eternity since we gazed on Paulie Walnuts' silver locks. With the familiar faces (except, um, Adriana) returning Sunday for the sixth season of the HBO drama, viewers could be forgiven for lapsing on who's who. To help prepare for that encroaching drive down the New Jersey Turnpike, here's a lineup of "the family." Tony Soprano: He's the kind of guy who names his boat "The Stugots." He's got brass ones, but the acting boss of the family also constantly questions his own ruthlessness. Though he began therapy for panic attacks, he reveres, as he often says, the strong silent type ? "like Gary Cooper. " He cheats on his wife and has the hots for his therapist. He can whack somebody while visiting colleges with his daughter, and be thrown into boyish daydreaming by a flock of ducks. He's a modern day Hamlet with a gun, and you should know who he is.