1 :
ほんわか名無しさん :
2005/12/25(日) 11:35:00 0 日本ではモテない、だがいまは国際社会 ここはいっちょ英語でも学んでみるか! つーことで、雑談あり、英語での会話ありのスレッドです I want to make you happy! and have fun the chatting each other!
2 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 11:42:28 0
はじめてスレッド立てました!! たくさんの人に立ちよってもらいたいな! I'm really happy that it be sure new thread! I hope we'll good meeting here!!
3 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 11:58:30 O
Hear is good thread!
4 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 12:11:28 0
>>3 thx!!!
I'm glad to see you!
I try to keep the thread actually time by time.
5 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 12:22:20 O
(´・∀・) May I be tame here?
6 :
そら ◆E2Z563Pmi. :2005/12/25(日) 12:23:01 0
Wow!! I like this thread ! Keep doing until over 1000 !!
7 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 12:27:46 0
>>5 I say maybe,,,,well,,,,like this.
what you mean?
8 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 12:28:27 0
え〜と、こういうのは英語板に 立てたほうがいいんじゃないんでしょうか?
9 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 12:31:42 0
>>6 Nice to see you!
YOU say like here.
The words makes me happy!
10 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 12:32:50 O
>>7 (。´・∀・)
11 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 12:33:53 0
>>8 むやみにスレッドを立ててしまいすみません!
12 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 12:35:10 0
>>10 私も文法はあまり分からないですが、馴れ合い大歓迎です!!
13 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 12:40:04 O
>>12 (´・∀・)
It was good.
But,it is difficult to talk in English.
Oh no…I'm poor at English _| ̄|○
15 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 12:47:16 0
>>13 So do I.
I wish study with good mate.
This is easy for us to study English!
16 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 12:50:24 0
>>14 If you don't understand please tell me.
I will teach you in Japanese if I can.
17 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 12:54:33 O
>>15 (´・∀・)
It's good idea!
Because though today is X'mas, I am alone.....
18 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 12:59:38 0
>>17 Take it easy!
Just a year in your life.
19 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 13:03:25 O
>>18 (´・∀・)ミートゥー
I do my best next year.
20 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 13:08:42 0
>>19 簡単ってことは相手にも伝わりやすいってことじゃない?
I believe that coz we're Japanese also there is studying English in the world.
21 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 13:17:14 O
>>20 そうかな
I was not able to trahslate your English sentence with me.
22 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 13:25:34 O
ここのスレの方々… カッコ(・∀・)イイ!
23 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 13:28:46 0
>>21 Is that "translate"
It's everyone like do that. And me, too.
I will try to translation!
24 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 13:33:15 0
>>22 Why don't you join us?
And I wanna say thank you. thx!!
>>16 Thank you!You are a good man.
26 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 13:36:39 0
27 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 13:37:50 O
>>23 Σ(´・∀・)Sorry!
I don't understand it for some group more...
>>23 タソの英語力はスゴイス!
28 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 13:46:14 0
>I want to make you happy! and have fun the chatting each other! 私はあなたを幸せにしたい。そしてお互いに会話を楽しもう! >I'm really happy that it be sure new thread! >I hope we'll good meeting here!! 私は無事にスレッドが立って本当に嬉しい。私はここでいい出会いをしたい。
29 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 13:50:38 0
>.I'm glad to see you! .>I try to keep the thread actually time by time. 私はあなたに出会えて嬉しい。私はときどきだけどこのスレッドを続けていきたい。 >I say maybe,,,,well,,,,like this. >what you mean? 私はたしか、、えーと、、このような言葉を言う。なんていう意味?
30 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 13:54:20 0
×try to translation ○try to translate
31 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 13:54:27 0
>Nice to see you! >YOU say like here. The words makes me happy! お会いできて嬉しい。あなたはここを好きだと言った。その言葉は私を幸せにした。 >So do I. >I wish study with good mate. >This is easy for us to study English! 私もそう思います。私はいい仲間と勉強することを望みます。 それは私たちが英語を勉強するのを易しくします。
32 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 13:55:03 O
>>28 >>29 Σ(´・∀・)Wow!
I respect you!
33 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 13:56:08 0
>>30 Wow!!
I'm wrong! Thank you very much!!
34 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 13:57:30 0
>>32 It doesn't matter please!
35 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 14:00:41 0
>If you don't understand please tell me. >I will teach you in Japanese if I can. もし分からなければ言ってください。私に出来るなら日本語で説明します。 >Take it easy! >Just a year in your life. 気楽にいこう!あなたの人生のなかのただの一年。
36 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 14:07:01 0
>I believe that coz we're Japanese also there is studying English in the world. 私はそれを信じます。なぜなら私たちは日本人で同じように世界には英語を勉強している人がいるのだから。 >Is that "translate" >It's everyone like do that. And me, too. I will try to translate! それは”translate”ですか? だれもがそのようにする(なる)よ。そして私も。私は通訳してみます。
37 :
迷子の迷子の名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 14:07:41 0
38 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 14:12:33 0
>>37 d(゚∀゚*)ノ☆だいせいかい☆ヽ(*゚∀゚)b
39 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 14:26:01 O
>>36 (´・∀・)スゴス…
( =Д=) あい きゃんと すぴーく いんぐりっしゅ ばっと どんと うぉーりー あい きゃん… ∩ ( =Д=)彡 ぼでーらんげーじ! ⊂彡 ぼでーらんげーじ!
41 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/25(日) 14:49:27 0
>>40 I had big smile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice jorking!!!!!!!!
>>39 No worries!!
42 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/26(月) 23:07:04 0
I can't still forget you. So,don't leave me alone.
43 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 16:01:48 0
I bought two English books for studying.I will try to study hard. But it will may nothing meaning of this shopping if I get learning a little.
44 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 16:04:54 0
>>42 Let's start from friend with us!
45 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 16:12:26 0
I have been busy recently. But I came here now. My feeling is talking to someone! 年末はこたつとみかん(*´д`)b
"How old are you?" "Are you male or female?" "What nationality do you have?" "What is your job?" "How much money do you have?" If someone ask me like this. After all I say "I don't wanna answer" "I won't answer to you but actually I have lots of other charms."
47 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 19:40:28 0
>>45 I'm coming here too late! What a trouble!!
We will meet again, and anytime have good chatting!
48 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 20:12:47 0
>>46 I love your way!
49 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 20:24:14 O
oh my little girl
50 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 20:44:38 0
抱きしめてあげよう oh my little girl
51 :
Englich :2005/12/28(水) 21:13:00 0
I am junior high school student
52 :
Englich :2005/12/28(水) 21:14:13 0
I am basketball plya.
53 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 21:15:09 0
Possibility is Infinity as far as this road follows
54 :
Englich :2005/12/28(水) 21:15:56 0
How many PCs do you have??
55 :
Englich :2005/12/28(水) 21:17:53 0
What one likes, one will do best !! 好きこそ物の上手なれ!!
56 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 21:19:02 0
>>53 の訳
57 :
Englich :2005/12/28(水) 21:19:31 0
If you are too forward, you are likely to meet with disaster. 犬も歩けば棒に当たる
58 :
Englich :2005/12/28(水) 21:20:40 0
There is little [not much] difference between the two. ・ 五十歩百歩である
59 :
Englich :2005/12/28(水) 21:22:41 0
His success was the result of effort. ・ 彼が成功したのは努力のたまものだ
60 :
Englich :2005/12/28(水) 21:23:41 0
I put a great deal of painstaking effort into this work. この作品は私の汗と涙の結晶です
61 :
金髪 :2005/12/28(水) 21:30:15 O
62 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 21:31:55 0
D'you know what I mean?
63 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 21:33:38 0
Wow!! Nice to see you everyone!!! How are you, mate? (。・_・。)_・。)_・。))ポッ
64 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 21:37:36 0
Ah...not bad
65 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 21:40:34 0
You seem good at English!
66 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 21:42:12 0
ohyesyes hujiyamahujiyama
67 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 21:43:48 O
Luck child 運子
68 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 21:43:53 O
I like sushi.
69 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 21:45:08 0
Why d'you think so?
70 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 21:46:02 0
I prefer sushi than tenpura.
71 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 21:47:04 0
Non Non...Ce ne est pas bon
72 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 21:47:56 0
>>69 It's a Japanese culture!
73 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 21:49:22 0
>>71 "Ce ne est pas bon "
It's a not English, isn't it ?
74 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 21:49:31 0
No! I probably talked to you..sorry
75 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 21:50:04 0
>>73 Oui,Oui...Pardon....
76 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 21:55:31 0
>>75 "Ce ne est pas bon "
77 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 21:58:04 0
75は「そうでした、ごめんなさい」と言ってるのだ! I get down,I get down get down all da way
78 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 22:10:31 0
中森明菜?漢字は知らん の、げっだ、げっだ、げっだっていうのを思い出した これは、get up って言ってると思ってたけど、いま思えばget downだったのかもしれない
79 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 22:11:08 0
get up I guess
80 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 22:15:13 0
Hello! I want to talk in English!!
81 :
ビラビラ子 ◆/gD2zXJQq. :2005/12/28(水) 22:17:01 O
What man's first duty? The answer's brief ;to be himself.
82 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 22:17:39 0
83 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 22:19:42 0
>>81 It is difficult for me.
How to say that in Japanese?
84 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 22:19:57 0
I dont wanna talk..,,'cause I'm really in a mess
85 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 22:21:39 0
>>82 Thanks for your response!
May I ask your hobbies?
86 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 22:22:53 0
>>84 Why do you be in a mess?
87 :
ビラビラ子 ◆/gD2zXJQq. :2005/12/28(水) 22:23:21 O
>>83 人間の第一の務めは何か
88 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 22:27:18 0
>>85 Shopping, chatting with good friends,studying and so on....
How about you ?
89 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 22:28:25 0
>>86 work and work and work...always around me.
All the works are chasing me down
90 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 22:28:30 0
>>87 Thanks for your kindness!
91 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 22:32:33 0
>>88 Oh...one of your hobbies is studying!! I have to respect you...
My hobbies are listening to music,reading books,writing stories and so on.
92 :
ビラビラ子 ◆/gD2zXJQq. :2005/12/28(水) 22:32:59 O
>>90 You're welcome.
Take it easy.
93 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 22:35:30 0
>>89 Oh, It's time to rest.
You need rest for budy and mind.
Would you have a coffee?
94 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 22:37:22 0
>>91 Good hobbies on you !!
95 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 22:41:10 0
96 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 22:47:44 0
>>94 Thanks. Well, what kind of books do you usually read ?
I love horror novels very much !
97 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 22:51:29 0
>>96 I don't like very much about horror novels.
I love fantasy. You know "jyuunikokki""ro-dosutou story" I love it!
98 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 22:59:35 0
>>97 Yeah, I know them, but I've never read.
The book I read recently is novelization of the movie "Constantine".
It was little difficult but I enjoyed.
99 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 23:07:14 0
>>98 I'm interested to here that.
I would be have to cheack "Constantine". Is it same how to write in Japanese?
I love anus.
101 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 23:12:50 0
100 get ヾ(´ー`)ノ。・:*:・゚'★Congratulation☆,。・:*:・゚'ヾ(´ー`)ノ
102 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/28(水) 23:15:04 0
>>99 I bought English paperback of it.
I think you can buy it in big book store like Kinokuniya.
I Love Yumi
106 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/29(木) 02:22:23 0
Aren't all cold ..not doing..?
107 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/29(木) 02:27:23 0
i gotta mail from nobody tonight
108 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/29(木) 02:30:53 0
109 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/29(木) 02:31:07 0
110 :
ガッ ◆aoQUfpyhTQ :2005/12/29(木) 03:11:28 O
111 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/29(木) 09:25:17 0
I want to play sex with you
112 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/29(木) 09:30:48 0
>>111 Somewhere with love?
You have to change the mind play sex to make love!!
113 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/29(木) 09:37:52 0
The beginning of a life is a mere chemical change. The concept of "existence" is the shadow of mere memory information. True "human's soul" does not exist and soul is the sparks of a nerve cell. God is not. And the thing with the cruel world is natural. Reality is really realistic...
114 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/29(木) 09:39:12 0
>>113 Then in Japanese please.
Du bist mein Lebenshalt.
What's this thread!?
117 :
107 :2005/12/29(木) 14:14:14 0
i still got no mail doin nothin and talikin to nobody no no no...somebooooooody!
118 :
トム ◆mgFxX2zCuM :2005/12/29(木) 16:00:21 O
I was beef.
Without haste, but without rest.
My life is a nomal life.Boring day to day. No one knows my broken dream. I forgot it long ago.
Hello. I can speak English a little. I know your dream. Good luck!
>>121 Oh,you must be very nice girl.Thank you.
I love you !
I love Haruka!
Even though I die, I'll never forget you. But there's the only thing I miss - you're farther away...
126 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/29(木) 23:32:44 0
>>120 it's the lyric of STAY GOLD?
it's wrong, you know?
i love that band too!
127 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/30(金) 00:52:40 0
I'm here to stay.
>>126 That is my arrange version.That song is my favorite song.
I love you, too.
Good night!!
129 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/30(金) 01:28:44 0
It's time to say good morning.
>>128 コテマチガエタ!!エイゴマンドクセー
>>129 I think it's too early to say good morning !
But your sense is cool.
132 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/30(金) 01:35:30 0
I just passed by. I thought the word you wrote was lyric or something. Is it right?
134 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/30(金) 01:44:09 O
I want to sleep. But I can't. Because I'm too hungly now:-<.
135 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/30(金) 01:44:29 0
No way.
136 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/30(金) 01:51:28 O
137 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/30(金) 01:59:43 O
>>136 Thank you.
But still can't sleep.
I get up for a while.
138 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/30(金) 02:02:33 O
139 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/30(金) 02:10:42 O
140 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/30(金) 23:12:10 0
i want to fall in love with a girl under fifteen years old.
141 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/30(金) 23:18:35 O
145 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/31(土) 03:44:48 0
i want to eat blah blah blah.
146 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/31(土) 04:00:06 O
I can't say goodーbey
147 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/31(土) 04:27:02 0
give me a joooob !
148 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/31(土) 13:18:28 O
I want you.
150 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/31(土) 18:57:03 O
151 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/31(土) 19:29:57 O
>>147 Don't you have a job?
152 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2005/12/31(土) 19:47:56 0
We dont give any job to people havin' no skill
Ich wuensche dir auch alles Gute zum neuen Jahr und wuerde mich sehr freuen, dich in diesem Jahr endlich einmal kennenzulernen. Alles Gute und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr! Prosit (Prost) Neujahr!
154 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/01(日) 01:34:33 0
Hier duerfen Sie nicht deutsch schreiben.
Is this English?
156 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/01(日) 01:46:47 0
No,its german
157 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/02(月) 20:24:57 0
i am dinamite
>>158 Oh!! You're Wonderful!!
a pig!pig!pig!pork!!!!
Oh, Star, depopulated でっせ!!
161 :
☆ ◆Xzg8kEzVDE :2006/01/05(木) 00:34:47 0
I didn't know what you are. I still don't know you very much yet. but I've charmed you step by step!!
I want to say for you. Ich liebe dich!
163 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/05(木) 01:10:13 0
>>162 Sorry?
Good night,sir?
ミ ヽ( '∀`)ノ \ \ ○○ The poisonous doll appeared smartly.
165 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/05(木) 01:15:48 0
The woman I love is German and he can't speak English at all.
166 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/05(木) 01:16:56 0
oh...I made a mistake. It's not he but she.
167 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/05(木) 12:38:36 O
Oh a you! I ma okita yo!
168 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/05(木) 16:44:36 0
I am a Junior high school student. 2channel is very nice homepage. I want sutdy more english. English is intersting.
Good morning!
170 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/06(金) 21:15:18 O
My name is Chinko.
171 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/06(金) 22:37:16 0
>>170 You gave a good name by your parents!
173 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/07(土) 16:02:13 0
It has snowed. It becomes a lonely feeling.
174 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/07(土) 16:04:18 0
Why is that man needed?
175 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/07(土) 18:43:12 0
damn! i just dumped BIG BIG shit! OOOOH,AGHHH...f**k yeah! aight aight i feel good!
176 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/08(日) 15:36:15 0
|_| |l ┌─┴─‐┐ ─◇ │| ̄ ̄ ̄|│ / │|___|│ ♪ └───‐┘ ∧_∧ In my place Were lines that I couldn't change I was lost oh yeah ♪ ( ・д・)__ __ ノ/ ¶/\_\. |[l O | ノ ̄ゝ\/__/ |┌┐| | ̄ ̄ ̄| __ll__ .|└┘| | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
177 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/08(日) 20:01:55 0
I never stand back!
178 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/09(月) 18:50:20 0
179 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/09(月) 18:55:13 O
Suck my Dick
180 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/09(月) 19:05:09 0
You do it
182 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/09(月) 20:52:18 O
184 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/10(火) 15:11:32 0
I want you!
Where is star?
186 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/12(木) 00:02:41 0
It's in your balls
187 :
Sキモー ◆woUrF16j9g :2006/01/12(木) 00:12:25 O
Fuck Me! Fuck Me Baby!
188 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/12(木) 00:14:34 0
Coldplay is really a shit.I cant listen only for one second
189 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/12(木) 22:41:00 0
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ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/14(土) 16:29:26 0
Kiss my ass!I wanna only be beside you!!
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ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/14(土) 22:21:24 0
What the hell you sayin’!??!
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ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/14(土) 22:21:56 0
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ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/14(土) 22:23:22 O
Where is star?
Everynight I wanna see the stars,but not here.
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ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/19(木) 23:31:13 0
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ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/20(金) 03:14:08 0
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ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/20(金) 03:21:48 0
Love me tender love me sweet. Where are the boy who loves me?
200 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/20(金) 03:26:17 0
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ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/20(金) 03:29:05 0
>>200 Thanks! Good night.
202 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/20(金) 04:08:00 O
Oh Fuck
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ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/20(金) 04:08:52 0
This is a pen. Are you OK?
204 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/20(金) 04:14:05 0
No,I have big trouble and sick.
what's the matter?
>>205 thank you,but don’t worry
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ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/21(土) 20:19:57 0
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ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/22(日) 23:04:25 0
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ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/22(日) 23:22:58 O
Suck your dick! Yahhoooooo!!!!!!!
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ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/22(日) 23:24:14 O
I hate you!!
211 :
koji :2006/01/22(日) 23:47:01 0
Why do you hate me?
212 :
ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/23(月) 00:01:31 O
Because you're handsome…… All of us love you。。
213 :
koji :2006/01/23(月) 00:28:43 0
I'm not falling for that.
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ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/23(月) 00:31:57 O
Frankly speaking…。I……I……. I'd love you!!!
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ほんわか名無しさん :2006/01/23(月) 00:37:20 O
Feal so bad・・・
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koji :2006/01/23(月) 00:38:41 0
Don't be silly. I'm not gay.
This is true I'm not female But I wanna Tunderer
218 :
koji :
2006/01/23(月) 00:46:23 0 Tell me you are gay.