「わたし」 Excuse me, is it who? 「あいて」It was time you type in English 「あいて」where are you now? 「あいて」os ea dondes carallo estas ahora, seguro que eres gallega 「わたし」It is Japan. 「あいて」cou I see your picture? 「あいて」could 「わたし」oh! 「あいて」I would like to see who I am speaking 「わたし」I hope.
「あいて」send me you picture 「わたし」I'm sorry. Photograph ..taking.. 「あいて」taking?, you mean in 5 minutes I will see it? 「あいて」I am in Spain, would you like to attend a bull run 「あいて」you are invited 「わたし」It is a Spanish yearning. 「わたし」I live in Tokyo in Japan. 「あいて」wonderful! 「あいて」be careful of the tsunamis 「あいて」poor people in Thailand and >Sri lankk
「わたし」It is glad. 「あいて」don't you think? 「あいて」I like a lot the japanese women 「あいて」you japanese are like dolls 「あいて」very prety 「わたし」The tidal wave and the earthquake are scared. 「あいて」yes, but you don't worry, I will help you to swim 「あいて」in case of a wave in Tokyo 「わたし」The truth. It is glad. 「あいて」have you spare time to travel? 「わたし」I want to travel. 「わたし」I want to go to Spain and to eat ..delicious... 「あいて」when? 「わたし」here is my picture 「わたし」I want to spend the New Year of next year. 「あいて」I suppose before that date I will see your photo 「わたし」It is glad. I am interested in your photograph. 「あいて」yes ver glad, first you show me your picture and then I will show my photo, my dear japanese and intelligent girl。 「あいて」here is my picture
「あいて」would you like it? 「わたし」here is my picture 「あいて」is this your picture? 「あいて」very funny, are youy smiling now small beast? 「あいて」I was working many years for Fujitsu, so I undertand the japanese jokes 「あいて」what is your name and surname? 「あいて」I understand, your surname is Girl_Blowing 「わたし」It is Yamada. 「あいて」it is a nice name; uhmmm, I would like to eat you Yamada 「あいて」are you the owner of the Yamada Shop http://www.yamada-denki.jp/ 「わたし」The truth. It is glad. When is it? 「わたし」Yamada Denki is loved.
「あいて」you are invited to come, then I will eat you with potatoes and some elvers, do you know the elvers? 「あいて」would you like to have a Spanish boyfriend like me 「あいて」Japanese people use to visit Spain to buy small elvers, then they return to Japan and wait until the elvers are big, then they sell them in the restaurants. Elvers are the most expensive food in Galicia (Spain). 「あいて」you have a picture of elvers here: http://www.fishingnj.org/arteel.htm 「あいて」In this spanish page: http://www.lareira.net/cast/tipicos/angula.htm 「あいて」you can see a dish with small white elvers, in spanish the name is: "angula" (elver) 「あいて」People eat the elvers with a white wine called "Albarino", it is a very expensive wine,
「あいて」Look at this shining SAMURAI! He is KEN MATSUDAIRA who is famous as the TV star of SAMURAI drama series. His new CD 'MATSUKEN SAMBA' will be released on July. MATSUKEN SAMBA is the song that he performs wearing spangled KIMONO in his concert. How bizarre is this fusion of SAMURAI + Latin music + disco culture!!! By the way, the words, 'Ole' 'Senorita' 'Amigo' appear in the lyric of this 'Samba'. 「あいて」It is a good idea, fusion of samurai + latin, 「あいて」we can make a fussion of a japanese girl like you and a latin boy like me 「あいて」Are you agree with this fusion between us ?? 「あいて」Ole 「あいて」Senorita 「あいて」Little Lady is "senorita" 「あいて」Are yo a senorita?? 「あいて」sorry, are you a senorita??
[21:39:39あいて] You are very slow writing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [21:39:55わたし] sorry [21:40:3あいて] I THINk YOUR POTATO IS NOT WORKING WELL [21:40:37わたし] i SHOULD repair your potaTO [21:41:41あいて] cAN YOU SPEAK ENGLISH OR SPANISH BY PHONE? [21:44:7あいて] iF YOU HAVE A MICROPHONE I CAN LISTEN TO YOU WITH MY LOUDSPEAKERS
[21:45:13あいて] i HAVE TO GO TO EAT (IT IS THE LAUNCH TIME). Nex time I will not chat with you if you don't show your picture. have a goor day. Many kisses from Spain [21:45:32あいて] (絵文字でハート) [21:45:36あいて] (絵文字でバラ) [21:45:46わたし] Please wait a little not ending.
[21:47:24 あいて] Sorry, I have to make a break for the lunch with my work mates, I use to connect to MSN every day, from 9-5 PM (GMT+1) [21:47:57 あいて] You must tahe a picture of you for the next time, OK?