■We can stop the war■

163ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/05 11:02

            / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
    ∩_∩    |Two outs. Bases-loaded.
   (´∀` )   <
   ●Yゝ ヽ.   |(Why do I broadcast their game?)
   ノ‖.| / 丿   \___________

                | |
          ∩_∩| |
          (ー` .| |
         (~ ._lニ ~)
             〉___〉_〉     (__-)
         (__,)_)     (#) ~)
164ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/05 20:20
/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
|  Are there any televiewers who are looking at the
|  professional baseball game in the present time?
\___  __________________
                  / ̄ l |   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
       ∩_∩       ■■-っ <  No, there can't be.
      ( ´∀`)       ´∀`/    \____________
     _(    )_____/  ̄ヽ__
   /  ___ \&:*/ ____\
  /    |TAMA|  @*#:@ l |TAMORI|  \
 | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
.  |                       |
165ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/05 20:26
   ∧ ∧      ┌───────────
  ( ´ー`)   <  I don't know about it.
   \ <    └─── /| ───────
      \       /
       ∪∪ ̄∪∪
166ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/05 21:33
Don't extend the televising time of professional baseball.
167鬼面童子 ◆C5dDevxBUU :03/04/05 21:42
    /_ ☆|   Let's knock down the Fussein of Iraq!
   //T´∀`) ̄
  (つ¬≡∩二二≒ =弾 =弾 =弾 =弾 =弾 =弾 =弾
 / / ゝ ゝ
(__)  \_)
168ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/06 00:34
We can stop broadcasting baseball games.
169ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/06 00:55
This is a pen.
170ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/06 19:54
Can you stop baseball-fist?
171ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/06 21:21
What's baseball-fist?
172ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/06 22:46
We can't stop the war on Iraq, can we?
173ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/07 08:39
174ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/07 10:00
175ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/07 22:38
President Bush is also desperate.
176ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/07 22:45
Imagine all the people sharing all the world.It's a terrible.
17717:03/04/07 22:48
i want to may be to boy.
Too much sup up?
And die.plz
178ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/08 09:20
He lost his job six months ago.
179ほのぼの工作員 にだー ◆2r4exRUlaY :03/04/08 13:43
<丶`∀´> < お前らチョパーリの分際で英語でカキコとは生意気ニダ!ウェーハッハッハ!
180ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/08 19:51
I wont to buy some stationery.
181ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/08 21:50
I want to eat some cream puffs.
182ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/08 23:12
The brass instruments which the cheering party of baseball uses are greatly noisy.
184ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/09 22:15
You are desperate.
185ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/09 22:58
War should be lost.
extension of baseball televising should also be lost.
186ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/10 10:50
stop エイズ
187ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/10 12:04
It's time for lunch.
188ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/11 17:18
It's kind of you to help me.
189ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/12 07:44
The gang who was appearing on baseball game televising was spectacular yesterday.
Therefore, extension of televising time was able to be allowed only at this time.
190海王星 ◆m9g/KftE.w :03/04/12 07:55
Oh,Is it really? amazing,that's sound very exciting...
but disappointedly,I had not watch this televising baseball game yesterday:'(
191ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/12 08:00
192海王星 ◆m9g/KftE.w :03/04/12 08:04
>>191 thx!! little bit funny...
193ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/12 13:59
It's a problem that we can't stop the war by the end of the war.
194ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/12 14:01
Iraq will start new peaceful govament soon
195ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/12 18:05
Doesn't a gang's actual condition broadcast from now on?
196ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/12 18:25
197ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/12 18:40
* A little girl was sitting on the seat.
* A gang came there and he was able to remove from there by pulling up the rear of her dress.
* She began to shed tears.
* A staff of a stadium who was looking at the situation came there.
* A gang and the staff fought mutually and the gang knocked to the staff with the cellular phone.
* The guard came there.
198ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/12 18:42
line 5: A gang -> The gang
199ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/13 00:17
He's hungry.
She's angry.
200ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/13 01:46
I'm hungry, too.
201海王星 ◆m9g/KftE.w :03/04/13 02:25
me too...
202ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/13 09:17
It's useless.
203ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/13 11:22
No one can fight on an empty stomach.
204ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/14 06:44
Did we stoped you watched baseball televising at 893's foolish behavior?
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205ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/14 08:55
Did you see The Masters Tournament on TV?
I didn't sorry...do you like it?or what?
207ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/15 13:44
Microwave it for two minutes,piease.
208ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/16 15:17
209山崎渉:03/04/17 13:37
210ほんわか名無しさん:03/04/17 20:37
:-) (English style)
211Pubic ◆hair/zyEos :03/04/17 20:40
Me too.