
285 :02/01/30 02:57
You hate English?
Maybe...you can't speak it don't you?
286ほんわか名無しさん:02/01/30 03:12
287ほんわか名無しさん:02/01/30 03:33
I hava a pen
288ほんわか名無しさん:02/01/30 03:34
I am a pen
289 :02/01/30 03:35
age? sage?
290ほんわか名無しさん:02/01/30 03:35
me too
291ほんわか名無しさん:02/01/30 10:08
Leave the ●sshole alone.
292ほんわか名無しさん:02/01/30 15:18
293ほんわか名無しさん:02/01/30 15:19
What the fuck are you talking about?
294RELAX No Name:02/01/30 15:28

   ∧_∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  ( ´∀`)< And u
  (    )  \_____
  | | |

295ほんわか名無しさん:02/01/30 15:30
You really piss me off
296RELAX No Name:02/01/30 15:30
297ほんわか名無しさん:02/01/30 15:31
298ほんわか名無しさん:02/01/30 15:32
Could you pass me the salt?
299ほんわか名無しさん:02/01/30 15:35
300ほんわか名無しさん:02/01/30 15:36
301ほんわか名無しさん:02/01/30 15:37
Now, I've got 300th!!!
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄∨ ̄ ̄ ̄       (´´
     ∧∧   )      (´⌒(´
        ̄ ̄  (´⌒(´⌒;;
302ティラ:02/01/30 15:48
pathetic, meaningless & hopeless...
go back to pre-school.
good night people.

303ほんわか名無しさん:02/01/30 15:54
...Ummm, you failed to get number you want.
But, better luck next time.
304ほんわか名無しさん:02/01/30 15:55
What time is it now?
305ほんわか名無しさん:02/01/30 16:49
306ほんわか名無しさん:02/01/30 16:55
Good night boys
Stay good boy :)
307SoftyNemo:02/01/30 17:39
Perhaps your message includes slightly negative meanings.
But I'm not native English "user" ,my image of your message maybe incorrect.
I image your message

" You might be an innosent and fool person like a boy. "

Is this correct?
308ほんわか名無しさん:02/01/30 17:50
You shall die!!!!!
309ほんわか名無しさん:02/01/30 18:06
Why are you being so adamant about it?
>>306 corrected sentence what you say. isn't it?
310ほんわか名無しさん:02/01/30 18:10
I'm going to eat dinner soon.
311=====(゜☆゜)=:02/01/30 18:28
Fuckin` hard works today made me tired now.
While I worked,I had decided
as soon as I got home,what I would do was going to sleep.
But now I am infront of PC even I don`t want.
I was made sure I am 2channer.
312REN NONAME:02/01/30 20:17
So tell me what you what you what you what you want.
313ぽぽん ◆PoponR2I :02/01/30 23:23
I guess so. sweet dreams to you.
314SoftyNemo:02/01/31 09:19

I had been a too suspicious mind....

Sorry if your heart got damaged.>>306
315306:02/01/31 09:29
I meant nothing by the 306
It was high time to go bed here in the US
So I just said good night to everyone.
I'm going to go to a gym to exercise
see you later
316ほんわか名無しさん:02/01/31 09:59
I'm very dozy..... why?
Spring does NOT still come here...you know?
317ほんわか名無しさん:02/02/01 03:13
318ほんわか名無しさん:02/02/01 03:14
Someone translate this into Japanese.
319ほんわか名無しさん:02/02/01 03:18
I am only sleeping.
320ほんわか名無しさん:02/02/01 03:22
I am a chicken
321ほんわか名無しさん:02/02/01 04:16
322ほんわか名無しさん:02/02/01 04:20
I love timpo!
Do me baby!!
fuck so prity U&me♥
323SoftyNemo:02/02/01 09:41
But don't take it out in public,
Or they will stick you in the dock,
And you won't come back.

        (from: MotyPython: Penis Song)

I love this song. Try to hear it.
324SoftyNemo:02/02/01 09:43

Moty -> Monty

I've been depressed.
325ほんわか名無しさん:02/02/01 10:04
326ほんわか名無しさん:02/02/01 10:53
ジャパニーズ イズ ノット アロウド!
いんぐりっしゅ おんりー!
327ほんわか名無しさん:02/02/01 10:54
>>317, >>325
Shut up!
Translate it yourseif.
328 :02/02/01 11:08
329ほんわか名無しさん:02/02/01 11:23
330英語で智あり:02/02/01 11:43
I have already quit my job.
by Kyosen Oohasi
331SoftyNemo:02/02/01 11:55
Use proxy-servers which translate English to Japanese.
But many messages in this thread are written in incorrect English.
332ほんわか名無しさん:02/02/01 19:16
How are you ?
333ほんわか名無しさん:02/02/01 19:17