Elevated white blood cell count as a risk factor of coronary artery disease: inconsistency between forms of the disease. Jpn Heart J. 2003 Mar;44(2):201-11.
どんなのが出てるのか見ていきましょう。 Popken F, Munnich U, Rack C, Michael J, Konig DP, Eysel P.
Klinik und Poliklinik fur Orthopadie, Universitat zu Koln.
In view of the planned introduction of the DRG system in Germany, this paper gives the reader a guideline on how to analyse costs and productivity of medical procedures.
Total knee replacement was chosen because it is one of the standard operations in orthopedic surgery with existing special calculations for this type of operation.
By using the example of a total knee replacement, productivity phases are used and their costs are estimated.
With these phases the clinician is able to analyse the efficiency of his department and a benchmarking is possible.
Nevertheless, we should not forget that although cost reduction in hospitals is essential the patients' health is the main aim of treatment.
Current status and the future of insurance medicine
The key objective of insurance medicine is the scientific based assessment of long term prognosis of a single person with respect to mortality, morbidity and disability. This is always determined in comparison to the standard population or an ideal standardised population.
The evaluation of morbidity, mortality and disability is always linked to certain insurance products such as life insurance, disability cover, health insurance or derivates of these products.
Additionally, insurance medicine creates the claims evaluation guidelines which are in accordance with established classifications and guidelines of other medical associations.
Due to different and various reasons, insurance medicine in Germany has shown substantial deficits in the past years and decades, mostly in the areas of methodology, scientific basis, guidelines and quality control.
In order to meet future challenges specific to this industry such as demographic change, longevity and new insurance covers, the discipline of German insurance medicine requires some reorganisation.
Staging and terminology of superficial urinary bladder tumors. Underwriting chronic renal failure. Doppler echocardiographic changes found in diastolic dysfunction. Pulmonary flow loop. Superior vena cava syndrome. A quicker method for calculating mortality ratios based on survival rates in clinical trials and other follow-up studies.
以下の論文は興味深い J Insur Med. 2001;33(4):339-48. Related Articles, Links
A quicker method for calculating mortality ratios based on survival rates in clinical trials and other follow-up studies.
Naslafkih A, Sestier F.
University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
OBJECTIVES: To provide reference expected cumulative survival tables, reducing steps in the calculation of mortality ratios and excess death rates from the medical literature, when source data are in terms of survival curves or cumulative survival rates.
METHOD: Actuarial methodology.
RESULTS: Tables provide cumulative expected survival rates calculated by entry age and for different periods of follow-up, as used in clinical trials and registries in the medical literature.
CONCLUSION: The observed survival in scientific papers can be appraised promptly using cumulative survival tables calculated from either insurance or population life tables.