
416又三郎 ◆x0nOWARI
>>415 正解です!・・・賞品はありません(笑)

Let others cheer the winning man,
There's one I hold worthwhile;
"Tis he who does the best the can,
Then loses with a smile.
Beaten he is,but not to stay
Down with the rank and file,
That man will win some other day,
who loses with a smile.
417又三郎 ◆x0nOWARI :01/09/30 03:03 ID:3ddxW1HA
Keep Swimming!! Keep on Rock'n'Roll!!!

Tow frogs fell into a deep cream bowl.
One was an optimistic soul.
But the other look the gloomy view.
"We'll drown,"he lamented without much a do,
and with a last despairing cry,
he flung up his legs and said"Goodbye."

Quote the otheer frog with a steadfast grin,
"I can't get out but I won't give in,
I'll just swim around till my strength is spent,
then I'll die the more content."
Bravely he swam to work his scheme,
and his struggles began to churn the cream.

The more he swam,his legs a flutter,
the more the cream tumed into butter.
On top of the butter at last he stopped,
and out of the bowl he gaily hopped.

What is the moral? It's easily found...
If you can't hop out,keep swimming around!! Rock'n'Roll!!!
418又三郎 ◆x0nOWARI :01/09/30 03:06 ID:3ddxW1HA