This is the place for those who are secluded from the society but want to chat in English. As long as you follow 2ch's guidelines, feel free to talk about anything you want to. Let's make it fun together!
Hi folks, this is the 1st time I have ever created a new thread here, so I'm a bit nervous now. I have no idea how many people would be here who have interest in chatting in English. If you have anything you feel is of interest that you want to share with other people, please do so. If it's still only me who has said anything here on this thread after the next few days, I'm going to have to make fun of myself... Let's get started!
whether the terror of the place, a vault full of dead Capulets' bones, and where Tybalt, all bloody, lay festering in his shroud, would not be enough to drive her distracted.
>>7 Welcome here! Not a problem about the fluency in English at all. As I stated in the first comment, this place is for the people who want to chat in English! If you'd like, you can enjoy having a communication with other people here and at the same time brush up on English together.
can i join in? by the way, 1-san, you seem to be very good at english. are you a university student? or are you studying english on your own? i hope we could motivate each other here to study english.
>>10 Yes, of course! Thank you very much for your kind words about my English. I'm kind of a "hikky", but am doing a part-time job right now. I bet you'd be surprised if you hear this, but my academic background is as poor as it can get. I enrolled in high school but dropped out before I turned to second grade. I've been secluded from the society on and off since then, and now I'm in my 30's. But I've had quite an interest in English for many many years, so studying English on my own has been sort of my hobby, if I may call it so, and that's how I speak English the way I do. Yes, I also hope we could motivate each other to study English!
>>17 You can call yourself a crazy guy, and that's no problem. But putting other people in the same category as you are -- that's the typical doing the guys who are real Crazy love to do. Every person has its own problem to solve by themselves and you can't judge them by how tough that problem seems like to you. Let me give you one advice, and it's as simple as your ABC's. Which is, if you don't like here, do not even consider to come back here.
>>20 I often suffer from Paranoia -- especially when I am in a crowded place. And in my opinion, suffering from Paranoia is not a rare thing to many people -- especially to Japanese people. But it would differ a lot in terms of how much pain you suffer from the symptom. But as a person who suffers from this symptom on a frequent basis, I think I can relate to you to some degree.
>>16 oh, thank you for telling me about your background. to tell the truth, i also dropped out of high school when i was in the 1st grade. i had a very difficult time after that, though i don't think i can tell you now how difficult it was, and i decided to go to university after spending about 5 years of difficult time so as not to make my parents feel sad any more. i managed to graduate from university. but that was that. i'm not working or studying. and i admire you because you also seem to have had a difficult time and you're now working. by the way, i'm in my 30s now. i felt empathy with you hearing your age. i hope both of us can move forward step by step.
>>25 Wow, you are great! To tell the truth, one of my dreams is to go to university, although I haven't decided what I want to study there. As newspapers say, the rate of employment in Japan is getting lower and lower, and that is anything but a good news to all of us. Quite frankly even myself doesn't know what I really want to do, what I can do, or what I really love to do, but this is probably a silly concept because there is not such an abundant option left to me to pick up any more. And putting this fact in words makes myself feel even sadder because it makes me re-realize the harsh future ahead of me. But one thing that's ovbious is that I need to find my own way --- there should be a way by which I can cope with the situation I am in. I hope too that we can get out from where we are now as soon as possible.
Im also interested in English and the culture overseas. I made friends with someguys and girls who speak English on internet games or skype. And, few days ago I read a book about logical things in English. I and most Japanese need the place where we communicate each other in English. Thank u 1 for "establish" this thread. I dont care my mistakes when I speak or write it. The important thing is "Just Use It" isnt it? But Im glad if you tell me the good way of expression.
>>27 Welcome here! >The important thing is "Just Use It" isnt it? That's exactly right. Some people hesitate to use English in public because they don't want to make one single mistake. But the most important thing they need to know is the fact that the more you use English the more you can get used to English and that means you can become fluent in English inch by inch. One of my first "cyber" friends is a French. He doesn't speak Japanese and I don't speak French, so English is the only tool we can use to get our ideas across to each other. The first few months it was like trying to teach a fish the concept about third dimension, but afterwards as my English got better and better, I became feel much better in telling what I had in mind to him. But what is more important, after all, is the attitude in conveying one's idea to others.
i'm >>25 and i'm back. thank you for your sincere reply, 1-san. i also have to find my own way to live. i think you should go to university if you want. i believe you deserve it. and to >>27-san and other people. i'm very surprised to know that so many english learners are here. let's have fun and practice english together. by the way, 27-san, are you using a mobile device to write here? is it comfortable enough?
>>28 yea,English is a nice tool. By using this tool,I knew we all are the same human,it's not so difficult. Though I have some disorder and trouble in communicating,I tried to communicate with players in English.I think It was crazy. With easy ward,Greeting,Shouting,like...hi:) omg shit fuck noob damn move ns thx It's a kind of communication:o It's the kids who is good at adopt something new.
I have to say to u Im not genuine camper(hikky),a half-camper. That is to say,Im colledge student,repeated 2 times,and Ive spent a lot of time in my room.Now worring about my future.
I need to work but I wont. Anyway,use English and have here.
>>33 oh i see. when i was in university, i also foresaw that i would have a difficult time after graduating from university. and it turned out to be true. so what you are doing now, which is preparing for the future, may help you. have you tried reinstalling OS? if your PC is not broken physically, maybe it'll fix the problem.
ah, i fotgot to write something. i didn't prepared enough for the future when i was in university even though i predicted i would have a difficult time. that's what regretted. i should have lived more seriously. at least i should have studied something more seriously.
>>35 Thanks.It cost a lot to fix Apple PC.It's ok,I have PS3. Neurosis(heart beat) and physical disease are the fetter for me. Now Im learning logical thinking because It'gives me basic social and solution skills. As of next fisical year is comming,Im preparing for it.Cut my hair,go to some hospitals.. How about u?
>>36 u r right,we need to learn voluntary and get self-confidence or advantage. But I wanna tell u University itself has a probrem too. and...Japan has many probrem.
I reviewed the comments I've written so far. I find grammatical mistakes in almost every sentence I posted, and I feel like deleting or re-writing all of them. If I post a comment on Twitter or something, I can delete it later and repost a new one, but here I can't. This is to me a challenging thing, because whether I write correctly or incorrectly, once I've posted a sentence, there is nothing I can do about it. But on the other hand there is someone in me who is thrilled to enjoy the challenginess :P
>>38 Last year I had a chance to know about Yahoo Chiebukuro. This website got so much attention in public when an incident occurred where an examinee posted questions of the admission test from his mobile phone during the test. Since I was interested to know how many people were asking an English question like that, I created a Yahoo account and signed in to the site. And then I enjoyed being there for a while. Over the course of the few weeks I was there, I noticed that there were University professors of English who were voluntarily answering questions there. But as I examined their answers, I realized that not all of the professors of English were as excellent as I had long thought they usually were. If I put it boldly, I was pretty shocked to know that some of their answers to Japanese-into-English translation questions in particular were quite awkward. So much so that I couldn't believe they were really professors...
I went to the mental clinic today for a long time.l got medicine that makes me relax. The medicine heal me,gives me peace like a Jisus do his devotee. The ciger also heal me but it's an evil.
>>46 I've seen some native English speakers chatting @ the original thread in the English category. As you can see, this thread is still a new one --- I created it only a few days ago. Besides, 99% of the threads here are written in Japanese. No wonder foreign people don't notice this thread.
About the professor stuff, I gotta give it a thought about what the difference between teach and support is. Thanks.
>>48-49 Looking at these posts I now see what you meant by "scribble(rakugaki)".
>>37 it's good for you to prepare for the next academic year. as for me, i'm a typical hikikomori staying at home most of the time. i don't know whether i have a particular mental symptom or not because i don't go to the hostpital, but i sometimes feel depressed and fear thinking about future. >>38 yes, you're right. an university is just an university. you have to do what you can do yourself.
I dont want to think about my future. The future is unexpected and I guess it's not so good. I do that I can or l want to now. But I wanna tell u guys that the rogical which Im learning will help u when u talk or think.It makes u getting involved in social easily. l dont like to talk withhumans lol but I got to feel interest in speaking or disscusing or writting something. The rogical secure u from social accusation or stress.
Hi everyone, it's very windy today. My umbrella got almost blown away. There must be a poor guy whose wig got blown off of his head on his way to work. Could have gotten laughed at by people around him. If that's the case, I'd like to offer him my deepest sympathy.
>>56 I've seen several times that you study Logical Thinking at university. I googled Logical Thinking and was able to find out a website that explains what it is in detail. It's quite an intriguing thing to study, to say the least. Maybe I'll go to library to check out some books on Logical Thinking if I get a chance. Good luck studying!
Quote:Wikipedia and I revised(=modified)it little bit
『A recluse』 is a person who lives in voluntary seclusion from the public and society, often close to nature.
The word is from the Latin 『recludere』, which means "shut up" or "sequester." Historically, the word referred to a hermit(=yosutedito)'s total isolation.
There are many 『potential reasons for becoming a recluse』 : a personal philosophy(=tetsugaku,zinseikan) that rejects consumer society ; a mystical(=sinpiteki) religious outlook(←son of god?)that involves becoming a hermit or an anchorite ; a survivalist may be practicing self-sufficiency ; a criminal might hide away from people to avoid detection by police ; or a misanthrope(=who hates human) may be unable to tolerate(=endure) human society.
It can also be due to 『psychological reasons』, ・such as posttraumatic stress disorder,(=sinteki gaishougo stress) ・apathy, ・an autism(=ziheishou)spectrum disorder ・or avoidant personality disorder.
in japan, it's often hard for dropped out people to rejoin the society. that's i think one of the reasons.
which of those reasons best describes your case, you guys? for me, i think it's the reason of PTSD and the reason of my own personality as well as the fact that i dropped out before. i don't mean i hate people. on the contrary, i desire to rejoin the society and have relationships with others. i have some phigical problem, which makes me hard to rejoin the society.
Sorry for not having been able to write in for a while. 2CH was keeping the users of my ISP from leaving a message on here. I wish there was somehow a way to avoid getting involved in a suspension like that.
>>74 I was about to say "Thanks for the good laugh for April Fool's Day", but it seems like they are as serious as a heart attack. It reminds me of when I was playing Dragon Quest as a kid.
It's a fine day today. I took a walking this morning. Cherry blossoms aren't in bloom yet, but they are going to blossom soon. Spring is just around the corner. BTW, there's a song I like to listen to at this time of year. It goes very well with a day like today. Here you can take a listen to it: Enjoy!
Hi, nearly one quarter to one fifth of the cherry blossoms on the road I walk every day are in bloom because of yesterday's warm weather. But TV says it's going to rain a lot today. I hope those cherry blossoms won't get splattered in today's rain. Do you guys go out for Ohanami every spring?
>>69 When you say you want to rejoin the society, what would you mean exactly? Pardon me if I'm mistaken, but if you simply mean to have relationship with others, there should be some community group in your local area where people who are in the same or a similar situation as yours discuss and share thoughts with each other, I imagine. But then I have no clue exactly what physical problem you have that you say makes it hard to rejoin the society, and I feel it is too much to ask such a private thing. But I believe there should be some community that can help you out or that at least makes you feel better.
>>69 Please don't get me wrong. I don't mean you cannot discuss and share your thoughts with us here. What I mean is that if you desire to have relationship with other people *in person*, a local community group could be a little bit of help.
The social problems mentioned at >>68 are to do with each other and so shouldn't be considered separately, I suppose. Generally speaking, if you want to succeed in society (although the definition of success depends on each person's point of view), you have to get into a good company. Likewise, if you want to join a good company, you have to get good scores in school. In such a social mechanism, it might be natural that Japan's education system is set up for students to mainly be able to achieve those goals. Although an education system like this could vitalize the society, the thing is that if you stumble and eventually drop out of this social race along the way, you are likely to be regarded as a loser. And this is where the idea that there is something wrong with Japan's education system comes from. Also, it seems to me that in a social system like this, the society tends to judge a person by how much money s/he can earn. In an extreme instance, let's say there are two persons: one is someone who can earn 1,800,000 yen a year, and the other is someone else who can earn 3,600,000 yen a year. In this case, the society tends to regard the former person to be "better" than the latter one. Our concept of values as one society, unfortunately, is largely based on such a shallow measure. I therefore feel that as long as our value judgment stays as such, Japan's education system will not change fundamentally...
i'm not giving up my dream to rejoin the society one day. and i'm trying to work on it. studying english is one of the activities. thank you again for your kind words.
Sorry, my English is always messed up. I usually start writing in English directly as soon as ideas pop up in my mind. Probably I should think in Japanese first and then translate it into English.
>>84 actually not. my ultimate goal is to overcome my physical problem mentaly and get married and bring up children. none of which seems to be very easy for me, though. in order to do that, i think i will have to find a job, but getting a job itself isn't my ultimate goal. >>85 it's the same for me. let's practice together :)
do you have any goal, if not the ultimate goal, 84-san?
i want to have friends and ultimately a wife and a family. if i just got a job but i couldn't feel like i was communicating with others mentaly, i wouldn't feel i had rejoined the society. so, i want friends more than a job. if i will get both friends and a job at once, it will be nice, though.
>>86 I see. Getting married is also a thing I hope to make reality some day. And also to me I need to get a stable job to make that come true.
Do I have any goal? Hmmmmm... I don't have any in mind right now that I can tell you proudly, but recently I've found that there is a group of people like me who are hikky that does OFF-Kai on a regular basis. And I'm slightly considering to try to take part in it this year... So joining in that kind of group is one of my goals of this year, maybe :P
>>87 That's great I have a few friends who I can tell about anything. We've been friends since we were elementary school students. One of them is now outside Japan, but the others are still in Japan. It's funny but there is sometimes a time when we don't contact each other for as long as nearly half a year... but the moment we get together, it suddenly feels as if we'd seen each other only yesterday.
i frist wrote that i wanted to rejoin the society. in that mean, getting a job should be contained in it. so when you asked me about getting a job, i should have answered yes because getting a job is actually an activity in which we have some degree of relationship with others. but i came to realize then that merely getting a job probably won't satisfy my desire to rejoin the society, and i suddenly changed my thought then to having relationships with others. it seems that i need to think about my desire more, and getting a job is, as you say, a very important step to have relationships with others. so my answer now is, yes, i meant i wanted to have a job as a very important step to fully rejoin the society. sorry for confusing you.
>>88 that's a nice goal, isn't it? if you get self-confidence attending the meeting, i think maybe you can step forward to next stage. keep going! :)
>>89 oh, that's nice close friends. having such friends is like having a great fortune. i also used to have some, but as time passed by, i came to lose one after another. being in a situation like this makes it harder for me to have a confidence to have friends. but i still have a few. i want to appreciate the fact of it and want to cherish them.
>>90 Thanks so much for explaining in such a great detail. I'd like to talk to you more, but I have to go now. I will be back tomorrow. Have a good evening!
>>90 Hi again, as for me, I do not want to have relationship with other people as much as you do. My reason for wanting to work full time is just because of money to live on. If I win the lottery and get a ton of money that I can live on without having to work for the rest of my life, I will surely choose not to work, because whether working full time or part time, working itself to me is not anything other than a way to earn money. But of course, if I am in a situation where I must communicate with others, I do.
Thanks for the encouragement on my idea to take part in an Off-kai. I have been accessing the Internet for nearly 10 years. Over these years, I have got to know many people online, but I have never met any of them in real life. Have you ever met anyone in real life that you got to know on the Internet?
Heya lately,l did nothing but read books. l also read ur comments. By reading a book about politics,I realized that we have relation to each other.Just realized,not to do any actions.
That is,we are connected to society originally. This gave me little confidence and lessened my apathy.
It's called social consciousness. Are you interested in politics?
>>95 Hi, it's true that on the political level, we are all connected. We vote someone every once in a while and that someone brings some effect into the politics in a way that has some influence on our daily lives. I'm not so sure in my case if being connected to the society really does make me feel any good as an individual, as I find myself suffering all the time from dilemma between social consciousness and individual consciousness.
In answer to your question, quite honestly I know next to nothing about politics. But I do have interest in it.
>>93>>94 hi. thank you for your comment. i once considered becoming a welfare recipient, or seikatsuhogo jukyuusha, in the future for fear that maybe i will have failed to obtain a job and its salary on which i will get along. but i thought then that "who wants to be friends with a person like that?" "who not only don't have a job, but also have quit to struggle to have a job from an early stage of his life and as a result he doesn't have a job." if i were to be asked that, i would answer i'd rather not. being a welfare recipient is more or less free from money problem. but i thought if i were to be given only money, i wouldn't be satisfied with my life.
and i mentioned before that i have a phisycal problem. the problem is also preventing me from having relationships with others. coping with it, i strengthened my desire to rejoin the society not only by getting a certain amount of money but also by having relationships with others. that's why i value relationships with others.
by the way, i have ever met people in person 2 times whom i first met online. i was 1 one 1 meetings and i don't think i'll call them a off kai. just i met him face to face. and also i once took part in a meeting called jijyokai, in which hikikomori people are talking to one another eating and drinking. about a half dozen people were there. it was held in another prefecture and i haven't took part in it after that. i'm thinking of meeting an online friend of mine, or more precisely an email friend, in the near future. we have been friends for about 10 years and never met eath other face to face. i used to be an alien to the idea of meeting people first met online. but recently i'm changing my mind. i hope your attendance to the off kai will become your step to move forward.
but i think i can answer it simply now. as i wrote at >>97 and >>98, i think making no effort reduces one's attractiveness. and i think i didn't make enough effort in the past. that's why i don't have a self-confidence to have relationships with others.
The thing is, the proxy doesn't allow me to post a message of more than 200 byte amount of word at a time. And I need to wait for five minutes after every time I leave a comment.
Considering the previous case, it will take at least one week until 2ch lifts the suspension. Meanwhile, I’ll refrain from writing in. But I’ll be back when the suspension is over.
i'm sorry to hear that. my ISP would also often get banned, but recently for some reason or other my ISP seems to be ok. i'm looking forward to your coming back.
a thought of getting an electronic book reader came to my mind and i have been searching for it. there are 2 major devices available; amazon kindle and ipad. what i want to do with it is just to read ebooks. i want to use a built in dictionary as well and the dictionary needs to be english japanese dictionary because of my low english level.
is anyone here using such a device?
rumor has it that apple is developing their new tablet device, which they say may become something called iPad mini.
what points do you guys place value on if you buy such a device?
My father bought Biblio Leaf SP02 released by au, and I sometimes use it. It's much more comfortable to read a book on a device like that than on the conventional PC screen.
I once considered to buy Amazon Kindle but decided not to buy it yet, because I'd need a credit card to buy the device and then to download a digital book from Amazon to read.
As you know, Apple releases new devices every few years. If you think that rumor about the new iPad is credible enough, it may be worth waiting for a little bit ?
because whether you buy it or not, when there’s a new version available, the price of the older version usually goes down, in which case you’ll be able to get the older version at a lower price.
The thing I value most on the reading digital book device would be how easily viewable ? in other words, how eye friendly it is. Also the price is another important factor.
In my case, I don’t need functions like mail sending/receiving, connecting to the net, etc, on the reading digital book device. If I can read a novel comfortably, that’s enough for me.
>>115 Me neither. The questioner (>>105) is wavering between iPad and Kindle, and so I thought it'd be safe to wait til the new iPad is released and see if it's really worth a buy.
I just came back from Ohanami. There were many people there. Couples, families, groups of people who were there for Ohanami party, etc, but not many like me who were there alone.
I was struggling with compulsive symptom as usual lol. But overall, I pretty much enjoyed the beautiful scenery there. Cherry blossoms were beautiful and everyone looked all happy.
The best thing I experienced today is that I was able to see the world from a different point of view. I'll write some more when my ISP is lifted from the suspension.
If Iran joins TPP and compensate angro-iranian's loss by Japan's aid,Iran can enter Japan's trade zone. And United States and Iran don't need to wage their fight anymore. Former japanese prime minister went to Iran resently.
i want to know how 1san have learned english. would you please teach me. do you know english monster kikuchi? you seem like him. i have studied english while i was a student. but now i can't use it. i didn't have a chance to use it. so, my english literacy is so poor. especially i'm not used to writing and speaking english. i think my sentences have many mistakes. sorry.
i doubt that learning english for hikky is useful. i don't have a motivation. even among japanese people i can't communicate with them. however i want to have a girl friend with blond hair. i often use xvideo.
i see let me introduce myself. i am 26 years old and have nothing to do everyday. i don't want to work. last year i worked as a temporary worker at a factory. but i could get nothing. i am a loser. no future and game over i am getting sad.
>>144 thank you. i want to maintain a positive attitude. several years ago, i studied english by using a book called duo 3. but the expressions i still remenber are few. i have to read it again. in the meantime i will imitate your comments. praise the lord!
>>135 I used to tag myself as >>1, but it somehow felt like I was acting big as if I were a ruler of some sort. So I've decided to go as anonymous.
>>136 This thread is still a newbie here. Feel free to come chat on here anytime you want to. We all welcome you.
>>138 I sometimes become sarcastic and mean to those who have bad manners, just like you can see at these interactions: >>126-129 But basically I'm a peaceful guy. Sorry for disappointing you, but that's how I have lived my life.
>>139 I regard myself as a hikky. I'm working part time, hoping to get a full time job. On the subject of your question, although it's just a part time job, I wish to refrain from answering that question for a security reason.
>>140 Thank you so much for your kind words. I have read an article or webpage about Mr.Kukuchi san before. For Mr.Kikuchi san's credit, I must make it clear here that I am NOT Kikuchi san. Kikuchi san's English is of course way, way, way, way, way better than mine. Your English is very good. I see no grammatical mistake in your English there. Lastly, let me tell you one thing, this thread's slogan is "Let's practice English together!" :)
>>142 As for me, it is not mainly a matter of whether English is useful for me as a hikky or not, but it is rather a matter of whether I like it, or whether I am interested in it. I would say that motivation is a thing that arises when you start to want to reach a higher level *after* you started something. As you can guess, I'm awful at communicating with people. But my being interested in English has been a great motivator for me to try to have a good communication with others.
>>154 i'm also interested in democracy. because even today there are a lot of countries whose people doesn't appreciate worth of democracy. and speaking of democracy, i think that of japan is not good enough yet. we japanese people need to disscuss it more. as for welfare, i'm concerned about it as a hikikomori who is far from social welfare. i'm living with my parents, but what if they should pass away? welfare must be one of the most concerned issues for most of us.
I want livelihood protection.i have disorder. my mom is working hard,she sometimes say to me "pls get a job". am I an idler? I know I SHOULD quit univ right now and pay back my scholarship. I often feel like dying when Im confused. bad night
i want you to listen to this just as an opinion. in my opinion, i think bachelor's degree will may help you one day. if it won't, you can just forget it, but if you come to a situation in which you need bachelor's degree for some reason, it will help you. in addition, current economic situation is not very good and people are struggling to get a job. i think in such a situation it may be a way to get qualifications. you can do other things apart from it as well if you want. what do you think?
Both the pain of segrigation from society and physical pain do harm to the same part of brain. amasing physical disorder keeps me away from society,it's a well-known things. In addition to this,the brain itself makes me feel alienation? anyway,hikky and the one who has physical disorder might feel same way,in the same part of the brain. I refered to psycologic reserch in 2003
>>156 Just talking from my experience, there is a lot of difference between university graduate and high school graduate, and needless to say between high school graduate and junior high school graduate. If you have university graduate degree, you can find a lot more jobs than if you don't, and you can get paid a lot more than if you don't. The media reports that the employment rate in Japan is getting lower even among those with university degree. But if you don't have university degree, that makes it even harder for you to get a job. Things may seem tough now, but I think you should hang in there, all the more since your mother works hard for you.
I also often feel depressed to the point where I feel like killing myself. Once I sink in such a deep depression, I just can't do anything for a while. During such a period of time, I feel like I'm just aimlessly staying alive with a rope around my neck, ready to go hang myself. But notice there is a HUGE difference between you and me. You have a bright future ahead of you! :-)
>>151 i got it i wish to remain anonymous, too. you already know kikuchi? i read his book at the public library last year. it says he had been a hikky for many years. and i found some symptoms of ADHD in his book. in any case, he is great. but i can't imitate him.
>>156 i'm sorry to hear that. in my opinion, you shouldn't quit university. but it is too difficult problem to solve. oh, my future is getting darker and darker.
i don't know what to do is what i said at my first english class in university. american who had graduated from university of waseda spoke fluently. i couldn't her words at all. so i said i don't know what to do? several years later i can't listen to english. and i don't know what to do from now on. yesterday i tried to read duo 3 but i didn't read 10 pages. i can't do nothing anymore. oh my god i will kill him whatever happens
>>162 These pains effect on the front of frontal lobe(zentouyou), at a cortex(hishitsu) btw,Do you have wrinkle on your forehead?I have it.
>>159>>163 Thanks. I know drop-out is a silly way.but the shool is not free. have to pay $7000. I often watch Hanging thread. Mr.Ishihara、a governor in Tokyo said,"as time being" What a cool he is! We shouldnt think or predict our future much.
>>172 I'm not sure at what exchange rate you've figured the school fees for a year. 1 USD for 80 yen, or 1 USD for 100 yen. Either way, it'll be 700,000 yen at a maximum. If your parent's income is not large enough to pay the fee, why wouldn't you consider to help your parents by working part time? Let me do a little math here. Let's say, you work 5 days a week, 5 hours a day, for 750 yen an hour. 5 days * 5 hours * 4 weeks = 100 hours a month. 100 hours a month * 750 yen for an hour = 75,000 yen a month. So, you can get 75,000 yen a month by doing a part time job that meets this criteria.
Now, let's see roughly how much you'd have to pay for the school fee a month. Supposing the yearly school fee you have to pay is 700,000 yen, if you divide it by 12 months, it'll be about 58,000 yen a month. This means that by doing a part time job of the above scale, you can pay the fee without having to rely on your parents, and also you can get extra 17,000 yen (75,000 yen - 58,000 yen) a month for yourself.
>>176 Thanks for ur quote this year l need that money to be at shool.the rate is 1dollar=80yen why dont I work? The reasons is,Iv already said it,l have physical disorder. I burned out once,I worry if l can keep on working.and for some Complex. this is a kind of Learned-Hopeless I guess.
>>177 I am sorry for my ignorance and for having suggested such an injudicious idea. I just didn't quite figure out exactly what physical disorder was like. But you seem to me well enough to be able to go to university (do you perhaps study at university via correspondence?), since commuting to school itself takes a lot of energy both physically and mentally. Again, I'm very sorry to hear that you are being in such a predicament. Yet, I still feel that it is better that you somehow manage to come through what you are going through and receive a diploma from the university...
>>179 no need to say sorry I go to university 2or3 days a week now I dare to chose the classes of psychology or self management at workplace if I could learn useful wisdom.. thank you
>>189 my handle name is 摂氏百度sesshi hyakudo(it means 100℃ in English)
if you are foreigner and you cannot read my blog, I have to explain its contents.
the global market share of Japanese automaker and Japanese electronics makers had been over 50% for a long time.
but there was worldwide financial crisis in 2008. in 2009,global market share of Japanese automobile is still large, but market share of Japanese electronics dropped so much.
Japanese has largest interest in this fact.
on the other hand,global market shares of east Asian countries' electronics makers like Chinese,Korean,Taiwanese are getting larger and larger.
the reason is that these countries had been a lot of effort to settle into many countries in the world,learn local languages and sell their products,while United States is in the recession.
I think what you worry about is how dangerous free trade is. but what I'm talking about is how effortless Japanese maker is.
Japanese companies incline to learn English and look at only United States. biggest companies like Elpida Memory, Inc. (Tokyo: 6665) are going to be sold to these countries' makers.
My father and I went for car washing today. He showed me how to wash the car properly. It's quite a work to do on a regular basis. After washing the car, we went to a nearby coffee shop and then got back home. After I made two bowls of Chanpon for our lunch, we talked about things like hiking, climbing, traveling, some philosophical matter, etc. It's been a while since we talked about something like that. I've learned a lot from him today. I'm feeling very good now. It's like the misty haze before me has totally cleared. By the way, my father's birthday is in May. Mother's Day is also in May. Gotta think about what presents to buy :-)
>>209 oh it seems that you have a good relationship with your father. i envy you. my father is like a clown. he doesn't know how to deal with people, how to face important but difficult things to get over. he can greet and speak to people but only superficially. fortunatelly we, our family members, are dealing with the problem and the situation is getting better little by little. i wish to talk with my father on philosophical matters one day.
it's getting hotter and hotter as days go on. i'm disgusted to imagine how hot my room will become in summer as it does every year. i want to become a penguin.
>>223 Issues like those are foreign things to my life. I'm single, have no girl friend, have no plan of getting married, quite unsure about my future. To me, there is almost no point of discussing an issue like divorce or Islamic law. Rather, trivial everyday things such as “What ingredients do I have to buy to cook this, that or the other thing”, "What clothes should I wear on such day at such place at such time", "How can I make the relationship with this person or that person better", "How can I get fully-employed by this company or that company", "What if my parents die tomorrow", etc, these things matter a lot to my poor life more than internationally important issues. And I'm too busy dealing with these little "issues" to socially admirably discuss such worldwide concerning matters. Alas, poor me.
Usual we sometime we had accept huge problem but they soon take over the its obstacle case we can learning. Somebady had its ability. Lets listening to the song about Christina Aguileras CD. Its songs described ``Beautiful'' so great. Lets hear about it.
Sorry for not having been as active in posting as before. I've been a little bit busy with my life lately. Even though I check in here almost every day, things kept me from having much time to post a message. Uh... another one of those lame excuses...
>>227 I wouldn't say those are useless links, but the one you posted at >>227 says "You don't have the authority to see this page."
>>232 I'm still alive. Whether I hope so or not. How are you doing?
Some habitants here are those who recover from hikky or try not to be serious hikky. lm the one of these,wavering on the street(tunnel). I often ask myself "what should l do? what can l do?"no good answer.
>>233 Are you active?Sounds good. I only go to the univ 2 days a week in EARNEST.
Based on 2ch's definition, I'm not a hikky. But I do regard myself as a hikky, because except for going to work, I rarely go outside, and I'm terrible at having communication with people. I have no idea what "serious hikky" really means, but I guess if you were such type of hikky, you wouldn't even say anything on here but just see others' comments or might not even try to connect to the net. In which case, (if this thread is for such type of hikky people, which is not) a thread like this has no point in existing in the first place.
>>236 Nice to hear you keep going to university, anyway.
>I often ask myself "what should l do? what can l do?"no good answer.
Those are simple questions to ask but really hard to answer... I often ask myself a simple question of that sort, but I always find it difficult to clearly answer it. One of the common things found in great people is that they know what they really want to do, need to do, should do, love to do. Through the process of self asking, one would eventually find his own way and establish his own identity, I suppose.
Sorry if the above question offended you guys any way. I didn't mean anything negative by that. I was just interested to know what you guys like to do when you're not on this site. But now make that indifferent.
Is anyone here? It looks like this thread is dead. If no one writes in for a certain period of time, this thread will automatically vanish. I'll wait for that to happen. See you somewhere else.
I'm not good at English either, but I challenge it anyway. "Those dancing are fools, and those watching are also fools. Since you're a fool too, it's better to dance". It's like that. See?
Remember that in a world like this, if you keep silent, that means almost equally you don't exist. Say something, and you'll finally be recognized to others. I'm not forcing you guys, of course, but just want you to know how odd it feels to be here talking but getting no response...
Got an idea. How about this: you write in Japanese, I translate it into English as much as I can. With this way, we can get better at English together. Tell me what you think about it.
If you don't like it, that's fine with me. To me, it's a time consuming task after all. But the point is that if you guys say nothing, there is nothing to happen here. Well, that's okay with me also, if that's what you think is better. That's it.
>>246 We listen to all sorts of music. I like Boarda of Canada for instance. Have you heard of them? A Scottish band. I was listening to "Happy Cycling" today and almost got ranover by a taxi.
>>Venusian I didn't expect I met you here. This thread is also "Chat in English thread" but in another board. If you don't mind, please come here again whenever you want.
>>258 Welcome here. Your nick name was something familiar to me, but I wasn't so sure why until I saw the comment posted at >>260 The other board is to me a little bit confusing, because there's too much of cross talking there and also because of there being a lot of trollish comments. I used to hang there once in a while but now I rarely even visit.
I never heard of Boarda of Canada before. I just watched several youtube videos of them. Very cool music. Thanks for such a nice input. Their music reminds me of Norwegian jazz trumpeter Nils Petter Molvaer. He makes a spacious sound with his instrument. Below is a youtube link searched for his name. Try it, you may like it.
I myself listen mainly to jazz, but I also like various types of music. Just recently I got an acoustic guitar. I'm currently practicing a Japanese pop song called "Everything."
I like crowded boards. I makes you develop tactics against trolls. I heard of BOC when watching Salad Fingers on youtube. Doki66 used it as the soundtrack. I listen to all genres, classical to jazz to bossa nova to electronica or industrial goth. I was keen on punk and metal once. Ilisten to Russian,German, Greek, Swedish and Japanese pop too.
That is OK. People around you are your mirrors. You can learn something about yourself from them. You can learn a lot about yourself if you try. It is the most difficult thing to do but, I think it is the best you can do in life.
>>272 I only saw Miles playing tunes from the Siesta album on TV. I'm not particularly familiar with that record. Miles was and still is someone I respect both as a human being and as an artist. Especially his later works like "In a Silent Way" and "Get Up with It" before his retirement in 1975 are my favorites. Miles was such a great jazz giant there's no wonder he has left a huge influence on Nils's playing.
By the way, can I ask you what KG of your nick name means if you don't mind?
I know, Miles sets an upper limit for Jazz. KG refers to Kame Girl. I am a Kamenashi Kazuya worshipper. He kick starts my engine for some reason. When I see his smiling face, when he laughs sincerely and his eyes turn into straight lines, my heart stops.
Why are you mentioning sex and penis all of a sudden? It is OK to talk about them both but, don't you think it makes this thread a bit strange and unfriendly?
>>291 It is not that unique. everyone does it. Yes my idol is very popular and will gain international recognition. I am very worried about his safety after that. He looks so delicate and defenceless.
>>292 Well, when it comes to a real society, to talk about them will lead to what you imagine. However, this thread is for those who are in a hikikomori, or nowhere kid/adults. They find it friendly or interesting to talk about them. As you know, children aged 4 ~ 7 will smile whenever they hear of penis-like things. In other words, they are similar to those children and have a lot in common both in good and bad senses.
I went to see the movie MIB 3 yesterday. I thought I'd talk about it, but my ISP is being suspended again. am writing through a proxy but it doesn't allow me to write much.
I don't think I will write here anymore, just saying that, so that you know why. I guess this is your thread and these are your rules-not so woman friendly. Best wishes.
That's not right. This is your thread, I mean, our thread. Every foreign friend of mine likes facebook and twitter better than 2ch. I am not good at communicating through facebook and twitter because they need what I don't have much. But it seems that you like 2ch better than them unlike other foreign people. I think you can enjoy 2ch much more if you study Japanese. I'm very sorry to say good bye.
>>299 Pls take a look around here, you'll see there's a bunch of stupid posts like >>296 and >>302. Actually 2ch is full of such posts. The best thing is just brush them off as bad jokes.
You say somehow. This sounds to me you believe that Hikikomori people are always depressed for some reason and that it is odd to you when they are cheerful and happy. This biased idea comes from a lack of understanding or it might just be that you can relate to others based on only one single narrow sense of values, in the latter case of which I feel sorry for u
One can be cheerful and also feel depressed, anxious, stressed, isolated sometimes. One's state of mind is not as simple as you think it is. That's it.
Sorry for you for always being in such a mood. Most of the time I'm in not a very good mood though, there is certainly a moment sometimes when I'm feeling quite happy. When I happen to be able to see a ray of hope, when I am able to accomplish what I never thought I could, etc... These are the moments when I am able to pull myself out of the dismal mood. Another fact is that when I'm feeling depressed, I am feeling depressed to the point where I don't even bother to think about turning my PC on and going online. That's probably why you don't see me down.
I was lucky enough to get a used copy of Haruki Murakami's translation work of The Catcher in the Rye at BookOff yesterday. TCITR is one of the first English novels I've read. Within the first few pages I liked the mood and tone that Holden, the main character of the novel, carries. But it's so long ago I read it that I don't remember exactly how the story goes. So I'm reading the Japanese version with kind of a fresh pair of eyes. I've read only a few pages of it though, I'm somewhat getting a different impression from the Japanese version than I got from the original English version. And I do believe that is not because it's in Japanese. To me, the way Holden narrates in the Japanese version is a little bit too nicey nicey, so to speak... Anybody read it in both English and Japanese? If so, what do you think about it?
>>322 Hi, I'm the >>1 Who are you asking? As you can see, nobody's here. So... asking a question like that is as meaningless as asking the wind to stop blowing :)
>>325 Hi, I'm fine. Well, not excellent, but good enough to get online and mumble something like this. I've been feeling a little bit tired lately, because my weight is somehow not staying constant. At one time I'm losing some weight, and at another time I'm putting back on that some weight plus some more. My BMI is fluctuating somewhere between 18 amd 19. Anyway, thanks for howdy!
>>326 Thats right. There are many social recluses in Japan. (FYI, we call them(us) Hikikomori) And this is one of Japan's most serious social issues. This problem has many roots but I believe it largely stems from the fact that the employment rate in Japan is getting lower and lower
I have heard of such a thing. But I also heard that social recluses in Japan are not that uncommon, I assume you guys would form a kind of group, where those 'types' of people would all be friends together. I don't know if Japan has 'cliques', but in England we have people called Goths. They're socially outcasted if there are not many of them, but when there is enough of them they join together and all be friends, thus solving their friendship problem. I think you guys should just be friends, then you wouldn't be socially reclusive.
>>329 Thanks for your concern. In Japan there are also communities where hikikomori, which are people who are socially reclusive, join together, make friends, share feelings, ask and discuss questions, etc. Sharing your experience and connecting to others makes you feel much better than just being alone and crying. So that type of communities has a highly conducive effect on hikikomori people. Even on a place on the Internet like here, you can share knowledge, connect to other people or just chat about whatever you like to, and that will bring a little comfort to you, which is what this BBS is all about. Thanks again for being thoughtful.
>>332 Yes, in most of the case I think it does. But as I mentioned, there are not a few factors that lead one to be a hikikomori. And although it's true that participating in a community for hikikomori people helps a great degree, the ultimate goal is not only to build up relations with the members of such a community but also to establish oneself as a full fledged member of society, in other words, the outer world. I've seen some hikikomori people who although would take part in a hikikomori community but ended up turning back into hikikomori for some reason. So, things aren't that easy...
I didn't realise Japan had such tightly knit communities. Everyone just keeps to themselves in my country, so there is no participation in the community as a whole.
>>334 Well, believe it or not, I also hear that there is the type of hikikomori people who always keep locking themselves in their rooms and don't even get out of there to go to the toilet. The Internet is the only safe place for them. They just keep themselves hidden from anything tangible. For such people, it is extremely difficult even to join in a community like that.
>>335 Would you tell me why you would recommend it? And since it's sold out now as you say, could you please briefly summarize the book for me(us)?
>>337 That is the extreme case of what being hikikomori is like. But in Japan, generally when people hear the word "hikikomori", they tend to have in mind the type of hikikomori that is suffering from some sort of depressive psychosis. If you are physically and mentally healthy but are unemployed, unless you are a homemaker, you'll be regarded as a NEET. (I believe this word comes from your country, but I could be wrong.) If you are a part time worker being neither a student nor a homemaker, you'll be seen as a "Freeter". The funny thing is that generally unmarried women who live with their parents and are unemployed, are likely to want to describe their social status as "Kajitetsudai", a domestic helper assisting in the daily chores. The reason for this is because the word gives a better image than NEET, hikikomori or Freeter does, despite there being no actual difference. Anyway, because of these words, now the word "hikikomori" has even a darker and more shady image among the society.
Hah, women staying at home are still seen as the victims in our society. Male teenagers have it pretty hard in this country, as most things have changed against their favour. Jobs are incredibly hard to find in my city. And we have what they call a 'job ladder', what that means if you do a menial job so that you get the proven experience for employers. But it's essentially corporate interests exploiting a unemployed work force, there is no 'job ladder'. My brother for instance has worked for 7 years in a 'menial job' All the while applying for other jobs, higher paying, higher skilled jobs that he can easily do. The 'job ladder' myth tells him he should be able to advance because he now has experience. But it is how I said it is, a myth. So for people like me, choices are work for free, so that society feels you're at least doing something, and not staying at home. Or, be seen as an inferior because you don't want to be exploited.
I'm trying everything in my power to become self employed, instead of giving into the illusions that society lays for us.
>>340 I can't think of such a thing as "job ladder" in Japan. But if there were such a thing, the situation would end up the same as your country's. If you want to start working as a SE, for instance, and you go apply for employment with a company, the company will definitely tell you that you must have some experience in the field to get employed. Then in order to gain that some experience you go apply at another company, but this company will also require you that some experience. What all this means is that, unless you are a new graduate with a sufficient academic background, there is almost no chance you'll be able to get a full time job in the field of which you have not enough knowledge and experience. In most cases, if not all, the company considers a menial job is only a menial job, and that even if you've done a menial job for as long as 50 years, you are just someone with the kind of experience that anyone can get within less than a week's work. Stumble and derail along the way, and you'll be over. Unless you are young enough. Such a social system is only to make people like me feel lost as hell.
Becoming self-employed is a very good idea. It is something that can solve all these problems, I suppose. You'd need some funds to begin with, though.
Exactly, it's a catch 22 (if you've heard of that phrase) to get a 'decent' job you need experience, but to get experience you need the 'decent' job.
The job ladder is merely a concept that fools people into thinking there are chances of being promoted from slave labour (working on a factory line). But there isn't.
You are very wise, can you speak English too? Honestly, you can work as a translator. And all that requires is evidence of your ability, I think.
You're right, you do need a lot of funds, normally, but there are ways around that. You can start with a little and end up with a lot.
>>342 I've never heard of that phrase before, but indeed, that's exactly a catch 22 spiral.
Translator. Sounds like a very challenging and interesting job. But I hear that job is now so popular in Japan that competition for it is becoming tremendously fierce to the point where you aren't able to earn enough money to live on. But besides all that, even if I had a good enough ability in English and was to go apply at a translation agency or something, they won't give me even a little bit of a chance to show my ability. They'll take a look at my resume and without a second thought turn me down right away, for which I have no one but myself to blame.
That is the best way to launch a business. We are in an era of diversity where there are all kinds of demands, so even a tiny spark of an idea can generate a million dollars. In that sense, we are all lucky.
Oh? I didn't think there would be so many, considering the relatively small population of foreigners in Japan.
It's a shame you don't live in England then. Most people here are monolingual, so translators are pretty well sought after.
Perhaps you can take a course in it? You're obviously already good at it, so you'll breeze through no problem, and then you'll have the piece of paper to prove it :)
I'm not claiming to know what to do with your life, but, English is a skill not everyone has, you type better English then most of my countrymen.
If we take this study as fact the other 10% do, and are hikikomori, so you've just answered yourself why there are 'true' hikikomori on this board.
Plus the internet is a lot different to the real world, we don't have hikikomoris but we do have social recluses, and most of them are on the internet.
>>344 First of all, translation work consists of a number of fields and forms. Those guys you'd see whispering behind celebrities on TV, for instance, are translators. Guys who make subtitles for movies are also translators, as well as those who translate documents originally written in one language into another one, and so on and so forth. That Japan has relatively a small number of foreign people is not a problem, because as a translator you don't necessarily have to be with a foreigner to do your job.
English is a very popular foreign language in Japan, in fact, it's the most popular foreign language in Japan, so that there is a large number of Japanese people who have great skills in English. And therefore competition for work as a translator of English here is pretty intense. Other foreign languages that are less popular such as Portuguese language, Italian, Spanish, Taiwanese, Thai, etc have room for translators to go into. But the thing is, I have no interest in those languages.
Living in the UK is one of my dreams. I don't think I can make it while I'm alive, though. Congratulations on the London 2012 Olympic Games, by the way. The opening ceremony was epic.
>>344 What I do with my life, I'm currently doing a part time job. It's a menial kind of job that can make you turn into a crazy if you do it long enough. In fact, my workplace is full of bastards. Normally, when you show up at the workplace, you say "hello" to the people there. But here at my workplace, when you say "hello", there'd suddenly be this awful atmosphere that makes you feel as if you said something you shouldn't have said. In a workplace like this, you don't have to speak English. You don't need to speak a language. They don't even understand you when you say "hello" to them. Also, there is this guy who's been working there for 30 or so years. He has an oddly cheerful personality. Basically he's a nice guy. I enjoy talking with him. I really do. But the trouble with him, he stinks as hell. He never takes a bath. I remember when I first saw him, thinking that he must be a homeless guy or something. The last thing on earth I'd like to do is to get closer to him than 2 meters. Especially during the summertime. You know why.
Apart from the stupidity going on at my workplace, before I got to work there, I was reclusive for years. I was just feeling depressed as hell from having had to work all day long and everything. (Before I turned into hikikomori, I was working at a company that made me work 15 hours a day with only a day off in a few weeks.) In those years of my being hikikomori, I started to learn English. This is about 10 years ago. I would study for as long as 17 hours a day for a couple of years then. When I really feel like doing something, I do it like a madman. That was one of those moments when I really get into something. But above all, I was able to drive all the damn thoughts out of my head when I was immersing myself into studying English. And that helped me feel good, positive, and productive.
>>345-349 Oh, if you want me to get out of here and never come back, just say so. Things like "true" hikikomori and "pseudo-hikikomori", that kind of stuff just depresses me.
I heard that not many spoke English. Good to know they do, as I can't speak Japanese.
Oh why not? England is far cheaper than Japan (we need to stay competitive, and there is very little reason for tourism in England, lol). Well, unless you stay out of London. York is a pretty nice place, and not as expensive as most major cities.
The only problem really is plane tickets. Incredibly expensive these days because of tax and such.
I liked the opening ceremony too. It's a shame that didn't do more of our history though.
Well, save the money you earn if you can. Put it in government bonds, or invest it somewhere. Then it'll make you even more money as you work, then you can have a very comfortable retirement.
It's legal to work that long? There are restrictions on companies here on how many hours they make their employees work. They need breaks too, and they have regulated office space so that it's up to a standard. I'm quite thankful of that legislation.
It takes a very well refined mind to be able to learn something so well purely of your own volition. It's very hard for lots of people to focus and just learn and read, same for me. I have a short attention span.
>>353 You are very kind. Every time I said something negative, you offered me some great idea that makes me think I could do something I never thought I could do. I really appreciate it.
Regarding the company that made me work that long hours, yes it's obviously illegal for any company to make its employees work that long. In the early 90's, Japan's Labor Standard Law was revised and the maximum number of work hours was limited to 8 per day and 40 per week. Yet this law is often ignored by small businesses even today. I'm happy that I've quit that company, because if I had kept working there, I could have died from working too much.
>>354 First of all, I don't want to sound like a preacher, because I'm just an ignorant bastard... But one thing I know for sure is that there is no one who should commit suicide. If you are not certain if you really want to commit suicide or not, don't do it. But if you desire to do it, I have nothing to say. I don't have the right to stop you from doing what you'd like to do. But if you keep staying alive, there is going to happen something that's really worthwhile to you. And all you need to do to let that happen is to keep living.
I'm tired of living. I want to put a period to this kind of life. Before I became a hikikomori, I liked to interact with this world. I used to post my opinions about physics and math on some internet science forums and discussed with many people. It was very fun. But now I've lost my skills and knowledge. I feel that my mind is getting weaker and weaker by the day.
>>370 Please contact me on Skype. I want to talk to you. My skype ID is taro3651.
I have the same thoughts as you have, but hearing you say such a thing I feel like to seek together with you for a way to live. It is strange that a man who is thinking of putting an end to his life wants to stop others from doing so, isn't it?
>>372 Sorry for not having written in for a while. I was and still am a little bit busy with my life. I'm kind of planning to launch a tiny business in a year or two. So I'm currently studying and researching on things that I think I must know for the business. How about you, 372-san? I guess you are the person who kindly asks me how I am doing sometimes. Sorry if I am mistaking you for someone else, but I'm supposing that you are the person (>>10, >>25, etc) whom I was talking with earlier here, because you always call me "1-san" :-)
I'm also wondering how everything is going with that university student who said he was studying Logical Thinking earlier here.
Hope everything is just going great with both of you.
>>373 Oh, 1-san, I'm very happy that I could see you again. Yes, as you think, I'm the one who frequently talked to you. I'm happy to hear that you live sound and you are planning something new in your life which may laed you to the next stage in your life. I'm also thinking of moving forward.
I hope the guy you mentioned is doing well. I too want to hear from him.
>>374 Every time I begin to do something I've never done before, I become nervous but at the same time I get excited. But running a business is a risky thing, and so I can't be too careful about it.
If you are thinking to take the next step in your life, I think you should take the action before it's too late and more importantly before your passion fades away. Good luck!
No matter how bull your stupidity is, we'll die sooner or later without any exception. I dare you, coward, to come to the chat in English board in 2ch English board without hiding your identity. I know you're a psycho who can bluff only in this board.
This tragedy of highschool in Osaka city is required to consider from the point of instruction of sports, corporal punishment, and current school rule.
I don't like the man called under the bridge of Osaka. He looks he doesn't have his faith at all. He talks different things that he told before. What he talks changes around.
Hi,How are you getting money? i go to mental hospital and get a pension. I think most important problem about hikikomori is money. How do you think about that?
I was forbidden to go to the big city I am here for nothing The same thing all over again. I did not even want to go to the college but they forced me to and they never accepted the way I wanted to live
My greataunt, who raised my mom, told me some scary stories that if I leave here then my parents are left alone and I would feel so sorry after they pass away And there are some strange people in the big city and unlike other siblings, I'll be in a great danger, that I will regret someday that I did not listen to her
I know that she doesnt like me much when I was young, compared to other siblings but now she is telling me that you r such a nice and kind or whatever Although, she is very very very old. What can I do anyways I dont see her much either Everyone is relying too much on me and I am still young for that
the elderly were speaking that if i have a kid then probably I have no chance getting divorced. Grandma kept on saying that she really wants to see her grandchild. I am so unstable with so much pressure I will be stuck here forever with some violent or no loving partner for the rest of my life. I get fever sometimes, but my parents will not allow me to return to the home whenever they feel not pleased. Id rather want to stay with them so I wont be kicked out with a kid and some kind of scary husband...
they all got this mouth piece in the bathroom my grandma put them on almost everyday eventhough she goes to sleep because she would not want to have more wrinkles on her face
my granny is pretty romantic type so she really loves to watch this young movie stars but my grandaunt she is very synical so she always spit on everything she sees i think that is why her husband passed away so early
you fuckeeeeeeeeer I would not want to see yooooooooooooooooooooooooooou life after death I hope God will punish yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooou for million of years
Hi Nice to see many new posts here. I sort of abandoned this thread since there wasn't anything happening at all for like a million years. I can't post a comment as often as I'd like to because I'm leading quite a busy life right now, but occasionally I'll come check you guys here. So enjoy chatting.
I really did love him but we seperated I have seen him on the 2ch but I really do not know what to say The fact is that we are over and it`s still quite painful I only hope for his everlasting happiness for whom I really loved so much
he wrote down this beautiful quotes and it is my treasure all I wished was to be with him forever but it didnt happen in my life it`s like Apollo 11 or something We were burnt completely but our dream was so true
actually mine was broken there is no rewind in this world but we only can proceed forward leaving everything behind every bit of memories I really loved you
So then I changed my mind after the break-up, it took several years, and I did not have wedding b/c I know I am not virgin and I also mentioned my former husband that I was not virgin Although, we had this " paper contract " which gave me X to my family tree SO and SO ironic. Almost makes me laugh so hard
I was observing all the couples and noticed that when women tends to love her men, they have less chance having a baby
On the other hand, when men loves a woman more than her, they`re more likely to have a baby
God loves us all but he sometimes really love to piss people He surely does not want 100% happiness that we think of our own He tickles, he use this magic cane to twist them up, he loves a challenger
I am like " What did I do?" I never chose someone who`s rich or something I just loved him and why do you kick me outta here!
and God goes, " I am a loner so I really don`t like happy couples without too much challenge" (Pray: Sorry God. I am just messed up. I really appreciate for you being here with us)
I say God is pretty twisted b/c how we have sex I mean that pose is something so strange to me and somehow your virgina is hidden It`s a good thing but it`s rather funny
Much more funnier that guys running after virgina...oh poor DNA...
I used to think that when man and woman they held their hands together they will have a baby I do not quite understand what I have seen in the elementary school I guess I was pretty romantic type
and then in the middle school I saw these people holding their hands together and you must imagine how I felt like!
If I ever write back my words to him will it ever bring us back to where we were I really want to see him again but what if it is all the fantasies which Id created through these tough times
One thing I realize is that the conscious effort to forget something is almost a waste of energy. That's like trying to sleep when you are wide awake. Naturally, you can't get it out of your mind when you are still at the conscious stage of trying to forget it because your concentration is fully focused on it.
Instead of consciously trying to forget it, find something you find really fun and immerse yourself in it. Eventually, you'll forget even what you are trying to forget.
I`ve changed my number so you can`t connect me no more You have given me a call everyday, ring only once, but you do not know how I felt like all these years
I loved you but I cannot trust you like I did before
I gave you so many chances and you broke them all If I give you another chance, you break them again Such a disaster. I do not know what to do with you
I don`t like you in that way I will keep good memories though I don`t want to face them again and I do not want to get hurt no more
>>485 Thank you for an advice I went through divorce and I was reading some books and it said that it is very important to look back how I felt and how I reacted to the situations. So that I can see my patterns and I won`t do the same thing all over again
I have noticed that I was deeply so deeply hurt by my first ex I was so stunned that I had no words until I noticed it
I do not know what I have done wrong but every relationships, we are both equal and we all do have responsibility. I don`t see how I have gone so wrong
I do not want to repeat these things all over again with someone else
Not so many. Just 3 or 4, including me. But most of the posts written starting from 443 or so is by one single lady. You can guess who's who from the way of writing.
what do you like to read? I am so obsessed to find the articles about how sperms get damaged b/c here in 2ch, many guys blamed women for babies having disability but I jumped up when I found the articles about the sperm also age as they get older
The reaction was so funny Eventhough, I gave them sources, some kept on denying lol
Some guys start to say that guys in 40s marry with women in 20s and there will be no problem lol So hilarious b/c it is not true He is in his 40s and his risk does not change anyways
If you`re young try to have baby when ur young nothing is good about getting old, both men and women
I am watching news about Tokyo Olympic and that woman from royal family, she speaks very nice English I do not know much about French but Wow So amazing Proud to be Japanese
I thought Prime Minister Abe and Ota had pretty nice pronounciation
Crystal is so beautiful wow she can speak French as well I was reading magazine and said that her wage is low compare to other announcers but I do not understand why
we do want to love take off free sky spreading our feathers no one stop palpitations of our hearts any longer study up the awakenings of love so we are love labo
It is kind of sad when people just hate their own weakness b/c love is something so strange that you love their fragile part rather than their strong point
Weakness is some kind of strong character of their own
The presentation by Japan this time I think was much nicer in terms of the quolity of English compared to presentations done before by Japan. Although their English was not perfect their Japanese accent was not strong. It was like as if I could see their hard work for the presentation and I felt that it might be indicating that Japanese people's English would be getting better in the future as it was in their presentation.
I`d learn that through my ex When people are way too perfect we do not need nobody The every holes we have in our souls are made to fit with someone else
>>503 I just saw them on news today but it was just so terrific They have chosen very talented people It was so smooth and they were also very confident Probably they had a very excellent advisor for the speech
Picking the right personal is very important in everything we do
>>502 Agreed. The weak point of yourself is something that can be a strong point. And it's true that anyone has some weakness, but it makes them charming and unique.
>>503 >>505 I watched that presentation partially. Every speech Japan's bid team gave was pretty impressive. It must have taken quite a long time in preparation. They must have written the drafts in Japanese first, had them translated into English by professionals, assembled a team of native English speakers to help them speak the translated drafts with natural intonation and accent, and practiced over and over again.
How can people live in the big city like that She is from very country side and there was no job I really think that she would want me to come and live close to her but I am totally freaked out I think she is crying though and she must be feeling terrified
I do not like the big city and I prefer a little city like where I am living now I hate the big city of bunch of people speaking the tones which I am not used to I love everything to be in a mild state but I like her so much too ..................................................I am lost
I hope she marry with someone who is really good and I really have got to help her on that instead of work Maybe I can tolerate for only an half a year, not more than that I am so frightened by those vicious trains, populations, and crowds or whatever Anyway, I am Hikki Who cares about scary 6 months I may have sleeping disorder or so much stress but if I finish my task than I can come back here I am a grass-hopper anyways
>>508 I too prefer the small city rather than the big one. But no matter where I am, I can't live without the Internet. The best place for me to live is a small island like Hayman Island, with easy access to the urban area, and with high speed Internet connection. Maybe that's too much to ask.
I might move... I asked my friend so much about the big city and looked up in the net I am so frightened My friend told me that I can rent a room in the same building
>>515 I live with my parents now and they would not want me to leave Instead they want me to marry with somebody from my own hometown I really do understand how they feel but my friend is sick and she probably needs me now
I been a friend with her for almost 15 years and she never asked me anything
Whenever I broke up with my ex, she was always there to help me out We shared so many memories, maybe more than my ex, I noticed I would want to do anything to help her out so I am trying to move out of here
If she gets happy by marrying with someone nice, there is nothing much more to say I can come back here again
Although, the big city is a quite challenge to me When I visited there, I was totally stunned Honestly, I feel so sick and I cannot sleep well these days but she is my very best friend
>>516 Huh, I finally got you. Every time you mentioned "her" I wondered who the heck you were talking about...
Now may I ask your gender? If you are male, then I'd be interested to hear what it's like to be a friend with a woman for such a long time, and that if you ever have had a romantic interest in her.
I have friends but they are all dudes. I have no compliant about that though.
I have an old friend who gives me a new year's card. She got married several years ago. I wrote to hear last year in my new year's card in return to her card that I was studying at school for some certification. But actually I quit the school 2 years ago. I wrote to her 2 years ago that I entered the school, and couldn't confess my situation then.
Ever since I quit the school I have done nothing and the situation has been getting worse and worse.
I want to do something meaningful by the end of this year if there is any.
>>I am a woman I see. I have a friend like yours. The longest friend I have has been a friend of mine for about 25 years now.
>>I think there is nothing wrong with having friends who are opposite Absolutely. It's just that I haven't gotten a chance to be a friend with the opposite sex.
>>Like I`m sort of MO, but I even had some dude friends back in college Google couldn't tell me what the MO you mean is.
>>It is totally 2013, not every single human being is looking for a romance partner for sure Just like me. But the thing is, I'm the type of person who fall in love easily.
I think it was really nice to have sis b/c i am not totally alone My great-aunt was close to hikki, so is my aunt used to be hikki, and for our family there is nothing that much wrong for being hikki
My great-aunt got divorced and returned home. She couldn`t get pregnant so she took my mom away from grandma and she raised my mom She got re-married when she was in her 40s and started working for another 20 years or so
My aunt, she was working but she had this physical disease She was about to get married but my grandpa opposed very hard b/c the person she had gone out with was in the high status and grandpa probably thought that she can`t manage to be his wife
My grandpa was really nice to us but sometimes he had done anything to stop whatever he didn`t like and I remember that he mentioned about her disability so much and my aunt cried out so much. Then he had gone out to see him and his father(he knew him) and he actually broke their relationships So my aunt she suffered physical illness once again, it was very rare to happen though and she had to be hospitalized for long years
I didn`t like her after that b/c she became so mean to others Especially, to my mom
Now she is working though but she used to be hikki
My other aunt didn`t get married until she became 40 b/c my grandpa didn`t like her bf. He was fooling around with other women and my grandpa had this strong like and dislike My aunt and grandpa was having quarrel almost like everyday and my aunt finally married with him when grandpa passed away Thank God!
>>524 "MO" is written like 喪 meaning of the funeral I think it`s word in 2ch. They say like 喪男、喪女 男 is men 女 is women
See there are many 喪 in Japan, they had never gone out with opposite sex do to so many reasons
Like I pretend to be MO, b/c they don`t like experienced people in the thread sometimes People who are not MO is pretty confused b/c even after they got married or had a bf, how they feel is still partly MO. Although, total MO are likely to think that we`re making fun of them
>>524 It is so nice that you fall in love easily b/c I don`t I think, it is a trait I love reading romance novels but I rather love sarcasm, humour, and gossip I can`t help that
I have mistakenly formatted my HDD. I thought it was a USB drive, but for some reason my HDD was formatted instead. I'm very sad. A lot of otakara files have gone..
I've been having a hard time for a long time, and there came this incident. Does God really exist?
I'm writing this with my tablet device as all apps in my PC have gone.
Maybe I'll re-install an OS to my PC, and I think I should keep files in my HDD as simple as possible from now on in order to minimize the damage I take when I lose all the data in it by accident next time.
Do you guys have any similar experience and any idea to cope with cases like this?
you know what! I was so depressed these days and I ate so much but I got so better today
I read this thread saying that this woman had sex with her husband but it was just so terrible. Poor penis and her husband was addicted with too much porn
My experience was so perfect. Eventhough, we broke up, I had never experienced nothing poor like that. Instead it was so good! I thought everyone experience those things but I noticed not everyone can experience that feeling
It's good to hear that you don't have much trouble in your home by being a hiki. My parents, especially my father, was furious when I became a hiki long time ago. Today they understand my situation and it became OK.
I'm trying to take actions in my daily life in the hope of improving my situation. Small actions they are though like cleaning up my room and something like that. Practicing English is one of them.
I really am not good with making decisions My sis called me yesterday and asked me what I am going to do I really cannot make up my mind
Going to the big city is nothing but a stress When I asked my sis about riding a train, she told me that I get used to it but I do not like that at all
I want to puke when I smell guys pomard odor I really do not like guys near me I know it sounds ridiculous but I was in men free environment and I can`t stand them
I asked my friend and she told me that her train isn`t that crowded but there are many perverts in the big city and when I saw this HIV map, it was so dangerous there
The funny thing is that I can't remember well what data I had in my HDD. I remember some, but it's far from all. I'm sure that I had more than 1 TB of data.
But in a way, strangely enough, I felt relieved. Maybe I should start doing new things instead of holding on to old ones.
>>545 that is true when my grand-uncle`s forest was on fire, he asked my great grandma " what should I do? " and she just replied, " ur forest in on fire and nothing will change so just get back to work " lol
I thought it would be fun if we would have some kind of game like things here to improve our English having joy. But on the second thought, I thought that it might not be better than just having free conversations here since it's hard to find any game that fits any of us.
I entertained myself thinking this. I just wanted to have a good time with people here.
>>546 wow, she is very calm and has incredibly positive attitude. Maybe it's true, as the proverb says "It is no use crying over spilt milk." I'll try to think about something new. Thank you for your comment.
I got this perfect teeth since I was so young but one day I went to a dentist and asked for braces and he said, " oh your teeth is so perfect, you don`t need one " I was like " Oh really ? " lol
My precious time... it starts from the morning I got this floss and Concool I floss my every tooth so cleaned up, and put Concool in my big toothbrush and I brush my teeth
I believe that everyone just end here but I don`t Then I use very small round brush and brush my tooth one by one
I might have to do something before it gets too late I want to have a child but I am so afraid to get married again There was this guy who said that he married twice and divorced twice but it gave me thrill If I married again, then I`ll be probably spending rest of my life just to tolerate everything... I am going to miss my hikki days
Oh, you got married before? Even this one fact makes me to respect you.
living alone so long, I came to think that living by myself whole life is nearly meaningless. We human beings are after all social existences. It's only what I felt and I don't want to impose my view of this to others.
If you are still thinking of marrying somebody, I would say go for it. There may be unwanted things in life. But it's life after all, isn't it?
The marriage, when it fails, it hurts you so deeply but maybe it was better than having none
If you are young, try to marry before 35
I married in late 20s but my husband had a trouble and I could not have a baby Maybe you need to ask your partner, if she wants a baby or not before you get marry
I think having a child is so blessed I thought I had wasted last 5 years but maybe it all turns out to be okay like " oh I had fun in my first marriage w/o a child "
Maybe God gave me a second chance and different roads to choose
I thought it would be a good idea to update the firmware of one of the chip sets of the motherboard. There was no official release and I used a firmware distributed by someone non official. I noticed that there was something wrong when I updated it, but it was too late. Flushing a firmware cannot be stopped.
And the chip set got broken..
I tried to restore the previous firmware, but it got completely broken and didn't even respond.
I shouldn't have updated it..
Fortunately, the chip set wasn't crucial to my PC and my PC works without it, but with less functionality.
Many JJI wants to learn English so that they can communicate with bunch of beautiful women abroad They love Phillippine pub, I guess. I just saw this thread called, " Learning English at Phillippine pub " So Occhan
They all love young women Some says, 30 or above is just BBA, meaning old women Unfortunately, guys above 40, they have money but they do not have partner do to their creature looking appearance with high expectation on women, ESPECIALLY she needs to be YOUNG!
So they go out to seek for the foreigners, nice looking and YOUNG!
We get power from love. if your lover speaks English, you can become English speaker soon than learning yourself. Because if you don't speak English, you can't even go to restaurant with lover.
>>574 I know. I really do not know why some people think that speaking English is such a big deal. I`d experienced many jealousy but it`s totally nothing to me. If you`re listening to Japanese, you learn It is the same thing. Although, it is so funny when someone who really can`t speak English, they try to criticize people who are bilingual or more but that is really humiliating thing to see, honestly
To this day, all the infertility was thought to be the women side problem
Under many stress, women tolerated but men just ignored the problems try not to change anything even he knows how his wife tolerated for years and years
It is not even healthy relationship at all
We understand that men do get upset when he got a problem, but so do women do have feeling as well
I, personally hate that kind of weakness that men have I think that is so rude and impolite NOT even try to solve the problems together but blaming on the one side and HOW could he ever say that we are okay?
It is NOT okay at all You are WRONG I refuse to tolerate
Anyways, I have wasted many many many years but according to the fortune-telling, I will be having a good damn year this time so I will turn my engine and start working! I was waiting for this moment for couple months way to go!
Your writings here reminds me of my ex-girlfriend. No, she wasn't my girlfriend but a normal friend to me because we didn't promise to be a couple nor did we even meet each other in person. We talked a lot on the Net. She lived in, oh I don't think I'm going to tell the name of the country, and I lived, of course, in Japan. We gave each other some gifts and some letters.
I'm wondering whether she is doing well now. I hope so.
letters are so romantic Before the net, I used to buy many cards and wrote so many Greeting Cards I always gone to Hallmark and bought so many cards I really loved the one with melodies
I have also made my own envelopes with magazines and markers
My friend in the elementary school, she gave me a beautiful book mark made with leaves
Net is really nice and very useful but I miss the old days as well
Good luck to you guys too! I hope everyone becomes happy in their own way and I really hope that the society really accept individuals difference even if we have many conflicts or opinions
Although, things always change but I think love lasts forever We all cannot survive without this feelling toward something I love myself and others bye-bye
AWACS here call sign Skyeye, do you read? Your call sign is Mobius 1. We'll refer to you by this name at all times. You are now under my command. 6 bombers on vector 3-6-0 confirmed. Continue north to intercept. Today is my birthday. The victory sure would be nice!
Unfortunately not. Sometimes I play free flash games on a web browser, but that's the only games I do. What kind of games do you play on VITA? And what kind of books are you reading?
i am so damn tired! I am looking 3 children I washed their clothes 2 times every single day! gosh! they trash things everywhere! they dont eat properly, they throw foods everywhere i am god damn tired! they dont sleep, they yell every single day, they run, they jump, they kick me, and they break my things
I was sleeping 13hrs a day but now I only got 4 hrs of sleep they come into my bed in very early in the morning, pulling my hair, jumping in my bed, and stabbing my stomach and legs
they yell in my ear, their saliva is everywhere, including my bed sheets and pillows and it stinks so bad
are you really hikky? i am a 37 yaers old man. i have been sleeping for at least 12 hours a day everyday. it is fun for me to dream in sleeping.when im awaking, i am playing the guitar. or learning English.
i want something interesting to happen in daily lives. tiredness always irritates me. sorry for funny English.
i recently read a book titled yoruha mijikasi arukeyo otome by morimi tomihiko. it was like manga.used words in that world is peculiar. heroin was ordinary,i thought it is difficult to make a good character.
hi thanks for the respond. i think i wanna have a something to pride. something to strive.someday i want to get a job using English. i'm looking for the future as such.but it doesn't work now.
and i think it's better to do than not to do. there's no ambitious.i want to have something sublime reason.
>>637 are you a hikky?if you're OK,please tell me the reason why you are a speaker of English. i have only obscure purpouse to study English. Someday I want to achieve something great.I must Take the time!
i am a hikky and i have been a hikky for a very very long time. i'm learning english in the hope of accessing the world from my room where i am all day. let's learn english.
i like music. but i don't listen to it much. i don't have a good musical sense. maybe it's because i was brought up in an environment where there was no music when i was little. how about you? what kind of music do you listen to? do you play any musical instrument?
I like rock music but listen to pops,too. For example,T REX ,black sabbath ,and aiko who is a j pop artist. I listen to any types of artist if they are good. I can play the guitar to some extent.I practice chord and scale everyday. but it takes much time.this bothers me. I must learn English ,too.
i know only aiko by name. i think music is something that helps you through your entire life. it will help you in a way you don't expect even if it doesn't make money. i don't have such talent and i envy you. keep practice!
is it ok for me to ask you about you? are you a hikky? how long have you been a hikky?
thanks for your cheering.i recommend you aiko's hanabi and boy friend.
i have been a hikky for about's,however, not certain if this is acculate one.
by the way, how do you study English?i have been only doing vocabulary building recently.learning idiom is difficult.i have to read long detailed essays,too.
thanks for the recommendation. i'll listen to them when i have an opportunity.
you've been a hikikomori for a long time, haven't you? i thought perhaps you were not a hikikomori because it was rare to see a hikikomori who was in his late 30's. maybe those hikikomoris don't often show their existence on the internet.
i'm learning english on my own by watching youtube videos and reading english materials such as books and blog posts. but recently i noticed that i need to learn english more actively. my english skills have remained the same level for a long time. i think i'll learn it more seriously from tomorrow.
do you have any short term goals in learning english?
am i few and far between as if i am an endangered species?(Chuckles)
i only have an obscure goal but i think i should enhance listening skill.i have never been thought highly of listening skill when i was a far i have no opportunity to talk with naitive speakers in particular.but i can't predict when the chance comes.
as a long term strategy,it's to pass test like eiken.
Hello it's nice meeting. I was thinking about passing STEP or first grade. After applying for a lot of companies, I realized that no one appreciates your language skills unless you have lived abroad. So I gave up applying for eiken first grade.
I just want to have a good command of English now. This is enough for me.
I was just fired at the beginning of last month. I got offers from two companies in April. The one was a multinational corporation based in Singapore. The other was a trading company.
It's a problem unfortunately. I've remembered a lot of things. Competitors are English speakers and most of them are tall, look beautiful and younger than me when it comes to recruitments.