English HIKI

come on dejima.
now under population!
202(-_-)さん:2008/05/13(火) 20:40:34 ID:???0
i finished completely memorize shin-kihon-eibun 700-sen.
i hear that generaly speaking who has finished this book cannot fail to master english.
i can't maseter english.
i can't understand this thead at all.
i can't compose english sentenses.
i regret this results.
i would speak and write fluent english orz.
is 700sen complete good for nothing, or i am just an idiot?
is the head spell line the same alphabet "i, i, i, i, i"?
it seem to be so foolish.
203(-_-)さん:2008/05/13(火) 20:42:09 ID:Z83uiCZt0
Where can I get such items?
204(-_-)さん:2008/05/13(火) 22:10:40 ID:YHd5k0UTO
Are you going to clean your toilette? Good boy!
205(-_-)さん:2008/05/14(水) 00:53:28 ID:UxNxqIA50
My toilet wants to commit suicide, so I am helping it.
206(-_-)さん:2008/05/14(水) 01:03:47 ID:???0
This thread is too depressing. It needs more CHEER!
207(-_-)さん:2008/05/14(水) 01:13:13 ID:NcwDG6QBO
I want to be happy.
208(-_-)さん:2008/05/14(水) 01:19:05 ID:???0
Oh, you are now in the HIKIKOMORI board.
There is no need for us HIKIKOMORI to pretend to be cheerful.
Be gloomy, and curse yourself and all people in this world.
Just for your great life....
209(-_-)さん:2008/05/14(水) 02:28:48 ID:???0
Fuck that shit, I am a happy hikki
210(-_-)さん:2008/05/14(水) 02:50:27 ID:???0
No hikky is happy.
Hikky can never be happy.
Hikky is the Misery.
211(-_-)さん:2008/05/14(水) 05:26:57 ID:qT1cKPKdO
OK Make love together, be happy.
212(-_-)さん:2008/05/14(水) 20:51:15 ID:UxNxqIA50
I just realized something...

Everybody but me is dead.
213(-_-)さん:2008/05/14(水) 23:12:32 ID:NcwDG6QBO
I'm dead too. I'm like a zombie.
214(-_-)さん:2008/05/15(木) 00:22:16 ID:OFuIYT0RO
Today I went to psychological hospital.
Dr.gave me medicine, I just take them,
oh,surely these are not medicine, are poison! I feel dizzy...
215(-_-)さん:2008/05/15(木) 00:32:54 ID:???0
i though your doctor's name is Gave.
216(-_-)さん:2008/05/15(木) 21:06:56 ID:3tlcVgnf0
Medicine is mind control.
217(-_-)さん:2008/05/15(木) 21:10:59 ID:???0
Medicine is my lifeline.
Without it, I'll go mad to death.
218(-_-)さん:2008/05/15(木) 21:22:45 ID:???0
Oh, my Godness...
You just take drug !
219(-_-)さん:2008/05/15(木) 21:27:31 ID:???0
Yes, yes, medicine, or drug, is now a part of myself.
I've married medicine.
220(-_-)さん:2008/05/15(木) 22:59:39 ID:???O
I had medicine, but nothing change.
Give me back money. I only need money.
221(-_-)さん:2008/05/15(木) 23:51:50 ID:???0
Then, sell them.
There are so many people who want to buy some kind of
medicine without a prescription of doctor.
Apart from whether that is illegal or not.
222(-_-)さん:2008/05/16(金) 00:55:41 ID:8hSIwKv0O
No... just throw them away!
223(-_-)さん:2008/05/16(金) 01:01:24 ID:???0
why do you hate medicine so much?
medicine is indispensable for us all.
you may not be able to live without medicine.
224(-_-)さん:2008/05/16(金) 02:22:09 ID:Fi+oV4cE0
I prefer alternartive medicine.
There is nothing like the medicine of the mind.
Meditation and inner spiritual peace.
225(-_-)さん:2008/05/16(金) 02:26:29 ID:Fi+oV4cE0
226(-_-)さん:2008/05/17(土) 00:00:50 ID:zYZFO01vO
What is alternative medicine?
227(-_-)さん:2008/05/17(土) 00:05:31 ID:???0
i guess
that is "generic" medicine, isn't that??
228(-_-)さん:2008/05/17(土) 00:29:59 ID:???0
No, search the word "alternative medicine".
It means "Daitai-Iryou" in Japanese.
229(-_-)さん:2008/05/17(土) 01:14:50 ID:+qcdeMvp0
Alternative medicine is something like herbal supplements.
And spiritual treatment in a New Age sense.
230(-_-)さん:2008/05/17(土) 02:06:17 ID:???0
I am Sam.
231(-_-)さん:2008/05/17(土) 02:10:24 ID:???O
I am Sam?!


232(-_-)さん:2008/05/17(土) 10:23:32 ID:???0
When I was a high school student, I was involved an amusing incident.
One day I was taking lunch alone in Ohsyo, I found an apparently disabled
person sitting next to me. He was swinging his left arm and moaning,
as he ate the lunch using his wholesome right arm. Since he looked really odd,
I mimicked that funny man―also ate with my hand hanging down and moaning
during the meal. Then, with the sense of equity, Sir appeared from the rear table.
He shouted not to make a fool of a handicaped person and struck a hard blow
in the cause of justice. He injured disabled one.
233(-_-)さん:2008/05/17(土) 10:29:15 ID:???0
When I was a high school student, I was involved an amusing incident.
One day I was taking lunch alone in Ohsyo, I found an apparently disabled
person sitting next to me. He was swinging his left arm and moaning,
as he ate the lunch using his wholesome right arm. Since he looked really odd,
I mimicked that funny man―also ate with my hand hanging down and moaning
during the meal. Then, with the sense of equity, Mister appeared from the rear table.
He shouted not to make a fool of a handicaped person and struck a hard blow
in the cause of justice. He injured disabled one.
234(-_-)さん:2008/05/17(土) 11:20:48 ID:???O
Where can we get that herbal supplement?
Isn't it drug?
235(-_-)さん:2008/05/20(火) 00:41:35 ID:chmB83LJ0
I just had a dream of life before hikki
I can't stop thinking about it. I want to die
236(-_-)さん:2008/05/20(火) 00:52:13 ID:???0
You will become as you wished to be.
No one is forbidden to have any dreams.
237(-_-)さん:2008/05/20(火) 00:59:09 ID:chmB83LJ0
But I do not wish to become who I was.
That is a horrible aim. It is too scary.
238(-_-)さん:2008/05/20(火) 10:25:25 ID:Gbh17YXy0
Come on now, why can't everyone just cheer up? The internet is always
there to be your artificial friend.
239(-_-)さん:2008/05/20(火) 13:46:41 ID:???0
No, there is no friend on internet.
There are so many rivals.
They are just hampering for me.
240(-_-)さん:2008/05/20(火) 21:03:31 ID:???0
241(-_-)さん:2008/05/20(火) 21:11:15 ID:???0
Hahaha, YAZAWA is behind me.
242ヴぁ:2008/05/20(火) 23:23:34 ID:Zqo2GAHt0
243(-_-)さん:2008/05/21(水) 00:22:40 ID:???0
Maybe you're gonna be the one that saves me
And after all, you're my wonderwall
244(-_-)さん:2008/05/21(水) 07:57:01 ID:???O
I used to love oasis.
245(-_-)さん:2008/05/22(木) 01:00:04 ID:5Pf3eHQI0
Why do you no longer like them?
246(-_-)さん:2008/05/23(金) 01:18:34 ID:T98qQBmF0
Is anybody here?
247(-_-)さん:2008/05/23(金) 01:43:57 ID:???0
I'm here
248(-_-)さん:2008/05/23(金) 20:48:39 ID:T98qQBmF0
Will you talk to me?
I'm lonely
249(-_-)さん:2008/05/23(金) 20:52:57 ID:???0
But I'm busy now, sorry.
250(-_-)さん:2008/05/24(土) 00:58:32 ID:kgIBGYf70
If you were a real hikki, then how would you be busy?
also, why post on 2ch if you're busy?

Also, I had a bad nightmare last night of what my life could have been.
It's traumatizing. I feel like death.
251(-_-)さん:2008/05/24(土) 01:28:16 ID:???0
Sorry again, I was busy in painting a picture at that time.
And in the intervals of painting, I posted here.
Painting pictures is slightly hard, but also very pleasant.
252(-_-)さん:2008/05/25(日) 18:48:41 ID:???0
nihongo de ok
253(-_-)さん:2008/05/28(水) 01:04:25 ID:???O
Drawing picture! What a wonderful hobby!
I'm just thinking of love...
254(-_-)さん:2008/05/28(水) 20:47:53 ID:???O
Me too.

I am human and I need to be loved
Just like everybody else does~
255(-_-)さん:2008/05/28(水) 21:15:58 ID:???0
I cry myself to sleep because of my lack of love.
Oh shit, I am crying right now!
256(-_-)さん:2008/05/29(木) 20:53:52 ID:RU8AQg1R0
Crying is cathartic
257(-_-)さん:2008/06/05(木) 21:41:31 ID:???0
I'd like to age this thread
258(-_-)さん:2008/06/06(金) 14:42:27 ID:???0
I'm very happy now!
259(-_-)さん:2008/06/06(金) 20:46:51 ID:???0
Why are you happy?
I am depressed. I wish I was dead.
Everybody I loved has moved on and left me far behind.
260(-_-)さん:2008/06/09(月) 22:41:44 ID:???0
Don't kill anyone, please
261(-_-)さん:2008/06/10(火) 23:39:43 ID:???O
262(-_-)さん:2008/06/17(火) 11:44:20 ID:???0
you had better have a job
263(-_-)さん:2008/06/17(火) 12:46:02 ID:???0
I can't understand English :(
Please speak Japanese!
264(-_-)さん:2008/06/17(火) 12:58:27 ID:???0
No, you must learn English
265(-_-)さん:2008/06/18(水) 19:18:52 ID:???0
266(-_-)さん:2008/06/18(水) 20:38:31 ID:aaPOcovA0
I'm not hiki
but I feel depressed from time to time
the cause of it is appearent and there is no need to say
...yes, it is my face
I have inferior complex in(of?) my face
267(-_-)さん:2008/06/18(水) 21:16:32 ID:???O
Me too. and I have nothing to do
268(-_-)さん:2008/06/18(水) 22:10:16 ID:aaPOcovA0
all I'm doing now is studying English
269(-_-)さん:2008/06/18(水) 22:17:54 ID:???0
me too,so if i can disapear my face when i walk on the road,
i get out the room very happy.
270(-_-)さん:2008/06/18(水) 22:46:35 ID:aaPOcovA0
there is similarity between you and me
I intend to improve my English skil
271(-_-)さん:2008/06/22(日) 09:14:01 ID:???O
Hickies rule. XD
272(-_-)さん:2008/06/25(水) 11:35:58 ID:???0
I must save this thread
Or, we'll fade away from this world
273(-_-)さん:2008/06/25(水) 22:14:43 ID:Zf+O9Iy80
why you don't cheer this thread up?
I think this thread is too calm
274(-_-)さん:2008/06/25(水) 22:41:29 ID:???0
Don't be so gloomy, you, hikkies!!
Surely I and you are hikkies!!
But it's just only a fact!!!
We can have dreams!! Many many great dreams!!!
275(-_-)さん:2008/06/25(水) 23:05:23 ID:Zf+O9Iy80
you should consider the atmospher of this thread
if you want to cheer this thread up, you have to gradually do so
276(-_-)さん:2008/06/25(水) 23:17:37 ID:???0
It's just noooooooonsense!!
If we think of doing something, for instance, to go out of our room,
we must do it IN NO TIME!!
So, we don't have to consider any atosomphere!
277(-_-)さん:2008/06/25(水) 23:57:07 ID:Zf+O9Iy80
you areeeee right!
yes,we have nooo timeeeeeeeee!
what we hiki should do is to go out rght now!
278(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 00:06:50 ID:???0
NO, no no no no no nooooo!
You don't have need to go out, right now!!
All you have to do is, well,
279(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 00:43:39 ID:???O
Thanks for your support, asshole.
280(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 02:12:22 ID:++FB6HN00
we call those who play the piano “HIki”
and those who run over by a car are also “HIKI”
281(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 02:13:04 ID:???0
282(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 02:38:48 ID:++FB6HN00
no way!
283(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 02:44:08 ID:???O
so what
284(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 02:48:09 ID:???0
you suck!
285(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 08:41:22 ID:???0
you whack
286(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 10:38:33 ID:???0
Nobody loves me!
I am still a virgin!
287(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 11:43:53 ID:av3RMEdB0
We are all in the same boat.
Doesn't that make you feel better?
288(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 11:44:23 ID:av3RMEdB0
We are all in the same boat here.
Doesn't that make you feel better?
289(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 12:16:29 ID:???0
why did you say twice?
why did you say twice?
290(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 14:45:01 ID:U4WcY3UlO
i think so
291(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 15:35:57 ID:++FB6HN00
yes, I'm relieved to hear that
we are surely in the same place
but, all of us have to get out of this boat some day
292(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 17:41:04 ID:6ZEtMPEmO
I want to row the swan boat
293(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 17:55:16 ID:???0
I too.
I want to row it with you
294(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 18:19:33 ID:???O
I don't think so.
I haven't been advanced since I became alone.
Nothing make me happy.

Metyakutya na eigo de Sumaso.
295i'm fourteen:2008/06/26(木) 18:50:45 ID:U4WcY3UlO
NO!!!Your English is so good. i like you.can you be my friend!?!?

by the way,Are you real hikky?!?!
296(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 18:53:29 ID:???0
fuck off right now, fourteen boy.
and you must not come here again.
your friends exist only in your mind.
no one here cannot be your friend.
297(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 19:22:41 ID:++FB6HN00
why you say in such a rude manner?
you should treat a young boy kindly

hi! I'm not 294 but you can talk to me anytime!
but it may a little difficult for you to write English sentence.
if you have nothing to do, come here and write something to improve yout English!

298(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 19:23:52 ID:++FB6HN00
× yout
○ your
299fourteen:2008/06/26(木) 19:35:32 ID:U4WcY3UlO
i dont like you.

fuck YOU!!!
there you go.
i think you have   hated or discriminatedagainst.

YOUR mind is abnormal.

i'm not boy.
300fourteen:2008/06/26(木) 19:39:12 ID:U4WcY3UlO
THANKS!! i'm happy.