English HIKI

So, any hikis out there who speak English?
2uirou2.0:2008/04/16(水) 02:17:21 ID:+bbId/zY0
              ,.r-───--、        ri`i
            /::::::::::::: ─- ::::::|      [`r' q
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 (       (_,,.r..三三)/f・・)、~~ i i|  ~`=-''/ t. |   Don't think, feel
  `ー---─f'''''   |:::...... イエエエフ|:: | i|     |   `ノ
     `--{   i|  |:::::::f |fェェェェノ:: f   ‖  レヲ-'´ 
       `t   i|  ヽ.::::::`====':丿  r-''''' ̄
        |       ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄    .i 
        |    U I R O U 2.0    |
3(-_-)さん:2008/04/16(水) 02:18:35 ID:???O
wa〜tashi hikikomori〜
4(-_-)さん:2008/04/16(水) 03:14:16 ID:???O
fuck you
5(-_-)さん:2008/04/16(水) 07:31:59 ID:???0
6なかそつキョン君:2008/04/16(水) 14:54:39 ID:???0
i am hikky. crazy hikky.
7(-_-)さん:2008/04/16(水) 20:40:48 ID:vRO/FegH0
Oh the anger, oh the hatred. Funny that you would be so quick to fire off a standard English vulgarity in a thread which could otherwise be ignored should you be so offended by it.
8(-_-)さん:2008/04/16(水) 20:53:43 ID:???0
interi butten jya ne-yo kasu ga!
9hikimachine ◆OiSHiNxnOE :2008/04/16(水) 20:56:12 ID:???0
StepOverToHold with FaceLock
10OSAMU ◆tckAYjQDZY :2008/04/16(水) 21:04:02 ID:zd9GSeDrO
11(-_-)さん:2008/04/16(水) 21:10:58 ID:vRO/FegH0

           _|\ _
         / u 。 `ー、___ 
        / ゚ 。 ⌒ 。 ゚ u  / 
       /u ゚ (●) u ゚`ヽ。i  
       | 。 ゚,r -(、_, )(●) / respect, yo
     il  ! //「エェェ、 ) ゚ u/  
 ・ 。  || i rヽ ir- r 、//。゚/ i  
  \. || l   ヽ`ニ' ィ―'  il | i 
 ゚ヽ | | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| | 
。 ゚ _(,,)   ∧_∧    (,,)_ / ゚
 ・/ヽ|   ( ´∀`)   |て ─ ・。 :
/  .ノ|________.|(  \ ゚ 。
 ̄。゚ ⌒)/⌒Y⌒Y⌒Y⌒Y⌒ヽ\  ̄ 。
12(-_-)さん:2008/04/16(水) 21:20:49 ID:???0
someone point me to the direction of the elephant ladle.
13(-_-)さん:2008/04/16(水) 21:45:25 ID:???O
14(-_-)さん:2008/04/16(水) 23:58:18 ID:???0
nanka LotR ni detekiso na eibun ya. kakkoee naa. 1ha dousite eigo wakaruyouni nattan?
15(-_-)さん:2008/04/17(木) 03:18:00 ID:NHS6WhNoO
nanka konosure
okashiiyone www
16(-_-)さん:2008/04/17(木) 03:29:52 ID:???0
ouch! hahahaha
17(-_-)さん:2008/04/17(木) 04:33:30 ID:DnLmfVsT0
Oh, hello everybody
I couldn't help but notice the SERIOUS BUSINESS going down in this thread
Namely a cross-lingual flame war
18(-_-)さん:2008/04/17(木) 23:46:10 ID:6ElBDjUyO
Rape their women as they cry!
19(-_-)さん:2008/04/18(金) 14:34:07 ID:DqDMgfoe0
20(-_-)さん:2008/04/18(金) 20:43:35 ID:???0
lol wut
21(-_-)さん:2008/04/18(金) 22:56:14 ID:???O
Hi guys, I've been thinking about >>1
22(-_-)さん:2008/04/18(金) 23:06:31 ID:b5OLy8LfO
blowjob degugurekasu
23(-_-)さん:2008/04/18(金) 23:18:44 ID:???O
2 girls 1 cup degugur(ry
24(-_-)さん:2008/04/18(金) 23:38:31 ID:l16F91UwO

Thats good to hear that hikkys ok. Nice Heart
25(-_-)さん:2008/04/19(土) 00:03:11 ID:???0
Hello, everyone!
26(-_-)さん:2008/04/19(土) 00:03:35 ID:???O
Are you serious?
27(-_-)さん:2008/04/19(土) 00:05:00 ID:???0
28(-_-)さん:2008/04/19(土) 00:34:56 ID:???O
Hikker Men
29(-_-)さん:2008/04/19(土) 00:46:14 ID:???O
Damn, I got no friends
30(-_-)さん:2008/04/19(土) 00:55:38 ID:f1Gh8XIz0
5 years and counting
31(-_-)さん:2008/04/19(土) 01:40:48 ID:???O
3 years and counting
32(-_-)さん:2008/04/19(土) 06:11:41 ID:XZs/OMJPO
I feel like dying.
33(-_-)さん:2008/04/20(日) 10:45:27 ID:QPrvPdlU0
I'm a hikikomori too, but I don't see it as anything negative. I am enjoying my life and like the way things are.

It's a HAPPY thing to be able to use the internet and post on 2channel without all the worries everyday people have. It's a life of a king, accept your destiny.
34OSAMU ◆tckAYjQDZY :2008/04/20(日) 10:53:26 ID:EyYgB8/8O
35池沼犬:2008/04/20(日) 11:14:42 ID:???0
I am a gay!!!
give me PENIS

36(-_-)さん:2008/04/20(日) 11:52:15 ID:???0
What's up?
Couldn't be better!
37(-_-)さん:2008/04/20(日) 12:55:23 ID:8hfdCUWB0
I am a FUCKING hikikomori.
38(-_-)さん:2008/04/20(日) 13:10:17 ID:???O
How can be so optimistic?
Are you rich?

I am old age no career...no
I need LOVE and MONEY.

HELP ME...Mr.Fukuda(T_T)
39(-_-)さん:2008/04/20(日) 14:36:52 ID:8hfdCUWB0
can you SHit the FUCK up please?!

I am TRYING to masturbaet!
40(-_-)さん:2008/04/20(日) 14:41:03 ID:CWvy6ytk0
Too vulgar
fuck'in! Get out of here !
41(-_-)さん:2008/04/20(日) 14:43:25 ID:8hfdCUWB0
I am an English hikikomori from the UK.

I am in London. I do not leave my room. All I do is play video games and read manga.

What are YOU going to do about it? TRY AND STOP ME!
42(-_-)さん:2008/04/20(日) 14:57:07 ID:???0
omaera nanijin dayo!
43(-_-)さん:2008/04/20(日) 16:40:04 ID:???0
mattaku wakaranai
44(-_-)さん:2008/04/20(日) 18:39:46 ID:???O
Who cares?
Don't tell lies!Get out of here!
This is only for Japanese HHLIKOMORI.
45(-_-)さん:2008/04/20(日) 21:10:23 ID:???O
You need love, toughness, and some peace of mind!
46(-_-)さん:2008/04/21(月) 00:10:53 ID:???O
YOU have all those things? Take care of you!
47(-_-)さん:2008/04/21(月) 00:59:37 ID:9KNQDzyq0
>Are you rich?
Do you really have to be rich to be happy?

>I am old age no career...no
Who said good life is about making career?
In my opinion it's about enjoying oneself.
Living and letting other people live the way they want, not the way it's "correct".

Why? You'd throw it away and exchange it for a new lamborghini if you had a chance. LOL
48(-_-)さん:2008/04/21(月) 01:12:23 ID:???O
You know.. I don't have any of those needful things.
Ouch my heart is bleeding! It's fucking bleeding!
49(-_-)さん:2008/04/21(月) 01:58:10 ID:???O
Get out of here!
50(-_-)さん:2008/04/21(月) 02:10:11 ID:9KNQDzyq0
Haha, make me.
51(-_-)さん:2008/04/21(月) 03:29:23 ID:???O
What my family wants me to do is to work or to disappear.
52(-_-)さん:2008/04/21(月) 04:09:11 ID:???0
Oh, I see. That's more serious then.

Maybe part-time work? Something you like doing?
53(-_-)さん:2008/04/21(月) 09:06:54 ID:???O
That's what happen to me.
I wanna suicide,but scared...
54(-_-)さん:2008/04/21(月) 15:21:43 ID:???0
It's about time you decide anything on yourself unless you're child.
Take it easy and go ahead as you like.
55(-_-)さん:2008/04/21(月) 19:26:32 ID:???O
Let's make love together♪
Beautiful hiki!
56(-_-)さん:2008/04/22(火) 03:43:18 ID:???O
Thank you for your comment.

Part time would be kind of doable
if it doesn't need any social skill.
But the more I think about work,
the more I get depressed.
57(-_-)さん:2008/04/22(火) 07:51:32 ID:???O
Make love with me!
58(-_-)さん:2008/04/22(火) 14:10:51 ID:???O
Okay! Let's make love.
59(-_-)さん:2008/04/22(火) 17:43:45 ID:???0
60(-_-)さん:2008/04/23(水) 00:46:54 ID:???O
61(-_-)さん:2008/04/23(水) 16:41:17 ID:???O
I love you... Chu!
62(-_-)さん:2008/04/24(木) 00:21:27 ID:???0
63(-_-)さん:2008/04/24(木) 03:27:20 ID:???O
I love you
64(-_-)さん:2008/04/28(月) 20:52:44 ID:???0
So, what caused everybody here to become a hikki?

Unrequited love did it for me.
65(-_-)さん:2008/04/28(月) 21:13:11 ID:5yngyOKn0
Hikikomoris don't do part-time work.
66(-_-)さん:2008/04/28(月) 21:20:13 ID:II38Ok0D0
Love must be nothing but sexual fantasy...
67(-_-)さん:2008/04/28(月) 21:28:46 ID:???0
Is that what it's like for you?
68(-_-)さん:2008/04/28(月) 21:30:15 ID:???0
f....fa....fe....fu....fuck!!! haha!! yeah!! fuck!!! fuccckkkk!!!!! hahaha!!! hyahyahya!!! fuck!fuck!!! hooooo!!!
69(-_-)さん:2008/04/28(月) 21:33:26 ID:II38Ok0D0
Yeah, ja. I think so.
And you ? What do you think about it ?
70(-_-)さん:2008/04/29(火) 01:06:10 ID:???0
Love is not the same without physical feelings involved. I've never had that, never will. ;_;
Unrequited love, even when a hikki. I cannot escape it. Tormenting every day.
71冥土さん ◆MEIDO/4NFY :2008/04/29(火) 01:08:40 ID:???0
I'm fuckin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
72(-_-)さん:2008/04/29(火) 01:10:56 ID:???0
73冥土さん ◆MEIDO/4NFY :2008/04/29(火) 01:18:15 ID:???0
What does fleshlight mean?
74(-_-)さん:2008/04/29(火) 01:20:01 ID:???0
Lonely hikki uses it everyday
Next best thing to sex
75冥土さん ◆MEIDO/4NFY :2008/04/29(火) 01:48:07 ID:???0
76(-_-)さん:2008/04/29(火) 01:52:38 ID:g3ZU0pkP0
77(-_-)さん:2008/04/29(火) 01:59:00 ID:???0
78(-_-)さん:2008/04/29(火) 02:02:18 ID:g3ZU0pkP0
Best Sonic game ever made. I literally spend all day playing that and Tales of Symphonia.
79(-_-)さん:2008/04/29(火) 02:05:27 ID:???0
hey fucking hikkies, why don't you go out your home?
the world is so large that you cannot go to all place.
go out right now, and you can be happy.
80(-_-)さん:2008/04/29(火) 02:12:48 ID:g3ZU0pkP0
Impossible! Outside world is too much pressure, all the bad memories come back. It's an evil place.
The Internet is much larger than the world.
81(-_-)さん:2008/04/29(火) 03:22:40 ID:wb2gbdYgO
82(-_-)さん:2008/04/29(火) 03:39:00 ID:???0
I like onani
83(-_-)さん:2008/04/29(火) 13:49:18 ID:???O
I think >>1 is a woman.
84(-_-)さん:2008/04/29(火) 20:38:42 ID:???0
Hikki women!?
85(-_-)さん:2008/04/29(火) 20:40:04 ID:???0
existence of a woman hiki... it's a legend
86(-_-)さん:2008/04/29(火) 20:55:19 ID:???0
Actually,......here it is.
87(-_-)さん:2008/04/29(火) 21:02:07 ID:???0
I love you
88(-_-)さん:2008/04/29(火) 21:13:39 ID:???0
Thank you.
I love whole the people.
89(-_-)さん:2008/04/29(火) 23:26:35 ID:i1Yl6zyCO
Kiss me!
90(-_-)さん:2008/04/30(水) 00:53:28 ID:???0
Please love me! I've never been hugged in my life and I'm 21!!
91(-_-)さん:2008/04/30(水) 01:28:07 ID:???O
I am sorry..I love >>88
92(-_-)さん:2008/04/30(水) 01:39:28 ID:???0
now, I tell you hikkies an unforunate news.
I don't love you at all.
I hate you.
93(-_-)さん:2008/04/30(水) 01:44:45 ID:???0
94(-_-)さん:2008/04/30(水) 01:53:52 ID:???0
Please, please never speak to me from now on.
Or, I'll commit suicide by hanging myself.
95(-_-)さん:2008/04/30(水) 02:00:05 ID:Q8G6CiVi0
That puts a lot of power in my hands.
But why hang when you can do it hydrogen sulfide?
96(-_-)さん:2008/04/30(水) 02:06:22 ID:???0
sucide by hydrogen sulfide gas is too scary for me
it results in ignoble end of life
97(-_-)さん:2008/04/30(水) 02:34:18 ID:???0
Don't commit suicide!
You can do so much more and be so much more creative while a hikki than everybody else. Use your creativity with power. Don't end it all.
98(-_-)さん:2008/04/30(水) 02:44:51 ID:???0
oh, I don't have a mind to do such an absurd act.
I want to be more creative.
99(-_-)さん:2008/04/30(水) 04:25:57 ID:TH4Srem5O
nihon go de ok,yeah.
100(-_-)さん:2008/04/30(水) 07:53:44 ID:zpGzfiP+O
101(-_-)さん:2008/04/30(水) 09:08:26 ID:???0
Well, what do you think the most cleaver means to commit suicide is ?
102(-_-)さん:2008/04/30(水) 09:11:02 ID:???0
Oh, my... I made a basic spelling mistake.
103(-_-)さん:2008/04/30(水) 13:49:08 ID:???0
I think, nothing is the best way to die.
Human being (or all living things) must not intend to die,
because we were born to live out our life.
We often think to kill ourselves, but it is quite wrong.
We must live in this world even if there are too many suffering.
104(-_-)さん:2008/04/30(水) 13:51:41 ID:???0
Please love me someone...
105(-_-)さん:2008/04/30(水) 13:55:29 ID:???0
you will never be loved if you want only to be loved
first, love someone
106(-_-)さん:2008/04/30(水) 15:02:49 ID:zpGzfiP+O
But we have no chance even to meet people.
107(-_-)さん:2008/04/30(水) 19:52:04 ID:???O
I don't think living out our lives is most important.
How we live is most.

We have our best way for eachof us to live in this time and this world.
We must know what kind of people we are,and live with thought of ゙what should I do.゙
We can know it only joining other people.

Hikikomori is dead condition.
If you are enough young to live your life, it's OK to restart.
But not...no worth to live for you,
even if others recommend you JUST living.
108(-_-)さん:2008/04/30(水) 20:49:46 ID:Q8G6CiVi0
Definitely by train or subway.

But I don't think hikikomori is a dead condition.
Write a book, write a song, learn to draw, play an instrument, research paranormal subjects, take up lucid dreaming and live out a tangible fantasy within your mind.
There is so much to do and so much time to do it.
109(-_-)さん:2008/05/01(木) 00:59:04 ID:???0
How do you pass the days? I need ideas, I'm getting bored of the same old video games and movies and music. I'm thinking of taking up oekaki.
110hikimachine ◆OiSHiNxnOE :2008/05/01(木) 01:10:25 ID:???0
The world is mine!
111(-_-)さん:2008/05/01(木) 01:14:54 ID:???0
112(-_-)さん:2008/05/01(木) 01:16:03 ID:???0
Oekaki is creative, I think oekaki is good idea to while away the time.
Practice, practice and practice, and you may become a great painter.
113hikimachine ◆OiSHiNxnOE :2008/05/01(木) 01:17:30 ID:???0
It is like a finger pointing away to the moon.
114(-_-)さん:2008/05/01(木) 01:23:54 ID:???0
Also write and record music. Expression is good for the soul.
You don't need a professional studio, just basic recording software.
115(-_-)さん:2008/05/01(木) 08:30:58 ID:???O
I hate you.
116(-_-)さん:2008/05/01(木) 11:15:23 ID:???0
Learn to love, you will feel much better inside.
117(-_-)さん:2008/05/01(木) 12:16:49 ID:???O
How can we learn?
118(-_-)さん:2008/05/01(木) 21:01:29 ID:???0
You find someone you care about and talk to them.
119(-_-)さん:2008/05/01(木) 21:06:05 ID:???0
Such kinds of person exsists only inside displays.
120(-_-)さん:2008/05/01(木) 21:07:34 ID:cBv3Go4W0
Lucid dreaming allows you to physically feel and experience fantasies.
121(-_-)さん:2008/05/01(木) 21:26:48 ID:/HlnlNtA0
Ja, right you are. I was also able to enjoy lucid dream and it's my only pleasure so far.
But, I have ... seldom realized that I'm in dream these two ? or three years,
even I 've forgot whole contents of it next morning.
As for me, night is the very blank darkness.
122(-_-)さん:2008/05/02(金) 01:10:02 ID:3s8MeNwq0
You should keep a dream journal if you keep forgetting your dreams.
It helps with lucid dreaming, too.
Also, what is your method? WILD (Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming) is nice, but I feel like a lucid dreaming induction device would be much more efficient.
123(-_-)さん:2008/05/02(金) 02:32:11 ID:???0
I can't do it! ;_;
124(-_-)さん:2008/05/02(金) 06:55:20 ID:???O
I can't understand what you discuss seriously.
125(-_-)さん:2008/05/02(金) 07:09:33 ID:???O
Do you know oyashiro-sama?☆
126(-_-)さん:2008/05/02(金) 07:56:46 ID:???0
Are there such a useful device? But I'm afraid I can't afford it.
Anyway, thank you for your advice, and I'll refer to web pages about lucid dream.

"Lucid dream" is the word in the field of phychology.
In Japanese, "Meiseki-mu".

When you have lucid dream, you are aware of being in dream.
And also you can control it, for example, when you have a nightmare
in which a LION chases you, you can escape by flying in the SKY.
127(-_-)さん:2008/05/02(金) 12:33:29 ID:???O
I need someone whom I can love.
But too late
128(-_-)さん:2008/05/02(金) 13:02:03 ID:???0
Are you female?
If so, sure I have the right to love you.
But even if you are male, I and you have the right to love each other.
129(-_-)さん:2008/05/02(金) 19:12:57 ID:???O
I need only rich handsome man.
130(-_-)さん:2008/05/02(金) 20:57:00 ID:???0
Love is out of reach for hikki. Love decides who it wants to help and who it wants to hurt.
Love will be the fall of all mankind.
131(-_-)さん:2008/05/02(金) 23:53:25 ID:???O
Are you bisexual?
132(-_-)さん:2008/05/03(土) 00:04:54 ID:???0
No, I would have remarked that all same-sex love should be just platonic.
133(-_-)さん:2008/05/03(土) 00:26:08 ID:ubALrO6V0
Love is just a fantasy. It does not exist but in an illusion.
134(-_-)さん:2008/05/03(土) 09:35:36 ID:???O
Not faithful no intelligence.
Only sexual desire.
135(-_-)さん:2008/05/05(月) 01:35:38 ID:???O
I guess desperation is the key.
136(-_-)さん:2008/05/05(月) 01:49:50 ID:???0
there are bunch of crappy zatsudan threads
who created it?
137(-_-)さん:2008/05/05(月) 02:06:33 ID:???0
Fucking zatsudan thread!!!
We are quite irritated at so many zatsudan threads!!
138(-_-)さん:2008/05/05(月) 02:11:05 ID:???0
on the other hand, this thread is great
i hope some more good people come here to chat with us
139(-_-)さん:2008/05/05(月) 02:23:42 ID:???0
Zatsudan threads are just only dumps of trash,
but this thread is very profitable for learning English.
someday, we may communicate with those whose mother language is English.
140(-_-)さん:2008/05/05(月) 02:39:50 ID:???0
spending time at hiki-zatsu is almost waste of time
but talking here is very worthy
141(-_-)さん:2008/05/05(月) 02:46:45 ID:???0
Oh Dick Dick Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!
142(-_-)さん:2008/05/05(月) 02:57:21 ID:???O
yes yes funny funny
143(-_-)さん:2008/05/05(月) 04:03:48 ID:???0
At last you will never worry about your size any more.
We have a solution that will make all your sexual dreams come true.
Leave behind what you've known earlier. The new era for you is here!
Roll-panna will go mad! Takashi will be jealous!
And you will at last your new life! Like a real man with a real penis !
Say Mega-Dick-Shoo and be happy with your new size!
144(-_-)さん:2008/05/05(月) 09:12:27 ID:???O
Too vulgar
145(-_-)さん:2008/05/05(月) 09:21:10 ID:???O
Die.You are no use.
146(-_-)さん:2008/05/05(月) 09:26:00 ID:???O
Die.You are no use.
147(-_-)さん:2008/05/05(月) 09:41:41 ID:u1N+YerPO
Suck ya Dick by yourself
148(-_-)さん:2008/05/05(月) 09:46:30 ID:???0
Calm down, cell phone users
149(-_-)さん:2008/05/05(月) 10:11:08 ID:???0
I suppose >>143 is a copy of the contents of SPAM mail or something equal.
But the sentence "Roll-panna will go mad! Takashi will be jealous!" is on my mind.
Roll-panna? Takashi? Two word heve never been seen on SPAN mail.
I know that Roll-panna is a character on Anpan-Man.
But Takashi... I don't know who he is.
The man who will be jealous to enlargement of someone's Phallus... and the name is Takashi...
Oh, I noticed, Takashi is the author! Yanase Takashi!
150(-_-)さん:2008/05/05(月) 17:50:59 ID:C8hNvXwnO
This thread is as shitty as GW.
151(-_-)さん:2008/05/06(火) 13:46:31 ID:???0
where are you, you guys?
all have disappeared

hey, come out and let's talk
152(-_-)さん:2008/05/06(火) 13:54:37 ID:???0
Perhaps others are not in not home now.
Today is so good weather to go out.
153(-_-)さん:2008/05/06(火) 15:27:45 ID:???O
I don't go oooout!
154(-_-)さん:2008/05/06(火) 20:36:42 ID:???0
I'm here, but nothing special to talk about.
155(-_-)さん:2008/05/06(火) 20:40:30 ID:IdQWhuwR0
What hikki goes out?
This is hikki chat, get out if you're not!

Anyone want to discuss >>64 ?
156(-_-)さん:2008/05/07(水) 01:05:46 ID:???0


Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?
Ce soir! Ce soir!
157(-_-)さん:2008/05/07(水) 01:35:32 ID:???O
I wanna sleep with you tonight.
158(-_-)さん:2008/05/07(水) 01:38:38 ID:???0
I think, the idea that only those who can't go out are hikky is very intolerant.
If you think countrary to my thought, you may be extremist hikky.
We should always try to be as positive, even if we can't.
159(-_-)さん:2008/05/07(水) 01:56:55 ID:???0
But if we can't, then how can we?
160(-_-)さん:2008/05/07(水) 01:59:24 ID:???0
Why would it matter if it's ignoble?
None of it will matter postmortem.
161(-_-)さん:2008/05/07(水) 02:16:35 ID:???0
I want to end my life beautfully at least on my last moments...
162(-_-)さん:2008/05/07(水) 02:18:19 ID:???0
Just be positive, and you'll find your way.
163(-_-)さん:2008/05/07(水) 02:25:50 ID:???0
It seems to be an invalid claim
And, what did you mean by the use of "positive"?
Please tell me concretely
164(-_-)さん:2008/05/07(水) 02:54:03 ID:???0
Don't think.
Just feel.
Be positive about everything.

Yes, I know, to stay positive is too difficult for everyone.
But even if there are so many bitter experiences,
we must get over all of them.
This is not hypocrisy nor provocation.
165(-_-)さん:2008/05/07(水) 03:54:41 ID:???O
166(-_-)さん:2008/05/07(水) 04:47:33 ID:???O
I feel like dying. How about you?
167(-_-)さん:2008/05/07(水) 20:22:20 ID:???P

English only board has been born in 2ch
Correctly, no Japanese board.

168(-_-)さん:2008/05/07(水) 20:29:53 ID:???P
dejima is a new board
so maybe you have to add this board to your 2ch browser manually
if you want to watch it.
169(-_-)さん:2008/05/07(水) 20:38:20 ID:LBKGEyYcO
I know! via vip!
170(-_-)さん:2008/05/07(水) 21:24:51 ID:UNulLf/L0
I can't see straight when I look outside.
somebody execute me with their mind
171(-_-)さん:2008/05/08(木) 20:40:40 ID:BXIJ6ciB0
I figured out the solution to the women problem.
We put them in camps and gas them.
172(-_-)さん:2008/05/08(木) 21:15:57 ID:???0
You are terrible man.
I'm frightened to hear your comment.
You must be insane.
173(-_-)さん:2008/05/09(金) 00:21:12 ID:Asl6Qy8+0
No, I am a lonely man.
174(-_-)さん:2008/05/09(金) 01:55:28 ID:???0
175(-_-)さん:2008/05/09(金) 02:07:09 ID:kJjLrt2DO
I wish I could but I don't know what sex is.
176(-_-)さん:2008/05/09(金) 02:32:33 ID:???0
wow,English HIKI is so cool. lol
177(-_-)さん:2008/05/09(金) 13:45:09 ID:???0
I don't speak English --;
178(-_-)さん:2008/05/09(金) 13:48:15 ID:???0
You can speak English.
179(-_-)さん:2008/05/09(金) 15:21:49 ID:???O
good idea.
If you gas women, I'll gas men
180(-_-)さん:2008/05/09(金) 15:37:27 ID:???0
The word "gas" has multiple meanings when used as a verb.

・to supply with gas.
・to overcome, poison, or asphyxiate with gas or fumes.
・to singe (yarns or fabrics) with a gas flame to remove superfluous fibers.
・to treat or impregnate with gas.
 ・to talk nonsense or falsehood to.
 ・to amuse or affect strongly.
181(-_-)さん:2008/05/09(金) 15:39:15 ID:???0
182(-_-)さん:2008/05/09(金) 20:42:38 ID:???0
Hello, >>171 here.
I am madly in love with you.
183(-_-)さん:2008/05/10(土) 00:53:51 ID:P3Hd6jgu0
I hate people who are not virgins.
It is an unconditional hatred. I wish they would all just die.
Why are they so lucky? Why do they think they deserve it?
184(-_-)さん:2008/05/10(土) 01:47:08 ID:???O
I accept your love.
185(-_-)さん:2008/05/10(土) 02:55:48 ID:???O
Accept me
186(-_-)さん:2008/05/10(土) 08:04:12 ID:???0
Who is he?
He is Tom.
187(-_-)さん:2008/05/11(日) 12:07:35 ID:???0
hey hey watashi wa imaichi
188(-_-)さん:2008/05/11(日) 14:32:07 ID:???0
ne ne atara shiko hitsu YO
189(-_-)さん:2008/05/12(月) 20:46:52 ID:/xuI8TRZ0
How did human beings ever get so far?
I hate everyone and everything.
190(-_-)さん:2008/05/12(月) 21:31:21 ID:A1JBT/Dm0
I'm bored of life
191(-_-)さん:2008/05/12(月) 21:52:49 ID:???O
192(-_-)さん:2008/05/12(月) 22:33:53 ID:???O
I don't wanna work any more.
I must die now.
Just now,I'm gonna mix up "Sun poul" and "601" in bath room.
Take a breath deeply!
After one minute,I shall never breath again.
193(-_-)さん:2008/05/13(火) 00:21:32 ID:???0
Everybody I see on the outside world through television has someone to love.
They have no idea what it's like. There is no life outside of misery.
194(-_-)さん:2008/05/13(火) 00:28:46 ID:Z83uiCZt0
What is "Sun poul" and "601"?
195uirou2.0:2008/05/13(火) 02:04:57 ID:CIJr4yV40

     <  >
    ( -_- )
   /    \
196(-_-)さん:2008/05/13(火) 16:59:28 ID:wSn4zEMGO
197(-_-)さん:2008/05/13(火) 17:02:39 ID:???0
         ,. ..:;:;:;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:.、 
         ,'.;;;;;;;;;r'"´ ̄``''''゙゙゙`ヾ;;;;、
       j;;;;;;;, ′         ヾ;',
        ,j;;;;;, ′ ,r─-、      リ
      」;;;;;,′  "´ ̄`    ==ミ、',
     ハ;;;′   `ttテュ,   ,rェzァ  ',      ┼ヽ  -|r‐、. レ |
     いリ      ` ̄ ,.′      ',     d⌒) ./| _ノ  __ノ
     (_ノ        ( ,,,,.._,)  =- 。
        i    ゚ 。-≧        ≦三 =-
        l       ァ,           ≧=- 。
     , イ',     .: イ,、           > 。゚ ・ ゚
  ''"´   ヽ    .:.:≦`ヾ          ≧=-   
         ゝ、、 。゚ /。< 、、          `ミ 。 ゚ 。 ・
198(-_-)さん:2008/05/13(火) 18:18:17 ID:???0
and you'll be green
199(-_-)さん:2008/05/13(火) 18:25:48 ID:???0
sun poul is a washing soap.
601 is a bath powder.
mix sun poul with 601.
then poison gas is produced in a chemical reaction.
200(-_-)さん:2008/05/13(火) 19:09:24 ID:???O
Thank you. I am still alive.

It was canceled to die.

Perfect!! Thank you for explaining.
201(-_-)さん:2008/05/13(火) 19:27:13 ID:???0
come on dejima.
now under population!
202(-_-)さん:2008/05/13(火) 20:40:34 ID:???0
i finished completely memorize shin-kihon-eibun 700-sen.
i hear that generaly speaking who has finished this book cannot fail to master english.
i can't maseter english.
i can't understand this thead at all.
i can't compose english sentenses.
i regret this results.
i would speak and write fluent english orz.
is 700sen complete good for nothing, or i am just an idiot?
is the head spell line the same alphabet "i, i, i, i, i"?
it seem to be so foolish.
203(-_-)さん:2008/05/13(火) 20:42:09 ID:Z83uiCZt0
Where can I get such items?
204(-_-)さん:2008/05/13(火) 22:10:40 ID:YHd5k0UTO
Are you going to clean your toilette? Good boy!
205(-_-)さん:2008/05/14(水) 00:53:28 ID:UxNxqIA50
My toilet wants to commit suicide, so I am helping it.
206(-_-)さん:2008/05/14(水) 01:03:47 ID:???0
This thread is too depressing. It needs more CHEER!
207(-_-)さん:2008/05/14(水) 01:13:13 ID:NcwDG6QBO
I want to be happy.
208(-_-)さん:2008/05/14(水) 01:19:05 ID:???0
Oh, you are now in the HIKIKOMORI board.
There is no need for us HIKIKOMORI to pretend to be cheerful.
Be gloomy, and curse yourself and all people in this world.
Just for your great life....
209(-_-)さん:2008/05/14(水) 02:28:48 ID:???0
Fuck that shit, I am a happy hikki
210(-_-)さん:2008/05/14(水) 02:50:27 ID:???0
No hikky is happy.
Hikky can never be happy.
Hikky is the Misery.
211(-_-)さん:2008/05/14(水) 05:26:57 ID:qT1cKPKdO
OK Make love together, be happy.
212(-_-)さん:2008/05/14(水) 20:51:15 ID:UxNxqIA50
I just realized something...

Everybody but me is dead.
213(-_-)さん:2008/05/14(水) 23:12:32 ID:NcwDG6QBO
I'm dead too. I'm like a zombie.
214(-_-)さん:2008/05/15(木) 00:22:16 ID:OFuIYT0RO
Today I went to psychological hospital.
Dr.gave me medicine, I just take them,
oh,surely these are not medicine, are poison! I feel dizzy...
215(-_-)さん:2008/05/15(木) 00:32:54 ID:???0
i though your doctor's name is Gave.
216(-_-)さん:2008/05/15(木) 21:06:56 ID:3tlcVgnf0
Medicine is mind control.
217(-_-)さん:2008/05/15(木) 21:10:59 ID:???0
Medicine is my lifeline.
Without it, I'll go mad to death.
218(-_-)さん:2008/05/15(木) 21:22:45 ID:???0
Oh, my Godness...
You just take drug !
219(-_-)さん:2008/05/15(木) 21:27:31 ID:???0
Yes, yes, medicine, or drug, is now a part of myself.
I've married medicine.
220(-_-)さん:2008/05/15(木) 22:59:39 ID:???O
I had medicine, but nothing change.
Give me back money. I only need money.
221(-_-)さん:2008/05/15(木) 23:51:50 ID:???0
Then, sell them.
There are so many people who want to buy some kind of
medicine without a prescription of doctor.
Apart from whether that is illegal or not.
222(-_-)さん:2008/05/16(金) 00:55:41 ID:8hSIwKv0O
No... just throw them away!
223(-_-)さん:2008/05/16(金) 01:01:24 ID:???0
why do you hate medicine so much?
medicine is indispensable for us all.
you may not be able to live without medicine.
224(-_-)さん:2008/05/16(金) 02:22:09 ID:Fi+oV4cE0
I prefer alternartive medicine.
There is nothing like the medicine of the mind.
Meditation and inner spiritual peace.
225(-_-)さん:2008/05/16(金) 02:26:29 ID:Fi+oV4cE0
226(-_-)さん:2008/05/17(土) 00:00:50 ID:zYZFO01vO
What is alternative medicine?
227(-_-)さん:2008/05/17(土) 00:05:31 ID:???0
i guess
that is "generic" medicine, isn't that??
228(-_-)さん:2008/05/17(土) 00:29:59 ID:???0
No, search the word "alternative medicine".
It means "Daitai-Iryou" in Japanese.
229(-_-)さん:2008/05/17(土) 01:14:50 ID:+qcdeMvp0
Alternative medicine is something like herbal supplements.
And spiritual treatment in a New Age sense.
230(-_-)さん:2008/05/17(土) 02:06:17 ID:???0
I am Sam.
231(-_-)さん:2008/05/17(土) 02:10:24 ID:???O
I am Sam?!


232(-_-)さん:2008/05/17(土) 10:23:32 ID:???0
When I was a high school student, I was involved an amusing incident.
One day I was taking lunch alone in Ohsyo, I found an apparently disabled
person sitting next to me. He was swinging his left arm and moaning,
as he ate the lunch using his wholesome right arm. Since he looked really odd,
I mimicked that funny man―also ate with my hand hanging down and moaning
during the meal. Then, with the sense of equity, Sir appeared from the rear table.
He shouted not to make a fool of a handicaped person and struck a hard blow
in the cause of justice. He injured disabled one.
233(-_-)さん:2008/05/17(土) 10:29:15 ID:???0
When I was a high school student, I was involved an amusing incident.
One day I was taking lunch alone in Ohsyo, I found an apparently disabled
person sitting next to me. He was swinging his left arm and moaning,
as he ate the lunch using his wholesome right arm. Since he looked really odd,
I mimicked that funny man―also ate with my hand hanging down and moaning
during the meal. Then, with the sense of equity, Mister appeared from the rear table.
He shouted not to make a fool of a handicaped person and struck a hard blow
in the cause of justice. He injured disabled one.
234(-_-)さん:2008/05/17(土) 11:20:48 ID:???O
Where can we get that herbal supplement?
Isn't it drug?
235(-_-)さん:2008/05/20(火) 00:41:35 ID:chmB83LJ0
I just had a dream of life before hikki
I can't stop thinking about it. I want to die
236(-_-)さん:2008/05/20(火) 00:52:13 ID:???0
You will become as you wished to be.
No one is forbidden to have any dreams.
237(-_-)さん:2008/05/20(火) 00:59:09 ID:chmB83LJ0
But I do not wish to become who I was.
That is a horrible aim. It is too scary.
238(-_-)さん:2008/05/20(火) 10:25:25 ID:Gbh17YXy0
Come on now, why can't everyone just cheer up? The internet is always
there to be your artificial friend.
239(-_-)さん:2008/05/20(火) 13:46:41 ID:???0
No, there is no friend on internet.
There are so many rivals.
They are just hampering for me.
240(-_-)さん:2008/05/20(火) 21:03:31 ID:???0
241(-_-)さん:2008/05/20(火) 21:11:15 ID:???0
Hahaha, YAZAWA is behind me.
242ヴぁ:2008/05/20(火) 23:23:34 ID:Zqo2GAHt0
243(-_-)さん:2008/05/21(水) 00:22:40 ID:???0
Maybe you're gonna be the one that saves me
And after all, you're my wonderwall
244(-_-)さん:2008/05/21(水) 07:57:01 ID:???O
I used to love oasis.
245(-_-)さん:2008/05/22(木) 01:00:04 ID:5Pf3eHQI0
Why do you no longer like them?
246(-_-)さん:2008/05/23(金) 01:18:34 ID:T98qQBmF0
Is anybody here?
247(-_-)さん:2008/05/23(金) 01:43:57 ID:???0
I'm here
248(-_-)さん:2008/05/23(金) 20:48:39 ID:T98qQBmF0
Will you talk to me?
I'm lonely
249(-_-)さん:2008/05/23(金) 20:52:57 ID:???0
But I'm busy now, sorry.
250(-_-)さん:2008/05/24(土) 00:58:32 ID:kgIBGYf70
If you were a real hikki, then how would you be busy?
also, why post on 2ch if you're busy?

Also, I had a bad nightmare last night of what my life could have been.
It's traumatizing. I feel like death.
251(-_-)さん:2008/05/24(土) 01:28:16 ID:???0
Sorry again, I was busy in painting a picture at that time.
And in the intervals of painting, I posted here.
Painting pictures is slightly hard, but also very pleasant.
252(-_-)さん:2008/05/25(日) 18:48:41 ID:???0
nihongo de ok
253(-_-)さん:2008/05/28(水) 01:04:25 ID:???O
Drawing picture! What a wonderful hobby!
I'm just thinking of love...
254(-_-)さん:2008/05/28(水) 20:47:53 ID:???O
Me too.

I am human and I need to be loved
Just like everybody else does~
255(-_-)さん:2008/05/28(水) 21:15:58 ID:???0
I cry myself to sleep because of my lack of love.
Oh shit, I am crying right now!
256(-_-)さん:2008/05/29(木) 20:53:52 ID:RU8AQg1R0
Crying is cathartic
257(-_-)さん:2008/06/05(木) 21:41:31 ID:???0
I'd like to age this thread
258(-_-)さん:2008/06/06(金) 14:42:27 ID:???0
I'm very happy now!
259(-_-)さん:2008/06/06(金) 20:46:51 ID:???0
Why are you happy?
I am depressed. I wish I was dead.
Everybody I loved has moved on and left me far behind.
260(-_-)さん:2008/06/09(月) 22:41:44 ID:???0
Don't kill anyone, please
261(-_-)さん:2008/06/10(火) 23:39:43 ID:???O
262(-_-)さん:2008/06/17(火) 11:44:20 ID:???0
you had better have a job
263(-_-)さん:2008/06/17(火) 12:46:02 ID:???0
I can't understand English :(
Please speak Japanese!
264(-_-)さん:2008/06/17(火) 12:58:27 ID:???0
No, you must learn English
265(-_-)さん:2008/06/18(水) 19:18:52 ID:???0
266(-_-)さん:2008/06/18(水) 20:38:31 ID:aaPOcovA0
I'm not hiki
but I feel depressed from time to time
the cause of it is appearent and there is no need to say
...yes, it is my face
I have inferior complex in(of?) my face
267(-_-)さん:2008/06/18(水) 21:16:32 ID:???O
Me too. and I have nothing to do
268(-_-)さん:2008/06/18(水) 22:10:16 ID:aaPOcovA0
all I'm doing now is studying English
269(-_-)さん:2008/06/18(水) 22:17:54 ID:???0
me too,so if i can disapear my face when i walk on the road,
i get out the room very happy.
270(-_-)さん:2008/06/18(水) 22:46:35 ID:aaPOcovA0
there is similarity between you and me
I intend to improve my English skil
271(-_-)さん:2008/06/22(日) 09:14:01 ID:???O
Hickies rule. XD
272(-_-)さん:2008/06/25(水) 11:35:58 ID:???0
I must save this thread
Or, we'll fade away from this world
273(-_-)さん:2008/06/25(水) 22:14:43 ID:Zf+O9Iy80
why you don't cheer this thread up?
I think this thread is too calm
274(-_-)さん:2008/06/25(水) 22:41:29 ID:???0
Don't be so gloomy, you, hikkies!!
Surely I and you are hikkies!!
But it's just only a fact!!!
We can have dreams!! Many many great dreams!!!
275(-_-)さん:2008/06/25(水) 23:05:23 ID:Zf+O9Iy80
you should consider the atmospher of this thread
if you want to cheer this thread up, you have to gradually do so
276(-_-)さん:2008/06/25(水) 23:17:37 ID:???0
It's just noooooooonsense!!
If we think of doing something, for instance, to go out of our room,
we must do it IN NO TIME!!
So, we don't have to consider any atosomphere!
277(-_-)さん:2008/06/25(水) 23:57:07 ID:Zf+O9Iy80
you areeeee right!
yes,we have nooo timeeeeeeeee!
what we hiki should do is to go out rght now!
278(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 00:06:50 ID:???0
NO, no no no no no nooooo!
You don't have need to go out, right now!!
All you have to do is, well,
279(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 00:43:39 ID:???O
Thanks for your support, asshole.
280(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 02:12:22 ID:++FB6HN00
we call those who play the piano “HIki”
and those who run over by a car are also “HIKI”
281(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 02:13:04 ID:???0
282(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 02:38:48 ID:++FB6HN00
no way!
283(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 02:44:08 ID:???O
so what
284(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 02:48:09 ID:???0
you suck!
285(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 08:41:22 ID:???0
you whack
286(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 10:38:33 ID:???0
Nobody loves me!
I am still a virgin!
287(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 11:43:53 ID:av3RMEdB0
We are all in the same boat.
Doesn't that make you feel better?
288(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 11:44:23 ID:av3RMEdB0
We are all in the same boat here.
Doesn't that make you feel better?
289(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 12:16:29 ID:???0
why did you say twice?
why did you say twice?
290(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 14:45:01 ID:U4WcY3UlO
i think so
291(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 15:35:57 ID:++FB6HN00
yes, I'm relieved to hear that
we are surely in the same place
but, all of us have to get out of this boat some day
292(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 17:41:04 ID:6ZEtMPEmO
I want to row the swan boat
293(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 17:55:16 ID:???0
I too.
I want to row it with you
294(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 18:19:33 ID:???O
I don't think so.
I haven't been advanced since I became alone.
Nothing make me happy.

Metyakutya na eigo de Sumaso.
295i'm fourteen:2008/06/26(木) 18:50:45 ID:U4WcY3UlO
NO!!!Your English is so good. i like you.can you be my friend!?!?

by the way,Are you real hikky?!?!
296(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 18:53:29 ID:???0
fuck off right now, fourteen boy.
and you must not come here again.
your friends exist only in your mind.
no one here cannot be your friend.
297(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 19:22:41 ID:++FB6HN00
why you say in such a rude manner?
you should treat a young boy kindly

hi! I'm not 294 but you can talk to me anytime!
but it may a little difficult for you to write English sentence.
if you have nothing to do, come here and write something to improve yout English!

298(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 19:23:52 ID:++FB6HN00
× yout
○ your
299fourteen:2008/06/26(木) 19:35:32 ID:U4WcY3UlO
i dont like you.

fuck YOU!!!
there you go.
i think you have   hated or discriminatedagainst.

YOUR mind is abnormal.

i'm not boy.
300fourteen:2008/06/26(木) 19:39:12 ID:U4WcY3UlO
THANKS!! i'm happy.
301(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 20:25:27 ID:av3RMEdB0
It was imperative that I get my point across.

Why do we never leave our rooms?
302(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 20:29:56 ID:???0
"no one here cannot be your friend" is a double negative.
It means that everyone here can be your friend.
303(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 20:39:34 ID:++FB6HN00
me too!
since there are alot of offensive people, you have to be careful.
304(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 20:44:48 ID:???0
Yes, you're clever.
I would tell you all that everyone can be friend with each other,
with a style "tsun-dere".
305(-_-)さん:2008/06/26(木) 23:20:47 ID:???0
ya, but double negative phrases sometimes are
used for emphasizing a negative sentence, right?
the way is a kind of slang though..

whatever, >>304 warota.
306fourteen girl:2008/06/27(金) 00:42:40 ID:a5kJQ1LqO

i wanna be with you.
307(-_-)さん:2008/06/27(金) 00:59:12 ID:???O
14 girl seems not depressed
308(-_-)さん:2008/06/27(金) 01:20:48 ID:???0
I too think so.
She comes here just only to make fun of us hikkies, I guess.
309168:2008/06/27(金) 02:09:21 ID:???0
but there is nothing to be offend
if she did like that.
she is just only 14 of innocence.
310(-_-)さん:2008/06/27(金) 02:11:31 ID:???0
ah, forget about the name of 168 ↑
I had a mistake..
311(-_-)さん:2008/06/27(金) 02:24:52 ID:???0
Are you hikkying? And enjoying your hikky life?
We hikkies are the very GOD!!!
Don't be deressed!! Even if your future seems to be so dark!!
We can become the light which shine upon ourselves!!
Because, just, WE ALL ARE HIKKIES!!!
312(-_-)さん:2008/06/27(金) 03:53:39 ID:???0
hehe.. I wonder what makes you so high, buddy...
just calm down and tell me how did ya get sappy like that.
313(-_-)さん:2008/06/27(金) 15:38:47 ID:???O
I said that twice cus it was important.
314(-_-)さん:2008/06/28(土) 02:47:08 ID:???0
I must age this thread.
Or, this thread will dat-ochi because of crowd of zatsudan-thread.
315(-_-)さん:2008/06/28(土) 03:36:10 ID:???O
Hoshu is the most important thing to keep this thread alive
316(-_-)さん:2008/06/28(土) 03:47:15 ID:???0
317(-_-)さん:2008/06/28(土) 04:33:22 ID:mJXSnxlO0
American hiki here. Hello 2ch.
318(-_-)さん:2008/06/28(土) 05:21:16 ID:???O
good morning hiki(s)
319(-_-)さん:2008/06/28(土) 10:50:55 ID:???0
well, I've bin thinking about a way to escape from hikkying..
what do you say if I mention that we might be able to get in the society
when we stop jerking?
that is the fucking deal, is it?
it's the time to stop jerking now.
get the fucking out of your room and hit on some hot bitches right now, peaops.
anyway, I haven't jerked with myself since this morning.
now I feel different world and I can see the new sight that is something indescribable.
y'all had better catch up with me soon as you can.
320(-_-)さん:2008/06/28(土) 10:56:23 ID:mJXSnxlO0
Recently I started masturbating every couple of days, instead of daily. I'm not sure if it makes one more social, but I get better orgasms.
321(-_-)さん:2008/06/28(土) 11:18:58 ID:???0
man, so what should I fucking do for improve this miserable situation?
I hate my life. I ain't confident in maself any more.
I ain't even love me at all.
but it's not a bad idea to get better orgasms. nice.
322(-_-)さん:2008/06/28(土) 12:40:48 ID:mJXSnxlO0
I can't tell you what to do because I don't know what your situation is like, and I know it's tough in Japan because they shun hikkies.

Why not find a new hobby? Something for you to practice to gain confidence.
323英語といえばオレ:2008/06/28(土) 15:10:34 ID:???O


324(-_-)さん:2008/06/28(土) 15:27:54 ID:???0
325(-_-)さん:2008/06/28(土) 17:50:36 ID:???0
a new hobby? except jerking off?
then, how about collecting dirty videos
which under 15 girls appear in
and choking the chicken?

by the way, I'm just wondering you really are American or not...
how do you know this terrible thread in 2ch..?
326(-_-)さん:2008/06/28(土) 18:26:26 ID:yEmOweKn0
hi! you can come to this thread anytime you want!
it is desireble more and more people join this thread!!
327(-_-)さん:2008/06/28(土) 18:56:17 ID:???0
No, you're wrong.
We must force out those who come here with malice to invade this sacred thread.
328ボス:2008/06/28(土) 19:03:08 ID:gIHgC3h0O

329(-_-)さん:2008/06/28(土) 19:35:16 ID:???O
330ボス:2008/06/28(土) 21:02:05 ID:gIHgC3h0O
331(-_-)さん:2008/06/28(土) 23:52:20 ID:???O
332(-_-)さん:2008/06/29(日) 01:01:45 ID:???0
yo, do not even try or you might get fucked up, sucker.
and you are the type to lose a fight even with a pussy.
didn't you realize that this thread is for the sake of English.
I am really sorry for you've got mentally ill.
poor ya mom may regret not having aborted you.
333名無し募集中。。。:2008/06/29(日) 01:31:20 ID:???0
if you feel sorry for 330, you should not say such offensive things
he may be a victim of corrent bad society
334(-_-)さん:2008/06/29(日) 02:30:24 ID:???0
come on, I was just joking.
it was a kinda way to show affection for'im.
he's gonna be my man, and so are you.
sometimes there's a sort of friend ship caused by an argument, right?
you know what I'm sayin, after all, I am the one of those victims.

anyway, I like talking to weird peops like 330 and respect them.
and I also like a sweet hearted person like you.
335(-_-)さん:2008/06/29(日) 03:23:27 ID:kFkLSlFt0
Collecting those videos would be nice, but I prefer loli instead of real girls.

I really am American. A new board opened on 2ch for English speakers. There was a post about it on 4chan, my home.

I looked around 2ch, found a hikki board, and found this thread.
336(-_-)さん:2008/06/29(日) 03:47:04 ID:???0
loli animations? hehehe, what the fuck.
I totally dig them. I really am all over them, bro..
I did not know that the board for english speakers.
now I'd like to check it out. whats the name of the board?
337(-_-)さん:2008/06/29(日) 05:28:37 ID:kFkLSlFt0
Anime girls have better personalities than real girls.

The English speaking board is called dejima, I believe.
338(-_-)さん:2008/06/29(日) 05:53:59 ID:???0
thanks. actually I'd checked the board out once..lol
the guys on the board are using high level english
so i could not keep up with them.
um, I have to keep studying more and more..
339(-_-)さん:2008/06/29(日) 07:21:36 ID:kFkLSlFt0
You should stay. Most people will welcome Japanese 2ch posters no matter how skilled their English is.

If some of the threads are difficult, make one that is simple. I'm sure someone will want to chat. :)

You might want to wait a couple of days for some of the trolls to leave.
340ボス:2008/06/29(日) 11:02:55 ID:DW7cFqOYO
341(-_-)さん:2008/06/29(日) 11:24:31 ID:???0
your way of showing affection is unique
it's tsun-dere style, isn't it?
you have warm heart!!
342(-_-)さん:2008/06/29(日) 11:43:21 ID:kFkLSlFt0
Yandere > Tsundere
343E.S.S.:2008/06/29(日) 14:49:52 ID:8vW/6Bb50
Hello,I am E.S.S.
Could you tell me the good way of learning English?
344(-_-)さん:2008/06/29(日) 16:11:34 ID:???O
Make friends with somebody who speaks english online.
345(-_-)さん:2008/06/29(日) 16:52:10 ID:???O
try Skype
346(-_-)さん:2008/06/29(日) 17:09:33 ID:???0
I hate Skype.
347(-_-)さん:2008/06/29(日) 17:16:26 ID:???0
does it cost to use Skype?
348(-_-)さん:2008/06/29(日) 18:19:02 ID:kFkLSlFt0
Calling people on Skype is free. You only pay to call telephones. Toll free calls are free.
349(-_-)さん:2008/06/29(日) 18:38:47 ID:zgJqsMck0
Really? its incredible! I will try it soon.
350(-_-)さん:2008/06/30(月) 03:13:47 ID:???O
351(-_-)さん:2008/06/30(月) 11:24:26 ID:???0
then, have you found some friends?
352(-_-)さん:2008/06/30(月) 11:47:28 ID:???O
I cannot talk even on Skype...
353(-_-)さん:2008/06/30(月) 12:07:13 ID:???0
there's messenger in the application.
you can hit somebody up without voices.
354(-_-)さん:2008/06/30(月) 14:03:29 ID:???0
I always hesitate to communicate with others.
355(-_-)さん:2008/06/30(月) 22:30:15 ID:Ur8F4HzkO
me too
356(-_-)さん:2008/07/01(火) 10:32:08 ID:???0
nothing is more difficult than talk to unknown people, especially foreign people
357(-_-)さん:2008/07/01(火) 13:13:41 ID:fi8fWgCq0
Don't you think it's easier to talk to fellow hikkies? They might understand your fears.

But I avoid talking whenever possible. Posting on the Internet is fine with me.

I am proud of you guys for not only speaking a foreign language, but wanting more practice, too! I respect that. :)
358(-_-)さん:2008/07/01(火) 13:19:09 ID:NIndEv7o0

/ ⌒松本⌒ ::\
| ( ゚ ), 、 (。 )、 ::|
|  ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,   :::|
|   ト‐=‐ァ'   .:::|
\  /  ノ=´  ::/

497 :生活保護男:2008/06/24(火) 15:27:36 ID:GY4gBPQH0

359(-_-)さん:2008/07/01(火) 14:30:01 ID:xmGTUCd4O
I've been crying all day. Am I alone never ever?? I have a dream. I want talk with somebody.
360(-_-)さん:2008/07/01(火) 15:01:51 ID:pyut1DYCO
this thread deserves better.
361(-_-)さん:2008/07/01(火) 15:12:24 ID:???0
why do people who are here try to use english?

what's your goal?
362(-_-)さん:2008/07/01(火) 15:25:05 ID:???0
There is no goal.
363(-_-)さん:2008/07/01(火) 15:28:06 ID:???0
at least, acquiring English ability is not goal but only means.

oh... cheer up please.
I can't do anything for you, but I hope you get over your difficulties
364(-_-)さん:2008/07/01(火) 18:02:46 ID:???0
and you deserve to be respected.
so, could you tell me what your dream is?
then I may be able to guide you in your problem.
I am trying to discover the goal or something.
I believe having higher level English skill gains my confidence more.
365(-_-)さん:2008/07/01(火) 18:31:15 ID:???0
moon light will lighten you hiki's future brilliantly

366雨が痛い:2008/07/01(火) 19:24:37 ID:???O
et alors donc il
fait chaud pres ici mais je
suis fou de vous mais vous, vous
367(-_-)さん:2008/07/01(火) 23:02:29 ID:???0
means! how do you make use of the means?
The skill must give you a lot of confidence.

368(-_-)さん:2008/07/02(水) 23:21:00 ID:???O
english de ok
369363:2008/07/03(木) 00:50:07 ID:???0
our daily life is flooted with many chance of using English!
370(-_-)さん:2008/07/03(木) 08:58:46 ID:???0
I still am living... without meaning.
371(-_-)さん:2008/07/03(木) 10:23:03 ID:???0
probably, “I am still living.. without meaning”^^)
372(-_-)さん:2008/07/04(金) 14:18:26 ID:???0
why don't you post more?
373(-_-)さん:2008/07/04(金) 14:26:16 ID:???0
Because we have no time to post and discuss.
374(-_-)さん:2008/07/04(金) 14:43:39 ID:???0
really? you seem to have tremendous time to use 2ch!
375(-_-)さん:2008/07/04(金) 15:03:18 ID:???0
I'm sorry, unlike you, I don't want to spend precious time on worthless things.
You should stay here until you die.
376(-_-)さん:2008/07/04(金) 16:29:18 ID:1/VqPJXg0
The Internet is a great time waster.
377(-_-)さん:2008/07/04(金) 17:07:46 ID:???O
378名無し募集中。。。:2008/07/04(金) 19:06:33 ID:???0
wow, you are good at telling a lie.
don't disguise yourself!
379(-_-)さん:2008/07/04(金) 20:32:39 ID:???0
Lie? I told you a lie?
Haha, I guess, you might just see a dream.
380(-_-)さん:2008/07/05(土) 14:29:42 ID:???0
To write English is very difficult :(
I must study English harder than the past T_T
381(-_-)さん:2008/07/05(土) 17:02:59 ID:???0
I think “Writing English is...”is more appropriate than “To write English is...”.
(maybe I'm wrong.)
382(-_-)さん:2008/07/05(土) 17:32:55 ID:90wXxpSS0
It would be better to say:

Writing in English is very difficult.
I must study harder than I used to.
383(-_-)さん:2008/07/05(土) 18:01:21 ID:???0
thank you!
384(-_-)さん:2008/07/05(土) 19:03:52 ID:90wXxpSS0
You're welcome. :)
385(-_-)さん:2008/07/05(土) 20:31:12 ID:???O
How good English learners!
386(-_-)さん:2008/07/06(日) 02:32:21 ID:???O
night sleeping ・・・
387(-_-)さん:2008/07/06(日) 11:05:16 ID:???0
Recent terrible hot and humid climate robbed me of reasoning.
388(-_-)さん:2008/07/07(月) 01:26:35 ID:Mljz+Nfu0
hikies should write down more because hikies have a lot of time.
389(-_-)さん:2008/07/07(月) 04:12:15 ID:???O
I have a headache
390(-_-)さん:2008/07/13(日) 01:37:56 ID:???0
age, age, and age
391(-_-)さん:2008/07/14(月) 20:36:28 ID:???0
hey, hikkies, don't you talk with me?
392(-_-)さん:2008/07/14(月) 21:32:58 ID:???O
chat with jabberwacky. it's a interesting chat bot (AI)
Speaking of chat program,
the editor "Emacs" has a chat bot program, called "doctor", in itself.