The Majiru I know... was like this! Which would mean he's aged considerably. Too much, wouldn't you say? 私の知っている交は…こんなでしたよ。 だとしたら、随分と老けたものです。 老けすぎじゃないんですか?
Say that I've grown. 成長したって言えよ
You can't trust anything in this world! I seek convincing. 世の中、何もかも信用なりません。 納得出来る証明を求めます
It isn't just Majiru... It's questionable if the rest of you are the real ones! 交だけではありません。 皆さんだって、本人であるかどうか怪しいものです
It's possible that... some of the people in this classroom are imposters! 本人になりすまして、授業を受けている人がいる 可能性があります
There actually is one. 本当に一人いるけどね
What's the point in asking for proof? 証明して何になるんだよ?
We live in an age where everything needs to be proven! 証明できなくては、何もできない時代なんですよ!
Now, everyone! Prove that you're really who you say you are! さあ皆さん、本人であるか証明してください
It would be simple to create a fake one. Tell me something only Kitsu-san would know. そんなの、いくらでも偽造できます。 木津さん本人しか知り得ないことを教えてください
Every person has something they've never told anyone... Please tell me something only you would know! 人には決して話したことのない、 本人しか知らないことを言ってください!
I couldn't possibly say it out loud! It's a violation of my privacy! そんなの、言えるわけないじゃないですか。 プライバシーの侵害ですよ!
Then I can't accept that you're the real thing. As long as your authenticity is in question... I cannot mark you present. では本人と認めるわけにはいきませんね。 本人かどうか怪しい以上、 出席もつけません
I hope someone says she has a birthmark under her boob. おっぱいの下に、ほくろがあるとか言って欲しいな
Usui-kun. You're saying what you're thinking aloud. 臼井君、思ってることがそのまま声に出ちゃってるよ
How could I!? And worst of all... why is it that everyone... can only see me in these situations!? 僕としたことが…と言うか何より、 どうしてこういう時だけ、僕はみんなから見えているんだ!?
I... actually have really curly hair. So I do a straight perm once a month... and frantically brush my hair out every morning. Is that good enough? 私、実はすっごいクセっ毛なんです。 それで、月に一度ストパーかけて、 朝はいつも必死にブラシで伸ばしてきてるんです。 これでいいですか?
Now you'll accept that I'm really me, right? これで本人と認めてくださいますね?
Unfortunately... I must accept. 残念ですが、認めましょう
How is this picture proof? A picture that could be considered proof... would be something like these! それのどこが証明写真だというんですか? 本当の証明写真というのは、 こういうのを言うんです
Then Hitou-san... Answer this question. I have a general idea of how the real one would answer. では日塔さんには、質問に答えてもらいましょう。 本人だったらどう答えるか、だいたい分かりますから
What's your opinion on letting kids take two days off from school a week? 子供の週休2日制についてどう思いますか?
There was an increase in the number of kids who go to cram school on Saturday... so I don't believe the education system was relaxed. 結局土曜日も塾に行く子供が増えて、 ゆとりが生まれたとは思えません
Isn't that the general consensus!? 一般論じゃないですか!
I see. So her normal response... proves she's the real person. なるほど。では、こんな普通のことを言うんですから、 本人に間違いないでしょう
You've turned to the most dangerous one here. 最も危険な人物に目を付けたわね
Apparently, there's a cultural festival. 文化祭らしいですね
Apparently? You sound like it has nothing to do with you. らしいって、人事みたいに
You haven't been exposed to culture... yet you act like cultured people at your age... You'll grow up to be bad people! 文化的でもないのに、 その若さで文化人気取りしていたら、 ろくな大人にはなりませんよ
I find it odd that you would reject cultural activities. 文化的なものを否定するのはおかしいと思います
After all... All Japanese citizens shall have the right to maintain the minimum standards of wholesome and cultured living. It's in the Constitution. なぜなら日本国民は、健康で文化的で最低限度の生活を営む 権利を、保障されているからです。 それも憲法で
Th-Then I have no choice... If the Constitution requires it... I understand. I'll allow participation in the cultural festival. ならば仕方ありませんね… 憲法で保障されているのであれば…わかりました。 文化祭への参加を認めましょう
However... As our nation is currently heavily in debt... we must conduct our activities in moderation. ですが、国がこれだけ多額の借金を抱えている今、 我々もつつましやかに、行事を催さねばなりません
We will abide by the Constitution of Japan... and conduct a cultural festival following the minimum cultural standard! 日本国憲法で保障されているところの、 最低限文化的な文化祭を行います
Anything works. As long as it's the minimum cultural standard. なんでもかまいません。 最低限文化的でさえあれば
And so... Majority rules... which means we'll be doing a play. というわけで、多数決の結果、 演劇をやることに決まりました
Still... Isn't this too cultured? Still... This wouldn't be considered the minimum standard... それにしても、文化的過ぎやしませんか? それでも…最低限ではないんじゃないですかね
The acting needs to follow the minimum cultural standard even closer! やはり、もっと最低限文化的な演技力でないと
The king told everyone... "There is nothing I do not possess." 王様はみんなに言いました。「わしの持ってないものは無いのじゃ」
"Forgive me... but there is something Your Majesty does not possess. That would be a human heart." お言葉ですが、王様にもお持ちになっておられないものがあります。 それは、人の心です
The king used his body to protect the child from the demon kidnapper. That was when the king finally attained a human heart. In exchange for his life... 悪党の魔の手から、王様は身を呈して子供を守りました。 その時、ようやく王様は心を手に入れました。 命と引き換えに…
Far too cultured! How could such a heartbreaking story... be considered uncultured!? 文化的過ぎます!こんなにも心揺さぶられる物語が、 文化的でないわけがない!
These usually turn into painful affairs... so I have great expectations. Now.. Deliver a gag at the minimum cultural standard! この手のものは、たいてい痛いものになるので、 期待できます。 さあ、最低限文化的なギャグを!
No good! It's much too cultured! I'll only accept something closer to the minumum! だめです!文化レベルが高過ぎて、 もっと最低限でないと認められません!
We've come to Kyoto on a field trip. But it isn't fun at all. Because... we're on a field trip preview. 私たちは、京都へ修学旅行に来ています。 でも、ちっとも楽しくありません。 なぜなら…そう、私たちは修学旅行の下見に来ているのです
I've never heard of such a thing! Our whole class coming for a preview? 聞いたことありません! クラス全員で下見なんて
Don't tell me... you expected us to suddenly take a field trip? まさか、いきなり修学旅行にくるつもりだったのですか?
That's how it normally works... 普通そういうものだけど…
If we took a field trip without a preview... wouldn't that be a terrible ordeal!? 下見もせずに、修学旅行なんて行ったら、 大変なことになるじゃないですか
We would be bullied by students from other schools! End up lost! Served tea rice because were not welcome! What if that happens!? 他の高校の生徒にからまれたり、 道に迷ったり、 前菜にぶぶ漬け出されたり、 もしそんなことになったらどうするんです!?
Shouldn't the teacher go alone... for a preview in the first place? そもそも下見って、先生だけで行くものじゃないんですか?
Originally, yes. A preview would be free-of-charge through a travel agency. 本来はね。下見は旅行会社の接待で、 タダでね
You all probably secretly thought that... it isn't fair that only teachers get to go. みなさんも内心思っていたでしょう? 先生たちだけずるいって
I've never heard of such a thing! We have to pay for the whole class... こんなの聞いたことがありませんよ! クラス全員の下見の代金持ちなんて…
If you refuse... I'll expose all the shady dealings between our school and your company. いやだというのなら、 前回までの不明瞭な御社と我が高との関係を、世間に公表しますよ
Timid people... must always preview! When you all go on a date... you at least run a preview first, right? 小心者にとって、下見は不可欠。 みなさんだって、デートするとなれば、 下見位するでしょ?
If everything goes well... I preview! So I won't make a careless mistake! ここであわよくば……下見します! 粗相のないように
Besides... everything you do as a teen... is merely a preview of your future! だいたい10代の行動なんて、 すべて将来のための下見ですよ
You could even say that... relationships in high school are a preview of love... for when you seriously fall in love! 言ってしまえば、 高校生の恋愛なんて、将来本気の恋をするための、 いわば恋の下見ですよ
I think I just said something smart. なんか先生、うまいこと言っちゃいましたかねぇ
Yet high schoolers these days... skip the preview and go straight to the real thing! なのに、最近の高校生ときたら、 下見もせずにいきなり本番を!
I think I really said something smart this time. やっぱり先生、うまいこと言っちゃいましたかねぇ
Look down from this balcony. The world is filled with previews. この舞台から見下ろしてごらんなさい。 世の中は下見だらけですよ
A preview of love. He previews her home for 365 days... after falling in love at first sight. 恋の下見です。 一目惚れで愛を告白しようと、 彼女の家を365日、下見しているのです
That would be considered stalking! それはもうストーカーだから!
A preview of the female body. If you suddenly see a real female body without first previewing... your heart might stop beating! 女体の下見です。 下見もしないで、ある日いきなり生身の女体を見てしまったら、 心臓が止まってしまいかねませんから!
Will you come preview the ceremony site with me? いっしょに、式場の下見に行きませんか?
R-Really? It won't end with just a preview, right? 本当ですか?まさか下見止まりってことないですよね?
It didn't have any of the necessary elements of a movie. 映画らしい工夫がまるでなかったよね
But it followed the original way! でも、原作通りだから!
Yes. This is an escape route named Original Way. そう。ここは、原作通りという名の逃げ道なのです
Director. That was a close call. 監督。危ないところでしたね
Indeed. I followed the original way... yet they still attack me. It's terrible. 本当だよ。原作通りに作ったのに、 この言われよう…ひどいもんだ
In other words... He followed the original as in, it's not his fault it was boring. A commonly used evasive response in the industry. つまり、原作通りに作ったので、 つまらないよと言われても、仕方がないよという、 業界によくある逃げ口上です
In fact, many people in the film industry... such as directors, scriptwriters and producers... used this road to escape. 実に多くの映像関係者、 監督や脚本家、プロデューサーなどが、 この通りを逃げていったのです
If it's better than the original... that would be an insult to the original creator! 原作より面白かったら、 原作者に失礼だろうが
He should have abandoned his pride as a filmmaker... and escaped on Original Way... 彼も変に映像作家ぶらず、 原作通りに逃げればよかったものを
If you follow the original way... that idol will end up in a love scene! 原作通りだと、 あのアイドルがあんな濡れ場を演じなければなりませんから!
I see... Original Way may not always work. なるほど、原作通りでは、無理がある場合もあるんですね
However... the fact is that people can escape using Original Way. だがしかし、やはり原作通りと言う逃げ道があるのも事実
Don't make stuff up! 捏造するな!
If you look back at the history of this town... you'll find that there have been many people with guilty consciences... and thus, the existence of many escape routes. この街は、歴史を遡ると、 後ろめたい者が集まってできたという経緯から、 実に多くの逃げ道が存在するのです
I love how this town has so many escape routes. 先生、たくさんの逃げ道があるこの街が、大好きです
Honestly, that silly husband of mine... He said my cooking tasted bad. I followed the recipe so it couldn't be helped. 本当よ。旦那ったら、 私の料理がまずいだなんて。 レシピ通りに作ったんだから、仕方ないじゃない
If you stick to the recipe... it should taste good. レシピ通りに作ったら、 美味しく出来るはずですが…
Well... This is an escape route... so many embarrassed wives have used this road. まあ、ここは逃げ道ですから。 今までにも、困り果てた多くの奥様たちが、逃げていきました
There are many more routes around here. 他にも、いろんな通りがあるんですよ
Can't be helped! I can't help being wrong! 仕方ねぇだろ… 仕方ねんだよ、外れても!
What's that? How dare you use our taxes on unnecessary construction!? なにそれ?無駄な工事して、 税金をなんだと思ってるの!?
Unacceptable... I refuse to accept these escape routes! You must properly deal with the issue without running away! 許せない。こんな逃げ道なんて許せません! 逃げずにきっちり対処するべきです!
Some people can't do that. それができない人もいるんですから…
They simply aren't working hard enough. 努力してないだけです!
It's fine, Chiri-chan. With this many escape routes... even a pessimistic person can find confidence. 大丈夫だよ千里ちゃん。これだけ逃げ道があれば、 後ろ向きに生きることにも自信が持てるから
I don't understand how this could be fine! A pessimistic person will still be a pessimistic person! 大丈夫の意味が分からない! 後ろ向きは、どうしたって後ろ向きでしょ!
It's not an issue of confidence! You shouldn't just accept it! 自信を持つべきことじゃないでしょ! 肯定すべきことじゃないでしょ!
How can I stay calm!? You're okay with this, Teacher!? これが落ち着いていられますか! 先生は平気なんですか!
You have two options. One, sincerely take responsibility and marry me. Two, ignore me like I'm some babbling, delusional girl. Well? Which will it be? 選択肢は二つ。 一、真摯に責任を取って結婚する。 二、妄想女の戯言だと決めつけて無視する。 さあ、どっち?
Which way should I go... according to what Our Holy Father in Heaven says... Got it. I'm following the will of God so I have no choice! Time to ignore! どちらにしようかな、天の神様の言う通り… わかりました。神様の言う通りなので、仕方ありません。 無視しましょう
I see. Regardless of the choice... once a decision's been made... I feel much better. なるほど。選択肢はどうあれ、 きちんと決めると、それはそれで気持ち良いものですね
Well, this is a street. You're gonna run into street attackers. そりゃあ、通りですもの。 通り魔ぐらい出ますよ
But you should be grateful that she's cleaning for you. でも、掃除してくれるのはありがたいですね
I suppose... まあねぇ…
She throws away anything questionable... regardless of whether you need it or not! いるかいらないか… 微妙なものは全部捨てられちゃうんです!
All of those have value to me! 私にとって、どれも大切なものなんですよ!
Except they're all pretty questionable... どれも本当に微妙だけどね…
Chiri will definitely turn into a mother who throws away her kids' collectible cards and stuff without batting an eye. 千里は絶対に、子供の集めているカードとか、ためらいなく捨てる 母親になるわね…
Whatever, just leave me alone. I want to just go into hibernation. いいから放っておいてください。 このまま冬眠したい…
Saying that it's okay for bears and snakes... but not for humans is just strange. If I'm not allowed to go to my eternal rest... can't I at least hibernate? 熊やヘビがよくて、 人間がしちゃいけないなんて、おかしいですよ。 永眠が叶わぬなら、 せめて冬眠くらいしたっていいでしょう?
Human beings have a proper time for sleeping.. from 8 PM to 6 AM. 人間が寝ていい時間帯はきっちり決まっていて、 夜の8時から、朝の6時までなんです
So we can't sleep during any other time. それ以外は駄目なんだ?
It's impossible for humans to hibernate. 人間は無理です
A father who hasn't worked in a while after being restructured. A NEET who doesn't feel like working after graduating. A woman who hasn't loved a real man in years. A state of inactivity resembling death. They were all hibernating! リストラされて、しばらく働いていないお父さん。 大学を出てから、全く働く気のないニートさん。 何年も現実の男性に恋をしていないお姉さん まるで、死んでいるかのような活動の休止。 これすべて、冬眠だったんですよ!
A time of preparation for a glorious awakening... after a long winter. 長い冬の時代を経て、 美しく目覚めるための、準備期間なのです
That's if they wake up. 目覚めりゃいいけど…
You could also include... A manga that was pulled. A frozen government project. A spam-full BBS that's never updated. Those are all merely in hibernation. When spring comes, they'll surely... ちなみに他にも、連載が中断した漫画。 凍結した国家事業。 荒らされて更新の止まっているBBS。 みんなみんな冬眠しているだけなんです。 春になればきっと…
Then the inactivity of my hair follicles... is merely hibernation. 僕の毛根の活動休止も、 冬眠しているだけなんですね
You awaken from your winter seclusion to encounter... a new future called spring. So humans do need to hibernate. 冬ごもりから目覚めた時に出会う、 春という名の新しい未来。 やはり人間にとって、冬眠は必要なんですね
After further thought... the closet would be a perfect place for hibernating. The fact that it's isolated from your living space... makes it similar to being underground. 考えてみれば、 押し入れは冬眠に絶好の場所です。 生活空間から隔絶されているそこは… 土の下に限りなく近い
Then I'll prepare the guest futon. じゃあ今、お客さん用のお布団敷くね
Except that belongs to me... ウチのですけどね…
There you go again... Giving another girl the wrong idea. It would appear that we need to properly make things clear once and for all. またそうやって…女の子を勘違いさせて。 これはやっぱり一度、きっちりさせないと… ダメみたいね
Then... since the closet's rather small... let's all hibernate together. では、押し入れでは狭いですし、 みんな一斉に冬眠しましょう
I see. This would be group hibernation. Then to prevent a draft from getting in... let's seal the windows with packing tape. なるほど、これは集団冬眠ですね。 では隙間風で寒くならないよう、 ガムテープで窓に目貼りしましょう
Also, winter can be excruciatingly cold. Let's burn some charcoal for warmth. さらに冬の冷え込みは想像以上です。 練炭を炊いて、暖をとりましょう
This will make our hibernation much more comfortable. これなら快適に冬眠できるわね
When we wake up... we'll be in a new future. 目を覚ましたときには、 新しい未来よ
You need to do a more proper job of sealing without leaving any openings. 目貼りは、もっときっちり 隙間なくやらないと
Then everyone. We'll see each other again in spring. ではみなさん。また春にお会いしましょう
Perhaps... I stink? I'll stay away so I don't trouble you! もしかして…私、臭いですか? ご迷惑にならないよう離れてますね
Perhaps, my head's... in the way? I'll keep my head down so I'm not in your way! もしかして私の頭…邪魔ですか? 邪魔にならように 伏せてます!
I've heard of a persecution complex... 被害妄想なら聞いたことあるけど
This is a far more serious disorder! それよりずっと深刻な、心の病です!
You worry that you're blocking the view of the person behind you at the movies... so you slouch in your seat! 映画館で後ろの人に 迷惑をかけてるんじゃないかと、ものすごく浅く座ったり
You worry that the sound of running water will wake up neighbors... so you don't go to the bathroom in the middle of the night! 隣に水の音が迷惑になるんじゃないかと、 夜中にトイレに行くのを我慢したり
Ever since we were little... we've been taught that Japan caused the world a great deal of trouble. The result of post-war, self-deprecating teachings. This would be guilt complex! 幼いころから日本は、世界に迷惑をかけたと 繰り返し教えられた… 戦後日本の自虐教育が生んだ仇花。 これが、加害妄想です!
Always fraught with worry that you're causing trouble for somebody! 何かにつけ、迷惑をかけていないか、 気になって仕方ないのです!
Is that bad? Am I a bad person? ダメですか… 私ってダメですか…?
I've been avoiding the camera... so I wouldn't bother anyone. 今まで迷惑にならないよう、 なるべく画面に入らないようにしていたんです
If I were on screen... the show's popularity would fall... and trouble everyone. 私が写ったら、この作品の人気が下がって、 皆さんに迷惑かけますから…
I'm sure the show will be canceled soon because of me! きっと私の責任でもうすぐ打ち切りになるのよ
And you're not even the main character. そもそもナミちゃんは主役じゃないし
It isn't the fault of any of you people that this show isn't popular. It's all my fault. 人気が出ないのは誰のせいでもないのよ。 全部私のせいなの
Isn't she implying she's the main character! 暗に、主役は自分だと主張しているんじゃない?
More people succumbing to guilt complex! Guilt complex is contagious! For it's the mentality of Japanese people! 次々と加害妄想人が… 加害妄想は伝染するのです。 それが、日本人のメンタリティですから!
So it's all my fault. I'll cause trouble for the class if I stay! やっぱり私の責任なんですね… 私がいると、クラスに迷惑かけますから!
Our players realize that continuing would trouble the team... so they ask to be pulled! 自分が続けるとチームに迷惑をかけると、 自ら交代を願い出る選手
The coach doesn't sub players out... because it would trouble the referee! 審判の手を煩わせてはいけないと、 交代させない監督
You're unable to say you have an itch at a salon. 美容院で、かゆいところが言えない
You don't leave the house when you're waiting for a package. 宅配便の来る時間は、 一歩も外に出ない
I... feel like I should apologize. 私、何か大変申し訳ない気分になってきました
In retrospect... many of my actions are inappropriate for Tokyo. My presence will lower the value of Tokyo. 思えば、首都東京に相応しくない行為の数々。 私がいると、東京の価値が下がってしまいます
I must leave immediately! To a place as far away as possible! 一刻も早く、ここを立ち去ります。 この東京からなるべく遠い地へ!
I see. There is... too much evidence! When someone fits the stereotype too perfectly... people end up becoming skeptical! そうか、これは…証拠過多ですね! 人はあまりにそのまんますぎると、 逆に信じないと言いますからね
When they show through so obviously... you figure they're just fake nipples! あまりにくっきり透けてると、 どうせ付け乳首だろうと思ったり
Humans are strange creatures... who become hard to understand when they're too obvious! 人はあまりに分かりやすいと、逆に分からなくなる、 不思議な生き物なのです!
But I saw it! She's just as bad as she looks! でも私は見ました!あの子は見たままワルです!
A teacher... shouldn't be judging people by appearance. Nobody could be so obviously bad in this day and age. 先生ともあろう方が、人を見かけで判断しちゃ駄目ですよ。 今時あんな分かりやすいワルが、いるわけないじゃないですか
These days... Even robbers wear suits. 最近は、泥棒だってスーツ着てるんですから
Well, it's true that... nobody's as bad as they look. まぁ確かに、まんま悪いわけありませんよね
A drunk holding a box of sushi... who even says hi to a mail box. 寿司の折り詰めを持って、しかも、 郵便ポストに挨拶をする酔っぱらい
Nobody's that obvious these days. I must have been mistaken earlier. 今時そんなまんまな人は、いませんものね。 きっとさっきのは、何かの見間違いだったんですね
See. She's a nice girl who plays with puppies. ほら。やっぱり子犬と戯れる、優しい子じゃないですか
Besides.. Someone with such mean-looking eyes couldn't be a bad person. Nothing is so simple these days, right... Kudou-kun? だいたいあんなに目付きの悪い子が、 本当に悪いわけないじゃないですか。 そんな分かりやすい話、今時ないよね…工藤くん?
That may be true. For example... A murder up in the mountains. 確かにそうかもしれないね。 たとえば、とある山奥のペンションで起きた殺人事件
In a bag belonging to suspect A, who held a grudge against the victim.. is a bloody knife. Now... Who was the killer? 殺された被害者に恨みを持つ、 容疑者Aのカバンの中から、 血まみれの包丁が出てきた。 さて、この事件の犯人は?
It can't be A! The evidence is too perfect! Aのわけがない。 証拠が揃いすぎています!
Someone with such mean-looking eyes... could never do bad things! あんな目付きの悪い子が、 あんな悪さをするわけがない!
Nails through the noses of my precious photos... of Teacher! 私の大事な先生の写真の鼻に、クギが!
It couldn't have been... completely reset!? まさか…オールリセット!?
Bad things happen to you... because of the way you usually behave. This should be a good lesson. 日頃の行いが悪いから、 良くないことが起きるのよ。 これもいい薬ね
Everyone, congratulations as you proceed to your Second Year. I have been appointed to the Tristein School of Magic starting this year. For this following year, will be educating you on Earth elemental magic. みなさん、2年生への進級おめでとう。 本年度から、このトリスティン魔法学園に赴任しました。 これから1年間、土系統の魔法をみなさんに講義します
Now, everyone, what is the Four Great Elements of Magic? さて皆さん、魔法の4大系統は?
Earth is the principle magic that leads to the creation of all things. To understand this further, I would like for you all to learn the basic alchemy spell. 土は万物の組成をつかさどる重要な魔法。 それをまず知ってもらうため、 基本である錬金の魔法を覚えてもらいます
Dangerous? How is alchemy dangerous in any way..? 危険?錬金の何が危険だというの?
Think strongly of the type of metal you form through alchemy. 錬金したい金属を強く思い浮かべるのです
It seems this year started with no problems. As the Principal, there is nothing more I wish for... 今年度も何事もなく、無事始まったの。 学院長として、これ以上のことは無い
Also stop acting like you have Alzheimer when the situation isn't favorable... 都合が悪くなると ボケたふりをするのもやめてください
A Familiar is an eternal servant, a friend, and even acts as eyes and ears. My Familiar has been with me for years. I've had a long fellowship with you, haven't I? 使い魔は一生の僕であり友であり、そして目であり耳である。 我が使い魔…お前とも長い付き合いじゃのう
I believe Ms. Longueville will look better in black more than white, don't you think? ミスロングビルは白より 黒が似合うと思うのじゃが、そうは思わぬか?
If you do this again I will report you to the office! 今度やったら王室に報告します
Just because I peek at your panties don't get all worked up! That's why you always loose your ground! たかが下着を覗かれたぐらいでカッカしなさんな! そんな風だから婚期を逃すのじゃ
Even now, your success rate is still zero! 今まで成功の確率ゼロじゃないか!
So how was it? Again with the disciplinary room or have you finally been expelled? ねえどうだった? また反省室? それともいよいよ退学?
There was no Punishment. Because the fault fell on the Professor who allowed me to use magic regardless of the warning from the students. お咎めは無しよ。 生徒たちは止めたのに、 私に魔法を使わせた先生にも責任があるって
I was just having a bad day! ちょっと調子が悪かっただけよ
Aren't you always having a bad day? You still haven't earned your secondary name yet, Louise the Zero! いつも調子が悪いんだよね? いまだに二つ名も持てない、ゼロのルイズは
I can't wait for tomorrow... I wonder what kind of familiar you will summon... 明日が見物ねぇ。 どんな使い魔を召喚してくれるのやら
Within summoning magic, I have complete confidence if it's only summoning a servant! 私、召喚魔法、 サモンサーヴァントだけは自信があるの
None of you will match it, as it'll be the most beautiful, holy and powerful, the familiar I will call forth! あんたたち全員でも及ばないほど、神聖で、美しく、 そして強力な使い魔を呼び出して見せるわ
It's just like you Louise the Zero. You always surpass our expectations! さすがゼロのルイズ。 期待を裏切らない結果だな
This Ceremony is Holy Ritual that decides the eternality of a Mage's life. Asking to re-do it is a disgrace to the entire Ritual. この儀式は、メイジとして一生を決める神聖なもの。 やり直すなど、儀式そのものに対する冒涜ですぞ
Whether you approve of it or not, it is decided he is your familiar. 君が好むと好まざるとに関わらず、 彼は君の使い魔に決まったのです
I have no idea what he's saying, but judging from what they are wearing, this can't be good. 何しゃべってんだか知らないけど、着てるもんといい、 こいつらかなりヤバイぞ
Whether he's a commoner, or whatever, I do not accept any exceptions. 平民であろうと何であろうと、 例外は認められません
Hurry this up! Or do I really have to expel you? 早くしたまえ! でないと、君は本当に退学になってしまいますぞ
It's so annoying! All it does is cry, cry and cry! There's that mute spell that I learned last year! あーうるさい!その上ピーピー吠えてばっかだし! 口封じの魔法、去年教わったやつ
What's the meaning of this... It was a spell of silence. So I screwed up again... どういうこと… 沈黙の呪文だったのに。また失敗…
Isn't it obvious? You were summoned by me. As a familiar. 決まってるでしょ、 私に召喚されたのよ。使い魔としてね
Just to be sate, I'll report this to the Principal. 念の為、学院長に報告せねばならんな
And I am the familiar that Louse-san summoned, right? You know those things that accompany sorcerers. I know as much from movies and mangas. だからオレは、ルイズさんが召喚した、使い魔なんだろ? 魔法使いとかが、連れて歩くあれ。 そんくらいは映画や漫画で知ってるよ
I don't whether this is a crazy religious cult or a group of fantasy maniacs but I am not staying here! 新興宗教だか、ファンタジーマニアの団体だか知らねぇが、 こんなところにいられっか!
The familiar you contracted with? Amazingly, being you familiar I guess it isn't surprising it'll defy common sense... 契約した使い魔がかい? さすがルイズの使い魔だけあって、 常識はずれだな
Stop being in awe, and help me catch it! 感心してないで、手伝って!
I guess so... 仕方ない…
It's a dream being able to sit here alone with you, Kirche the Ardent. こうして、君と二人きりになれるなんて夢みたいだ、微熱のキルケ
Well, tonight, the fervour will not end here. 今夜は微熱じゃ済まなそう
I would like it if you give in already. This is the second time I had to levitate you. 勘弁して欲しいな。 君を浮かべるのは、これで2度目だ
Then no meal for you. I won't take off the chain. じゃご飯抜きにするわよ。 鎖も外してあげない
As long as she's quiet, she's pretty cute. 黙ってりゃかなり可愛いのにさ
Hurry and pull out the chair... It's discourteously of you. 早くイスを引きなさいよ、 気が利かないわね
Only Nobles can sit here. A commoner like you sits here. ここに座れるのは貴族だけよ。 平民のあんたはそっち
Modest? That's what this is. ささやかなのはこっちだろうが…
Really, during a meal, Familiars are suppose to be on standby outside. It's a special request for you to be next to me. 本来なら食事中、 使い魔は外で待機してるのよ。 特別に一緒にいさせてあげてるんじゃない
There's no lesson for the Second Years today; it's to start communication with the Familiars they just summoned. 今日は2年生の授業はお休み。 召喚したばかりの使い魔と、コミニケーションを取るのよ
Hey, you probably just grab a commoner that was just walking by, didn't you? You deceived us quite well with that explosion. ねぇ、あなた最初から、その辺を歩いてた平民を 連れてきたんじゃない? 爆発でうまくごまかしたけど
You're wrong! I properly made a summon and he just came out! 違うわ!ちゃんと召喚したのに、 こいつが来ちゃっただけよ!
Don't just stand there! At very least, go get me some tea! ボケっとしてないで お茶くらい持ってきて!
Could you perhaps be the one who became Ms. Valiel's Familiar? For a commoner to be summoned as a Familiar is already the gossip. もしかして、ミスヴァリエールの使い魔になったっていう… 平民が使い魔として召喚されたって、もう噂になってますから
Ah, I see. So that's what it was. So are you a Sorcerer too? なるほどね、そういうことか。 キミも魔法使いなの?
A Commoner can never overcome a Noble! You're lucky if you get out of this just hurt! 平民は貴族に勝てないの。 ケガで済めば運がいい方なんだから!
That's not so much of a Problem as... The rune that appeared on that one familiar, was something I didn't recognize so but after some researching, it corresponded to this. 問題は、そんなことよりも… その者が表した使い魔のルーンに、 見覚えがないので、 調べました所…これに酷似しておりまして
Louise, could it be.. That this Commoner has moved your girly heart? ルイズ、もしやキミは この平民に…その乙女心を動かしているとか?
Whatever you have to say, will not change the fact the duel has already begun! キミが何を言おうと、 もう決闘は始まっているんだ!
Isn't it obvious that all Sorcerers are Nobles and they'll use magic when they fight? メイジである貴族が、 魔法を使って戦うのは、当然のことだ
Oh, it seems like I held back too much. ほう、手加減が過ぎたか
This is a familiar rune that only exits in legends. Who would have thought that the third daughter of the Valiel family would summon this? これは伝説にのみ存在する使い魔のルーンじゃぞ。 まして、あのヴァリエールの三女が召喚するなど…
Whatever the truth is, do not allow this to leak! ことの真実はどうあれ、 この件は一切口外してはならん
He's still gonna stand. まだ立つんだ?
Really, when it's just getting interesting? あら、これからがおもしろいんじゃない
If you have the will to continue, take that sword! If you do not, then say this to me 'I am sorry'. 続ける気があるなら、その剣を取りたまえ その気がないなら、ボクにこう言うんだ…ごめんなさいとね。
If you take hold of this, Guiche will no longer hold back! Listen, this is an order from me as your Master! これ握ったら、ギーシュは本当に容赦しないわ! いい、これは主人の私の命令なんだからね
What I do know is I still can fight on comfortably. わかるのは、まだ余裕で戦えそうな気がするってこと
For a Noble to loose to a Commoner... 貴族が、平民に負けるなど…
Shit! It's so freaking frilly, making it a pain to wash. 無駄にひらひらしてて、 洗いにくいったら
It's the laundry that's been piling up while you were off sleeping after that stupid incident. あんたがバカなことをやらかして、寝込んでいる間に 溜まった洗濯物よ
In any case, you're supposed to always be thankful for your Master's existence. そもそも主人に対する感謝の気持ちは いつも持ってるべきでしょ
How much longer are you going to take to do the wash? 洗濯にいつまで時間かけてんのよ?
Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind. By combining several of those, you can create a more powerful spell with a different effect, and our Level as Mages depends on the number we can combine. Just what are these Levels? 火、水、土、風の魔法は、複数組み合わせることで さらに強力になり、別な効果を生み出します。 そして私たちメイジは、幾つ組み合わせることができるかでレベルが決まりますが、 そのレベルは?
If you can combine two, you are a Line. Three, a Triangle. Four, and you will called be a Square. 二つの組み合わせができればライン、三つでトライアングル、 四つでスクウェアと呼ばれますわ
I believe that most of you can only use one, but... 皆さんは、まだ1系統しか使えない人がほとんどだと思いますが…
Mind my words, but there is a student that is still unable to use one without a success rate of zero... お言葉ですが、まだ1系統も使えない、魔法成功率ゼロの 生徒もおりますので…
Well, anyhow, please try your best to get to the higher classes! とにかく、より高いクラスを 目指すように
Master, this humble familiar has made a song for you! ご主人様、この使い魔、歌を作りました!
Lou Lou Louise, the hopeless Louise! She can't use magic, what a hopeless Sorcerer! But it's ok! Because, Louise the Zero is a girl. ルイルイルイズはダメルイズ! 魔法ができない魔法使い。 でも平気、ゼロのルイズは女の子だもん
How... how can this familiar s-say such a thing to it-its master?! こ、この使い魔ったら ご、ご主人様に、な、なんてこと言うのかしら!
Hmmm... could it be that you're angry? I mean really... あの、もしかして怒ってます?それも…猛烈に
Oh, what a kind Master! I'll never say Zero again. Even if your magic is Zero, or your breasts are Zero, I'll never say it again! お優しいご主人様!もうゼロなんて言いません。 たとえ、魔法がゼロだろうと胸がゼロだろうと、 言いませんとも
On second thought, no more meals! Plus, you can't sleep in the room! やっぱごはん抜き! プラス今夜は部屋で寝るの禁止!
I might freeze to daeth, before starving to death. Oh so cold, so hungry. 餓死より先に凍死すっかも。 寒いよ、ひもじいよぉ
Yes, of course! Even though you're just a mere commoner like us, you beat that arrogant Noble brat. You are our pride, "Our Sword"! そうとも、あんたは俺達と同じ平民なのに あの偉ぶった貴族の小僧に勝ったんだ。 我ら平民の誇り、我らの剣だ!
As soon as I gripped that sword, my body just moved on its own, so I don't really know what happened... 剣を握ったら、 体が勝手に動いたんで、 オレにも何がなんだか…
Did you all hear?! A true champion does not boast like that brat! This is how he differs from those idiotic Nobles. 聞いたか?真の達人はこんなふうに偉ぶらねえもんだ。 ここが貴族の阿呆どもとは違うところよ
I, the head cook, Marto will make anything to a miraculous taste. このコック長マルトーにかかれば、 どんなもんだって絶妙な味に仕上げて見せるさ
Indeed! I've never had a stew this delicious! 確かに!オレ、こんなうまいシチュー初めてだよ
With this, I have finally gained some confidence to live here. When I was injured badly, I thought, "This might be the end". これで何とか生きていく自信がついたよ。 まぁ、こないだ大怪我したとき これでオレもう死ぬなぁ、とか思ってたんだけどさ
Saito-san, you really were in a critical situation. You were on the verge of death. サイトさん、本当はとても危険な状態だったんですよ。 危篤寸前で
Hmm... Well, as a Noble she must have more than enough money to spend! へっ、貴族だけあって、 金が有り余ってんだな
I... I would like to talk to you again longer. 今度ゆっくりお話ししたいです
Even if you eat me, you'll surely upset your stomach! You got it? I won't care what'll happen to you! オレなんか食ったら、お前絶対、腹壊すぞ! いいのか、知らねえぞ!
Just a friend. In any case, right now, the one I am the most in love with... ただのお友達。とにかく、今1番 あたしが愛してるのは…
Who is that man?! Weren't you supposed to be heating the night with... その男は誰だ?! 今夜は僕と激しく燃え上がる…
In any case, the night is short. I do not want to waste anymore time away from you. とにかく夜は短いわ。 あなたとの時間を無駄に過ごしたくないの
Forget about that. Wouldn't you rather be with me than Louise the Zero? 放っときなさいよ。ゼロのルイズなんかより、 あたしの方が…
Whose Familiar do you think you're putting your hands on? 誰の使い魔に手を出してんのよ?
It can't be helped. Love and Fire are the destiny of the Zilperstone. It is our instinct to embrace this love. 仕方ないじゃない。恋と炎はコンツェルプストーの宿命。 恋に身を焦がすことこそ本望なの
He may be your familiar, but he's still human! It's tyranny to intrude on his romance. 彼はあなたの使い魔かもしれないけど、れっきとした人間よ! 恋路を邪魔するなんて、横暴じゃない
But tomorrow, more than ten Nobles will be after you. でもあんた、明日になったら10人以上の貴族に串刺しにされるわよ
I still haven't given this up. まだあきらめないわよ
What are you, a stray dog in a rut?! まるで盛りのついた犬じゃないの!
I was wrong. For treating you like a human all this time! 私間違ってたわ。あんたをつい人間扱いなんかして
Of all people, wagging your tail to the Zilperstone girl. You dog! よりによってツェルプストーの女に尻尾を振るなんて…犬!
Could it be that you are... Since I didn't sneak into your bed, and did that with Kirche? like being jealous over me? もしかしてお前…オレがお前のベットに忍び込まずに、 キュルケとあんなことしてたから、 オレにやきもちとか?
It's a disgrace to even allow a strand of thread, or even a just one dog to be taken by them! Understand?! ツェルプストーの女に糸くず一本、 犬一匹でも取られるのは屈辱なのよ。わかった?!
Yes, somewhat... はい、なんとなく…
That's right, I could do anything about it. そうだよ。不可抗力だろうが
I don't know. As soon as I took the sword, my body reacted on its own. 知らねえよ。剣を持った途端、 体が勝手に動いたんだ
When contracting with a familiar, it gains a special ability. For example, a black cat might start talking... 使い魔として契約すると、特殊な力を得ることがあるのよ。 たとえば使い魔になった黒猫がしゃべれるようになったり
I am NOT a cat! Moreover, what do you except an unarmed swordsman to do?! オレは猫じゃねえ!第一、 丸腰で剣士もへったくれもねえだろ!
You were swinging a much bigger sword than this one, right? I want one that's bigger and thicker! あの時もっと大きな剣を振ってたわよね。 もっと大きくて太いのがいいわ
Mind my words, but that size is probably the best for him. お言葉ですが、この御仁にはそのサイズ程度がよろしいかと
Amateur, clueless noble... She's going to be easy prey. 素人の貴族が…こりゃカモだな
Could it be that you're buying me a sword? もしかして、 オレに剣を買ってくれんの?
Wow, didn't expect this from someone as stingy as you. ケチの割りに珍しいな
Who's stingy? If you swamp a familiar with luxuries, it'll become a habit! So, I'll at least prepare what is necessary. 誰がケチよ。使い魔に贅沢させたら クセになるでしょ。必要なものは きちんと用意するわ
You can buy a fine home with a forest yard for that much! 立派な家と森つきの庭が買えるじゃないの!
So, what impossible task has the Palace asked for now? 王宮は今度はどんな無理難題を?
Recently, there's been a thief named Fuuke who has been focused on stealing treasures from Nobles. By using magic, he's been raising a commotion among the public. 近頃フーケとかいう、 魔法で貴族の宝を専門に盗み出す賊が 世間を騒がしておるらしいでな
It's silk! You have to be more gentle. Be more careful when you wash it. Do it one more time! シルクなのよ!もっとやさしく ていねいに洗わなきゃダメ。 やり直し
Thank you for this. I've never washed anything by hand until I got here. 助かるよ、ここに来るまで手で 洗濯なんてしたことなかったからさ
No matter what happens, you never cower. You even stood up to a Noble even though you're a Commoner. Your image has given me a lot of courage. 何があってもめげないし、 平民なのに貴族に立ち向かったり。 そんなサイトさんに、たくさん勇気を頂きました
I've already spent my money on it, and I have no use for it. So, I'll give it to you as a present. あたしには不要だし、 せっかく買ったんだから、 プレゼントする
Well, if we're only going to talk... まあ、話すくらいなら…
So awesome. When I have this on my back, it's like I'm some type of hero or something. やっぱいいよな。こんなの背中に挿したら、 勇者って感じでさ
You don't have to be so modest. 遠慮しないでいいのよ
That's because you have many things that they don't. It's not worth comparing you to them. あなた、あいつらに無いものいっぱい持ってるもの。 比べ物にならないわよ
Like... that mannerism and those words that prove you weren't raised in a civil way, as well as those dull looks and that hint of filthiness! 育ちの悪そうな言葉遣いや仕草とか、 冴えない見た目とか、 微妙に不潔っぽい所とか
When a Noble specifically calls for a young girl, it normally means for her to become his mistress. Didn't you even know that? 貴族が若い娘を名指しでって場合は、 普通自分の妾になれってこった。 おめぇんなことも知らねえのか?
I've heard stories like that. There are many types of Nobles out there. そういう話も聞くわね。 貴族もいろいろいるし
He didn't even come back for supper. 夕食にも戻ってこないなんて
Oh, this? I felt sorry that he only gets leftovers, so I thought I would give him some of mine. あぁこれ?いつも粗末な食事でかわいそうだから、 サイトにあたしの分をあげようかと思って
So now you're going to seduce him with food? 今度はエサで釣ろうって魂胆ね?
Count Mott has been cherished by the Palace. I doubt that he will use him. 王宮勤めのモット伯が、 あんな奴を使うとは思えないけど
Siesta is now a formal servant of Mott Estate. How the Master treats his servant is under his own jurisdiction. シエスタはこのモット家の正式な使用人だ。 使用人をどう扱うかは主の自由
So what? For a nameless Commoner to serve under a Palace Noble as myself should be considered a great honor. だからなんだというのだ?名もなき平民が 私のような高級貴族に奉仕することは、 この上ない名誉ではないか
You're just taking advantage of the fact that Siesta is unable to refuse. That's low, mustache-man! シエスタが断れねえことをいいことに、 好き勝手やりやがって… 汚ねえぞヒヒ親父!
It's a book that was accidentally summoned here when a certain Sorcerer was experimenting with magic. It seems a distinguished family in Germania has kept it as their treasure. ある魔法使いが魔法の実験中に 偶然いずこから召還したという本だ。 それをゲルマニアの名家が 家宝にしているらしい
There isn't any Noble crazy enough that would give you treasure. 平民風情に宝を差し出す 酔狂な貴族などおらん
If he draws his sword in a Noble's house, then the Commoner can't complain if he gets executed on the spot. 貴族の邸宅で剣なんか抜いたら、 平民はその場で処刑されたって文句言えないのよ
I've never met a Commoner more stupid than you. お前のような愚かな平民は初めてだ
It's a severe crime to point one's sword at a Palace Messenger. Be warned that this may even fall upon your House. 王宮の官吏に剣を向けたことは重罪に値する。 家に累が及ぶことも覚悟しておくのだね
I don't know what language it is written in, but it's unbelievable that such a item exists! どこの文字かすら分からぬが、 世にこのようなものがあるとは…
Yes it was. Some Sorcerer accidentally summoned it, and my grandfather bought it off from him. そうよ。魔法使いが偶然召還したものを おじい様が買い取ったの
In any case, I want to avoid getting embarassed. Since you can speak, I thought maybe you can perform a tasteful speech on stage. But... とにかく恥をかくのだけは避けたいの。 あんたは喋れるんだから、 壇上で気の利いたスピーチでもっと思ったんだけど…
You couldn't even properly swing it? まともに振ることもできなかったの?
Well, at least with the Count Mott situation, that was better as a result. まあモット伯の屋敷でのことは 結果的にそれで良かったんだけど…
For a familiar to do such a thing, there should have been some kind of punishment for me... 使い魔があんなことしたんだから、私になにかのお叱りぐらい あってもよさそうなものなのに…
Anyway, we don't have enough time. By the time I come back from my lecture, think of something. とにかく時間がないわ。 授業が終わるまでに あんたのできること、何か考えておいて
Hey, Der-kou, you're a sword. You must know an amazing trick or two. なぁデルこう、お前剣なんだから、 何か度肝を抜くような芸の一つぐらい知ってるだろ
Don't be stupid. I'm for practical use only. バカ言うな。あいにく俺は実践用だ
Could it be that you are practicing for the Evaluation Fair? もしかして品評会の練習ですか?
The Palace Gift will definitely be mine! 王宮からの贈り物は、あたしのものね
Yes, but I don't think there is any thief will come when the Princess's Personal Guards have their eyes all over the place. いやあ、とはいえ、姫殿下の護衛が目を光らせておる時に、 わざわざ入り込む賊もおりますまい
In any case, a Triangle-class Mage can't do anything to this gate! 最もトライアングルクラスのメイジでも、 歯が立たんでしょう
I especially wanted to see this year's students wisk my own eyes. 今年だけはぜひともこの目で見たかったもので
It's impossible to ask me to do something within just one day. たかが1日で 何かやろうってのが無理なんだよ
How about we go with 'Washing Panties' since I'm already used to it? やっぱさ、慣れてる パンツ洗いの方向で
But it's terrible... It's rumored that Henrietta-sama might be held accountable. でも大変よね。アンリエッタ様の 責任問題にも発展しそうって噂じゃない?
Regardless of all the resistance from her peers, it seems that Henrietta-sama made the decision to come to observe in the first place. そもそも、学院見学は 周囲の反対を押し切って、 アンリエッタ様がお決めになったらしいし
After gathering information in town, it seems a suspicious person has been seen coming in and out from the depths of the forest to an abandoned house. 街で色々と聞き込みをしたところ、 森の奥の廃屋に 出入りする、怪しい人影を見かけたという情報を入手いたしました
It's remarkable how fast you get the job done, Ms. Longueville. さすが仕事が早いな、ミスロングビル
From that report, I drew this to my best ability. その証言から、一応私が描いてみたのですが
If we fiddle our thumbs doing all that, then Fouquet will see it coming. そんなグズグズしとっては、 フーケに気取られる
We will retrieve the Staff of Destruction and restore the Academy's honor which the thief has tarnished. われわれの手で破壊の杖を奪還し、 盗賊によって汚された学院の名誉を取り戻すのじゃ
All those with who are with me, raise forth your staff. 我と思う者は杖を掲げよ
Is there any Noble that wants to gain fame by capturing Fouquet? フーケを捕らえて名を上げようとする 貴族はおらんのか?
Then let us count on you three. では3人に頼むとしよう
These two witnessed Fouquet. On top of that, Ms. Tabitha, even at this young age, has been given the title of Chevalier Knight. この二人はフーケの目撃者だ。そのうえ、 ミスタバサは若くして シヴァリエの称号を持つナイトでもある
Furthermore, Ms. Zerbst is from a family with an exceptional Germanian military ancestry. I've heard she wields powerful fire magic. さらにミスツェルプストーはゲルマニアの優秀な軍人の家系で、 彼女自身の炎の魔法も、かなり強力だと聞いておる
I will accompany them as their guide. 私が案内役として同行しますわ
Since Fouquet can use magic, that means she's a Noble, right? Why is a Noble a thief? 魔法が使えるってことは フーケは貴族なんだろ? なんで貴族がドロボーなんかやってんだ?
Not all Mages are Nobles. For various reasons, there are many who have been stripped of their Nobility to the status of a Commoner. メイジが全員貴族というわけじゃありませんわ。様々な事情で、 貴族から平民になった者も多いのです
Among those people, there are some who become mercenaries and others who become criminals. その中には身を窶して傭兵になったり、 犯罪者になったりする者もおりますわ
Even I have lost my Nobility. この私だって貴族の名をなくした者だし
Osman-shi isn't concerned much over the statuses of Commoner or Noble. オスマン氏は貴族や平民といったことに こだわらないお方ですから
Then, what circumstances stripped you of your Nobility? ではどういった事情で、貴族の名を?
I was just making small talk since there's nothing else to do. 暇だから、 ちょっとお喋りしてただけじゃないの
Stop it! You're no match for it. First of all, you can't even properly use magic! やめろ、かないっこないだろ! 第一、魔法なんかまともに!
Using magic doesn't mean you are a Noble, the ones who will not turn their backs to their adversary are Nobles! 魔法が使えるものを貴族と呼ぶんじゃない! 敵に後を見せない者を貴族と呼ぶのよ!
I will not be called Louise the Zero anymore! ゼロのルイズなんかじゃないんだから!
Who cares about your Nobility? If you die, it's all over, idiot! 貴族だから何だってんだ! 死んだら終わりじゃねぇか、バカ!
Always... Everyone always makes fun of me! It was humiliating.. If I run, I will be made fun of again! いつも、いっつもみんなからバカにされて… 悔しくて。逃げたら またバカにされるじゃない!
This is the same feeling I had when I fought Guiche! この感じ、ギーシュとやった時と同じ!
It was good that I stole it, but I had trouble using it. I thought if I dragged someone along from the Academy, they might be able to use it properly. 盗んだはいいけど、使い方がわからなくて困ってたの。 魔法学院の誰かを連れてくれば、 きっとうまいこと使ってくれると思ってね
I was rather disappointed that students came instead of the Professors, but I thought your familiar would know how to use it. As excepted from a Gundolf. 教師じゃなくて生徒が来たのは少し当てが外れたけど、 そこの使い魔クンなら できると思ったわ。さすがガンダールブね
Unfortunately, it only has a single shot. It's a rocket launcher, a weapon from my world. 生憎これは単発式でね。 ロケットランチャーっていう、オレの世界の武器だ
This incident is held in high regards within the Court. You three will receive some reward from the Royal Court. 今回の一件は宮廷も高く評価しておる。 君達3人に、王室より何らかの報償があろう
I don't need any. Rather, I would like to ask this one thing... 別にいりませんよ。それより、 ちょっと聞きたいことがあるんですけど…
I even got to look better than before today! 今日はうんと着飾らなくちゃ!
He wore a strange outfit that I've never seen before, And that man was severely injured. I brought him back to the School, and nursed him to the fullest, but... 見たこともない奇妙な格好をしていた。 その男はひどい怪我を負っていた。 私は彼を学院まで連れて行き、 手厚く看護したのだが…
In the end, I couldn't find out who he was, or where he came from. 結局何者なのか、どこから来たのか 分からなかった…
Who would have known that the Staff of Destruction had such a past. 破壊の杖にそんな曰くがあったとわ…
Damn it. Just when I thought I found a lead to getting back... くそ、せっかく帰る手がかりができたと 思ったのに…
I thought I might be able to go back home, but I still know nothing. 家に帰れるかもって思ったのに、 何もわからず仕舞いかよ
It seems something has started. Hey, you should get going. なんか始まったぞ。 ほら、行ってこいよ
I guess... You can have the pleasure of dancing with me. 踊ってあげても、よくてよ
If you're going to say that, shouldn't it be "Please dance with me?" それを言うなら、踊ってください、じゃねえのか?
It's just for today. Will you be honored to dance one song with me, gentleman? 今日だけだからね。 私と1曲を踊ってくださいませんこと、ジェントルマン?
Up until now, I had my doubts, but the Staff of Destruction is a weapon from your world, right? After seeing that, how can I not believe? 今まで半信半疑だったけど…でもあの破壊の杖、 あんたの世界の武器なんでしょ?あんなの見たら、 信じるしかないじゃない
You saved me today when I was about to be stomped by the Golem. That's what I'm thanking you for. ゴーレムに潰されそうになったとき、助けてくれたじゃない。 そのお礼よ
Well, isn't it a surprise? I've never seen a familiarable to be fit as his master's dance partner. こりゃ驚いた。主人のダンスの相手を務める使い魔なんて、 初めて見たぜ
But don't you think it'll be fine to have better clothes? でももう少しマシな服でもいいと思わない?
Are you asking us to place surveillance on the town? 私たちに街の諜報活動を?
Recently, I've been hearing rumors of some Noble's oppression of Commoners. When I ask about it from my peers, they claim that Nobles are a model example for Commoners, so it is not possible. 近頃、一部貴族による、平民に対する横暴な噂を よく耳にします。周囲の者に尋ねても、 貴族は平民の規範であり、 そんなことがあるはずないと
I'll accept, Princess! Even if I need to devout my entire life to it, I will accomplish this task. 承知いたしました姫様! この一命に代えましても、 お務め果たしてご覧にいれます
At this rate, I can tell it's going to be one long road. これじゃ 先が思いやられるよ
With just one horse the money we received will be gone. 馬一頭で、いただいたお金がお終いじゃない
And knowing that, you've been saying 'I want a horse, an expensive inn, and so forth', how could you say such things? それがわかってて、やれ馬が欲しいだの、 高い宿じゃなきゃダメだのって、 よく言えたもんだぜ
Because, it was necessary. だって、必要なんだもん
Ah, but I've got to find a place to sleep before that. はぁ、メシの前に寝るとこ探すのが先決か
As you can see, I am not one bit suspicious. 見てのとおり、私は怪しいものじゃありません
Her father was about to sell her to pay for his gamblings, but she ran away with her older brother. She's such a pitiful child. ルイズちゃんはね、おとっつぁんに博打のカタに売り飛ばされそうになった所を、 お兄さんと街まで逃げてきた、 かわいそうな子なの
If there's anything you need to know about the shop feel to ask me. 店でわかんないことがあったら、 何でも聞いて
The fairy that gains the most amount of tips by the end of the week, will not only get a special bonus, but... 今週もっともチップを稼いだ妖精ちゃんは、 特別ボーナスの他に…
On this Bustier a spell has been cast to capture a person's fascination. So the day you wear this you can gain as many earnings as you wish. このビスチェは人を虜にする魅了の魔法が かけられてるから、これを着た日は 稼ぎ放題
The girl who won last year earned so much that she retired back to her hometown. 去年優勝した子なんか、あんまり稼ぎすぎて、 田舎に帰っちゃったほどなんだから
Everyone, do your best so you can wear this too! みんな、このビスチェに身を包むことを目指して、がんばるのよ
I have brought you the item you have ordered. ご注文の品をお持ちしました
A Noble like me pouring a glass for a commoner? 平民に酌を…貴族の私が…
How about we say you give this to me mouth-to-mouth for an apology! じゃ、お詫びとして、 口移しで飲ましてもらおうかなぁ
As an apology, I'll give you the finest service. お詫びにあたしが濃厚なサービスしちゃう
So it's her breasts? So even him, it's still about the breasts?! 胸か?やっぱあいつも胸か?!
You fell unconscious when a flying beer bottle hit you on the head. あんた、飛んできた酒瓶に頭ぶつけて 気絶したんだよ
How can someone that violent and without a hint of gracefulness be a Noble? あんな乱暴でしとやかさの欠片もない、貴族が、いるわけねえだろうが…
Just as I thought! That child didn't even know how to carry a dish. And she has an unusual amount of pride. やっぱりね。あの子、最初お皿の運び方も知らなかったのよ。 異様にプライドが高いし
On top of that her demeanor... There's no mistake that she's a Noble. And I'm guessing you are her servant? おまけにあの物腰、 貴族に間違いないわ。 差し詰めあんたはあの子の従者?
So tell me. I won't tell anyone! In exchange, I'll teach you many things... Don't ask me such vulgar things. ねぇ教えて、誰にも言わないから。 その代わり、あたしもいろいろ教えてあげる。 野暮なこと聞かないで
Where do you have the time to do that? When you can't even get a decent tip. But I guess it can't be helped with those meager... そんなことしてるヒマあんの? チップ一つ満足にもらえないくせに。 ま、しょうがないか。その貧弱な…
Just you watch. I'll be amazed if I took this seriously! 見てなさいよ。私が本気出せば すごいんだから!
Today is the last day, and at this rate not only will I not be first... 今日は最終日だっていうのに、 このままじゃ一位どころか…
If you go against him, he puts heavy taxes on you so no one doing business can go against him. あいつらに逆らうと重い税をかけられちゃうから、 商売やってる人は、みんな逆らえないの
He touches you all over and doesn't leave a single tip. There isn't a girl that would serve him. 触るだけ触って、チップ一枚払いやしない。 あんな奴に付く子なんかいないわよ
If I look closer it was just a girl with small breasts. Since you were so flat, I thought you were a boy. Here, let me confirm how big they are... よく見たら、ただの胸の小さい娘か。 あまりに平べったいから男かと思ったわい。 どれ、どのくらいの大きさか私が確認してやろうじゃないか…
I think "washboard" is a bit too much. 洗濯板はないんじゃないの
Louise, where did you pull out that wand? ルイズ、杖なんてどこに?
Don't compare me with you. Just in case, I tied it to my thigh. あんたと一緒にしないで。 もしもの時のために、太腿に括りつけておいたの
When I go through all that to serve you, why do I have to take this crap? この私がせっかくお酌までしてあげたのに、 何でそこまで言われなきゃならないの
I don't have a name to give to a petty government officer like you. Before you regret it, silently withdraw from here! あんたみたいなこっぱ役人に名乗る名なんかないわ。 後悔する前に、このまま黙って消えなさい!
Please, can you look the other way about this? どうかこれで目をおつぶりくださいませ
At that party, there was a disastrous water spell cast on a drink; drinking it would result in the soul being driven insane. それには心を狂わせる 水魔法の毒が仕込まれていました
That one act was made public and the whole noble family was condemned. 事は公になり、 その貴族は断罪されました
The Mistress had sacrificed herself to protect Miss Charlotte. Ever since then, the Mistress is... 奥様は自らを犠牲にして、お嬢様をかばったのです。 以来、奥様は…
All we want is to live peacefully. Be gone! I will never let you have her! 私たちは静かに暮らしたいだけなのです。 下がりなさい!誰にも、渡すものですか!
I will be back to see you, mother. また会いにまいります。お母様
Ttabitha is the name of a doll which the Mistress had given to Miss Charlotte. タバサというのは奥様がお嬢様にプレゼントされた 人形の名前なのです
Ever since then, Miss Charlotte who used to be lively and bright, became a different person. It was as if she has sealed off her own emotions and words. その日から快活で明るかったシャルロット様は 別人のようになられて、まるで言葉と表情を 自ら封印されてしまったように
When the incident of the Mistress became public, those who had targeted Miss Charlotte vanished. 奥様のことがあって、 表立ってお嬢様を亡きものにしようという輩はいなくなりました
But Miss Charlotte had accomplished this unreasonable job that she was given. ですが、お嬢様は、この理不尽な命令を すべて完遂させました
To protect the Mistress and herself, even if at the sacrifice of her own life. ご自分と奥様の身を守るために、 命がけで
Anyway, I want to wash away the sweat of a long journey. とにかく長旅の汗を流したいわ
This? This is the way we take a bath in my country. Even though it's old-fashioned style. これ?オレの国の風呂。 といってもだいぶ昔のスタイルだけどな
Please don't be so embarrassed. I will be embarrassed too. そんなに照れないでください。 私まで恥ずかしくなっちゃう
You can look this way, you won't be able to see much anyway since it's dark. こっち向いてもいいですよ。暗くて よく見えないし
You probably say the same thing about other girls... どうせ、誰にでも同じこと言ってるんでしょ
That sounds like my great grandfather's story. He passed away before I was even born. He called himself a resident from another world that fell from the sky. 私のひいおじいちゃんの話みたいですね。 私が生まれる前に亡くなっちゃったんですけど。 自分は遠い異世界の住人だとか、空から落ちてきたとか、 そんなことばかり言ってたそうです
I have to get back now. そろそろ戻らないと
I had quite a lot of fun. とても楽しかったです
But... the most wonderful thing was... you. でも…いちばん素敵なのは、あなたかも
Liar! You're going to secretly meet with some girl again! 嘘だもん!また他の女の子と こっそり会うんだもん!
Ok, even though I'll be lonely, I will be waiting for you. うん。寂しいけど待ってる
Louise drank it by mistake. When that potion started kicking in, you must have been right next to her. ちょっとした手違いで、ルイズが飲んじゃったのよ。 クスリが効いた時に、 ちょうどあなたがいたのね
How precious! For you to go that far to capture my heart! なんていじらしい!そこまでして 僕の気持ちを捉えようとするなんて
Tkat's why you never make your move, even though we share the same room. だからずっと同じ部屋にいても 何もしないんだもん
Are you telling me that I can make my move on you? 何かしていいってこと…?
No, I'm not. But if it's just for little bit, I'll keep my eyes closed! If it's only for an hour or so, I'll keep my eyes shut and pretend that I don't know anything! それはダメ。でもちょっとなら 目をつぶってるもん。1時間くらいなら 目をつむって知らない振りするもん!
Anyways, could you please put some clothes on? とにかく、なんか着てくれよ
You are currently out of control because of a love potion. お前は今、ホレ薬でおかしくなってんだよ
No, I am not! It's not because of a love potion! 違うもん。ホレ薬のせいなんかじゃないもん!
When I'm looking at you, my chest gets tight and my heart beats like a drum. サイトを見てると、 ムネが苦しくなって、ドキドキして
I can feel that the holy spirit of water is upset. The water level is abnormally high. 水の精霊は怒ってるようね。 水位が異常に上がってるわ
It wasn't like this when I came here as a child with my father. 子供の頃、父上と来た時は、 こんなんじゃなかった
Let's wait a while. It doesn't show up until the sun sets. もう少し待ちましょ。日が落ちないと 出てきてくれないから
Listen, Robin. I would like to get in touch with old friend. They should know me by this. いいことロビン。古いお友達と連絡が取りたいの。 これであたしのことがわかるはず
If she is found, Robin will bring her out here for us. 見つかればロビンが連れてきてくれるでしょ
A long time ago, I came here with my rather and made contract with the holy spirit. If the holy spirit remember it, she will come. 昔、父上とここに来て、 精霊と盟約を交わしてるの。 精霊がちゃんと憶えてれば来るはずよ
Then you will take the tears? Do I need to make it listen to some sad story? その後涙を取るわけか。 悲しい話とか 聞かせればいいのかな?
Are you stupid? Tears are just what they're called. She will give us small piece of her body. バカね。涙っていうのは通称。 体のほんの一部をわけてもらうの
Listen carefully, if we make the holy spirit upset, Not only will we not get a tear, but our lives will be in danger as well. I want you to be really careful. いいこと。精霊を怒らせたら、 涙どころか、 あたしたちの命まで危なくなるんだから。 本当に気をつけてよ
If you recognize my blood, answer us in a way that we can understand. もし私の血に記憶があるのなら、 私たちにわかるやり方で 返事をしてちょうだい
I remember that, which runs through your body. キサマの体に流れる液体を、 我は憶えている
You said you would do anything? I'm too busy keeping up with the level of water. Therefore, I can't handle the attackers. Your kind has been attacking us. 汝は、なんでもすると申したな。 我は水を増やすことで手いっぱいで、 襲撃者の対処まで手が回らぬ。 汝らの同胞が、我々に攻撃を仕掛けておる
If we defeat them, you'll give me part of your body, right? そいつを退治すれば、 体をわけてくれるんだな?
How do they get into the lake? どうやって湖の中に潜りこむんだろ?
Most likely, they are magicians of wind. おそらく、風の使い手ね
If they were magicians of wind, they could use an air bubble to walk on the bottom of the lake. 風の魔法なら空気の玉を使って、 湖底を歩くことだってできるし
We are discussing an important issue, which is how we can turn you back into your normal self. お前を元に戻すための、 大事な話してんだから
That Louise... I guess that potion really works. あのルイズがね…効き目は抜群だわ
So you have your own reason, too. This is a difficult situation. そっちにはそっちの事情があるのか。 難しいな
Because your kind has stolen our secret treasure that had been protected. キサマらの仲間が、我の守りし秘法を 奪ったからだ
I can only exist within water. Therefore, if I were to fill this world with water, I could get that secret treasure back. 我は水の中でしか存在できぬ。 よって、この世界全てを水で満たせば、 いつかは秘法も我の手に入る
How long would that take? 気の長い話だな
It can't be helped. Since the holy sprit is undying, its time is different from ours. 仕方ないわ。精霊は不死だから、 あたしたちと時間の感覚が違うのよ
Then, I will go get that secret treasure for it. そんなら、その秘法とやらをオレが取り返してきてやる
The Ring of Andvari. It is the ring that has been with me for all these time. アンドヴァリの指輪。我と供に、 時を過ごした指輪
Anyway, I'll keep that promise someday. ともかく、約束はいつか必ず守る
The holy spirit never dies, right? Then it doesn't matter how many years it will take. So, could you fix the flooding? 精霊は死なねんだろ? だったら、何年かかっても関係なさそうだしな。 だから溢れている水を、元通りにしてくれねえか?
What is this! I'll be ashamed for the rest of my life! なんてこと!一生の恥、今生の不覚だわ!
You've returned to your normal self... I thought you would forget about everything... 元に戻ったら、 全部忘れるのかと思ったのに…
You guys are having fun as usual. 相変わらず賑やかなのね
The time has come. It is time to make our move. 時は満ちた。 いよいよ実行の時
What did you say? Of all people, that country with those barbaric stuck ups? なんですって?よりによって あんな野蛮な成り上がりどもの国に?
It cannot be helped. To protect our small country Toristien, we need to establish a strong alliance with Germania. 仕方ありません。小国である、我がトリスティンを守るためには、 ゲルマニアと強固な同盟関係が必要なのです
So this is one of those political marriages? 政略結婚ってやつ?
Even though it is for the country, it is unfortunate. お国のためとはいえ、あまりにおいたわしい…
I do not find any misfortune to sacrifice this body for the country. However... There is something I must do before that. 国のために、この身を投げ出すことなど、 厭いはしません。ですが… その前にどうしても、しておかなければならないことが…
I would like you to retrieve something. It is a letter I have given to the Prince of Wales of the Albion Kingdom. あるものを回収してきてほしいのです。 私がアルビオン王国のウェルズ皇太子 に宛てた1通の手紙です
The Rune that appeared on the back of your hand, is very similar to that of the Gundalfr? But, since a Void Sorcerer does not exist, unfortunately, there is no proof that you are a Gundalfr. 君の手に現れたルーンは、 ガンダールブのそれと非常によく似ている。 が、虚無の魔法使いが存在しない以上、 残念ながら、君がガンダールブであるという確証もないな
I unexpectedly was able to obtain the blood it bled at that time. I am in process of trying to replicate it right now. その時に流したと言われる血液を、偶然入手してな。 その複製に取り組んでいる最中なんだよ
When I can't even use magic properly, to take on such an important task, I wonder if I someone like me can do this. 魔法もまともに使えないのに、 こんな重大な仕事… 私なんかにできるかどうか…
Worrying about it will get you nowhere. We were able to get through everything, up until now. 心配しても始まんねえよ。 今までだって、どうにか乗り切ってきたじゃねぇか
You know... If something happens, I will protect you. あのさ…何かあったら、オレが守ってやるよ
This is a Water Ruby that my mother gave to me. Right now, this is all I can reward you with. 母上にいただいた、水のルビーです。 今の私にはこれくらいしか報いるものがありません
I will place an escort with you. Ask him to guide you to Albion. 護衛の者を一人付かせます。 アルビオンまでの案内は、その者に
I would expect that escort person to arrive any time now. 護衛の人って、そろそろ来てもよさそうなのに
Because I went to the lake without saying anything to you last time, You've must have thought that I'd leave you behind again. How adorable you are! この間黙って湖に出かけてしまったから、ま た置いてきぼりにされると思って… なんていじらしいんだ
Let me tell you that we cannot take 'Big Mole' with us. 言っとくけど、ビッグモールなんて連れていけないわよ
You're as light as ever. Just like a feather. 相変わらず軽いな君は。まるで羽のようだ
The Elite of the elites. For that Griffin Squad Captain to escort us... is nothing more than inspirational! エリート中のエリート、グリフォン隊隊長自らが、 僕らの護衛をしてくれるなんて…感激以外の何物でもない!
I was surprised as I did not know that you would be coming. 驚きましたわ。ワルド様がいらっしゃるだなんて、 聞いておりませんでしたから
Of course. As soon as I heard your name, there is no way I will sit there silently. 当然だ。君の名前を聞いて、 黙っているわけにはいかない
Hey, weren't we heading towards a port? No matter how much you look at this, this is the mountains. なぁ、港に行くんじゃねぇのか? どう見ても山の中だぞ
It is a good opportunity to regain the time I spent away from you. 今まで会えなかった分を 取り戻す、いい機会だ
Well, whatever is coming, I'm not going to be surprised anymore. ま、今更何が来たって 驚かねえよ
These houses here are built from chiselling away at one stone. It is done by a Square-class Mage. In other words, it's a craftsmen's work art. ここの建物は、全部一つの岩を掘って、つくられてるんだ。 土系統のスクウェアクラスのメイジにより。 云わば匠の技だね
But even then, I felt the aura that radiated from you is one that no one else had. でも僕は、あの頃からキミが放つ、 誰にもないオーラを感じていたよ
You have a special power that only you have. キミには、キミだけが持つ特別な力があるんだよ
Even now, my magic ends in failure. 今でも魔法は失敗ばかりで…
When this mission ends, let's marry, Louise. この任務が終わったら結婚しよう、ルイズ
There's no such thing as coincidence in this world. この世に偶然なんてねえ
The ability to freely use weapons at will. 武器を自在に操る力、か…
Let me point out to you, only things that were made as a weapon. That shiny decoration sword means nothing. 言っとくがな、武器として作られたもんだけだ。 こないだの金ピカの剣みてぇな、飾りもんとして作られたもんは意味がねぇ
Then if I draw you, could I win? Against Ward? じゃあさ、お前を抜けば勝てるのかな?あのワルドにも
Are you an idiot? That's all on you. I'm just here to be used. アホか。そりゃあおめぇ次第だろう。 俺は使われるだけだ
I have no intention to end as the Captain of the Magic Knights. Eventually, I would want to be a Noble that will move this country, no, all of Halkeginia. 僕は魔法衛士隊の隊長で終わるつもりはない。いずれは国を… いや、このハルケギニアを動かすような貴族になりたいと思っている
It seems that someone is already staring to reside in your heart. キミの心に、誰かが住み始めているみたいだね
By the end of this journey, I am sure your heart will be leaning towards me. I will go rent another room. この旅が終わるまでには、 キミの心は僕に傾いてるはずだからね。 もう一部屋借りることにしよう
Geez, I was only trying to kiss. I guess these mountain girls are too pure. まったく…キスしようとしたぐらいで。 山の子は純情というか…
Being a Noble is a burden. One can't help to wonder if he is stronger or weaker than the other. 貴族というのは厄介でね。 強いか弱いかそれが気になると、 いてもたってもいられなくなるんだ
But you are an amateur after all. You're all open. With your skills, you cannot defeat a true Mage. だがやはり素人、隙だらけだ。 キミの腕では、本物のメイジに勝てない
That's not it. When I looked at the sky, the thought that I would never be able to return home came to me, and I shed a tear pathetically... idiot. そんなんじゃねえよ。空眺めてたら、 もう一生帰れねえのかなって思って、 情けなくて涙が出てきただけだ…バカ
Anyway, as long as you are in Halkeginia, you are my familiar, got it? You'll look after my surroundings, and... You'll have to protect me too... とにかく、このハルケギニアにいる間は、私の使い魔なんだからね。 身の回りの世話もしてもらうし、 私を守ってもらわないと…
What are you lingering around here for? We are about to depart! 何グズグズしてるんだ、 もうすぐ出港の時間だぞ
Yes, they said that they would turn back here. ああ、ここで帰るそうだ
We can complete the mission with just the two of us. Let's go, we don't have much time until departure. 僕たちだけでも任務は果たせる。 行こう、出港まで時間がない
We can see the pier from here. 桟橋が見えてきたぞ
The situation has gotten that much worse? そんなに状況は悪化していたのですか
It's well known that Albion is in the midst of a civil war against their nobility... However, the reality of it is that the nobility has already taken control of most Albion. アルビオンが貴族派の反乱によって内戦中なのは知られているが、 実際の所、すでに貴族派がアルビオンのほぼ全部を掌握している
For the royalty that has been chased out of their castles, the Crown Prince Wales is their last surviving royal, and their only hope. 城を追われた王侯派とって、 ウェールズ皇太子は王族の唯一の生き残り、頼みの綱なんだ
Hey! That's a bit dirty, suddenly attacking from the side... ちょっと、いきなり横からなんて卑怯じゃない
I was just wondering about that dandy fellow. It took me an entire day to find out where you guys went. あのダンディなお方が気になって気になって。 あなたたちの行き先を突き止めるのに、まる一日かかったわ
It's meaningless to go to the pier now. That's the ship we were supposed to be on... 今から桟橋に行ってもムダだよ。 あれが僕たちが乗るはずだった船さ
On a night like tonight, when the two moons overlap each other, Albion happens to float the closest to the earth. 今夜のような、二つの月が重なる晩、 アルビオンが最も接近するんだ
Why would Count Ward leave us behind? どうしてワルド子爵は、僕たちをおきざりに?
Fouquet said... Right before she ran off, she said something about being able to delay us. フーケのやつがさ、逃げるとき、 足止めが出来たとか言ってやがったんだ
The next flight won't be until tomorrow at dawn. We have no choice but to wait for now. 次の便は明け方だそうよ。 今は待つしかないわね
A messenger from Toiristen, huh? You should have come up with a better lie. There is no one from that country who would know of this place. トリステインからの使い? もう少しマシな嘘を言うんだな。 ここを知る者が、 あの国にいるはずはない
A love that will not be. For a commoner like you to fall in love with a noble's daughter, how foolish. 叶わぬ恋か。平民のキサマが 貴族の娘に恋とは、愚か者よ
That's right. I'm not the one doing the fighting. What sways your heart is what swings me! そうだ、戦うのは俺じゃねえ。 お前の心の震えが、俺を振るんだ!
well then... I was able to accomplish two out of three of my objectives. One was to kill Wales, who had gone into hiding. まあよい…これで3つのうち2つの目的は果たせた。 一つは潜伏中のウェールズを亡き者にすること
If I can't take her, then I'm left with no other choice. I will have you perish here. 奪えぬのなら仕方ない。 ここで消えてもらおう
If we linger around any longer, we'll be done for! グズグズしてたら、オレ達までやられちまう
There's no way anyone could have survived that. あれじゃ助かりっこないわよ
The responsibility lies solely on me for not being able to see through Ward's guise. この私に一番の責任があるのです。 あのワルドを見抜けなかった…
No, this time I am confident that the information is reliable. 私は、今度こそ確かな情報だと確信を
It seems that this will become quite troublesome. 厄介なことになりそうじゃの
I couldn't stand staying in the dirty clothes that I wore during the long journey, so I was just changing. いつまでも長旅で汚れた服なんかでいられないから、 着替えてただけよ
I won't stand for this punishment over just one little panty! It's not like I wanted to do this! パンツ一枚ぐれえで、いちいち躾られてたまっか! オレだってやりたくてやってるわけじゃねえんだ
Ah, returning home. It's good enough to at least have a place to go home to. へぇ帰省かぁ。帰れるところがあるだけいいよ
Could you tell me more about that in detail? そのこと、詳しく聞かせてくんないか?
When I went abroad for my country, for my namesake.. Montmorency mistook it as an unfaithful cheating excursion. お国のために決死の旅に出ていたというのに、 モモランシーは浮気旅行だと勝手に思い込んでいるんだ
That's a result of your daily actions, isn't it? それは日頃の行いのせいじゃない?
Tkat's why... If you could just tell her... だから、キミの口から…
"I went too far. I'm sorry." But that doesn't show enough dignity as his master. 言い過ぎたわ、ごめんなさい… これじゃ主人として威厳がなさすぎね
Then I will find out where the treasure is and come back quickly. じゃあ、宝の場所を調べて、すぐ戻ってきますから
I wonder how much longer this will go on for...? どこまで続いてるのかしら?
I received a priceless lead that a dragon relic was here, so I came to excavate it, but I would have never guessed that you guys would... 竜の遺跡がここにあるという情報を得て、 発掘にきたのですが、 まさか君達がいるとは…
Then your goal is the same as ours? 目的は一緒ってこと?
It's just folklore, there's no telling whether it's true or not. ただの言い伝えですし、 その地図が正しいかどうかも…
I just came to assist the professor, that's all. It's not like I came chasing after you. 先生の研究の助手で来ただけよ。 別に追いかけてきたわけじゃないんだからね
I just said it beforehand, so you won't have some strange misunderstanding. 変な誤解してるといけないから、 先に言っただけよ
Why would I have any misunderstanding? 何でオレが誤解するんだよ?
You guys will be left behind. 置いてかれちまうぞ
This was suppose to be a Treasure Hunt! 宝探しだったのに
Hmm, a lock of this grade can easily be opened by magic. この程度のカギなら、魔法で開錠できそうです
You know, when I first saw you Siesta, I felt some sort of familiarity towards you. I see. That black hair and those eyes are from your Japanese blood. オレさ、シエスタを最初見た時、 なんとなく懐かしい感じがしてたんだ。 そうか、その黒い髪と瞳は、日本人の血が…
You maybe able to return to your world! キミは、元の世界に帰れるかもしれませんぞ
They appeared along with the solar eclipse, and one of the Dragon's Raiment disappeared with the eclipse. The other, meaning this one... Why wasn't it able to return? 日食とともに現れ、 一体の竜の羽衣は日食へと消えた。 もう一体、即ちこれは、 なぜ帰れなかったのか?
I believe he must have missed the timing. タイミングを逃した、と思われますな
As he was flying through the air, the eclipse ended and he could no longer go back. 空を飛んでるうちに、 日食が終わって帰れなくなった
Meaning that, if you were to fly into the solar eclipse with this Dragon's Raiment, then you might be able to returin to your world. 即ち、この竜の羽衣で日食に飛び込めば、 再び異世界に跳躍できるのではないかと
Then, if Saito-san can fly this and flies into the solar eclipse, he might be able to return to his world? では、サイトさんがこれに乗って日食に飛び込めば、 元いた世界に?
Well, it's just my hypothesis, but I believe that it's highly probable. まあ、あくまで私の推測ですが、 その可能性は高いかと
My frivolous conduct led to this situation. Please put forth any punishment upon me. 私の軽重な行いが、このような事態を招いたのです。 私めに、なんなりと罰を…
Haven't you already received enough punishment already? Through the death of your love... あなたは、もう十分な苦しみを受けているではありませんか。 思い人の死という…
Do not dwell on what has past. Let us accept everything as fate. 過ぎたことは致し方ありません。 全ては運命だと思って、受け入れましょう
I can't believe you've really found it. And all this time, I thought you'd just be lost in the mountains. まさか本当に発見するとはのう。 今度は山で遭難でもするのかと思っておったのに
I thank you for the manpower used to spot and store the Dragon's Raiment. 羽衣の運搬と引き取りのご尽力、感謝いたします
Well, it's certainly something... We can probably get the royal court's approval to keep it to study as an important artifact. これほどの物じゃ、王宮指定の重要研究資料として、 学院預かりの許可は取れるじゃろう
If we can mass produce this, then the Dragon's Raiment should work. こいつを大量に複製すれば、 竜の羽衣は動くはずです
That's why I told you, you'll understand as soon as you sit down. You can use any arms or weapons freely. だから乗りゃあわかるって言ったろうが。 おめえは武器や平気を自由に扱えるんだっつうの
I just heard about it in town. Albion has... renamed itself as Reconquista... and has declared war on Tristain! 今街で聞いてきたんだ。 アルビオンが…新国家レコンキスタと名前を変えて、 このトリスティンに宣戦布告した!
But when is the solar eclipse going to happen? でも、日食なんていつあるんだ?
But this is merely a stepping stone. Having the entire continent under my control... Next, we will make the Kingdom located at the center of the continent, Tristain, fall. だがこれは足がかりに過ぎぬ。 大陸全土を我が物にするためのな。 次は大陸中央に位置する、トリスティンを落とすのだ
If we descend with the Albion's proud Dragon Knights, Tristain will not last. アルビオンの誇る竜騎士団を投下させれば、 一溜りもありませんわ
Congratulations. You've really been wanting to return home. I'll be praying that everything will go well. おめでとう。あんた、あれほど帰りたかったんだもんね。 うまくいくことを祈ってるわ
First, we should send an envoy and open communications with them! まず使者を遣わして、 話し合いを
What will that do? Our adversary is a Great Country with several military vessels under its command! Surrender...? Or will our country be trampled annihilated? それが何になる?相手は 軍艦を擁する大国じゃぞ! 降伏か、蹂躙されたあげくに全滅か…
There will be no surrender. Losing our noble honor is the equivalent of losing our lives! I will take command of the military. 降伏はありません。貴族としての誇りを失うことは、 死も同然。 私が軍隊の指揮を取ります
Starting today, Tristein Magic Academy will be adjourned indefinitely. 本日をもって、トリスティン魔法学院は無期限休校とする
What are you going to do when I go? オレがいなくなったら、お前どうすんだ?
I'll sleep at some old weapons shop again. Nothing will change for me. また古道具屋で寝てるさ。 何にも変わりはしねえ
I'm not a citizen of this world either. If I go home, This war will have nothing to do with me, huh. オレもこの世界の住人じゃねえし、帰っちまえば、 戦争なんか関係ねえんだ
I don't know how to explain it, but once I touch it, I'll know. It should fly without a problem. うまく言えねえけど、触るとわかるんだよ。 問題なく飛べるはずだ
So, I guess this is good-bye to my darling. Are you really sure about this? You might be forever separated with Louise これでダーリンともお別れってわけか… あなた本当にいいの? ルイズとこのまま、一生の別れになるかもしれないのよ
I had to spent all night to create this much. 徹夜して、ここまで複製したのだが
No, it's all right. I'm grateful you did this much even at a time like this. いえ、オレの方こそ、 こんな大変な時に
It's reassuring that at least you are by my side, Louise Francoise あなたが一緒にいてくれるだけで、心強いわ。ルイズフランソワーズ
Going to the battlefield is absurd. What are you going to do if the Raiment gets destroyed? You won't be able to go back! 戦場へ行くなんて無茶だわ。 羽衣が壊れたりしたらどうすんのよ? 帰れなくなるのよ
There's not enough distance. At this rate, we'll crash into the wall! 距離が足りねえ。このままじゃ 壁に激突しちまう!
He'll be in danger by himself. 一人じゃ危険
This sure is fast. Dragons don't even compare to this. こりゃ速いな。 竜なんぞと比べ物にならねえ
Wind Dragons... are much faster than the Fire Dragons. Although it lacks in attack power... My power is the greatest weapon! この風竜…火竜とは速度のケタが違う。 あいにく攻撃力はないが、 我が力こそ最大の武器
Even without dragons, I'll clear all of you out! 竜なんぞいなくても、私一人で蹴散らしちまうよ!
It's quite admirable that you aren't going to run. 逃げないとは感心だね
Why would anyone turn their back to some middle-aged broad. 誰が年増なんかに 背を向けるもんですか
When you are in such danger, there's no way I could just let you be alone! あんたが危ない目にあってるのに、 放っとけるわけないじゃない!
This time, I will send you to oblivion, along with your legend! 今度こそ、その伝説とともに 葬り去ってやろう!
As long as you use your brain, even if you eat sweets, you won't get fat. 甘いものを食べても頭を使えば 太らないんですけどね
Ah! You're making fun of Misa again! Fine. How about I give you the cake if you leave me and Light alone? あっ、またミサをバカにして!じゃあケーキあげるから ライトと二人きりにしてもらえない?
If I leave you alone, I'd still be watching you on the surveillance cameras; it'll still be the same. 二人きりになったところで、私は監視カメラで見ます、 同じことです
Pervert! Will you just quit with all this tasteless stuff, already! 変態!そういう悪趣味 やめてくれない?
Whatever you say, I'm still taking your cake. なんとでも言っていいですが、ケーキはもらいます
That's okay. We'll just close the curtains and turn out the lights. じゃあいいわよ。カーテン閉めて電気消すから
More importantly, despite moving into these headquarters filled with equipment, Ryuuzaki, you seem to lack the motivation to do anything. そんなことより、せっかく設備の整った本部に来たのに… リュウザキ、お前全然やる気ないよな
To be honest, I'm pretty depressed. Because I've always thought that Light-kun was Kira, the idea that this theory may be wrong has come as quite a shock. 実は落ち込んでます。 私はずっとライト君がキラじゃないのかを考えていましたから、 その推理が外れたとしたらもうショックで…
Still, I have my suspicions... Hence the reason for these. いえ、まだ疑ってはいるんですけどね… だからこうして
But then again, Kira can manipulate people's actions. In other words, Kira was manipulating you in such a way that I would suspect you... しかし、キラは人の行動を操れた。 つまり、私がライト君をキラと疑うように ライト君を操っていた
Both Light-kun and Misa-san were being manipulated by Kira. If you think about it this way, it does seem to make sense... ライト君をミサさんもキラに操られていた… そう考えると、私の中で辻褄が合ってしまうんです
According to my theory, Light-kun was Kira when I imprisoned him. And from that moment, criminals stopped dying. Till then, the theory that Light-kun is Kira still worked. 私の考えでは監禁したときのライト君はキラでした。 そして、監禁したその時から犯罪者は死ななくなった。 そこまでは、ライト君がキラだったで通ります
Yet, two weeks later, criminals started dying again. So from here, we move to the next assumption... Kira's powers can be passed from person to person. しかし2週間したら、また犯罪者が死に始めた。 このことから次のケースが考えられる… キラの力は人を渡っていく
That's an interesting theory, but if that's the case, then catching Kira will be no small feat. 面白い考えだが、もしそうなら キラを捕えるのは容易じゃないな
Yeah, that's why I'm stumped. Even if we catch those being manipulated, their power will just pass to someone else, and no memory of it will remain. No matter how many people we manage to catch, it'll be pointless. はい、だから参ってるんです。操られた者が捕まっても 力を他の者に移し、 記憶は残さない。 これではいくら捕まえても無駄です
But none of this has been confirmed yet. Try and rouse some motivation. しかしまだそうと決まったわけじゃないだろ。 やる気出せよ
In fact, it's probably better if we don't try too hard. If we chase them too desperately, we'll just be placing our own lives at risk... don't you agree? いや、あまりがんばらない方が良い。 必死に追いかけても こっちの命が危なくなるだけ… そう思いませんか?
How are we supposed to catch them if we don't even chase them?! How many innocent people do you think have already been embroiled in this?! こっちから追い詰めないで捕えられるはずがないだろ! すでに罪のない人を何人巻き込んだと思ってる!?
I know... but no matter what reasons you had, my motto is... an eye for an eye. わかってます…しかし、どんな理由があろうとも… 1回は1回です
It's not that my theory was wrong, merely that "Yagami Light is Kira" and "Amane Misa is the second Kira" wasn't enough to solve the case. That's why I'm depressed. Is it so wrong for a human to feel this way? 推理が外れたというより、 八神ライト=キラ、アマネミサ=第2のキラでは 事件は解決しない…だからちょっとがっくりきた。 人間としてそれくらい駄目ですか?
I'd say it was wrong. The way you're talking, it sounds like you won't be satisfied unless I really am Kira. 駄目だね。だいたいお前の言い方は 僕がキラでないと気が済まないって言い方だ
You could be right... I've only just realized. I wanted you to be Kira. 確かにそうかもしれません…今気づきました。 ライト君がキラであってほしかった
Remember, an eye for an eye. I'm fairly strong you know. 1回は1回ですよ… わたし結構強いですよ
W-We should contact them and get them to stop. 部屋に連絡して止めましょう!
Misa-Misa was voted top of the Eighteen readers' popularity poll! This means that she'll be the star in Director Nishinaka's next movie! ミサミサがエイティーンの読者人気投票で1になりました!つまり 西中監督の次回作のヒロインに決まったってことですよ
It's just Matsuda being his usual dumbass self. 松田のいつものボケです
Well, Matsuda-san is a bit of an airhead by nature. まあ松田さんは天然だからな
Ryuuzaki, I know you've got no motivation for anything, but can you take a look at this. リュウザキ、やる気ないのに悪いが ちょっと来てくれ
Look at this carefully: it seems like this might be hinting at something. All three of them held important positions within enterprises that represent Japan. All three of them died from heart attacks. これをよく見てみろよ、偏ってるだろ。 3人とも、日本を代表する企業に重要な位置で関わっていた人物。 その3人が、心臓麻痺で死んでいる
As a result, Yotsuba's share prices have risen while those of other enterprises have fallen. Simply put, all these deaths have benefited Yotsuba. その結果、ヨツバの株価は上がり その他の企業は下落。 つまり、ヨツバにとって都合の良い死
The only conclusion I can draw from this is that Kira is backing Yotsuba. 僕にはキラがヨツバに肩入れしてるとしか思えないが
Yes, but if this is true, killing criminals isn't Kira's primary objective. ええ、しかしもしそうなら、このキラは悪人を裁くのが本当の目的ではない
Yes, it's possible that they're using the act of killing criminals as camouflage for killing people for their own profit. ああ、悪人を裁いているのはカムフラージュに、 会社の利益のために人を殺しているとも考えられる
So, how's that? Feeling slightly more motivated now? どうだ?少しはやる気出たか?
It's impressive that everything's going this smoothly; nobody suspects anything at all. しかし、これだけ何の疑いもかからず うまくいくとは、おもしろいな
Both Yotsuba's share price and profits have gradually been rising without gaining attention. ヨツバの利益も株価も、 目立たない程度に伸びている
Everything is going exactly according to our calculations. 全て我々の計算通りの数値だ
There's just one thing that's been on my mind... the three we killed last week... why did they all die of heart attacks? For one of them, I thought we decided on an accidental death? ただ、僕は一つ引っかかっているんだが… 先週殺すと決めた3人、どうして皆心臓麻痺で死んでいる? 一人は事故死と決めたはずだ
It's probably because we specified the place of death as along the Wangansen. However, of the time of his death, he wasn't at home but was secretly with a woman in Italy. それについてはたぶん、事故の場所を湾岸線と指定したからだろう。 指定時刻に彼は自宅でなく、 ある女性とお忍びでイタリアにいた
So, if there's an impossible element in the cause of death we provide... Kira will merely kill them with a heart attack. つまり死の依頼に不可能な点があると、 キラは心臓麻痺で殺してしまうということだな
That's why I said last week that if we just request for a death either via an accidental cause or illness, he'll eliminate them in the fastest and most natural way possible. だから先週も言っただろう。 事故死か病死とだけお願いすれば、 最短の時間で自然に始末してくれるってことだ
If there was someone who was able to trace these civilian deaths back to us, they'd have to be some sort of God. Furthermore, it's all been taken care of already. 一般人のそれらの死から、我々に辿り着ける者がいたら、 そいつは神だよ。 それに、もう手は打ってある
This is what Kira's promising... in return for the police simply ceasing their pursuit of Kira, they would leave the politicians untouched. キラはこう言っている。警察がキラを追うことさえしなければ、 政治家には手を出さないと
Unless we decide to resign from the police, we'll no longer be allowed to investigate Kira seriously. It's very simple. They said that if I continue to investigate with L, l'll be fired. もう警察をやめなくては、本気でキラを追うことはできない。 簡単なことだ、Lとともにキラを追うならクビ、今そう言われてきた
In a few hours, I'll no longer be the Chief. But you have your own lives, so think carefully before you decide what to do. 数時間後には局長ではなくなる。 ただし、皆自分の生活がある。 よく考えて決めてくれ
You're right, especially those with wives and children... そうですね、奥さんや子供がいる人は特に…
I think that all of you should return to the police force. Besides, originally I began alone... I'm grateful that you've all managed to stick with it for so long. But I'll be able to do this alone. 私は皆さんは警察に戻るべきだと思います。 元々私は一人でしたし、 これまで残ってくれた皆さんには感謝しています。 しかし私は一人でもやっていけます
And I promise to visit you all with Kira's head as a present to the police. そして必ず警察に、キラの首を土産に、皆さんに会いに行きます
Ryuuzaki, as long as I'm here, you won't be alone. I've made this promise as well. リュウザキ、僕がいる限り一人ということはない。 この約束もある
That's correct. Till Kira is caught I'll need Yagami-kun to stay with me. そうでした。八神君にはキラを捕まえるまで行動を供にしてもらいます
That was because then, the police, as an organization, was prepared to disobey Kira and maintain its stance on this investigation. But help from a few civilians who have quit the police can't really be said to be with "the co-operation of the police." それは警察が組織としてキラに従わず、 逮捕を望んでいたからです。 しかし、警察をやめる2、3人の一般人の協力は、 警察の協力とは言えません
Well, it's true that if we leave the police we may not be of much help to you, but what about our feelings?! We've put our lives on the line for this case! 確かに、警察でなくなる我々では、 大した力にはなれないかもしれない。しかし、私たちの気持ちはどうなる? ここまで命懸けでやって来たんだ
We should have the right to decide by ourselves: do we want to quit or return to the police? ここに残るか、警察に戻るか、 それぐらい決める権利はあるはずだ
I guess so... in that case, please make your own decision. そうですね…では、どちらにするか決めてください
But Chief, by quitting the police we'll be out of a job. Even if we manage to catch Kira, what're we supposed to do after that? しかし局長、警察をやめたら、無職になるってことですよ。 キラを捕えられたとしても、 その先どうするんですか?
I approached this knowing full well that my life was going to be at risk... And if I quit now, how can I face Ukita? 本当にいつ死ぬか分からない覚悟でやってきました… それに、ここでやめたらウキタに顔を向けが…
Damn it! Why has it become wrong for a member of the police to chase Kira?! クソッ、なんで警察に勤める刑事がキラを追っちゃいけないんだ?!
Ryuuzaki... didn't you make me promise that if anything happens to any member of the investigation, including being fired by the police, I would provide them and their family with sufficient financial aid for a lifetime? Why are you reluctant to tell them this? リュウザキ…あなたは捜査本部の方々に何かあった場合、 たとえば警察を首になった場合でも、その者と家族が 一生困らないだけの経済的援助をすることを最初に私に約束させた。 なぜそのことを言って差しあげないのですか?
Ryuuzaki, were you testing me to see whether I'd leave the police and continue here? リュウザキ、俺が警察をやめて一緒にやるかどうか、 見てたのか…
I was testing him. I was seeing what choice he'd make. 試してました。どっちをとるか、 見てました
I've just clearly realized... I hate Ryuuzaki, his methods, all of it! 今また、はっきり分かった。俺はリュウザキが嫌いだ! リュウザキのやり方全てがな!
That's the other thing I hate! The fact that you can say that with such a straight face! こういうことを白々しく言うところが、 またどうしようもなく嫌いなんだ!
Taking a look at this again, it just occurred to me that all the deaths which benefit Yotsuba happen towards the end of the week. もう一度よく調べ直してもらったんだが、 ヨツバに都合の良い死は、 週末に集中している
At first the times of death were random; however, they've gradually begun to cluster around the time from Friday evening till Saturday afternoon. 最初の頃は死亡日時にばらつきがあったが、 徐々に金曜の夜から土曜の午後に 集中し出した
I'm not planning to lose to you and Ryuuzaki just yet. I don't want to be a dead weight around here. 私だって、まだまだお前やリュウザキに負けてはおれん。 ここのお荷物になりたくないからな
Is Kira a part of Yotsuba? Is Kira merely using Yotsuba? I've got no idea which it is, but we can assume that Kira's behind this. It's time that we investigate Yotsuba thoroughly. ヨツバの中にキラがいるのか、キラがヨツバを利用しているのか… それはまだわかりませんが、もうキラの仕業だと考えて操作しましょう。 ヨツバを徹底的に調べます
I've finished compiling a list of all Yotsuba's employees, both here and overseas. 国内外、ヨツバグループの会社員リスト、 できました
Over 300,000 people! How did he manage this so fast? 30万人以上も…よくこんなに早く出せたな
There was always something amazing about Mogi-san, right from the start. モギさんは最初から 何気にすごいですよ
Aiber acquires and learns what is necessary for every social discourse, and is guaranteed to form an intimate connection with his target. We'll be using him as our spy. アイバーはあらゆる社交に必要なものを身に付け、 必ずターゲットと親密な関係になる詐欺師。 潜入操作に使えます
Wedy's a thief that can crack any safe, key or security system. As proof, she was able to infiltrate this place without anyone noticing her. ウェディはどんな鍵、金庫、セキュリティーでも破れる泥棒です。 その証拠に、こうして我々に気づかれることなく、ここまで入ってきた
Try to think of them as professionals from the underworld. 裏の世界のプロとでも思ってください
I get it, in order to investigate Yotsuba properly, we'll need such people. なるほど、ヨツバを探るなら、 こういう人たちも必要になる
If you're going to come home, just say so. I haven't bought you any dinner. 帰ってくるなら、ちゃんと言ってよね。 あなたの分のおかず、買ってないわよ
I'll give you half of my croquettes! あたしのコロッケ、半分あげるよ
From now on, I should get some time off every week. That means we can come to this park... これからはちゃんと毎週休めるんだぞ。 だから、この公園にだって…
Yotsuba's got to be working with Kira. They want L's identity, so that they can kill L. ヨツバはキラと繋がってる。Lの正体を欲しがってるとすれば Lを殺すつもりって事だろうね
This is bad. We're already understaffed and now we have this Coil to worry about. まずいな。人手がないのに、 コイルの方にも気を配る必要があるわけか
It's fine. The detective known as Erald Coil is me. A lot of people who try and find me fall for this. 大丈夫ですよ。エラルドコイルという探偵も私ですから。 私を探そうとする者は、結構これに引っかかります
Impressive as always, Ryuuzaki. さすがだな、リュウザキ
It might be better to try and blend in and get out of here... No! Then my coming here would mean nothing. このまま、紛れて帰った方が良いか… いや、それじゃ入った意味がない
Should I wait for everyone to go before searching the building? But what if I get caught? Maybe it's better if I leave... 誰もいなくなるまで待って、社内中物色するか? いや、そんなことして捕まったら… やっぱり帰った方が…
At least it's the weekend; if we had these drawn out secret meetings on a Monday, it'd be hard for me to bring myself to work. でも週末だからまだいいんだ。 あんな何時に終わるかわからない極秘会議、月曜だったら 会社に来るの憂鬱になる
I've come this far... I'm going to do this! ここまで来たんだ… やってやる!
Okay, I've got to get close to this guy? Leave it to me. オーケー、彼に近づけばいいんだな。任せてくれ
Most importantly, we must ensure that the Yotsuba Group doesn't discover that we're investigating them. Just consider that if you're caught, our chance of catching Kira will disappear then and there. 絶対にヨツバに我々が調べていることを 気づかれてはなりません。気づかれたら その時点でキラは捕まえられなくなるぐらいに考えてください
Damn it, I can't hear this clearly... If I could just overhear one important thing... クソッ、はっきり聞こえないな… 何か一言でも核心的なことが聞ければ…
Please, just forget everything I've just said. We need to rethink our plan. 今までの話は忘れてください。 作戦考え直しです
He doesn't seem to have anything suspicious on him. I doubt he's an industrial spy. 怪しい物は持っていないな。 産業スパイではなさそうだ
These two are most likely keeping an eye on me, while the rest of them are in the meeting room deciding how to dispose of me. この二人は見張り… 会議室で残りの者は、 僕の処分を話し合ってるはずだ
I'm as good as dead... やっぱり殺される…
I wonder if they've received my distress signal? I wonder if Ryuuzaki will bother to try and save me? 緊急サイン届いているかな…? ていうかリュウザキは僕のこと助けてくれるのかな…
I wonder what's going to happen to me... どうなるんだろう、僕…
It's alright, you can answer that. Just don't mention that you're here. Also, hold the phone away from your ear so that we can listen in. 出ていいですよ。 ただしここにいることは言わず、 少し耳から話して、我々にも話が聞こえるように
S-So, what do you think of Misa-Misa? I'm sure she'll be an asset to your company. あ、それでですね、ミサミサどうでしょう? 必ずお力になれると思います
If you're serious about promoting her, shouldn't you have brought her here? 売り込みに来るなら、 本人も連れてくるべきでは?
Well, she's currently shooting a movie nearby, I'll call her over as soon as she's done. いやあ、いま近くで映画の撮影中でして、 ロケが終わったらすぐこちらへ呼びます
Please consider using Misa-Misa as your image in your commercials. ぜひ御社のイメージキャラに!
For now, I've got to keep stalling! とりあえず、時間を稼ぐしかない!
Yay, a message from Light. He must be worried about me since it's so late. あぁっ、ライトからの伝言。 やっぱり遅くなると心配してくれるのね
Ask Misa-san to enable us to hear. ミサさんに、こっちにも話が聞こえるようにと
Misa-Misa, as soon as filming finishes, I need you to head over to the Yotsuba Group's Tokyo Headquarters. You could get the chance to appear in their commercials. ミサミサ、撮影終わったらすぐ ヨツバの東京本社に来てくれ。 もしかしたら、ヨツバさんのCMに出られるかもしれない
Currently, I'm in the middle of negotiating a deal for you. 今、交渉中だ
Okay, take a taxi and you'll be here in no time. うん、タクシー飛ばして来ればすぐだよ
Yagami-kun, we may be able to save Matsuda-san, but we will need Misa-san's help. She'll listen to you. 八神君、松田さんを助けられるかもしれません。 ミサさんの協力が必要ですが、 八神君の言うことなら聞いてくれるでしょう
Tonight, the girls from our production team would like to provide you all with a special reception! 今夜は事務所の女の子たちみんなで、 おもてなしします!
I think we're starting to go off on a tangent here... 何か方向おかしくなってないか…
It can't be helped; for now, we've got to stay close to that manager. 仕方ないだろ、いまはあのマネージャから離れるわけにはいかない
So, we may as well enjoy ourselves. どうせなら俺は楽しむ
Ryuuzaki and the others should be able to see us in here. We might be saved. ここなら、リュウザキたちが見ることができる。 助かるかも
The eight that are here were in a meeting together, planning who to have Kira murder. I heard them clearly. Without a doubt, it's them. いま来た8人、キラを使って殺しをする会議をしてました。 はっきり聞きました!もう完璧奴らですよ!
Are you absolutely sure? If it's true, they'll be aiming to kill you. 本当でしょうね?しかしそれを聞いたのなら、 松田さんを殺そうと思ってるはずです
I thought as much. Is there really no way to save me? やっぱり… 助かる方法は無いでしょうか?
Luckily, you're still alive so there's a chance that we can save you. But to do that... you've got to die before you're killed. 幸いまだ生きているので、助かるかもしれません。 それには…殺される前に死ぬことです
Hurry! If the paparazzi catch us, it'll be troublesome. 急いで!こんなところマスコミに見られたら、面倒だ
Well, at least he died in front of us. どうあれ、目の前で死んでくれてよかった
I know we're understaffed, but I can't believe I got dragged into this. 人手がないとはいえ、私まで…こんなのヤですよ
I'd like your advice on a certain issue. 条件についてご相談を
I've got no clue which one of you is Kira, but I don't want to get too deep in this and end up being arrested! 誰がキラか知らないが、 巻き添えになって逮捕されるなんてご免だ!
Hatori... you're going to be dead tomorrow. ハトリ…お前、明日には死んでるな
So, what're we gonna do? Even if Coil knows something, he's still willing to take it on. で、どうする?コイルは知っても、 直依頼を受けようとしている
As long as we give him the money, he's on our side. That's all there is to it. 金さえ出せば、 仲間になる。そういうことか
We've got to keep a shrewd guy like him on our side. コイルのような切れ者は、味方に付けておかなければ駄目だ
You're right; it doesn't matter how much we've got to pay. そうだ、買え。いくら出してもだ
What a disappointment, the security levels here are terrible. All they've got is a contract with some security firm... not even any measures to detect bugging devices. もう拍子抜けよ、ここのセキュリティレベルは最悪ね。 警備会社と契約してるだけ。 盗聴探知機さえなかったわよ
It's been a week since I infiltrated that place. Somehow everything seems to be going brilliantly! 僕が潜入してから1週間。 なんか、ものすごく手際よく進んでるなぁ
But there's only seven of them, instead of eight... しかし、8人ではなく7人だが…
I suppose they've most likely... killed him. たぶん、殺っちゃいましたね
It was unavoidable. Besides, if I'm honest, I'm kind of relieved that Hatori's dead. 仕方ないだろう。正直 ハトリが死んでくれて、私はホッとした
Kira's clearly shown us what'll happen to those who try to leave this group. この会議から抜けようとする者がどうなるか… キラははっきりと見せしめにしたんだ
So, this report is what our $5 million paid for? 500万ドルの代償が、この報告書か
He hasn't uncovered any vital information, such as L's face or name. Is this guy, Coil, really going to be of any use? Lの顔や名前、 肝心なところが何もわかってないじゃないか。 本当に役に立つのか?このコイルって奴
To be able to figure this much out about us, Coil's a pretty capable guy in my book. 私たちのやってることをそこまで調べあげたコイルは、 やはり有能だと思う
At any rate, we need to reconsider our current plan of killing off people towards the end of each week. とりあえず毎週末に殺人というのは 改善すべきだ
Surely with this recording, we'd be able to arrest all seven of them? もうこの録画があれば、 7人を逮捕できるんじゃないか?
Kira's not being very versatile with this, huh. They should at least attempt to spread them out over the course of the week. キラも融通効かないよな。1週間 適当に割り振ってくれればいいのに
I think that since Coil's realized this, it's going to be too risky to carry on killing at our current pace. 私は、コイルが気づいた以上、 今のペースで殺していくのは危険だと考える
From now on, we've got to be more discreet and ensure no one else finds out about this. ここからはさらに慎重に、 絶対に誰にもバレないようにしていくべきだ
No, unfortunately, until the said people actually die, we can't say that for sure. いえ、残念ですが、今挙げられた物が死んで 初めて間違いないです
From what these seven have disclosed at this meeting, as long as we closely monitor the actions of those seven until those mentioned at the meeting die... if we always closely monitor these things from now on... without a doubt, we'll catch Kira. この7人の会議での言動、 そして会議で挙げられた者が死ぬまでの7人の行動… これをこれからずーっと事細かに見ていけば… 必ずキラを捕まえられます
It's quite a dilemma... if we do arrest them now, then everything we've worked for will be ruined. 困りましたね。今捕まえてしまったら、 すべてが台無しになります
If we do that, it'll mean they'll have been discovered just three days after Aiber got in contact with them. It'll look suspicious. そんな事をしたら、アイバーが彼らに接触した3日後に 捜査の手が伸びたことになり、 怪しまれます
Most importantly, it's extremely likely that doing so would make it impossible for us to figure out who Kira is. それと何よりも、キラが誰なのか断定できなくなる 可能性が極めて高い
After all this work, we'd be back at square one. せっかくここまで来て、 また振り出しになります
In order to catch Kira, we need to be able to prove that they're Kira. キラを捕まえるためには、キラだという証拠がどうしても
Ryuuzaki, if Kira really is one of those seven, is it fair to assume that if we call one of them, the chance of them being Kira is one in seven? リュウザキ、仮にこの7人の中にキラがいたとして、 この中の一人に電話をし、 そいつに当たる可能性は7分の1と考えていいのか?
I was thinking that there'd be two at most, so I'd say two out of seven. 私は多くても二人、 7分の2と考えていますが
I'm going to borrow the title "L," Ryuuzaki. Lの名を借りるぞ、リュウザキ
Someone who looks unlikely to be Kira from the conversation, yet is still influential... that would be... Namikawa! 今までの会話でキラではなさそうで、 それなりの発言力を持っていそうなのは…ナミカワ!
If you're going to call, use the phones in this building. They can't be traced or tapped. 電話するならここのを使ってください。 逆探知も盗聴もできないようになっています
Please give out natural responses while listening to me. I am L. 適当に相槌を打って聞いてください。私はLです
Cameras and bugging equipment have been set up in that meeting room. The entire meeting has been recorded by us. その会議室にはカメラと盗聴器が仕掛けてあり、 今の会議の映像は全て録りました
You began the talks with Hatori's death and then went on to discuss whom you should kill. 冒頭の話題はハトリ氏の死のこと。 会議の内容は誰を殺すか
If you're not Kira or negotiating directly with them, I can make a deal with you. もしあなたがキラ、もしくはキラと直接交渉できる人間でないのなら、 取引しましょう
Postpone the murders of the E.L.F. President and Mr. Zenzai by a month. I doubt that will prove too difficult for you. ELF社長とゼンザイ氏を殺すのを、1ヶ月先に延ばしてください。 あなたなら難しいことではないと思います
If you do this and cooperate with us from now on, you will... no, in fact, all of you except Kira will be considered as having attended these meetings under duress, and you will not be charged. それをして頂いて、今後私たちに協力してもらえれば、 あなたの罪…いえ、キラ以外の者は キラに脅されその会議に参加していたとして、 罪は問わない
Now I've got no choice but to side with L. No, if Kira finds out that I've sided with L, they'll kill me... what should I do? これではLに付くしか… いや、Lに付いたとキラに分かったら 殺される…どうすれば?
If you tell people about this phone call, it'll just cause a panic. It'll do you no favors and you'll all be caught. この電話の内容をバラせば、 パニックになる。あなたにプラスはない。 皆、捕まえることになります
However, my aim is to go head to head with Kira. しかし、私の目的はキラとの一騎打ちです
If L beats Kira, you won't be charged; if Kira beats L, you get to continue your affluent life. Lがキラに勝てば、あなたは無罪。キラがLに勝てば、 あなた方はそのまま裕福な人生
You should just play along with both sides and see what happens. あなたはどちらにも合わせて置き、 傍観していればいい
L or Kira, whoever wins, you can't lose. L、キラ、どちらが勝っても、あなたに損はない
The only way for you to lose... is if you're caught right now. あなたにとっての損は… 今捕まってしまうことです
He's already figured out what my final decision's got to be. 私が最終的に出すであろう答えを先に見抜いている
One of my men's messed up, I'll have to deal with it on Monday. また部下がヘマをして、 月曜に尻拭いだ
As for when we're going to kill the E.L.F. members and Zenzai... how about we give Coil a month, and if he still hasn't discovered L's identity by then, we'll kill them off on random dates. ELFの奴らとゼンザイをいつ殺すかだが… こういうのはどうだ。1ヶ月コイルに時間を与え、 1カ月を経てまだエルの正体が分からなければ、 やむを得ん…日をバラつかせて殺す
Then, we'll give him another month and repeat. Once L is out of the way, we can resume killing two or three each fortnight. 次も1ヶ月与え…という繰り返しで、 Lを始末できたら 隔週で2、3人ペースに戻す
Basically, our main priority should be to deal with L. つまりLを始末するのを優先するということだ
I see. It's true that if we deal with L, we'll have no one left in our way. Till then, we should tread carefully. なるほど。確かにLを殺せば、 もう邪魔はなくなる。 それまでは慎重にか In that case, we'll give Coil a month. では、コイルに1ヶ月与えることにする
L should be satisfied with this... L…この場はこれで満足だろう
However, we'll continue to meet on a fortnightly basis. Meeting closed. しかし会議は隔週で行う。以上
Not only did you manage to postpone the killings, we might even be able to obtain information off Namikawa. 殺しを延期させるだけではなく、 ナミカワから情報を得られるかもしれません
Your methods are similar to mine and you managed to think of this before I did. しかも私のやり方に似ていますし、 私より早く考えついた
In that case... if I die, you may be able to carry on the name of "L." これなら…もし私が死んでも、 八神君がLの名を継いでいけるかもしれません
However, since you were the first to notice the Yotsuba Group, it's fair to say that you may be more capable than I. しかし、ヨツバに最初に目をつけたのも八神君ですし、 やはり私より有能と言っていいかも…
It's possible that you may be able to handle it, Yagami-kun. If I were to die... would you succeed me as L? 八神君ならできるかもしれません。 もし私が死んだら…Lを継いでもらえますか?
If he's Kira and putting on an act, he'll definitely answer "yes." キラで演技をしているなら、 必ず継ぐと答えるはず
As long as we're wearing these, we'll die together... Oh, I get it. I'm sorry, Ryuuzaki, but I'm going to have to speak your thoughts aloud to everyone else here. これをしている限り、死ぬ時は一緒じゃ…そうか。 リュウザキ、悪いが今リュウザキが考えていることを、 みんなの前で言わせてもらう
Ryuuzaki's thinking that if I were Kira, then either I still am Kira right now and just pretending otherwise, or Kira's powers have passed to someone else, and right now I have no recollection of being Kira. Those are the two patterns. リュウザキは僕がキラなら、 今僕がキラであることをしらばっくれ、演技でこうしているか、 キラの力が他の者に渡り、 今の僕にはキラだった自覚が無くなっているという、 二つのパターンを考えている
If it is the former and I am just acting, then he can never take these handcuffs off. No, even if I wasn't acting he probably wouldn't remove the handcuffs. 前者なら僕が演技をしてるのなら、 この手錠は絶対に外せない。 いや、演技じゃない方のパターンでも手錠は外せないだろう
He's thinking that I was Kira, and even though that power may have passed to someone else, I might have set things up so that the power will return to me. リュウザキは僕がキラだったと考えているし、 もしその力が人に渡ったのだとしても、 もう一度その力が僕に戻ってくるように仕組んであると考えている
Basically, it's not that I was simply being manipulated, rather, I may have transferred the power to someone, and have planned to regain it once the suspicions against me had lifted. つまり単に操られていたのではなく、 人に渡し、 自分の疑いが晴れたところで力を戻すという策略
Ryuuzaki was thinking that, "after L's position is his, Yagami Light will become Kira." リュウザキは八神ライトがLの座を奪ったうえでのキラになる、 そう考えた
To gain the same status as L and be in a position to even manipulate the police... while secretly being Kira. I'd be invincible. Lと同等の地位を得て、 警察なども自由に動かせる立場にあり、 裏ではキラ。最強だな
And you think that I'm capable of achieving this... no, in fact you're saying I would do this. それを僕にならできる。 いや、やりかねない…そういう意味で、言ったんだな
If nothing else, you must have realized that I'm not acting, right? これで少なくとも、 僕が演技しているわけではないというのは、分かったんじゃないか?
You mean that if you were putting on an act to take my position you wouldn't be revealing your plan to everyone, am I right? 演技をし、Lの座を奪うことを狙っているのなら、 その計画をみんなの前でバラすはずがない、ということですね…
Do you truly believe that after catching the current Kira, I'd go on to become Kira? A murderer? この僕が、今存在するキラを捕まえたその後で、 キラに…殺人犯になると思うか?
Do you really see me as that kind of human being?! そんな人間に見えるのか?
I believe so. I can see it in you. 思います。見えます
Okay! An eye for an eye! Let's just call this, a draw and be done with it! はい、1回は1回! 今回は相打ちということでこれでお終い!
Yeah, that's right. For now, we've got to catch the Kira that's right in front of us. そうだな。とにかく今は 目の前にいるキラを捕えることだ
As long as we're wearing these handcuffs you can't have any complaints. 手錠をしてさえいれば、 文句ないはずだ
You're right, we've only got a month left. そうですね、もう1ヶ月しか時間がないんですし
If we can use the footage of that meeting as evidence to arrest those seven, won't the judging of criminals stop as well? さっきの会議を証拠にし、 あの7人を捕えることができれば、 犯罪者の裁きも止むのでは?
Unfortunately... we can't be certain that Kira is among those seven. あの7人の中にキラがいるとは、限りません
If Kira is only connected to them and we arrest them, then all that'll happen is that those seven will be killed. 繋がりを持っているだけであれば、 あの7人がキラに殺されるだけです
Unless we know for sure that one of those seven is Kira, there's no point in arresting them... and even if Kira is among them, it's difficult to say who it is right now. 7人の中に絶対キラがいると言うのでなければ、 今捕える意味はありませんし、仮にいたとしても、 現在誰がキラなのか判定は難しい
Umm, I think I'll chase Kira on my own after all. あの、やっぱり私は一人でキラを追います
I'll let you use headquarters and I'll continue to use them myself as well. この本部は八神さんたちにお貸しますし、 私も使う
Yagami-san and the rest of you can continue to pursue Kira as you wish using your own methods. 八神さんたちは八神さんたちのやり方で、 捕えるなり好きなようにしてください
I'll investigate using my own methods. Unless we do this, it'll just end in arguments. Let's just go our separate ways. 私は私のやり方で捜査していきます。 そうしないと口論になるだけです。 別行動にしましょう
But unless we expose all truths to the light, Kira will appear again, and consequently the victims will increase in number. しかしすべての真相を解明しなければ、 またキラが現れ 犠牲者は結果的に増える
That being the case, it's my belief that we need to confirm Kira's identity through those seven. ならば、 なによりもキラを断定すべきというのが私の考えです
I'm against the arrest of those seven, so if you're planning to do it, it's your responsibility. 私は7人逮捕には反対ですから、 やるなら八神さんたちの責任でお願いします
I'll pursue Kira by myself. We have a month. It'll depend on which of us is fastest. 私は私でキラを追う。期限は1ヶ月、 どっちが早いかですね
I'm sorry, Light-kun. I know you're on your father's side, but I'll need you to come with me as I can't remove the handcuffs. すいません、ライト君もお父さん側だと分かっていますが、 手錠は外せないので付き合ってもらいます
So, if you had to choose between them, who would you pick? ではライト君とキラだったらどっちを選びますか?
So, if it was possible, you'd want to be of use to Light-kun and help him investigate, correct? ではライト君のお役に立ち、 ライト君と一緒に捜査できるなら協力したい…ですね?
Yup! Misa would do anything for Light! うん、ライトのためになるなら、ミサは何でもします!
We'll get Erald Coil to report to those seven that he's got a lead that suggests that Amane Misa may know L in some way. エラルドコイルから、アマネミサがLを知っているかもしれない という線が出たと、 あの7人に報告させます
If they think that there's a chance that Amane Misa knows L, they'll definitely employ her to be in their commercials and attempt to question her. アマネミサがLのことを知っているかもしれないとなれば、 必ずヨツバはミサさんをCMに起用し、 いろいろ聞き出そうとしてきます
That time Matsuda messed up, he did ask for her to be hired for a commercial, after all. もう松田さんのドジの時、 CMなどで使ってくれと話はしてありますし
No way. Because that would put you in danger, of course. それはだめだ。ミサが危険な目に遭うからに決まってるだろ
Listen Misa, if they think you know L, they'll try any means possible to get you to admit it. いいかミサ、Lのことを知っているかもしれないとなれば、 相手はどんな手でそれを言わせようとしてくるか分からない
It'll be fine! No matter how much they torture Misa, she won't say a thing! 大丈夫!ミサ、どんな拷問されたって 言わないもん!
We know that Kira can manipulate people before their deaths. There's a real chance that they'll manipulate Misa into talking before killing her. だいたいキラは死の直前の行動を操れる。 ミサを操ってしゃべらせて殺す という恐れが十分ある
Misa may have been misjudging you until now! Calling you a pervert and so on... But in reality, you actually understand me! ミサ今まであなたの事誤解してたかもしれない! 変態とか言っちゃって… ちゃんとあたしを理解してくれるのね…
I might fall for you... 好きになりますよ
Well actually, Yagami-kun wants to approach the investigation with his father in a different way than I. So, it'll be just the two of us: Misa-san and myself. いえそれが、八神くんは私と違う捜査方法を お父さんたちと取るようで… 私とミサさん二人ということで
Light... thank you so much for thinking of me. But let me do this, Misa wants to be useful to you, Light. ライト…あたしのこと思ってくれてありがとう。 でもやらせて、ミサ、ライトの役に立ちたい
I want to be able to help you, so that you'll love me even further. Besides, Misa's quite happy to die for you. 役に立って、ライトにもっと愛されたい。 それにミサは、ライトのためなら喜んで死ねる
As I thought, given the current situation, it'll prove difficult to arrest those seven. やはり現状では 7人の逮捕は難しいか…
Hey, weren't these meetings supposed to be fortnightly? Seems they're getting more frequent than ever. なぁ隔週どころか、 会議増える一方じゃないか
It can't be helped. We've received a report from Coil which claims that Amane Misa may know L. 仕方ないだろう。コイルが アマネミサがLを知っているかもしれない という報告をしてきた
No, what Ooi means is that Coil's the one who's supposed to be uncovering L's identity, yet lie's entrusted this to us, despite it being his job. いや、大井の言っているのは、Lの正体はあくまでコイルが暴くべきで、 ここで我々に委ねるのは筋違いだということだろう
Maybe Coil should be present at this meeting? コイルにも、この席についてもらうべきでは?
Kida-san, I thought the original agreement was that you'd avoid calling me unless absolutely necessary. 木田さん、そちらからはなるべく電話をしない 約束だ
Understood. If that's the case, I've got an excellent idea... わかりました。そういうことなら、 私にいい考えがあります…
But it's about to get interesting... Without a doubt, Amane Misa was the second Kira and was caught by L. しかし面白くなってきた。 アマネミサは、第二のキラだったに違いない。 そしてエルに捕まった
The fact that she escaped in that situation can only mean that she relinquished her ownership over the Note and lost her memories. そこから逃れたということは、 ノートの所有権を放棄し、 記憶をなくしたということだ
This is just too good an opportunity to pass up... I'm going to take Amane Misa as my wife. これを放っておく手はない。 私はアマネミサを妻に迎える
This is what's known as credible acting! 今のを迫真の演技っていうのに!
If you don't start taking this seriously, you'll be feeling my foot. 真面目にやっていただかないと、ケリ入れますよ
Also, you better not mess up either. Remember, you're supposed to be a super energetic manager! それよりモッチーの方こそ失敗しないでよ。 キャラは体育会系の元気いっぱいマネージャーだからね
Mochii really can pull some tricks when he needs to. やるときはやるのね、モッチー
I'm not cut out for this... am I? 向いてない…よな
So, let me get straight to the point and be honest with you. The decision to hire you to be in our commercials has more or less already been made. さていきなりですが、正直に言います。 実はミサさんを採用することは、 ほとんど決まっているんです
But before we confirm this, there's just one more thing I'd like to have confirmed. ただその前に、 一つ確認しておきたいことが
We can't reveal our sources, but our information is accurate. Even your entire face screams "busted." ニュースソースは言えません。しかし、これは確かな情報なんです。 ミサさんの顔にもバレたと書いてある
Coil... I had no idea that he'd found out so much already... コイル…そこまで捜査しているとは…
And... there's still something that you're hiding from us, right? Something you wouldn't want the public to find out. そして…まだ隠していることがありますよね? 世間にバレたくないことだ
This is the point where I've got to start sweating and pause for a moment... ここで汗いっぱい出して、 間を溜める…
Certainly, it's true that we may have been going off on a bit of a tangent there. 確かに、少し関係ないことに話が反れたようだ…
Erm... sorry, would it be okay for me to go to the toilet too? あの…私もトイレ いいですか?
This is so nerve-racking... But so far it seems to be going well... I've got to keep doing my best. 神経使う… でも、うまくいってるし、 がんばらなきゃ
Even by touching this scrap of paper, her lost memories won't return... but at least Misa will be able to see me now. こんな切れ端に触れさせても、失った記憶は戻らない… しかしこれでミサは私の姿を見ることができる
Misa, right now you're in a dangerous situation where you could be killed by members of the Yotsuba Group at any moment. I had to come and tell you this. ミサ、今お前はヨツバの者にいつ殺されてもおかしくない、 危険な状況にいる。 それを伝えにきた
"Calm down"? This ghost is much more likely to kill me! 落ち着けったって、このお化けの方がミサを殺しそうじゃない!
Maybe we should have at least made her wear a wire. やっぱり盗聴器ぐらい付けるべきだったじゃ…
The current Kira is killing off absolutely anyone who's been broadcast as a murderer, but... those who had no murderous intent... those who killed unintentionally... and those with mitigating circumstances... they were never judged by the previous Kira. 今のキラは、殺人を犯し報道された者を、片っ端から裁いているが… 前のキラは殺意のなかった者… 誤って人を殺してしまった者… 情状酌量の余地のある者に対しては、 極力裁きを下していない
If I was Kira, I'd also judge in such a discerning way... The basis of the previous Kira's judgments are terrifyingly close to my own ideals... 僕がキラなら、こういう裁きをするだろう… 前のキラの裁きの基準、 僕の考えに恐ろしく近い
What are you? I can tell that you're not a stalker, but you don't even remotely resemble a human. あなた何?ストーカーじゃないのはわかるけど、 全然人間に見えない
That's correct, or more accurately, you used to be. However, the current situation should all be a part of Light's plan. そうだ…いや、そうだったが正しい。 しかしこの状況は全て、ライトの作戦通りのはずだ
Do you still love Light enough to die for him? ライトをまだ、死ぬほど好きか?
You never change, Misa. And I doubt that those feelings you have for Light will ever change either. 変わらないな、ミサ。 そのライトへの気持ちも、 一生変わらないだろう
So from now on, I'll accept that your happiness lies in being with Light and supporting him. ならば私も、もうミサの幸せは、 ライトについていき尽くすことだと考える
At present, the current Kira is a disgusting lowlife. There's no telling what he might do. Be careful of him. The same goes for any human who works for Yotsuba. 今のキラは卑劣で最低の人間だ。 何をするか分からない、気をつけろ。 他のヨツバの人間にもな
Just trust in Light, and let him handle it his way. そしてライトを信じ、好きなようにやらせるんだ
All Misa's got to do is act natural, right? ミサはいつも通りに振る舞えばいいのね?
Once you return to the interview, you should be able to tell who Kira is. Be especially wary of him. これから面接に戻れば、 ミサには誰がキラなのか分かるはずだ。 こいつは特に信用するな
I apologize for taking so long in the toilet. I even fixed my make-up in there! トイレ長くなっちゃってすみません。 お化粧もバッチリ直してきました
Once you return from the toilet, the man sitting in front of me will be Kira. ミサが戻ったとき、 私の前に座っている男が、キラだ
Higuchi is Kira?! It couldn't get any worse... ヒグチがキラ…最悪
How did it go? どうでした?
Yotsuba has decided to employ Misa in a multi-platform advertising campaign. ヨツバは、ミサさんの 各方面での広告採用を、決めました
I gave them both my cell number and my e-mail address, and already three out of the seven have contacted me in private and asked me out! 携帯番号のメルアド教えたら、 あの7人のうちの3人が、 もうプライベートな誘いをしてきたよ
Now I just need to accept their offers and begin investigating them, right? Everything is going according to plan! この誘いに乗っていって、探っていけばいいのね? まさに計算通り!
No, that plan has been cancelled. いや、作戦は中止だ
Why?! It's all gone so well! なんで?せっかくここまでうまくいってるのに
I won't tell you not to do the commercial, but from now on, you'll deny that you were the second Kira and were restrained by L. CMに出るなとは言わないが、これからは 第二のキラ容疑や、Lに拘束されたかもしれないということは否定していく
You'll be guarded by Mogi-san and you'll only work in your capacity as a "campaign girl." ミサはモギさんにガードしてもらい、 タレントとしてだけ動くんだ
Wow! I knew you would have an amazing car! うわぁ、さすがすごい車!
If you like, I'll take you for a ride anytime. No, I'll just buy you one. こんなのでいいならいつでも乗せて… いや、買ってやるよ
It's truly horrible that Kira has to be someone like this. こんなヤツがキラだったなんて… ほんと最悪
You're not planning to take me anywhere dubious are you? Well, even if you do try anything funny, Misa can kill people, so she'll be fine. とか言って変なところに連れ込まないですよね? まあ変な事されそうになっても、 ミサ、人を殺せるから大丈夫だけど
Is this something Yagami Light has told you to do? No. She must be attempting to tell me that if it comes down to it, I have to kill Higuchi... これは八神ライトの言う通りの行動なのか?いや、 ミサはいざとなったら私に、ヒグチを殺してくれと 言っているだけか…
No way, even if this girl used to be the second Kira, she can't still be, can she? She should have no memory of it. まさかこの子が過去に第二のキラだったとしても、 今もなんてないよな? 記憶もなくしているはず
You think so? If Misa thought someone was Kira, she'd offer them proof of her own initiative. Unless someone makes the first move, nothing will happen. そうかなぁ?相手がキラかもしれないなら、 ミサは自分から見せるよ。 そうしなきゃ始まらないし
Well, kill someone then. I could be Kira you know? じゃあ殺してみろよ。俺はキラかもしれないよ
She killed the person I specified, right here and now... unless she has the power, it'd be impossible. 私が指名した人間を、今この場で… これは力を持っていなければ、絶対にできない
Well, that's no good. It could merely be a trick to get Misa to go back to your place. それじゃ駄目ね。ミサをヒグチさんの家に連れ込む 魂胆かもしれないし
I know! Why don't you try and stop the judging of criminals? If you really are Kira, you should be able to manage that. 分かった。じゃあ逆に、犯罪者裁くのを止めてみてよ。 キラなら止められるはずでしょ
And when Misa tells you to, you can begin judging them again. I'll believe you if that happens, since only Kira should be able to control the judging of criminals. で、ミサが裁き始めてって言ったら裁くの。 それなら信じるよ、 犯罪者裁きだけは、 キラの意志でしか動かないはずだもん
I'm Kira. So in order make you believe me, I'll stop judging criminals. And once you realize that I am Kira, we're getting married! 俺はキラだから、ミサちゃんに信用してもらうために、 今から犯罪者裁きを止める。 そして俺がキラだとわかってもらえたら、 結婚だ!
So, as you can all hear... Higuchi is Kira! と言うわけで… ヒグチがキラです!
However.. although I've always thought that Amane would go a long way to help Yagami Light out, I never realized she'd go this far. しかし、アマネが八神ライトのために、 ある程度はやってくれるとは考えていたが… ここまでしてしまうとは
Now she's gone this far and stopped the killings... it'll become even more difficult to witness the actual method of killing. I need to think of a plan... 犯罪者殺しまで止まってしまったら、 肝心の殺し方を見るのが難しくなる。 何か策を考えなければ…
Misa, how did you manage to get Higuchi to confess? ミサ、これをどうやって ヒグチに言わせたんだ?
Unless I say this now, I might end up contradicting myself later on... こう言っておかないと、 後で矛盾出てきちゃいそうだし…
But now we know Higuchi is Kira, all we've got to do is catch him. でも、もうこれでヒグチがキラなんだから、 捕まえればいいだけじゃない
This is what you might call "nice work," right Matsuda-san? こういうのも手柄っていうんでしょうか、松田さん?
Yet, as things stand, we're still no closer to discerning how he kills. しかしこの状況では、 まだ殺し方が分からない
Before I capture him, I want to know how he kills... ヒグチを捕えるより先に、どうして殺してるかが欲しい
And if the killing of criminals cease, you won't be able to see how he kills, isn't that right? そして、犯罪者の死が止まったら、 その殺し方が見られない、そうだな?
In any case, even though we're going to capture Higuchi, that won't be until after we've determined that the judging of criminals has ceased. どうせヒグチを捕えるにしても、 犯罪者が死ななくなったと断定してからです
The movements of those seven can be tracked about 70% of the time, while inside the company building. 会社の中の7人の行動なら、7割位までなら カメラで追えそう
What if we were to solely focus on Higuchi? ヒグチに絞ったらどうなりますか?
So far, I've only entered five of their houses, but Midou, Namikawa, and Higuchi's houses have security systems that aren't normal. まだ5人しか家の中には入ってないけど、ミドウ、ナミカワ、ヒグチの家は 普通のセキュリティじゃない
In particular, Higuchi's recently built a basement that blocks electromagnetic waves. It even took me a full two days to infiltrate that place. 特にヒグチは電波を遮断した地下室を最近作っていて、 私でも進入に2日を用した
In that case install bagging equipment, transmitters and cameras in Higuchi's car rather than his house. では家ではなく ヒグチの車に盗聴器、発信機、カメラをお願いします
Eh?! After going through all that?! Do you have any idea of how hard it is to break into someone's house?! え?ここまでやって! 人の家に入るの、 どれだけ大変か分かってる?
Besides, do you even know how many cars Higuchi owns?! それにヒグチ、何台車持ってると思う?
Whoa... if they'd done that a little earlier it'd have been dangerous... うわぁ…もっと早くこの盗聴やられてたらヤバかった…
Yagami-kun... I'm sorry to bring this up again, but let me ask you this directly: Do you remember killing them? 八神君…話は戻って悪いんですが、 もう単刀直入に聞きます。 殺したことを、覚えていますか?
You still insist on saying that?! I am not Kira! まだそんなこと言っているのか?!僕はキラじゃない
Yagami-kun, I need you to consider these assumptions and analyze it earnestly: Your answer may be the first step in capturing Kira. 八神君、私が今から言うことを、 真剣に推理分析してみてください。 その答え次第で、キラを捕えることに踏み切れます
Yagami Light was Kira. Kira's powers were then transferred to someone else. Now Yagami Light has absolutely no memory of being Kira. That will be the premise behind this analysis. 八神ライトはキラだった。 そしてキラの力は、他に渡った。 今八神ライトはキラだったということを忘れている。 これを前提にした分析です
Was this transfer done by Yagami Light's own will? Or was there someone else behind Yagami Light who bestowed Kira's power, and who transferred that power from Yagami Light to another? これは八神ライトの意志で渡ったのか? それとも八神ライトの裏にキラの力を与えていた者がいて、 八神ライトから他の人間に移したのか?
With those presumptions... it'd have been by Yagami Light's own will. その前提なら、八神ライトの意志だ
That's right... if there was a human behind the scenes who could bestow and transfer that power. And they didn't want their methods discovered... it's a little suspicious that they hadn't transferred till right at the very last moment... そうですよね…もし与えたり移せたりできる人間が裏にいて、 殺し方を知られたくないのなら、 あのギリギリまで 他に移さなかったのはおかしい
And if we accept the existence of something that could look down on us from heaven, there would be no way to catch it. I would either have died a long time ago, or I'd be spending eternity being toyed with in the palm of their hand. 天から見通せるようなものの存在を認めたら、 そんな者は捕まえようがないし、 私はとっくに殺されているか、 永遠に手の平の上で遊ばれて続けるか…です
There's no way that something like that exists. そんな者の存在などあり得ない
Yagami-kun... thanks to that I'm feeling 99% better. 八神君…おかげで99%はスッキリしました
We'll create a situation whereby Higuchi will not pass the power onto anyone else... and let him show us how he kills people. ヒグチが自分から人に力を渡さない状況を作って、 殺し方を見せてもらいます
I'm going to use Sakura TV to trap Higuchi. 桜テレビを使ってヒグチを引っ掛けます
Besides, Higuchi might not even watch that program. だいたいヒグチが、その番組見ないかもしれないし
All we've got to do is contact Namikawa and ask him to call Higuchi and say, "There's trouble brewing, turn on the TV." ナミカワに連絡し、ヒグチに、 「まずい。すぐにテレビを見ろ」 と、電話させるだけでいい
If Higuchi sees someone who may know his secret, he'll believe it. そして、そのテレビに出ている者が、秘密を知る者だと分かれば、 ヒグチは信じる
I see! You're planning to use Aiber. You're going to reveal that in reality he was a spy! なるほど、アイバーを使うんだ。じつはスパイだって、 バラしちゃうんですね
The person Higuchi sees on TV needs to be someone that he thinks he'll be able to kill, otherwise there's no point. ヒグチがそのテレビ番組の出演者を見て、殺せると 思える者でないとダメです
To be blunt, it has to be someone whose name he thinks he could quickly and easily find if he tries. つまり名前を調べようとすれば、 すぐ調べられそうな者
Higuchi believes that you were trying to eavesdrop on their meeting, so if the supposedly dead manager, Matsui, begins to threaten to expose everything, he'd believe it. ヒグチは、松田さんが会議を盗み聞きしていたと思うし、 死んだはずのマネージャーが 暴露しようとしてるなら信じる
We'll get Sakura TV to prepare a screen and a microphone the way they usually do with witnesses. From the silhouette and from what's being said, Higuchi should be able to work out that it's "Manager Matsui." 桜テレビには証言者用の刷りガラスと用意させ、 ヒグチはその発表とシルエットからでも 松井マネージャーと気づくでしょう
Furthermore, we'll have the station "slip up" and momentarily reveal the face of the person behind the screen. さらに局のミスで 一瞬、刷りガラスの向こうの人物の顔が写ってしまう
Placed in that situation, all Higuchi will be concerned about is how fast he'll be able to find out the manager's real name. この状況では、 ヒグチは1秒でも早く名前を知ることしか考えられない
If this plan has a flaw, it's that... if Higuchi is similar to the second Kira, and can kill someone solely by knowing their face... then Matsuda-san will die. 今のところこの策に問題があるとすれば… もしヒグチが第二のキラのように、 顔だけで殺せることがあれば… 松田さんが死にます
But given that Matsuda-san is still alive and that Higuchi wants Misa, I'd say it was unlikely. それも今、松田さんが生きてること、 ミサを欲しがってることから、多分ないだろう
We'll only be using this plan if criminals stop dying though. Well, we'll need to give it two to three days to be sure. まあ、犯罪者の死が止まったらの策ですし、 止まるかどうかは2、3日見なければわかりません
You can make your own decision on whether or not to go ahead with it during this time, Matsuda-san. やるかどうかは、その間に 松田さん自身が決めてください
I don't need two to three days. Please, allow me to do it. 2、3日なんて、いりませんよ。 やらせてください
What's the point in asking that? It could even be you, Shimura, or you, Midou. それを聞いてどうする? だいたい、志村かもしれないし、御堂かもしれないじゃないか
No, it's not Shimura. He came to me crying about how he could no longer go along with Kira's evil ways. いや、志村はない。私に、 もうキラの悪事にはついていけないと、 泣きついた
Shimura, if Midou was Kira you'd be dead. 志村、御堂がキラだったら殺されてただろう
No, you and Midou would have had successful lives regardless of all this. Neither of you would do something so stupid as to call an eight-person meeting to discuss murder. いや、御堂やナミカワは放っておいたって出世するし、 8人で死の会議なんて バカなことをするはずがない
Even I'm able to figure out that much. 俺だって、そのくらいはわかる
The only reason everyone's only going along with this is because they're all scared of being killed by Kira. みんなキラに殺されるのを恐れて、 合わせてるだけだ
But if we continue this way, we'll be found out sooner or later. しかしこのまま続けていったって、 いつかは世間にバレる
No, in fact, unless that happens, it'll never end. いや、そうならなければ終わらない
Takahashi merely acts as a foil for Kira, it's necessary that Kira has someone who's not as smart as him. 高橋はキラの引き立て役だ。 キラより考えの浅い者もいないとまずい
Seems like everyone has already figured this out... it's likely that it's Higuchi. みんなだいたいわかってるんじゃないか… ヒグチだろうな
Yeah. Higuchi's the one who desires money and promotion the most. ああ。出世やカネに1番と貪欲なのはヒグチだ
He's always talking about how he doesn't care for promotion, but conversely this just shows how hung up he really is about it. いつも出世なんてと口癖のように言ってるのが、 逆にこだわってる証拠だ
Since Kida had to organize Coil's commission plus the finances for it, he's not Kira either. 木田も、コイルへの依頼運営資金の口座提供をさせられたことから、 キラではない
Shimura, you're really shrewd, aren't you? Kira must have chosen you for your prudence. 志村、お前は本当に目敏いな。 その注意深さを買って、キラはメンバーに入れたんだろう
L, I've got both Midou and Shimura with me. It's unlikely that either of them is Kira and both are annoyed with Kira. L、ここに御堂と志村がいるが、 二人ともキラとは思えないし、キラに腹を立てている口だ
Whatever happens, they're both happy to sit on the sidelines and watch this thing between L and Kira unfold, just like me. 何を言われても、私のように Lとキラの決着を見守るだろう
Tonight, we'll capture Kira, but we'll need your help. 今夜キラを捕まえる。少し協力してほしい
I guess even L can be tricked. Thanks to your response, I'm now 100% sure that it's Higuchi. Lでも引っかかるんですね。今のあなたの反応で、 100%ヒグチになりました
Namikawa's pretty good! Looking at his face, Misa thought he might be smart... ナミカワってやるねぇ。あの人の顔は そこそこやると思ってたの、ミサ
No, that was a mistake on Yagami-kun's part. いいえ、八神君の失敗です
I need you to contact Higuchi a few minutes after the program's started and tell him to watch the TV. 番組が始まって数分後に、ヒグチに、テレビを見るように連絡を入れてほしい
I promise that the remaining six of you won't be adversely affected. 他の6人は絶対に悪いようにはしない
Looks like it really is Higuchi. He'll probably be caught tonight. やはりヒグチだそうだ。 今夜たぶん、捕まる
It's been three days since I stopped judging criminals. That should be enough... 犯罪者の裁きを止めて3日… そろそろいいだろう
Knowing this much, he's either one of the other six... or Coil. ここまで知っているとなると、 他の6人か…いや、コイル?
No, none of them would gain a thing from doing this. Yet, there shouldn't be anyone else who'd know about these meetings... いや、あいつらがこんな事して、得になることはない。 しかし他にあの会議を知っている者なんて…
He used to be Misa's manager, I think his name was Matsui. Why the hell is he still alive?! ミサのマネージャーだった、確か松井! なぜ生きている?!
He gambled on faking a fall from a high rise apartment, because he thought he was going to be killed, and escaped by landing on the veranda on the floor below, or so he said earlier. 殺されると思って、 一か八かマンションから飛び降りる振りをして、 下の階のベランダに逃れたと、 さっき喋っていた
No, I knew that I'd be letting myself in for trouble from the beginning. Even if I die, I'll try my best till the end - in the name of justice! いえ、もともと危険は承知です。 正義のために殺されようと、最後まで頑張ります!
I've got no choice but to kill him! 殺すしかない…
It's taken me a while to come to this decision and make this announcement, but ever since I found out the truth, I've felt that as a human being, I must persevere. 正直、発表を決断するまではかなり悩みましたが、 知った以上、 発表するのが人間だと決心しました
This is bad... I could be exposed at any moment. まずいな…いつ、暴露されるか
I'm watching it too and it'd be impossible. No one's going to believe this, besides it'll just make it look suspicious. 私も見てるが、それは無理だ。 誰もこの番組を信用してないし、逆に疑われる
Since one of us seven is Kira, Matsui Tarou will soon be dead. 7人のうちの誰かがキラだから、松井太郎はまもなく死ぬ
Damn this! I know his face. If only I knew his name, I could... クソッ、顔はわかっているんだ。名前さえわかれば、いつでも…
I replaced him, so I can't really tell you more. For such inquiries, you should try calling the office. Oh! But they're all presently in Okinawa. Maybe you could try the President? 入れ替わりで入ったので、私は何とも… そういうことでしたら事務所の方に。 あっ、でも今皆で沖縄に来てるんで、 社長に電話していただけますか?
This is going so precisely to plan, it's almost scary. 全く筋書き通りで、怖いくらいだな
He's getting more and more direct. Higuchi's such a fool. だんだん聞き方がストレートになってきてるね。ヒグチのバカ
It shows that he's getting desperate. 余裕がなくなってきている証拠です
Don't fuck with me! You should at least know the names of the people you employ! ふざけるな!雇った人間の名前ぐらい 覚えておけ!
The records are kept in the bottom drawer of the far left handside desk as you enter. They're ordered alphabetically. I think it should be Yamashita. 履歴書は入って左の奥の机の、 1番下の引き出しです。 ちゃんと、あいうえを順になっています。 多分、山下です
If they're planning on announcing it at the end of the program, I've still got two hours. 番組の最後に言うのであれば、 まだ2時間ある
I wonder if he'll make a move... 動くかな…
Until now, everything's gone exactly as we predicted. ここまでは、思惑通りだな
After coming so far, I'm not gonna be defeated... I'm going to get it all! ここまで来て、潰されて堪るか… オレは全てを手に入れるんだ!
Even if I go to Yoshida Productions, there's a chance that there won't be any records... 吉田プロに行っても、 履歴書なんかないんじゃないのか?
If he's smart, he'd have destroyed any evidence of his real name before going on TV. 切れる奴なら、自分の名前に繋がるものは、 すべて始末してからテレビに出る
Even if the records are at Yoshida Productions, it could just be another false name - then what?! I'm guessing in this kind of situation, it's highly likely that he'd have gone that far. 吉田プロに履歴書があっても、 それも偽名だったらどうだ? この場合、 そこまであいつがしている可能性は大いにある
I'm guessing it's Light and Misa's plan for him to go to Yoshida Productions... たぶん、ヒグチを吉田プロに行かせるのが、 ライトやミサの策なのだろう
But he knows you're Kira, and if things continue as they are, he'll reveal your name. しかしこのままだと、 あいつがお前をキラだと知っているのだから、 お前の名前は発表される
All you can do now is to go and take a look. Regardless of whether the name on the record is fake or not, there's no way anyone would suspect you of killing people by using a notebook. 行ってみるしかないだろう。 履歴書の名前が偽名だろうがそうでなかろうが、 ノートによる殺人でお前が怪しまれることない
But to be on the safe side, it'd be best if I killed everyone that I've talked to at Yoshida Productions, as well as Misa and her manager. しかし念のため、 その後、電話してしまった吉田プロの者、ミサやマネージャーは 殺しておいた方がいいな
Stop panicking. He's talking about after he's killed Matsuda-san. Unless he kills Matsuda-san, there'd be no point in him doing that. 大丈夫です。松田さんを殺したらという意味での、その後です。 松田さんを殺せなければ、それをやる意味はありません
If you start killing those you called earlier, your call records will make you look suspicious. さっき電話した人間たちを殺せば、 通信記録からお前が怪しまれる
Then I'll just manipulate them to delete all their incoming call records before I kill them. では操って、 着信履歴を消させて殺す
However, the phone company's records will still remain. しかし電話会社の方の記録は残るぞ
If he's really having a conversation with someone, it's with... a Death God... perhaps? もしあそこで会話しているのなら… 死神…ですかね?
How about you return the ownership of the notebook to me? ノートの所有権を私に返すのはどうだ? No, all that means is that I'll end up with a pitiful end. いや、そんなことをしても惨めな末路しかない
Plus if they compare Yotsuba's growth against the deaths that have occurred, no one's going to doubt his story. それに、ヨツバの成長と照らし合わせたら、 あいつの言っていることを真実だと、誰も疑わなくなるだろう
Anybody he says is Kira will be labeled Kira for life. あいつが喋ったキラは、キラにされる
Even if they don't find any hard evidence... my life will be over. もし明白な証拠が出なかったとしても… オレの人生は終わる
Forget about promotions, I probably won't even be allowed to stay at Yotsuba. 出世どころか、 ヨツバにはいられなくなるだろう
Of course, our staff on this show have structured the program with the assumption that Kira will be watching. もちろん我々スタッフは、キラもこの番組を見ている、と想定して 番組を構成しています
He pretends to be a dumbass, but that night he managed to fake his own death to stay alive. こいつバカな振りをしているが、あの時も 死んだように見せかけて死を逃れた
Whatever happens, I must kill him. とにかく殺さなければ…
It's no use! All he's done is made a note of the name and now he's leaving! He's not going to kill him here? ダメだ!名前をメモしただけで出るぞ! ここでは殺さないのか?
We've yet to confirm how he kills. He might do something once he gets back in his car. まだ殺し方が判明していません。 もしかしたら、車内で何かをするのかもしれません
Higuchi seems surprisingly calm for soneone who desperately wants Matsuda-san to be dead. 1秒でも早く松田さんを殺したいはずなのに、 冷静だなヒグチは
True... and if he needed the name, could have taken the records with him instead of putting them back. そうですね…名前が必要なら履歴書ごと持って出ればいいものを、 履歴書を引き出しに戻した
He's already attempted to kill him? Could writing down their name be how he kills? もう殺しの作業をしたのか? 名前を書くことが殺しの行動なのか?
I can only assume it means he can kill someone merely by knowing their name and willing them to die. やはり、名前だけで死ねと思えば、 殺せるとしか…
I know what he looks like... If I go to the office, there'll be security tapes of that time he snuck in... If I had the eyes of a Death God... 顔は分かっているんだ…会社にいけば、 あいつが忍び込んだ時の監視ビデオテープがある。 死神の目があれば…
But if he does reveal my name, my life's as good as over anyway. Then, I may as well live a short but fulfilled life. しかし発表されれば、私の人生は終わるも同然。 ならば、太く短く…
Either way, I think we should continue observing him. We could learn a lot. とにかく様子を見た方が良いですね。 まだ、いろいろ出てきそうですし
We may even discover how he kills. 殺し方もはっきりするかもしれません
Now I really am invincible! これでオレは最強だ
Bad news, he's been pulled over by a patrol bike. I'll have to go past him, I'm leaving the rest to you and Aiber. まずいわね、ヒグチが白バイに捕まった。 私はやり過ごすのでアイバーたちお願い
I've got no time for this! こんなのに付き合ってるヒマはない!
He's managed to shake off the cop! He's getting away! ヒグチが白バイを振り切って逃走!
When Higuchi had his hand in his bag... did he manage to do something then? ヒグチはカバンの中に手を入れたが… そのとき何かしたのか?
More importantly, how did he manage to find out the name of that traffic cop? いいやそれより、白バイ隊員の名前を どうやって得たのかだ…
If he can now kill knowing only the face, he should be able to kill Matsuda immediately, since he knows his face... 顔だけで殺せるようになったのなら、 顔を知っている松田もすぐ殺せるはず…
I believe that it'll be too dangerous to allow Higuchi to act any father! We're going ahead with his capture. ヒグチをこれ以上動かすのは 危険だと考え、 確保に移ります!
However, Higuchi's now able to kill just by looking at someone's face, similar to the second Kira. We'll be making the arrest under that assumption! しかしヒグチは第二のキラ同様、 顔だけで殺せるキラになった。 その考えの下での確保です! We'll be apprehending him ourselves, but I need you to inform your men not to approach that Porsche. 確保はこちらでしますので、 そのポルシェに近づかぬよう、全警察官に通達願います
Father, after these commercials, it's time for the seventh part of the plan. 父さん、次のCMから 第7対応だ
I'm sorry, Misa-san, but I'm going to leave you immobilized for a while. ミサさんはすみませんが、しばらく動けないようにしていてもらいます
Under no circumstances should you let him see your face, and exercise extreme caution while restraining him. 絶対に顔を見せず、 細心の注意を払って捕まえてください
Watari, if Higuchi makes even one suspicious move... ワタリ、ヒグチが少しでも妙な動きをしたら…
I understand, I'll immobilize him without actually killing him. はい、殺さぬ程度に動きを止めます
Aizawa, did you bring something to obscure your face with? 相沢、顔を隠すものの用意はあるか?
Mogi-san, as planned, place the transceiver on him. モギさん、手はず通り、ヒグチにレシーバーを
Higuchi, how were you killing people? Answer me! If you don't, we'll make you confess using any means at our disposal. ヒグチ、どうやって殺人をしてきた?言うんだ 言わなければ、どんな手を使ってでも言わせます
You probably won't believe me, but if you write the name of a person whose face you know in that notebook, that person will die. 信じられないだろうが、 顔を知っている人間の名前を書くと、 書かれた人間が死ぬノートだ
It looks like only those who've touched this notebook can see this... this monster!! これは、どうやらノートを触った者にしか 見えないらしい!化け物が…
Please bring that notebook to the helicopter. そのノートをヘリに持ってきてください
What can you possibly be planning, Yagami Light? By touching a Death Note that you previously owned, all your memories associated with it will be revived. 一体どうする気だ、八神ライト? お前がノートを再び手にすれば、所有権があったときの デスノートの記憶すべてが、甦ることにはなるが…
Two notebooks... More than one notebook exists. It's not over yet... 2冊…ノートは2冊以上存在している。 まだ終わってない…
A-Are you okay? Anyone would be petrified if they saw that monster. 大丈夫ですか?誰だってあんな化け物には驚く
Firstly, we've got to compare the names written here against the list of victims. まずは、ここに書かれている人たちと、 犠牲者の名前を照合してみるよ
Ryuk, next I want you to drop that notebook here, onto the ground of the human world. リューク、それをまた人間界の地に… 今そこに落としてくれ
And so the ownership returns to me. これでまた所有権は僕だ
So the ownership's gone round in a circle; nothing's changed. 1周しただけで何も変わってないだろ
Maybe... But there'll be a time when this will be of use. そうかもな…しかしこれが必ず役立つときが来る
Rem, I'll need you to pass that to someone who has a reasonably high status, yet remains greedy for success. Someone who'll undoubtedly use the notebook to further those goals. レム、それをある程度地位がある、 出世欲が強く、 そのために使うであろう人間に渡すんだ
Doing this will guarantee Misa's release from imprisonment. それをすれば必ずミサは、今の監禁から解放される
Understood... if this will help Misa, I'll do as you say. 分かった…ミサが助かるのなら、言う通りにしてやろう
Next, I'll manipulate the situation so, like Misa, I'll be detained and under 24 hour surveillance. While in detention, I'll relinquish all ownership of the Death Note and it'll erase any associated memories I've got. 僕はこの後、ミサのように監禁され、 24時間監視状態になるように仕向ける。 その状態でノートの所有権を放棄し、 デスノートに関する記憶をすべてなくす
During that time, the judging of criminals will recommence, and if that continues, at some stage, Ryuuzaki will be forced to release us both. その間に犯罪者裁きが復活し、それが続けば… リュウザキはいつか、二人を解放せざるを得なくなる
And then, with my memories gone, I'm sure I'll attempt to catch Kira. It's just the type of person I am. そして記憶を失った僕は、必ずキラを捕まえようとするだろう。 僕はそういう人間だ
So, you plan to find the person Rem gives the notebook to before L can, and reclaim the notebook? そしてLより先に、 レムがノートを渡す奴を捕まえ、ノートを奪うってことか
Exactly, and I'll kill whoever has ownership of it. そうだ。そしてその時のノートの持ち主を殺す
If you hold no ownership over that Death Note, your memories will only return as long as you're physically touching it. The moment you let go, all your memories will be erased once more. 所有権を持っていなければ、 記憶が戻るのはノートに触っている間だけだ。 手を離せばまた、すべての記憶がなくなる
I need to kill Higuchi without letting go of this notebook. That way, the ownership will pass to me and my memories of it won't disappear. このノートから手を離さないまま、ヒグチを殺す。 そうすれば所有権は僕に移り、 記憶は消えない
I pull this four times with less than a second between each... ここを1秒以上の間隔を空けずに4回引く
Success, I knew I'd be wearing this at the time. Old habits die hard. よし、やはり僕はこの時計をつけていた。 習慣てものは変わらない
This notebook... if analyzed scientifically, I wonder if we'd discover anything. このノート…科学分析とかしたら、 何か出るだろうか?
Yagami-kun, that's not like you. That thing is beyond science. 八神君らしくないですね。科学なんて超えてますよそれは
This is the longest 40 seconds of my life... 一生のうちで、一番長い40秒だ Yeah, he's dead. Next, Ryuuzaki... will be you. ああ、死んでるさ… 次はリュウザキ、お前だ…
Furthermore, in the "How to use" section at the back, it states: "If this notebook is made unusable via shredding, burning and so forth, all those who have touched the notebook will die." さらに、裏表紙の方に"How to use"。 このノートを刻む焼くなどして使えなくすると、 それまでにノートに触れたすべての人間は死ぬ
There's no doubt: while that rule exists, they won't destroy the notebook, and there's no danger of me losing my memory. こういう掟があれば、 父さん達にノートを処分され、僕の記憶がなくなることもない
Rem, I won't get in trouble with the old man for writing in fake rules, will I? レム、ここに嘘のルールを書いても、 ジジイに怒られるわけないよな?
Maybe I shouldn't have said, "I want to see the Death God too," and touched that... 僕も死神見たいなんて、触らなければ良かったかな…
If you hadn't, you'd be the only one in the investigation not knowing what's going on. Is that what you want? それではどういう捜査になっているか、松田だけが分からなくなる。 それでもいいのか?
N-No, I want to be on the same level as everyone else in this investigation. Really! いえ、僕もみんなと同じ立場で、捜査したいです、はい
"From the moment a new user writes a name into this notebook, they must continue to write names, each within 13 days of the last; otherwise, the user will die." このノートに名前を書き込んだ人間は、 最も新しく名前を書いたときから、13日以内に次の名前を書き込み、人を殺し続けなければ… 自分は死ぬ
Light-kun and Amane were imprisoned for over 50 days and even now are under surveillance; if either were Kira, they'd no longer be alive. 50日以上監禁され、今も監視下にあるライト君とアマネ、 二人がキラなら、いま生きているはずがない
There are other Death Notes in the human world, aren't there? ノートは他にも人間界にありますね?
Not sure. Maybe there are, maybe there aren't. さあ…あるかもしれないし、ないかもしれない
If other notebooks did exist, would the rules be the same for all of them? もし他のノートが存在していたら、 すべてのノートルールは同じですか?
There are many notebooks within the world of the Death Gods, but the rules are all the same. Those notebooks under human possession also share a common set of rules. ノートは死神界にいくらでもあるが、 ルールはすべて同じだ。 人間に持たせたときのルールもだ
I understand. I apologize for everything up until now. わかりました。今まで申し訳ありませんでした
But the case is still far from solved. Although these handcuffs will be removed, I'll continue to investigate from here, if that's alright. しかしまだ、この事件は完全解決を見ない。 手錠は外させてもらうが、 ここで捜査は続けていいな?
Now Misa and I are 100% clear of suspicion. Rules written by a Death God in a Death Note... you'd have to believe them. これで僕とミサは、100%シロだ。 死のノートに、死神によって書かれたルール… これは信じるしかない
Thanks to the fake rules I created, Ruuzaki has nowhere to go from here. 僕の作った嘘のルールによって、 リュウザキは手立てを失った
Understand this Ryuuzaki: in any world, rules are something that are made by the gods. いいかリュウザキ、 ルールとはいつの世界も、神とされる者によって作られるものだ
You will bow down to the rules I've created. You tried to oppose me, the new god of this world, and for your transgression, you will die. お前は僕の作ったルールに平服し、 新世界の神に逆らおうとした罪で、死ぬんだ
Light! Promise me that you'll text me every single day. ライト、絶対毎日メールしてね
Even if we can be seen on the security cameras, from this angle they shouldn't be able to see my mouth. この角度なら、監視カメラで見られていたとしても、 僕の口は映らない
Misa, when you're certain that no one else is around, I want you to go to the place I'm about to tell you, and dig something up for me. ミサ、今から言う場所に埋めてある物を、 絶対に誰も見ていないときに、 一人で掘り出してくれ
Light, I remember! Everything that happened back when I was using this notebook... ライト、思い出したよ。 このノートを使っていた時のこと
You must have buried this notebook so that I'd remember too! ミサも思い出せるように、こっちのノートを埋めてくれたんだね
I want you to write his real name in this notebook and bury him. Then, as soon as possible, burn this letter. Take only a few pages from the notebook and re-bury the notebook itself. 彼の本名をノートに書き、葬ってほしい。 そしてこの手紙はすぐに燃やし、 ノートの数ページだけを隠し持ち、ノート自体は埋めておくように
The next time you see me, touch me with a piece of paper from this notebook as naturally as you can. If you can obey me in all this... I'll love you, forever. それと次に僕に会ったとき、ノートの切れ端を 自然に触れさせてくれ。これに従ってくれたら、 僕はアマネミサを…一生愛す
For me to obtain this notebook and regain my memory... and kill Ryuuga Hideki, a.k.a. Ryuuzaki. ミサにこのノートを持たせ、記憶を戻し… リュウガヒデキ、リュウザキを殺す
This should remove another obstacle for Light, and I'll have helped him! これでライトの障害が一つ消え、ミサはライトの力になれて…
It's no good, Light. I can't remember his name. I used to see tens, hundreds of names and lifespans everyday.. ダメだよ、ライト…名前なんて覚えてないよ。 1日何十人、何百人の名前と寿命が見えてたんだもん
Erm, sorry but... being male and all that... that kinda makes me blush. 悪いが、一応オレも雄。照れる
Light told me to bring it along. ライトが持ってけって
You wanna try eating one? It's an apple from the world of the Death Gods. ミサも食ってみる? 死神界のリンゴだ
Your remaining lifespan has already been halved once; you sure you wanna do it again? 半分にした残りの寿命を、 また半分にしていいんだな?
It can't be helped I guess. I've completely forgotten the one name that I needed to remember. Light will be mad at me unless I go and find it out again. まぁそれは仕方ないよ。 あたし憶えてなくちゃいけない名前すっかりど忘れしちゃってさ。 もっかい見てこないとライトに怒られちゃうもん
Poor thing. We can't switch our cell phones on in here, so Misa-Misa has to come all the way here, just to see Light-kun. かわいそうに、ここじゃ携帯の電源も入れられないから、 ミサミサの方から訪ねてくるしかないんだ
Light, hurry up and go see her. You shouldn't keep a lady waiting. ライト、早く行ってあげなさい。 女性を待たすものではない
Misa's lifespan has halved, again! Surely she didn't trade eyes with Ryuk?! ミサの寿命がさらに半分に減っている! まさか、リュークと目の取引を…
Misa, I want to be with you in an ideal world for as long as possible. That's the way I feel, right now. ミサ、今の僕は、君と長く理想の世界で生きたい。 そういう気持ちなんだ
Misa, let's build a new world together... a world without criminals, filled only with kind-hearted people. ミサ、二人で犯罪のない… 優しい人間だけの、新しい世界を作っていこう
She falsely claimed to be half-Japanese, half-Italian (in a casting video back in 1991 she tells that her father is Japanese and her mother is Swedish!) to create an exotic appeal ? she is half-French, half-African. In fact, her biographical remarks are sprinkled with falsifications. She also claimed to have studied law at University of Paris II: Panthéon-Assas, another assertion she could never confirm.
The corner of a page in this murderer's notebook appears to have been torn off. Would a person still die if their name was written on the torn-off part? この殺人ノート、ページの端が ちょっと切れてるんですが、 この切れた部分に名前を書いても、死にますか?
Who knows? I've never used it that way, so I wouldn't know. さあ?私はそんな使い方はしたことがないからわからない
But a Death God's internal organs are retrogressive. No, in fact, they've evolved such that we no longer need to eat. しかし死神の内臓は退化… いや進化していて、食べる必要がないのだ
You've finally been freed and yet you never leave this place. Even when Misa-san comes to see you, you only chat for a few minutes. せっかく自由の身になったのにほとんどここから出ない。 ミサさんが訪ねてきても数分の立ち話
Or are you saying that you've got a problem with me always being here? それとも、僕がずっとここにいたら、迷惑だとでも言うのか?
Right now, I'm not in a position where I can judge criminals. Misa, I want you to judge them. 今、僕は犯罪者を裁ける状況にない。 ミサ、君が裁いてくれ
I guess this means that Higuchi wasn't Kira after all... やはりヒグチがキラというわけではなかったってことか
No. We know for a fact that until Higuchi was captured he was the one judging criminals. いや、ヒグチが捕まるまでは、 ヒグチが犯罪者を裁いていたのは確かだ
So, you're saying that yet another Kira has made an appearance? じゃ、また他のキラが現れたってことに?
Well, in any case, if there is someone out there using a second notebook... We'll definitely catch that person. まぁ、もう一冊ノートがあって、誰かが使っているのなら… その人間は必ず捕まえます
But Ryuuzaki, even if we manage to catch the person who's writing names in the notebook, will you actually be able to charge them of mass murder and get a conviction? しかしリュウザキ、ノートに書き入れた者を捕まえたとして、 ちゃんと大量殺人犯として罪に問い、 罰せられるのか?
Of course! They wrote a lot of people's names in the notebook knowing that those people would die as a result! 決まってるじゃないですか!人が死ぬのわかっていて、 何人もの名前書いたってことですよ
If we can't make the notebook public knowledge like that, we should obliterate them! ノートの存在を公にすべきでないのなら、 抹殺するべきだ!
Obliteration isn't the calmest solution to the problem. I guess the higher-ups will opt for a solution similar to that though. 抹殺とは穏やかじゃないが、 上の方はそれに近い措置を取るだろうな
If we can prove the murders resulted from the notebook, it'll be the death penalty, or at the very least, life imprisonment. That's more or less how it goes. ノートによる殺人を認めれば 極刑。少なくとも終身刑。 そんな所ですかね
Yagami Light is certain that I'll save Misa's life. In this situation, the only way to save Misa is to write Ryuuzaki's real name in my own notebook. 八神ライトは、私がミサの命を助けると、確信してるんだ。 この状況でミサを助けるには、 リュウザキの本名を、私が私のノートに書くしかない
And if I kill Ryuuzaki... I'll have undeniably interfered with Misa's lifespan, and will also die. そして私がリュウザキを殺せば… 確実にミサの寿命に関わったことになり、 私も死ぬ
This is all set up so that it's beneficial to Yagami Light! 八神ライトの都合のいいように、全て出来上がっている!
Despite the fact that you're a Death God, I know you're into Misa. 死神のくせに、 お前がミサに入れ込んでいることは十分わかっている。
There's no way you'll stand by and let Misa die after her lifespan has just been halved again. お前は、さらに寿命の減ったミサを 見殺しにすることはできない
Ah, it's nothing worth mentioning. The sound of bells... the bells sound incredibly noisy today. いえ、何って程のことじゃないんですが、鐘の音が… 鐘の音が今日すごくうるさいんですよね…
They've been ringing incessantly today; I can't stop thinking about it. Maybe there's a wedding at a church, or maybe... 今日もうひっきりなしで、気になって仕方がないんですよ… 教会ですかね?結婚式?それとも…
Everything I say is made up on the spot, so please don't believe a word of it. 私の言うことは、みなデタラメですので。 一言も信じないでください
You're right, Ryuuzaki. The majority of what you say isn't true. そうだな、リュウザキ。お前の言うことは大概でたらめだ
If I took it all seriously there'd be no end to it. I know that better than anyone else. いちいちマジメに取り合っていたら、キリがない。 それは僕が一番よく知っている
But... the same applies to you. Have you ever uttered a single completely true thing since you were born? しかし…それはお互い様でしょう。 生まれてから一度でも本当のことを言ったことがあるんですか?
Certainly I lie every now and again; but surely no one can be truthful throughout their entire life? たしかに僕もたまには嘘をつく。 しかし、真実のみを口にして一生を終える人間もまた、いないんじゃないか?
But even so, I've made a point of not telling lies that will hurt others. それでも僕は故意に人を傷つける嘘だけは言わないよう、 心がけてきた
Shall we go then? Light-kun. Seems like things have gone well. 行きましょうか、ライト君。 どうやらうまくいったようです
Please begin the arrangements to transport the notebook at once. さっそくですが、ノートを運ぶ手筈を整えてください
We're going to test the notebook for real. ノートを実際に試してみるということです
Besides, who's going to write the name? Once you do, you have to write in it every 13 days for the rest of your life! だいたい、誰が名前を書くんですか?一度書いたら、 13日以内の周期で、永遠に書き続けなくちゃならなくなる
The person who will write the name in the notebook... will be someone who's already been sentenced to die within 13 days. We'll do a probationary deal, saying that if they're alive after 13 days, they'll be removed from death row. ノートに名前を書き込むのは、 そこから13日以内に死刑と決まっている者とし、 13日経って生きていれば、 死刑を免除させるという司法取引をします
The following is the record which contains everything I have investigated on Kira Incident. この記録は、私がキラ事件に関して調べてきたものの全てである
The fact that now you are reading this message means I am no longer alive at this moment. これが人の目に触れているということは、 すでに私はこの世にはいないであろう
I hereby leave this record as my firm achievement. 私が残した、確固たる成果とし、ここに記す
Ryuuzaki's been dead for ten days now; seems like we've managed to avoid being killed. リュウザキが密葬されて10日、 僕たちは死なずに済むみたいですね
We've managed to find a little about Watari's true identity, but we've found nothing about Ryuuzaki. ワタリは何とか身元がわかったが、 リュウザキの方は結局は何も…
However, Watari turned out to be an incredible inventor, didn't he? しかしワタリって、実はすごい発明家だったんですね
I've managed to create a voice identical to the one Ryuuzaki was using; we'll be able to make it seem like he's still alive, and we can control the world's police forces just as before. リュウザキが使っていたのと同じ声も作れたし、 生きているように見せ、 今まで通り世界の警察を動かしてはいけるけど…
However, I don't know who'll take L's place or where... or what we're supposed to do with this murderer's notebook. 誰がLの代わりをするか?どこでするか、 殺人ノートをどうするか…
What are you talking about, Light-kun? The only one who can take on the role of L is you. 何言ってるんだよライト君。 Lの役はライト君しかいないだろ?
If Ryuuzaki died as a result of provoking Kira, it's not exactly a tempting position. Besides, it means we're deceiving the entire world. リュウザキが、キラを挑発したことで殺されたのだとしたら… あまり気がすまないな。 それに、世界中の人を騙すことになる
I understand how you feel, Light-kun, but besides you there's no one else. ライト君の気持ちもわかるけど、ライト君しかいないんだ
But unlike Ryuuzaki, I won't be using any dangerous methods such as challenging Kira in order to gain hints. As long as you're all okay with that... しかし、リュウザキのようにキラを挑発し、そこからヒントを得る 危険なやり方はできない。 それでもいいなら…
In that case, I can manage with just this PC and my own, so it'll be possible for me to act as L from my own room at home. I'll act as Watari as well. それなら、このパソコンと自分のパソコンだけで、 ほぼ同じ働きができるし…家の僕の部屋でLになることも可能だ。 ワタリも僕がやるよ
But it's going to be rather difficult with my mother and sister around. It'd be useful if I could rent a single room somewhere. しかし、母や妹がいたのではやりにくいな…ワンルームでも部屋を借りられるといいんだけどね
Yeah, you're right. Well, from now on, Light-kin's room will be the new investigative headquarters. そうですね。じゃあ、これからはライト君の借りる部屋が、 捜査本部ってことで
We won't need to think too hard about that either. We just need to keep it in an unknown location, so have one of us five, someone we trust will never use it, hide it somewhere. それも、深く考える必要はないな。 人が手にしないところに、 この5人の中で、絶対ノートを使わないと信用できる者が 隠せばいいだけだ
The Chief can definitely do it. He's full of righteousness. 局長なら絶対だ…正規の塊ですからねえ
Light! This is our first date in a while, you could at least try, to look a little happier! ライト、久々のデートなんだから、 もっと楽しそうにしてよ
So, you've completely settled the score with L, eh? なぁ、これで本当にLとの決着はついたのか?
Guess I won't have much fun to look forward to then. じゃあ、もうあんまり面白いものは期待できないな
From here on... I'm going to show you the reincarnation of a new world. これからは…新世界の創世を 見せてやるよ
Summer 2012: The rate of Kira's judgment increases even more rapidly. 2012年、夏。キラの裁きは、 さらに勢いを増し始めた
The world becomes split into two groups: those that scream in fear at Kira, and those that secretly cheer him on; little by little, those voices in support of Kira begin to surface. 世界は、キラに対する恐怖の悲鳴、 裏では声援とに2分され、 徐々に裏の声が出始める
Eventually, entire countries begin to declare their acceptance of Kira's work, and the world continues to head toward a dark age, where Kira is law. そしてついに、公にキラを認めると表明する国すら現れ、 キラが法となる暗黒の時代へ、世界は向かいつつあった
The armories of hell are home to the warload of blood . In his wake lay the mutilated bodies of thousands . Angels and man alike have been cut down to fulfill the endless sabrifice to the dark ones who scream for one thing , BLOOD .
Today is Sunday, the most free day of the week. To reassure myself of this freedom, first I'll... Go back to sleep! 今日は日曜日。一週間で最も自由な一日。 その自由を確認するために、 まずは…2度寝だ!
In that case, please help me with the potatoes. なら、カナはジャガイモをお願い
You can go sleep now. もうお休み
Or rather... You ought to come home quickly and play with me. ていうかあれだな。 お前は早く帰って、私の遊び相手をするべきだ
Entertaining me, worshipping me, and making me happy is what you're supposed to do as my younger sister! 私をもてなし、私を崇め、私を喜ばせることこそ、 私の妹としてのお前の在り方だろう!
Where were you wandering all this time, you bastard! こんな時間までどこほっつき歩いてた、このヤロー!
Come to think of it, we're too bound by the perception of "dinner". Let's not conform to the conventions of society, and come up with something simple and really delicious. 思うに晩御飯のイメージに縛られすぎたのだ。 世間の常識に合わせることなく、 簡単確実においしいもの…
Any idiot should be able to toast it anyway. どんなバカでも、それなりに焼けるし
I'll start by toasting you a light brown. お前からきつね色に焼いてやる
This is sweet, so it'll go well with hotcakes! 甘いから相性いいって!
Well then... Just take this as cream stew? まぁその…クリームシチューってことで…
In that case, as her older sister, I'll teach her what a kiss is all about! ならば私が姉として、 キスとはどういうものか教えてやろう
Airing that during the prime time would make the whole family feel uneasy, wouldn't it? あんなものゴールデンに放送したら、 お茶の間が気まずいだろ
Haruka's experienced anyway, I'm sure she'll teach you well. ハルカなら経験済みだろうし、ちゃんと教えてくれるはずだ
With this you can eat on your way to school. これなら学校に行きながらでも食べられるわ
Not enough... Not enough love either. 足りない… 愛も足りない…
You're truly simple-minded. Even if you act unreasonable here, You'll just be late, and no one will be happy. But if you were to go to school... お前は本当に浅はかだな。このまま駄々をこねていても、 遅刻するばかりで誰も幸せにはなれない。 だが学校にいけば…
What's going to happen if I go? Are you saying that the desires of this body and soul will be fulfilled? いけばどうなる?この心と 体の飢えが満たされるとでも言うのか?
Keiko, until today I've never thought of myself as an idiot before. I can't believe that I was manipulated so easily by Chiaki. ケイコ、私はね、今日という今日こそ、自分をバカだと思った日はないよ。 千秋にこうも見事に踊らされるなんてね
The catered food won't be distributed to students until lunchtime, right? 給食ってさ、お昼にならなきゃ 出ないよね
Kana, you've reached the age when you receive love letters, haven't you? カナもラブレターをもらう 年頃になったのねぇ
Ever since I first met you, I realized that I was always looking at you. 南と出会ってから、 南のことをいつも目で追っていることに気づきました
I'm attracted to your vigor and energy. If it's alright with you, I would like to have a long slow chat with you in the classroom, after everyone has left. 活発で元気な南が気になっています。もしよければ 教室で、誰もいなくなってから ゆっくり話をしてみたいです
You read it out loud? Delivering all these feelings to the audience? 声出したか? 感情たっぷり視聴者にお届けか?
This! I'm being forced to wear a skirt! This is sexual harassment on a national scale! これ!スカートを強制されているのよ。 これはもう、国をあげてのセクハラなの!
Or rather, I hate realizing my panties have been seen without me even noticing. というより、いつの間にか見えるっていうのがイヤ
Well... but it rarely happens... まぁ…滅多に見えることなんてないし…
Just now you said this, Minami: Underwear can only be seen rarely! さっき南は言いました。 下着なんか滅多に見えないって
When I dove under the desk to look for my bread, I saw it! What Minami said could only rarely be seen... that being... Minami's white pan- パンを探して机の下にダイブしたら、見えちゃったの! 南がめったに見えないといった、 その南の真っ白なパン…
Yes. I caught sight of that white bread. はい。その真っ白なパンが見えました
That's... erm... In what way, Haruka?! それは…だな…どうなんだハルカ?!
Are you, by any chance, going to do weird things? ひょっとして、おかしなことするのか?
So you have no interest in games? ゲーム、興味ないのかな?
No, I do. And I'm rather good at them. いや、ある。かなり得意
We have some leftover cake from my sister's birthday celebration yesterday... Perhaps you don't like cake that much? 昨日姉ちゃんの誕生日で、ケーキが余ってるんだけど、 ケーキとか興味ないかな?
No, I do. In fact, I want to know exactly what kind of cake it is, and which bakery it's from. いや、ある。ていうか、どこの店のどんなケーキか 詳しい話を聞きたい
Let's go then! Just do the homework as a side dish! じゃあ行こうぜ!宿題なんて、 ついででいいからさ!
What? Do you look down on my school? Haruka was in the same junior high as well! なんだ、私の学校を馬鹿にしているのかい? ハルカも同じ中学だったのに
I'll pose you some questions to see how capable you are! お前がどれほど優秀か、問題を出してやろう
In May of a certain year, there are four Tuesdays and four Fridays. What day is the 5th of May of that year? ある年の5月は、火曜日と金曜日が4回ありました。 この年の5月5日は何曜日でしょう?
Which page of this book... is this question... ON? この問題は、この本の…何ページにあるでしょう…か?
Like hell I would know! 知るか!
You're studying in the living room so as to get praised by Haruka, aren't you? 茶の間で勉強するのも、 ハルカに褒めてもらおうとかなんだろ?
Because I don't think anything good will come of it! ロクな展開にならんと思うからだ
That might not be the case. そうとは限らんぞ
Were you thinking that not getting a hundred marks would make you more human?! 100点じゃなければ、 人間味があるとでも思っているのか?
Finishing my milk without asking and calling me the worst on top of that... I knew nothing good would come out of this. 人の牛乳を勝手に飲み干して最低呼ばわり… ロクな展開じゃないな
Did you get poor marks for your tests? テストの点でも悪かったのか?
They're not poor at all! Those are splendid points filled with human warmth! 悪くない! 人の温もりのある素晴らしい点数だ
Don't let it get to your head with just 97 points! 97点くらいで図に乗るな!
Haruka-neesama said that she's going to make cream stew tonight. ハルカ姉さまが今晩はクリームシチューを作るって言っていたが
Nee-sama couldn't have imagined that a carton that was full in the morning, would become empty by evening. まさか、朝まるまる1本あったものが 夕方なくなるとは、 姉さまも思ってはいないだろうな
You try to get good marks by studying just to deal with the tests ahead of you. That spirit is wrong to begin with. だいたいテスト前だけ場当たり的な勉強して、 良い点を取ろうとする 根性が間違っているんだ
The man who'll take you as his bride is an unfortunate person. A newlywed life born from those ordinary opinions can't possibly be interesting. お前を嫁にする男は不幸だな。 そんな普通の意見で埋められた新婚生活が、 面白いわけがない
That goes for cooking too! You can't cook anything that could touch the hearts of people! 料理一つとってもそうだ。 お前には人を感動させられる料理は作れない!
I don't really care if I can move other people or not. 別に、感動させられなくてもいいが
So, your husband won't know how it feels to be moved, and will live an unfortunate life. そうしてお前の夫は、感動を知らぬまま、 不幸な人生を終えるんだ
You, who aren't ordinary, can cook something which can touch the hearts of people, right? 普通じゃないキサマは、感動させられる料理が 作れるんだよな?
Whenever a new recipe is invented, it's not the result of common sense, but of a sudden spark of ideas! いつだって新しい食を見つけ出すのは、 常識なんかより その瞬間の発想なんだ!
That sudden spark of ideas you had was what gave birth to that disgusting stew back then. Have you forgotten already? その瞬間の発想が、 こないだの目も当てられないシチューを生み出したの、 忘れたのか?
A mere cream stew is able to melt the hearts of people to this extent? クリームシチューごときが、こんなにも人の心をとろかすものなのか?!
You got it wrong! The next lesson has been changed to music... And you were still here napping. 誤解だよ。次の時間、音楽に変更になったのに、 南が居眠りしてるからさ
Which means to say, you were attacked in your sleep, and you were taken aback by that. Hence you were swayed by his words. つまりお前は、寝込みを襲われ、 激しく動揺し、 奴の思いがけぬ言葉にも動揺した
To the point where even your thought circuits were paralyzed... それこそ、思考回路がマヒするほどに
Judging from the situation, most likely he said this: You're really letting your guard down. 状況からして、恐らく奴はこう言ったのだ。 凄い隙だらけだ
Going to her house to have fun when they're already junior high students, isn't that dangerous?! 中学生って時期に 家で遊ぶなんて、大変なことじゃない!
As long as it's made by Minami, anything is delicious! 南が作ったのなら、何でも美味しいよ
Why must you grab my skirt? どうしてスカートを掴むの?
He's already openly accepted by her family... 家族公認…
Now that I think about it, As long as I get on good terms with Minami-san, it means I'll have more chances to talk with Fujioka-kun, right? 考えてみれば、 南さんと仲良くすれば、 藤岡君とも会話のチャンスが増えるわけよね!
Not really. If you want it, just go to the convenience store and buy some. 別に。食べたければ、 コンビニに買いに行けばいいだろ
The loser will have to go buy some regardless of how bad the weather becomes. 負けたら天気がどうであろうと、 買いに行ってもらうよ
Understood, but you'll be the one going anyway. 分かってる。だが、どうせ行くのはお前だ
So? What shall we compete with? The fighting game as always? で、勝負は何でする? いつもの格闘ゲームか?
Whichever it is, I'll definitely be the winner anyway. どれも始める前から、私が勝つのは決まったようなものだが
This is the new game I borrowed from Keiko on my way home today! Since this is our first time playing it, the match will be fair! これは帰りにケイコに借りた新作ソフト。 初めてのゲームなら勝負は公平だ!
If you really are that good at volleyball, it's natural that you should join the volleyball club, right? そんなにうまいなら、バレー部に入るのが 道理でしょう
Haruka has kids at home, so she can't possibly go home late, right? ハルカの家は子供がいるから、 部活で遅くなれないのよね
They are kids who need lots of attention, so I have to go home early. 手のかかる子たちだから、 早く帰らないと
Oh my, Senpai, you're sweating profusely. If you don't wipe it off soon, you'll catch a cold. まぁ先輩すごい汗。 早く拭かないと、お風邪を召しますわ
You don't need to rush, it's still gushing forth, Haruka. 慌てなくても、どんどん出てくるよ、ハルカ
Considering the extraordinary charm she exudes, it isn't strange for her to have a kid or two. Nope, I should say it's to be expected! 彼女から滲み出る魅力を考えれば、 子供の一人二人いても不思議ではない。 いや、いて当然だろう!
To think that I couldn't understand something as simple as this, I still have a long way to go. その程度のこともわからないとは… オレもまだまだだな…
This time we're really going back for practice. 今度こそ、練習に戻ろう
In that case, I'll have to get along with her kids... そうなると、彼女の子供達とも仲良くならなければ…
If we had chosen those with separate pieces, it wouldn't have come to this. We haven't gotten fat anyway. セパレートにしておけば、こんなことにはならないよ。 だって太ってないんだもん
Speaking of which, Haruka's swimsuit should not only have a separate top and bottom. It's better to choose one which separates left and right too. ていうか、ハルカは上下だけじゃなく、 左右も分けた方が良いだろうな
That means, the cloth is divided into two... Also, it's tied together by strings. それは、布が二つに分かれて… でもって、紐で繋がっている
I can't let Haruka-neesama wear that outfit in front of other people! ハルカ姉様をそんな姿で人前に!
You're still a child, Chiaki. You don't get it. Listen well, When a girl becomes a high school student, Not having that amount of exposure is strange. お子様だな千秋は。 お前は分かっていない。いいか、 女子高生ともなれば、 それくらいの露出がないと、かえって不自然なんだよ
Just think about it. Everybody's exposing their skin, but Haruka will the only one, diving into the water with an outfit like an astronaut's suit. 考えてもごらんよ。みんなが露出しているのに、 ハルカだけが宇宙飛行士のような潜水服で、 海に飛び込むんだよ
She'll stand out like a sore thumb! And then everyone will ask, "How many leagues under the sea are you descending?" すっごく目立つぞ。 そしてみんなはこう言う、 「深度いくつまで潜るんですか?」と
Are you intending to bring shame to Haruka? ハルカに恥をかかせる気かい?
That's why the only thing we can do for her to not bring her shame... is to prepare a skimpy swimsuit for her. だから、私たちにできるのは、ハルカに恥をかかせないよう、 布の少ない水着を用意することだけさ
As expected of a junior high school student. The existence closest to a senior high school student. さすが中学生… 女子高生に最も近き存在
Don't get so mad. Thanks to the rain the weather's gotten cooler, So the original purpose of our beach trip has been fulfilled. そう怒るな。雨のお陰で涼しいわけで、 本来の目的は達せられたも同然だ
I don't care about what its purpose was at a time like this! I want to go to the beach! そんな目的とかは、今となってはどうでもいい。 私は海に行きたいんだ!
Listening to the sound of falling rain while passing the time is an enjoyable thing too. 雨音を聴きながら、静かに過ごすのも いいものよ
Come, close your eyes. And you should also perk up your ears to this beautiful song of nature. さあ、目を閉じろ。そしてお前もこの美しい自然の歌声に、 耳を傾けるんだ
If the weather still doesn't behave itself, even the concrete will become soggy! いい加減にしてもらわないと、 コンクリートもふやけるよぉ!
I'm going to roll you up in a sheet and hang you! お前をシーツに巻いて吊してやる!
Okay, if you think you can do it, go ahead. ああ、やれるものならやってみろ
Do your best, Chiaki! I'm entrusting tomorrow's weather to you! がんばって千晶。 明日のお天気は、あなたに託すわ
I won't let you down until the rain stops! 晴れるまで降ろさないから
What in the world do you want me to do? どうしろって言うんだ!
The rain looks like it's getting stronger. ちょっと雨が強くなったような…
What are you doing making the raincloud angry?! Do it more politely! 雨雲を怒らせてどうする?! もっと丁寧に!
Raincloud-san, you have graced the earth with sufficient moisture. I humbly implore you to pull back. 雨雲さん、あなたのおかげで大地は十分潤いました。 この辺でお引取りください
You must be worn out after toiling for three days and three nights. Please get ready in case of a water shortage and take a rest for the time being. 3日3晩働き詰めでお疲れでしょう。 水不足に備えて、 しばしお休みになってください
That's hopeless! If you give her time to think, she'll brood over it until the sun sets! あれじゃダメだ。時間を与えては、 日が暮れるまで悩み続けるぞ
Okay! Let's see which of us can make Haruka take off her clothes first! よし!どっちがハルカを脱がせられるか、勝負するぞ
What are you doing? That's making her comfortable! 何してんの!快適だろ、あれだと
Your plan wasn't that great either. お前のだってどうかと思うが
Wait! You'll only make her mad! 待て、そんなの怒らせるだけだ!
What are they up to this time? 今度はいったい何を企んで…
All of them are pretty daring. Now I feel like I'm too self-conscious... Or should I say it feels strange if I don't take off my clothes? みんなけっこう大胆よね… これじゃ逆に自意識過剰っていうか、 脱がないと変なような…
Erm... What did you do to make Haruka strip? あの…どうやってウチのハルカを脱がせましたか?
What is so important that you would hinder me from going with Haruka-neesama to buy things, you dumbass! ハルカ姉さまとのお買い物を ジャマしてまでの話とは何だ、このばかやろう
That hurts... The sand stuck to your foot is sanding my face. It hurts! 痛いから…足の裏に張り付いた砂で顔が擦れて、痛いから
Out of the blue, I have the feeling that my value to both of you is diminishing. Yes! So much so that I can't even make Haruka strip! 突然、お前らの間で、何やら私の価値が下がった気がする。 そう、ハルカを脱がせることができなかったぐらいでだ
On an unrelated note, Your value to me is still diminishing. それとは無関係に、 今この瞬間も、私の中でお前の価値は下がり続けている
Is that in present continuous tense? 進行形か?
Now, how much am I worth? いま、どのくらい?
Are you saying that my worth is comparable to that of an abandoned beach slipper? 私の価値は、 捨てられたビーサンの片割れと同じということか…
Who cares whether we're alike or not. If the three of us were all like you, we'd be in trouble. 別に似てなくていいだろ。 3人ともお前みたいだったら、大変なことになるよ
All hell would break loose with the slightest provocation. まさに一触即発だねえ
If both of them were like me... I'd definitely become a useless person. もし、みんな私みたいだったら… きっと、ダメな人になる
I shed a lot of skin after coming back from the beach! 海から帰ったら、皮がたくさん剥けたよ
If you shed too much skin, you'll become shorter. 皮を剥き過ぎると背が縮むぞ
Picking up where we left off just now... It's more interesting when we have different personalities... And I really love both of you who are so different from me! さっきの続きだけど、 性格がみんな違うから楽しいんだし… 私は、自分と違う二人とも大好きだよ
Alright! Let's help each other out and finish everything quickly! よーし、みんなで協力して、 パーッと終わらせちゃおう!
Could that be a plan to do homework together? ひょっとして、宿題をみんなでやる計画か?
That's nice... If the three of you let your powers combine, it'll be done in no time. いいなぁ…お前らが集まれば、 あっという間に終わるだろうんだろうなぁ
That's not entirely correct. Even if I do it by myself, it'll still be finished in no time. Well, I still take some time to play while doing it. それは違うぞ。私たちは一人でやっても あっという間に終わるけど、 まあ適当にやりながら遊びましょうっていうことだよ
Bragging about your academic ability with that sleepy look, eh? ずいぶん眠たげな眼差しで、学力の自慢をするじゃあないか
Well, the three of us are elite, after all! ほら、私たち3人は優秀だから
I'm explaining to him what education is about. こいつに、教育とは何か説いていたの
If you're going to be a hindrance, go somewhere else. 邪魔するなら、あっち行っててくれ
Okay. Then I won't be a bother. 分かった。邪魔しない
When there are two dumbasses heres, there's no way we can concentrate on studying. I shouldn't have brought Makoto along... バカ野郎が二人もいたら、まともに勉強できるはずがない。 マコトなんか、連れて来るんじゃなかった
If I knew there were so many guests coming, I'd have prepared something... こんなにお客さん来るなら、 何か準備しとけばよかったねぇ
It's my honor! I'll do anything as long as it's for you! 光栄です!ハルカさんのためなら、何でもします!
Makoto-kun, you're so good with words. マコト君て、口がうまいのかな
How many years do you think I have been helping Haruka? I can do it best. 私が何年ハルカ姉様のお手伝いをしていると思っているんだ… 私が1番うまくやれるよ
Perhaps it would better if you apologized? 謝った方が良いんじゃない?
In the first place, when people are concentrating on dipping the brush in the ink, don't talk to them. Don't look down on calligraphy. そもそも人が集中して墨を刷っているときに、 話し掛けるな。 書の道を舐めんなよ
Damnit! And we were just getting to the good part! ちくしょう!いい所だったのにぃ
Makoto is that stupid kid, right? He looks like the type that Chiaki would hate. マコトって、あのバカな子供か? 千秋が嫌いそうなタイプだからな
Alright Uchida, next time bring him along. I'll make things more interesting. よし内田、こんどあいつ連れてきて。 私が面白い方向に、事を運ぶから
In that case it's simple. Just come as my friend なら話は簡単だ。 私の友達として来りゃあいいんだよ
If Minami... If Chiaki sees me she'll find out! 南…千秋に顔見られたら、バレるって!
Wait! What's with that reaction! It's as if I'm doing something shameful! 待て!なんだその反応は! まるでオレが、何かやましいこと、してるみたいじゃないか!
This way, I won't look strange buying women's clothes! これなら、女物の服買ってもおかしくないよ!
How about lending this set of clothes to me from now on? 内田のこの服、これからもオレに貸してくれるっていうのは?
The first time usually doesn't go well. First I'll have to measure your size. Can you take off your clothes? 最初はなかなかうまくいかないのよね。 まずは大きさを測らないと。 服、脱いでくれる?
Perhaps it's a bit too early to wear one. ちょっとまだ、付けるのは早いんじゃないかな
Don't worry! They'll become bigger in no time. When that time comes, let's buy it again. Okay? 大丈夫よ、きっとすぐに大きくなるから。 そのときに改めて、ね
Haruka. Everything is delicious to this fellow. ハルカ、そいつは何にでもうまいって言うぞ
What do you mean by that? Do you have something to say about my rice bran with pickles? なにその言い方… 私のぬか漬けに 何か文句でもあるの?
Besides, what's with these clothes? Where did you get them? 大体なんだお前その服は? どこで手に入れた?
I tried my best and bought them at the supermarket! 頑張ってスーパーで買いました!
I removed her heavy armor for her. And she began to walk the path on her own. I merely prepared her for her journey, and that was bliss to me. 私はね、あいつの重たい鎧を脱がせてやったんだ。 そしたらあいつは、一人でどんどん歩き出したよ。 私は旅支度を整えてやるだけ…それが喜びだよ
Chiaki, whenever you feel like it, I'll prepare you a set of clothes that'll make you grin from ear to ear! 千秋にその気があれば、 笑顔の塊りになれそうな衣装を!
When you got to the "heavy armor" part. 「重たい鎧を」、のあたり
Hey, Mako-chan, don't spread your legs too much. Don't show us funny things, okay? おい、マコちゃん。あんまり足を開くなよ。 妙なもの見せるんじゃないよ
I really want to help someone prepare for their journey. Chiaki doesn't want to, so I'll have to find someone close to me... 誰かの旅支度を整えたい… 千秋がだめなら、身近な人間で誰か…
I'll start with Keiko. I have to take a good look at her face and decide what's appropriate for her... まずはケイコだ。 素顔を見て、 衣装の方向性を…
But how should I make her take off her glasses? しかし、どうやって眼鏡を外させようか?
What's the matter, Kana? You have a stupid look on your face. どうしたの、カナ。 バカみたいな顔をして
To thank Chiaki's friends for always taking care of her. I'm holding a class to teach you about self-defence! 千秋の友人諸君の日頃のご愛好に感謝して、 防犯教室を開きます!
Okay then, before I talk about mental guard... I'm most worried about you, Uchida! If a mister you don't know asks you to come along with him, do you go or not? それじゃねぇ、心構えを説く前にねぇ、 1番心配な内田! 知らないおじさんに誘われたら、 ついて行きますか?ませんか?
I'll give you sweets, so come along with me. I'll give you 10,000 yen, so come along with me. 飴あげるからついておいで。 1万円あげるからついておいで
Don't react to that! 反応するんじゃない!
Even if it's a hundred, or even a thousand Fukuzawa-sensei bills, understand that you're worth much more than that. たとえ福沢先生が100人、千束になろうとも、 お前たちの価値に適うものはないものと知れ
Suppose that a hundred Fukuzawa-sensei and a thousand Noguchi-sensei were to fight each other, who would be stronger? 福沢先生100人と野口先生1000人が 戦ったら、どっちが強い?
Lately a mister I don't know approached me and talked to me... but he could be someone I know. I think I know him, but maybe I don't, but maybe I do... こないだ知らないおじさんに声掛けられて、 でも知ってるおじさんかもしれなくて、 知ってるような知らないような気もしなくはなくて…
You're quick at creating a weird atmosphere! I found a girl who's more insecure than Uchida. 君は素早く変な空気を作れるねぇ。 内田より不安な子を見つけたよ
You just need a way to tell whether he's a stranger or not. 本当に知り合いかどうか見分ける方法があればいいんだ
It isn't good if you don't polish your observational skills like me, but there's a way to make him spill the beans. 私くらい洞察力を磨かないとあれだけど… カマをかける手はあるな
Who would have thought that even Sensei would get amnesia. まさか、先生まで記憶喪失になろうとは…
This is how a class rep should behave! これは、クラス委員長としての振る舞いです!
You have to pay attention to these little details. You can never tell when your destined partner is looking! こういう身近なことからちゃんとしてないと、 どこで運命の人が見ているかわかりませんよ!
And that's when Minami Haruka blushes. That's when I give a charming smile. It's perfect. と南ハルカが照れるわけだ。 そこで俺は、素敵な笑顔なわけだ。 パーフェクトなわけだ
That's when Minami Haruka shifted her gaze downwards. And that's when I will embrace her. The problem comes after that. そこで、南ハルカはうつむくわけだ。 そこで俺は抱きよせるわけだ。 問題はここからだ
Erm... That's a simulation to become friends with her, right? あの…それは友達になるためのシミュレーションですよね?
Alright, that's the end of my practice. There isn't much time before school ends. さて、練習は終わりだ。 放課後まで時間がないな
Stop that! Don't look at me like you're looking at something pitiful! やめろ!そんないかにもかわいそうな物を見るような目で、 私を見るな!
No, you are not pitiful, you're pathetic. いや、かわいそうではない。哀れだ
After being made fun of by this gum, I hurt my mouth. Not only that, I also got looked down upon by my own sister... How humiliating! It's the most humiliating thing this season! 嗜好品に弄ばれたあげく、口の中に傷を負い、 あまつさえ、実の妹に哀れにを向けられるとは… 屈辱だ!今期のベストオブ屈辱だ!
I'll teach you how to blow a big one. So don't cry anymore. 膨らませ方教えるよ。 だから泣くなよ
You really have no talent for blowing bubblegum. おまえ、本当に風船ガムの才能がないな
That's not right. That's not just a normal bubble. 違う…ただの風船じゃない
Yup. I often go and steal some of her food. It's really tasty! うん。よくお弁当をつまみ食いに行くんだけど、 おいしいんだわ!
How about you go and ask her to share it with you? 保坂も分けてもらえば?
Well... You haven't really talked to Haruka-chan before. I guess it's impossible for a vain and cowardly person like you. まあでも…ハルカちゃんと話したこともない、 見栄っ張りで小心者のあんたには無理か
Minami Haruka isn't here? I see... And I even put effort into finding a common conversational topic. 南ハルカはいないのか?そうか… せっかく共通の話題を用意してきたのに
If Minami Haruka says cooking is fun, it has to be fun. 南ハルカが楽しいというなら、楽しいはずだ
If she says crows are white, I'll dye all the crows in this world white just for her! もし彼女がカラスは白いと言ったなら、 俺は世界中のカラスを白く染めあげよう!
Besides, even if she gets fatter... I will think of a menu to help her lose weight in a healthy way! No, let's think of it together! それに、多少太ったとしても… 俺が健康的に痩せられるメニューを考える! いや、二人で考えよう!
I can feel he's up to something creepy again... 気持ち悪い企みを感じる…
There's no need for me to make an appearance. As long as she eats properly and smiles like always... there's no problem! 俺の出る幕はない… しっかり食べて、いつも笑っていれば…何の問題もない!
Eh?! Pasta should be the food for Monday... えぇ?月曜日はパスタなのに…
I was thinking you might want rice... ご飯、食べたいだろうと思って…
Even if I use this ingredient, the Minami Haruka in my heart doesn't smile. この食材を使っても、 俺の中の南ハルカは笑わない
I'll difinitely make you the ultimate lunchbox! 俺が必ず、おまえに見合う究極の弁当作ってやる!
Actually, I wanted to use hundreds of thousands of words to loudly describe what kind of an idiot you are. But sadly, my tongue cannot move that quickly. 本当なら、お前がどれほどの馬鹿か、 千の言葉を用いて罵ってやりたいところだよ… でも、いかんせん、私の舌はそんなに早く回らないんだ
How should I express it? I also have other things which I want to speak about. So, all I can say is the word "idiot". That's the best I can do. 歯がゆいよ…もっと言いたいことはあるのに、 馬鹿野郎の一言に気持ちを込めるしかないんだ
But with that, you will not know where you are being an idiot at. でもそれだと、お前は自分のどこか馬鹿なのか、反省しようがないわけだ
If I could, I would want your idiotic actions to be written out page by page into a ten thousand page report. できることならね、お前のどこか馬鹿なのか、万の言葉を用いて レポートをまとめたいところだよ
But, the sad thing is, I do not have time to do that. でもいかんせん、私はそんなに暇ではないんだ
I want to hear more of your words. まだまだ語ってもらうぞ
Then give me cola. If I do not get stimulated by some really stiff drink, I can't carry on. じゃあコーラを…炭酸でもなきゃ やってらんないから
Time for the three o'clock snack. Both of you will have none of it. 3時のおやつ。 二人は抜き
In regards to how stupid you are, I've compiled a ten thousand word report. Read all of it well, and make sure you reflect on it! お前の馬鹿さ加減について、万の言葉を用いてレポートを仕上げてみた。 夜を徹して読み明かせ、そして反省しろ
Kana has a fever and hasn't got out of bed yet. カナが熱を出して寝込んでるの
I just feel hot, that's all. Once I cover myself with a blanket, I feel really cold. I wonder what kind of day this is. たださぁ暑くてね… 1枚脱ごうとするとすごい寒気がしてさ。 一体、どんな天気なの今日は…
She didn't get angry, looks like it's really that serious. 怒らない…本当に重症だ
Isn't it amazing that idiots can catch colds too? 馬鹿が風邪をひいて、不思議か?
It's because the idiot doesn't take care of herself which is why she got a cold. 馬鹿は、体調管理できないから 風邪をひくんだ
No matter what, I'm still an idiot... どちらにしろ、私は馬鹿だと…
If You're agitated, your fever will rise. 熱が上がるよ、あんまり怒ると
It's fine, you don't have to look after me anymore. It's time for your favorite television show soon. もういよ…ずっとついててくれなくても。 そろそろあんたの好きなTVの時間だよ
It's fine if I don't watch the television. Seeing you suffer in pain... is much more entertaining than watching television. テレビなんか、どうでもいいよ。 お前が、辛そうにしているのを見てると… テレビより面白い
Say sorry now! ごめんなさいは?
Like hell I would... 言うもんか…
I don't have any strength to swallow the whole apple... まるかじりする元気はないよ…
Chiaki, there's still leftovers. You can't do that, leaving capsicum and carrots which are good for your body. 千秋、まだ残ってる。ダメでしょう、 ピーマンとニンジンなんて体にいい物ばかり残しちゃ
Please spare me from the green vegetables. 色の濃い野菜は勘弁してください
Really, this kid is really picky about food. You won't grow at this rate. ほんと、子供の食わず嫌いだよね。 成長できないね、これは
You must have left something, you no-brainer. 頭の中が成長できないお前は、どんな食わず嫌いなんだ
Don't stay there watching, come and help me. Just a little more and it'll fit. 見てないで手伝ってよ。 もうちょっとで入りそうなんだから…
It's fine if you try it on, but before it tears, give up trying. 別にいいけど、 破ける前にあきらめてくれよ
Chiaki, do you know how to tie a necktie? 千秋、ネクタイの結び方知ってる?
It fits! Kana, it's such a good thing that you're slim. It almost couldn't fit in. 入った!カナは細くっていいね。 あとちょっとで、入らないとこだった
It's tight on the breasts, right? Just say so then. Suffocating serves you right. 胸がきついの?だったらそう言いなさいよ、 懲らしめてあげるから
I would like to eat cheese lemon custard chiffon pie... Would Haruka make it for us? We have been eating sweet stuff lately, I guess not then. チーズレモンカスタードシフォンパイが食べたい。 ハルカ…作ってくれないかな? いや最近、甘い物続いたからムリか…
I want to eat it today, eat it now. I guess she will make it if the preparations of ingredients are done. No... even so, she might not make it immediately. 今日食べたい、今食べたい。 材料を用意してしまえば作ってくれるかも… いや、それでも、すぐ作ってくれるとは限らない
In order for the yolk to remain in the middle, all you need to do is to stir it from time to time, and you're fine. 黄身を真ん中にするには、 時々かき混ぜてやるといい
What's this skill which most elementary school students usually won't have? Also, you look as if you cook regularly. なんなんだ、その小学生とは思えない手際の良さは それじゃお前、まるで料理が得意みたいじゃないか
I am different from that stray dog who only helped once. たった一度お手伝いしたくらいで、調子に乗ってる素人とは違うんだよ
You may have the superior ability to boil an egg. I'll give you that. お前のゆで卵を作る技術は確かに優れている… それは認めよう
You know what? It's not over even though you've boiled it! It will be cooled and peeled! Finally, the egg which will be eaten... what would its feeings be? お前は分かっているのか?ゆでられては割られ、 割られて剥かれ、 剥かれては食べられるそんな…卵の気持ち!
Although I don't know what's going on, it's amazing. 意味わかんないけど、すごーい…
You shouldn't randomly acknoweldge anyone to be your younger brother. 勝手に弟を作っちゃダメよ
Akira's been looking depressed lately. アキラの奴、最近元気ないんだよね
Perhaps something happned to him in school? Okay! I'll try to cheer him up. 学校で、何かあったのかな? よし、私が盛り上げてみるよ!
My second brother Natsuki was rebellious back then, but after he became less aggressive after he joined a club. ナツキっていう2番目の兄貴がやんちゃだったんですけど、 部活始めてから大人しくなりましたね
I want you to sample it to see if it's worthy of the woman I love the most. 最愛の女性に食べさせるに値するか、 味見してほしい
Will a woman be happy if you make her a lunchbox? 女は弁当を作ってやると喜ぶんすか?
That should be the case. そのはずだ
These are supposed to be eaten later. これは後で食うやつっす
You shouldn't open up what you're supposed to eat later, should you? 後で食べるやつを、開けちゃダメじゃないか?
You shouldn't be eating it now, right? 食べちゃだめじゃないか?
I won't understand what kind of taste women like anyway. オレにはどんな味なら女が喜ぶかなんて、分からないし…
He keeps saying he doesn't understand women, and places women in the "mysterious creature" category. Our Natsuki really is unsociable. 女なんて知らねーっとか言って、 女を未知の生物に位置づけちゃってるんですよね。 とんだむっつりですよ、ウチのナツキは
Today I'm going to Chiaki's house after school, want to come along? 今日学校終わったら千秋の家行くけど、ついてく?
When there's no one to cheer her on, she becomes as lazy as one can get. ハルカは気を張る相手がいないと、 どこまでも怠け出す
Haruka came home the earliest today... Haruka must have thought, "Let's take a nap for now. But maybe I should change before sleeping." 今日はハルカが1番早く帰ったんだけど、 ハルカは思ったんだろうな、 「とりあえず寝よう。 でも、やっぱり着替えてから寝よう」
Chiaki saw Takeru-ojisan putting on a beard in the changing room. 脱衣所で、タケルおじさんが髭つけてるところ見ちゃって…
Witnessing that must have been traumatic for her. I suppose that was when Chiaki lost her dreams. トラウマだもん、そんなの見ちゃ… 千秋が夢をなくしたのはその頃か…
Takeru's the one who took her dreams! タケルだよ、千秋の夢を奪ったのは!
I'm sure he'll come again this year. Santa-san is going to ring the doorbell and enter through the front door. きっと奴は今年も来るぞ。 サンタさん、呼び鈴鳴らして玄関から入ってくるぞ
But I have to do something to bring her dreams back. でもなんとかして、夢を取り戻してやりたいな
You mean that Santa had no plans for Christmas until last year? From what I saw a few days back, he doesn't look like he has plans this year either. つまり、あのサンタは去年まで何の予定もなかったってことですね。 先日の様子だと、今年も予定などなさそうですが
Even though Kana-chan told me not to come, I'm certain Chiaki-chan needs the Santa. カナちゃんは来るなって言ったけど、 千秋ちゃんはきっと、サンタを必要としてるよね
Don't watch TV when we're discussing something important here. 大事な話をしているときに、テレビなんか見るな
Concerning the Christmas present we're getting for Touma, We've been holding meetings for one week, and Christmas came before we knew it? トウマへのクリスマスプレゼントについて、 兄弟会議を一週間続けているうちに、 もうクリスマスか
Time doesn't wait for us. 時は俺達を待ってはくれない
We have to come to a conclusion immediately and go buy it. 早急に結論を出して買いに行かねば
Akira, Natsuki, do you think that is what Touma truly wish for? アキラ、ナツキ、お前たちはそれがトウマの本当の願いだと思っているのか?
It's true that Touma is a bit boyish when compared to girls of the same age. たしかにトウマは、同年代の少女たちに比べて、 いささか少年ぽいと言える
I see. Our past experiences will be a good reference. なるほど、過去の経験は参考になる
When she was that age, she'd follow us wherever we go. この頃は、どこに行くにも俺達の後をついて来てたよな
It's Christmas, and you haven't prepared anything! How long are you going to keep staring at the albums?! クリスマスなのに何も用意しないで、 いつまでアルバムなんか見てるんだよ!
Make it a proper Christmas once in a while, you stupid brothers! たまにはまともなクリスマスにしろよな、この馬鹿兄貴ども!
I remembered... In the end, we never could celebrate Christmas because of this. 思い出した…結局こんな感じで、ずっとクリスマスできなかったんだ
There should be no problem giving them on the day of Christmas itself. But if Minami is the type of person who would get upset about that... クリスマス当日に渡しても、何も問題はないはずだ。 でも、南がそういうの気にするタイプだったら…
Hey! It seems that it's okay even when it's three days past the "best before" date! おーい、賞味期限て3日過ぎても、 全然平気みたいだぞ
Well, the "best before" date and the expiry date are entirely different to begin with. まあ、もともと賞味期限と消費期限は別物だからな
What a cheeky stuffed toy we have here. ずいぶん生意気なぬいぐるみだねぇ
If I were in the same condition as when I was in Alaska, I'd have hunted the likes of you along with the King Salmon." That's what it's saying. アラスカにいたころの俺なら、 お前なんかキングサーモンと一緒に狩ってた所だ、 と言っている
Shut up! I'll teach you about the harsh living conditions of Japan! 黙れ!日本の冬の厳しさを教えてやる!
You know, you have to consider the feeling of the person you're giving present to. Because of the present you gave Chiaki, I had a hard time. お前ねぇ、プレゼントってのは、あげる人のことを考えないと。 お前の千秋へのプレゼントで、酷い目に遭ったよ
If I think about Manami's feelings in every way possible... 南の気持ちを、最大限に考えるなら…
Can't you tell by looking? It's boneless ham as thick as your thighs are. 見てわからないのか? お前の足と同じぐらい太いボンレスハムだ
Obviously, this is what you wear during New Year's Day. Incidentally, the men's clothing belongs to Makoto. 見ての通り、正月に着るあれだ。 ちなみに袴はマコトの
Whenever you talk about being Japanese, the traditional Japanese clothing comes to mind. And New Year's Day is about the kimono. That's common knowledge in Janan. 日本人といえば和服、 正月といえば着物。 これは日本の常識だ
There's no way I could wear such flamboyant clothes! こんなきらびやかな衣装、オレにはムリだって!
I understand your enthusiasm, but there is something you need more of right now. A sense of shame. その心意気は買おう。 だが、今のお前にはもっと必要なものがある。 恥じらいだ
But rest assured. I'm sure Haruka will tell you that you're cute. だが安心しろ。ハルカはきっとカワイイって言ってくれるよ
At the very least, with these we're ready for New Year. 何はともあれ、これで新年を迎えられそうだな
When a girl wears a kimono, she should take off her underwear, if I remember correctly? That's what my mother told me. She said that's the customary way of wearing a kimono. 女の人が着物を着るときって、 下着は脱ぐんじゃなかったっけ。 たしかお母さんがそう言っていたけど。 お着物を着る時の作法なんだって
I can't believe that one sentence could cause this interesting turn of events! Way to go, Yoshino. たった一言で、 ここまでおもしろい方向に場の空気を変えるとは…やるなヨシノ
If you don't get a confirmation from him soon, he might have other plans. 早く確認しないと、 予定入れちゃうかもしれないよ
Could she have hung up the receiver? 受話器が上がってるのかなぁ?
Yup. But if you don't keep track, your phone bill will skyrocket. うん。でも、気を付けないと電話代が沢山かかっちゃうから…
It won't be if you don't use it for a long time. 長電話しなかったら、 そんなでもないわよ
The part-timer Hosaka-kun who you brought along today... Why is he making soba noodles on his own? 今日君が連れてきたアルバイトの保坂くんは、 なぜ勝手にソバを打ってるのかね?
He's doing it for the woman he loves. Does he need any other reason for doing so? 愛する人のためっす。 他に何か、理由が必要っすか?
I believe that a meal should be something that brings peace to the heart. And I believe the girls feel the same way too. 食とは、もっと心休まる物だと思ったんだ。 そして、彼女もそう考えているだろう
That's not naive. It's tenderness. それは甘さじゃありませんよ。 優しさっす
What I wanted... was "change." The kind of change that would turn everything around. Enough for me to be reborn. 俺が望んだもの…それは変化だった。 それも全てをひっくり返すような変化だ。 生まれ変わる程の
My debts from playing the stocks, my losses from gambling... I lose out on everything I do. And tonight... I'm playing this game of Mahjong trying to cancel my debts, but I'm losing. 株式の負債、賭博の負け… 手を出すと、ことごとく失敗し、そして今夜… 借金の棒引きをかけての麻雀も連敗
If I lose, I'll have to pay a huge sum for the money I owe them. I bought life insurance a month ago... and the beneficiary for the plan is this man's, Ryuuzaki's, mistress. これが尽きたら俺は、多額の借金の支払いをしなければならない。 1カ月前入った生命保険… 受取人はこの男、竜崎の情婦
I can't afford to give them another one they need. This one should work. もう振れない… これなら通る!
This hand is so shitty, it makes me want to cry. 泣きたくなるような配牌だ
If anybody else wins this round, it'll all be over. この半チャン、ラスをくうと終わりだ
I'm not getting jack here! I feel like I'm suffocating... Someone please do something! Anyone! Even if it's the devil! 来ない! 変えてくれ…誰でも良い、この淀んだ空気。 誰でもいい!悪魔でも…!
Who the fuck are you? Go somewhere else to get out of the rain! なんだテメェは! 雨宿りなら別にしな!
I told him to check on me if he didn't hear from me by midnight. 12時を過ぎても俺から連絡がなければ、 様子を見に来いって言ってあったんだ
I only wanted a break. A chance to turn the tide. ただ俺は、間が欲しかった。 流れを変えるきっかけを
Look at them. They look like someone rained on their parade. The heat of the gamble is wearing off. 見ろ、奴らのシラけた面。 明らかに勝負の熱が引いてきている
The tide just might turn. 変わるかもしれない、流れが
Wait it out. Don't give up yet. 粘れ、 あきらめるな!
I can't push my luck here. It'll be a cheap hand with only the Chun three of a kind, but the 2 Pin should be a safe tile. ここは無理できない。 チュンのみの安手となるが、 2ピンなら現物だ
You'll only survive if you die. 死ねば助かるのに
But I can't sense any life in you. You don't have the will to win. ただ、いま気配が死んでいた。 背中に勝とうという強さがない
I know. You probably don't want to talk. I know you came close to death before you came here. わかるよ…話したくなんかないことだろ。 たぶんお前は、ここに来る前に死線を越えてきた
I can tell because I'm doing the same. I can sense the same thing from you. わかるんだ、俺も今死線をさ迷っているから、 そんな気配がさ
I can feel it in you. The power, luck, and will needed to win. 感じるんだ、お前から… 勝負する者に不可欠な、熱とツキと気
You'd be able to make it through. お前なら死線を越えられる
This is the beginning of the legendary Akagi Shigeru who will shock the underworld. 後に裏のマージャン界を震撼せしめる伝説の赤木茂。これがその始まり
At this time, he was only told the most basic rules of Mahjong five minutes before the match. He knew nothing of specific hands. He couldn't even be considered a beginner. このとき、アカギは卓につく5分前に マージャンのルールを簡単に説明されただけで、役など一切知らない… ど素人以前の状態だったという
Akagi will understand Mahjong little by little through playing. 実践のなかで、 アカギは少しずつマージャンを把握していく
He hadn't thrown in winning tiles, but he hadn't won any himself, either. An ordinary game. Though called a prodigy of the game later on, he still had yet to show a glimpse of his genius. 振り込みもしないが 上がりもない。平凡な内容… 後に天才と言われる その才気の片鱗は、まだ見えない
I must have been crazy to let this kid decide my fate. I should play starting on the next game. こんなガキにすべてを託すなんて、俺もどうかしてたぜ。 次の半チャンからは、やっぱり俺が…
Who could it be at this hour? 誰だ、こんな夜中に?
What do you call it? A game of chicken? Two kids head straight for a cliff and floor it... and whoever brakes first loses. A reckless game. チキンランて言うんですか? 2台の車が断崖めがけてフルスピードで突っ込んでいき、 先にブレーキを踏んだ方が負けという。 命知らずを競うゲーム
Well, that's what happened, and both cars fell into the ocean. One of the kids was sent to the hospital in critical condition... but the other seems to have swam his way to safety. そいつをやらかして、ブレーキが間に合わず、2台の車が海に落ち、 一人は重傷で病院に担ぎこまれたんですが、 もう一人は海に落ちてから自力で泳いで逃げたというんですよ
A chiken survivor. I thought you were a gutsy kid. チキンランの生き残りか。どうりで肝の座ったガキだと思ったよ
Get rid of them. We can't have cops seeing our faces, too. 追い払え。 サツに今顔を見られると、こっちも面倒なんだ
The cops won't back off because they came here on a lead. They'll barge their way in here within a minute. I want our stories to match, so give me an alibi and an ID. サツも何かネタがあって、ここをかぎつけたんだから、 たぶん引き下がらない。 ものの1分もしないうちに入ってくる。 その時、オレと口裏を合わせて、 オレの身分とアリバイを証明してくれればいい
Why do I have to go out of my way to help you? なんでオレがそこまで!
There he is. The kid in question, in a place like this. いるじゃねえか… 問題のガキが、こんな所に
Ryuuzaki doesn't want the cops to butt in, either. He has to cooperate with us. サツにしゃしゃり出られて困るのは竜崎も同じだからな。 ここは俺らに協力するしかない
But I've got witnesses. Besides, there are footprints on the stairs. Wet footprints made by that kid over there. みたってヤツがいるんだよ。 それに、階段に足音がある。 たぶんそこのガキがつけたびっしょり濡れた足跡がな
Officer, I made those prints when my uncle told me to go buy him some smokes. 刑事さん、それはさっき叔父に頼まれて、タバコを買いに行った時のものですよ
I told him nobody was open, but he forced me to go anyway. 僕もこんな夜中に無理だって言ったんだけど、 どうしてもって言うからしょうがなく…
Besides, officer, would someone like that be relaxing and playing Mahjong right now? それに刑事さん、そんなことした奴が、 こんなところで悠長に、麻雀打ってたりしてますかね?
Everyone knows he cheated. There's no way the yakuza would accept it. They'd react with force. To prevent that, he got the cops as his witnesses. 誰の目にもイカサマは明らか。 そんなものヤクザどもが認めるわけがない。 たとえ力ずくでも…だからこいつはそうさせないために、 サツを立会人にしやがった!
There's nothing to say about it. The ones who get scammed are the idiots. But kid... Make sure this is the last time. いいも悪いもねえ、 やられたほうがアホなんだ。 だがな小僧…一度だけにしておけよ
In this world, if you get caught doing it again, we'll cut off one of your fingers. You won't be forgiven, no matter how much you beg. We've never let it go unpunished. またやって現場を抑えられたら、 この世界じゃ指が飛ぶ。 どんなに泣き叫ぼうが許さない、 一度たりとも許したことはない
Fucking with the yakuza will sentence you to the harshest punishment in the world. There will be no exceptions. ヤクザを舐めた罪、それは… この世で1番重い実刑。 上昇酌量の余地なし…
He's a creepy kid. That guy's won twice in a row since the kid started playing. 気味のわるいガキですね。あのガキが絡んでから、 向こうの2連勝
You're asking for backup on an amateur kid? Have you no pride?! ど素人のガキ相手に応援だ? てめぇには面子ってものがねえのか?!
It's still pouring outside, so I'm gonna take it easy for a bit. 雨もひどいし、 俺はもう少しゆっくりしていくよ
No matter how many excuses you make, I know you're the one. The atmosphere in here tells me that it's you. I'll get to the bottom of this. どんなに巧妙に言い作ろうとも、 本命はやっぱりこのガキさ。 この場の空気が言葉以上に俺に語りかけやがる。 突きとめてやる、こいつの正体
He throws out these outrageous tiles, but never deals into anyone's hands. I don't know if he's doing it intuitively or through insight... but either way, this kid is the prime suspect in last night's incident. 何でも通す割りにはなぜか振り込みはしない。 これは直感なのか洞察なのか分からないが… いずれにしろ昨夜の事件、本命はやっぱり、このガキさ
How can he deal such risky tiles all the time? あんな危険牌をどうして無造作に切っていけるんだ?
A "back vein," for example, is when you'd deal the 6 Sou if you get a 3 Sou with these tiles. This property of Mahjong makes it highly likely that you will wait for a 2 or 5 Sou. 裏スジとは、例えばこの形で3ソウが来たら、 打ち出されるのは6ソウ。 待ちは2、5ソウになるパターンが多いという、麻雀のメカニズム
I knew it. I thought this area was the most dangerous. やっぱりな。 ここが1番キツイと思ってた
Everyone is just being distracted by the noise, so they can't hear the voices. みんなはノイズに惑わされ、 その声が届かないだけ
I can hear them. The three kinds of dealt tiles. オレには聞こえるのさ…捨て牌3種の声
At this rate, I'm going to have to pay that worthless cunt's 3 million in debt. このままじゃあのクズの借金300万、 俺が背負う羽目に…
Look at this hand and tell me which tile you'd cut. 例えばこんな手配、何切ります?
At first glance, it seems like I discarded the 7 Pin and 8 Man the same way... but each tile means something completely different. 一見同じように捨てた7ピンと8ワンですが、 意味する情報は全く逆です
8 Man was discarded because there were no other tiles near it. On the other hand, this 7 Pin has tiles around it that are waiting to be completed. 手中で浮いた形から捨てられた8ワンは、周りに待ちはありません。 逆に、この形からの7ピン切りは、周りに待ちがある危険な牌
If you want to classify discarded tiles in Mahjong, there are two kinds... Those in the safe zone, and those in the danger zone. 麻雀の捨て牌は、大別するならこの2種類… 安全エリアか、危険エリアか
But in reality, you can't determine which area some tiles are in... like static noise. Add those together, and you get three types. それに現実的にはどちらにも判断不能な、ノイズのような牌もあり、 これも加えれば3種
With these three types of tiles, you can explain the situation of every tile someone deals. この3種で すべての捨て牌は、100%説明がつきます
He glanced at the left corner of his tiles when he declared his Riichi. Yes, meaning he looked at the Man tiles. リーチの後、手配に目を落とし、左端へと目が走った。 そう、つまりマンズを見つめた
From that moment on, there was no way he'd be waiting on Pin tiles. He'd be waiting on Man tiles only. この瞬間、ピンズの待ちも消え、 待ちはマンズ1本
He only started playing Mahjong a few hours ago... and he can already see through the intrinsic qualities in the dealt tiles! And this amazing insight. 麻雀を始めて数時間で、 捨て牌の本質を裸にした… そして恐るべき洞察力
Ryuuzaki is no match for him. Akagi has far surpassed him. もう竜崎は敵ではない。 遥かに凌駕した
At this moment, Yagi thought nothing of Akagi. But that's only natural. His opponent, Akagi, is only a junior high school student. But he would rethink that position very soon. このとき、矢木は完全にアカギなど眼中にない。それも当然のこと。 対戦相手のアカギは、まだ中学生なのだ。 しかし、その見くびりはすぐに改められることになる
The reason for the discarding of the Chun pair finally surfaces... ようやく、アカギのチュン連打の狙いが浮かび上がる
The ability to smell a Dai San Gen just from the calling of the Haku. Anticipating future danger. ハクの1鳴きで大三元の匂いを嗅ぎつけるセンス… 危険への予知
He moves quickly, and always has an eye for the right tiles. Normal people would be reluctant to dump their 3 color straight... but this kid knows exactly how much that reluctance would slow him down. 打つ手が早い、見切りは抜群… 凡人が打てば3色に未練を残すが、 このガキはそんな未練がどれだけ自分の足を引っ張るか…よく知ってる
The difference is in his awareness. It's like having a shootout between a rifle with a scope and a badly modded gun. He'll be shot to death without question. 感度の差。 照準のついてるライフルと、粗悪な改造銃で撃ち合いをしているようなもの。 文句なく射殺される
He's 23000 points ahead, and it's already the South Second Round. To turn it around, I'd have to take some excessive measures. 2万3000の差があってもう南二ですよね。 ここから逆転となると、 かなり無茶もしなくちゃならない
And I hear he's still a beginner. That makes it all the more eerie and bizarre. 聞けばヤツは初心者って話ですが、 かえってそれも不気味。得体が知れない
It's best to not hold anything back. 舐めてかからない方が良い
I see. This man isn't stupid. He instantly saw the talent in Akagi. なるほど、この男バカじゃない。 一目でアカギの才能を見抜いたか
His opponent is just a junior high school kid. Most people would try to rush in and show off. He has a lot of restraint. 相手は中学生だ。 つい、いきがりたくなる場面。 よく自制した
He certainly belongs in a higher rank than Ryuuzaki. 確実に、竜崎より格上の打ち手
I can take advantage of this weakness and destroy his game. この隙をついてヤツの麻雀をガタガタにしてやる
There is nothing more fragile than when a genius loses his balance. 一度バランスを崩せば 才気すぐれるものほど脆い
Except... I have a request for you. Don't you think it's unfair? This game, that is. ただ、お前に一つ要求があるんだが。 不公平だと思わないか?この闘いが
Just think about it. Ryuuzaki-san will be out a lot of money if he loses. I'm his rep player, and if I lose to an amateur... my reputation will be fucked for life. 考えてもみろ、竜崎さんは負ければ大金を失う。 代わった代打ちの俺も、お前のような素人に負けたとなれば、 この世界じゃ生きて生きていけねぇ
But what about you? Even if you lose, only Nangou will be affected. You lose nothing. だがお前はどうだ?負けたからといって、困るのはこの南郷の旦那だけ。 お前は何も失わない
Of course, I know you won't be able to get that kind of money. That's why I'll accept an alternate form of payment if that happens. もちろん今のお前にそんな金を用意することは無理だ。 だからその場合は、金の代償を差し出すことで良しとする
But when there is something at stake, those qualities alone are not enough to win it. しかし賭けた物がある場合、 それらの能力だけでは絶対に勝てない
No matter how much you can read into your opponent's hand... it is worthless if you cannot trust your own judgment. いくら相手の手の内が読めても、 その読みを自分で信じられなければ無意味
If you do not have the ability to entrust your destiny to that judgment, it is meaningless. その読みに、自分の命運を預ける器量がなければ無意味
In other words, the will to trust yourself. The strength of your soul comes into question. つまり、己が能力を信じる心。 魂が問われてくる
An accurate judgment... together with a strong heart that allows it to come into full play under all this pressure. Akagi Shigeru's most prominent talent is that... he believes in his own judgment with an unwavering heart. 的確な読み…それをプレッシャーの中でそのまま発揮できる 強い心。 赤字茂の最も傑出した才能資質は、 自分の判断を信じる才能…揺れない心
If I don't win, Akagi will probably win this East First Round. But that's how I want it to be. 俺が上がらなきゃたぶんこの東一局、アカギが物にするだろう。 だが、ここはそれでいい
In exchange for the points he'll gain, he will also doubt his own judgment. That suspicion will affect him more and more as the game progresses. アカギは点棒を拾う代わりに 迷いを一つ抱くことになる。 その不信が後々ボディブローの様に効いてくるんだ
If he doubts his own judgment... it will create even greater doubt when the pressure increases in the end. It will most likely impair his game. 自分の読みに疑いを抱けば、後半もっとプレッシャーのかかった場面で 迷いを呼び、 十中八九、弱い打牌へと流れる
I've lived in this world longer than you. What I do to survive is much different than what you do. この世界で生き延びてきた俺だ。 シノギの発想が違うのさ
Even though it'll be effective for the upcoming games, most people wouldn't do this. 後の勝負の上では有効だと分かっていても、 なかなかそれはできない
You could lose a finger in this game of Mahjong. Anyone would try to win as much as possible. And yet... doesn't he want to keep his fingers? 負けたら指1本と公言してる麻雀だ。 つい点棒を拾いにいってしまう。 それをこいつ…惜しくねえのか自分が?
I knew it. A twisted way of playing, just as I suspected. Typical for someone who always tries to trap people. Such a weak imagination. やっぱりな。案の定ヒネた打ち方。 人をハメることばかり考えてきた人間の発想… 痩せた考え
He's opened my eyes. In reality, I was still looking down on this kid. But I'll take that all back. Because beneath everything, this kid is a demon. 今はっきり目が覚めましたよ。 まだ心のどこかで俺はこのガキを舐めていた。 しかし、もう毛ほども舐めたりはしない。 なぜなら、このガキの薄皮1枚剥いだその下は、魔物だから…!
I don't know what he's capable of. Without a doubt, he will become a great gambler in the future. But I can beat him now! 容量が計れない… 間違いなくこの男、将来とてつもない博徒になる。 しかし、今なら勝てる!
Just a few more games and I'll make that damn face of yours pale in fear. あと数局後、その面から血の気を引き抜いてやる
Even if regular people are able to harness the flow of the game... they are rarely able to take full advantage of it. But not with Akagi. 並みの人間は仮に流れをつかんでも、 案外それを生かせない。 しかし、ことアカギに限りそれはない
What Yagi is about to do is a form of cheating called a "caterpillar." 今矢木がやろうとしていること…それはキャタピラと呼ばれるイカサマ
He holds two of the 7 Sou in his left hand... and while pretending to push his wall forward, he inserts the two tiles into it. 左手に7ソウを2枚に握り込み、 自分の山を前に出す振りをしながら、 握りこんだ2枚の7ソウを送り込んでいく
The extra tiles on top get pushed underneath. The extra tiles on the bottom get pushed up. 溢れた牌は下へ、 余った牌は上へと移動
It ends by taking the two extra tiles on the right hand side. All this occurs in under two seconds. 最後に、右手で右端の2枚を持ってきて終了。 この間2秒弱
There is no hesitation in his movements due to the tens of thousands of times he's practiced it. Add this to the fact that all players are now focused on their own hands. It is rarely caught. 数万回と練習してきた動きだけに 淀みはない。 それに加えて、この時は皆リーパイに目が行っている。 まず見逃される
The two tiles he took do not mean anything. The two 7 Sou he left in his stack are what's important. It is the Dora indication tile. こうして引きいれた2牌に意味はない。 大切なのは山に置いてきた7ソウ2枚。 ドラ表示牌である
The 7 Sou next to it will become another Dora indication tile when a Kan is declared. さらにもう1枚の7ソウは、カンしたときのドラ表示牌
But even that genius has a weak point. He doesn't have any experience with rough play. He also doesn't know the risks of the Riichi. しかし、そんな天才にも弱点もある。 ラフプレイに対する経験が足りない。 加えてリーチの怖さも知らない
But it's hard to determine if that switch was intentional or accidental. Even if I say something, the argument will go nowhere. しかし今のケースはすり替えか、勘違いによる直し間違いか判断しにくい。 口をはさんでも水掛け論になるだけ
Riichi is completely powerless against future changes in situations. リーチは後の状況変化に対して、まったく無力なんだ
So that 3 Pin is going to be my draw. となると俺のツモは…あの3ピン
No matter how suspicious you are of it... your Riichi forces you to deal every draw unless it's your winning tile. それがどんなに疑わしいと感じていても、 リーチをしている以上、お前は上がり牌以外は切るしかない
Anyway, what you did there was pretty elaborate, Yagi-san. I'm going to be more direct. それにしても、随分手の込んだことをするね、矢木さん。 オレはもっと、ストレートに行くよ
He's going for a quick game! Akagi is trying to stop them cold. 早仕掛け… アカギのやつ絞りに行ったな
They don't have the guts to deal in any winning tiles during the last game of this big match. Because he already called twice, they'll only put out safe tiles. They're out of the game. この勝負、最後の1局で 振り込みの危険を犯す度胸は奴らにはない。 2鳴きとなれば 安牌オンリー…ベタ降り
It's highly likely that it's a Tan Yao. If he gets any of the Dora tiles, the 4000 point lead I have over him will turn over. タンヤオが濃厚だ。ドラが絡めば 4000の差は逆転する
But still, this is bizarre. He might be aiming for something else. しかし、それにしてもこれは異様… 何か別の狙いが、隠されているような…
It happened while Yasuoka was still wondering. 安岡の微かな予感の中…その事件は起きた
This kid's done it! He made a fatal fuck up at the last moment! やってくれたぜこのガキ… この土壇場で致命的ミス!
It's settled. He's waiting on a Man zi tile. So for at least this turn, anything besides Man zi tiles will go through. Even if it's the Dora tile, the 4 Sou. これで決まりだ…やつの待ちはマンズ待ち。 つまり、この一巡に限り、 マンズ以外の全ての牌が通る。 たとえそれが、最も危険なドラの4ソウであろうとも
That Kan of the 4 Man was just a trick. To Yagi, it looks like an ordinary Kan... but Akagi slipped the 4 Sou he drew in there! つまりあの4ワンカンからトリックだったんだ。 矢木の方から見れば普通のカンだが、 こいつはツモった4ソウをカンに仕込んでいたんだ!
And he knocked it over on purpose while trying to draw from the dead wall... allowing the others to confirm that he was waiting on a single Man zi tile. それを、リンシャン牌をツモる時、 わざと倒し…マンズの萬の部分だけを相手に確認させ、 マンズ単騎と勘違いさせる
But they live on their reputation. They can't turn it down. They're idiots that can't refuse, even though they know they'll lose. しかし男を売る稼業だ、 断れない… 負けると感じながら降りない阿呆
Akagi instinctively knows what it takes to crack a weakened person. 弱ってきた人間がどうすれば崩れるか、 アカギは本能的に察している
I never expected that one would come out. Your judgment is clouded, Yagi-san. That's it. そこが出るとはね… 目が曇ってるぜ、矢木さん。それだ
At this moment, something snapped in Yagi's mind. After that, it was all over. このとき、矢木の精神の何かが壊れ、 後は総崩れ
His game becomes increasingly weaker, and is easily influenced by Akagi's actions. 打牌が弱気一辺倒になり、 常にアカギの動向に左右される
Yagi no longer has the will to fight. 矢木にはもう戦う意志がない
Mahjong was not about winning with your own hands. Rather, it was about how to bring down your opponents. 麻雀は自分がいかに上がるか、というゲームではなく逆… いかに相手を降ろすかというゲーム
Only the ones who augment their own images can attain victory. 自らのイメージを増大した者が勝機を掴む
He must deal them in order to win, but he can't. But he hasn't forfeited the match. He is in a state of confusion. 上がりにかけるのなら切り出していくしかないのに、それができない。 かといって、完全に降りているわけでもない。 一種の錯乱状態
It's not over... it's not over yet. I'm putting the additional 3 million in and doubling up. Now the wager is 6 million. まだだ…まだ終わってない。 今の300万の勝ちを乗せて、さらに倍プッシュ… 600万のサシ勝負
I won't let it end yet. We're going to the very end, until one of us collapses. There'll be nothing left at the end of the match. We're going until we see the depths of hell. まだまだ終わらせない…限度一杯まで行く。 どちらかが完全に倒れるまで… 勝負の後は骨も残さない… 地獄の縁が見えるまで
They'll probably go back on their word. They might pay if it's a couple million... but if it becomes tens of millions, there's no way they'll pay. Of course they won't honor that. 反故にされるのがオチ。 数百万程度なら奴ら払うかもしれんが、 数千万となったら払いっこない。 開き直るに決まってる
It's best to officially do this another day. I'll get a yakuza boss I know to be a witness. 結局日を改めて正式に卓を囲むのが一番いい。 そのときはオレの知り合いの組長に立ち会ってもらうさ
There's going to be a lot of money at stake. Don't do this carelessly, Akagi. でかい金がかかってるんだ。 雑はやめようぜ、アカギ
We'll call it a day, but I'll need it in writing. 今日はこれで、お開きと行こうか。ただし、一筆書いてもらうぜ
I'll organize it. I'll contact you regarding the time and place in two or three days. I'll get you the best place to play. 仕切りは俺がやる。2、3日中に日時、 場所を連絡しよう。 最高の舞台を、セッティングしてやる
Sorry. I guess this isn't the best place to call a junior high school kid... but these are the only kinds of places I know. すまんな。中学生を呼び出すような所じゃねえが、 こんな店しかよう知らん
You can drink a few beers, right? お前もビールくらいいけるだろう?
Let me tell you what's already been decided. The match will be held in three days, on Friday at 8 P.M. It'll take place in the city at the Sasagawa Restaurant. 決まったことを言っておこう。 日時は3日後の金曜午後8時。 場所は都内の料亭笹川
But first... Tell me about the other condition of the match. その前に、もう一つの条件の方を言いなよ
Then let's talk about how we're going to split the winnings. If you win, I get 20%. Also, the expenses for this setup cost about 10%. じゃあ、分配の話に入ろうか。 この勝負に勝った場合、俺の取り分は20%。 あと今回のセッティングの必要経費が10%ほど
You'll get 20% as the rep player, and Nangou will get 50% for putting up the money. 残りは代打ちのアカギが2割。 タネ銭出してる南郷が5割ってとこが相場か
That irrationality is what makes this good. Either way, I don't think you should lower the wager. That would be suicide. その理に叶ってないところがいいんじゃない。 いずれにしろ、この勝負額は減らさない方がいい。 そんな真似したらそれこそ自殺行為だぜ
They're afraid of our insanity. I survived that night because I didn't brake. 奴らが恐れているのは、オレたちの狂気。 あの夜もブレーキを踏まないから助かった
That game was obviously rigged in their favor. First, they already knew where to brake. あのゲームは、明らかに相手に有利なように仕組まれていた。 第一に、ブレーキポイントを奴らは熟知していた
Second, they chose to be on the right side. They could always jump out the door on the right side. But the car on the left couldn't because the car on the right was in the way. そして第二に、奴らは右側の車を選択していた。 右側であれば、いざとなったら運転席側のドアから転がり出ることも可能だが、 左側は右側がジャマをして それができない
In order to win, I had to overturn all the existing conditions. オレが勝つためには、この勝負が成立してる前提を覆すしかなかった
My will to survive. At that moment, I didn't care if I died. I never intended to step on the brake. Of course, the car flew over the cliff at full speed. 死にたくないという意識。 オレはあの時、死んでもいいと思っていた。 ブレーキを不向きは端から無く、 当然車は勢いよく飛び出した
But the ocean suddenly gets deeper at a certain distance around that cliff. You'd have a higher chance of surviving if you didn't brake at all. 実はあの断崖は、ある距離飛ぶと 急激に海が深くなっていて、 なまじブレーキを踏むより ずっと助かる公算が高い
But the other guy was fixated on me and missed his chance to jump out of the car. And he also braked. だが、相手はオレに気を取られ、 飛び降りる時期を失い、 しかもブレーキを踏んだ
Of course, he crashed into the rocks as he fell into the water. 当然、岩場にぶつかりながら海へ…
And you want me to do the same?! I can't! そんな真似を俺にしろってのか?!できるわけない!
Yes, you can. In fact, you already did, Nangou-san. できる。というより事実、してたよ南郷さんは
It's either gaining money you couldn't get even if you worked for thirty years... or death. This was never a gamble you could take if you were sane. あと30年働いても 手にできない程の金を得るか、それとも死か… もともと通常の神経で渡れる橋じゃない
Nangou-san, throw yourself away. Just for another night. 南郷さん、自分を捨てちゃいなよ… あと一晩だけ
Why are you going to meet them just because they called you? They're the kind that kill people for money! 呼び出されたからって、なんだって会いに行くんだよ! あいつらは、金のためだったら人だって殺しかねない連中なんだぜ
Well, there's something I want from them, too. まぁ、こっちもあいつらから受け取りたいモノがあるんでね
We could die because of tonight's game of Mahjong. You don't have to be afraid, even if they try to imprison or threaten me. 今夜だって、死ぬ気生きるかのマージャンじゃない… 今更監禁も脅迫も怖かないでしょ
I'll come out when we're done. It'll take about thirty minutes. 用件が済み次第出てくる。 ま、30分だな
What's with this place? They get the worst kind of customers. なんだこの店は? 酷い客層だな
This place is under our control. You're in a dark pit right now. No matter what happens here, it'll never see the light of day. 固めた。 もうここは暗い穴ん中だ…何が起きても 闇から闇へ
You people all do the same thing. You'll never get anywhere by intimidating me. Get that through your heads. つくづくワンパターンだな。 圧力を背景にした取引は、オレには通じねえんだ。 いい加減に悟れ
I guess the rumors are true. You are an interesting kid. I'll be blunt. Come to our side. That's your only option for survival. こりゃ噂に違わずおもしろい男だ… ずばり言おう。寝返れ… もうお前に残された道はそれしかねえ
I would have thought you'd be smarter. Fine, let's do this until one of us dies. But you're the one who's going to die. もう少し利口な男かと思っていたが… いいだろう、どちらかが潰れるまでやろう。 しかしお前死ぬぞ
Right back at you. その言葉、そっくりお返ししますよ
There's nothing left to negotiate. 話にならんな
Then the deal's off. I'm leaving for today. Now, where's the thing you promised me? 決裂ですね。 じゃ今日はこれで帰ります。 約束のブツ…
You're still in junior high. What are you going to use that for? お前中学生だろ… そんなモン何に使うんだ?
There's this little incident I'm involved with. Isn't this pretty convenient? It's especially effective at making people drop their tough guy acts. ちょっとしたゴタゴタがあってさ… 便利でしょコレ? 特に悪ぶりたい人間の仮面を剥がすのに有効
Everyone stops acting the moment they see this. こいつの前では、みんな演技をやめてくれる
There's something about him that's completely different from the rest of you. It almost feels colder around him. As if a fish wandered its way into a pack of beasts. 気配がまるで違う… そこだけ温度が低い。 まるで獣の群れに、魚が一匹迷い込んだようだ
I want to see how real that expressionless face of yours is. The chances are 1 in 5. その無表情、どこまで素顔か確かめてやる。 確立は5分の1
The chambers are shifted once every time you pull the trigger... so if you loaded the bullet in the center chamber... the bullet will fire on the 4th, 9th, and 14th turn. 中央の弾奏に弾を込めた場合、 撃鉄を起こす際に一つ動くから、 弾が出るのは4回目、9回目、14回目…
Even an amateur can hear that the chamber revolved somewhere between 4 and 9 times. 今、弾奏が回転した音は、素人が聞いても 4と9の間だった
It may seem reckless, but it's all calculated. 一見無謀に見えて、実は全て計算づく
You may scare regular people, but it won't work on me. そのトリックに並の人間は度肝を抜かれるだろうが、 わしには通じんよ…
You don't even know if you'll survive until tonight. We're only half done here. まだ今晩まで命が繋がっているかどうかわからない。 まだ半分しか済んでない…
You pulled the trigger at me. Thus, you must do the same to yourself. That is how we can end this peacefully. 君はわしに向けて引き金を引いた… ならば自分に向けても一度引くべきだ。 それでこそ、この場は丸く収まろうというもの
Do what you want. But you're the one pulling the trigger. Then we'll be even. 好きにしなよ。 ただし、引き金はあんたが引くんだ。 それでこそ、五分と五分
In this world, the more reckless and insane things make it all the more intriguing. この世の中、バカな真似ほど… 狂気の沙汰ほど面白い
When I was young, I played a similar game. The gun misfired and I lost my sight. わしも若いころ、丁度こんな遊びをして 銃が暴発…視力を失った
Sorry, but be patient with me. I can't aim unless I do this. But it's fine now. If it fires, you'll go straight to hell. 悪いが、少し我慢してくれよ。 こうでもしないと狙いがつけられねぇのさ。でもこれなら大丈夫。 弾が出れば、文句なく地獄行きだ…
It's interesting. The more insane, the more interesting it is. 面白い…狂気の沙汰ほど面白い
Stop it, Ichikawa! What are you gonna do if it fires? やめるんだ、市川!こんなガキに付き合って、万が一…
One of my kind? No, no one is like me. One of us is a fake. The fake pariah. 同類の男…いや、オレの同類など存在しない。 ヤツかオレ…どちらかが偽。 偽りの無頼
Something's not right. I didn't notice anything strange when the Kawada Group called him in earlier today. 変だな…昼間、川田組の奴らに呼び出されたときは、 変わった様子はなかったのに…
He's still alive, but we don't know if he'll ever look the same again! あいつ命こそ助かったが、正直、元通りの体になるかどうかも わかりゃしねえんだ!
One wrong move and I would have ended up the same way. 間違ってたら、オレがそうなってた
That damn cocky attitude of yours... You probably think we won't do anything excessive. Too bad, but that's not how it works! このふてぶてしい態度… どうせたいしたことはできやしねぇとたかをくくってやがる… 残念だが、その計算はきかねぇよ
I'm still a minor. Killing one person isn't gonna mean shit. オレはまだ未成年だ。 人一人殺したって、どうってこたぁねぇ
It's not enough. Even as a minor, I won't get away with killing three people. まだ足りねえよ…いくら未成年でも、 3人も殺したとなったらただじゃ済まねぇ…
I want you to injure me enough so I can use self-defense as an excuse. 正当防衛の言い訳が通用するくらいの 傷は負いたいもんさ…
You, too! Apologize to him! We don't know what he'll do when he snaps! お前もあやまれ! こいつキレると何をするか…
Have you come to your senses now? When you say, "Just kill this fucker..." that means you don't mind being killed yourself. 切れたセンは繋がったかい…? こんなヤロー殺しちまえってことは、 自分も殺されても構わないってことだ
He's late. It's way past the set time. 遅いな…約束の時間は過ぎたっていうのに
I guess we should get on with it. やるしかないか…
Come on! There's no way I can beat him! そんな!勝てるわけないじゃないですか!
We might not stand a chance against him... but there's still a way. 俺達がどうこうできる相手じゃないかも知れんが…手はある
There are two new rules added to this game. この戦いには、新たに二つのルールが加わった
Out of necessity, due to Ichikawa's blindness... the other three players must say each tile they deal out loud. 相手の市川が盲人であるが故の必然… 打牌の時、他の3人は何を切ったか発声すること
Only go for self-draw wins. Don't count on the others to deal into your hand. ツモ上がりだけを狙っていく戦法。 相手の振り込みは一切期待しない
But that only lasted until the East Second Round... Ichikawa already saw through his strategy. しかしそれも東二局まで… すでに市川は、その戦略を看破していた
Nangou... if you hesitate now, you're only playing into his hand. 南郷…ここで迷ったら相手の思うツボだぞ
This man is the same as the others I've killed... The same kind... この男も、わしが今までに殺してきた男と同じ…その類型
When amateurs play us, they only pick one of two strategies. Declaring Riichi the moment they're in Ten Pai, or going for Tsumos only on edge waits. 素人がわしらと戦うとき、用いて来る戦略はおおよそ二つ。 テンパイ即リーか リャンメン待ちに変化を待ってのツモ狙いか…
Ichikawa is going for the number tiles on the edges. I can't deal the 9 Man. 市川は端の数牌を狙っている。 この9ワンは切れない
Nangou and Yasuoka cannot afford to lose this game. But they are now in the worst possible position. 南郷も安岡も、決して負けるわけにはいかない勝負。 しかし、状況は最悪となった
They only have 2000 points left. Everything will end if they lose them. 残る点棒はわずか2000。 これを失えば、全てが終わる
He's taking the offensive now... That's fine, but you're too late. You should have maintained that mentality from the first game if you wanted to win. 開き直ったか…結構なことだが、しかし遅すぎたな。 あんたが勝つには、その心境を 東一局で持たなければいけなかった
Nangou knows quite well that this is a fruitless struggle. But right now, he has no choice but to go through with it. 南郷も悪足掻きであることは承知している。 しかし、それを承知の上で突っ走るしかない状況
This all happened in the same turn. That ray of hope instantly disappears, and dark clouds start to gather above. これが、わずか一巡の出来事。 瞬く間に日は雲間に消え、 再び暗雲立ちこめる
I only have these four tiles... I can't deal any of them... 手配はこの4牌のみ… とてもかわしきれない
I have to win on this draw. As long as I draw the right tile, it'll be all right. 上がりきるしかない… 俺がここでツモれば、問題ない
Nangou prays hard. He reaches into the wall, as if trying to shake hands with the goddess of victory. 南郷必至の祈り。勝利の女神… その握手を求めるようにツモ山へ
But... He has grabbed the hand of Death itself. Now all the tiles in his hand are risky. がしかし、掴んだのは死神の手。 これで手中はすべて危険牌
Dealing any of them is suicide. It's no different than throwing myself off a cliff. この牌を切るのはまるで身投げ。 ガケを飛び降りる自殺となんら変わらない行為…
You're really hanging by a thread, Nangou-san... There's only one tile you can deal here. I'll make sure this passes. ギリギリもいいところじゃない、南郷さん… ま、この場面じゃこれしかないな。 オレがこの牌、必ず通す
The little brat bumped it! He instinctively figured out that the Haku and Chun were both winning tiles... and he bumped the Xia with the Chun while everyone was watching! このガキ、弾きやがったんだ! おそらくハク、チュンとも直感的にロン牌と察し、 この土壇場、衆人観衆の中、そのチュンでシャーの頭を弾いたんだ!
When dealing the Chun, he flicked the Xia down. A sleight of hand where it looked like he dealt the Xia when he put down the tile. チュンを切るときに、シャーの頭を弾いて下へ持っていく。 捨て牌の動作が終わった時に、 シャーを切ったように見せるという早業
It's unthinkable that he'd do this on his first dealing in such a big match. He's such a villain. 考えられん… この大舞台の第一打で、 なんという悪党ぶりだ
Looks like it passed. The ends justify the means. Just go to hell for now, Nangou-san... どうやら通ったらしいな。 手段は選ばない… 地獄を一度くぐっちまうことさ、南郷さん
The goddess of luck is always lying in wait down there. ツキの女神はいつだって、その先にしゃがみ込んでいる
Meaning, I can't win unless I get direct hits on Ichikawa. Either way, I should save up some points first... from easier targets. 市川から直撃で上がりを取らなきゃ、勝機はねえって事か。 まあしかし、今は点棒を仕入れておこう…取りやすいところから
They are only here to fill up the numbers. A lot of money is riding on this match, so their mentality is quite obvious. 大金のかかったサシ勝負に、 人数あわせのために入った 彼らの心理は読みやすい
They only want to keep low profiles. They are playing it safe and trying to avoid dealing into winning hands. 所詮場を乱したくないだけ。 振り込みを極力避ける、ことなかれ主義
Akagi takes advantage of that mentality quite easily. その心理を、アカギはいとも簡単に絡めとっていく
Out of the game, as expected... I'd like to see what you'll do when you run out of safe tiles. 案の定ベタ降りか… 現物がなくなった時が見物だぜ
That is the difficult part. The real match has just begun. これが至難。 本当の勝負はこれから
No one knows what Akagi is doing. But one person does. 皆その意図がわからない。 しかし、ただ一人市川だけは察する
He figured that it'd be difficult to get a direct hit if he played normally. He's playing it so that one of the number tiles gets omitted from the game completely. 並の打ち合いでは、互いに直撃は取りにくいと判断して、 三種の数牌のうち、あえて一種を殺していったんだ
Holy shit! How could he wait on that? It was a double-layered trap. He pretended to give up on a single wait for the 2 Pin... and hid another 1 Pin for the single wait in his hand. このガキなんて待ちしやがる!二枚腰…! 中盤いかにもあきらめたように単騎のリャンピンを落として見せ、 その奥にもう一枚隠していたピンズ単騎待ち…!
Diabolical! No kid would ever think of something like this! 悪魔じみている…こんなのガキの発想じゃねぇ…!
At first, it seems that Ichikawa is being outsmarted by Akagi's ever-changing playing style. But that is not the case. こうしたアカギの変幻自在の打ち回しに、 当初市川は翻弄されたかに見えたが… 実は違う
Ichikawa maintains a more orthodox style. He is not fixated on getting a direct hit on Akagi. He also gets Tsumos from time to time. 市川はオーソドックス。 上がりもアカギからの直撃にこだわらない。 ツモもしばしば見せた
Akagi favors variation, and Ichikawa sticks to the basics. But the difference widens in time. 変化を好むアカギに対して、基本に忠実という感じの市川。 しかし、徐々に差がつき開いていった
They're both winning the same amount of times, but the value of each win is different. Since Akagi keeps getting variable waits, his hands are worth less. 互いに打ちとっている回数は同じだが、 上がり点は違う。 これは当然、アカギのような変則待ちは、 役が絡みにくい
On the other hand, Ichikawa consistently aims for hands that are worth much more. 一方市川は、麻雀の王道をいく役が、常に手配に絡んできている
His play style may be dull, but his winnings are big. There's no way Akagi can beat him if they compete in points. 確かに上がり方に芸はないが、 確実に上がりは大きい。これは…アカギが点棒競争で 勝てるわけない
You go ahead and keep playing your flashy style. I don't mind being graceless. I'll just win. 君はせいぜい上手な麻雀をやるがいい。 わしは下手でいい。ただ勝つ
You can't beat me as long as you prefer that sort of style. 華やかなことが好きな君に、わしは倒せんさ
To defeat me would mean that you must overturn all the rational rules of Mahjong. Even God cannot do that. わしを倒すということは、麻雀の持つ合理性の否定… そんなことは神にも不可能
This is the first turning point of the match. Whether lchikawa will deal the fatal blow, or whether Akagi will make a comeback. ついに最初の山場が来たな。 市川が決定打を放つか、 アカギが盛り返すか…
Akagi, isn't that a bit reckless? The game isn't flowing in your favor. アカギ、それはちょっと無謀じゃないか? 今流れはお前にはない
It's highly likely that you'll draw Ichikawa's winning tiles. ロン牌をつかむのは市川よりむしろ、お前の方だぞ
Yes, Yasuoka's guess is correct. Akagi currently has no momentum. Ichikawa is the one dominating the game. そう、安岡の推察は当たっていた。 このときアカギに勢いはなく、 好調なのは市川
Ichikawa is now in wait for a 2, 5, and 8 Man. He changes his wait to the 8 Man, the tile he thinks Akagi will discard next. 市川、これで…2、5、8ワン待ち。 アカギが次に溢れそうな 8ワンへと待ちを移行
If his target moves away, he will follow it there. 攻撃目標が動けば、それにピタリとついていく
With this, Akagi uses up his 8 Man. And he deals the 9 Man. それを受けて8ワンを使い切る。 そして打9ワン
He avoids Ichikawa's waiting tiles yet again. 市川の待ちを再び振り切る
This is one of Ichikawa's winning tiles. But he doesn't move. He is only going for direct hits on Akagi. これは市川のロン牌。しかし動かない… あくまでアカギからの直撃を取りに行くハラ
With this call, Akagi catches up to Ichikawa. He avoids all of Ichikawa's winning tiles and is now in Ten Pai himself. この鳴きで、ついに市川に追いついた。 市川の待ちをくぐり抜け、ついにテンパッた
Of course, Ichikawa's chase for the winning tiles was quite amazing. That insight and tenacity was almost superhuman. 確かに、執拗に余り牌を追う市川の麻雀は、すごかった。 人間技を超える読みと執念
But in the strategic content, Akagi did not completely lose. Actually, in terms of impact, Akagi may be stronger. しかしアカギも内容では、決して負けちゃいない。 いや、凄みという意味では、市川以上かも
In the last game, Akagi consistently dodged all of Ichikawa's waiting tiles... and arrived at his 1 and 4 wait Ten Pai. What would you have dealt when you drew the 7 Man? この局、アカギは市川の待ちを避けつつ、 やっとたどり着いた1、4ワン待ちテンパイ。 そこに持ってきた7ワン…あんたなら何を切る?
Wouldn't you have reached for the 7 Man? If that tile should pass, anyone would rather not break their Ten Pai. おそらく7ワンに手が伸びるんじゃないか? 万が一通った場合を考え、テンパイの形を維持しておきたいのが人情
But Akagi didn't pursue that "if." If he did and had dealt that Dora tile, the 7 Man... Ichikawa's hand would have become a Bai Man, and Akagi would have died. しかし、アカギはその万が一…「もし」を追わなかった。 7ワンを切っていたらドラが絡み、 バイマンまで手が伸び、 アカギはとんでいた
Who knows if a normal person would have taken all that into consideration... Even if they had, do you think they could have taken apart their Ten Pai? 凡人にはそこまで気が回ったかどうか… 回ったとして、テンパイの誘惑を絶てたかどうか…
Chasing after such transient "ifs" will never lead to victory! I can hear Akagi's determination from the way he kept the 7 Man. もしなどという、儚いものを追いかけていて、勝てるわけがない! この残した7ワンからは、そんなアカギの意志が声となって聞こえてくる…
"Winning" occurs in reality. There is no way one can win without pursuing it in reality. 勝つということは、現実の中の出来事なのだ。 現実を追及せずして、勝てるわけがない
Though Akagi dealt a winning tile, he left his will behind. The will to win in "reality." アカギは、振込つつも意志は残した。 現実の中で勝とうとする意志
The flow of the game is obviously in Ichikawa's favor. Akagi only has 5,000 points left. He has nothing to fall back on. This may be the end. 流れは明らかに市川。 アカギの点棒残り5000。 後はない… 全て終わる
We can tell that this man is a better player than you. But you've always overturned all of that. こんな男相手じゃ、力に差があることは分かる。 しかしお前はそんな常識をいつも覆してくれた
Please... show me that genius again, Show how you can play your way out of this! 頼む…もう一度だけ見せてくれ。 この窮地からの脱出…
Akagi is desperate with this bluff. アカギは今、このブラフに必死になっている
Tiles near the Dora are very likely to be waiting tiles for the players with Riichi. Akagi prepared for death and dealt those tiles. リーチ者にあのあたりのマンズは大本命。 あの2牌…アカギが死ぬことも決意して落とした牌
Even as his own hand was a mess. He is putting his life on the line with this hand. It would seem foolish at first... but that is necessary to deceive another. 自分の手はバラバラ。 こんなゴミ手に命を張っているという、 一見愚かしく見える行為… しかし、それこそが実は人を騙すときのポイント
Impratical actions cause people to second-guess themselves. How can one deceive another without putting oneself at risk? 採算の合わない行為が人を打つ。 自分の身を削らずして、どうして人を騙せよう…
Akagi's spirit will elicit suspicion from the others. Suspicion creates delusion, and delusion gives birth to fear. そんなアカギの気迫が、相手の疑惑を呼ぶ。 疑惑が妄想を育て、 妄想は恐怖を生む
To the other players, this trash hand does not appear to be a trash hand. いま連中には、このゴミ手が、ゴミ手に見えなくなっている
With this dealing, Akagi's bluff controls the whole table. この一打で、アカギのブラフはこの場を完全に支配した
And when one controls the atmosphere, lies become truth. Akagi's truth is obtained by weakening himself. そして一度支配してしまえば、 虚もまた真実。 身を削って演出した、アカギの真実
A rational decision from Ichikawa. He must have seen that Kokushi Musou hand as 90% bluff... but if it wasn't a bluff, Akagi would be out of range again. In that case, he would rather throw this game away. いかにも合理主義者の市川らしい判断。 あの国士、市川は9割がたブラフと見抜いていたのだろうが、 万が一また射程外へ逃げてしまうのなら、 いっそこの局は流してしまえ、そう考えた
This dealing is only natural to Ichikawa. But having Ichikawa back down may cause the flow of the game to change. この差し込みは市川にしてみれば当然の判断。 しかしこの曲げた1打で 勝負の流れは変わるやもしれん
To claim that lies are the truth, Akagi will bleed himself without hesitation. Each deal by Akagi, dripping with his blood, was able to put pressure on Ichikawa. 虚を実と言い張るために、 ためらいなく身を削り血を流す。 血糊で濡れたようなアカギの1打1打が、 あの市川を圧したのだ
Akagi has made it back from hell. And his hand looks as if he made a pact with the devil. 地獄の縁から帰ってきたばかりのアカギ… その配牌は、まるで悪魔と取引してきたよう…
Akagi always gets impossible hands whenever he comes back from near death. 死線を超えた後、 アカギは必ず鬼手を引いてくる…
The sand in the depths of hell is magical sand. Touching it will reverse fortune and one's own destruction. Like both sides of the same coin. 地獄の縁の砂は魔法の砂。 それに触れてくると、強い運と破滅が引っくり返る。 コインの表と裏のように
But the main problem still lies ahead. He is unable to break through Ichikawa's wall. しかし、問題なのはこの後。 突き崩せない壁、市川
He has not been able to get any wins off Ichikawa. He can't be winning unless he decreases some of Ichikawa's points. 肝心のこの市川からは上がりが取れていない。 この勝負、市川の点棒を減らさなければ勝ちが近づいたことにはならない
Building up all these points means nothing to both of us. お互いこんな点棒を、ただかき集めてもしょうがない
Let's cut it down to a tenth. I want us to cut our 50,000 and 100,000... to 5,000 and 10,000 and start over. 十分の1にしよう。 オレたちが持っている点棒、5万10万を、 一挙に5千1万まで下げて、仕切り直ししようってこと
Just when I thought you brought it back up to 50,000, into the safe zone... why would you do something so risky? せっかく5万点まで増えて安全圏に入ったと思ってたのに… なんでそんな危ないことを?
No, this might be interesting. Ichikawa has 100,000 left. It's almost impossible to take all of that away. いや、面白いかもしれない。 市川の持ち点は10万点。 これをゼロにするのはほとんど不可能
So it might not be a bad idea to go with this gamble. The problem is whether Ichikawa will accept it. それなら賭けに出るのも悪くない。 問題はこの提案を市川が受けるかどうか
I would refuse even if you had 100,000. 仮にお前が、わしと同じ10万点まで点棒を積み上げたとしても、断るよ
I would not lower my chance of winning by even 1%. 勝つ可能性を1%でも減らすことは、わしはせんよ
Stubborn old geezer. Looks like I'll have to do it by force. しょうがねえな、聞き分けのないジジイだ。 もう、実力行使しかねえか
The brat's up to something again. What is he going to do? このガキ、またよからぬことを考えてやがるな… 一体何をする気だ?
It's ordinary, but that's the only thing he can do right now. 平凡だがまぁここはこれしかあるまい
He only made it look like a calling mistake. That in itself is a trap. Since he can still call tiles, it means he's not in Ten Pai. At the very least, the whole vein of the 6 and 9 Man he threw a way would seem like safe tiles. 勘違いに見せた鳴きミス、 この行為そのものがワナ… まず、まだ鳴きが入るのだからテンパイではない。 少なくとも鳴いた6ワンと捨てた9ワン、 この筋は安牌に見える
Most people would be tricked by this if he was being this elaborate! Ichikawa should be no exception. ここまで念入りにされたら、大抵の人間はダマされる。 この市川とて、例外じゃない
That was supposed to be the 4th Xia. That can't be. このシャーはたしか4枚目…そんなことは絶対…
He switched the Xia with the 9 Man! He took it after that call! When he was bringing the tile back into this pond! シャーが9ワンに入れ替わってやがる! 抜いたんだ、あの鳴きの後。 牌を戻すときに…!
He's pulling these stunts again! Is this what he meant by force? 滅茶苦茶やりやがる…! 実力行使とはこのことか…
He's done it now. I can't do anything if he does this again. The longer the game takes, the more of a disadvantage I'll be at. I see... やってくれるぜ… このサマをやられるとわしらはお手上げだ。 長期戦になればなるほど不利…そういうことか
How about it, Ichikawa-san? Will you accept my offer? どうですか市川さん… 受けていただけませんか?
I'll make you regret cheating against me, Akagi. このわし相手にイカサマを使うとは…後悔させてやるぞ、アカギ
He got his way in the end. He's such a thug. When I see how elaborate he is, I feel more respect for his talent than disgust for his actions. 結局、自分の思い通りに事を進めやがった…なんたる悪党ぶり。 ここまでくると嫌味より、 その手際の良さに惚れ惚れとしてしまう天賦の才
Yes, Akagi's nature... is, without a doubt, "evil." A rogue of the highest grade and caliber. A picaro. そう、アカギの本質…それは、まぎれもなく悪。 それも、最上級最高峰の資質…ピカロ
There's nothing to think about. They're both under 10,000 points. The match could end with this game. どうもこうもない、 互いに1万点を割ってるんだ。 この局で勝負がつく可能性だってある
But the game's going in Akagi's favor right now. He could end it right away. しかしアカギに流れのある今、 案外あっさり決めてしまうかも
Akagi is in luck. If he draws a good tile, he could get a Hane Man. If he wins this one, he wins the match. やはり流れはアカギ、 高めからハネマンもある。 上がれば勝ち
You never run out of the devil's own luck. But that ends here. It could be the next game, or the one after that. You WILL die. 悪運尽きねえ野郎だ…が、それもここまで。 次かその次、確実にお前は死ぬ
Playing tricks is fine, but you chose the wrong person to play them on. イタズラも結構だが、やる相手を間違えたな
Players of Ichikawa's caliber can easily memorize the tiles on his wall. 市川クラスがその気になれば、自分の積んだ山を記憶するくらい何でもない
In effect, he can choose any of the eighteen tiles to draw. 都合18牌の中から好きなものを選べる
Mind if I get some air? ちょっと外の空気を吸ってきていいか?
Though you did it to shorten the game, you started it. But you dug your own grave with that. Ichikawa hadn't cheated, because he thought he was in a higher class. You gave Ichikawa an excuse to cheat. 短期戦に持ち込むためとはいえ、先に仕掛けたのはお前だ。 それが墓穴… 今まで格下ということでヒラに徹してきた市川に、 イカサマをする口実を与えてしまった
Can you beat him if he does that?! そんなことやられて勝てるのかよ?!
Depends on the dice roll. When we start the next game, if Ichikawa's entire wall is untouched... he will show no mercy. He will almost certainly win by a Tsumo by the 4th turn. 出目次第さ。次の局の配牌時、 市川の前に山が丸々残るようなことがあれば、 あの男は容赦しない。 まず4巡でツモ上がる
If that were to happen, it would mean the heavens have forsaken us. Just be prepared for it. そのときは、 天がオレたちを見放したのさ。 お互い覚悟しようぜ
On the other hand, if he's in a situation where he can't cheat, I will have the advantage. In that case, the heavens have chosen me. They're telling me to win. しかし、その逆…奴のイカサマができない状況なら、 オレに分があると考える。もしそうなら、 天の意志がオレを選んでいる。オレに勝てと言っているんだ
For Akagi to survive, he must depend on the fate of the dice roll. アカギが生き残るには、 まずサイの目に運命を託す
If they roll in Ichikawa's favor, who is this game's dealer, Akagi's loss will already be decided. That would also mean certain death for Nangou and Yasuoka. その目が親の市川に有利に出れば、 その時点でアカギの負けは決まる。 それは、安岡や南郷の死をも意味する
That's the worst possible starting hand. But he still has to make something of it. 最低の配牌… しかし、こんな手でも頑張るしかないか
There's no guarantee that Ichikawa won't have his wall intact for the next game. 次局また市川の前から山が消える保障は、どこにもない
There's no need to overextend myself here. I can finish this in an instant if my wall is left intact for the next game. ここは無理することはない。 次局、わしの前に山があれば、 一瞬でケリがつく
He's only trying to make it into a winning hand, no matter how cheap it is. ともかく上がりの形に持っていこうという、ただそれだけの打ち筋…
Normally, this Pei is nothing. But if three coincidences overlap, he may be forced to pay for a Man Gan hand. 通常このペイは怖くないはず。 しかしある偶然が三つ重なると、 マンガン出費もあり得る
Normally, I wouldn't even consider this possibility. But you cannot measure this kid's capacity. 常識なら考慮にも値しない可能性… しかし、この小僧だけは、通常の常識では計れない
Ichikawa had taken his last resort earlier. If he cannot switch the dead wall tile, he will switch the new Dora tile indicator. 先ほど市川は最後の手段をとっていた。 リンシャンハイがダメなら、 新ドラ表示牌をすり替える
Unless Akagi has more than 2 Dora, he cannot have a Man Gan. There is a Haku in Akagi's pond. Meaning, if he makes the Chun the Dora indicator, Akagi will not have any new Dora tiles. ドラが二つ以上乗らなければ、アカギにマンガンはない。 アカギの捨て牌にはハクがある。 つまり、チュンを乗せておけば、 アカギに新ドラが付くことはない
I would have died if I hadh't switched the tile. すり替えなければわしが死んでいた…
I switched his luck with the Chun. He won't have any new Dora tiles. 奴の強運をチュンと摩り替えてかわした。 新ドラは乗らない
Not everything is going to go the way you want! 図々しい、そううまくいくかよ!
You'd want to grab at every hand you could in this game... yet you threw away the bonus tile? How could you do such an irrational thing?! イーハンでも欲しいあの局面で、 せっかく重なった役牌を… そんな不合理なこと…!
Rationality is a rule of your world. It's too bad, but that doesn't apply to me. 合理性は、あくまであんたの世界でのルール。 残念ながら、その縄じゃオレは縛れない
Entrusting yourself to irrlationality is the essence of gambling. 不合理に身を委ねてこそ、 ギャンブル
So you dealt your Haku to bait me! You dealt it to make me switch the tile! You did that on purpose! その捨て牌のハクは、わしを誘うために…! わしにわざとすり替えさせるために… そのためにワザと…!
Akagi laid a trap... to make Ichikawa think he didn't have any Haku tiles. He threw away a Haku, a bonus tile... An unthinkable dealing. アカギは罠を仕掛けたのだ… 市川にハクを持っていないと思い込ませる為に、 役牌ハクのアンコウを落としていくという、 常識では考えられない選択
He had multiple layers of insurance. Ichikawa believed he had escaped danger. But in the next moment, he would realize the truth. He had been dancing on Akagi's palm the whole time. 幾重にもかけたはずの保険。 市川は難を逃れたと確信したはずだった。 しかし、その直後思い知らされる… 全てはアカギの手の中で踊らされていたことを
Akagi's game is not based on mere luck. His technique is above and beyond, his capacity is immeasurable... and he has a natural-born talent that sets him apart from the rest. 結局アカギのこの勝ちは、強運だけでは片付けられない。 技術が上なのだ、器が上… 他人の寄せ付けない圧倒的才能
This match isn't going to end until one of us dies. That's the kind of gamble it was. この勝負、もともとどちらかが破滅しなき収まらない。 そういう博打
I want to say "yes." But that's not how it's going to go. I never expected Ichikawa to lose. We don't have another player. そうだと言いたい所だが、 そうもいかねえよ。 まさか市川が敗れるなどと考えてもいねえ。 打ち手がいねえんだよもう
Just do a rematch with Ichikawa-san. We were evenly matched. 市川さんで再戦してくればいいじゃないですか。 勝負は五分五分だった
It's over for him. After this match, he knows he belongs to a lower rank than you. Ichikawa will never be able to beat you for the rest of his life. ヤツはもうダメだ。今の勝負で 格付けが済んじまった… もう市川はお前には及ばない、今後一切な
The moment Ichikawa lost the first time, we had no way of winning the match. We're out! Regrettably, that decision won't change. つまり市川が敗れた時点で、 こっちの勝ち目は消えちまったんだ。 降りる!その決断は変わらない
It's fine, Akagi. Let's just leave it at this. If you want, I could set this kind of stage for you at any time. いいじゃねぇかアカギ、今回はこれくらいで。 なあに、お望みならこういう舞台はいくらでもセッティングしてやる
That's yours. It's way too much for a kid in junior high, though! それはお前の分。中学生には過ぎた額だがな
Akagi's expression left an impression on me. I still remember it to this day. その時のアカギの表情が印象的で、今でもよく憶えている
They were the eyes of a child who grew bored with a toy. The insanity that filled him earlier was completely gone. His eyes were pure. 子供が興味のないおもちゃを見つめる目。 さっきまでのアカギの狂気が去っている。 キレイな目だった
I stepped back and saw that Akagi was just a junior high school kid. A 13-year-old boy. ふと見ると、アカギはあたりまえの中学生。13の少年
As if something that had possessed him was now gone. And in that moment, I realized the secret behind Akagi's strength. What Akagi had that I didn't. Its true identity. まるで憑き物が落ちたよう。 そしてその時、俺はふいにわかったんだ…アカギの強さの秘密。 アカギにはあって、俺にはないもの…その正体
Starting that night, I would never gamble again. I'd never make it big with gambling... because I'd never be able to have that look in my eyes. 今夜限りギャンブルから足を洗おう。 俺がギャンブルで大成するわけがない… なぜなら、俺には生涯あんな目はできないだろうから
Has he built himself unimaginable riches? Or has he been taken over by gambling itself? ヤツは今頃巨万の富を築いているだろうか…? それとも、ギャンブルの炎に焼かれてしまっただろうか…
The God of Travelers probably wants to tell you that it's impossible for you to go on a journey. 旅人の神様が、 キノには旅は無理だって言いたいんだよ
Maybe so... かもね…
Sheesh, you're so stubborn once you've made up your mind. まったく、一度決めたら意見を変えないんだから
But I think you should decide pretty soon. Do you go back to master's place, or do you continue running and turn into a mummy? でもさ、そろそろ決めるべきだと思うよ。 お師匠さんのところへ戻るか、 走り続けてミイラになるか
Kino, the most important thing for a traveler is decisiveness. That holds true for both rookie and veteran travelers. キノ、旅人に1番必要なのは決断力だよ。 それは新人でも熟練の旅人でも同じ
The most important thing for a traveler is what saves the traveler after struggling to the bitter end. That's luck. 旅人に1番必要なのは、 最後まで足掻いた後に自分を助けてくれるもの…それは運だよ
Whenever people see birds flying through the sky, it's said that they get the urge to go on a journey. 人は誰でも空を行く鳥を見るとさ、 旅に出たくなるそうだ
Hermes, I don't think I'm the kind of traveler to make a road for myself where one doesn't already exist. 僕は自分を、道なきところに道を開くほどの 旅人だとは思ってないよ、エルメス
Hearing that makes me feel very relieved. それを聞いてとても安心したよ
The world is constantly changing. And you can't expect it to stay the same, even for a second. 世界は刻々と変化し、 1秒たりとも同じではありえないというわけか
I would think that a motorrad's purpose in life is to go places, isn't it? A traveler's purpose in life is to travel. モトラドの天分はおそらく走ることじゃないのかい? 旅人は旅をするのが天分なんだよ
Looks like I'll finally get to eat lunch. どうやらやっとお昼が食べられそうだ
Nothing wrong with having at least one country like this in the world. As long as the travelers who come here don't run into any trouble. 世界に一つくらいこんな国があってもいいさ。 通り掛かった旅人が困りさえしなければね
I found someone. There are people here. But it seems like everyone is closed up inside their homes. 見つけたよ。人は、いるんだ。 でも、みんな家に閉じこもってるみたいだ
There's not one person who's outside of their house. And what's more... Everyone is alone. Not one person is with their family. 出かけている人は一人もいない。 それに…みんな一人だ。 家族といる人は、誰もいない
We're going to leave this country tomorrow, right? Because your rule is to stay three days, no matter what country we go to. 明日でこの国ともお別れだね。 キノはどんな国でも滞在するのは3日と決めているから
That's long enough to figure out what kind of place any country is. Plus, if we stayed longer, we wouldn't be able to go to as many countries. どこの国でも、それでだいたいどんなところか分かるし… それより長くいると、たくさんの国を回れなくなる
Ever since we took off from master's place, I've seen many different countries with you, Kino, but there was only one place where you tried to stay longer than three days. お師匠さんのところを飛び出して以来、 いろんな国をキノと回ったけど、 キノが3日以上滞在しようとした国は一つだけだった
And even then, we ended up staying there for three days too. 結局、あそこも3日しかいなかったけどね
I'm afraid I'll settle down, if I stay too long. Because if I settled down, I would cease to be a traveler. 来たとこに長くいると、居ついてしまうのが怖いんだよ。 居ついてしまったら、旅人じゃなくなるから
Once we get out of this little forest, the traveler's guidebook only said the area beyond is the "outskirts." この林を抜けると、 旅のしおりには郊外としかなかった
They don't seem to like us very much. 嫌われてるみたいだね
I don't suppose you're... You can't tell what I'm thinking? もしかして君…君は、私の思ってることが分からない?
No wonder we can't read each other's thoughts. But it's been YEARS since I've talked to someone like this! 通りで思いが通らないはずだ。 でも、こうして人と話をするのは何年ぶりだろう!
Why is everyone in this country locked up all by themselves? この国の人は、どうしてみんな、一人で閉じこもって暮らしてるんでしょう?
The reason we hurt others is because we don't understand their pain. If we all understood each other's feelings, there would be no more conflicts. That's what we thought. 人が誰かを傷つけるのは、相手の痛みが分からないから… 誰もが相手の気持ちを分かれば、 争いごとなんてなくなる。僕らはそう考えたんだ
We've had advanced machine technology for a long time now and machines have done most of the work around here. ここは、昔から機械技術が発達し、 たいていの仕事は機械がやってくれた
One that stimulated a part of the brain that wasn't being used, to transmit our thoughts directly to one another. 脳の使っていない部位を刺激して、 人間同士の思いを直接伝え合うという
When communicating our thoughts, words are imperfect. It's full of holes everywhere. 思いを伝えるのに、言葉は完全じゃない。 隙間だらけなんだ
Just like with the word "beautiful," you cannot communicate exactly how beautiful you feel something is. 美しいという言葉だけでは、 どのように美しいと感じているのか伝わらないように
But a group of our country's best scientists made that possible. しかし、わが国の優秀な科学者グループは、それを可能にした
If you drank the liquid machine that they developed, you would be able to understand the thoughts of others without words. 彼らが開発した液体機械を飲めば、 人と人は言葉を介さずに直接分かり合える
We thought that was a wonderful thing and people all across the country drank it. 僕らはみんな、それを素晴らしいことだと思った。そして、国中の人がそれを飲んだ
If everyone else is communicating their thoughts to one another, but you alone are left out of the loop, you'd feel pretty uneasy, wouldn't you? もし他の連中の心が伝わり合っているのに、 自分だけ分からないとしたら、 とても不安になるだろう?
You could feel secure as long as we were all connected to each other. That's what everyone thought. みんなと繋がっていれば安心できる、誰もがそう考えたんだよ
At that time, I was in love with a certain woman, but I couldn't tell her how I felt. その頃、僕は一人の女性を愛していたが、 告白できずにいた
The moment I drank the liquid machines, her feelings came pouring into me. We shared a mutual love for one another. 液体機械を飲んだ途端、彼女の気持ちが僕の中に飛び込んできた。 僕らは互いに愛し合っていたんだ
I thought we were the happiest people in the world. But our life together soon fell apart. 僕らは世界一幸せだと思った。 だけど、二人の暮らしはすぐに破綻した
She was very much into raising flowers, but I didn't really have any interest in that. I was very much into music, but she was similarly disinterested. Tense situations followed one after another. 彼女は花を育てるのに夢中だったが、 僕は本当はあまり関心がなかった。 僕は音楽に夢中だったが、同じように彼女も違った。 それからは、緊張の連続だった
We would deliberately think of unrelated things to keep the other from reading our thoughts, but even the very fact that we were doing so would be communicated. 相手に考えを読まれないように、 わざと別のことを考えるんだが、 そうしていることさえ 伝わってしまう
Even the smallest things you didn't like about someone came across and it only succeeded in amplifying hatred on both sides. And this hatred pierced us like thorns. ちょっと気に入らない程度のことも相手に伝わって、 互いの憎悪を増幅する。 その憎悪が、トゲのように僕らに突き刺さるんだ
Soon, we realized what a horror it was to be able to read other people's thoughts and be read yourself. 僕らは、ようやく自分や他人の考えがわかるということの 恐ろしさに気づいた
Even when you weren't in pain yourself, you could still feel the pain of others, and there was nothing positive about that. 自分が痛くないときに、 他人の痛みが伝わるなんて、 損以外の何物でもなかったんだ
There was only one thing to do, and that was for us to distance ourselves from each other. 方法は一つだった。 それは他人と離れること
Just as you can't hear catch other's voices once you're a few dozen meters apart, we had to distance ourselves enough so we couldn't read each other's minds. 数十メートル離れると 声が聞こえなくなるように、思いが伝わらない距離まで 離れることだった
To this day, I'm scared of meeting anybody. That's probably how the others here feel too. 今でも僕は、人と会うのが怖いんだ。 たぶん、他の人たちもそうなんだろう
Being confined to your own space, you find ways to entertain yourself... Because in the end, if you understood the pain of others, you just couldn't live a normal life. 自分だけの空間で、自分だけの楽しみを見つけて… 結局、他人の痛みなんてわかってしまったら、 まともに生きていけなかったんだ
Since then, many years have passed with no children born in this country. I imagine this country will eventually die out. After that, those machines will probably continue going on by themselves forever. それ以来、この国では何年も子供が生まれていない。 やがてこの国も滅んでしまうんだろうね。 そして、あの機械たちがいつまでも残るんだろう
It's a song she and I used to listen to often when we first met. これはまだ、彼女と知り合ったばかりの頃、よく一緒に聴いた曲なんだ
I would like to continue on my journey. 僕は、旅を続けたいと思います
When he gave me that last look, I felt like he was thinking, "Don't die, okay?" So I answered with, "Thank you." あの人は、最後に僕を見て、死なないでねって思ってくれた気がする。 だから僕は、ありがとうって返事をしたのさ
I see, but I wonder if he accurately got the message? なるほど、でもそれ向こうにきちんと伝わったのかな?
Lately, we've been on nothing but snow everyday. It's not very pleasant, Kino. 毎日毎日雪の上ばかり。 あまり愉快なことじゃないよ、キノ
I have some portable rations, but those are for myself and I do not have enough to share. 携帯食料は持ってはいますが、これは自分の分だし、 分けるほどありません
But many animals will soon be waking up from hibernation. If you want me to hunt something for you, I can do that. でも、そろそろ冬眠から覚めた動物が出てくるころです。 狩って来ることならできます
I will stay with you until you are able to get up and move again. 動けるようになるまで、お付き合いすることにします
Please wait, I'll prepare it for you to eat. 待ってください、食べられるようにしますから。
I cannot allow that. It would be terrible if you were infected by Tsurarekia or something. ダメです。ツラルキアにでもかかったら、 とんでもないことになる
I haven't had anything this good in a long time! It is a little salty, though. こんなうまいもん久しぶりに食った! ちょっとしょっぱいけどな
These are nutrient pills that I got in a country I was in earlier. If you take them along with the food, it will give you strength. 以前立ち寄った国で手に入れた栄養剤です。 一緒に摂取すると、力が出ますよ
Two or three more days of this and you should have your strength back. It seems you still have some fuel left, so if we can dig out your truck, you should be able to make your way to the next country. 2、3日もすれば 体力も戻るでしょう。燃料は残っているようだから、 トラックを掘り起こせば、 最寄の国までたどり着けますよ
If you think you can eat it all, please do so. I will be fine with this, which is what I usually have anyway. 全部食べられるようでしたら、そうしてください。 僕は、いつも通りこちらでいいですから
This is our way of thanking you for saving us. It's a piece with a decent bit of value. 助けてくれた礼だ。 それなりの値打ちもんよ
In that case, I'll take it after I've helped you. それなら、助けてからいただきましょう
Weren't you going to take that back to your wife as a gift? お前、女房への土産なんだろ?
It would've be useless to me if we hadn't been saved anyway. どのみち助からなかったら、オレが持ってても意味がねえからな
I see. I will take this as a reward after everything is over. Until then, I'll hold on to it. わかりました。最後に報酬として、いただくとして、 それまで預かっておきます
We're not through this yet, but you're welcome. まだ、早いですよ。でも、どういたしまして
They must have been really hungry to cry like that while they were eating. 泣きながら食べるなんて よっぽどお腹が空いてたんだね
I had some mixed feelings about it, though. If I didn't help them out, then one rabbit wouldn't have died today. 僕は少し複雑な心境でもあったけどね。彼らを助けることにしなければ、 ウサギが1匹、今日死ぬことはなかった
Why worry about that now? You've gone hunting lots of times before this. 何を今更? ここに来るまでにずいぶん狩りはしたじゃない
The reasoning is different if I'm hunting for myself. I understand that even the portable rations I ate were made by stealing the lives of other creatures. 自分で食べる分とは、わけが違うよ。 僕が食べた携帯食料だって、 他の生き物の命を奪って、作られていることも理解はしている
But in this situation, even though I hold neither resentment nor obligation towards either those guys or the rabbit, I still decided to help out one rather than the other. だけどこの場合、彼らとウサギ、 どちらに義理も恨みもないのに、 一方に加担したんだからね
Is that because they're your fellow humans? 同じ人間のよしみってやつ?
Well, that's the way it looks. But maybe not? ま、そういうことになる… 違うかな?
I can also think about it this way. Just because they're humans like me, it doesn't mean I'm obligated to help them, Hermes. こうも考えられる。 同じ人間という種だからと言って、 助ける義理はないよ、エルメス
It's not a bad thing, because a rabbit wouldn't help me out. And also... A rabbit wouldn't give me a ring in thanks. 悪いことじゃないさ。ウサギは助けてはくれないからね。 それに、お礼の指輪もくれない
Anyway, I think I would probably make the same decision if I were to come across the same situation again. いずれにしても、同じ状況に出会ったら、 僕は同じ判断をするだろうね
How does it look? どお?
It doesn't look good on you. 似合わない
I don't think so, either. 僕もそう思う
My engine wasn't made to boil water, you know. お湯を沸かすためのエンジンじゃないんだけどね
It just means you're helpful to me in all sorts of ways. いろいろ役に立つってことさ
Don't think badly of me. I've decided to help those guys out. 悪く思うなよ。 彼らを助けると決めたんだ
In our country, as soon as the fall harvest festival ends, several teams of men leave to do business. 俺達の国じゃ、秋の収穫祭が終わると同時に、 男たちの何組かが商売に出かける
Right before winter, we pass through this area to deliver goods to the country up north, and then at the end of winter we go back. 冬の前にこのあたりを通って 北の国に品物を届け、 冬の終りにまた戻っていくんだ
It's said that couples who get married on that day will be able to find happiness. その日に結婚した二人は、 幸せになれるって言われてるのさ
Of course, it almost didn't happen this year because of us. 今年は、危うく俺達のせいでなくなるところだったがな
Damn! That stupid snow started falling earlier than usual. ちくしょう!いつもより雪が降りやがったんだ
A huge snow storm hit us suddenly, and we've been at a standstill ever since. 突然猛吹雪になってな、 それ以来ここで立ち往生だ
We're alive and that's the important thing. But I do regret that we couldn't do any business. 命あっての物種だからな。 商売できなかったのが心残りだが
If your journey ever happens to lead you to our country, we'll give you a warm welcome. もし旅の途中で俺達の国に立ち寄ることがあったら、 大歓迎させてもらうよ
Thank you very much. I would love to stop by. ありがとうございます。ぜひ伺いたいですね
If at all possible, I don't want to shoot you. Because we take a lot of pride in delivering our goods without a scratch. できれば撃ちたくはないんだ。 俺達は商品を傷つけずに届けることに プライドを持っているからな
That's right, we trade human beings. そう、人間が商品なんだ
Oh, I see, you guys are slave traders. なんだおっちゃんたち、奴隷商人か
Now that we're feeling better, we've got to get cracking on our job. Kino-san, you're young and you seem healthy, we shouldn't have a problem finding a buyer for you. そこで元気になった以上、俺達も仕事をしなくちゃならない。 キノさん、あんたは若いし健康そうだ。 買い手が付くよ
But metaphorically speaking, we're wolves. And wolves can't help but live like wolves. でもな、例えるなら俺達は狼なんだ。 狼には狼の生き方がある
That was scary. I thought it was over. 怖かった…終わってしまうかと思った
What do you see? 何が見える?
What used to be their "goods". 彼らの、商品だったもの
In other words, food scraps. つまり食べカスだね
I guess they're not going to have it this year. The Homecoming Festival. 今年はなくなっちゃったね、生還祭
Everyone all over the country seems to be in mourning or something. なんだか国中喪中みたいだね
There are a lot of people who are looking nowhere but out to the sea. 海の方ばかり見てる人も多い
If you are staying for three days, then your stay will coincide with the end of the world. Will that be all right? 3日間の滞在ですと、 この国で世界の終わりを迎えることになりますが、 よろしいですか?
Why is the world coming to an end? どうして世界が終わってしまうんですか?
It has been prophesied. 予言です
Oh, you came to this country to face the end. You've come to the right country for that. あぁ、この国で最後を迎えに来たんだね。 ここはそれに相応しい国だよ
There's no need for that. With the world ending soon, money is useless. いらないよ。 世界が終わるのに、お金なんて
It was free. It seems like everyone believes the world is really going to end. タダだった。 みんな世界が終わると信じてるらしい
What makes it a prophetic book? どうして、それが予言書だと?
But if that's all, there's no way to know if the prophecy will be correct or not. でもそれだけじゃ、 その予言が当たるかどうか分からないじゃない?
No, thank you. I think I'll pass. いえ、遠慮しておきます
Do you think the world could suddenly end on a night as quiet as this? こんな静かな夜に 世界が突然終わるなんてことがあると思う?
Nobody knows how the world began, so no one can say for certain that it's impossible for the world to end suddenly and without reason in a couple of seconds. 世界がどうして始まったか誰も知らないんだから、 数秒後に突然理由もなく、世界が終わることが ありえないなんて、誰にも言えないさ
So what would you do if the world really were going to end tomorrow, Kino? 本当に明日世界が滅ぶとしたら どうする、キノ
Even if that were true, I'd still go to bed for today. それでも、 今日はもう寝るよ
This day too, has begun. 今日も始まった…
No, there must be some mistake. There was a lunar eclipse last week, remember? Perhaps we are supposed to exclude that from our calculations? いや、これは何かの間違い… 先週月食があったでしょ? ひょっとしたら、あれを計算から除くんじゃ?
Well, no, not absolutely positive... I think it MIGHT be possible... いや絶対とは…かもしれないかな、と…
If the world doesn't end, how are we supposed to go on living?! 世界が終わらないなんて、我々は一体どう暮らしていけばいいんだ?!
Yeah, I won't be shocked no matter what I see. うん。何が来ても驚かないよ
Well, travelers have become so few and far between these days! I was worried that some strange rumors might be spreading outside the country. この頃旅人さんがめっきり少なくなってきて、 国外で妙な評判でも立ってるんじゃないかと、心配で
Here! For the time being, please fill this out! はい!とりあえずこれに記入しておいてください!
We have visitors so rarely, I'm announcing your arrival to the entire country. It's so we can prepare a welcome for you. めったにいらっしゃらないお客様の、ご到着を国中に知らせているんです。 歓迎の準備のためなんです
No, everyone always tells me that I can't dance at all. I don't want to end up stepping on everyone's feet. いや、ぼくは踊りのセンスがないってよく言われます。 皆さんの足を踏んでしまうといけないので…
But even so, I really do think it's a wonderful dance. It has really moved me. それにしても、素敵な踊りですね。 感激しました
This tradition didn't work either. We've got to think of a different tradition now. この伝統もダメかぁ。 また、別の伝統を考えなくっちゃ
What kind of tradition should we do next time? 今度はどんな伝統にするかなぁ…
I am scholar, who studies the traditions of that land. In the past... They have also worn turtle shells on their backs, attached lion tails to themselves, ate while they sang, and so on and so forth. 私は、あの国の伝統を研究している学者です。 これまでにも、亀の甲羅を背負う、 ライオンの尻尾をつける、 歌いながら食事をするなど…
You have probably already realized this, but their tradition is to create a "tradition" for visiting travelers and make them participate in their "tradition". もうおわかりだと思いますが、 彼らの伝統とは旅人が来るたびに、 これが自分たちの伝統だと言って真似をさせるものなのです
If one "tradition" is unsuccessful, they move on and set up a new one. それが成功しなければ、次の伝統を仕掛けるわけです
Kino, you should have tried those cat cars on for them. キノも付けてあげればよかったのに
That country has gained quite a reputation amongst us travelers. あの国のことは、旅人の間ではすっかり評判になっています
They desire a magnificent tradition. Ever since they banished their king to the forest, that country has denied all of their old traditions. 彼らは立派な伝統が欲しいのです。 あの国は国王を門に追放して以後、 古い伝統はすべて否定してしまった
But then, somewhere along the way, they realized that they had no tradition they could boast of compared to other countries. そして気が付いた時には、 他の国に自慢できるような伝統が何もなかった
So, they came up with the idea of getting visiting travelers to choose a tradition for them? それで自分たちの伝統を、 旅人に決めてもらおうと考えたってわけ?
Yes, they do, but they have not yet realized that. No, in fact, once they do realize it, this tradition may very well end. ええ、ただ彼らはそのことにまだ気づいていない。 いや、気づいてしまったら、この伝統も終わるのかも知れませんね
That's a rather sad voice, isn't it? なんだか、もの悲しい声だね
It is the poem of sorrow. This is a sad country, whose tradition is to continue passing down the sorrow. 悲しみの歌です。この国は悲しみを伝え続ける、 悲しい国なんです
When he sang of the beauty, magnificence and joy of the world, he was said to be the best in all the world. その詩人は、この世の美しさ、素晴らしさ、楽しさを歌わせたら 世界で一番と評されていました
However, the king at that time heard of the poet and acting on a whim, summoned him with a wicked intent. He ordered the poet to compose a poem of sorrow. ところがその噂を耳にした当時の王が、 ふとしたいじわる心からその詩人を呼びつけ、 悲しみの歌を作って見せよと命じたのです
For him, words were things that flowed naturally from the depths of his heart, and being someone unfamiliar with sorrow, it was impossible for him to write words of sorrow. 彼にとって言葉は、心の多くから自然に湧き出てくるもので、 悲しみを知らない彼には、 とても悲しい言葉を綴ることはできなかったのです
He was given a time limit of nineteen nights. The king told him that if he could not do this, he would have the poet's head. 与えられた期限まで19夜、 もしできなかったら 王は彼の首を跳ねると言ったのです
His wife could not stand to see her husband in such anguish. She cut her own throat with a knife and killed herself, all to teach sorrow to her husband, who knew nothing of it. 思い悩む夫のことをみかねた妻は、 なんとナイフで自分の首を突き、自殺して見せたのです。 悲しみを知らない夫に、悲しみを教えるために
So that words of sorrow would well up from the bottom of his heart. 心の底から悲しみの言葉が湧き出るように
The exact meaning of the poet's words was unknown, but it successfully communicated his deep sorrow. 詩人の言葉はほとんど意味不明でしたが、 彼の深い悲しみは伝わってきました
Overwhelmed by the sorrow, the king drove the poet out of the castle, and withdrew back into the depths of the royal palace. 王はあまりの悲しみに、詩人を城から追いやって、 王宮の奥に引っ込んでしまいました
The poet's words engulfed this land in sorrow. Hearing the voice of sorrow still audible from far away, the king finally fell ill and died. 詩人の言葉は、この国を悲しみで包んだのです。 遠くから聞こえてくる悲しみの声に、王はとうとう病気になって、死んでしまいました
His words would continue every day until the sun went down. The poet's words continued to blanket this land in sorrow for many years to come. 毎日、日が沈むまで彼の言葉は続きます。 それから何年もこの国は、詩人の悲しい言葉で覆われ続けたのです
The poet who had continued to recite his poem finally died. Everyone thought they would finally be free of the sorrow. 歌い続けた詩人は、遂に死にました。 人々はこれでやっと悲しみから解放されると思ったのです
However, starting on the day of his funeral service, that poem could be heard again. ところが、彼の葬儀の日から、 またあの歌が聴こえてきたのです
Surprisingly enough, the girl had perfectly memorized her father's words. She then continued to recite her father's poem for the next ten years. 驚いたことに少女は父の言葉を、一語一句間違えずに記憶していました。 そして彼女はその日から10年間、父の歌を歌い続けたのです
Since then, every ten years, the people choose the fourteen-year-old girl with the best voice in the country. And they decided to have her recite this poem everyday. So that no one would forget the sorrow. 人々はそれから、10年ごとに一人、 この国で最も声の良い14歳の少女を選んで、 この歌を毎日歌わせることにしたのです。 悲しみを忘れないために
The only time we are free from the sorrow is at night, when the sun has gone down. 私たちが悲しみから解放されるのは、 毎日、日が沈んでからの夜の間だけなのです
A book of prophecy was passed along to our country. In it we found details on the end of the world, and directions on how we could avoid it. 我々の国に、1冊の預言書が伝わっていました。 そこには世界の終わりと、 それを回避する方法が書かれていたのです
"Whe nineteen cold moons have crossed the sky and the night has passed, the world will end with the rising of the sun. What else can we do other than smash the green plate..." 19の冷たい月が、空を渡った夜を過ぎて、 日の出ととも世界は終わる。緑の皿を割る以外、 我々に何が出来よう
The way that country's coastline is round and curved, it is truly a green plate! あの国の湾曲した丸い国土、 まさに緑の皿じゃないですか
But wait, don't you think annihilating them is going overboard? でもさ、全滅はやり過ぎなんじゃない?
When I first met the traveler called Kino, I was still living in the country I had been born in. It was when I was 11 years old. 私がキノと名乗る旅人と出会ったのは、 まだ私が生まれた国に住んでいた頃、 私が11歳のときだ
Is there an inn somewhere in this land? Some place on the cheap side with a shower would be great. この国に宿屋はないかな? ちょっと安くて、シャワーがあるといいんだけど
I guess the medical field must be very developed in this country. この国は、医学が発達してるんだね
Until the day after tomorrow. So can I get a room for two nights? 明後日まで、 二晩泊めてくださいますか
I'm fixing this motorrad. When I asked them to sell it to me, they just said it was old trash and gave it to me for free. モトラドを直しているんだ。売って下さいって頼んだら、 昔のゴミだからいらないってね、もらったんだ
Wait a little while longer and this guy will be moving around. もうしばらくすれば、こいつも元気に動き回れるよ
I could never run as fast as a motorrad, right? A motorrad can run really fast, but he'll fall over if someone's not riding him and providing balance. 僕はモトラドみたいに、早く走れないだろ? モトラドは早く走れるけど、 誰かが跨ってバランスを取らないと、転んでしまう
I'll give him balance, he'll give me speed. That way, my journey will become much easier and a lot more fun. 僕はバランスを、モトラドは走りを。 そうすれば、旅がもっと楽で、楽しくなる
Then that's not a real job. Jobs aren't supposed to be fun, right? We have to do them to live, right? Then traveling isn't work. それじゃ、仕事じゃないよ。 仕事って辛いものなんでしょ? でも、生きるには絶対しなきゃならないんでしょ? だったら、旅は仕事じゃないよ
But everyone in this country does their job with a smile. でも、この国の人は、みんな笑顔で仕事してるじゃないか
The day after tomorrow is my twelfth birthday, too, so I'm going to the hospital to have the operation. あたしも明後日、12歳の誕生日だから、 病院に行って手術を受けるの
Unlike you kids, adults aren't allowed to do whatever they like. At work, you may have to do things you don't like, or things that you think are wrong. But still, you must do them. This is a terrible thing. お前たち子供と違って大人は、好き勝手な行動は一切許されない。 仕事である以上、やりたくないことも、間違っていると思うことも、 絶対にやらなければならない。これは大変なことだ
Once you grow to be twelve, they'll open up your head and pick out the child from within you. お前たちが12歳になったら、 頭を開けて、その中の子供を取り出してやる
Once you undergo this operation, you will become an adult overnight. この手術を受けると、 お前たちは一晩ですっかり大人になれる
And then, you'll be able to do everything, even the things you hate, with a bright smile. そして、いやなことでも何でも、 きちんと笑顔でできるようになる
Thanks to the operation, any kid can become a perfect adult, who can even do what he or she hates with a smile. 手術のおかげでどんな子でもちゃんとした大人になれるし、 いやなことでも笑ってできるようになるんだよ
My family runs the inn, so I have to take over their business. うちは宿屋だから 親の跡を継がなきゃ
What will happen if I don't get the operation to turn me into an adult? 大人になるための手術、受けないとどうなるの?
Is there no other way that I can become an adult by just being myself? 今の自分のままで、 大人になる方法はないのかな?
Apologize this instant! Say you'll never think such things again! 今すぐあやまりなさい! もう二度とそんなことは考えませんて!
Who filled your head with such an atrocious idea?! 誰がお前にそんな非人間的な考えを吹き込んだんだ?!
And in this country we also have our own customs. And they are not problems that you can do something about. この国にもこの国のしきたりがある。 あなたのどうこうできる問題ではない
I was just thinking that it was about time I got going. Because it seems if I stay here, I'll be killed. 僕もそろそろ、出発しようかと思っていました。 ここにいると、殺されそうなんで
Well, I AM a traveler. Just a man who passes through. So, I must not become carelessly involved in the customs of the land. 僕は旅人だからね。ただ通り過ぎるだけの者は、 その国の決まりに無責任に関わってはいけないんだ
It's only natural, since you defied your elders. Children are the property of their parents, and they have the right to dispose of their failures. 上位者の親に逆らったのですから当然です。 子供は親の所有物であり、 親には失敗作を処分する権利がある
With our common sense as adults, it is unimaginable that someone would jump in front of a knife of his own will. Let us deal with this as an unfortunate accident. 自分から刃物の前に飛び出すとは、 大人の常識では考えられない。 これは不幸な事故として処理しておこう
For starters, why don't you pull that knife out of him, dear? とりあえず包丁を抜けばいいんじゃない、あなた?
That is a level-headed, adult-like conclusion. それが大人の冷静な判断だ
I joined the rail company when I was eighteen. Back then, they said there was a track that wasn't being used, but that it might eventually be put to use again, so I was told to polish it the best I could. わしは、18のときに鉄道会社に入ってな。 そのときに今は使っていないレールがあるけど、 そのうち使うかもしれないから、 できるだけ磨くように言われたんじゃ
They haven't told me to stop yet, so I just keep working. まだやめろと言われないのでな。 こうして続けとる
You haven't been back to your home country even once? お国には、一度も戻ってないんですか?
The country was known for having very advanced machine technology, a place where humans had almost no work to do. This country was widely talked about, even among the travelers. その国は、旅人の間でも噂になっていました。 とても機械技術が発達していて、 人間のすることはほとんどない国だと
Welcome, traveler. Please transfer over here. ようこそ旅人さん。こちらにお乗り換えください