Don't think of this as a normal Burai. ただのブライと思うなよ
This reminds me of seven years ago. 7年前を思い出しますね
We will if we can prevent the main force of Britannia from advancing. ブリタニア本体の足止めをすれば勝てます
But the enemy's main base is right in front of us! Also, if we get attacked from behind, the damage to our unit... しかし、敵の本拠は目の前です。 それに背後から攻撃を受けると、甚大な被害が…
If the situation could change because of one machine, no one would be suffering! たった1機で状況を変えられるなら、 誰も苦労はせん!
If Zero is the kind of man I think he is, he has something planned. We have no choice but to believe in him now! ゼロが見込み通りの奴なら 手を打っているはずだ。 ここは奴を信じるしかない!
Suzaku, there's something that I want to ask you. You really hate it when people die, yet you're in the army. Why is that? スザク君、一つ聞きたかったんだけど。 キミは人が死ぬのを極端に嫌うねぇ、 なのに軍隊にいる。なぜだい?
Everyone, follow the escape route! This has become a battle of attrition. Retreat! 全軍、脱出地点に移動させろ! これ以上は消耗戦になる。撤退だ!
We left the Japanese Liberation Front behind as bait and escaped? 日本解放戦線を 囮にして、逃げるしかないってか?
Even though I hate the way you say it... そんな言い方、嫌いなんだけど
Well, people aren't pieces in a game. Zero wouldn't think that way. Otherwise, he would have manipulated us like chess pieces. 人間はゲームの駒なんかじゃないんだ。 ゼロだって、そんなことは考えていないはずさ。そうじゃなきゃ、 俺達まで駒として使われているってことになってしまうよ
But that's impossible. His hatred for Britannia is real. People who understand hatred sould also understand sorrow. でもありえない。 彼のブリタニアに対する怒りは本物だ。 怒りを知る人間は、 悲しみも知っているはずだから
To the head trailer of the special envoy: I have discovered Zero and am going to capture him now. 特派ヘッドトレーラーへ、 ゼロを発見。これより確保します
Zero, I'm indebted to you. It's because of your actions that people were saved. I also know that a lot of Elevens are supporting you from the shadows. ゼロ、君には恩がある。 君の行動のおかげで救われた人がいて、 多くのイレブンが、影から協力していることも知っている
More importantly, escape. Make use of this time. それより逃げろ。 今の内だ
There is no reason for me to risk the lives of my officers and men. Maintain combat status and gradually fall back. これ以上我が将兵の命をかける理由は無い。戦闘状態を維持しつつ、緩やかに後退せよ
It seems that this woman is really not human. The speed at which she recovers from wounds is abnormal. I was certain that her forehead was shot is Shinjuku. この女、やはり人間じゃないのか。 傷の再生スピードが普通じゃない。 新宿でもたしかに額を撃たれていたし
Her vital signs are the same as a human. I'll send her blood sample for investigation later and take a photo of her wound too. ヴァイタルは人間と同じ。 血液サンプルは後で調べるとして、 傷口も撮影しておくか
I know something interesting because of that. おかげでいいことを知ったよ
Forgotten everything. Every single thing. As things are now, names are... 忘れたんだ、 全部…何もかも… 今更名前なんて…
Do you mind if I request a gift from you? Say it again, like how you did earlier. Just once, with care and concern from within your heart. では、お礼を返してもらおうか。 もう一度呼べ、先程のように。 一度だけだ、大切に、やさしく心を込めてな
She is an important comrade of mine. C. C., I don't know why snow is white. However, I think that white snow is pretty. 彼女は私の大事な仲間だ。 C2、私はどうして雪が白いのかは知らない。 しかし、白い雪は綺麗だと思う
The subway runs throughout the entire country. If you wish to seal up the areas outside of the settlements, it's estimated to cost... 地下鉄はほぼ全国に張り巡らされておりまして、 租界以外の場所を埋めるには、 予算が…
Even though you knew that they were being used by the terrorists as bases and escape routes?! テロリストの拠点や逃走経路になると 分かっていてもか!
Distinguished families and financial groups. Shouldn't they be relics of the past? 名門と財閥の集合体、 もはや過去の遺物か
If we suppress them, the Eleven economy will never advance. It'll affect the tax collection of our motherland too. 彼らを押えれば、イレブンの経済が立ち行かなくなります。 本国への徴税にも影響が出ましょうし
Even though it's said that they are fleeing, Toudou is still well! 逃走中とはいえ、 トウドウは今だ健在ですぞ!
Ever since the Kururugi Suzaku rescue incident, you have been infatuated with Zero. クルルギスザク救出の件以来、 ゼロにご執心ですな
The world is still debating over what happened at Narita two days ago. Suzaku is absent today because of that too. 世間は一昨日の成田騒ぎで持ちきりだってのに、 スザクだってそのせいで今日も休みなんだし
As I've been saying, why don't you just tell him? "I love you." だからさぁ、 言っちゃえばいいのに。好きですって
Ah, there. Please distribute them to all the classes of each grade. ああそれ、各学年、クラスごとに 仕分けしといて
As usual, you're good at ordering people around. 相変わらず人遣いが荒いですね
Kyoto has praised us for making good use of the Guren Mk. ll. 京都からグレン2式をうまく使ったって 誉められたよ
Is pretending to be a big shot in front of the newcomers and bringing them to fool around within expectations? 大物ぶって 新入りにおごりまくるのが予定外?
Zero has the ability to win against Cornelia. He is the leader of the Order of the Black Knights. Is there a need to know more? ゼロはあのコーネリアを出し抜く実力を持った、 あたし達黒の騎士団のリーダーよ! 他に何が必要だっていうの?
I said something out of line back there. I'm sorry. さっきは 出すぎたことを言って、申し訳ありませんでした
I guess I was sulking. For some reason... Brother, lately it feels as if you have become somewhat distant. ちょっと、すねてみただけなのかも。 なんだか最近…お兄様が、少し遠くなったような、そんな気がして…
I swear that I won't change. Nunnally, I'll always be beside you, no matter what happens. 誓うよ、オレは変わらない。 何があろうと、いつまでもお前の側にいる、ナナリー
No matter what the intentions of those people at Kyoto are, I want to make their power mine. 京都の意図がどうであれ、 オレは連中の力を手に入れたいんだ
I didn't forget. It's just that since I don't know when I'll be back today, I intend to call and turn her down. 忘れたんじゃない。 今日は、いつ帰れるか分からないから、 断りの電話を入れるつもりだったんだ
It's my master's order that the other members of the Executive Committee must come as well. 他の幹部もお連れするよう、 主から言いつかっているのですが
I've done an investigation on the machines of the Purist Faction. 調べました、純潔派の機体…
This is... Fuji Mine! Hey, this is impossible! How could we have come to a place like this...? ここ…富士鉱山。嘘だろオイ、 そんな所に来られるわけ…
We can't let anyone who knows the identity of the master go! 御前の素性を知る者は、 生かしてはおけぬ!
Are you saying you are capable of doing that? そのようなことを、できるというのか?お主に
How can that be? I am only capable of voicing my wish. まさか。 私には、ただお願いすることしかできません
This person is definitely an enemy of Britannia. I accept why he couldn't reveal himself. この者は偽り無きブリタニアの敵。 素顔を晒せぬ訳も得心がいった
Are you embarking on it? The path of carnage? 行くか?修羅の道を
Anyway, things are going to move from now on. The Order of the Black Knights is now truly an organization that moves according to my will. とにかくこれからだな。 黒の騎士団は、これから 本当にオレの思い描いた組織になる
Hey. Lulu... Zero is an ally of the weak, right? Then... Why... Did he kill my father? Father... Was kind... He never hit me... He didn't do anything bad... I don't want this! ねえルル…ゼロって、弱い者の味方なんだよね…? なら、なんであたしのお父さん、殺したんだろう… お父さん、優しくて、あたしぶたれたこともなくて… 何にも悪いこと…こんなの、イヤよ!
A reaction called "consequence" awaits you whenever an action is taken. There are no exceptions. Lelouch's power could not change that. 行動の果てには、結果という答えが待っている。 例外は無い、 そこにルルーシュの力は及ばない
Even though he has the power to enforce absolute obedience to any order he gives, he is unable to escape from the inevitable. いかなる相手にでも命令を下せる絶対遵守の 力を持っていようと、 その必然からは逃れられない
He was a devout believer in God, and a good friend to us all. To his wife, he was a responsible husband. To his child, he was a wonderful father. 彼は、敬虔なる神の信徒であり、 われらの良き友人であり、 また妻にとっては良き夫であり、 子にとっては良き父でありました
No, stop it! Please don't bury him. Please don't make him suffer even more. いや、やめて!もう埋めないであげて! 苦しませないで…
There are many kinds of love. However, Shirley, as long as you really love that person, and that person truly loves you, Papa will support you from the bottom of his heart. 好きって言っても色々あるんだ。 でも、シャーリーがその人のことを本当に好きで、 その人も、シャーリーを真剣に愛してくれるなら、 パパは心からお祝いするよ
Most important of all, I'm worried about you. Have you cried it out? It'll be more painful if you bear with it and do it later. それより私はあんたの方が気がかり。 ちゃんと泣いた? いま変に耐えると、あとでもっと辛くなるよ
The Order of the Black Knights... the way that Zero acts is too despicable! They don't start things by themselves. They only ride the coattails of others and disturb the situation. They think of themselves as judges and indulge in their victory. Nothing changes by doing that. 黒の騎士団は、ゼロのやり方は卑怯だ! 自分で仕掛けるのでもなく、 ただ人の尻馬に乗って、事態を掻き回しては、 審判者を気取って勝ち誇る。 あれじゃ何も変えられない
You had no choice but to do that. So, forget about it. Sorry to have caused you trouble. I... took the wrong approach. Even though you gave me a kiss, I don't feel happy about it. あれじゃ、ああするしかないもの。 だから忘れて…困らせちゃってゴメンね。 私、やり方間違えちゃった。 キスだけしてもらっても、嬉しくないのにね…
Are you regretting it? Getting the father of a friend involved? 悔いているのか? 友人の父親を巻き込んだことを
You said that Kirihara was weak, and that you would walk down the path of carnage. But the one who is weak is you. お前はキリハラに言ったな、ヌルいと。 自分は修羅の道を行くと。 だがヌルいのはお前の方だ
Did you think this was a game? Up till now, you have killed a lot of people. Using your hands, or should I say your words? ゲームのつもりででもいたか? 今までもお前は多くの人間を殺して来た。 その手で、あるいはお前の言葉で
They had families. Lovers and friends too. Don't tell me you're thinking of saying that you didn't realize it? そいつらにも家族はいた。恋人も、友人も。 まさか理解してなかったとでも言うつもりか?
I am resolute! Ever since the moment I killed Clovis! 覚悟はあるさ!あの時、クロビスを殺したあの時からな!
No matter how great you make yourself sound, you're still just a naive boy who's all talk and who only dreams of victory in his head. どれだけ偉そうなことを言っても、 所詮は口先だけの 頭でっかちな童貞坊やか?
As for the Japanese Liberation Front, instead of escaping overseas, they would rather choose to fight alongside us. 日本解放戦線にしたって、海外に逃亡するよりは、 我々と共に歩むことを選ぶはずだ
But my principle is to use anyone who is useful. Even if it's the son of the former Prime Minister of Japan. 私は使える者は使う主義だ。 たとえそれが日本の元総理の息子だろうと
Our target is Katase. It's the end of the Japanese Liberation Front once we catch him. 目標はカタセだ。 こいつさえ押えれば、日本解放戦線はお終いだ
Damn, it seems like we have lost him. I could have done something if she had come into contact with me earlier. チッ、見失ったようだな。 早く連絡してくれれば 手を打てたというのに
If he has some way of manipulating memories, that will mean... I won't end up like Jeremiah and die after losing my position and reputation. ヤツが何か記憶を操作できる手段を持っているなら、直のこと… 私はジェルミアのように地位も名誉も失って 死んだりはしない
I do it for the sake of justice. Even now, I'm fighting because I believe that it is the right path to take. That's why I kill people. But... 私は正義の為だと… それが正しいことだと思って、今まで戦ってきました。 だから人も殺しました。でも…
Will sacrifices be made? People will get dragged in and die, even if they are not soldiers. 犠牲が出るか? 兵士でもないのに、 巻き込まれて死ぬ者が
However... That's why we must do something. No matter what methods we use, even if we know they're despicable, we must win. To do that, we have to embrace carnage. だが、だからこそ、我々は立ち止まることはできない。 たとえどんな手段を使っても、 卑怯だと罵られようとも、勝つしかないんだ。 その為に、修羅になるべきだ
So as to not waste the blood that has already been shed, we have no choice but to shed even more blood. That is why I won't force you. Kallen, if you wish to turn back, do it now. 流した血を無駄にしないためにも、 さらなる血を流して見せる。 だが、強制はしない。 カレン、引き返すなら今だ
It might be painful for you, but you are a professional soldier. 辛いかもしれないけど、 あなたは職業軍人なのよ
The result comes before everything! Don't let the blood of the Japanese Liberation Front be shed in vain. Capture Cornelia and show them our resolution and power! 結果は全てにおいて優先する。 日本解放戦線の血に報いたくば、 コーネリアを捕え、我らの覚悟と力を示せ!
Using the Liberation Front as bait and launching an ambush at the weakened main force. That's a good idea, but there are still some flaws. 解放戦線を囮に、 手薄になった本体に攻め入る。 定石だがそれでは今一つ弱い
That's right. Might as well use the useless Liberation Front as a trap to reduce the military capabilities of the enemy. Zero is indeed wonderful interview material. The origin of chaos. そうだ。どうせなら敵の戦力を削ぎ落とす。 役立たずの解放戦線を、生きたトラップとして。 やはりゼロは素晴らしき存在、 カオスの権化だ
How can I let them make a fool out of me a second or even third time?! 2度ならず3度までも 愚弄されて堪るか!
Nothing will change through your methods! Seeking only results... Do you know anything about the pain of others?! お前のやり方じゃ何も変えられない! 結果ばかり追い求めて、 他人の痛みが分からないのか!
Carelessly using the lives of others as bait... You are just a murderer! 平然と命を囮にする… お前はただの人殺しだ!
My gun is missing. Someone took it while I was unconscious. 銃がなくなっているんだ。 オレが気絶している間に、誰かが持っていった
Which means... Someone saw your face? ということは…お前の素顔を見られた?
There were at least two. One who fired, and one who was shot. There were two. 少なくとも二人。 撃った奴と撃たれた奴… 二人いる
Writing a letter? Could it be a love letter? Writing to Lelouch? 手紙?ひょっとしてラブレターとか? 相手はルルーシュ?
She protected Nina with her life during the Hoteljacking incident. She stood up and identified herself as Euphemia, right? ホテルジャックの時、 ニーナのこと、体を張ってかばってくれたのよ。 自分はユーフェミアですって名乗り出て
I don't believe that people with such impure thoughts would be able to meet her. そういう不純な動機の人は、会えないと思います
It's not really "coming home late", it's "coming home late again", right? What's the point of being in the same school if you never see each other? 今日はじゃなくて、 今日もだろう? こんなに会えないじゃ、 何のために同じ学校なんだか
Yes. It seems that Suzaku doesn't know yet. From that, I suppose the thread connecting the witness to the army has been cut. ああ、スザクは知らないようだ。 これで 軍に見られたという線は消えたな
Other than the army and the Order of the Black Knights, I don't think anyone else would have been there. 軍と黒の騎士団以外に、 あんな所に来る奴がいるとは思えないが
Zero, rather than being an enemy to Britannia as a whole, is possibly acting in order to take revenge upon the Britannian Royal Family. ゼロは、ブリタニアという体制よりも、 ブリタニア皇族に対する、 恨みで動いている可能性があります
But no abnormalities were seen in the data from the actual combat. Also, I was thinking of testing that. でもねぇ、実動データには問題ないわけだし、 ついでにあれを試してみようかと思うんだけど
We're still in the middle of making adjustments to it. Also, stop treating Suzaku-kun as a part. He won't see your point, and you won't be able to convey your thoughts if you don't communicate with him properly. まだ調整中です。 それと、スザク君をパーツ扱いするしないに関わらず、 きちんと向き合わないと、 何も見えないし 伝わりませんよ
Hey, the same goes for you. Aren't you treating him like a replacement for someone else? あのさぁ、 君こそ彼を誰かと被せて見ていなぃ?
Hey, I wonder! But... You only tend to notice strange things, don't you? さあどうでしょう…でも、 変な所だけ気が回るんですね
You're being held down by weird things again. But the gun couldn't be found anywhere. And her diary is only updated until the 14th. また変な所にこだわって… しかし、見当たらないな銃は。 日記も14日までしか書いていないし
The ship of the Liberation Front... Why did it explode? 解放戦線の船… どうして爆発したのかな…?
Don't put in too much effort into it if it's something you don't really want to lose. 本当に失いたくないモノは、 遠ざけて置くものだ
Was that... from experience? それは…経験か?
No, it's a way of life. いや、生き方だ
His mouth gave the order to kill your father, and stole away your kiss. You can't forgive those kinds of people. 彼は君のお父さんを殺す命令を出したその口で、 君の唇を奪ったんだよ。 許せないよねぇそんなの
And he's still alive. This is great. I wonder what kind of punishment awaits you... それにまだ生きている。いいぞ… どんな処刑がお似合いかな?
As for you, the Governor-General would... Unexpected... Was he your boyfriend?! 総督にはお前のことも…迂闊。 お前の男だったな?!
You are a murderer. You have committed the same crime as Zero. Not only that, but you also made use of the death of your father in order to gain compensation. 君も殺人者、 ゼロと同罪だね。 その上父親の死と引き換えに、 対価まで得て
You acted pitiful on purpose because you wanted him to be nice to you. Did the sympathetic look make you feel better? How long do you intend to play the part of a tragic heroine? 彼に優しさを期待して わざと哀れに振る舞った。 同情の視線は心地よかったかい? いつまで悲劇のヒロインでいるつもり?
Embrace this emotion for the rest of your life. Embrace it all by yourself. If you don't bear your sins and set your heart free, you and Lelouch will be terribly pitiful. そんな気持ちを一生引きずる? たった一人で抱え込んで。 罪を償い心を解き放たないと、 君もルルーシュもあまりにかわいそうだよ
Ah, isn't that nice? What a scary face. A face that shows that you won't forgive me for striking your woman. あぁいいねぇ、怖い顔だ。 自分の女を奪われて許せない って顔
Was calling my cell phone a pretense? No, it's because he doesn't know what I look like. In other words, he didn't have time to take a photo of me. 携帯にかけてきたのも演出? いや、オレの顔知らないからだ。 つまり、オレの写真を手にいれる時間がなかったということ
As expected of you. You came up with fourteen possibilities of my true identity in just a brief moment. And one of those is right on. 流石だねぇ、 僕の正体について一瞬で 14の可能性を考え付くなんて。 しかもそのうちの一つは、大正解
There's nothing more suitable than death for someone who fools with the hearts of others. ドロボウ猫にはこういう死に方が 相応しい
I get it. I get it already. I'll leave the two of you to sort it out by yourselves. 分かった、分かってるから。 あとは二人でご自由に
What's going on? To think I made it so dramatic... Since it's boring, I'll make the two of them... なんだよ、ドラマチックにしてあげたのに。 つまんないけど、二人まとめて…
Mao... To think you actually came out from the heart of a person.... マオ…お前が人の群れの中に出てくるなんて
Lulu... I shot someone... So... Lulu. I shot you too... ルル…あたし人を撃っちゃったの…だから… ルルのことも撃った…
It's my fault. Shirley, you're not at fault. I'm still alive. I forgive it, your sin. I'll bear all of it... オレのせいだ、シャーリーは悪くない。 オレは生きてる。 オレが許す。君の罪を、全部オレが…
I wanted you to be kind to me... Even though Father died... やさしくされようとした… お父さんが死んだのに…
Forget it. It's okay if you want to forget all of the horrible things. 忘れるんだ、 嫌なことは全て忘れてしまえばいい
You can! I'll make you forget everything. Shirley, I'm sorry about your father. If reincarnation exists, I will... できる!オレが全部忘れさせてやる。 シャーリー、お父さんのことすまなかった。 もし生まれ変わることができたら、君に…
I only realized it for the first time, after losing her, how often her smile saved me. We can no longer argue or laugh like that together. 無くしてから、初めてわかることってあるんですね。 自分がどれだけ、彼女の笑顔に救われてきたかって… あんなふうに口喧嘩することも、笑い合うこともできないんだなって
Up until now, I didn't know what I came here for. But maybe I came to put an end to something. 私、さっきまで何しにここまで来たのか、わかんなくなっていたんですけど、 もしかしたら、何か区切りをつけたかったのかもしれません
Even though there are a lot of things you can't forget, and a lot of sad things too, the morning will still come, right? そりゃぁ忘れることなんてできっこないし、 悲しいことっていっぱいあるけど、 でも朝は来るじゃないですか
I feel the same. Thanks for all you have done. オレもそう思っています。 今まで、ありがとう
In this world, there is malice born from kindness. There is also kindness born from malice. In the end, how will the people treat the actions that Lelouch has taken? この世界には、善意から生まれる悪意がある。 悪意から生まれる善意がある。 ルルーシュが起こした行動は、 果たしてどのように受けとめられるべきものなのか?
Geass. The one who uses this inhuman power will feel loneliness in their heart whether they are willing or not as they fall into the abyss between kindness and malice. ギアス。この人ならざる力を使う者は、 否応なく 心に孤独を作り出し、 善意と悪意の狭間に落ち込んでいく
However, if there exists someone who is able to rize above... Yes. That person would definitely... have the characteristics to be the king, isn't that so? されど、もし、そこから立ち上がる者がいるとするならば…そう。 その者は確かなる、 王の器を手にしているのだろう
That man called Mao has a Geass that enables him to read the thoughts of others... Is that possible? あのマオという男は、他人の考えを読み取る ギアスを持っている。それでいいのか?
It is. The way Geass manifests varies among people. In Mao's case, as long as he concentrates, he's able to read thoughts within a radius of up to 500m. そうだ。ギアスの発現の仕方は人によって異なる。 マオの場合は、集中すれば 最大500メートル先の思考を読むことができる
If he wants to, he can even read thoughts that are deep within the consciousness. その気になれば 深層意識まで読み取れる
He's your worst enemy since you are the type that uses your mind to fight. 頭で戦うタイプのお前には 最悪の敵だよ
Mao is targeting me. Even though he's an enemy, he's not after your life... マオの目的は私だ。 敵とはいっても、命を狙ったりは…
I know that. Otherwise, he would've revealed Zero's identity to the army or police. But he only targeted Shirley... それはわかっている。だったら ゼロの正体を、軍か警察に教えればいいんだからな。 なのにシャーリーにだけ…!
Mao has a strong Geass. There are no such conditions. Unlike you, he has neither a usage limit nor the need to look at the target's eyes. マオのギアスは強い。 お前のように 回数制限も、目を見るとかの制約も一切ない
If you must know, Mao is unable to turn off his power. He has to always listen to the inner voices of people around him, whether he wants to or not. しいてあげれば、マオは能力をオフにできない。 常に周囲の心の声が聞こえてしまう。 本人が望もうと望むまいと
If Mao managed to read my thoughts, he would be targeting my biggest weakness. But... マオがオレの思考を読んだとすれば、 オレの一番の急所を狙ってくるはずだが…
Brother, it's been a while since just the two of us spent time together. お兄様と二人きりなんて、久しぶり
When you talk like that, you make me wonder what kind of person it could be. お兄様にそこまで言わせるなんて、 どんな方でしょう?
I'm getting the Order of the Black Knights to perform a search. 黒の騎士団に探させている
Instead of doing that, why don't you use me as bait? Mao's target is me. そんなことより私を囮に使え。 マオの目的は私だ
As you use it, the power of the Geass will gradually grow stronger. Those who are unable to handle it will eventually be engulfed by their powers. 使う内に、ギアスはその力を増していく。 克服できない者は 自らの力そのものに飲み込まれていく
What are the terms of the contract? You're despicable! 契約の内容は?お前は卑劣だ!
Why didn't you finish him off when you abandoned him? You could have taken away his powers or his life! It's due to your indecisiveness that Shirley...! 捨てる時になぜ始末しなかった? 力を奪うなり、命を奪うなり! その中途半端なせいでシャーリーは!
He's a real aristocrat, even though he can't tell play and work apart. 放蕩貴族よ、 遊びと仕事の区別が付いていないの
Pretending not to know each other? What a cute way of playing around. で他人ごっこ? かわいいプレイだねぇ
All of you are saying the same thing. どいつもこいつも同じ答えを!
Eh? Did you bring it with you when you went out of the settlement? えぇ?外に持ってったとか?
We have yet to find the man called Mao... Should we make use of Kyoto's information network? マオという男は未だ… 京都の情報網は使いますか?
If I get within the 500m radius, my thoughts will be read by Mao. However, that condition might instead be used to predict his movement... To check him, a chess piece is... 500メートル以内に入れば、 マオに心を読まれてしまう。しかし、それが 逆にあいつの手を読む条件になるのだが。 チェックをかけるには駒が1枚…!
Lelouch, be happy. Right now, things have come to an end between you and me. I will patch things up with Mao. 喜べルルーシュ、 私とお前はここでお別れだ。 私はマオとやり直すことにした
I have never thought of you as an ally, just an accomplice. 私はお前と仲間だったつもりは無い。 ただの共犯者だ
This is surprising. By doing that, aren't you the same as Mao? これは驚きだ、それでは マオと同じだなぁ?
Geass is ineffective against me. I've told you that before. Don't worry. I don't intend to leak out things about you. I'll leave your Geass as it is. 私にギアスは効かない。言っただろう。 安心しろ、お前のことをしゃべるつもりはない。 ギアスもそのままだ
Mao won't appear in front of you again. With this, your hindrance has been removed. Congratulations and goodbye. マオだって、もう2度とお前の前には現れない。 これで障壁はなくなった。 おめでとう、さようなら
Stop it. By continuing that, you will be doubting the reality of General Katase's suicide. よせ。それ以上は、 自決されたカタセ少将をも否定することになるぞ
I have read it, the reorganization of the Order of the Black Knights. I have a general idea of what you want to do, but there are a few areas that I want to change. I will relay your thoughts to Ougi. 読ませてもらったよ、黒の騎士団の再編案。 いくつか修正してほしい部分はあるが、 概ね理解した。 君の考えはオウギにも通しておこう
Diethard... although he's a Britannian, he's much more useful than I thought. But I can't eliminate the suspicion of him being a spy yet. ディートハルト…ブリタニア人だが、 予想以上に使えそうだな。 まだスパイの可能性は排除し切れないが…
You're still as childish as ever. 相変わらず子供だな
I was hoping that you would call me your prince on a white horse since I came specifically to pick you up. 白馬の王子って言ってほしいなぁ。 君を迎えに来たんだからさぁ
Ignore it. Just concentrate on my voice. 気にするな。 私の声だけに耳を傾けて
If my thoughts are the only ones you can't read, if you only calm down when just the two of us are together, I will always be with you. 私の声だけが聞こえないのなら、 二人っきりでいるときだけ落ち着けるのなら、 私はいつもお前の側にいる
C.C., you're the only one. You're the only one I want. I don't care about Lelouch or anyone else. As long as you come... C2、君だけだ。 君だけなんだ、僕が欲しいのは。 ルルーシュなんてどうでもいい。 君さえ来てくれれば…
I should've done this from the start. 最初からこうしておくべきだったんだ
You're as stubborn as ever. 相変わらず一方的だな
God dammit, she comes and goes as she pleases. It's hard to understand a stubborn woman. 全く…勝手に戻ってきたり出ていったり。 一方的な女は理解しづらいな
As I thought, C.C. would never shoot me. C.C. loves me! やっぱりC2は僕を撃てなかった。 C2は僕が好きなんだよ
C.C., I had a house built in Australia. It's a beautiful, quiet, white house. But we need to take a plane to reach Australia... C2、僕ねぇオーストラリアに家を建てたんだ。 白くてキレイなとても静かな家。 だけどオーストラリアに行くには、飛行機に乗らなくちゃいけないんだ
But C.C., you're too big to bring onto the plane as carry-on luggage. So... I'll make you compact! でもC2を飛行機に持ち込むには、ちょっと大きすぎる。 だからさ…コンパクトにしてあげる!
As I thought, you're here. At a place where the thoughts of others won't interfere with you. It's so easy to find this place. やはりそこにいたか。 他人の声が邪魔にならない場所は、 自ずと位置が絞り込める
The maximum effective range of your Geass is 500m. It can't reach this place, the Tokyo Tower. お前のギアスの有効範囲は最大500メートル。 この東京タワーまでは届かない
Indeed, indeed. Even so, what do you intend to do? 確かに確かに。 でもねぇ、それでどうするつもり?
It seems that you have put some effort into hacking. Do you intend to remote-control some toys to deal with me? Or do you intend to use that sharp tongue of yours to convince me to surrender? いろいろとハッキングして頑張っちゃったみたいだけど、 他の玩具も遠隔操作して、僕を襲わせるのかな? それともその達者な口で 僕を言い負かすの?
You made use of the monitor to draw away my concentration. But I still have a way to defeat you. 僕の気を逸らすためにモニターを使った? でもな、僕にはまだお前に勝つ方法があるんだよ
The moment you do that is your moment of death. それをやった時が、お前の最後だ
When I bound a contract with him, Mao was just a six-year-old orphan. Reading and writing, parental love, good and evil, he knows nothing about those. 契約したとき、 マオはたった6歳で、孤児だった。 読書も、親の愛情も、善悪も、 何も知らなかった
The power of the Geass that Mao obtained from me made him distance himself from other people. 私が与えたギアスの力は、 マオから人を遠ざけた
That's why, even though he treats me as his best friend and his lover, I'll ultimately just be a stranger to him. Perhaps to Mao, I'm the only human he knows. I am everything to him in this world. だから私は、マオの親友で、恋人で、 他人だった。 私だけがマオにとっての人間だった。 世界のすべてだったんだ
C.C., I've decided that I won't lose to the Geass. I will control this power and become familiar with it. I'll let you see how I will change this world. C2、オレはギアスに負けたりはしない。 この力を支配して使いこなしてみせる。 この世界を変えてみせる
I will fulfill both your desire and mine. The contract that he was unable to fulfill, I will make it possible. オレの願いもお前の願いも、まとめて叶えてみせる。 奴に果たせなかった契約を、 オレは実現してやる
Are you comforting me or pitying me? Or are you getting attached to me? 慰めか、哀れみか? それとも、執着か?
It's a contract. This time, I'll be the one proposing it to you. 契約だ。 今度は、オレからお前への
Thirty-two of our bases have been discovered. Eleven of them were dummies. 発見されたこちらの拠点は32カ所、 うちダミーは11カ所
Forty-seven members have been arrested. However, since information about tier 8 and above has been classified, Britannia won't be able to find out about it. 逮捕されたのは47名ですが、 階層8以上とは情報が遮断されているため、 ブリタニアもそれ以上は探れません
By the way, we are still in the midst of searching for Toudou and the Shiseiken. あぁそれと、トウドウとシセイケンについては、 まだ捜索中です
They'll look down on you if you behave humbly. That's the kind of people the Chinese Federation are. へりくだればナメられる。 そういう相手だよ、中華連邦は
I don't have any confidence. I'm modest, unlike you. 自信がないな、 私はお前と違って謙虚だから
That's not necessary. It's a waste of time. Let's get married. しなくていいよ、 時間の無駄だ。結婚しよう
It's as you said. Want to try and search for me? そういうこと。 探してみるかい?
The time limit is five hours. Also, since this is a game between you and me, it'll result in a NG if you manipulate the police as chess pieces. タイムリミットは5時間。 あぁそれと、これは僕と君のゲームなんだから、 警察の駒を使うのはNGだよ
I don't want to be shot like last time, after all. この前みたいに撃たれるのは嫌だから
Hey Lulu. You shouldn't have used your Geass to issue the order to "shoot". You should have said "kill". ねぇルル、あの時のギアスは撃てじゃなくて 殺せとするべきだったんだよ
You were too naive in the end, that's why your sister... is in such a bind. She's in danger now. She's caught in a pinch now. 詰めが甘いから 妹が、窮地に立ったね、 危機に陥ったね、ピンチだねぇ
That's not necessary. It's a waste of time. Let's get married. しなくていいよ、 時間の無駄だ。結婚しよう
It's as you said. Want to try and search for me? そういうこと。 探してみるかい?
The time limit is five hours. Also, since this is a game between you and me, it'll result in a NG if you manipulate the police as chess pieces. タイムリミットは5時間。 あぁそれと、これは僕と君のゲームなんだから、 警察の駒を使うのはNGだよ
I don't want to be shot like last time, after all. この前みたいに撃たれるのは嫌だから
Hey Lulu. You shouldn't have used your Geass to issue the order to "shoot". You should have said "kill". ねぇルル、あの時のギアスは撃てじゃなくて 殺せとするべきだったんだよ
You were too naive in the end, that's why your sister... is in such a bind. She's in danger now. She's caught in a pinch now. 詰めが甘いから 妹が、窮地に立ったね、 危機に陥ったね、ピンチだねぇ
Isn't this too evil for a game? I won't forgive you... If you intend to make Brother sad! ゲームにしては悪質じゃありませんか? お兄様を悲しませるつもりなら、 あたしが許しません
No. I'm just using what I can find. People are still fearful of Britannians out there. いえ、あり合せですから。 外はまだブリタニアが怖くって
It can't be helped. We have to think of a way by ourselves. 仕方ないな、 僕たちだけで何とかするしかない
Only the photo and the fact that he is observing from nearby are certain. That's right, I heard the sound of water flowing. 写真と、オレを見張れるぐらい近くにいるってことしか… そういえば、水が流れているような音が
But this is rare. Normally, you would have noticed that immediately. でも珍しいな。 いつもの君ならすぐ気づくのに
That's because the student council is responsible for part of the management. 管理の一部は 生徒会が受け持っているから
Lelouch, you've been using this to get outside all of the time, right? ルールシュ、今までも これを使って外に抜け出したりしていただろ
It's as you deducted. A machine gun is linked to the observation camera. For that system, the lag time is 0.05 seconds. 君の推察通りだ。 監視カメラにマシンガンを連動させている。あのシステムなら、 タイムラグはおよそ0コンマ05
Then we can't get out of here. じゃあ、ここからは抜けられないな
I'll forgive you since Kururugi came at his own discretion. The two of you, try and do your best. 勝手に付いて来たクルルギまでは許すから、 二人で頑張ってみてね
Which means that Mao is outside of his effective Geass range. Was this to lure me in? ということは、マオはギアスの有効範囲外にいる。 誘いかこれも…
We just need to cut the line that's linked to the detonator. Bombs aren't this person's specialty, so it's possible to tell the dummy wire apart. However we have to think of other ways. 起爆装置から出ているラインを切断するだけ。 あいつは本職じゃないから、 ダミーを割り出すことは簡単。しかし、他の方法を考えないと…
To diffuse it while it's moving is not something a human is capable of. ごく僅かな揺れ幅のなかで、あれを切断する。 人間技じゃない…
It's good to be cautious, but we have a time limit, right? As for information, there's some right in front of your eyes. 慎重なのもいいけど、 タイムリミットがあるんだろ? それに、情報なら君の目の前にある
I'm a soldier after all. Can you make use of that information? 僕はこれでも軍人だ。 この情報を使えないか?
What a bunch of carefree brats. That's why things like schools are... お気楽なガキどもめ。 これだから、学校ってやつは…
Welcome, heart stealer-kun. You don't have any weapons or strategies. The bomb was just left as it is. You can't make use of the Order of the Black Knights or that friend of yours. ようこそドロボー猫クン。 武器も作戦もなく、 爆弾もそのまま。 黒の騎士団も さっきのお友達も使っていないねぇ
It's been a while since we spent time like this. There have been a lot of unexpected events since we came to Area Eleven. 久しぶりだな、こういう時間は。 エリア11に来て以来、 予想外のことが多すぎた
Surprisingly, he liked that place even though he was always arguing with Lelouch there. 意外と気に入っていたのだな。 あそこのルールシュとはケンカばかりしていたクセに
He must have treated him as a rival. However, paintings of Lelouch and the others were found among the ones left behind by Elder Brother. ライバルだったんですよ、きっと。 でも兄様が残した絵の中に ルールシュたちを描いたものがありましたよ
We must hurry up and stabilize this area and capture Zero, or else we will disappoint Clovis and even Lelouch and Nunnually. 早くこのエリアを平定し、ゼロを捕えねばな。 クロビス、そしてルールシュやナナリーにも申し訳が立たん
Since this place is the land in which the lives of three of our siblings were extinguished. ここが兄弟3人が命を散らせた 天地なのだから…
This was done in rather bad taste. No wonder you got abandoned by C.C. 趣味が悪いな、 C2に捨てられるわけだ
It's pointless to provoke me, since your thoughts are all clear to me. 挑発は通じないよ。 君の心は丸わかりなんだから
You're not the type that can blank out your mind. There's a critic within yourself who is always looking at your own actions, and you are always looking at the actions taken by that critic, who is another part of yourself. You are that kind of person. 君は頭を空っぽにできるタイプじゃない。 いつだって自分の行動を見ている批評家の自分がいて、 その批評家の自分を冷めて見つめている もう一人の自分がいて… そういう人間だよ
Amazing. A plan that involves thinking about seven things at the same time in an attempt to confuse me. すごい!7つのことを同時に考えて 僕を惑わせようって作戦だね
However, as long as my Geass is concentrated solely on you, it's easy to tell what the truth is. でもねぇ、僕のギアスを君だけに絞れば、 何が真実か読み取るのは簡単さ
Ah, even the last plan has failed. It's because you looked down on me that the life of your sister... あぁあ、最後の策もダメだった。 僕を見くびるから妹の命が…
"What should I do? I'm out of plans. I could make use of the others, but as long as Nanali is still being held hostage..." どうしよう、もう策がない。 他人を使おうにも ナナリーを人質に取られている以上…
Well said. I'm finally hearing the thoughts originating from deep within your heart. This feels great! The best! However, no. With this... Check! よく言えました! ようやく君の心の底からの声を聞かせてもらいましたねぇ。 気持ちいい、サイコー! でもダメ。これで…チェックだ!
Seems so. I used Geass on myself to make myself forget that I told Suzaku what to do. そうらしいな。 オレはスザクに指示したことは 自分にギアスをかけて忘れさせた
You, who believe that information from the thoughts from the heart is absolutely reliable, have lost. 心の声は絶対的な情報だと信じた お前の負けだ
Also, in order to read my thoughts, your effective range was reduced, leaving a hole within it. それに、オレの心を読む度に 効果範囲を絞ったのが 仇になったな
Impossible... What did you intend to do if he failed? バカな…こいつが失敗したら、どうするつもりだったんだ?
That's true. This was a plan that couldn't be carried out if I didn't trust Suzaku. そうだな…これはスザクを信じていないと 取れない作戦
Let go of me, you father killer. 離せよこの父親殺しが!
You killed your own father seven years ago. You thought that the war would end if you stopped your father, who adopted a do-or-die resistance? お前は7年前に実の父親を殺している。 徹底抗戦を唱えていた父親を止めれば、 戦争後は終わる?
What a childish way of thinking. The truth is that you're just a murderer! 子供の発想だねぇ。 実際はただの人殺し
Isn't it great that it didn't get exposed? It's all thanks to the lies told by the adults around you. よかったねバレなくて。 周りの大人達がみんなで嘘をついたお陰さ
You're still trying to grasp for an explanation as things are now? You, who deserves to die! いまさら後付の理屈かい? この死にたがりが!
You want to save people? The thing you want to save is your own heart, right? You hope that you would die while doing so, don't you? 人を救いたいって? 救われたいのは自分の心だろう。 それに準じて死にたいんだよねぇ
That's why you always place yourself on the verge of death. だからいつも自分の心を死に追い込む
Your kindness is there just for self-justification! You're just a spoiled brat that wished to be punished! お前の善意はただの自己満足なんだよ! 罰が欲しいだけの甘えん坊め!
The Britannian youth, Lelouch, has embarked on two paths. One is to find his mother's enemy. A path that leads to the "past". ブリタニアの少年ルルーシュは、二つの道を持っている。 一つは、母の仇を探す過去への道
The other is to turn the world into a place that his sister, Nunnally, can live in happily. A path that leads to the "future". もう一つは、妹ナナリーが幸せに過ごせる 場所を創るための、 未来への道
As Lelouch gazes at both the "past" and the "future", is the path that leads to the "present", which only he can choose, the destruction of the world or the reconstruction of the world? ルルーシュが過去と未来を見据えた時、 彼だけが選べる現在の道は、 世界の破壊か? 世界の構築か?
To tell the truth, I was confused. He was different from how he used to be. He shouldn't be like this, placing others ahead of himself. 正直戸惑っていた… 昔との違いに。 こんな他人優先 じゃなかったはずだ
Based on our investigation, the artist has a quarter of Eleven blood. こちらの画家は調査の結果、 4分の1イレブンの血が入っております
Anyway, please take a look at the painting here. It's something drawn by the son of Duke Nikolai. それより、あちらの絵をご覧ください。 ニコライ公爵のご子息がお描きになったものです
I understand. Accept it. Since the Order of the Black Knights is the ally of justice, there's nothing strange about it, right? 分かった、引き受けよう。 黒の騎士団は正義の味方だ。 不思議はないだろう?
Everything has been resolved. Don't worry about it. すべて組み直した。あまり気にするな
It would be a hindrance to the plan if your role changed. お前の利用価値が変わると 計画に差し支える
More importantly, today is the day that two of the chess pieces I've eyed for a long time gather together. If possible, another one... それより、今日は念願の駒が二つ 揃う日だ。できれば、もう一人…
Today is the execution date of Toudou Kyoushirou. 本日は、トウドウキョウシロウの処刑日ですが
I guess either the EU or the Chinese Federation is backing them up. バックにいるのは EUか中華連邦だろうな
Also... We've said it before, but... choose your knight from this list. All of them are excellent. Their families are excellent too. それと以前出ていた話だが… お前の騎士はこの中から選ぶといい。 どれも優秀だ、 家柄も確かだしな
During winter, the pond will freeze. I'll get scolded by Brother if I skate there though. 冬にはこの池に氷が… スケートをしたら お兄様に叱られましたけど
It's easy. You just need to tie frog legs to the end of the string. 簡単だよ。 糸にカエルの足とかをつけて
It won't increase. The survival rate will increase. 上がんないわよ。 生存率が上がるの
Even though it's Her Highness Cornelia's order, the formalities need to be observed. This change of executioner is a case that's exceptional among the exceptional after all. コーネリア殿下のご命令といえど、 手続きは踏んでいただく。 刑の執行人変更は、 特例中の特例なのでな
That wasn't a miracle. It was a victory achieved through information-gathering and tactics. That is why I want you. あれは奇跡ではない。 情報収集を踏まえた、 戦術的成功だ。 だからお前が欲しい
Enough. The master I serve, General Katase, is no longer alive. I am now just... もういい。主君と定めたカタセ少将は 亡くなられた。 私も…
Naive! You must take responsibility. The responsibility for the miracle! 甘えるな! お前は責任を取らなければならない。 奇跡の責任を!
People tend to indulge in the illusions called "miracles''. Isn't that why Refrain is spreading so rampantly? 人々は奇跡という幻想を 抱いている。だからこそ リフレインが蔓延しているのではないのか
Struggle, Toudou! Struggle on desperately till the very end, then die! Until the name "Toudou the Miracle" gets shredded into pieces! 足掻けトウドウ! 最後までみっともなく足掻いて、そして死んでいけ! 奇跡のトウドウという名前がズタボロになるまで
After that, will the Japanese, for the first time, accept the truth of our defeat? そうして初めて日本人は、 敗戦を受け入れられると?
That's necessary for the sake of the people. However, I can make that fleeting dream come true. 民衆のためにこそ、それが必要だ! 最も、私は正夢にしてしまうだろうがな
Then you should travel down that path! Be it victory or defeat, you won't achieve anything unless you do your best. The same applies whether it's at the national or personal level! なら君はその道を行け! 勝つにしろ負けるにしろ、全てを出し切れなければ 何も獲得できはしない。 それは国でも個人でも同じこと!
Warrant Suzaku, release the Haken Booster! The password is my favorite thing! クルルギ准尉、ハーケンブースター解除! パスワードは僕の好物!
An interesting way of fighting. 面白い戦い方をする
I will answer the question raised earlier. You were wondering whether I had decided on who would be my knight, right? The one I have decided on to be my knight is the person over there. 先ほどのご質問にお答えします。 私が騎士となる方を決めたかどうかでしたね。 私が騎士とするのは、 あそこにいるお方
Yes. He didn't reply even when I called him. ええ、呼んでも応答しないし…
In the past, we had problems even getting a bike, but now a submarine... バイク一台調達するのにも苦労してたってのに潜水艦かぁ…
Well then, I'm going to announce the new organization chart resulting from the reorganization of the Order of the Black Knights. それでは、黒の騎士団再編成による、 新組織図を発表する
The overall in-charge for all aspects of intelligence, including publicity, spying and public relations will be Diethard Ried. 情報全般、 広報、諜報、障害の 総責任者にディートハルトリート
Reason? Then what about myself? As you all know, I'm not Japanese. What is needed is the ability to produce results. Things like race, personal history, and methods don't matter. 理由?では私はどうなる? 知っての通り、私も日本人ではない。 必要なのは、結果を出せる能力だ。 人種も、過去も、手段も関係ない
The chief of technological research and development will be Rakshata. 技術開発担当、ラクシャータ
Only Team Zero will come under my direct control. Just think of it as my personal unit. ゼロ番隊だけは、私の直轄となる。 親衛隊と考えてもらえればいい
Even though he is a honorary Britannian, for an Eleven to become a knight is... 名誉ブリタニア人とはいえ、 イレブンが騎士になるとは
Art thou willing to stand by the knight's covenant and fight as a Britannian Knight? 汝ここに騎士の制約を立て、 ブリタニアの騎士として戦うことを願うか?
Art thou willing to forsake thy desires and act as our sword and shield for the sake of greater justice? 汝、我欲を捨て、 大いなる正義のために剣となり、 盾となることを望むか?
I, Euphemia Li Britannia, acknowledge thee, Kururugi Suzaku, as a knight. 私ユーフェミアリブリタニアは、汝クルルギスザクを騎士として認めます
People won't act just for principles or opinions. Now that someone symbolic has appeared in Britannia, I think assassination is the most realistic measure we could take... 人は主義主張だけでは動きません。 ブリタニア側に象徴足りうる人物が現れた今、 最も現実的な手段として暗殺という手がある
I object. You won't gain the support of the Japanese through the use of such despicable methods. 反対だ。その様な卑怯なやり方では、 日本人の支持は得られない
I'm just proposing the most realistic measure with the least risk. Zero is the one to make the decision. 私は、最も確実でリスクの低い方法を 申し上げたまで。 決断するのはゼロです
This is easy, isn't it? You just need to use your Geass on Kururugi Suzaku. 簡単なことだろう。 クルルギスザクにギアスを使えばいい
Appointing knights is a special right of the royalty. Even though I'm the Govenor-General, I can't intervene in this. 騎士の任命は皇族の特権だ。 総督といえど口を出す資格はない
Kururugi Suzaku may only be an honorary Britannian, but his capabilities match those expected of a knight. Also, Sister... Governor-General, you should have seen that yourself. クルルギスザクは名誉ブリタニア人ではありますが、 その能力は騎士とするに相応しいものです。それはお姉様も… 総督も、その目でご覧になったはずです
Treating Numbers differently is a national policy of Britannia. ナンバーズを区別するのはブリタニアの国是だ
I guess that many people have already congratulated you, but are you still willing to accept our congratulations? お祝い、いっぱいされたでしょうけど、 私達のも受けていただけますか?
You seem to be doing something interesting. Uranium, right? The one with an isotope mass of 235. 面白そうなことやってるねぇ。 ウランでしょ?質量数235の方
However, the problem is the source material, the uranium-235. They only make up 0.7% of all the uranium naturally found. でも問題は燃料として使えるウラン235が、 天然ウランの中には0.7%しかないことなんです
Then how are the two of you related...? その、お二人はどういうご関係で?
As it isn't a place of any strategic value, the military power of the enemy should be limited. 戦力拠点ではないため、 敵戦力も限られている
This is a chance. The objective of this mission is to capture the Lancelot and Suzaku alive. We will defeat him fair and square in battle and turn him into our captive. これはチャンスだ。作戦の目的は クルルギスザク及びランスロットの捕獲。 戦場で勝って、 堂々と捕虜にする
In the end, it's fine as long as the people view it as a strike from the hammer of justice and not a despicable assassination, right? We can use the media to conceal the truth. 結果的に 卑劣な暗殺ではなく、 正義の鉄槌だと民衆が思えば良いのでしょう。 メディアを使えば、真実は隠せる
Nice words alone are not sufficient if you want to take over the world. Am I mistaken? 世界を掴むには、 綺麗事だけでは済まない。違いますか?
Diethard, what are you trying to achieve? Even though you were demoted, you are still a Britannian. ディートハルト、お前の目的は何だ? 左遷されたとはいえ、お前はブリタニア人だろ
There isn't a need for you to change the world by following the Order of the Black Knights, right? 黒の騎士団に加わって 世界を変える必要などないだろう
The first time I saw you during the Kururugi Suzaku extortion incident, I was moved. 私はあのクルルギスザク強奪事件で、 初めてあなたを見た。 震えました!
A new era assumed a human form and stood there. I want to film you. 新しい時代が人という形を取って、そこにいる。 私はあなたを撮りたい
A lone man formed an organization to defeat a country and eventually reign over the world. I want to record this in history at the closest distance possible. There is nothing more emotionally moving than this. たった一人の男が組織を作り、国家を打倒し、 いずれ世界に君臨する。 その歴史をこの私が一番近くから記録する。 こんなに心踊ることはない
Record? When you get involved in an incident, records will become fabricated. 記録?自ら事件に介入するのなら、 それは捏造だろう
There isn't a report that has no bias. Zero, isn't journalism something created by the consciousness of the people? 主観無き情報などありえません。 ゼロ、ジャーナリズムとは、 所詮人の意思が作るものです
You are not in charge of military matters. お前の担当は軍事ではない
As expected from Tohdoh. He defeated the Britannian army before without any KnightMares. All that's left is to get this information to Euphemia... さすがだなトウドウ。 ナイトメアなしで、ブリタニア軍に土をつけただけのことはある。 後は、ユーフェミアにこの情報が伝わればいい
Kururugi Suzaku, you shall demonstrate your capabilities here. By doing that, those criticisms will eventually disappear, right? クルルギスザク、ここであなたの力を示すのです。 そうすれば、いずれ雑音も消えるでしょう
To actually jump onto sand without any special equipment on... Is he intending to get the Lancelot surrounded by using himself as bait? 砂地に装備なしで飛び込むなんて… それとも、ランスロットを囲むつもりか? 自らを囮にして
I will be following international laws in terms of how to treat captives. If you are not willing to listen, you will be shot from all four directions. 捕虜の扱いについては 国際法に乗っ取る。 話し合いに乗らない場合、 君は四方から銃撃を受けることになるが?
Kururugi Suzaku, I will be blunt. I want you to be one of my comrades. クルルギスザク、単刀直入に言おう。 私の仲間になってほしい
Is this a threat? Even so, I refuse. I told you before. It's worthless to achieve results using the wrong methods. それは脅しかい?だとしても断る。 前にも言ったはずだ。間違った方法で 手に入れた結果に意味は無いって
Then I ask you, is the peace we have now meaningless? What do you think would have happened if Japan chose to adopt a do-or-die resistance seven years ago? では聞こう。 今の平和にも意味は無いのか? 7年前、日本が徹底抗戦を選んでいたら、 どうなっていたと思う?
The Chinese Federation and the EU would have intervened, and Japan would have been divided in three. Battles would be breaking out even now, right? 中華連邦とEUが介入し、 日本は三つに分断され、 いまだに戦い続けていただろう
In other words, the peace we have now is the product of that immediate unconditional surrender. つまり今の平和は、 いち早く決まった無条件降伏によるものだ
No, you are mistaken. The surrender was not the decision of the elected Prime Minister Kururugi. It was something selfishly decided by someone who killed him. 違うな、間違っているぞ。 降伏は、選挙で選ばれたクルルギ首相ではなく、 彼を殺した何者かが勝手に決めたことだ
The command authority of the government was thrown into confusion and they had no choice but to surrender. 政府の指揮系統に乱れが起こり、 降伏を選ぶしかなくなった
Do you understand? The will of the people was stolen. Selfishly! By that single culprit who broke the rule! わかるだろう?人々の意思は奪われたのだ。 ルールを破った一人の犯罪者によって勝手に!
There is only one means for atonement. Support, with all your effort, the choice that the Japanese were unable to make then. 一つだけ贖罪する方法がある。 あの時の日本人が選べなかった選択肢を、 身をもって提示することだ
The path that was taken away seven years ago... To fight against Britannia. 7年前に盗まれた、ブリタニアと戦うという道を
This is another path to take. Do you intend to spread that ego of yours to everyone for eternity? これも一つの道だ。君は自分のエゴを、多くの人々に未来永劫に渡って 押し付けるつもりか
Inform the base that there's the danger that I might be caught in it! Even if that happens, are they still going to issue the order to fire?! 基地に伝えなさい! 私が巻き込まれる危険があると!それでも 発射命令を出せますか?!
It might be useless even with that. 駄目じゃないかな、それでも…
Confirmation of missiles approaching! 接近するミサイルを確認!
Major Kururugi, this isn't a meaningless sacrifice! We will be able to defeat, with certainty, the criminal Zero who committed the grave sin of rebelling against the country! クルルギ少佐。これは無駄死にではないぞ。 国家反逆の大罪人ゼロを 確実に葬ることができるのだ
Your heroic deed will definitely be retold via different means forever! 貴公の武勲は 後々まで語り継がれることになろう
To all KnightMares, fire a shower of bullets at the missiles incoming from the right side! 全ナイトメアは、飛来するミサイルに対して 弾幕を張れ!
I lost my means of communication when I lost my intercom. I think it's better to secure a water source first, to ensure that I can camp outdoors. インカムもなくしたから連絡手段がないし、 一先ず水場を確保して、 ビバークをできるようにしておいた方がいいか
That clothing... from the Order of the Black Knights? その服は、黒の騎士団の…!
I am in the Order of the Black Knights. There's no need to hide that now. 私は黒の騎士団! 今更隠す気はない
Then I shall capture you, Kohzuki Kallen, for the crime of rebelling against Britannia. では、香月カレン、君を拘束する! 容疑は、ブリタニアへの反逆罪だ
Search for her! Do everything you can to find Princess Euphemia! 探せ! 何としてもユーフェミア様を探し出すんだ!
As a decorative Vice Governor-General, she should've just behaved obediently. If Princess Cornelia comes to know about this incident... お飾りの副総督なら、 らしくしていればいいものを。 このようなこと、コーネリア様の耳に入ったら…
Ah... I didn't expect floating battleship. I remembered saying that I needed data before we make the actual thing? いやぁ、まさか浮遊高空艦とはねぇ… 実用化はデータを取ってから とか言ってませんでした?
It's because His Highness has saved me, who should have been imprisoned beneath Tanboru Island. 本来なら今頃タンブル島の地下深くに繋がれていたはずの 私を救って下さったのだ
There's no need for you to think in such a stubborn manner. The incident this time is all thanks to you. The same goes for the incident with Clovis. I should be the one thanking you. そんなに固く考えないでくれないか。 今回の件は君のお陰だし、 クロビスのこともある。 礼を言うのは私の方だ
Prioritizing is important in that kind of situation. Also, he could have been saved if some irregularities had been introduced. I was betting on him. この状況でも忘れてはならないことは、優先順位です。 そして、イレギュラーが起これば、 彼が助かる可能性もあった。 そこに賭けたのです
Kururugi Suzaku, both as Euphie's Knight and as an important pilot of Special Envoy. ユフィの騎士であり、 特派の重要なパイロットであるクルルギスザクに
Why would I? It is my fault for being unable to protect my subordinate. I'm sorry. まさか、部下を守れない 私が悪いのです。申し訳なかった
But I was only sure of it just now. でも確信したのは今さっき
Sister won't listen to what I say. Also... I can't make her even sadder... お姉さまは私の言うことなんか… それに、それ以上に悲しくて
Can you tell me one thing? Do you know anything about the assassination of my mother? 一つだけ教えてくれ。 キミは、母が殺された事件について何か?
I'm sorry. But it seems that Sister has done a lot of investigating. Queen Marianne is the one who Sister admired after all. ごめんなさい。でもお姉さまはいろいろ調べているみたい。 マリアンヌ様は、お姉さまの憧れだったから
From the feces and footprints, I know that this place is a path that wild animals pass through. This is a chance... to arrange a trap originating from medieval times. 糞や足跡から、 ここが野生動物の通り道だとわかる。 中世からの罠に、アレンジを加えるチャンスだ
I won't fall for it if you're trying to win me over. 懐柔しようたって、 その手には乗らないから
I can't... make a princess... do physical work... It's all right. The system is... perfect. 皇女殿下に、肉体労働は… 大丈夫、システムは完璧で…
It's indeed dangerous to remain in this sea region. Let's retreat. やはり これ以上、この海域に留まるのは危険だ。引き返そう
No, we need to stay here till the end to search for Zero. いえ、あくまでここに留まりゼロを探すべきです
But the current situation doesn't allow us to send a search team out. It's all thanks to Rakshata that we were able to hide here. In addition, we are unable to confirm for sure that Zero and Kallen are still alive. だが、捜索隊すら出せない状況。 ラクシャータのお陰で隠れていることはできても、 最早ゼロやカレンが生存している保障すらない
The existence of the whole organization will be affected if we make a wrong move. 一歩間違うと、 組織の存亡に関わる
It's the opposite. It's because of Zero that we are here. It's because of Zero that an organization was started. 逆です、ゼロあっての私たち。 ゼロがいて、初めて組織があるのです
An organization can exist only if there are people. Bastard, your way of thinking is very Britannian-like. 人あってこその組織だ。 貴様の物言いは、実にブリタニアらしいな
Then I ask you this: There are people with different ideologies gathered here. However, what is the element that makes everyone work together? ではお聞きしたい。 ここには、様々な主義主張の人が集まっています。 しかし、曲がりなりにもそれがまとまっているのは、なぜですか?
Wasn't it because results were being produced? And who's the one who produced those results? 結果が出ているからでは? そしてその結果を出しているのは、誰なんですか?
I acknowledge the results. But can that be compared with the lives of everyone here? 結果は認めよう。 しかし、全員の命と比べられるのか?
Sometimes, the life of one person is more important than the lives of the masses. As a former soldier, that should be common sense to you. 時として、一人の命は 臆の民より重い。元軍人なら 常識のはずです!
It can't be helped. I'll tell you. That fellow is still alive. 仕方ない、教えてやろう。 あいつは生きているぞ
I've already told you I'm not, all right? A guy who's only full of sexual thoughts. 違うと言っただろう。 ゲスな発想しかできん男だ
Please wait! You're going off-topic! Anyway, let's do this for now. We will move to a safe sea region just outside of Britannia's surveillance range. We will wait till tomorrow and put all of our efforts into organizing a big search. Along with a time limit... 話がズレてる! ともかくこうしよう、 ブリタニアの警戒網の外、安全な海域ギリギリで、 とりあえず明日いっぱいまで待つっていうのは。 時間制限も付ければ…
God damn it, it's all because of your pranks that I have to argue with a boring man. まったく、お前のイタズラのせいで、 つまらん男と会話を…
So that's the reason for being so gentle all of a sudden? How unfortunate. I'm the commander of Zero's personal unit. I have fought in a KnightMare against you before. やけにヌルいと思ったら、それが本音? あいにくね、あたしはゼロの親衛隊隊長よ。 ナイトメアであんたとも戦ったわ
Even if we perish together, I'll bring down your white armor one day. 刺し違えてでも、 いつかあんたの白カブトを仕留めてみせるわ
Then what about your future? Are you going to carry on living as a dog under the controlling system? ならあんたの未来は? 支配体制の犬になって、 ただ生きてるだけ
I'm different. I'll show you that I can change this wrong world. Otherwise... If I don't do that... Brother won't rest in peace. 私は違う!この間違った世界を変えてみせる。 じゃないと…そうじゃなきゃ、 兄さんが浮ばれない
That's why I'll fight! I'll do anything in order to win! だから私は戦う! 勝つためなら、手段は選ばない
The stars are still the same... The same as before. The same as the starry sky we saw together in the past. 星は変わりませんね、あの頃のまま… 昔、みんなで見上げた星空と
How wonderful it would be if it has remained the same since then... あの頃のままでいられたら、 どんなに良かったでしょう…
That's right... How wonderful it would be if we can return to how it was before... そうだね、戻れたら、 どんなにいいだろうね
Zero is the same as my father. They think that the world revolves around them. That's why, no matter how much blood is shed... ゼロは僕の父と同じだ。 世界は自分を中心に存在していると思っている。 だから、多くの人の血が流されることを承知で…
I don't have any intention of giving up. But I know it. あきらめろと言うつもりはないよ。 でもね、僕は知っているんだ
I know what will be left behind when you try to achieve results using the wrong methods. It's just a sense of loss and regret. 間違ったやり方で得た結果が、 何を残すか… 行き場のない虚しさと、後悔だけだって
I struggle on desperately in order to search for a reason to live... I am ... despicable. みっともなく足掻いて、 生きる意味を探し求める。 醜いな…オレは
I'm not good with archeology, especially of those things with ''super" in front of them. 考古学は得意じゃないんですが、 特に超とかつきそうなのは…
But it's just too different from my specialty. If I had known about this, I would have asked Cecile for help right from the start. でもねぇ、僕の専門とは違い過ぎて…こんなことなら セシル君に頼めば良かった
Don't be so negative about it. Father seems to be obsessed with this kind of thing. Isn't that so, Bartley? そんなに嫌がらないでくれよ。 父君もこの手のものにご執心らしくてね。 そうなんだろ?バトレイ
Although it's just my hypothesis, the attacks against the other countries could be just to secure this list of points. これは推測ですが、 各国に対しての進行計画は、 これらのポイントに沿って、行われているものかと
With such an unreliable knight at your side, you even had problems eating. こんな頼りない騎士がお供じゃ、 食事すらね
Go along with me here. Let go of my subordinate. This is a hostage exchange. ここは私に合わせろ。 そこにいる私の部下を返してもらおう。 人質交換だ
It's all right. It's just a prototype machine after all. More importantly, it's great that the two of them are safe. 良い、所詮は実験機。 それより、二人の無事を祝おう
I don't know how you got out of the Lancelot, but we lost the rare chance to eliminate Zero because you treasured your life. Do you intend to defend yourself? どうやってランスロットから出たのかは知らんが、 ゼロを始末する千載一遇のチャンスを、 自分の命を惜しんでフイにした。 抗弁する気はあるかね?
Suzaku, I'm sorry... You're the only one I didn't intend to use it on. スザク、済まない。 お前にだけは使うつもりはなかったのだが…
I... killed my father. But... I wasn't punished at all. I was living freely. Once again, I'm being protected like this. 自分は…父を殺したんです。 なのに、罰せられることもなく、のうのうと生きている。 そしてまた、こうして守られて
I, alone... without caring about the martyrs to duty and the Elevens... I'm not qualified as I am now. 殉職者やイレブンの人たちを横目に、一人だけ… そんな自分に、こんな資格は…
Your Highness Cornelia, we are taking too much damage. With this weather, we are unable to make use of the sky. As for land-based combat, it's better if we wait for the weather to stabilize. コーネリア殿下、損害が大きすぎます。 この天候では空も使えませんし。 上陸作戦は 天候が安定してからかと
It's sure fortunate to have such an intense storm blowing. Let's make use of this chance to seize Kyushu. 行幸ですな、暴風雨とは。 今のうちに九州をまとめられる
General Tsao, Heaven is acting as our ally. We will win this war. ツァオ将軍、天が味方している。 勝ちますよこの戦は
There's no need to declare martial law. That would just increase the uneasiness among the people. 戒厳令は必要ないよ。 市民を不安にさせるだけだからね
Euphie, try to be understanding. Due to the current situation, not even Cornelia has the time for such things, wouldn't you agree? わかってあげなよユフィ。 こんな時だから、 コーネリアにも余裕がないんだよ
Darlton, about what I said earlier, an acquaintance of mine knows a route. I'll try and ask him for help. ダールトン、さっきの件だけど、 私の知り合いがルートを持っている。 頼んでみるよ
Nina, what about the outdoor booths that we're supposed to borrow from the museum? ニーナ、美術館から借りる予定の、 屋外ブースは?
Even as I am now... Her Highness, Princess Euphemia will still accept me. If further problems were to arise, I feel that... she would start to hate herself. ユーフェミア皇女殿下は、こんな僕でも 認めてくれたんです。だから、迷惑をかけると… あの人が自分自身を嫌ってしまいそうな、そんな気がして…
I was unable to avenge you even though I met Zero. However, I still can't think of a way to save Lelouch and Nunnally. I'm not as powerful as Sister or Brother Schneiser. ゼロに会ったんですけど、仇取れませんでした。 でも、ルルーシュやナナリーを救う方法も思いつかなくて… 私には、お姉様やシュナイゼル兄様のような力はありません
I'm just a burden no matter where I go. Before I even realize it, I find myself acting willfully. Although I went against Sister's decision and selected a knight... I was rejected by him. どこへ行っても足手まといで 気がついたら我侭ばかり。 お姉さまに逆らって騎士を選んでみたのですが… 返されちゃいました
Zero, I think it's better if you clearly explain the objective of the organization... ゼロ、組織としての方針を明確にしておいた方が
Even if we leave the Sawasaki's incident out of this, what is our immediate objective? サワサキの件は置いておくとしても、 当面の目的ぐらいは
No matter how much the Order of the Black Knights grows... The enemy is a large country that reigns over a third of the world. いくら黒の騎士団が大きくなったといっても、 敵は世界の3分の1以上を占める大国
Then I ask you: Who are you waiting for to defeat Britannia? Someone will take your place and do that for you? A chance will come someday if you keep on waiting? では聞こう、お前たち、誰かがブリタニアを倒してくれるのを待つつもりか? 誰かが自分の代わりにやってくれる、 待っていればいつかはチャンスが来る…
How naive! If you yourself don't act, that "someday" definitely won't come! 甘えるな!自らが動かない限り、 そんないつかは絶対に来ない!
As expected from them. The aerial defense is well thought-out too. さすがぁ、 空爆対策もしっかりしてるねぇ
Hmph, even if it's a new model, a single ship is just...! いくら最新型であろうと、 単艦では!
The energy consumption while floating is high, so please keep track of your operational time. 尚フロートは、エナジー消費が激しいため、 稼働時間に留意
Seems that a bomber has taken off from the enemy battleship, but its speed is faster than that of a fighter plane. 敵艦から爆撃機が発艦したようですが、 速度が戦闘機以上です
Back then... Back then when Princess Euphemia saved me... I saw a goddess. It was as if you were shining brightly. あの時、ユーフェミア様が私を助けてくれたとき、 女神様に見えたんです。 光り輝いていて、まるで…
Don't worry about that. Also, I'm not that great of a person. I'm completely useless compared to my elder sisters. そんなこと気にしないで。 それにね、私はそんな立派な人間じゃないわ。 姉たちに比べたら全然ダメで
This has nothing to do with my father. I came because I myself wanted to put an end to the fighting. As long as you surrender... 父は関係ありません。 自分は戦いを終わらせるためにきました。 降伏さえしていただければ
Do you intend to take away the dream of Japan's independence? 君は日本独立の夢を 奪う気か?
No thanks. I couldn't forgive myself if I made use of my father's name here. お断りします。ここで父の名を使ったら、 もう自分を許すことができない
But the development of the Float System was my loss. Looks like my opponent is that pudding Earl. This was unintentional cooperation. Ah... This makes me sick. でもフロートシステムの開発は、私の負け。 やっぱり相手はフリィ伯爵か? 思わぬ共同作業ね… あぁ気持ち悪い
How unfortunate, Zero. Your wish won't be fulfilled. I shall engage in this battle before you. 残念だけどゼロ、 お前の願いは叶わない。 自分が先に叩かせてもらう
We, the Order of the Black Knights, are the enemy of all those who use violence unreasonably. 我ら黒の騎士団は、 不当な暴力を振るう者すべての敵だ
But it would have been easier if the Guren had been used to provide cover... I can't head back home or to school anyway. Right now, even if we don't cooperate with the Lancelot... でも、グレンが壁になればもっと楽に… どうせ私は家にも学校にも帰れないし。 今更ランスロットなんかと手を組まなくたって…
What we need is not victory. What is crucial is the fact that the Order of the Black Knights participated in this fight. Of course, this won't be officially reported, but rumors will spread. 必要なことは勝利ではありません。 この戦いに黒の騎士団が参加したという事実です。 むろん、表立っての報道はなされないでしょうが、噂は流せます
As Zero said, this is going to aid us in announcing our stance to the world. ゼロが言う通り、これは私たちの立場を全世界に伝える 役に立つでしょう
Suzaku, I finally understand. It's not about ideal countries, justice, or other such complicated things. スザク、私ね、わかったんです。 理想の国家とか大儀とか、 そういう難しいことじゃなくて
I just want to see smiles. The smile of the person I love deeply now, and the smile of the person I loved deeply in the past. ただ私は笑顔が見たいんだって。 今大好きな人と、 かつて大好きだった人の笑顔が
The situation is changing. It has nothing to do with personal thoughts. 状況は動き出す。 個人の思惑とは関係なく
Time constantly flows. It doesn't care about people struggling. 時は流れ行く。 人々の足掻きとは別に
In that case, Lelouch is happy, right? Since, at the very least, he could decide how the world operates through his own power. ならば、ルルーシュは幸せなのだろう。 少なくとも、自らの力で 世界を決めることができるのだから
The ability to give an order to anyone. A power that enforces absolute obedience. He can still rely on the Geass. いかなる相手にでも命令を下せる、 絶対遵守の力。 ギアスを頼りに
It's true. Due to the intervention of the Chinese Federation and the terrorist acts carried out by the Order of the Black Knights, there are various instances of uproar taking place around the world. たしかに、中華連邦の介入や 黒の騎士団によるテロ行為によって、 世間はいろいろと騒がしい
However, this problem is not tied to that. It's a fact that your attendance is not sufficient! しかし、それとこれとは別問題。 出席日数が足りないというこの事実!
No matter how good your grades are... No matter whether you're Princess Euphemia's knight or not! You have no choice but to repeat the grade if your attendance is not sufficient! いくら成績が良かろうと、 いくらユーフェミア様の騎士だろうと、 出席日数が足りなければ 留年しかないの!
Even an Eleven can become successful. Look at that Kururugi Suzaku! イレブンだって出世できるんだ。 あのクルルギスザクってのを見てみなよ
Kyushu would have been taken away by the Chinese Federation if Zero hadn't been around, right? ゼロがいなかったら 九州は中華連邦に奪われてたのよぉ
Anything is fine as long as there's peace. 何でもいいよぉ平和なら
Your life will change greatly by following that guy. My dream of becoming a bureaucrat might come true too. あいつに付いていけば 人生一発大逆転だ。官僚になるって俺の夢も
I have dreams too. I'd most likely be abusing Refrain now if I hadn't joined the Order of the Black Knights. あったんだよ俺にだって夢が! 黒の騎士団やってなきゃ 今頃、リフレインでもキめてるって
If Refrain is used.. the past even Zero's real identity... Even if I know that... what should I do...? リフレインなら過去を…ゼロの正体を… しかし知ってどうする…オレは…
About what we were saying earlier... We can't contact Zero, even if we want to wait for his instructions... 例の件ですけど、 指示を仰ごうにも、 ゼロに連絡が取れなくって
The Signal to begin will be the voice of this person. スタートの合図は この一声から!
As I thought, Sawasaki and his goons were useful. With this, quite a fair bit of the conditions have been cleared. やはりな、サワサキたちにも利用価値はあった。 これで条件はかなり クリアされたな
I'm telling the truth. In the battlefield you're much more beautiful and dazzling than any flower or butterfly at a ball. Yes, you're like the Flash of Lightning. 本当さ。戦場でのキミは、 舞踏会のどんな華や蝶より、 美しく輝いているよ。 そう、閃光のようにね
Ah, also, about that thing that Bartley is in-charge of... ああそれと、バトレイが管理している件だけど
As I was saying, the world's largest pizza. だから、 世界一のピザ
I said that I would bring some back. Stay in the room. 持っていってやるから、 部屋にいろ
I won't pull tricks for such things. Soilders and people from the media are around. What would I do if you got caught? こんなことで計略は使わない。 軍人やマスコミがいるんだぞ。 見つかったらどうする
I'll create a diversion. Make use of that chance. 一騒ぎ起こします。 その隙に
You're not going to leave Area 11? If you do that, the person who shot you won't be able to chase after you. 出ませんか?エリア11を。そうすれば、 あなたを撃った人も 追ってこないかと
Ohgi-san... Was the previous me much happier than how I am now? That is why... Can you... continue with what you wanted to say? オウギさん、以前の私、 今よりも幸せだったのでしょうか?だから… さっきの言葉の続き、聞かせてもらえませんか?
"She's my...?" What am I? I... don't mind becoming an Eleven. この人はオレの…なんですか? 私、イレブンになってもいいです
I'm fine as long as I get to live with Brother. あたしは、お兄様と一緒なら、それだけで…
Do you remember the fights the two of us had back then? Arguing who would become Brother's bride. あの頃、二人でケンカしたのを憶えてます? どっちがお兄様のお嫁さんになるかって
I remembered saying "You must decide who would be the one tonight." And that placed Lelouch in quite a bind. 憶えてる。 どっちにするか今夜決めてって ルルーシュを困らせたの
We will soon start! The making of the world's largest pizza! まもなく始まります、 世界一のピザ作り
By the way, the thing below my feet is an oven specially made for this event. What a wonderful way of squandering the budget. ちなみに、私の足元に控えているのが、 今回のためだけの特性オーブンです。 素晴らしき予算の無駄遣い
This sure is relaxing. No one will die even if there's a mistake. なんて気楽なんだ。ミスしたところで、 誰が死ぬわけでもないってのは
As expected from you. Seems like everything will proceed on time. さすがねぇ、 時間通りいけそうじゃない
Lately I've learned how to order people around. 最近人を使うことを 憶えましたから
But everyone is really optimistic. Even though it was only recently that the Chinese Federation came to invade us. しかし、みんな能天気ですね。 ついこないだ 中華連邦が攻めてきたばかりだというのに
Isn't that why? Festivals are essential. No matter who it is, no matter when it is. だからじゃない。祭りは必要よ、 どんな人にも、 どんなときでも
The preparation of the ingredients should be done! 素材の準備も 整ったようです!
To the Elevens, Suzaku-san is the star of hope. スザクさん、イレブンにとっては、 希望の星なんですよ
I was in charge of that last year. But I can't compare to a professional. 去年はオレの役だったんだけど、 本職には敵わない
Today was just filled with surprises. Lelouch and Nunnally were actually so near, and are friends with Suzaku. 今日は驚くことばかり。 ルルーシュとナナリーがこんな近くにいて、 しかもスザクの友達だったなんて
I detest that everyone can't be happy. 私は、みんなが幸せにならないとイヤなの
However, this is the last time we'll ever meet. でも、会うのは今日が最後だ
I'm from HiTV. Please say something, even one line will do. HIテレビです。一言、 一言だけでも!
Looks like the hidden space of the broadcast van won't be used. 中継者の機材スペースが、 ムダになったな
There isn't a need for the commander of Team Zero to escape either. However, I still hope that you will continue to conceal your identity and continue acting secretly in the settlement. ゼロ番隊隊長も、逃げる必要はなくなった。 しかしキミには、このまま 隠密として疎開内にいてもらいたい
Hey, Brother... Things are going well between Sister Euphie and Suzaku-san. The two of them... sure match each other. ねえお兄様…ユフィー姉さま、スザクさんと うまくいったんですって。 お似合いですよね、お二人なら…
Can you broadcast this video to all of Area 11? この映像、エリア全域に繋いでいただけますか?
In the Specially Administrated Zone of Nippon, Elevens are again able to use the name "Japanese". この行政特区日本では、イレブンは 日本人という名前を取り戻すことになります
The restrictions placed on the Elevens as well as the privileges given to the Britannians won't apply in the Specially Administrated Zone of Nippon. イレブンへの規制、ならびに ブリタニア人の特権は、 特区日本には存在しません
Be it Britannians or Elevens, it is a fair world for all! ブリタニア人にもイレブンにも、平等の世界なのです!
Stop that, Euphie. I've thought about that case before. But that is just a dreamlike story. やめろユフィー、 そのケースは考えた。 しかし、それはただの夢物語だ!
Zero, can you hear me?! I won't unveil your past or your mask. Thus, please join the Specially Administrated Zone of Nippon! 聴こえていますか、ゼロ? あなたの過去もその仮面の下も、私は問いません。ですから、 あなたも特区日本に参加してください!
Zero, join me and together we shall create a new future from within Britannia! ゼロ、私と一緒に、ブリタニアの中に 新しい未来を作りましょう!
Even though she said "Japanese"... But why now? 日本人だって、今更?
I was defeated. No matter what I choose, the Order of the Black Knights will be torn apart. It will lose its raison d'etre. I didn't expect it to be done so easily... やられた…これではどちらを選んでも、 黒の騎士団は潰れてしまう。 存在意義がなくなる… まさか、こんな手でいとも簡単に
You think you will obtain everything just by doing that? Even providing us with a place to live? そうやって君は何もかも手に入れる気か… オレたちの居場所すらまとめて!
Lelouch, we can go back to how it used to be. ルルーシュ、また昔みたいに
No, it's different from how it used to be! 違うんだもう昔とは!
Due to Her Highness Princess Euphemia's idea for a Specially Administrated Zone, the number of rats that were thrown into confusion was a lot larger than I thought. ユーフェミア皇女殿下の特区構想に、 慌てたねずみは、 予想以上に多かったですな
The number of applicants for the Specially Administrated Zone of Nippon has exceeded 200,000. Looks like this figure will continue to rise. 特区日本への申請は 20万人を超えました。この様子だと まだまだ増えますね
It's all thanks to you. It's all because someone like you, a representative of the Japanese people, is here. That's why everyone believes in this place, right? あなたのお陰です。あなたという 日本人の代表が居るからこそ、 皆さんがここを信じられるんですね
Euphie sure is amazing. With this, the terrorist cells within Area 11 will lose the support of the people and collapse. Public order will be restored too. 大したものだねユフィーは。 これでエリア11のテロ組織は、 民衆の支持を失い瓦解する。 治安も安定するよ
I must put an officially announced political measure into action. That is the obvious step for me to take as the Governor-General. 公の政策を軌道に乗せる。 総督として当然の措置です
The situation is serious. Not only our supporters, but also members of the Order are showing interest in joining the Specially Administrated Zone. 事態は深刻だ。支持者だけではない、 団員の中からも 特区に参加する人間が出てきている
The Specially Administrated Zone is different from the Order of the Black Knights since there aren't any risks. 黒の騎士団と違って、特区日本には リスクがありませんしね
Why don't we follow Euphemia's proposal and have the Order of the Black Knights join them? ユーフェミアの提案通り、 黒の騎士団ごと参加するわけにはいかないかな?
They will use the pretense of peace to force us to disarm. まず平和という名目で、 武装を解除させられるな
However, we will be branded as the enemy of freedom and equality if we don't join them. しかし、参加しなければ 自由と平等の敵となる
He saved an Eleven, even though he is Zero... No, because he is Zero? If that's so, why was he together with Princess Euphemia? イレブンを助けた…ゼロなのに。 いえ、ゼロだから?だったら、 どうしてユーフェミア様と一緒に…?
Of course you must cease your support of the Order of the Black Knights. 当然、黒の騎士団への援助は終わりだ
I won't say something willful like "I want to see her again." Since it will cause trouble for Brother, as well as Sister Euphie. また会いたいなんて、我侭は言いません。 お兄様とユフィー姉様に、 迷惑がかかりますもの
A large number of Japanese people who couldn't get in have gathered outside of the venue. 会場の外にも入場できなかった大勢の日本人が 集まっています。
No, it seems that, even now, he hasn't contacted anyone. いえ、現時点まで 何の連絡もないようです
What are you planning? I intended to bring your identity with me to my grave. どういうつもりだ?お前の正体はワシが墓まで 持っていくつもりだったものを…
Everything will come to an end if the fact that Zero is a prince of Britannia is revealed. ゼロがブリタニアの王子だと知れたら 全てが終わる
It will be mistakenly thought that this is all a plot going on between Britannians. It'll be the end of this Specially Administrated Zone. ブリタニア人による茶番だと 誤解されよう。 この行政特区すら終わってしまうぞ
It can't be helped, right? "Zero won't appear if Lancelot is standing there ready and waiting." Everyone was saying that, right? 仕方ないでしょう?ランスロットが待ちかまえていたら、 ゼロが来ないかもって、 みんな言うんだからさ
This is a ceramic needlegun. Detectors can't find this. セラミックと竹を使用したニードルガン。 これは検知器では見つからない
Lelouch, you won't fire at me, right? ルルーシュ、あなた撃たないでしょ?
Yes, I won't fire at you. Euphie, the one firing it will be you. そう、オレは撃たない。 撃つのはキミだよユフィー
This ceremony is being broadcasted around the world. During it, if a princess of Britannia, like you, fires a shot at Zero... What do you think will happen? この式典は世界中に中継されている。そこで ブリタニアの皇女である君が ゼロを撃つ…どうなると思う?
A revolt will break out, right? 暴動になるんじゃないかしら
Aren't you just unilaterally forcing your opinions down upon others? Isn't that the same as what Clovis did? 上から一方的に押し付けるのなら、 クロビスと同じだな
Zero will hover between life and beath before reviving miraculously. People react easier to miracles than reasoning. ゼロは生死をさ迷い、奇跡の復活を遂げ讃えられる。 人は理屈ではなく、奇跡に弱いものなんだよ
Stop feeling pity for me! I won't accept sympathy from you! I'll try and achieve it with my own power! これ以上オレを哀れむな! 施しは受けない! オレは自分の力で手に入れて見せる!
I have already relinquished that name! I think it won't be long before the main country announces it, I have relinquished my rights to succeed to the throne as well. その名は返上しました! いずれ本国から発表があると思いますが、 皇位継承権を返上しました
Why? Don't tell me it's because you accepted Zero. なぜ?まさか、ゼロを受け入れたから
Since they listened to my selfish request, in return I have to pay an appropriate price, right? 私の我侭を聞いてもらうのですから、 それなりの対価は必要でしょ?
You sure abandoned it easily. Are you going to say it was for my sake? ずいぶんと簡単に捨てられるんだな君は。 オレのためだとでも言うのか?
As usual, you sure are conceited. It's for Nunnally's sake. 相変わらず自信家ね。 ナナリーのためよ
That girl said that she doesn't need anything else as long as she can stay with her brother. あの子言ったの。 お兄様と一緒に居られれば、 他に何もいらないって
Since I'm just Euphie, are you willing to work together with me? ただのユフィーなら、一緒にやってくれる?
To me... you're the worst kind of enemy I face. You win. キミは、オレにとって 最悪の敵だったよ。君の勝ちだ
Lets plan how we can make this Specially Administrated Zone survive. この行政特区を生かす形で 策を練ろう
Lelouch, you thought that I would shoot you if you threatened me? 脅されたからって、 私がルルーシュを撃つと思ったの?
No one is able to go against any order I give, if I'm serious about it. "Shoot me." "Relieve Suzaku from duty." It's the same no matter what order. オレが本気で命令したら、 誰だって逆らえないんだ。 オレを撃て、スザクを解任しろ。 どんな命令でもね
For example, if I say "Kill the Japanese." It doesn't matter what you think. たとえば、日本人を殺せって言ったら、 キミの意志とは関係なく…
That's right, I must kill the Japanese. そうね、日本人は殺さなきゃ
I've become like Mao. I can't turn off my Geass! Forget the order I just gave you! オレもマオと同じように、 ギアスのオンオフができない! 今の命令は忘れろ!
Everyone who calls themselves Japanese: I have a request. Can you all die? 日本人を名乗るみなさん、 お願いがあります。死んでいただけないでしょうか?
Erm... I hoped that you would all commit suicide, but is that impossible? Then, can all the soldiers please annihilate them? It's a massacre! えーっと、自殺してほしかったんですけど、 ダメですか?じゃあ、 兵士の方々、皆殺しにしてください!虐殺です!
Don't let even one escape. 一人も逃すな
This was... caused by my Geass... Stop it... I'm neither a savior nor a messiah... これを…オレのギアスが… やめろ…私は救世主じゃ… メシアなんかじゃないんだ…
We must carry on living for the sake of Japan. 日本のためにも、我らが残らねば
There's no way that Euphie would issue a massacre order. No matter what, I must find her.... Find Euphie! ユフィーが虐殺命令なんて、出すはずがない! 何としても探し出す、ユフィを!
Hey, the Britannian army has come out of the venue. おい、会場の外にブリタニア軍が出て来たぞ
Yes... Since things have turned out like this, I have no choice but to make full use of Euphie. That... is the only thing I can do... ああ、こうなったら ユーフェミアを最大限利用するしかない… それが、せめてもの…
Inform all the members of the Order of the Black Knights! Euphemia has become our enemy! 黒の騎士団総員に告げる。 ユーフェミアは敵となった!
The specially Administrated Zone of Nippon is nothing but a despicable trap used to lure us in! 行政特区日本は、 我々を誘き出す卑劣な罠だったのだ!
Isn't this great? The movies, tools, and equipment of the ceremonial venue are still around. よかったじゃない、この式典会場に ムービーや機材が残ってて
Yes. I'll post them on the Internet after editing, and show them to the entire world. I'll make them realize which side is the side of justice. ああ、編集をネットに上げて、 全世界に見せつけてやる。 どちらが正義なのかをわかりやすく
Britannia is a finished product. What's the point in chasing after something like that? ブリタニアは完成した素材だ。 そんなものに尽くして 何になる
You're a more honest person than I thought. 思ってたより素直な人間ねぇ
It's the opposite! As the situation stands, ladies and gentlemen from the six major families of Kyoto, I would like you to come under my command. 逆だ!こうなった以上、 京都六家の方々は、 私の指揮下に入っていただく
I will not allow any debate on this. You no longer have any other path to take if you want to live! 反論は許さない。 他にお前たちが生き残れる道は、 なくなった!
I have always been waiting! Constantly correcting the mistakes of Britannia from the shadows, hoping that they would someday change themselves! 私は待っていた! ブリタニアの不正を陰から正しつ、 彼らが自らを顧みる時が来るのを!
However, our hopes were betrayed. By this act of brutality called a ''massacre"! しかし、私たちの期待は裏切られた、 虐殺という蛮行で!
We won't be fooled any longer! もう騙されねぇぞ!
I shall announce here that, from now on, we will regain our independence from Britannia! However, that doesn't mean a revival of the previous Japan. 私は今ここに、ブリタニアからの独立を 宣言する。だがそれは、 かつての日本の復活を意味しない
I won't make the foolish mistake of repeating history! 歴史の針を戻す愚を、私は冒さない
I guess it's time to say goodbye to everyone, now that I can't control my Geass. ギアスの制御ができない以上、 みんなとはもうお別れか
Erm... I want to talk to Sister Euphie. Brother, me and her, the three of us can go to the school festival together. あの、ユフィ姉さまと、お話したくって。 私とお兄様と3人で、 学園祭を…
Erm... sorry. You said that we won't be meeting with her again... But it's fine no matter what form it takes, if we can have direct interactions with her again... あの、ごめんなさい。もう会わないって言ったのに… でも、どんな形でもいいから、 もう一度だけ、直接会えると…
There aren't any changes other than being unable to stop your Geass? ギアスの切り替えができなくなった他に、 変化はないか?
Not really. Just... Euphie... wanted to go against... the order I issued with the Geass. 別に…ただ、ユフィが、 オレのギアスに…命令に逆らおうとした
I thought that it might be due to my power weakening... But it's most likely... to her, the order was something she really, really, couldn't accept. It's something... very natural to do... That's all. 能力が落ちたのかとも思ったが、 それは多分…彼女にとって とても許せないことで… とても、当たり前のことで… それだけだ
We made a contract, right? I'll be the only one... left beside you. 契約したろ、 お前の側にいると…私だけは…
Included among the enemy ranks are people who applied to be Honorary Britannians, and their numbers are in the tens of thousands! 敵の勢力は、寝返った名誉ブリタニア人も加え、 その数は数万を超えます!
No. We can't act without the orders of Her Highness. ダメだ、殿下の命令なしに 動くことはできぬ
We have obtained some explosives from Okayama, but we don't have enough vehicles. 岡山から爆薬を調達した。 車両が足りない
That's not true. I am happy. Yes. I had completely forgotten what kindness was, Marianne... そんなことはない、喜んでいるさ、私は… ああ、優しさなんか忘れてしまったんだよ、マリアンヌ
As rebel troops draw closer, public order in the ghetto is deteriorating. 反乱軍の接近により、 ゲットーの治安が悪化しています
Nina, go back to the floor of the school building. The rebel troops are approaching Tokyo. ニーナ、校舎フロアに戻って! 反乱軍が東京に迫ってるのよ
Deploy all troops to the other edge of the Tokyo Settlement. As long as we eliminate the Order of the Black Knights and Zero, the rebellion will be suppressed! 全軍東京疎開外苑に陣を敷け! 黒の騎士団を…ゼロさえ潰せば 反乱は治まる
You need a wife after you win this battle, right? Since you can't reveal your identity, I think that you might need someone to compensate for that. この戦いに勝利したら、いずれ妻が必要になりましょう? あなたが素顔を見せられない身の上なら、 それを補うものが要ると 思いますが?
Yes, because I'm the goddess of victory. ええ、あたしは勝利の女神ですから
That sure is dependable. But, Unfortunately, I've already bound a contract with the devil. As things are now, I don't think I can get along with Gods. それは頼もしい。しかし残念ながら、 私は既に悪魔と契約してしまった。今更 神とは、仲良くできませんよ
You can still head back now. You won't involve just Area 11 if this goes on. Your life, along with the entire world, will be engulfed by constant battles. 今ならまだ戻れるぞ。 このままではエリア11だけでは済まない。 この世界全体が、お前の命が 戦いに染まる
I hope that you won't look at the sky. Lelouch, is there someone you hate so much that you want to kill him? 空を見ないで欲しい。ルルーシュ、 君は殺したいと思うほど、 憎い人がいるかい?
I always felt that I shouldn't think that way. That if I don't follow the rules during a fight, I'll just be a murderer. そんな風に考えてはいけないと思っていた。 ルールに従って戦わなければ、 それはただの人殺しだって
However, hatred consumes me right now. I am going into battle to kill someone. Above the of Tokyo, where everyone lives... commit murder... That is why... でも、今、僕は憎しみに支配されている。 人を殺すために、戦おうとしている。 みんなが居る東京の空の上で、 人殺しを、だから…
It's fine to feel hate. It's for Euphie's sake. I've made up my mind as well. I don't intend to head back. 憎めばいい。 ユフィーのためだろ。 それに、オレはもうとっくに決めたよ。 引き返すつもりはない
Suzaku, my hands have long since been stained. Even so, it's fine if you come forth to challenge me. I'll entertain you. It's because we are friends. スザク、オレの手はとっくに汚れてるんだよ。 それでも向ってくるなら構わない、 歓迎してやるさ。 オレたちは友達だからな
Perhaps I have desired this ever since that day... The destruction and reconstruction of everything. あの日から、オレはずっと望んでいたのかもしれない。 あらゆる破壊と喪失を…
That's right. Destruction is needed before reconstruction. If my feelings become a hindrance in the process, it's best that I eliminate them. That's right, I have no choice but to proceed forth. そう、創造の前には破壊が必要だ。 そのために、心が邪魔になるのなら、 消し去ってしまえばいい。 そうだ…オレはもう進むしかない
Japan, which became a colony known as Are 11, had her freedom, tradition, rights, pride and even name taken away from her. Eleven. That number became the new name for the Japanese. 植民地、エリア11となった日本は、 自由と伝統、権利と誇り、そして名前を奪われた。 イレブン、その数字が新しい日本人を示す名前だった
Seven years have passed since then. Lelouch, the prince abandoned by Britannia, encountered the mysterious girl, C.C. in Area 11, and obtained a special power. それから7年後、 ブリタニアの捨てられた王子ルルーシュは、 エリア11で謎の少女C2と出会い、特殊な力を手に入れる
Lelouch was determined to make use of the Geass to destroy his homeland, the Holy Britannian Empire. This was all done to avenge his mother, who was murdered by someone's order when he was a child, and also to create a world where his sister, Nunnally, could live happily in. ルルーシュは、ギアスを頼りに、 母国である新生ブリタニア帝国の破壊を決意する。 全ては、幼き日に、何者かによって殺された 母の仇を討つために。 そして、妹ナナリーが幸せに過ごせる世界を作るために
That name was Zero. Zero, who became the enemy of the people of Britannia, founded the Order of the Black Knights, and continued to go against the people of the world. その名はゼロ。帝国新民の敵となったゼロは、 黒の騎士団を結成し、 人々を、世界を相手に抗い続ける
Even if the people close to him got involved... Even if a large amount of destruction came along with it... He refused to halt. 身近な人々が巻き込まれようと、 多くの破壊を伴おうとも、 立ち止まることは許されない
Even if it's his own siblings... Even if he sacrifices friendships... Even if a path towards loneliness awaits him... Because this course of action is the proof of Lelouch's existence. たとえ実の兄弟を、 そして友情を犠牲にしても、 孤独の道が待っていようと、 この行動こそが、ルルーシュとしての存在の証なのだから
Confirm the positions of the enemies now. 今のうちに敵軍の配置を確認せよ
Euphemia's revenge... I shall deal it out here, Zero. Let's have a fair and square, face to face confrontation. ユーフェミアの仇、 ここで討たせてもらうぞゼロ。 正々堂々と正面からな
So, Villetta and Jeremiah guessed right after all? やはり、ヴィレッタやジェルミアの推測は正しかったということか
That's wonderful then! Yes, people are nothing more than chess pieces when they're up against the world. ならば素晴らしい。そう、 世界の前には 人は駒でしかない
Once we broadcast the images of the fall of the government office along with our announcement of independence to the entire world, that man will appear even if he doesn't want to. 後は政庁陥落の映像とともに 独立宣言を全世界に向けて発信すれば… イヤでも、あの男が出てくる
Once I'm able to get into direct contact with that bastard, the Emperor of Britannia, all the necessary cards will be in my hands. 奴に…ブリタニア皇帝に 直接会うことができれば、 すべてのカードは、我が手に落ちる
What is the status of the enemy aerial forces? 敵の航空戦力はどうなった?
That's the same thing as the Lancelot's? ランスロットと同じアレか!
Team Zero, together with the special forces team will go in first and take control of the school area! We'll make one of those buildings our headquarters. ゼロ番隊は特務隊とともに、 学園地区を優先して押えよ。 その中の一つに、司令部を置く
You intend to go, right? To the Tokyo Settlement. However... Congratulations! 行くつもりだね、東京疎開に。 でも、おめでとう!
The Special Envoy was established in order to carry out our research. We have already finished what we're supposed to do. この特派は研究開発が目的でね。 やるべきことはすべて終わったんだ
We were originally General Darlton's subordinates after all. Even though we don't know the General's fate yet, protecting Governor General Cornelia comes first. 私たちは元々ダールトン将軍の配下です。 将軍の生死が分からずとも、 コーネリア総督に使えることが最優先です
Diethard, I've already taken care of the aerial forces. Leave G1 to Kaguya. You'll move to the designated spot. ディートハルト、航空戦力は片づいた。 G1はカグヤに任せろ。 お前は予定位置に移動しろ
Nunnally, until the battle ends... the Order of the Black Knights will defend this place. ナナリー、戦いが終わるまで、 ここは黒の騎士団に守らせる
Can you promise me this? You won't lay a finger on not just us, but everyone in this school? 約束してくれる? あたしたちだけじゃなく、 学園の生徒全員に手を出さないって
Hey, what did you do to me? Do you know how frightened I am? The two of you did this, right? Something... to me... ねえ、私に何をしたの? 私がどれだけ怖かったか… 二人でやったんでしょ…?私に、何か…
In other words... A power capable of manipulating people and making them lose their memories. Everything falls in place now that I think about it. つまり、人を操り、 記憶を失わせる力… そう考えれば、今までのこともすべて辻褄が合う
Most likely, due to its side effect, an Eleven and I actually... That student... Lelouch Lamperouge is truly evil! おそらく、その後遺症で私は、イレブンなどと… あの学生、ルルーシュランペルージュこそ諸悪の…!
Once Zero frees Japan from the clutches of Britannia... We can be together. ゼロがブリタニアから日本を開放すれば、 オレたちは一緒になれる
Don't say something so disgusting! For me to be together with the likes of an Eleven like you? I'm Villetta Nu, a knight of Britannia. 気持ち悪いことを言うな。 私とお前みたいなイレブンが一緒になる? 私の名はヴィレッタヌウ、ブリタニアの騎士候だ
Don't let word of what happened to Ohgi spread. It'll cause a commotion among our comrades. Just search for that woman. オオギのことは、これ以上広めるな。 みんな動揺する。 女だけ探すんだ
We wouldn't find the culprit if she was hiding in a place like this. こんな所に犯人が隠れていたら、 分からないな…
Caught you! Your life... seems as if it's within my hands! 捕まえた!お前の命は今、 まさに私の手の中に!
I'll think of a replacement for him later! Right now, the girl in the wheelchair comes first! 変わりなら後で手配する。 今は車イスの少女が先だ
Tohdoh. I'll leave the rest of the battle to you. Diethard will take over the injured Ohgi's duties. トウドウ、以降の作戦はすべてお前に任せる。 負傷したオウギの仕事は、ディートハルトに仕切らせろ
What have I been doing all this for if Nunnally disappears? For what reason did I declare this war for independence? I even sacrificed Euphie! ナナリーがいなくなったら、今までオレは何のために… 何のための独立戦争だ。 ユフィーまで犠牲にして!
The only things that remain are my memories as a witch. I don't even remember whether I was originally a human or not. 残っているのは魔女としての記憶だけ。 そもそも、自分が人間だったのかすらわかりはしない
Nor do I remember the people who hate me, or the people who like me. Everything has disappeared in the flow of time. 私を憎む人も、 優しくしてくれた人も、 すべて時の流れの中に消えていった
Within the endless flow of time... I... alone... 果てることのない時の流れの中で、 私一人…
You're not alone. We are accomplices. If you're a witch, I'll become a warlock? 一人じゃないだろ。オレたちは共犯者… お前が魔女ならば、 オレが魔王になればいいだけだ
Lelouch, you must win. Against your own past. And against the results of your actions. 勝てよルールシュ、自らの過去に。 そして、行動の結果に
You are not the type of man that I want to commit a lovers' suicide with. 心中相手としては 好みじゃないが
It sure is a convenient power. The one called Geass. You hide within the shadows and all the responsibility is thrown at others. 便利な力だな、 ギアスとは。 自らは陰に隠れ、 責任はすべて他者になすりつける
How arrogant and despicable. That's your true self. 傲慢にして卑劣、 それがお前の本質だ
That's right, I'm Zero. I lead the Order of the Black Knights against the Holy Britannian Empire. And I'll eventually be the one who takes over the world. そうだ、オレがゼロだ。黒の騎士団を率い、 新生ブリタニア帝国に挑み、 そして、世界を手に入れる男だ
You made use of us Japanese? Even me... あなたは私たち日本人を利用していたの? あたしの事も…
I should have arrested you earlier. 早くキミを逮捕すべきだったよ
I don't want to believe it. That was why I always denied it. Because I believed in you. 確信は無かった。 だから、否定し続けて来た。 君を信じたかったから
But you were always lying. To both me and Euphie. Even to Nunnally! だけど君は嘘をついたね、 僕とユフィーに。 ナナリーに…
That's right! Nunnally has been abducted! Suzaku, can we have a truce for now? I hope that you would help me to save Nunnally. ああ、そのナナリーがさらわれた。 スザク、一時休戦といかないか? ナナリーを救うために、力を貸して欲しい
How naive! You should have cooperated with Euphie! If you had cooperated with Euphie, the world... 甘えるな。その前に手を組むべきは、ユフィーだった。 君とユフィーが力を合わせれば、世界を…
That's all in the past! They are already over. Didn't you kill your father? You can regret as much as you want afterwards! すべては過去、 終わったことだ。 お前も父親を殺しているだろう。 懺悔など、後でいくらでもできる!
No, you won't do that! You will... betray the world right till the very, very end. The world has betrayed you too! Your wishes must not be granted! いいや、キミには無理だ。 君は最後の最後に世界を裏切り、 世界に裏切られた! 君の願いは叶えてはいけない!
The world does not revolve only around ideals! Come, shoot me if you intend to do so! 理想だけで世界が動くものか! さあ、撃てるものなら撃ってみろ!
It will explode if my heart stops beating. It'll be the end for you guys too! オレの心臓が止まったら爆発する。 お前たちもお終いだ
I propose a trade with you. Who is the one who told you about the Geass? それより取引だ。 お前にギアスを教えたのは誰だ?
Things from now on have nothing to do with you! Your existence is a mistake! You are someone that doesn't belong in the world! ここから先のことは、お前には関係ない! お前の存在が間違っていたんだ! お前は世界から弾き出されたんだ!
Itou Kaiji is a bum. He hasn't worked a single day since New Year's. Every day of his life revolves around cheap liquor and cheap gambles. 伊藤開示は、最悪だった。 正月が明けてから、1日も働いていない。 しょぼい酒と、しょぼい博打の日々
And to release that pent-up resentment... But on that day, he couldn't find the usual imported car... そして、そんな鬱憤を晴らすために… だがこの日、彼が贔屓にしている外車が、見つからなかった
I'll settle for this one today. Anyone driving a car like this can't be a good person anyway. 今日はこれで我慢するか。 どうせこんな車に乗ってる奴なんか、 ロクなやつじゃ…
Uhh, how about we go out for this? Like, a cafe or something! あの…外行きませんか? お茶とか…
What's going on? I don't know what's going on... but I should hide these anyway! なんだ…?なんか知らんけど、 ともかく隠しとこう
We're out of luck, Kaiji-kun. I got a flat. We'll have to wait until I can get someone to pick us up. ツいてねえよ、開示君。 車、パンクしちまった。迎えが来るまで 待ちだ
As you can see, I only go for cars with these emblems! I never touch any other cars! 見ての通りなんです!オレ、このエンブレムの車専門でして、 他の車には…
How do you know I don't drive that brand of car? お前、なぜ俺の車がそのエンブレムのじゃないと知ってる?
Considering what I'd have to go through to get the money out of you, I'd rather just threaten the metal workers. Besides, you have a lot more to worry about. お前から金取る手間暇考えたら、 板金屋のオヤジ脅したほうが早い。 第一、お前は今それどころじゃないんだ
All that's left of him is his debt with the consumer finance firms. This is one of them. 後に残されたのは、 サラ金から借りまくった借金。 その一つが、これだ
With the person in question gone, you're responsible for this amount as the cosigner. 当人が消えちまった以上、 この債務は、保証人のお前が払うことになる
There's this thing called interest! You can't possibly think it's still just 300,000! 借りた金には金利ってのが付くんだよ。 30万てわけないでしょう
Furuhata didn't even pay back 1 yen before disappearing. 古畑は一円も払わずドロンした
Interest is compounded monthly at 20%. It's been rolling over for fourteen months at that rate. 300,000 isn't gonna cut it anymore. 月20%の複利ってあるだろう? この金利で14ヵ月転がったことになる。 30万程度じゃとてもとても…
Here's an index of the compound interest, Kaiji-kun. At 20%, that's how it is. これが複利の速見表だ、開示君。 20%だとそうなるんだよ
I guess you'll just have to pay it back little by little. I'll be generous and keep the monthly payment at 100,000. Wait, that's probably too much. Let's do 60,000, then. You gotta pay at least that much. こうなったら、コツコツ返すしかねえな。 良心的なとこで月々10万、いや 10は無理か…じゃ6、 6は払わんとな
And to pay off 3.85 million, you'll need 130 months. About 11 years. That's faster than I thought! 385万返済するのに、 約130カ月、11年。 思ったより短いじゃないか
If you work your ass off, you'll pay it off by the time you're 32 or 33. 額に汗して働けば、 32、3歳で全額返済だ
You can just shove it! I'm not paying any of it! Besides, this kind of interest is illegal! ふざけろ、 オレは絶対払わないからな! 第一こんな暴利、違法だろ
You can't spell "illegal" without "legal." We're pros. We'll do anything to get that money. 違法も法だよ。 俺達はプロだから、どんなことをしてでも取り立てる
I don't want this, either. It's not like I want to do this! I don't want to see family members at each other's throats over stuff like this. 本意じゃねぇ… 本意じゃねぇんだ俺だって。家族で罵り合う様を、 俺だって見たかねぇ
In about a month, there's gonna be a ship at Harumi Wharf. I'm recruiting people to board the ship. If you do well for one night on that ship, all your debts will be erased. 1カ月後に、晴海埠頭から船が出る。 今、この船に乗る参加者を募ってる。 その船で一晩、うまくしのげば、 お前の借金は全部チャラになる
On top of that, it's quite possible that you can put 10 or 20 million in your own pocket. その上、1千万2千万儲けることも 可能だ…
It's an event for cornered debtors like you to gamble for a night. お前のような行き詰まった負債者を集めて 1晩だけ、ギャンブルをしてもらう
If you lose on that ship, you'll add to your debt... and be taken to do forced labor somewhere for at least one to two years. You won't be able to get back to the outside world. その船で、負ければさらに借金を背負いこみ、 某所に連れて行かれ最低でも1、2年 強制労働…娑婆には戻れない
This is the last battle for trash like you. You're all just human garbage attracted to that slim hope. That ship is a slaughterhouse, floating through the depths of hell. お前のようなクズの最終戦。 薄い望みに釣られて掻き集められたクズ共が、 地獄の縁をさまよう、 修羅の船…
The ship's name is Espoir. The ship of hope. その名は、エスポワール。 希望の船
What kind of gambling are we doing on this ship? And you said that we'll be doing forced labor if we lose, but what would we have to do? 船でするギャンブルは何かっていうことと、 負けたら強制労働って言ってたけど、 何をやらされるんですか?
If I say what kind of gamble it is, those who join earlier would have an edge over the rest. 何をやるか教えちまったら、 早い段階で参加を決めた奴に有利になるだろう?
The main purpose of this cruise is to save the debtors. このクルーズの目的は、そもそも負債者の救済にある
This kind of gambling isn't like the kind you find at casinos. It's the kind where the participants wager against each other. そのギャンブルは、カジノで行われてるようなものではなく、 あくまでも参加者同士の取り合い
Because of that, close to half the participants are able to get off the ship. そしてその結果、 毎回半数は船を降りる
Even if you lose, it's better to live a disciplined lifestyle for 1 or 2 years... and focus on completely paying it all off rather than living your life bound by debt. 借りに負けても、長い間借金に縛られて暮すより、 1、2年規律ある暮らしをし、 集中的に返済して、借金から解放された方がどれだけマシか
Isn't your life trash right now? You're apathetic, slovenly, and unproductive. お前の毎日ってのは、ゴミって感じだろう? 無気力で自堕落で非生産的
Do you know why you're like that? Because you haven't gotten any money yourself. Your life doesn't seem real because you don't have money. どうして今そうなのか分かるか? 金を掴んでないからだ。 金がないから、毎日がリアルじゃない
For example, imagine a basketball hoop that's 100 meters high. No one would bother throwing the ball. たとえばバスケットボールのゴールが100メートル上空にあってみろ。 誰もボールを投げようとはしない
You're just sick and tired of even trying to reach it. If there's something you want, it's always behind a display case. You can't reach it. 今のお前はその届かないゴールにうんざりしてる。 欲しいものがあっても、全部ショーウィンドの向こう側。 お前には届かない
And the stress from not being able to buy it pulls at your spirit and suppresses your true feelings. その買えないストレスが、 お前から覇気をなくし、真っ直ぐな気持ちを殺している
Weren't you screwing with people's cars? That's really typical for people in your state. You want an import car, but you can't even think about getting one for yourself. お前外車にイタズラしてたろ。 あれなんかその典型的な表れ。外車が欲しいのに、 自分のものにしようと考えられない
You've given up from the beginning and are satisfied by the little pranks you play. If you had 10 million, would you do shit like that? Of course you wouldn't! はなから諦め、 ケチなイタズラをして満足してる。 お前は、1千万あったらあんなマネするか? しないだろう…
You've started to become a real loser. This cruise is a great opportunity to rid yourself of that loser mentality! 負け癖が染み付いてる証拠だ。 このクルーズは、そんなお前の負け癖を一掃する いいチャンスだ
Kaiji-kun... there are only two spaces left. For passage on this cruise. I'm not the only one doing the recruiting. 開示君、席、あと二つだわ。 このクルーズの席だよ。 手配してんの、俺一人じゃねぇからさ
The upper limit will be 10 million, while the lower limit will be 1 million. Meaning, each participant must borrow at least 1 million yen. 貸し付けの上限は1000万、下限は100万。 つまり、すべての方に最低100万は借りていただきます
Stop taking advantage of us! 足元見るのもいい加減にしろ!
Where in the world do you have interest that compounds every ten minutes?! 何処の世界に 10分複利なんて話があんだよ!
How much more do you people want to take from us?! どこまで絞り取るつもりだ?!
He doesn't even need to ask. Everyone will just go for the lower limit of 1 million. 聞くまでもねぇ… 皆、下限の100に決まってる
Money is the life of a gambler. ギャンブルを打つ者にとって、金は寿命
After the lending of the war funds, those who have borrowed a large amount are given a holster. 軍資金の貸し付けを終えると、 大金を借りた者のみ、ホルスターを手渡される
The host of this event made arrangements so that the participant may keep his cash inside his jacket. これは現金を上着の内側にしまえるようにという、 主催者側の配慮
Afterwards, each participant is given a piece of Velcro to wear on the left side of his jacket. He is also given two envelopes with "A" and "B" written on them. その後、上着の左胸にマジックテープを付けられ、 紙袋「A」「B」を渡される
After being led into the playroom... the participants will listen to the explanation of the gamble by the hall master, Tonegawa. プレイルームに案内された参加者を前に、 ホールマスター利根川の、ギャンブルの説明が始まる
Please open the envelopes you were given as you entered this hall now. では、入賞の際に手渡された袋を開封してください
The game should be clear from the cards. カードの図案を見ればゲームは一目瞭然
The title of this game is Restricted Rock Paper Scissors. 言うなら、限定ジャンケン
A one night gambling cruise for those who are at an impasse. 行き詰まった者たちを集めての、 一夜限りのギャンブル船
The gamble presented to Kaiji and the others used 4 cards of rock, paper, and scissors -- a total of 12 cards. Restricted Rock Paper Scissors! 開示達に提供されたギャンブルは、 グー、チョキ、パー各4枚ずつ、 計12枚のカードを使った、限定ジャンケン
If it is a push, the stars go back to their owners. If there is a winner, though, he will receive one of his opponent's stars and attach it to his chest. あいこなら、星の移動は無し。 しかし、勝負があったなら、勝者は、 敗者の星を一つ受け取り、自分の胸に付ける
There are 103 contestants. Thus, there are a total of 412 cards of each kind. 参加者は103名。 全部で、412枚ということになる
As long as one can maintain 3 stars, regardless of the means he uses, he wins. この勝負、途中の経過はどうあれ、 最終的に星を三つ確保すれば勝ち
However, one must use up all of his 12 cards. Disposing of cards is not allowed. ただし、12枚のカードをすべて使い切ること。 カードを破棄することは許されない
At the end of the game, those with 2 or fewer stars, those who did not use their cards despite having more than 3 stars... and those who lost all of their stars despite having cards will be considered to have "lost." ゲーム終了時に、星が二つ以下の者。 星が三つ以上あっても、時間内にカードを使い切れなかった者。 カードがあっても途中で、星をすべて無くした者は、 負けである
In other words, for this gamble, the stars are your life and the cards are your opportunities! 言うならば、今回のギャンブル、星は寿命、 カードはチャンス
The cards left behind by the losers will be placed inside the box by the hosts. The number of cards left will not change. 敗者が残したカードは、 主催者側の手でボックスに投入。 カードの残数に違いは生じない
Do as you wish. As I stated in the beginning, I will not answer any questions. Please use your war funds at your own discretion. どうぞご自由に。最初に申し上げました通り、 質問は一切受け付けません。 軍資金の件は、各自ご自由に判断しお使いください
What happens if we lose?! Tell us how we're going to be treated! The yakuza that brought me here said you people would tell me about it! 負けたときはどうなるんだ! その時の処遇について話してくれ! オレは仲介のヤクザから 船で聞けって言われたんだ
You should at least tell us what's gonna happen if we lose! 負けたらどうなるかぐらい 話すのが当然だろ!
I'll kill you, you pieces of shit. I can easily answer all of your questions. But what would you do differently if you knew what would happen if you lose? ぶち殺すぞ、ゴミめらっ…! お前らの質問に答えるのは容易い。 だが、ここで負けたときの処遇を聞いてどうなる?
If that's what you want to know, I'll tell you everything. But there's no way for any of you to confirm if I tell you the truth. そんな話を聞きたいなら、いくらでもしてやる。 しかし、ここに居るお前らに その話の真偽を確かめる術はない
All of you suffered loss after loss in your lives, and ended up here. Unloved by everyone, impoverished... and crawling around indecisively at the bottom of society. お前らは、娑婆での戦いに負けに負け、 今ここにいる。誰からも愛されることなく、貧窮し、 ウジウジと…人生の底辺を這って這って、這い回ってるのだ
Why can't you realize that you're already in the depths of the cauldron of hell right now? 今ここが既に、地獄の釜の底だということが まだわからんのか
However, there is a way out. About half of you will be pulled out of this cauldron... so your sole priority now is to win. To win and get out of here! ただ、糸は垂れてる。およそ半数は この釜の底から引き上げられる… お前らが今の為すべきことは勝つ事。 勝って、ここから抜け出ること
Get that through your heads! Winning is everything! If you don't win, you're nothing but trash! 心に刻め! 勝つことだけが全てだ! 勝たなければゴミっ…!
What am I supposed to do? At first glance, it appears that there's a 50-50 chance of surviving this gamble. But there should be something... Something that could raise my chances. どうすりゃいいってんだ…一見この勝負、 生き残る可能性は、五分五分に見える。 しかし、何かあるはずだ… 勝つ確率を高める何か…
Less than 10 minutes have passed since the beginning of the gamble. And he has already lost all three of his stars. 勝負が開始されて10分も経たぬ内に、 もう星を三つ失ったのだ
For this gamble... each match takes less than 10 seconds. Your defeat will take only a few minutes if you lose 3 times in a row. このギャンブル…一戦するのに10秒とかからない。 一度も勝てずに、3連敗すれば、敗北決定まで数分
If you lose this match, you'll end up crippled for life. It's a gamble that you should face as if your life depended on it. It's not something you can do based on luck alone. この勝負、負けたら廃人。 死をも覚悟して臨むべきギャンブルや。 運否天賦でやるようなもんやない
You need a partner to survive this gamble. As long as you get a good partner... you're guaranteed to survive. このギャンブル生き残るには、パートナーが必要なんよ。 きちんとしたパートナーさえ見つかれば、 100%勝ち残る
It doesn't matter who. Any two can just team up and rig the game. We just have to have 12 pushes in a row. The conditions will be met with that. We'll use up all of our cards and still have 3 stars. 誰でもいい、誰かと組んで、出気レースをするんや。 12回連続のあいこにしたらええ。 それで条件は満たす。 カードをすべて使い切り、星三つ
I'm a repeater... There are a couple of others like me. I've seen them before on a previous cruise. オレは、リピーターなんよ。オレ以外にも、 ちらほら見かけるで、前回の船で顔を合わせた連中
At the end of the gamble, you can sell your extra stars to the people who need them. You can sell each for a couple million. That's what the money we got is for. 勝負の終了と同時に、星足らずの者に、 余った星の売買が始まるんよ。 一つ何百万て値でなぁ。 この金はその時に使われるんよ
For this gamble, there's a surefire way of maintaining what you have, but there isn't one for getting more stars. しかしこのギャンブル、 生き残りの必勝法はあっても、 星を増やす必勝法はない
There are also rumors about people being crippled for life after being used as guinea pigs for experimental drugs. 開発中の新薬の実験台にされて、 廃人なったちゅう話もある
No matter what, we can't lose on this cruise. You shouldn't get greedy. Just think about surviving with pushes. And we'll get our debts cancelled. この船は万が一にも負けられへん船なんや。 欲かいたらあかん、 引き分けで生き残るんや。 それで借金はチャラ
We can end it all in under 20 minutes. If we do that, there will only be 300,000 in interest. 今やったら、20分以内で終わらすことができる。ちゅうことは、 30万の金利で済むっちゅうこった
Don't mix it up. The order is rock, scissors, paper. If we do it quickly, it won't even take 2 minutes. ええか、間違えるんやないで。 出す順番は、グー、チョキ、パー。 てきぱきやったら、2分とかからん
Funai and Kaiji are both using up their cards smoothly. But then calamity strikes on the 10th match... ここまで開示も船井も、順調にカードを消耗。 異変は、10回戦目に起こる…
Oh, crap! How could I make such a mistake?! I guess we have to cancel it out on the next one! あちゃぁ〜、なんちゅうミスを…勘違いしてもうた! しゃぁない、次で帳じり合わしましょ
While displaying the card he'll use next, Funai took one of Kaiji's stars... insisting that it was only a formality because they were in front of one of the black suits. 船井は、これから出すグーのカードをひらつかせながら… 黒服の手前、 形の上だけだといって、 星を一つ持っていった
I've been practicing ever since being scheduled to get on this ship... Putting two cards together when showing it to my opponent... then leaving behind the card that you didn't see. この船に乗ることが決まってから、さんざん練習して来たんや。 カードをピタッと2枚重ねて相手に見せ、 置いくるのは見せてない裏側のカード
Kaiji-san, you better hurry up and realize the true nature of this cruise, or you'll go straight to hell. Of course, it might already be too late. 開示さんも早くこの船の本質を理解して、 それなりの動きせんと、 地獄見るで。最も、 もう手遅れかもしれへんけどな
20 minutes into the gamble... Kaiji has had two of his stars, as precious as his own life, scammed away from him. 勝負開始後、わずか20分。 開示は、命同様の星を二つ、 わけのわからのうちにだまし取られた
We didn't even talk for 5 minutes, and now you think you're my friend or something?! Fucking baby! ものの五分も話さんかったのに、 友達にでもなったつもりか?!甘ったれが!
Stop it. Go any further, and you'll be ejected out of here. よせ、それ以上揉めるとお前は退場だ
There's no problem with what he did. This place is a battlefield where you're all betting on the rest of your lives. What soldier would cry and moan about being shot from behind on the battlefield? 何も問題はない。 ここは、お前らが後の人生をかけて戦っている、言うならば戦場。 その戦場で、後ろから撃たれたと 騒ぎ立てる兵士がどこにいる
You were just stabbed in the back. Nothing more, nothing less. お前は今、後ろから刺された。 ただ、それだけのことだ
I knew exactly how important this gamble was! Why didn't I think for myself?! 大事な勝負だと分かっていながら… オレはなぜ自分で考えなかった…?
Why didn't I decide for myself?! Why did I let someone else decide my fate?! なぜ自分で決めなかった…?! なぜ他人に…自分の行く末を委ねちまったんだ…!
"Regret" cannot fully describe the excruciating despair he felt. But Kaiji realized that this wasn't the first time. 悔い、というには余りに重い…身が千切れる様な悔い。 しかし、考えてみれば、こういうことが初めてではないことに、開示は気づく
Though the effects were not as grave, he always left the decisions to others at every crossroad of his life. That weakness surfaced at the most crucial moment! 無論、これほどの痛手はないにしろ、 今までの人生の岐路で、 いつもその判断を他人に委ね、流されて生きてきたことに… その弱さが、この土壇場で出たことに…
Just leave it to me. Just do as I say. It's a surefire way to win. 任せとけって、 俺の言う通りにすればいい… 言うなら必勝法だ…
It's his fault for not deciding for himself. The idiots die off first on this cruise. 自分で決めない、あのおっさんが悪いんだ。 この船じゃバカは朽ちるだけ…
The man from one year ago who had Kaiji cosign for his debts. It was Furuhata, the man who caused Kaiji to end up on this ship! 1年前、開示を借金の保証人にした男。 開示が、この船に落ちるきっかけとなった、古畑だった
Furuhata has gone inside the breakroom. A momentary oasis for those wanting to rest from the battlefield. However, that place has become... a sewer! 古畑が消えたのは、気分転換の部屋。 戦場から逃れ、気持ちを落ち着かせる つかの間のオアシス… しかし、今そこは…吹き溜まり…!
A collection of people facing imminent failure. A room of lamentation. 敗色濃厚の人間たちが、皆一様に頭を抱えている、 嘆きの部屋…!
Furuhata was one of them. Though he was better off than Kaiji, he was entangled in despair. 古畑も、その一人だった。 開示よりマシとはいえ、 彼もまた、絶望の渦中
I was like that a few minutes ago. I'm in no position to talk big... but those people aren't looking at the possibilities. オレもさっきまでそうだったから、 偉そうなことは言えないが… 奴ら、可能性を見ていない
Their emotions are crushed under their situation, and they're closing off the small path to victory they have left. 気持ちが状況に押しつぶされ、 わずかに残っている勝者への道を、 自ら閉ざしている
But you can't blame them... Just thinking about what would happen if we lost one more time... でも、無理ないっすよ…次負けたらと 思うと…
As if someone had placed him there for Kaiji, there he was. まるで開示らと出会うために、 何者かが用意したかのように、男はいた
Don't think only of yourself from now on. The three of us make one person. The three of us make one unit. The three of us share the same destiny. これから先は、一人一人って考えは捨てろ。 3人で一人、 3人で一単位。 3人は、運命共同体だ
The weak took action in order to survive. They move forward, compensating for each other's weaknesses. 弱者たちは、生き残りをかけて動き出した。 前へ… それぞれの足りない要素を、補い合いながら…
When I stopped you, you hadn't declared "Check" yet. You could have stopped, but you didn't. オレが止めに入ったとき、お前はチェック宣言前。 まだ勝負は止められたのにやめなかった
There's nothing to believe here. If you won, you would have betrayed us. That's an undeniable truth. 信じろもクソもねぇ…勝っていたら、 オレたちを切っていた。 それだけは疑いようがねぇのさ
There won't be any unity if we cut out the bad parts! 悪しきを切ってたら団結はねぇ
If I kick Andou out, no matter what the reason is, that'll only hurt us later on. You'll start to think that I'll kick anyone out when the situation calls for it. もし安藤を切れば、理由はどうあれ、 その事実が足枷となり、 いよいよとなれば こいつは自分を切る奴だと考える…
We just swore that the three of us make one unit. And then the group's torn to pieces only a few moments later. 3人で一単位、運命共同体と誓ったのに、 その舌の根も乾かぬうちにグループの心はバラバラ
That's why I won't kick him out. I can't, even if I wanted to. だから切らねぇ… 切りたくても切らねぇんだ
I'll cooperate all I can starting now! もう俺…こっからがんばって協力して…
Can a lion live after being cut into three pieces? 1頭のライオンが、三つに分かれて生きていけるかって言ってんだっ…!
The group barely held together. However, they lost one star and are now forced into a corner. かろうじてグループは維持された。 しかし、状況は星を一つ減らし窮地
The cards in his head intersect numerous times. And through those intersections, one thought begins to materialize. And that thought begins to unravel the knot. 幾度となく、カードが交差する。 その無限の交差の中、編みこまれていくある思考。 それによって、解きほぐされていく結び目
The heavy door separating them from survival creaks open little by little... and light begins to shine through the opening! 開きそうにもなかった扉が今、 軋みつつ動き出した。 そこから差し込む、光明…!
And those conditions are... That man must have 9 cards. They must check his next two matches. The order doesn't matter, but he must use a rock and a scissors. 開示の言う条件とは、 まず、手持ちのカードが9枚の男を見つけ、 その後の2回の勝負をチェックする。 順番はどうあれ、クーとチョキを使っていること
Of course, Kaiji's strategy is not guaranteed. Thus, he cannot use this strategy with only 1 star. This strategy requires two stars. But this is the difficult part. 無論、開示の思いついた策は、決して必勝の策ではない。 当然、星一つは挑めない。 勝負の前に、星を二つに戻すことが必須条件なのだ。 しかし、これが至難…!
I'll think about it for 10 million. 1000万なら考えてやってもいいぜ
Not one person would negotiate under fair terms. But that is only natural. Everyone was still engulfed in the middle of their matches. His timing was bad. 誰一人、まともな交渉には応じない… が、それも無理ないのだ。 皆、まだ勝負の渦中。 時期が悪かったのだ
If he had waited another hour or two, people would begin to have spare stars, and negotiations could happen. もう1、2時間すれば、 星の余裕が確定する者が現れ、 交渉も成り立ったろう
There can't be that many people who match the conditions... He might even be the last. It could be the chance of a lifetime! 条件をそろえた男がそう何人も残ってるはずねぇ… ひょっとしたら、最後の一人… 千載一隅のチャンス
The first step on the path to victory was already blocked. To take this path, one must turn about. No matter how dangerous, one cannot be fearful of this path. 勝利への道、その一歩目が途切れている。 この道を行くには、身を翻さなくてはならない。 どんなに恐ろしくとも、ここは臆してはならない道
I can make the jump! Don't be afraid. Just go. これは飛べる距離なんだ…! 臆さない… ただ行くだけ…!
I guess you're right. He did seem to avoid people with lots of stars. 確かに、星の多いやつとは明らかに勝負を避けてました
Normally, you wouldn't want to play anyone with one star. You'll feel like you killed that person yourself. 普通星一つの相手とは戦いたくないぜ。 なんか、自分の手で破滅に突き落とすみたいで、気が引けるだろ
His strategy is similar to the "Reverse Betting" you see in roulette. He only goes after those people down on their luck with only 1 or 2 stars. おそらく奴の戦略は、ルーレットなんかでよくある逆張。 星一つか二つの落ち目の奴のみを相手にする
Are you sure you should be fighting someone like that?! そんなヤツ相手にして、大丈夫なんですか?
You can tell from his composed face while he's checking his cards. Without a doubt, he goes by balance. カードを確認してる奴の余裕の表情を見てもわかる。 やつは間違いなく…バランス派だ
I don't know. Maybe it's about the cards themselves. The card you deal next is the only thing you have control over. たぶんカードのことだろう。 次に何を出すか、唯一コントロールできる所だからな
I didn't think it was worth thinking about, so I just dealt them randomly. 考えてもしょうがないから、 行き当たりばったりで、適当に出してただけだよ
People would normally think about balancing them more! 普通もっとバランスを考えますよ!
Well, like how we'd avoid the situation we're in, with only scissors. Normally, you would try to spread out your choices until the very end, so you wouldn't end up with a deck full of the same cards. 要するに今僕たちが困っている、チョキ4枚っていう状態を避けるっていうか。 普通カードをギリギリまで選択できるように、 余り偏った残し方しないっていうか…
If someone knew about your unbalanced deck, you'd be screwed. もし自分のカードが偏っていて、そのことが相手に知られたら、 目も当てられないですよ
When one has 9 cards and uses a rock and scissors, these 7 will be left. If the player likes to maintain a balance, their deck would become unbalanced if they used a rock or scissors next. 手持ちの9枚のカードのうち、2回の勝負で、グーとチョキのカードを使用すると、 この7枚となる。バランス重視の者であれば、 次にグーやチョキのカードを使用する場合、 カードが偏ることとなる
Thus, the probability of the player using a paper becomes high. ゆえに、パーのカードを使用するという公算が成立する
However, this logic was based only on an assumption. Should the opponent do anything on a whim, the strategy would easily be overturned. しかし、所詮は仮定で塗り固めた理。 相手の気まぐれで、容易く破綻する
Just once! just this once! Please let us cross this fragile bridge! 一度だけ、ここ一度だけ…!渡らせてください… このか弱い橋を…!
We still need to get a lot more stars. If you win, you have to press on. That's obvious. オレ達はまだまだ星を取って行かなきゃならねぇ。 勝ったら前へ… 当たり前のことだろ
So these three are just a bunch of losers who joined together as a last resort. A trio of losers with no luck on their side. こいつら、緊急避難のように体制を組んだ クズの集まり。 ツキに見放された、3人組ってわけだ
Just some thoughtless idiots who can't read the flow. You people can't win two in a row. 流れが読めねぇ調子乗りが… お前らに2連勝があるかよ
I thought you calmly planned everything out! 冷静に勝負を考えてる人だと思ったのに!
Unless he counts on miraculous consecutive wins, there's no way we'll survive! 勢いに乗って、奇跡の連勝に走り出さない限り、 オレ達に生き残りは無い
Idiot. Of course it'll turn out this way. Did you really think you could win twice in a row with the same card? バカが、当然の結果じゃねぇか。 2度続けて同じカードで勝てるとでも思ってんのかよ
That's why you'll always be losers! You're nothing but trash that can't decide anything for yourselves! だからお前らは駄目なんだ! 一人じゃ何も決められない、クズが!
No, I can't back down. We can't get any stars by backing down. いや、下がれない。 下がっても、星は増えない
Why can't you see that it's an act?! That loss in the second match was part of my plan! バカ、なぜオレの演技が分からない? 2戦目の負けは計算、撒き餌だ
It's bait! The fish just took the bait! Don't worry, I'll win twice in a row. 今、魚がエサに食いついたんだ。 安心しろ、2連勝だよ
Since we only have scissors, that means he'll use paper twice in a row. Kaiji-san seems sure of it. こっちにチョキしかない以上、 相手が2回続けてパーを出すってことだ… 開示さんには確信があるんだろう
True. It is difficult to think that the balance-minded hyena will use paper twice in a row. Even if he did, it would only be if he were sure that Kaiji would use rock. Or perhaps he'd think paper would be safe. 確かに、バランス派のハイエナが、 この後2連続パーを出すとは考えにくい。仮に出すとしたら、 それは、開示がグーを出すと確信した時。 あるいは、パーを出しておけば安心と考えた時である
Andou, Kaiji-san will win! He'll use paper twice! It's his balance theory. The next match will bring it back. 安藤、開示さん勝つよ! 奴は2度続けてパーを出す。奴のバランス理論だよ、 次の3戦目で甦ったのさ、奴のバランス理論が
Seeing how Kaiji-san used scissors twice in a row, he'd never suspect that his last two cards were also scissors! 2度続けてチョキを出した開示さんの、 残りのカードが2枚ともチョキだなんて、奴がそんな想像すると思うか?
He must have thought that Kaiji-san had two scissors, one rock, and one paper at the beginning. He must think that Kaiji-san only has a rock and a paper, or a pair of a single type. 奴は1戦目のときに、開示さんのカードの内訳はチョキ2枚、 そしてグーとパーが1枚ずつと考えたはずだ。 となれば今、開示さんの残りカードは、グーとパーが1枚ずつ。 もしくは、どちらか2枚と考えている
That means he won't lose if he uses only paper for the 3rd match onward. He thinks he can't lose. つまり、3戦目以降はパーさえ出せば勝てる! 負けは無いと確信したんだ
Kaiji-san waited for his opponent to enter that thought process. 開示さんは、奴がその思考に至るのを待って勝負に行ったんだ
Yes, Kaiji has waited. He kept his head down until his opponent got himself caught in the mud. This wait was indeed a fine play by Kaiji! そう、開示は待った。 敵が、自らぬかるみに足を踏み入れるのを… 顔を伏して待った…! この待ちこそが、開示のファインプレー
The quicksand that lurks within the balance theory. Once one gets caught in it, one cannot easily escape. Balance controls that person's thought processes! バランス理論のうちに潜む、ぬかるみ。 一度深くハマった足は、容易く抜けない。 なぜなら、バランスが思考を支配する
His point of view, theory, and common sense forbids him to think that his entire deck consists of only scissors! It cannot even cross his mind! "Scissors won't come out anymore." その世界観、理論、常識では、 手持ちカードがすべてチョキなどということはあり得ない。 そんな事考えられない。 もうチョキは出ない
4 scissors in a row can't be possible! 4枚チョキだけは、絶対にない…!
"You used the same card 3 times in a row, so it won't happen again." In gambling, this thought is extremely dangerous! 3連続で同じ手が来たから、もう同じ手は来ない。 ギャンブルでは、この考え方は最も危険
He won't use scissors! It can't be scissors! チョキはない、 チョキは…!
He sinks and walks the path of ruin. The devilishness of gambling mockingly laughs. ハマりこみ、抜けられない崩壊への道。 ギャンブルという魔性がせせら嗤う…
Your reading and theory aren't wrong. But one wrong move and it creates a blind spot. あんたの読み、理論は間違ってなんかいない。 でも一歩狂えば、そこが盲点だ
Once a person believes a theory is true, he no longer doubts it. Especially the person who used that theory to win the entire time. 人間は理論てやつを一度正しいと信じ込んじまうと、 なかなか疑わなくなる。 ましてや、その理論で勝ってきた奴となれば、尚更…
Defenseless because he believed in the theory! Kaiji takes advantage of the theory and wins 2 in a row! 理論あるがゆえに無防備。 開示、理論を逆手に取った2連勝
But the destiny that awaits them is still dark, with no exit in sight. They are engulfed in the infinite darkness. だが、彼らを待ち受ける運命は、まだ暗く、出口は見えない。 この、無限に続く漆黒の闇のように
On this ship, handing over your cards is allowed. Look, we already gave each other our stars and cards a couple of times already. この船は、カードの譲渡は認めている。 現にオレたちの間で、カードも星も 行き来してるじゃねえか
That means it's allowed. You can't throw them away, but you can transfer them. つまり認めてんだよ、 破棄はダメだが、譲渡はいいと
At a glance, Restricted Rock Paper Scissors looks like it's all based on luck. But its essence is a game of realization. この限定ジャンケン、一見運否天賦に見えるが、 その本質は、おそらく気づきのゲーム
If you don't figure that out, you might go to hell like that last guy. そのことに気付かなければ、 さっきの男みたいに、自ら奈落に落ちることもあり得る
It'll be difficult. It's more complicated than it looks. It's a battle of concepts. 一筋縄じゃかない。見かけよりずっと複雑。 実は思考の勝負
Aside from the rules given to us, there's also a set of inner rules hidden between the lines. このゲームは、表のルールに対して、 裏に潜むもう一つのルールが隠されている
We discovered one of those inner rules by banding together. オレたちは、グループを組んだことで。一つ裏のルールを探しあてた
There should be plenty of people here who still haven't realized that yet. まだそのことに気がついていない者が、 このフロアにはたくさんいるだろう
Of the 103 players, 33 have already finished. Because the hosts have begun buying extra stars... 25 people who had more than three stars have already gone upstairs. 103名いたプレーヤーのうち、既に33名の決着が付いた。 主催者側の、余った星の買い取りという戦略もあいまって、 星3個以上で2階に上がった者が、既に25人
There are 389 cards and 197 stars left! There are 5.55 cards and 2.81 stars per person. そして、カードの総数は389枚、星は197個。 一人当たりに直せば、カード5.55枚で、星2.81個
Meaning, some people will definitely be forced into the other room. つまり、この中の何人かは、確実に別室行きとなる
Then let's hurry up and get some cards so we can play, Kaiji-san! じゃぁ…早くカードを集めて 勝負しましょうよ、開示さん
No. We can't do it blindly. ダメだ、ただ闇雲に勝負はできない
But we have to do something. でも、何か手を打たないと…
That's right... even if we can't get stars, we can get cards... そうだ…星はダメでも、カードは手に入る
I found it! The ultimate strategy! Imagine this... Let's say we gathered most of the rocks. What do you think of that? 見つけた、究極の必勝法…! たとえばの話だが、オレたちがグーのカードを相当数手に入れていたとする。 で、どう考える?
I guess you wouldn't. Then let's say an hour and a half passes... and the cards drop to double digits while maintaining the same ratio. What do you think would happen if we had 30 rocks? まぁ無理もない。 じゃあ今から1時30分が過ぎ、 このカードバランスのまま、百の位が消え、10の位だけという状況になったら? そのときオレたちが、グーを30枚持っていたらどう思う?
Realistically speaking, that probably wouldn't happen. But our chances of winning would go up by a lot. まぁ現実的にはそこまでにはならないだろうが、 勝つ確率は飛躍的に上がるはずだ
How are we supposed to get so many? それだけのカード、どうやって集めるんですか?
We'll use money. Even if we end up spending 100,000 or 200,000 per card... it'll still be a bargain, considering how each of them will turn into a star later on. It's an investment. 金を使う。 グー1枚につき、10万使おうと20万使おうと、 それが後々、星に化けると考えれば安いもの。 先行投資だ
At any rate, our own 2 million couldn't buy stars anyway. We won't regret it even if we end up spending all of it! どうせ、オレたちの200万じゃ星は買えないし。 全部つぎ込んでも悔いはありません
Listen, if they hear about this buyout, it's over. No one will want to play us if this gets out in the open. いいか、この買い占めは気づかれたら終りなんだ。 バレちゃ誰一人勝負なんかしてくれなくなる
Kaiji's group tells their targets that if they gather over 10 rocks, Kaiji's group will take the rest of their deck and reward them with 2 million. As a result, this is a hit! グーのカードを10枚以上集めて来たら、 手持ちのカードを全部貰い受け、 さらに報酬200万を渡すという提案。 結果的にこれがヒット
To the potential agents, this was an enticing way to take care of the rest of their deck with zero risk... and receive 2 million before escaping from this floor. たしかにこれは、代行者にとって、 リスク抜きにカードを始末でき、 且つ、200万の金を手にして上がることができるという、おいしい話である
To Kaiji, on top of being able to secretly gather the necessary number of rocks... those agents also disappear to the upper floor. 開示らにとっても、代行してもらうことで、秘密裡に、 必要なだけグーを手に入れることができる上、 代行者たちは、仕事が終わると報酬をもらい、上にあがってしまう
Everything was ideal. Kaiji and the others have finally obtained it: the final strategy they will bet their lives on. And the 30 rocks they will use as ammunition. すべてが理想的。 開示らはついに手に入れた。 命運をかけた最終戦略。 その実弾、グーのカード30枚
We reached into the structure of Restricted Rock Paper Scissors. It's possible to manipulate it. オレたちは、この限定ジャンケンの構造に手を突っ込んだ… 操作し得るってことだ
Now then. We've only done half of the work. The hard part is just beginning. さてと、仕事はまだやっと半分、 難しいのはむしろこれからだ
He explains the timing and method of striking. If they miss their chance, it will result in a fatal defeat. 仕掛けを打つ頃合い、方法を伝える。 もし機を逸すれば、致命的な敗北
Everything will go all right. It's possible for each of us to get 10 stars. No... 12, even 13. 必ず上手くいく。 オレたち3人で、星10個も夢じゃない。 いや…12個、13個も
Even after paying off the principal and interest, we'll each come away with an extra 7 million. It'll be a crushing victory! 船で借りた金と、その金利をきれいにしても 一人頭、700万以上浮く… 大勝だっ…!
Setting aside the 30 rocks, don't you feel uneasy with 2 scissors and 4 papers? Maybe we should buy some more of those. グー30枚はともかく、 チョキ2枚、パー4枚ってのは、少し心許なくないですか? 買い足しておいた方がいいんじゃ?
No, let's not. We shouldn't do anything that might raise suspicion. いや、やめとこう。 怪しまれそうな動きは一切よそう
Hey, don't ask for permission every time you go! What are you gonna do if someone sees us? おいっ、出るときいちいち断ったりなんかするなっ…! 人に見られたらどうする?
Shit, I can't smoke, either. No one's supposed to know we're in here right now. おっと、タバコはまずいよな… ここには誰もいないことになってるんだから
Kaiji and his group will take turns checking the remaining cards. All the while waiting for the ideal situation to strike. 開示たちは交代で、残り枚数を見張る。 仕掛けを打つ理想的状況の出現を持ちながら
Furuhata goes out to check next. The number of cards remaining is going according to plan. 次に、古畑がチェックに向かう。 カードの推移は順調
However, at this time, Kaiji feels that something is out of place. It was an unidentifiable sense of danger. He does not know why... but Kaiji senses abnormal conditions arising. しかしこのとき、開示の心中に、ある違和感が生まれつつあった… それは正体の見えない危機感。原因は分からない。 だが、確かに開示は感じていた…ある変調の兆しを
What fools. They don't even see that it's a momentary illusion. 一時の錯覚とも知らずに、愚かなことよ
Stop thinking about the short term! We always mess up because of that! 目先を追うな! オレたちはいつもそれで失敗して来たんじゃないのか?!
It will definitely reverse again. I'm not basing that on a gut feeling! If there are less scissors, people will use papers a lot more. They should start getting used around now. 必ず反転する。 これは単なる勘じゃない。 チョキが減ったってことは、 パーが使いやすくなったってことで、 必ずここからは使われていく
On the other hand, the number of rocks isn't going down, so the number of scissors should stay up! 逆にチョキは、グーがあまりカードを減らさないから 使いにくい
I thought the number of papers wasn't dropping all that fast. But there were a lot of scissors at the time, so the number of papers went down slower. So that's what it was. 少しパーの減りが少ないなって… でも、あの時はチョキが多かったから、 パーの減りも少なかった。 そういうことなんスね
I know, but why are the scissors going two at a time? それはわかるんですけど、どうしてチョキは2枚ずつ減るんです…?
The others go down by one, but the scissors go down by two! 他のは1枚ずつ消えていくのに、 チョキは二つずつ消えていくんです!
Kaiji and his group tasted this sort of fear for the first time in their lives. A feeling of falling endlessly. それは、開示が生まれて初めて味わう恐怖。 どこまでも降下していく、この感覚
The tentacles of the monsters of gambling beckon him to destruction. Those sticky hands are burning hot. They coil around and around, refusing to let go. 破滅へと誘う、ギャンブルという魔物の触手。 その粘りついた手は、焼けるように熱く、 幾重にも絡みつき、容易には離れない
The players believe they are thinking for themselves, but they are actually being controlled by the monster! 本人は、自分で考え行動しているつもりだが、 実は、もうすっかり魔物に操られている
Furuhata and Andou felt that they did not want their labor and money to go to waste. They cannot allow this strategy to go to waste. That cannot be allowed! 古畑も安藤も、 この戦略に費やした、労力、金が、惜しくてたまらない。 この戦略が無為に終わることなど、そんなことは許せない… あってはならぬこと…!
So you're the ringleader for this little gig here. お前が悪知恵の首謀者か…?
You're right. Your strategy wasn't bad. You might have succeeded if we weren't here. 確かに悪い戦略じゃないもんなぁ。 もしオレたちがいなかったら、今頃成功していたかもしれん
It was incredible to see someone move just like I expected. I'll have to be thankful for your idiocy and rashness. 思った通り、ここまで踊ってくれると痛快。 感謝するよ、お前らの浅知恵と、軽率な行動に
We both thought of the same strategy... In other words, you're a worthy opponent. お前もオレも同じ戦略を思いついた者同士… 言うなら好敵手ってやつだ
I came out on top with the papers winning, but we were equally matched. That's why you're worthy men for our last one. 結局1枚オレが上回り、パー派の勝ちとなったが、 実力は伯仲していた。 だからこそ、お前は俺達の最後に、相応しい男
Still, you can't play with one star. That's why we'll sell you one of our stars. とはいえ、お前も星一つじゃ戦うに戦えまい。 そこで、まずオレたちの星を一つ売ってやる
Why not?! If we don't buy it now, we can't even play! どうしてっ… 今買っとかないと勝負にもいけないし…
Just as he said... this is a fitting final battle for us. こいつの言うとおり、 オレたちに相応しい最終戦
We'll be playing until one of us uses up all of his stars and goes to the other room. どっちかが完全に星を吐き出し、 どちらかが別室へ行くまでやる
Kaiji relies on that last shred of hope and challenges Kitami! 開示は、一縷の望みにかけ、北見に最後の勝負を挑む
The rock buyout was the way to pull back from the brink of disaster. However, that plan was ruined due to Kitami's paper buyout. 起死回生を図った、グー買占め作戦。 しかし、北見のパー買占めにより、破綻
One game's fine. Please play against me for one game. 1試合でいい。 頼む、1試合
You should've said that from the beginning. 最初っからそう言やいいんだよ
I'm going to the other room if I lose. So let's bet 3 stars on this one match! なんせ負けたら別室行き。 なら、この勝負、1試合に星3つをかけるってのはどうだ?
As long as everyone here agrees to it, there's no problems! 当事者が納得ずくなら、基本的には問題ないはずだ
Even so! Each star is worth 5 million right now! Your 6 million isn't worth 2 stars! そうだとしても、 いま星は一つ500万だ! お前の600万じゃ星2つと釣り合わねぇ!
Don't jump to conclusions! The 6 million isn't supposed to take the place of 2 stars. It'll be a bonus for you if I lose. 早まるな! 600万は星2つの代わりじゃねぇ。 負けたらただ黙ってそちらへ差し出すボーナスだ
We have to run straight ahead now! It'll be hopeless if we don't have at least 6 stars when there's 30 minutes left! いま突っ走んなきゃダメなんだよ。 残り30分を切る前に、 星6個くらいにしとかないと、話にならねぇ
I don't care how you use your stars! But please don't drag us down with you! 開示さんが自分の星をどう賭けようと勝手っスけど、 オレたちを巻き込まないでくださいよ!
These three only banded together for the sake of what they had to gain. Those two will never agree to it. ヤツらもどうせ、損得だけでくっついた3人。 あの二人は、絶対首を立てに振らない
If I can't get them to agree in 5 minutes, you can take the 6 million! So please wait! 5分でまとまらなかったら、 この600万を持って行っていい。だから、待ってくれ!
But we're at the point now where we can use luck to win! しかし今なら、その運否天賦で、勝ちが見える地点まで辿り着けるんだ!
You two don't understand the situation you're in! The fire is already licking at your feet! お前らは、いま置かれてる状況がわかってない。 火の手はもう、足を焼いてんだよ
To win! To get 9 stars! To survive! So the three of us can have the last laugh... and get off this ship! 勝つためだ! 星を9個にするためだ! 生き残るためだ! オレたち3人が、最後の最後に笑って… この船を降りるためだ!
I won't ask this from you anymore. Just this once... gather your courage. Gather your courage to survive. 2度3度なんて言わねぇ。 ここ1度だけ…勇気を。 生き残るための、勇気を
Yeah, it's almost been 5 minutes. I'll take away what's left of you. ああ、もうすぐ5分だ。 もらってやらぁ、この残りカスを
You were about to take the money! You would have taken the money if I couldn't convince them! お前いま、金を持っていこうとしたじゃないか。 この勝負がまとまらなきゃ 持っていくつもりだった
Besides, even if you lose, you won't be sent to the other room. You have a safety net! Stop being such cowards! それにてめえらは仮に負けたとしても、 別室に落ちるわけじゃねぇ。 セーフティだ。 臆病もいい加減にしろ!
I'm putting 6 million on the line, so you have a lot more to gain from this! And yet you're not trying to grab it, because you're always looking backwards! だいたいこっちが600万上乗せしてる分、 勝った時の理はお前らの方が大きい。 なのに掴もうとしないのは、 救いようもなく後ろ向き
Even a forward-looking idiot has some chance, but a backward-looking coward has none! 前向きのバカならまだ可能性はあるが、 後ろ向きならゼロ
That's not living. Only your heart and lungs are moving! Your existence is a waste, so why don't you hurry up and die?! そんなの生きてるなんて言わねぇ。 ただ心臓や肺が動いてるだけ。 ムダだからさっさと死ねや
Go on! Get mad! At least then you'll be normal! Then you'll be alive! 怒れ怒れ、 それでこそ正常だ。 生きてるってことだ
Looks like the coward isn't completely worthless yet. 臆病ヤロウも、根性まではビビリ腐ってなかったってことか
The two face off! The first one to make a move was Kaiji. 二人、向き合う。 最初に動き出したのは、開示
They gather closely so they can take Kaiji and his group to the other room should they lose. 負けたら即別室に連行するため、張り付く
He was not imagining those voices. They were the voices of fiends hoping for Kaiji and his group to fall to the depths of hell. その声は気のせいではない、確かに聞こえるのだ。 開示たちを、地の底に誘う、 亡者の声が
If Kaiji and his group loses, there will be fewer people on the floor. Though still small, their chances of obtaining stars will rise. 開示たちが負ければ、その分フロア内の人が減り、 星の入手が、いくらかとは言え、容易になる
I don't give a shit about the others. It's about me, and only me. The only thing that matters is that I follow my own will. That's all there is to it. 他人なんか関係ねえ… オレだ…オレなんだっ…! 肝心なのは、 いつもどんな時も、オレがやると決めてやる… ただそれだけだっ…!
I realized that I should only listen to my own voice, and nobody else's. The only thing I need to believe in is my own power! 気がついたんだ…耳を傾けるべきは他人の御託じゃなくて、 オレ自身の声。 信じるべきは、オレの力…!
Boiling point! Like the point when water turns to steam, Kaiji felt this feeling within himself. The reality of his existence! In other words, life! 沸騰点。水が水蒸気に変わる、そんな変わり目を、 開示は今、身のうちに感じていた。 己が存在のリアリティー… つまり…生を …!
The feeling that he was alive... He felt that trembling within! 今、確かに生きているという感触、 その奮えを …!
We're already in "Set!" Are you going to allow someone to back out at this point? セットに入ったんだぞっ…! この時点での中断なんて認めるのか…!
Once you have "Set," you are no longer allowed to quit. セットに入ったら、中断は一切認められない
You are not allowed to switch cards, either. After you declare "Set," the only thing left to do is open your card. カードのチェンジも認めない。 セットに入ったら、 あとはただ開くだけだ
I don't know, but I just had a bad feeling. That there's a decisive flaw... A fray... A feeling that everything will unravel and fall apart... わからねぇが今、嫌な予感が走った。 何か、決定的な欠陥…ほつれ すべてがバラバラに解け散り、崩壊…そんな予感が
The second fray was when you took a card out of your pocket without hesitation. 二つ目のほつれは、いざ勝負をしようとしたとき、 お前が何の躊躇もなく1枚のカードを手にしたことだ
There's no way the group would let you decide on your own what card you'd use for the last match. That means it was agreed beforehand on what your last card would be. 最後に使う1枚を、 お前の判断だけで決められるはずがない。 それができるってことは、最後に出すカードについて、合意がなされてたってことだ
A certain logical point arises from connecting the last two frays. これにさっきのほつれを繋ぎ合わせると、 自ずとある理が浮かび上がる
I can tell. We're the same. We both thought of the buyout strategy. That's how I could tell what your extra card was. オレにはわかるのさ。オレとお前は、買い占めなんていう戦略を考え出した、 同じ穴のムジナ。 だからわかる、オレにはお前の余分なカードが
You need to have an even number of cards of each type to be able to use up your cards within your group. If he doesn't do that, stars will be transferred within the group. 仲間うちであいこ消耗するには、 手元のカードがすべて偶数でないとダメ そうでないと勝負の後、仲間うちで星が動いちまう
Kitami and his group must have tried to keep the numbers even. But out of that, one extra card came up. 北見たちは当然、手元のカードを偶数で揃えようとしたはず。 そこに1枚、余分なカードができたってわけさ
When you said that this was your last match, you meant that you only wanted to play once to get rid of one extra card. 最初の、この戦いが最後ってのは、 1回だけ戦いたいってことで、 1枚だけ消したいカードがあるってこと
That was confirmed when I saw that the card you used had already been decided when you agreed to play. それに、さっきの合意。 使う1枚のカードが決まってたってのがその裏付け
In other words, if you take care of that one extra card, the rest of your deck matches evenly! つまり余分な1枚がなくなれば、 残りはすべて偶数
Of course it's not definite. If anything illogical happens, that's it for me. But if everything progresses normally, it's obvious what your extra card is. もちろん絶対とは言えない。 理に合わぬことが起きれば、それまでだ。 しかし、通常通りの流れで事が推移したと考えるなら、 お前のどのカードが余分かは、もう明白
The moment the rocks and scissors became even, you must have stopped buying them since they weren't part of your buyout strategy. That's why the possibility of those cards being even is extremely high. 買占めカードではないグーとチョキは偶数になった時点で、 買うのをやめたはず。 だからこの二つが偶数である可能性はかなり高い
You were trying to fight us with paper since we had rocks. Meaning, you didn't know how many times you'd have to play paper. So there's no point in trying to make the number of papers even, too. お前らはグーで勝負に走るオレ達を、パーでやる気でいた。 とすると、何回パーで勝負するかは分からない。 だったら無理に偶数にそろえる意味は無い
With only 40 minutes left, he was cornered with only 3 stars. But at this moment, he was able to seize 3 more stars! 残り40分で、星三つに追い詰められたが、 ここでまた、星三つを奪取…!
The torch of hope is lit once again. 再び、希望の火、灯る…!
The real reason was for the draws after we win. Having an even number is perfect for using up the cards in draws. That's why I decided that we didn't need to buy any more. 本当の理由は、勝った後のあいこ消耗だ。 チョキ2、パー4という偶数の状況は、あいこで消耗するには好都合。 だから買い足しは必要ないと決めた
That's how I figured all of this out from Kitami's words about the last match. It made me think that he had one odd card left. この一件があったから、 北見の最終戦ていう申し出にピーンときて、 奴には奇数のカードが1種あるんじゃないかって、そう閃いたんだ
It was unexpected, but I helped out after all. 思いがけず、オレ役に立ってたんですね…
This is the power of the group. Any ideas and strategies that one person would overlook can be thought of by another. こういうことがグループの力。 一人じゃ素通りしまう発想や定石を、 仲間が確認させてくれる
If you hadn't rushed me, I would have noticed it. お前らが急がせなけりゃ、オレは気づいていたのに
In for a penny, in for a pound. Let's go all the way. こうなったら、毒を喰らわば皿までもか。 毒皿で行くか
1 million should be enough for each. 一人100万で足りるはずだ
With this gamble nearing its end... if they buy 30 papers and 30 rocks, the remaining cards will actually be like this... 場が煮詰まった終局… グーとパー2種類のカードを、30枚買い占めていれば、 電光掲示板の残りのカードは、こうなる
Also, as the number of cards declines, he will learn even more decisive information. さらに、カードが減っていくと、 より決定的な情報を得ることができる
For example, if the display shows the amount of rocks he bought out, only papers and scissors will truly be left. Scissors can be used for guaranteed wins! たとえば、グーが買い占めたカードだけになれば、 残りはパーとチョキ。 チョキで必勝できる
Similarly, if paper drops to zero, only rocks and scissors will be left. Rocks will be guaranteed wins as well. 同様に、パーが消えてゼロになれば、 残りはグートとチョキ。 これもグーで必勝
There may be draws, but they can never lose. This is Kaiji's strategy for survival! 引き分けはあっても、負けることはない。 これが、カイジの生き残り戦略
I guess I should go negotiate with that little ringleader now that he's stripped naked. じゃあオレは、いまや裸の王様となった子悪党との 交渉といくか
They easily agreed for 1 million. They probably thought it was a good deal, since they can leave with some money. 100万であっさり転んでくれたよ。 金をもらって上がれるんだから、 悪くねぇ話しだと思ったんだろ
It's only natural. Your group was never bound together by trust. You only held together for what you had to gain. まあ無理もない。 お前らは元々信頼関係なんかない、 100%利害だけの仲だからな
If another obvious source of gain arises, they'd easily turn that way. I just gave them that opportunity. 明らかな利が他に生じれば、 人の心はそっちへ流れる。 その機会を、オレが与えてやったのさ
Without any partners... you can't get rid of your cards with draws anymore. パートナーを失ったお前は、 残りのカードを引き分けで処理するわけにはいかなくなった
You'll have to take care of all those papers you have through luck. You'll have to play over 10 times just to lose them all. その手に大量に抱えている10以上あるパーで、運否天賦、 10戦以上戦わざるをえない
You want me to sell them to you for petty cash? 売れってことか、はした金で手持ちのパーを
You're gonna have to pay me to take them off your hands. オレに金を払い、引き取ってもらうんだよ
Even without my partners, there are plenty of people here who want cards! I can negotiate with them! 奴らがいなくたって、 星足らずでカードが欲しい奴らが、まだたくさんいる。 そいつらにいくらでも譲渡できるさ
Too bad, but that won't be possible. I won't let you. I'll tell everyone that most of your cards are papers. 残念だが、それは無理だ。 オレがそうはさせない。 お前のカードはほとんどパーだと、オレが公言して回る
Who's gonna accept your cards if everyone knows they're papers? この終盤、パーだと知れたカードを 誰がもらう?
But for you, it'd be fatal if everyone knew that most of your cards are papers. Even if you get through the first few matches, it'll be difficult after that. しかしお前は、残りのカードがパーと 知られたら致命傷。 初戦2戦目は、ごまかせても、 その後が厳しい
The reality of you having over 10 papers is heavy. If you can maintain your 3 stars, it'll be a miracle. 10枚以上あるパーの現実は重い。 それで星三つ維持できたら、まさに奇跡
I'll agree to 2 million. That's the amount I used to pay off your group. 200で手を打ってやる。 奴らの買収に使った額だ
At this time, 135 remaining cards were displayed on the scoreboard. Kaiji and his group had bought out over half the total number of cards on the floor. They had captured an overwhelming amount! このとき、電光掲示板の示すカードの総数は、135。 開示らは、全体の50%を超えるカードを、 買い占めたことになる。 まさに、圧倒的占拠率
We've done everything we can. Now we can only pray... that an ideal situation will appear. 打つべき手は打った。 あとは祈るだけだ。オレたちにとって、 理想的な状況が出現することをな
There's still time before we make our move. Until then, it's better to go separately. 動き出すまでまだ時間がある。それまでは 別々、固まらない方がいい
Only 30 minutes left. Everything will be decided then. あと30分、 それですべてが決する
I saw the black suits going around telling them that at the end... there will be a buying and selling of stars after time runs out. さっき黒服たちが、連中に言うて回ったんや。 このゲームの終了時に星の売買タイムがある言うてな
With the gamble in its final stages, they definitely won't go for matches by getting more cards. Since it'll all be over if a third party finds out what cards they bought. ここまで場が煮詰ると、 新たにカードを仕入れての勝負はしとうない。 買おたカードの情報が第三者に流れたら、終わりやからな
But this situation is perfect for the hosts. It's exactly what they want. Since they'll be using money they borrowed from the hosts to buy stars, it'll create new debts for them. せやけど、実はこの状況こそ船側にとって好都合、 思うツボ。 売買で最初に船から借りた金を、その星に注ぎ込むちゅうことやから、 当然新たな借金を生む
Even if their initial debts are erased, they'll still fall further into debt. 娑婆の借金がチャラになっても 借金苦の状況は変わらへん
If you happen to win the first match and get 3 stars... don't sell the rest of your cards on your own, or follow some guy who comes to you with a sweet deal. 初戦に勝って、星三つになったからって、 勝手にカードを売ったり、 おいしそうなこと吹きかけるやつに、ふらふら付いていったり… そんなことはするなよ
I'll trust you two. So you two should trust me, too. オレはお前らを信じる… お前らもオレを信じろ…!
Only 41 people are left on the floor, and out of those... 22 are putting their hopes on the star buying and selling at the end. 今現在フロアにいるのは、41名。 このうち22名は、勝負後の星売買に望みを託する者たち
There are only 16 people left. He must seize stars from these 16 people! 残るは16人。 この16人から星を奪うしかない…!
The board displays it as such, but in actuality... 電光掲示板はこうだが、実際は…!
However! The floor was now in a state beyond his expectations! They were in a state of restraint! だがしかし、フロアは、想像を超えた異常事態。 閉塞状況に入っていた
A final destination of doubt and suspicion, with no way out! 打つ手なし、疑念疑惑の終着駅
They cannot play! The others won't even consider it! It was the same for Andou and Furuhata. 戦えない、 相手にもされない。 それは、安藤、古畑も変わらない
Yes, at this time, blockades were forming to shut out Kaiji and his group. It reaches a deadlock. そう。このとき、場は、開示らを拒否するように、 急速に閉塞…膠着化…!
It's probably out of distrust. Doubt and suspicion that they can't wipe away. Everyone's stopped dead in their tracks because they're doubting everyone else. おそらく、不信感… ぬぐえない疑念疑惑… 人を疑う心がここにきて、 みんなの動きを止めたんだ
We're not the only ones who can't play. It's the same for the others. 勝負できないのは、オレたちだけじゃねぇ。 ほかの連中も成り立ってねぇ
Everyone saw how people scammed and were scammed up to now. They can't trust anyone who challenges them. ここに至るまでの過程で、 騙したり騙されたりするのを目の当たりにしてきたからな。 声をかけてくる奴なんて、信用できねぇのさ
The people who bought cards in the middle are consumed by endless doubt. That information might be sold and bought somewhere. 途中でカードを購入した連中は、 もう疑心暗鬼。 その情報が裏で売られて、目の前の敵に流れてるかもしれないからな
Besides, even if they didn't buy any cards, someone might have checked what cards they used in the last 3 matches... so they still can't play anymore. それに、購入していない奴でも、 直前の戦いを3戦ほどチェックされているかもしれないと考えると、 これはこれで戦えない
We have to wait. The others can't end this with cards in their possession. They'll have to play at some point. We just need to wait until they make that decision. ここは待つしかない。 連中だってカードを残したままじゃ終われない。 いつかは戦わなきゃならない。 その決断の時を…
But we can't settle for that now that time is running out. せやけど、場が煮詰まった今、そんなことには構ってられへん
You have 3 stars right now. Even if you lose 2, there's still a chance for you to survive. あんたは今、星が三つ。仮に二つに減らしても まだ生き残る可能性がある
But I'm the same as you. I was waiting for an opportunity. I know what some people have left. オレもあんたと同様、機会を待っとったんや。 何を持っとるか知っとる奴が何人かおる
Nothing will be solved if you just stand there twiddling your thumbs! If we shuffle our cards, no one will know what we have anymore! We'll all start clean! そうやって手をこまねいとって、何が解決するんや。 オレとおどれらのカードが混ざり合ったら、 もう誰が何を持ってるか分からんようになる。 一度ゼロに戻すんやっ…!
These 3 served as the initial spark. After that, everything snowballed. Takada followed suit, and a total of 7 people sided with Funai. この3人が口火… 後は、雪崩現象。 高田も後に続き、7人が船井に同調
Kaiji and his group continued to lose their opponents, yet they can do nothing! His strategy is ruined yet again! 開示たちは、戦う相手を次々に失い、 打つ手なし。 またしても戦略破綻…!
Isn't it weird that we only have 16 cards with 8 people? The board says that there are still 90 cards in circulation. 変じゃねぇか、8人集まって、カード16枚ってのは… 電光掲示板には、まだ90枚カードがあることになってる
Someone over there probably bought out all the cards secretly. Oh, whatever. Let's just take care of everything among us. 向こうにいる誰かがこっそり買い占めとるんやろ。 まあいい、 うちらはうちらだけで進めようや
Just think of this as a members-only club for those who understand the idea behind reshuffling the cards. カードシャッフルの意向を理解したモンだけで作った、 会員制のクラブみたいなもんと考えればええ
We'll only play each other. Let's shut out all the outsiders! 勝負は会員の中だけでやる。 部外者は閉めだそうや、徹底的に…!
Now there are 10 of us. That's almost everyone, setting aside some of those stubborn idiots. これで10人、 一部の頑固モンを除きほぼ全員
Now we'll make our rule. We'll only play among members, and playing anyone else is forbidden. It'll be a gentleman's agreement. じゃあ結ぶで… 会員だけで勝負をして、 他のモンとの戦いを禁ずる… 紳士協定
That's a really late decision. That's okay, though. We won't refuse anyone who wants to join. Come on in, Kaiji. ずいぶん遅い決断やな。 ま、ええやろ、 来るもんは拒まずや。 入りいや…開示
Kaiji made this deeply troubling decision! But he had no choice but to agree. Shuffling everything to return to a clean slate. How will Kaiji find his way out of this?! 開示、苦渋の決断…! 飲まざるをえない…! 全てをゼロにするシャッフル。 開示は、そこにどんな活路を見い出せるのか…!
Though their strategy was ruined, they cannot survive if they do not participate in this circle. 買い占めの戦略が破綻したとはいえ、 この最終局面の戦いの輪に加わらなければ、生き残りは絶望的
However, there is hope as long as there is an opportunity to play. だが、勝負の機会さえあれば、 まだ望みはある
Kaiji has put his hopes into walking the tightrope for that potential way out! 開示はその、ギリギリの活路に かけた…!
This is thanks to the effect of reshuffling. We can smoke the sly dogs out of their hiding places by redealing the cards. これも配り直し効果や。 機を伺って潜んだ狸を、カード好評っちゅう煙が、燻りだしてくれる
Now the number of cards should match the numbers on the scoreboard. That's what everyone thought! これで、電光掲示板とカードの枚数は合う… 誰もがそう思った
If we decided not to play more than the number of cards here... it would be suicide for the person hiding the cards. 仮に申告したカードの枚数以上は 戦わへんちゅう取り決めが、オレらの間で決まっとったら、 3枚余計にカードを持つ奴は、自分の首を絞めることになるやないか
It's probably someone over there. I don't know why, but he should be one of them. "Mr. X" with 3 scissors. おそらく向こうや。どういうつもりか知らんけど、 あの中におるんや… チョキを抱えた、エックスがなっ…!
There's still a chance... I can learn which card would be best by checking the cards I have... since we have an overwhelming number of cards with 69 of them. まだだ…まだ勝機はある。 配り直されたカードをチェックすれば、 何を出せば一番勝率が高いかを、 69枚という圧倒的な数のカードを持つ、オレたちだけが知ることができる
For example, if they receive the same number of cards as before the shuffling with 30 rocks, 5 scissors, and 34 papers... they can kill the scissors by using only rocks with an 80% chance of winning. たとえばシャッフル前と同じ、 グー30、チョキ5、パー34であれば、 チョキを殺すグーで勝負にいけば、 8割近い勝率
In Restricted Rock Paper Scissors, the idiots die off and the superior win. It's a game of survival of the fittest. The weak are only food for the strong. この限定ジャンケンは、 バカが駆逐されて、優れた奴のみが生き残れる 弱肉強食のゲーム… 弱者は単なる餌に過ぎんのや
There are those who sink, and those who float to the surface. Shouts of delight and despair overlap, and the 13 people who participated in the reshuffling have been reduced to 7! It only took a single minute. 沈む者、浮かび上がる者。 歓喜と悲痛の叫びが交差する中、 シャッフル直後、13人いた勝負者たちは、瞬く間に7人へと淘汰された… わずか1分の出来事
Setting aside Mr. X's 3 scissors and our cards, the only cards on the floor are 2 rocks and 2 scissors. エックスが持ってるはずの、チョキ3枚と、オレたちの手持ちのカードを除けば、 いまこのフロアにあるのは、グー2枚とチョキ2枚…
That means if we only use rocks, we'll have 2 wins and 2 ties at worst. It could be possible to get 4 wins in a row. つまり、グーで勝負にいけば、 悪くても2勝2分け、 あるいは4勝の目もある…!
That means there are no other papers on the floor. If Funai is sure that he can win, your card has to be scissors. つまり今、このフロアではパーは1枚も動いてないんだ。 もし船井が勝つ確証があるなら、 あんたのカードは必然的にチョキってことになる
The people you played or were about to play had scissors as their last card. With all the conditions met, it's clear as day! お前が戦った、あるいは戦おうとした相手は、 二人とも手持ちが残り1枚で、カードの種類はチョキ。 ここまで条件が揃えば明らかだ
You created your own surefire strategy when the cards were being reshuffled! お前は配り直したとき、 こっそりと自分の必勝パターンを作り上げた
He's just out to get me because he hates me! He's only doing this to stir up confusion! こいつは、オレが憎うてただ貶めとるんや…! 場を無意味に混乱させとるんや…!
In fact, you did at least three suspicious things. お前には、疑わしい点が少なくとも、3つある
I'm not the only one who shuffled! There was no way for me to cheat! シャッフルしたんはオレだけやない。 不正の入る余地はないやんけ
That shuffling was just a diversion. You gave everyone a sense of fake equality by letting them shuffle, too. あのシャッフルはオレたちを煙に巻く目眩まし。 お前は自分以外の人間にカードを切らせることによって、 偽りの公正感…安心感を演出しただけだ…!
The last one to gather and distribute the cards was you, so it doesn't matter who or how many times they were shuffled up to that point! 最後の最後にカードをまとめるのも配るのも、お前である以上… 途中で誰が何回切ろうと一切関係ない…!
The second item of suspicion... On the last shuffle, why did you put them on the floor and mix them around with your hands? 疑惑の二つ目…最後のシャッフル。 なぜカードを床に置いて、 手で混ぜるようなマネをした…?
It seems more fair to everyone, and can mix up the deck better! その方が、誰が見ても公正やし… カードもよう混ざる…
Wrong! You were just pretending to shuffle while picking out the cards with marks on them! 違うな…お前はカードを混ぜるフリをしながら、 目印の付いたカードを選んでいた
You can make any little movement look like someone's out to get you! お前にかかったら、どんな所作も 全部、悪巧みやないかい…!
Then let me ask you this. Why were they out of order? じゃあ聞こう… なぜ順不同だったんだ…?
That's the third item of suspicion. After shuffling, you first placed 2 of your cards in front of you. After that, you didn't go clockwise or counter-clockwise. You dealt the cards in random order. 疑惑の三つ目だ。 お前はシャッフル後、まず自分の前に2枚のカードを置き、 その後右回りでも左回りでもなく… バラバラと順不同にカードを配った
There's only one reason you would deal like that. To give scissors to the players with only one card left! あんな配り方をする理由は一つ。 目印の付いたチョキを、目当ての男…手持ちカード1枚の相手に 振り当てるため…!
The end closes in! The air around them shrinks. The space begins to suffocate them. Their situation brought on that feeling! 同時に押し寄せてくるっ…! 自分の周りが縮小、 息ぐるしい密室になる… そんな幻想…
They are at a dead end! The darkness of death draws near! 結局行き止まり… デッド…死という漆黒が…!
I get it! It's not that they won't! They can't! そうか、あいつら戦わないんじゃない。 戦えないんだ…!
The moment we announced that we held all the papers, the illusion of fairness disappeared. パーのカードが、すべてオレたちの手元にあると公言された瞬間、 運否天賦の幻想が消し飛んだ…
Only the rocks and scissors are actually in circulation. There's no way they'll play a match if they only have one scissors. オレたちのカード以外で、動いているのは、グーとチョキだけ。 チョキ1枚の奴が勝負にいくわけないだろう…!
They have 2 stars, right at the border between heaven and hell. That's why they can't move! 奴らは星二つ。いま地獄と天国のギリギリのラインにいる。 だから動けないんだ
If the scissors don't move, neither will the rocks. チョキが動かなきゃ、グーも動けない
Blind alleys with no exit. No, this may be the way out. Don't give up yet. Think! 出口のない袋小路… いや、これが突破口かもしれねえっ… あきらめるなっ…考えろ…!
There has to be something. Something to increase my chances of surviving. 何かあるはずだ… 生き残る確率を増やす何か…!
For us to survive... we have to win 3 times in a row against those 3 remaining players, excluding Funai. オレたちが生き残るには、 今ホール内でカードを持つ、 船井以外の3人に3勝する
That, or we have to challenge Funai to a match involving 3 stars. We have to do one or the other to get to 9 stars. もしくは、星を多く持つ船井と、一気に星三つをかける大勝負を仕掛け、 これに勝って、星9個に辿り着くしかない
But we're having so much trouble because we can't do either! でもその両方ができないから、 オレたち苦労してんじゃないですか
There's a way to get them to play. The hard part comes from somewhere else. 連中に勝負する気にさせる方法はある。 難しいのは、もっと別の問題
But it'll be do-or-die. Plus, I'll have to travel through hell for this. ただ…まさに背水の陣。 仮にうまくいっても、一度は地獄を潜ってこなきゃならない…
We're almost out of time. We can't be picky now. もう時間切れギリギリ、 贅沢は言えない…
That's why I'll forfeit that choice. First, I'll shuffle these three cards and line them up like this. Then, I'll let you decide which card I play. だから、その選択の権利を捨てよう。 この三枚のカードを、シャッフルして、こうして並べる。 それから先、オレのカードの選択を、お前たちに任せる
You can pretend that it's fair, but you can just line up 3 rocks to kill my scissors! 1枚ずつ別のカードを出すと見せかけて、 3枚とも、僕のチョキを殺すグーを並べるかもしれない
Even if you shuffle them beforehand, you can still cheat! いくら直前にシャッフルしても、 ごまかすかもしれない
I'll show you all three of them. After you choose the card and the match ends, you can check to see what the other two cards are. 3枚とも見せよう。 お前が1枚選び、勝負がついた後、 残った2枚をめくって確認してくれ
If we do that, there's no way I can cheat. これなら不正やイカサマの入る余地はない
No matter how small the chances are, we have to win 3 in a row, and you all have to get one win with your last card! We have to bet on that! 今はたとえ、どんなに低い確率でも、 オレたちは3連勝… お前らは最後の1枚を使っての一勝。 これに張るしかねえ…!
If I play Funai and the other two and win 3 times, I won't play you anymore! If that happens, your path to survival will be closed off forever! 仮にオレが、あの船井と他の二人と3連勝したら、 もうお前とは戦わない。そうなれば、 お前の生き残りの目は、完全に消える
The Restricted Rock Paper Scissors death match that took place over the last 4 hours will be ending. The final match, where everything is on the line! 4時間に渡る、限定ジャンケンの死闘、 決着の時来たる。 すべてをかけた、最後の勝負
Normally, your scissors would definitely lose against my rock. But I'll make it so you'll break even! 本来やったらオレのグーに、オドれのチョキは必ず負ける… しかし、それをチャラにしたる
Why won't you name yourself! なんで名乗り出んのやっ…!
Now you'll have to play me to use up your cards, even if you know that you'll lose. これでお前は負けると分かっていても、カードを使い切るためオレと戦うしかねえ…!
He is dragged down by the three who were about to drown! 抱きつかれたっ… 溺死寸前の3人に…!
Let's hurry up and play the match over 5 stars. You can act as depressed as you want after we're done. チャッチャと済まそうぜ…星五つの勝負。 落ち込むのは、その後にしてくれ
You're about to die, too! And now you want to play over 5 stars as if you had the advantage! 首が絞まっとんのは、お前も同じやろ…! やのに主導権をとったような口で、 星五つの勝負や…?
Three stars should be enough! That'll give you eight stars! いいとこ三つやろ…! それで8個になる
Expecting more than that is just greedy and arrogant! これ以上望むのは言語道断、強欲も甚だしいっ!
Five stars. I won't accept any less. 五つだ。それ以外一切受け付けない
It's only natural to bet everything if I know I'll win. 100%勝てる勝負に、限界まで張るのは当たり前
If you waste time and end up losing anyway, everything will be over! That's why we have to compromise and meet halfway! モタモタしとって時間切れなったら、目も当てられへんやろ。 だから今は手打ち…譲り合うんや…!
We've been fighting as if our lives depended on it. And now you want to compromise?! オレたちは、ここまで徹底的に奪い合って来たんじゃねぇか。 それを言うにこと書いて譲り合い…?
If necessary, you can get to six stars with my stars and money. You two can survive with that. いざとなったらオレの星と、600万で星6個には到達する。 お前らはそれで上がればいい
I'll take this piece of shit to hell with me. その場合、オレはこのクズと心中する
Even if they use up the cards among themselves, they will still have one remaining. 仲間うちで消耗しようとしても、 必ず1枚残る
The accident involving the disposing of 3 cards caused them to be unable to use up their cards through draws! 三枚破棄というアクシデントが、 本来割り切れるはずのカードの数を、割り切れなくした
In other words, among Kaiji, Furuhata, and Andou, one of them will definitely descend into the other room. つまり、開示、古畑、安藤の中から、 必ず一人は落ちる
You can't convince someone once he's prepared to die. 死を負うと決した者に、どんな説得も無駄や…!
Kaiji and company obtains 5 stars at the last moment! With a minute and a half remaining, they have reached their goal of 9 stars! 開示らは得た。土壇場で、星を五つ。 残り1分半、幕切れ寸前で、 ついに至った…星9個…!
No, in fact, they now have 10 stars! If they could end it like this, it would be a spectacular feat! いや、正確には星10個。 これで終えることができれば、正に快挙…!
However, Kaiji and company have an odd number of cards. It is inevitable that one of them will fall to the other room. だが、開示らが残したカードは奇数、 一人は落ちるざるをえない
I'll fall. But that's not all. I'll entrust everything to you before falling. オレが落ちる。だが、ただ落ちるわけじゃない。 オレは、お前らに託して落ちるんだ
I'm sure the hosts will allow those people over there to be saved. But will that apply to the people sent to the other room? あいつらが、星の売買で救済されるっていうのは、船側も認めてると思うんですけど、 それが別室に落ちた人間にまで及ぶんでしょうか…?
It's okay. It should. I'm sure it would. 大丈夫、 及ぶ…及ぶはずだ
But what if it doesn't? What if they say that the buying and selling was only allowed for the previous cruise, and not this one? でも、もしそうじゃなかった? 売買は前回までで、 今回からは無しなんてことになったら?
Even if it's a paper-thin reason, we have no choice but to go with it. 紙細工のような理でも、 もうこれに乗るしかねえんだ…!
And I'll take the cards with me to hell for now. そしてオレは、多量のカードとともに、一旦破滅する…!
Kaiji bets his survival on the buying and selling of stars at the end of the game. 開示は、ゲーム終了後の星売買に、 生き残りをかける
He entrusts his fate to Furuhata and Andou! 自らの命運を、古畑と安藤に託した
Kaiji had a strange feeling... he sensed that Furuhata and Andou now belonged to a different place. 開示は感じた…古畑と安藤が、 とても遠くにいるような、違和感…
Strip. Take off all your clothes. All of it! 脱げ。着ているものを脱ぐんだ。 すべて…!
The lair of the ruined and the failures. 破滅…破綻者の巣…
Come here. These are the front row seats. The seats for those who will be saved. 来な、ここが特等席… 救われる者の席…
of course. I wouldn't have considered taking this role otherwise. 当たり前だ。でなきゃ誰がこんな損な役回りするかい
Well, my debts in the outside world are just too huge, so I guess I didn't have much of a choice anyway. 最も、オレは娑婆での借金がでかすぎるんで、 この役回りも、仕方ないって言えば仕方ないんだけどな
For the repeaters who know that the floor and the other room are separated by a one-way mirror... they will have one of their teammates go there to see their opponents' cards. この部屋とフロアが、マジックミラーで仕切られていると知るリピーターが、 仲間を一人送り込み、 対戦相手のカードを盗み見させる
We'll be able to escape. When we do, our debts will be erased and we can start over. We'll never be tormented by the debt collectors again. 我々は、ここを出ることができるんだよ。出さえすれば 借金が帳消し。やり直すことが出来る。 もう、取り立てに苦しむことはないんだ
You still don't know that yet. The hosts might do something to overturn everything. They could always say something like there won't be a buying and selling on this cruise. まだわからないって、 まだ船側にお膳を引っくり返される可能性がある。 今回に限り、売買はない、 なんてことも
But it is apparent to me that many of you only have 1 or 2 stars. However, I am reluctant to send all of you to the other room because of that. だが見た所、星一つ二つの者たちが、このフロアには溢れている。 その者たちを全員別室へ送るというのは、あまりに忍びない
I would like to save at least some of you, somehow. なんとか数名でも救いたい…なんとか…
After much deliberation, we have decided to give you a chance with the buying and selling of stars. そこで、検討を重ねた結果、特例として、 星売買の機会を急遽設けることにした
If you can get a total of 3 stars, you will be saved. 売買で、星三つになれば救済する
To tell you the truth, I was a bit worried. I was worried that everything would be ruined at the last moment. Now all I have to do is wait for Sakai-san to save me. 本当は、少し不安だったんだ。 ギリギリで引っくり返されるじゃないかって… 後は、酒井さんが救ってくれるのを待つだけ
Sorry. I apologize if you were offended. But it was just too funny. すまん、気に触ったんなら勘弁な… ただ、あまりにおかしかったもんで…
Where? Maybe he's in the toilet! どこって…多分、トイレにでも…
Wow, how naive can you be? Sakai's probably having a beer upstairs right now. おいおい、どこまでおめでたいんだ…? その酒井っていうのは、今ビールでも飲んでるんだよ…上で…!
If he wanted to save this guy, he'd need to pay for one more star out of his own pocket. 奴がこいつを救おうと思ったら、 自腹を切ってもう一つ星を仕入れなきゃならんてこと
Who the hell would do that on this ship? この船で、誰がそんなことするかいっ…!
It is partially his fault for not developing a true friendship with that Sakai, but you still shouldn't put it like that! そりゃあ…あの酒井って奴の言いなりで、 本当の人間関係を気づかなかった、このオッサンにも落ち度はあるけど。 だからって…そういう言い方はやめろっ…!
You said something about a "true" friendship. What exactly is that? あんた、本当の人間関係って言ったけど、 本当のって…なにそれ…?
It's a trust that exists between us that transcends betraying or being betrayed. 裏切るとか裏切らないとか、そういうことを超えた、 信頼っていうか…絆…
You're gonna die. If you want to be saved from this room... you have to carry money like me, or own something valuable in the outside world. 死ぬな、お前… ここから引き揚げてもらおうと思ったら、 オレみたいに金を抱いて落ちるか… 娑婆に協力なお宝でも隠していて、助けざるをえないという状況しかない
Let's sell one of our stars! We'll still have 3 after we sell one of them! We can still save Kaiji-san! 一つ売るぞ…! 一つ売っても、三つ余る。 開示さんは救える…
Here! One star for anyone with 5 million! ほらっ、500万の奴…!
Get the fuck away! We don't have any more for you! The remaining 3 are to save one of our teammates! Go ask someone else! 散れっ、もうねえよっ! 残り三つは、大切な仲間を助けるための星だ。 他を当たんな…!
The trust between those who went through harsh times together. Kaiji finally revives! 死を潜り抜けた、仲間の絆… 開示、ついに生還
No. I don't want to give up these stars or money. ダメだ…この星も金も、手放さない…
How are we supposed to save Kaiji-san? それじゃ、開示さんが救えないじゃないか…!
That by itself would put us in the red. There's also the 40% interest on top of that. Multiply it by 1.4, and it comes to 19.6 million. Almost 20 million! これだけでも赤なのに、さらに これに4割金利がつくんだ。かける1.4で、 1960…2000万
The 11 million that we have isn't nearly enough! We're 9 million in the red! 手持ちの1100じゃ全然足りない。 900万のアカ…!
3 million in debt for each of us! Do you really think we can start over that deeply in debt after leaving this ship? 一人頭300万、 そんな借金背負って船から降りて、 オレたちやり直せるかよっ…!
If we cut him off, we'd get at least another 15 million! If we add that to what we already have, that's 26 million! あの人を切って星を売れば、少なくともあと1500は入る…! 手持ちの金にそれをプラスすれば、2600万っ…!
On top of that, we wouldn't have to pay back Kaiji-san's initial debt of 10 million. The debt between the two of us is only about 6 million, even with the interest included. その上開示さんの1000万の借金は、 返さなくていい。オレたち二人の船からの借金は、 金利を含めても600程度
26 million minus 6 million means that we'd have an extra 20 million. 10 million each! つまり2600引く600で、 2000万は浮く…一人頭1000万…
We'd leave this ship with 10 million in our pockets! If we had that, it would completely erase our petty debts in the outside world. オレたちは1000万持って、この船から降りられるんだっ…! これだけあれば娑婆のケチな借金なんて 帳消し…
There's nothing to be afraid of. We'll never have to see him for the rest of our lives. 恐れることはない。 もう2度とあの人と、顔を合わせることはないから
They're really harsh on the guys in the other room. I heard that they'll be crippled for life in under a year. 別室の連中のこの後の境遇は過酷で、 1年持たずに廃人になるって噂だ…
In time, he won't even remember our faces. すぐに、オレたちの顔も忘れるさ…
A star for anyone who can pay more than 5 million! 星だっ、500万以上出せる奴…!
Kaiji's return from the other room... his wishes, his plans, ruined! The only thing awaiting him is darkness! 開示の別室からの生還、その願い…計画は、破綻。 残るは暗黒だけ…
You bastards! You bastards! You bastards! How can you call yourselves human?! 貴様らっ…貴様らっ…貴様らっ… それでも人間かっ…!?
It's natural for them to cut you off. Human sentiments are transient. Decisions will always be made for material gains. There's no way you'll be saved if you're empty-handed. 捨てられて当然。 人間感傷は一時。 決断は結局、実利に流れる。 空手では救われるわけがない…
It was only natural that their voices felt so far away! Starting then, my life didn't mean shit to them. あの時、奴らの声を遠く感じて当然… 奴らにすれば、あの時点でオレの命などどうでもいいこと…
Those tears were transient sentiments. Tears without determination. あの涙は一時の感傷… 決意なき涙…!
Deep down, they were already plotting how to cut me off. That was 100% true for Andou, and Furuhata was subconsciously thinking about it. That's why they felt so far away! 腹の底じゃ、もう冷酷に切る算段を始めていた。 安藤は100%そう… 古畑も、無意識下で、その作業をしていた。 だから遠く感じたんだ…
The only things you'll get from your friendships and verbal promises are postcards or souvenirs from their vacations. Or just some useless trash called "memories." That's all you'll get. 友情や口約束でもらえるのは、 旅先からの絵葉書や土産、 あるいは思い出というガラクタ。 そんな程度のもの…
What's really important can never be handed over with friendship alone. People move only when they have something to gain. 本当に肝心のモノは、決して友情なんかでは譲られない… 利しかないのさ…!
If you really want to get what you want in this world, you need money! Money is the only deciding factor! この世で、本当に欲しいものや、地位を手に入れようとしたら、 金…金しかない…!
In the end, you two overlooked that piece of common sense. 結局お前ら二人は、その当たり前の認識が甘かった
Doing this doesn't benefit you at all. I understand that what he said pissed you off... but considering what's going to happen to us, you shouldn't be so reckless. こんな事しても何の得にもならないのに… そりゃあの男の口様は悔しいっていうか、腹立たしかったけど、 これから先のことを考えたら、 無茶はいけない…
Especially with the violence against the black suits. That'll leave a really bad impression... We should just remain quiet. 特に黒服の人への暴力は、 心象ってものがあるんだから、 おとなしくしているのが一番…
Nothing good will come from fighting it. あばれていいことは一つもない…
Not exactly. Paths can open again by struggling. For the way out, the upset, the path to survival. Yes, there's still a way to survive! そうでもないさ… ジタバタすることで開ける… そんな活路、逆転…生還… そう生還がある…!
Still... I won't give up... until the very end! まだ…諦めねえ、 最後まで…!
But just because you won't give up... I can't think of anything that'll help you survive... そんな…諦めないといったって… どう考えたって、生還なんて…
He only had about 7 or 8 million. That's not worth using 3 stars to save him. Since each star is being sold for 5 million... he wouldn't be saved unless he had at least 15 million on him. 奴が持っていた金はせいぜい7、800万円。 これじゃあ星3つ使って救い出す価値なんてない。 一つ500万で取引されているんだから、 最低1500万抱いて落ちなきゃ救われない…
That means that he needed another guarantee. The treasure that he hid in the outside world. A huge amount worth tens of millions. And Okabayashi is the only one who knows where it is. ってことは、もう一つの保障… 娑婆に隠しておいたお宝。 ン千万って額はくだらない大金。 その在り処を、岡林だけが知っている
But if his teammates know where it's hidden, that's it for him. They'll betray him in a heartbeat. It's hard to totally hide cash without people finding out. Which means the safest way to keep it is to have it in his possession while falling into this pit. だが仲間に隠し場所がバレちまったらそれまで、 あっさり裏切られる。100%仲間にバレぬよう、 現金を隠し切るのは難しい。となると、一番安心なのは、 そのお宝を手に堕ちることだ
That means he'd exchange the tens of millions for jewels or precious metals and keep them on him. つまり、ン千万という現金を、小さな宝石とか貴金属に変え、 それを手に堕ちるしかない
Now you notice? You fool. Who's the dumbass now? You naive piece of shit. 今頃気付いたか、マヌケめ。 抜けてんのはきさまなんだよ。 大甘さ…バカめっ…!
Now save me! If these jewels are worth more than 15 million, you'll have to save me! Now save me, you pieces of human trash! さあっ救えっ…!この、宝石に1500万以上の価値があるなら、 救わざるをえまいっ…! さっさと救えっ、ゴミども…!
In the end, Okabayashi's group is left with no choice but to choose Kaiji. The jewels that Kaiji stole in the confusion were indeed worth 20 million! They are forced to save him! 結局、岡林たちのグループは、仕方なく開示を指名。 開示がどさくさに紛れて掠めた宝石は、 2000万の価値があった。救わざるをえない
I never thought such an upset would be possible... こんなことが…こんな逆転が起こるなんて…
I never thought that would be possible in this pit at the end of the world... That such an upset... If only I hadn't given up... If only I hadn't given up! こんな地の果ての穴倉みたいなところで… こんな逆転が…諦めなければ… 諦めさえしなければ…
Take out all the money you got! Bring out everything, or you'll lose your chance at buying! 隠してる金、全部出すんだっ…! ケチケチしてると買い損ねるぞっ…!
Save your breath! You pieces of shit just tried to kill me! I don't even want to talk to you backstabbing low-life pieces of shit! 欲かいてオレを抹殺しようとしたヤツが、今更何を言うっ…! てめえらみたいな裏切り者の、腐りきった最低の奴とは口も聞きたくねえっ…!
Aside from that last part, we fought alongside each other until the end! We all cooperated to get that money! Taking all of it isn't fair! It's not fair for you to be the only one to benefit! 最後はともかく、 オレ達は途中まで仲間だったじゃないっスか…! いわばその金は、みんなで協力して作った金… それを全部は酷いっ…! 開示さんだけ得するなんて…
Watch me throw the money away! I'm sick of it! I'm completely sick of it! Sick, sick, sick! It makes me want to vomit! 捨ててやるこんな金…! うんざりだ、もううんざりだ… うんざりだ、うんざりだ…! 反吐が出るっ…!
Don't sell it to these pieces of trash! I'll buy it with 8 million, cash! そんなクズに売るなっ…! キャッシュ800万、オレが買うっ…!
I want to save that man with these. これで、あの男を救ってくれ…!
Why did you save this guy? Does he actually have a fortune? Maybe he has a lot of money, despite how he looks! どうして、こんなおっさんを… 資産でもあるの…? ひょっとして、こう見えても娑婆にすごい資産が…
I told you I would throw it away! I'm sick of it! Loss, benefit, money, fortune! I'm sick of hearing all of that! 言ったろ捨てるって、 うんざりなんだよっ…! 損だ得だ金だ資産だ… そんな話はもうっ…!
The more we talk about it, the more we crawl around, pitiful and unsightly! Here at the bottom of the cauldron of hell! そんなことを話せば話すほど、 オレたちは浅ましく、醜く這い回ってることになるんだ… この地獄の釜の底をな…!
And the hosts enjoy seeing us like this. The fucking pigs that thought of this system, where everyone takes advantage of each other, are laughing their asses off. そして、そんな姿を見て主催者が喜ぶ… その互いに貶めあう仕組みを考えた、 ブタ野郎がほくそ笑む
The more we think about loss and gain, the more obsessed we become, the more we play into those fuckers' hands! Doesn't that piss you off?! Doesn't that irritate you?! オレたちが、損得に振り回されれば振り回されるほど、 血道をあげればあげるほど、 結果的にそのゲス野郎の思う壷… 悔しくねえのかっ、悔しくねえのかよっ…!
This is entertaining... No, that man will become truly entertaining... 楽しい… いや、楽しめそうな男じゃないか…
Thus Kaiji's long night, where madness and tactics intertwined... those 4 hours are over. こうして、開示たちの長い夜、狂気と策略が交差する、 4時間余りが終わった
Of the 103 participants, 36 have been swallowed by Espoir and have gone straight to hell! And the ones who barely survived numbered 67. 参加者103名のうち、36名がエスポワールに呑み込まれ、 地獄へ堕ちた。 そして、かろうじて生還できた者は、67名
However, though most of those had their debts in the outside world cancelled... they have gained new debts from the ship before returning to the city! しかし、その多くは娑婆の借金はチャラになったものの、 船でまた新たな借金を背負い、街へ戻ることになる
I'm on my way up. I'm on my way up. I'm on my way up. I'm only able to get by because I keep telling myself that. That's how I keep myself going. 途中… 途中、途中… そう考えることで、今のオレはやっと凌いでる… 生き永らえている
A life with no aspirations, as if I were in a coma. 覇気のない、半ば眠っているような日々
Yeah, I wouldn't be able to take this shit if I didn't think to myself that I'm on my way up. I wouldn't be able to take it... そうさ、途中だと思わなきゃ やってられねえっ… やってられねえっ…!
You will. We'll make you. 返すさ… 返させる…!
Still, even if they do come to collect, I can't even pay the interest with my hourly pay of 900 yen. 最も取り立てに来たところで、 時給900円の身じゃ、金利すら払えない
Even if I paid 100,000 each month, I'd barely begin to touch the principal of 6.29 million. 月10万ずつ払っても、 629万の元金は殆ど減らない
It's like I'm running around in circles. Only a damn masochist would be motivated in this situation. まるで同じ場所を際限なく走らされてるようなもんだ。 これでやる気が起きる奴がいたら、マゾもいい所だ
How could anyone try hard? No matter how much I build on it, it's like a sand castle. どうしてがんばれる…? どんなに一生懸命何かを築いた所で、所詮砂の城
If the door opens one day and a debt collector enters, that's it for me. ある日ドアを開けて取り立てが来たら、 それまで
If only I hadn't saved that man. I might've been able to get off the ship with 10 million in my pockets, or something. あのおっさんさえ救わなければ、 オレはプラス1000万とか…そういう大金を持って、 船を降りられた
With that, I might've been able to move forward. それだけあれば、オレは前に行けたかもしれない
I might've been able to seize an opportunity. The opportunity to turn this life around. きっかけを掴めたかもしれない… この人生を変える、キッカケ…!
I hate this. I fucking hate this. I hate these kinds of atmospheres. I just can't take it. I can't suck up like them, either. ダメだ、たまんねぇ… こういう雰囲気… つくづくダメだ。 こいつらみたいにうまく取り入ることができない
Because of that, my bosses always hate me... and end up giving me the worst jobs, like taking out the trash or wiping windows. 結局どこへ行っても上司に疎まれて、 ゴミ出しだの窓拭きだの、 損な役回りを押しつけられる
But being difficult is a lot more comfortable for me. It's a lot easier than getting involved in slimy human relationships and wearing fake smiles. 始末が悪いのは、オレ自身その方が心地っていうか… 他人とぬるぬる関わって作り笑いするより、 数段楽に感じるってことだ
I'm sure you won't mind. Suspecting a human being is that serious. Expecting this kind of risk is normal. 構いませんよね…? 人を疑うってのはそれくらい重い… この程度のリスクは当たり前…
I get it now. You hid it. You hid it somewhere in the store, or maybe brought it outside when you took out the trash. そういうことか…お前隠したな…? 店のどこか… あるいはゴミ出しの時、外に持ち出した
That manager is all talk. He'd never bet a huge amount of money, nor would he ever get in a fight. あの店長も、強気は口だけで 大金も掛けないし、 ケンカもしないんスよ
Bullshit. This is war. It's one thing to suspect me, but once you voice your suspicions, it's war! ふざけるなよ…戦争だろうが… 疑ってるうちはまだしも、 それを口にしたら…その瞬間から、戦争だろうがっ…!
I see. So you quit. So... it was you. そうかやめたか… ってことは、お前か…?
The manager was sure that the money was gone. Otherwise, he wouldn't have caused such a commotion. 店長には、金がなくなった確証があった。 でなきゃあんな大騒ぎはしない
Only staff members can enter the office. The only ones who could have stolen it were you and me. 事務所はスタッフしか入れない。 盗めたのは、オレかお前…
Seriously... I was wondering what I was gonna do... when you said you'd pay 1 million if the money came out of your bag. まったく、どうしようかと思いましたよ。 開示さんが、鞄から金が出たら 100万払う、なんて言い出したときは…
This is just a dirty stash he put away by skimming off our pay. Let's go somewhere, my treat! どうせこれ、バイト料を奴がピンハネして貯めたきったねぇ金っス。 今日は奢りますよ
So tell me, what are you waiting for? What are you waiting for while you live in a dirty apartment with your lameass part-time job? 一体何を待つんだ…? 薄汚いアパート暮らしをして、 貧しいバイト生活をしながら 何を待つ…?
The 6.29 million debt you made on the ship has already gone up to 6.68 million with the interest. How do you intend to pay it off? 船でお前が作った借金629万、 既に利息込みで668万。 どうやって返すつもりだ…?
You won't be exempt from your responsibility. Your debts come from your losses in gambling. You won't receive legal protection if you incurred those debts through your personal problems. That means you won't get it processed. 免責っていう手は、効かねえぞ。 お前の借金はギャンブルの負け。 そういう明らかに本人の生活態度に問題がある場合、 法的な保護はされない。 免責は降りないってわけだ
But assuming you did, we'd still come to collect on it. 最も、仮に免責が降りても、オレたちは取り立てるがな…
You're almost 7 million in debt! It's not at the level where you can work it off! この700万近い借金、 もう働いて返すレベルじゃねえ
Have you ever calculated it yourself? 計算したことあるのか…?
Let's say you worked 26 days a month, so your monthly pay is 210,000. Assuming you paid back 100,000 each month, how long do you think it'd take? 仮に26日働いて、月給21万。 借金返済に毎月10万返したとして、 どれくらいかかると思う…?
You'll finish paying it off when you're approaching 40. You really intend to wait that long? 返済が終わるのは、 お前が40近くなった頃… お前そこまで待つつもりかよ…
What are your hands for?! For those who have made something of their lives, hands are for protecting what they have built! But for those with nothing, it's out of the question. この手は何のためについている…? これまでの人生で何かを築いた者にとっては、 それを離さないため、守るためにある。 だが持たざる者が、それでは話にならない
You people have to use those hands to reach out and grab it! Otherwise, you can't cut open your own path. お前たちは、その手で掴みに行かなきゃダメなんだっ…! でなきゃ、道は開けないっ…!
That money will release you and guide you to your future. Are you going to let this salvation pass you by? この金はお前を解放し、未来に導く… この救いを見逃すのか…?
Grab it! Unfold your arms that are locked by fear! Reach out and grab it! 掴めっ…! 臆病に組んだ手を解き、 掴むんだっ…!
There's nothing to hesitate about! This money is your future! I am the ray of light shining from your salvation. I'll take you to the stars. 迷うことはない…! この金はお前の未来そのものだ…! オレが救いの光、 星のもとへお前を連れてってやる
But grabbing hold of those stars is entirely dependent on your own will and ability. だがそこから先、星を掴むか否かは、 お前個人の力…
Just as Endou said, Kaiji had no plans for breaking out of his stifling situation! 遠藤の言うとおり、開示は、 今の圧倒的閉塞状態を、打ち破る策など何一つない
This deal that Endou brought him... is like a rescue boat that has come to save Kaiji, who was nearly drowning in his despairing daily life. Indeed, a ray of salvation! 遠藤の持ってきたこの話は、 いわば、この絶望的日々に溺れかけた、 開示の前に現れた、救助の船… まさしく救いの光…!
Within Kaiji right now... lies neither hesitation nor the voice of reason telling him to stop. There is only one emotion pushing him from underneath. 今、開示の中にあるのは、 迷いでも、自分を抑える理性の言葉でもない。 たった一つ、突き上げてくる思い…!
I won't fuck up this time... 今度こそ、しくじるものか…!
Kaiji took yet another step forward. Into the darkness of gambling, where the light of the stars never reach! 開示は、再び足を踏み出した。 星の光など届くはずもない、 ギャンブルという、漆黒の闇の中へ
Kaiji-kun! I'm so glad to see you! I don't know how to thank you! 開示君、嬉しいよまた会えて… オレは君に、なんてお礼を言ったらいいか…
Let's get this straight. You don't have any friends here. You and I are total strangers. No, more than that. We're enemies! 言っとくぞっ、ここには味方なんていねえんだよ…! おっさんとオレは他人… いや、それ以上…つまり敵だっ…!
You heard me. The same goes for you. You're also an enemy. 聞こえたろ、 お前もだっ…! お前も敵っ…!
I was thinking the same thing. Only one person here could probably get 20 million. オレも、同じことを考えていたんです。 おそらくこの中から、ただ一人だけが2000万…
So no matter how you look at it, we're all enemies. That means you're also my enemy that I have to drag down. となりゃあどう考えたって、すべて敵…! 開示さんも引きずり落とさなきゃならない敵ってことですよね…
Dumbass. That's out of the question. Your determination only exists inside your head. A cold-heartedness that only exists inside your head. バカがっ…! 話にならねえっ…! お前の決意は頭の中だけのもの。 頭の中だけの非情さ
I'm different. I've been to hell and back. オレは違う…! オレは、地獄を潜ってきてる
My determination to be cold-hearted is completely different from yours! Even if we're both unfeeling, the difference is like night and day. They're completely different things. 非情の覚悟がまるで違う…! 同じ非情でも、雲泥の差。 別物…!
You're no match for me. The ones I have to watch out for are the ones who came from the Espoir. 敵はお前じゃねえ。マークすべきは、 オレと同じエスポワール組み
I recognize some people from the ship. I have to watch out for them. They would be really hard to deal with. I guess there are exceptions, though. 船で見かけた連中が何人かいる… あの連中は要注意だ かなり手強いはず…! まあ、例外もいるけど…
I would like to bring you all to the party grounds as soon as possible. However, there are special circumstances, so not all 60 of you can go at the same time. 早速皆様を会場へご案内します。 が、色々諸事情がございまして、 60人一辺というわけにはいきません
We will take you in five groups of a dozen people each. 12人ずつ、5回に分けてお連れします
Please raise your hand to volunteer to be in the first twelve. では、最初の12人を希望する方は挙手を
I will not answer any questions. If I told you, the circumstances would be different for those who go first and those who go next. 質問には答えられません。話してしまっては、 先に行く者と後に行く者とで、 条件に差がついてしまいますから
Now then, raise your hand to volunteer to be the first to join. このギャンブルの第1陣、最初の12人を希望する方は、手を上げて下さい
No one raised a hand. Restrained... Waiting and seeing... However, after a while... 誰も手を挙げない。 牽制、様子見… だが、しばらくすると…
Kaiji declared that he will join the first twelve. 最初の12人に開示、参加を表明する
The first dozen, the first team is complete. 最初の12人、第1組が決まる…!
We're like prisoners. That camera is following us. Someone is watching us march. Why? For what? まるで囚人だぜ… あのカメラ、オレたちを追っかけてる。 誰かがどこかで、この行進を見てるってことだ… なぜ…?なんの為に…?
Now, please enter the room with the same number as the one you're wearing. それでは各自、ゼッケンと同じ番号の 部屋に入ること
The rules of the game are extremely simple. Arrive on the other side faster than anybody else, quicker than anybody else. That is all! ゲームのルールはいたってイージー。 誰よりも早く、1秒でも早く、向こう側にたどり着く、 それだけ
Only touching the ground with their hands will result in disqualification. The one in first place will receive 20 million, and the one in second will receive 10 million. A huge reward! 唯一の失格規定は、地面に手を付いてはいけないということだけで、 1位には2000万、 2位には1000万という超ビッグマネーを進呈
These bastards... These bastards... They're betting on us! こいつらっ…こいつらっ…! 賭けてやがるっ…!
It wasn't Kaiji and the others who were gambling. It was the opposite. Kaiji and the others were the horses! In other words, this was a Human Derby! 開示たちがギャンブルをするのではない。逆…! 開示たちは馬…! これはすなわち、人間競馬っ…!
They could not move. They were completely at a loss due to the situation. Not one of them could move! 動き出せない… あまりのことに…みな面喰らい、 誰一人動き出せない…!
What happens if we fall? Is it 8 meters? 10? There'll definitely be some broken bones. No... it'd probably be a lot more than just broken bones... 落ちたらどうなるんだ…? 8メートルか、10メートル…? 骨折は必至… いや、骨折で済むかどうか…?
You bastards! No one's gonna run! We'll die if we fall off! ばか野郎っ…! 誰が走るかよ、 落ちたら死ぬだろっ…!
You call yourselves, human? You pieces of trash! それでも人間かクズやろうっ…!
Shut up! You're the damn trash! If you don't like it, then just quit! If you fall on your legs, at least you won't die! But you're definitely gonna have to go to the emergency room! 黙れっ、クズはお前だ…! 嫌なら降りろっ、 足から落ちりゃ死にやしないだろう…! だが、病院送りは間違いないけどな
You're horrible... you're all horrible people... You're going straight to hell! All of you! 最低だ…最低の人間たち… 地獄行きだ、こいつら全員…
No. We're not that different. We and the people at the bottom aren't really as different as this man thinks. いや、大して変わらない… この男の思うほど、 オレたちと下の連中に差はない…
We and the people down there don't care how many people go hungry or die. 下の連中も、オレたちも、他人がいくら飢えようが死のうが、 知ったこっちゃねえ…
99.9% of the time, people don't save other people. Because even if they don't, it doesn't hurt their conscience. In that case, don't expect any help from others! 99.9%、人は人を救わない… 救わなくても、その心は痛まないから…! なら、期待などするなっ、他人に…!
Myself! It's always myself! The one who will save me is myself! 自分だっ、自分…! 自分を救うのは、自分だけっ…!
Go! If no one else will go, this is my chance! 行けっ…!誰も行かないなら、 まさにチャンス…!
From this tragedy, some of the contestants lose their will to fight. They raised a white flag without even fighting! この惨事に、参加者の一部は戦意喪失 闘わずに白旗
However, there are some who see this tragedy as a path to survival! In other words, it is not fatal! だが、同じ事象を見てこの惨事を生還と見る者もいる…! つまり、死なない…!
If I fall on my feet, I won't die. Then go! 足から落ちれば命は助かる。 なら行けっ…!
Go while everyone is still hesitating in fear! 多くの者が臆してる今がチャンス…!
Hesitating for that one moment caused Kaiji to have a late start. 一瞬の躊躇が、 開示に遅れを取らせた
I posed like I was experienced, and someone got the jump on me! This bridge is only a bit wider than my foot, so even if I catch up, I won't be able to overtake him. 経験者ぶって、あっさり出し抜かれてやがる… 足の幅を幾らか超える程度のこの橋じゃ… 前の男に追いつくことはできても、 抜くことは不可能
Unless Number 11 falls off. I won't be able to get first place. 11番が落ちでもしない限り、 1着は無理…
Push him! Push him! Push anybody that gets in your way! Push him off! 押せっ、押せっ…! 邪魔者は押せっ…! 落とせっ…!
The path will only be clear if he pushes. 押すことによって、初めて道は開かれる…!
Now knowing that pushing is allowed, the one in the lead can only run forward. 押していいとなったら、 先頭は、ただ逃げるだけ…!
I never knew it would be this kind of game... Then that means, the one who has the most advantage is... the last one in. まさか、こんな勝負とは… てことは、1番有利なのは、 しんがり…!
Just go! The 3rd one is the strongest because he can't be pushed! If you catch up, you win! 行けっ、行けっ…! 押される心配のない3番が最強なんだぞっ…! 追いつけば、お前の勝ちだ…!
He's coming! He finally decided to go! If he's coming from behind, I can't take my time anymore! 来たっ…! 腹を決めやがった… 後から来るんじゃ、 もうグズグズしてられねぇ…!
This steel beam... It's getting thinner! When I started, it was thicker than the width of my shoes! But now...! It's narrower! この鉄骨、狭くなってる…! 渡り始めたときは、靴幅より広かった… なのに、今は…狭いっ…!
Because of this, their sense of balance will be strained even further. Even a slight tremble will be fatal! Everyone starts to shuffle their feet! They switch to a walking style that is the most stable. これから先、格段にバランスが悪くなる。 僅かなブレが命取り…! みな、摺り足になる。 最も軸のブレぬ歩き方に移行
It's hard, but this is an opportunity! If the beam gets thinner the further it goes, the one at the front should be straining even more! It's my chance to catch up! きついが、これはチャンス…! 先細りの鉄骨なら、 前を行く者はもっと厳しいはず… なら、追いつけるっ…!
Damn you all for walking like little babies! You call yourselves men?! 全くどいつもこいつもちまちま歩きやがって… 男かてめえらそれでも…!
Sudden tears with an unknown cause... They welled up and would not stop. Before he knew it, the entire bridge was engulfed in sorrow. 突然の…意味不明の涙 溢れて止まらない…! 気がつけば、悲しみは、橋の上を溢れ覆っていた
Humans may be the only animals that can feel guilt. Though they must push, they still hesitate. おそらく、動物のなかで唯一罪を感じる存在… 押なきゃいけないとしても、ためらってしまう
They even transcended a fundamental rule of being a living creature... and were given those desires from a divine source! However, those desires easily dissipate. 生き物としての原則さえ超越した、 神の側の欲求…! だが、通常は、ごくあっさり消し飛ぶっ…!
Thus begins the one-sided battle. The game of human tumbling! The ones who push do so for their own survival and mercilessly offer other people to the devil! A sacrifice! A public execution! こうして、闘いというには余りに一方的な争い、人間落としが始まった。 それは、自らが生き長らえるために、 他人を悪魔に差し出す無慈悲。 生け贄…公然の処刑…!
They're so fucking dirty. Even if you apologize and look sorry, you eventually push them off anyway! なんか汚ねえ…ずるいぞ、こいつら…! 謝ろうが、すまなそうにしようが… とどのつまり落とすんじゃねえか…!
What the fuck is that?! Then don't push! You do anything you want, then just apologize afterwards?! That's just...! That's doubly vicious! It's so irresponsible! なんだよそれ…なら落とすなよ…! やることやるけど、ごめんなさいって… なんか、二重にあくどいっていうか… 調子良すぎる…!
I won't apologize! I'll never apologize! I won't ask for forgiveness! I'll drop you. I'll just shut up and drop you! オレは謝らない… 謝るもんか…! 許されようなんて思わない…!落とす… ただ黙って落とす…!
Kaiji's determination was made for survival, for the way out! He will push! He will push and drop him! 開示の決意…生き残るために、突破口を開くために。 押す…! 落とすっ…!
The gamble taking place at the Starside Hotel... was the Human Derby. The dreaded bridge-crossing atop steel beams. スターサイドホテルで行われた、ギャンブル。それは、人間競馬 恐怖の、鉄骨橋渡り
Kaiji and the others were the horses. In this extreme situation, a scene of carnage has ensued. そして、開示たちは馬。 極限状況の中、修羅が始まる
I won't ask for forgiveness. It's not something I should apologize for. 許されようなんて思わない… あやまるようなことじゃないんだ…
If I don't push him off, I'll fall. This system is exactly like the world itself. 落さなきゃ落される… この仕組みはこの世の姿そのもの…
The most basic of basics. It's the fundamental rule! 基本も基本… 大原則だっ…!
It's the same for everything! As long as the resources in this world are limited, everyone will fight for everything. 何だってそうだ…! この世の全てが有限である以上、 奪い合いは当然…
If you don't snap out of it, everything will be taken from you. You'll just lose everything. You'll gain nothing! ボサっとしていたら 次から次みんな奪われる…! 失うだけだっ、 何も得られない…!
Thats why everyone tries to acquire things as if their lives depended on it! だからみんな死に物狂いで 獲りに行くんだ…!
If I don't make my move, I'll lose everything. That's why I'll attack! こっちから仕掛けていかなきゃ失うだけ… だから攻める…!
If I don't, I'll be pushed aside and even lose my place in the world. 攻めなきゃ弾き出され 自分の居場所すら失ってしまう…
It's one or the other. Take, or have things taken from you. どっちかだ…! 取るか取られるか…?
If you don't hit, you'll BE hit. If you don't bully, you'll BE bullied. If you don't deceive, you'll BE deceived. If you don't betray, you'll BE betrayed. 殴らなきゃ殴られ… いじめなきゃいじめられ… 騙さなきゃ騙され… 裏切らなきゃ裏切られる…!
In other words, kill or BE killed. つまり…やらなきゃやられるんだっ…!
This is the undeniable truth of the world. This is reality. That's why you have to push! Push him! これは抗うことのできぬ真理…現実…! だから押せっ…! 押すんだっ…!
There's nothing to be ashamed of! I will push for my own sake! 恥じることはない…! オレはオレのために押すっ…!
The ones in my path are nothing but enemies. That's all they are! いまオレの行く手を遮るものは… ただそれだけで敵っ…!
And with the race nearing its end, Kaiji arrives yet again... at the defenseless back of the person in the lead! そして、このレースの終了間際、 開示は再び辿り着く 前を行く者の、その無防備な背に…!
That back was indeed a candle in the wind! He was shaking, and maintaining his own balance was all he could do. That was the situation he was in. その背中、まさに風前の灯 小刻みな震えが止まらず バランスを保つだけで精一杯という そんな状況の背中…
He didn't even need to push. An intimidating shout would be enough to break his balance and send him tumbling down! His falling will be unavoidable! もはや押すまでもない。一声恫喝すれば、 それだけで、その危うい均衡は崩れ、落下 落下は避けられない
I don't give a shit how I feel deep down! We have to push even if we don't want to! The goal is right in front of us! I can still make it! 本心もくそもあるかっ…! いやでも押さなきゃなねぇんだよっ…! ゴールは目の前、目の前だっ…! 今ならまだ間に合うっ…!
I'll push! If you won't push, I'll push both of you! 押すっ…!お前が押さないんなら オレが二人押すっ…!
You said it! You were saying it! That pushing people off is insanity! 言ってたろっ、 お前言ってたろっ…! 人を落すなど狂気の沙汰だと…
You're right! It is insane! You're just losing sight of yourself right now! Open your damn eyes! その通りだ、狂気の沙汰なんだよっ…! お前は今、見失ってるんだ自分を…! 目を覚ませっ、目を…!
With the goal right before their eyes, Kaiji and the other two were disqualified. They lose the right to receive the prize money. こうして、ゴール寸前、 橋に手をついた開示ら三人は失格。 賞金を得る権利を失う…!
In the end, the winner of this race of carnage was... Sahara, the one who had maintained his lead since the beginning! 結局、この修羅のレースを制したのは 初っ端のリードを守りきった佐原
After that, the ones in front and behind fell off on their own... and Ishida reaped the benefits and got into second place. 二位は後を追う者、前を行く者が次々に落ち 結局、漁夫の利を拾う形になった、石田
In the first race, these two claimed first and second place for the right to receive the prize money! 第一レース、賞金のもらえる1、2着は この二人で決着
After the race, the survivors were sent to the underground waiting room. They were to stand by until the other races ended. レース後、生還した開示たちは、地下にある控え室で 全てのレースが終わるまで待機
Was I right? Or was I wrong? Was I just scared? Did I have the courage? オレは、正しかったんだろうか…? それとも、間違っていたのか…? 怯えていたのか…? 勇気があったのか…?
I don't know. I don't know, but once again, I didn't acquire anything. わからない…わからないが…たしかなことは、オレはまた 得られなかった…ということだ
I killed my own chances again. Again! またチャンスを潰しちまったんだ…!また…
It seemed like a long time, but in reality, they were only on top of the bridge for about 10 or 15 minutes. It had ended in almost an instant! 長く感じられたが、実質 橋の上にいたのは10分か15分 終わってみれば瞬く間
After an interval of about 10 minutes, the next race started. 10分ほどの間隔を置き、第二レースが始まった
Six people returned. Four were in despair, but two were rejoicing! The six that did not return had fallen! そして戻ってきたのは6人。 失意の4人と歓喜の2人。 姿を見せない6人は落下
Even if they didn't watch the race itself, they could summarize that race just by looking at the people who returned. レースを見なくても、ここに帰ってくる人数で、 そのレースの内容は、おおよそ想像がつく
And lastly, for the 5th race... For whatever reason, only one returned. Only one man remained, with his number almost torn off! He survived, but was completely pale! そして最後、第5レースは 何があったのか戻ってきたのは一人。 ゼッケンを引き千切られた男がただ一人、 真っ青な顔で生還
It is now 11:35 PM. All races have ended! Out of the 60 contestants, about two-thirds, 39 people, have fallen off! こうして11時35分、全てのレースが終わる。 60人の参加者のうち、約3分の2…39人が落下した
We will now hand out what we promised to those in first and second place. Those who qualify, step forward. ではさっそく今日のレース1、2着の方に お約束のものをお渡しします。 権利のある方は前へ
We'll go in order starting with the first race. では第1レースから順番に…
Stop fucking around! You gotta be kidding! This is worthless! Where's my money! I want it in cash! ふざけるなっ…!冗談じゃねえ、 こんな紙切れっ…出せよ金っ、 現金でっ…!
We will hand it to you at a different location. Ticket holders, you will now follow me outside. 引渡しは別の場所で行います。チケットをお持ちの方は、 私の後に続き外へ
Also, only one person gained the right to the prize in the 5th race, so we have one 10 million ticket remaining. Those in 3rd or behind and the disqualified may have the chance to receive this ticket. なお第5レースで権利を得た方は一人だったので 今、1000万のチケットが一枚残っております。 3着以下失格の方々も、 このチケットを得られるやもしれません
If you would like, you may come with us. ご希望の方はどうぞご一緒に
After hearing that, those in 3rd place or behind had no choice but to go. In the end, everyone went outside. They followed that man. そう言われたら、3着以下も行かざるをえない。 結局全員外へ… その、男の後に続く
This man... was the hall master of the ship of hope, Espoir. この男、希望の船エスポワールのホールマスター
If this man is part of this... then this gamble was run by the same people who ran the ship. この男が噛んでるってことは、 やっぱりこの橋も、例の船と元締めは一緒か…?
All of you have fought bravely and gained this valuable right. You are winners! You are proud winners. This is indeed marvelous. 諸君らは勇敢に戦い、その貴重な権利を克ち取った。 諸君らは勝者…! 誇り高き勝者である…! 実に素晴らしい…
Stop it! I don't give a shit about that! Just shut up and give us our money! よせ、そんなことはどうでもいいんだよっ…! つべこべ言わず出せよ金っ…!
Bring out the money! 金を出せっ…!
Oh, we will. We will, but there is a time limit for you to cash that ticket. 出すさ…出すが… 換金の時間にリミットがある
Look at the expiration on the back of the ticket. チケット裏の有効期間を、確認していただきたい
We only have about two hours left! What the hell is going on?! You have to give us the prize money right away after we win! Now you're nitpicking and wasting our time by playing dirty! てことは後2時間しか…どういうことだよこれは…! 賞金なんて勝ったら即渡すのが当たり前だろ。 それをぐずぐずと難癖つけて、汚ねえぞっ…!
Stop babbling! Remember this. We are the ones who hold all the power in this situation! へらず口を叩くんじゃない…!覚えておけ、 今回の賞金を決するカード…その切り札を握っているのはこちら側だ…!
As stated earlier, you have less than two hours remaining. The place is the Starside Hotel. The 22nd floor of the main building. Room 2214. 時間はいま言ったようにあと2時間弱。 場所はスターサイドホテル、 メインビルの地上22階、2214号室…
However, this hotel has not yet opened, so the elevators are inoperable. The emergency stairwells are also closed. It'll be impossible to get to that room. だがこのホテルはオープン前で、エレベーターは作動していない。 非常階段も閉ざされたまま… その部屋へ行くのは不可能
That is why, for your convenience, we have provided a path. だから、我々で便宜を図り、道を通した…!
You're the devil... 鬼がっ…!
After giving this many hints, only one person understands. You all aren't very sharp. ここまでヒントを出してピーンときたのは一人だけとは、 どいつもこいつも勘が鈍い…
As you can see... The place to cash your ticket is on the other side. 見ての通りだ… チケットを金に換える勘金所は向こう側…!
What the hell is this? What the fuck? It's supposed to be over! なんだよこれっ、ばっか野郎っ…! 終わったはずだろ、もうこんなことは…!
We can't give you money for that. That was nothing but a game! Mere entertainment for the guests at the party! あんな戯言で金を渡せるかっ…! あんなものは遊びだっ、 パーティ客をもてなす単なる余興…
Make no mistake, you damn brats. Money... is worth more than life! 勘違いするなっ、ガキめらが…! 金はな…命より重いんだっ…!
Whether they want to or not, people use up most of their lives for money. In other words, they are eroding their own existence and lives for just that! 好む好まざるとに関わらず、 人は金を得るため人生の多くの時間を、そのために使っている。言い替えれば 自分の存在、命を削っている…!
They're exchanging their own existence for money! 存在そのものを、金に替えてるんだ
Whether you're a salaryman or a bureaucrat, everyone is risking their lives for money! サラリーマンだろうが役人だろうが、 みんな命懸けで金を得ている…!
Imagine the lives of those who are called "elite." In elementary and middle school, they go home only after attending their cram schools. They are always at the top of their class! 想像してみろ、エリートと言われている連中の人生を。 小学中学と 塾通いをし、 常に成績はトップクラス
They go to first-rate schools and first-rate universities by winning in the exam wars. When they think they've won and entered a first-rate company, the only thing awaiting them is the race to success. 有名中学、有名進学校、一流大学と受験戦争に勝って、 やっと一流企業に入っても、 待っているのは出世競争…
They place their jobs first and foremost, brown-nose their superiors, flatter their clients. 仕事第一と考え、 上司にへつらい、取引先にはおべっか
They diligently go to work every single day and work overtime. After living that sort of life for a little over ten years... around their mid 30's or when they're 40, they're finally able to save up about 10 or 20 million. 毎日律儀に会社に通い、残業し、 そんな生活を10年あまり続けて、 30代半ば40…そういう年になって やっと蓄えられる金額が、1000万、2000万という金なんだ…
20 million is a lot of money! It's big money! In comparison, what the fuck are you? 2000万は大金… 大金なんだ…! それに比べてお前らは何だ…!?
You never really studied hard, nor did you ever put all your effort into your jobs. 必死に勉強したわけでもなく… 賢明に働いたわけでもない…
You never built on anything, you never endured anything, you never overcame anything. And you just live your lazy life. All you did was play a little game that didn't even last 20 minutes! 何も築かず、何も耐えず… 何も乗り越えず… だらだら過ごし…やったことと言えば、 ほんの10数分の余興…
Don't make light of it! You're not going to get such a large amount like 20 million with that! なめるなっ…! あんなもんで2000万という大金が 手に入るかっ…!
But you still want to obtain it. You still want to grab it! If that's the case, you have no choice but to risk your own life! それでも手に入れたい… どうしても手に入れたい…となったら これはもう、命を張る以外にないっ…!
Now, wake up! Cross it! If you lose this opportunity, people like you will never be able to gain 20 million. さあ、目を覚ませっ…! 渡れっ、渡るんだっ…!この機会を逃したら、 2000万なんてもうお前らには生涯手にできない…!
We'll give you the money if you cross the bridge, no strings attached. 渡れば今度こそ、何の条件も付けずにすっきり 渡してやるっ…!
Go. Grab hold of your future! 行けっ…!掴むんだっ、未来を…!
Don't hesitate. The length and width of the beams are exactly the same as the last ones. 躊躇うなっ…!さっきの橋と 長さも太さも同じ…
Plus, this time around, you don't need to push each other off. しかも今回は落し合いじゃないっ…!
Are you serious, Kaiji-san? If you fail this time... You'll die! Without a doubt! 本気かよ開示さん… 今度失敗したら紛れもねえっ、死ぬんだぜっ…! 間違いなく …
He knows. That is what heroes do. その点は覚悟の上さ。 勇者とはそういうもの…
However, I need to make one thing clear. The disqualified will not survive this time. ただし、一つだけ断っておこう。 今回は、失格者の生き残りはないとな…
In the last race, those who lost their balance and held onto the bridge only lost their right to the prize money. さっきの橋では、バランスを崩した者が、落ちずに橋にしがみ付いても、 賞金の権利を失うだけで済んだ…
But if we allowed that this time around... many people would forfeit the game at the beginning and grab onto the bridge because their lives were at stake. だが、今回もそれを認めると、 命がかかってるだけに、早々に勝負を投げて 橋にしがみ付く者が続出…
In the worst case, it'd be like the march of a caterpillar. へたをしたら、芋虫の行進だ
It would completely spoil the fun. Thus, we made one modification. 興が削がれること甚だしい。 そこで、少し仕掛けを打った
As you can see, we charged the bridge with an electrical current. Of course, it's not fatal by itself. 見ての通りだ、橋に電流を流した。 死なぬ程度のな…
Still, the shock you'd receive is powerful. とは言っても、触れればショックは強烈
You wouldn't be able to maintain your balance. Falling would be inevitable. 体制を保っていられない。 落下は必至
If your hands touch it, you will die. Will you still do it? 手をつけば死ぬのだ…! いいかな、それで…?
I'll do it. Sahara, this is our last chance. It's not just the amount of money. Another part of it is an exception. やるっ…佐原、こんな話はもうねえのさ。 金額だけじゃねえ… 別の部分が異例なんだよ
This time, I only have to make it myself. It's done if I make it across. 今回は、オレがただやればいい… 渡り切ればそれでいい
I don't have to push anyone off. In other words, it's not a competition. 誰も押し出さなくていい… つまり、競争じゃねえっ…!
This condition is an exception. It's not just limited to the bridge-crossing we just did. In this world, if you want anything, you always end up having to compete against someone. この条件は異例なんだよ。 さっきやった橋に限らず… この世を利せんと考えたら、 必ず他人と競争だ
You always end up pushing other people aside. 必ず他人を押し退けなきゃならない
If you miss this opportunity, it'll be gone for good. この機会を逃したら、 もうありゃしねえよ、今回みたいなこと…
I see. That's an interesting way to see it. That's fine. I don't care what your reasons are. なるほど、おもしろい見方もある。 結構…理由は何でもいい
Are they stupid? They don't get it. The bridge is completely different this time around. Why can't they understand that? バカかこいつら… わかってねえっ…! 今度の橋はさっきの橋とはまったく違う… なんでそれが理解できない…?
But I'll never be able to get 20 million otherwise... しかし、2000万なんて大金はもう…
Seven people. That's enough! We'll now close the doors! 7人っ、よし十分だ…! これで締め切ろう…!
Dammit! Goddamn all you dumbasses. I'll do it! I'll do it, okay?! くそっ…!まったく、どいつもこいつもバカばっかりだ… やるよっ、やりゃいいんだろクソがっ…!
Instant death if they fall! They are on the final bridge, 22 stories high! 落ちれば即死。 地上22階にかかるファイナルブリッジ
However, Kaiji and the others had no inkling of the horrors awaiting them! だがこの時、想像を絶する、死の恐怖との戦いが待ち構えていることを、 開示たちはまだ知らない
Leave this to me. I have a favor to ask you in return. これは任せて。 その代わり、お願いがあるの
Since that Sakuragi-san scouted you, I was wondering what kind of person you'd be, but you don't look anything close to "deduction smart" to me. あの桜木君がスカウトしたっていうから、 どんな切れ者かと思ったら、 およそ推理という知的なものとは縁遠そうな奴だな
Someone's story didn't pass even the preliminary, right? 誰かの書いたやつは予選も通らなかったんだってなぁ
If Matoba-sensei didn't put up my poster there, I could have given you one. 的場先生がポスターをあんな所に貼らなけりゃ、 お前にも一枚ぐらいは、やってもよかったんだけどな
By any chance, are those the plastic gloves used for operations? それ、ひょっとして手術用の手袋?
Anyhow, this is troublesome... No one can read this. The code that Sakuragi-senpai left. しかし、これ困ったな… 誰も読めないんですよ。 桜木先輩の暗号なんです
She said, if you don't know what this means, You cannot participate in the club camp this time. この意味がわからなきゃ、 今度の合宿に参加させないって言うんだ
If you do this, it becomes the calendar for the Golden week. The club camp is held on Golden week. こうすりゃ、ゴールデンウィークのカレンダーになるだろ? 合宿はゴールデンウィークってことだよ
He's the grandson of the famous detective, Kindaichi Kousuke. He's also a genius with an IQ of 180. 彼は、あの命探偵金田一耕介の孫なのよ。 IQ180の天才的頭脳の持ち主
Anyhow, let's start the club meeting. Today's theme is the rumored Seven Mysteries of Fudoh Academy's old school building. それでは部会を始めます。今日の議題は、最近噂になってる 不動高校旧校舎にまつわる、七不思議のことなの
You mean, the one that if you find out the seventh secret, You'll be killed by afterschool conjurer? 七つ目を知ってしまうと、 放課後の魔術師に殺されるとかっていう、あれかい?
You all know that we're trying to tear down the old school building, right? 学校側が、この旧校舎を取り壊そうとしてるのは知ってるでしょう?
In the threat letter, it says that if the old school building is demolished, the seven mysteries will repeat again. 脅迫状には、 もし旧校舎を壊せば、 七つの呪いが降りかかると
"Why send such threat?" That is our theme, And our Mystery Research Club will solve all the problems, Of course, we'll uncover the Seventh Mystery as well. なぜそんな脅迫状を?それをテーマにして、 すべての謎を我がミステリー研究会が究明するの。 もちろん、七不思議の最後の一つも明らかにして見せるのよ
A long time ago, I heard a student trying to uncover the seventh secret went missing. I'm worried something may happen to... 昔、七不思議の一つを知ろうとして、 行方不明になった生徒もいるそうだ。 もし君達に何かが起こったら…
You mean, you'll be responsible for anything, right? 責任を追及されて困るのは、私、ですか?
Don't worry. We'll proceed with caution. This is alright with you, right? ご心配なく。捜査には細心の注意をはらいます。 いいわね、みんな?
Anyhow, come here right now. I'll show you something interesting. とにかく今すぐ来て。 面白いもの見せてあげる
Ah, here... It was the printing room in old days. あ、ここだ…昔、印刷室だった
In old days, a male student cut his hand off with the cutting machine in this printing room. He died due to loss of blood. 昔この印刷室で、男子生徒が 自分の手首を裁断器で切り落としちゃったの。 そのまま出血多量で死んじゃって
But after that, no matter how much everyone looked, his severed hand went missing. Ever since, the sound of the hand creeping around at night... ところがその後、いくら探しても 切断された手は見つからなかったの。それ以来、 夜になるとこの中で、手首が這いずり回る音が…
Just now, I heard something weird. 今、何か妙な音が…
I'm sorry, I was about to turn on the lights, however, you guys came in just then. ごめん、電気付けようと思ったら、 君達が入ってきたもんだから
Mine was a weird male voice. It said, "There will be a death ritual at 10 o'clock, so come." 僕のは妙な男の声でしたよ、 10時に死の儀式が行われるから来いって
Well, why don't we patrol around the old school building instead of here? I feel like something might happen.. あの、ここじゃなくて、旧校舎の方を見回りませんか? 何か起こりそうな気がして
That light is coming from the forbidden biology room. No one should be able to enter. あのあたりは開かずの生物室。 誰も入れないはずだが
It's called the "forbidden" biology room because there's no key. カギなんてないから開かずの生物室なんだ
That can't be! I saw it with my own eyes! そんな馬鹿な。 この目でたしかに
Somehow, doesn't this resemble the Seven Mysteries? The disappearance of a hanged body from the forbidden biology room... なんだか、七不思議そっくりじゃないですか? 開かずの生物室で吊るされた死体が消えるなんて
Don't say stuff like that. It can't be good omen... 縁起でもないこと、言わないでよ…
It's because she stuck her nose into the seven mysteries. 7不思議に、首を突っ込むからだ
A little, way back then. He cooperated with some of the cases... Cooperate with me, Kindani. 昔ちょっとな、捜査に協力してもらったことが… よろしくしてやってくれ、キンダニだ
What do we know so far? 今までにわかったことは?
According to the autopsy, The victim, Sakuragi Ruiko, was murdered between 9 and 10 p.m. last night. 検視の結果、被害者桜木るい子が亡くなったのは、 昨夜9時から10時と推定された
We were called out here by a strange phone call. 僕たち、奇妙な電話で呼び出されたんです
I saw it! Some guy with a mask was in this classroom... 私は見たんだ。仮面をつけた男が、この教室に…
At that time, Tachibana-san and I, were standing here. And from here, we witnessed the death ritual in the forbidden biology room. その時、立花さんとオレは、ここに立っていた。 そしてここから、この開かずの生物室で行われている、 死の儀式を目撃したんだ
We ran over there immediately. Then, until we reached the door of the biology room, the only time the biology room was out of our sight was, right here, only for a few seconds. オレたちはすぐ走った。 それから、生物室の扉の前に着くまで、 生物室が視界から消えたのは… この間、わずか数秒だけなんだ
That means, the culprit took down senpai's body in a few seconds, Cleaned the inside of this room, and carried away the body from the room through the door. つまり犯人は、たった数秒間で、先輩の死体を降ろし、 室内を片づけてあの扉から運んだことになる
He probably carried it away through the window. 窓から外に運んだんだろう
No, that's not possible. All the windows were locked from the inside. いや、それはありえない。 窓にすべて内側からカギがかかってたんだ
Then how, do you think, did he escape? じゃあ、他にどんな方法で消えたと言うんだ?
It's his magic. He was alive after all. 奴の魔術だ。 やはり生きていたんだ…
What do you mean by that, Sensei? This is something that should be taken down officially. どういうことですかな先生? これは正式な尋問と採っていただいて結構
Just talking about it is scary by itself. I think the "afterschool conjurer" is an actual person. 話すのも恐ろしいです。 たぶん放課後の魔術師は、実在の人物なんだ
Back in the days when we still used the old building, there was a strange professor whose initial was M. まだ、この旧校舎を使っていた頃、 この学校に、頭文字Mという奇妙な教師がいたらしい
The rumors that M conducted strange rituals made this student curious, and so this student came into this school building. Then...! Mが夜ごとおかしな儀式をしている、そんな噂が立ち、 ある夜、好奇心に駆られた生徒が この旧校舎に入ったそうなんです。すると…
So he has disappeared since then? それきり、その男は消え失せたと?
This is not "Occult" or "Superstition,". This is a real murder! It's obvious that the guy who dresssed up as a conjurer carried off the body. これはオカルトや迷信じゃない、現実の殺人事件なんだ。 その魔術師とやらに変装した輩が、 死体を運び出したに決まっとる!
Anyway! At the time of the crime, tell me what you were doing in this old school building, one by one. とにかく!問題の時刻、 この旧校舎のどこで何をしていたか、一人ずつ聞かせてもらおう
Basically, the inspector thinks, the culprit is one of us, right? つまり警部さんは、僕たちの中に犯人が入るとおっしゃるわけですか?
If you're investigating, I hope you'll use more of your brain. Let's go with my deduction. 捜査のプロともあろう方なら、もう少し頭を使っていただきたいものですね。 僕の推理をご覧に入れましょうか?
40 min, 42 min, how can you know such specific times? 40分だの42分だの、なぜそんな細かいことまで?
Basically, within five minutes, everyone who was in the old school building gathered at the forbidden biology room. Within 5 minutes, carrying away the body and cleaning up everything, taking off the mask, and appeared among us... Is that even possible? つまりたった5分の間に、あの夜旧校舎にいた全員が揃っていた。 わずか5分で死体他すべてを運び去り、 仮面を外して現れる… 一体可能でしょうか?
Take a look at this window lock. This is a simple trick with wire. この窓のカギを見て下さい。 つまりこれは、ワイヤーを使った簡単なトリックですよ
Tie the wire to the lock, and slip it through the chimney hole leading to the outside. While we were hitting the door, the culprit threw the body and the candles outside. ワイヤーをカギの取っ手に結びます。 その端を煙突穴から外へ垂らし、 犯人は僕らがドアに体当たりをしている間に、 死体やロウソクを外に出します
Then the culprit went outside through the window, closed the window, and pulled the wire that he slipped outside through the chimney hole to lock. そして犯人も窓から外へ出ると、窓を閉め、 後は煙突穴から垂らしたワイヤーを…引っ張る
After we went home, the culprit put everything back as they were in the original setting. そして僕らが帰った後、 犯人は元通りにセッティングした
Inspector, investigate the chimney. Other than the mark I left just now, there should be another wire mark. 警部、煙突穴を調べてください。 今付いたのとは別に、 もう一つワイヤーの後があるんじゃ
To think you can't even see through such a simple sealed room trick. Your grandfather might have been a famous detective, but his talent didn't pass onto you, it seems. こんな初歩的な密室トリックも見破れないとはね。 君のおじいさんは名探偵だったかもしれないが、 その才能は君には遺伝しなかったようだ
Before Senpai was murdered, she must have been using the word processor. There's a possibility that she may have left something on the floppy disk. あの時、先輩は亡くなる間際までワープロを打っていたはずだ。 最後に何かをフロッピーに書き残した可能性だってある
The culprit who set up such a level of crime, I can't think of him using a cheap trick such as wire. あんな大がかりな反抗をやってのけた犯人が、 ワイヤーなんて安っぽいトリックを使うとは思えないんだ
Leaving such big marks... I think the culprit purposefully wanted us to discover this trick. あんな大きな傷を残すなんて… 多分犯人は、わざとトリックを見つけて欲しかったんだよ
It somehow resembles this case. なんだか似てる、今度の事件と
Somehow I have a bad premonition, なんか、嫌な予感するぜ
I got this before Kindaichi. If I read this Sakuragi-san's floppy disk, I might figure out who the culprit is. 金田一の先を越してやったよ。 この桜木さんのフロッピーを読めば、 ひょっとして犯人が分かるかもしれないよね
Since there is not much loss of blood, it seems he was hit by a wrapped blunt object, such as a hammer on his head. 出血が少ない所から見て、 布のようなものを巻きつけたハンマーのようなもので、 頭を滅多打ちにしたものと思われます
We cannot hand over any more sacrifices to him. Halt the demolition of the old school building. これ以上、奴に生贄を捧げるわけにはいかん。 旧校舎の取り壊しは中止だ
The problem is the location where Onoue-san got murdered. I think Onoue-san was murdered at another location. Very little blood was left from the cause of the death, concavity on his skull. 問題は小野上さんが殺された場所だ。 小野上さんは多分、別の場所で殺されたはずだ。 致命傷となった頭部からの出血が、ほとんど残ってなかった
The culprit killed Onoue-san, and carried him to the Printing Room, then made it look like one of the Seven Mysteries. 犯人は小野上さんを殺しから、印刷室に運び、 その後7不思議に見立てたんだ
The murder location is somewhere closeby. Probably, the old school building's... 殺害現場はそう遠くない場所、 おそらく旧校舎の…
That means, there was something written that the culprit would never want anyone to find out. じゃあ、犯人にとって絶対に知られたくないことが 書かれていたのね
I found it in the morning after she died. I hope this will come in your aid. 彼女が亡くなった朝、見つけたんだ。 君の役に立ててくれ
Even if the police was at work, Aoyama Chihiro was still missing with no trace. 警察が手を尽くしているにもかかわらず、 失踪した青山千尋の手掛かりは、何も見つからない
Probably that night... Sakuragi-senpai made the newly discovered Seventh of the Seven Mysteries into a code to have me read it! おそらくあの夜、桜木先輩は 見つけたばかりの7不思議の7番目を、 暗号にして、オレに読ませようとしたんだ
And she printed it before she was murdered, and inserted it in the Minutes! そして亡くなる前に印刷して、 会報に挟んだ
Man, Miyuki, you have big boobs, yet your mindset is still the same as that of a little kid! たく美雪は胸ばっかり大きくなって、 憶病なのは子供の時と一緒だかんなあ
Her life is saved for now, but the back of her head was hit severely, so I cannot guarantee it. Tonight will probably be the critical point. 一命は取り留めましたが、 後頭部を激しく打たれておりますので、 予断は許せません。 おそらく今夜が峠でしょう
That's enough, Ossan. I'm backing out of this case. To let Miyuki become like that is my mistake. もういいんだよオッサン… オレはこの事件から手を引くよ。 美雪をあんな目に会わせたのは、オレのミスなんだ
If I was with Miyuki at that time... If I didn't stick my nose into this case in the first place, あの時、美雪と一緒に行っていれば… そもそも、オレなんかがこの事件に首を突っ込んだりしなけりゃ…
I didn't see anything, including the culprit's face. When I was trying to take off the poster, from behind... I'm sorry, if there was any leads, I could have helped you. 私、何も見てないの。犯人の顔も… ポスターを剥がそうとしてたら後ろから… ごめんね、少しでも手がかりがあれば、 はじめちゃんの役に立てたのに
That's not like you. Since you were a kid, you hated to lose, And once you thought it was the right thing to do, you would never give up. らしくないなあ。ちっちゃい頃から負けず嫌いで、 正しいと思ったことは、 あきらめたことなかったのに
Before there's another victim, capture the culprit as soon as possible. You're the only one who can do it, Hajime-chan. 新しい犠牲者が出る前に、一刻も早く犯人を捕まえて。 それができるのははじめちゃんだけなのよ
Would you close the curtain? The morning sun is reflected on that building, so it's blinding for my eyes. カーテン閉めてくれる? そこのビルに朝日が当たって まぶしいの
That's how it was... How can I not notice something like this... そうだったのか… こんなことに気がつかなかったなんて
The crossing points of two cases are the code and the word processor. I couldn't solve it because I didn't link those two together. 共通するのは、暗号とワープロ。 この二つを切り離して考えていたからいけなかったんだ
So he himself hasn't showed up yet? その本人はまだ来てないんですか?
I already proved that none of us can be the culprit. この中に犯人がいないことは、僕が既に証明済みじゃないか
The culprit put away the mirror, and waited us to pass. Then he appeared behind us with a nonchalant face as if nothing happened. 犯人は急いで鏡を片付け、行き過ぎるのを待った。 あとは何食わぬ顔で、 オレたちの後ろから出てきたんだ
That night, there was only one who could use this trick. あの夜、このトリックを使えた者は一人しかいない
I wonder if you can really enter the biology key with that key. そのカギで本当に生物室に入れたのかな?
The reason that the culprit left this key near Onoue-san's body is, to make us think he used the key to open the door to enter then ran away through the window. 犯人がこのカギを小野上さんの死体の側に置いたのは、 カギを使って中に入り、 窓から逃げたと思わせるためだ
But a key that hasn't been used for seven years doesn't necessarily work. だけど、7年もの間使われなかったカギが動くとは限らない
That's true, the lock could have been rusted or worn out... たしかに、錆付いたりつまっていたり…
Now's the time to reveal it all. The past that you've continued to hide for thirty years! とうとう明かす時が来たんだ。 あんたが30年間、必死になって隠し続けてきた過去を
The researchers got frustrated. If such thing was revealed to the public, that's the end. 研究員たちは焦った。 もしこんなことが世間に知れたらお終いだ
But the hidden bodies might get discovered accidently, so the researchers left one coworker here. だが、隠した死体が、何かの偶然で発見されないとも限らない。 そこで研究員たちは、仲間を密かに送り込んだんだ Then they spread the rumor of Six Mysteries where the bodies were hidden, so that students won't get close. そして、死体を隠した場所に、6不思議の怪談話を流した。 生徒が近づかないようにね
Do you think something like this would be forgiven? こんなこと許されると思ってるんですか!
At this rate, the one who was still in old school building would be suspected. Then I thought up the mirror trick. このままでは、旧校舎へ残った私が疑われてしまう。 そこで、鏡のトリックを思いついた
For thirty years, I couldn't even sleep at night, because I was worried the bodies might get discovered. この30年、死体を見つけられたらと、 夜も眠れなかった…不安だった…
I was scared, I was worried. Even so, how come no one wanted to leave me alone?! 怖かった、不安だった! それなのに、どうしてそっとしといてくれなかったんだ!
There's no way Chihiro would disappear with no reason... Something must have happened, I thought... 千尋が蒸発なんてするわけがない… きっと何かあるに違いないと…
There was no such thing as an Afterschool Conjurer. There was only a pitiful human. Being burdened by the past, only adding more to his sin. ここには、放課後の魔術師なんていなかったよ… いたのは過去に怯え、罪を重ね続けた、 哀れな人間だけだったよ…
Wait, I can also get a date partner at least. あのなぁ、オレだってデートの相手ぐらい…
I heard the rumor that they used to go on dates a lot back in middle school. They're back together, I see. あの二人中学時代はよくデートしてたってウワサよ。復活したんだ
Is that okay with you? Unless you make her definitely yours, someone else will take her away. いいのか? きっちり自分のものにしとかねぇと、 取られちまうぞ
In this case, in the name of my grandfather, I should at least try a sneak visit. こうなりゃ、名探偵と言われたじっちゃんの名にかけて、 夜這いをかけてでも…
I got invited as a tester at the Hiren Lake Resort which will open next year, but it's overlapping with my exam at the University. I want you to invite some guy and go with him in my place. 来年オープンの悲恋湖リゾート村にモニターとして招待されたんだけど、 大学の試験と重なっちゃってさ。 誰か男の子誘って、 オレの代わりに行って欲しいんだよ
Yeah, I'll be in trouble unless you show up in my name. そ、オレの名前で参加してくれなきゃ困るんだよ
Hajime-chan, why are you in such a place? And what's up with that look? はじめちゃん、何でこんなところに… それに何その格好
It's fishy... For that Shigeru-san would bring such a good deal... なんか気になるのよね、あのシゲルさんが こんないい話くれるなんて
Everyone, from this point and on, to preserve the nature, automobiles are prohibited. I'm sorry to say, but we'll proceed on foot. 皆様、ここから先は、自然保護のため 車は入れません。申し訳ありませんが、 徒歩でお願い致します
Why don't we bring him along? We can't send him back now without a bus anyway. 一緒に連れてってあげてはいかがですか? 今から引き返しても、バスはないでしょうし
If I scare them that much, a few may go home early. The chance to win the membership card will increase. あれだけ脅かしときゃ、 何人かは逃げ帰るぜ。 会員権が当たる確立も増える
It's the same... the pictures I've seen for the coverage for the magazine, Jason's indiscriminating murders 10 years ago. 同じだ。10年前に雑誌の取材で見た ジェイソンの無差別殺人と
Those pictures had the victim's faces torn up by axe. その死体も、顔を斧でズタズタに潰されていたんだ
It seems this is also done by axe. If you look at the depth of the wound, and the way of cut, you can tell, If you look closely. どうやら、この凶器も斧みたいですね。 傷の深さや、 切り口を見ればわかりますよ。 じっとよく見ればね
It seems the phone line's been cut. 電話線を切られちまったようだ
Until the end of this tour, unless we contact them first, the bus won't come either. このツアー終了まで、こちらから連絡しない限り、 バスもこないことになってるんです
Kobayashi-san used to be a genius painter who surprised the Japanese art society. But since that day ten years ago, he cannot draw anything else but the dead body. 小林画伯は、日本画壇を騒がせた天才画家だったが、 10年前のある時期から 死体の絵しか描かなくなっちまった
Since the drawings were too realistic, there are even rumors that he may have killed someone. あまりにも生々し過ぎる死体の絵に、 本当に人を殺したんじゃないかって噂される程だ
Why don't you go by yourself? I don't wanna die on the road with you in the forest. 行くならあなた一人で行けば。 一緒に森で野垂れ死になんて嫌よ
Is the membership more important than me? 私よりも会員権の方が大事なのか!
I didn't know she would be such a gold-digger! Dang it! I'll definitely escape from here by myself! あんながめつい女とは知らなかった! くそ、私だけは絶対ここから脱出してやる!
Oh, how lucky. There are a lot of 10,000-yens, savings account book, and the seal impression. If you take these, at least you've got something to enjoy. よかったじゃないですか。旦那の鞄には万札と 貯金通帳、印鑑が入ってる。 これを頂いちゃえば、少しはあんたも潤うってわけだ
How can you say such things at a time like this, Itsuki-san! こんな時に何を言うんですか、イツキさん!
Well, based on this case, I thought I would write a mystery thriller or something. I can't always be a third-rate novel writer. 今回の貴重な体験を、 スリラー小説にでもしてみようと思ってね。 いつまでも三文ライターじゃやってられんからなぁ
Do you even have a human heart? あんた、人間の心を持ってないのか!?
The culprit killed him in the forest and carried him up all the way here? 犯人は香山さんを外で殺し、 わざわざこの冷蔵庫に詰め込んだのか
That's strange. Jason escaped from the prison two days ago, and walked this path which doesn't have much food, but he didn't take any food with him? とすると、妙だな。2日前に脱獄した刑務所から ここまで、たいした食料もない道のりを、延々歩いてきたはずのジェイソンが、 食料に見向きもしなかったなんて
If the wound starts festering and by any chance fever starts, It'll become dangerous. 傷が化膿して発熱でもしたら まずいことに
With this, more and more, we cannot run away. If we just run through the forest, we'll become just like her. これでますます逃げだせなくなったな。 うっかり森へ出たら、 彼女の二の舞だぜ
On the other side of the lake, there should be a hotel being constructed. If you go there, there should be a phone... 湖の向こうに 建設中のホテルがあるはずです。 そこまで行けば、電話も
To ride the boat by myself, I wouldn't know what may happen. 一人でボートに乗るやなんて、 何が起こるか分からへんわ
I will go. Nanase kun's wound is my fault, and... Mizuki Tour Agency's parenting company, the president of that company which developed this resort is my father. 僕が行きます。七瀬君のケガは僕の責任だし、 それにミズキ旅行社の親会社で、 このリゾート村を作った開発会社の社長は、僕の父なんだ
I'll go, too. It's dangerous by yourself. 俺も行くよ。 一人じゃ危険だ
No, you should stay by Nanase-kun. I'll definitely bring help. いや、君は七瀬君の側に付いててあげてくれ。 必ず助けを呼んでくる
But when Senpai brings the police, Jason will be caught. でも、先輩が警察を連れて来てくれれば、 ジェイソンも捕まるわ
When I think through the case, I come across a few questionable points. 事件を思い返すと、 いくつもの疑問点にぶつかるんだ
If Jason isolated us by burning the bridge, how come Jason knows so much about this area? When it should've been the first time for him to be here after he escaped from the prison. ジェイソンが橋を燃やして、俺達を閉じ込めたんだとしたら、 刑務所を出て、 初めてキャンプ場にきたジェイソンが、 なんでそこまでここの地理に詳しいんだ?
It's really small right now, but when it'll open, it'll include a ski resort, Golf course, tennis court and a large scale pool. They're even considering having the entrance from and to the express highway. 今はちっぽけですが、オープン時には、 スキー場、ゴルフ場、テニスコートや、 大型プールも整備される予定で、 高速道路の乗り入れも検討されている
Then it's said the membership card will be worth 50,000,000 yen to 100,000,000 yen. そうなれば、会員権の価値は、 5000万にも1億にもなると言われています
If the number of the tour members decreases, the probability of winning the membership card increases. It seems there are people who are glad that two people died. ツアーメンバーが少なくなれば、 会員権の当たる確率が高くなる。 実際、二人が死んで喜んでいる人もいるようです
Humans can expose any side of true instincts depending on the situation. 人間なんて、いざとなれば、 どんな素顔を曝け出すことか
Hajime-chan, don't blame yourself so much. はじめちゃん、そんなに思い詰めないで
I heard from her that your grandfather was a famous detective. This might be the fate from the heaven that you're related to this case. 彼女から聞いたが、おじいさんは有名な探偵らしいね。 この事件に出くわしたのも、天命かもしれません
If my train of thoughts is correct, Jason is... I'll stop here. Tomorrow morning, I'll talk in front of everyone. 僕の考え通りなら、ジェイソンは…やめとこう。 明日の朝、みんなの前で話す
I'll go and get more ice. 氷、取ってきます
From the body temperature remaining, It seems to be about 20-30 minutes since his death. 体温の残り具合から考えて、 死後2、30分が経過していると考えられます
When I came here to get the ice it was 2:15 p.m. So he was killed right after, from about 2.30 to 2:45 p.m. 俺がロッジに氷を取りに来たのは2時15分。 その後すぐ、2時半から40分の間に殺されたってことか
Kobayashi-san was trying to leave the culprit's name right before his death. 小林さんは、死に際に 犯人の名前を残そうとしている
If the culprit were to be Jason, would he try to leave something so obvious right before his death? もし犯人がジェイソンなら、 そんな当然のことを、死に際に伝えようとするだろうか
What he wrote was not Jason, but someone we all know well. 書き残したのは、ジェイソンではなく俺達がよく知っている人物だ
The estimated time of death is from about 2:30 to 2.45 p.m. If we check everyone's alibi, we will know who the culprit is. 死亡推定時刻は2時半から40分。 全員のアリバイをチェックすりゃ、 犯人が分かるってわけだ
No, no, it's not like that. I was scared, so I asked him to be with me. いやや、そんなんやのうて、 あたし怖くてイツキさんに側にいてもろたんや
Then your alibi cannot be confirmed. それじゃあアリバイは成立しねえな
I was alone, it'd be strange to have a witness. 一人でいたのに証人がいる方が変でしょ!
Touch my hair. I don't even have a hair dryer, so it can't dry that fast. 髪を触ってみてよ。ドライヤーもないのに、こんなにすぐ乾かせないわよ
Back in the day, people travelled on ships a lot, and there were a lot of sinking accidents. So the famous brand makers designed bags to float on the water in case of ship wreckage. 昔、旅行といえば船旅が主で、 当時は沈没事故も多かった。 そこでこいつらの持ってるバッグの有名メーカーでは、 海難事故に備えてバッグが水に浮くように設計した
I've personally experienced its performance, so I know it well. If you cross the river while holding onto the bag, your hair won't get wet. その性能は、俺がかつて身をもって体験してるから よく知ってるぜ。 バッグに掴まって川を渡れば、 髪は濡れないってわけだ
It's impossible, I can't do it. I'm hydrophobic. I can't even wash my face in the sink. ムリよ、できっこないわ。あたし、水恐怖症なの。 洗面器に顔もつけられないのよ
If she's really the culprit, it's actually normal to cross that log bridge rather. もし彼女が本当に犯人なら、 やはり、あの丸木橋を渡るのが普通だ
Crossing the river by swimming, is the type of action taken only if she knew Miyuki was looking at the log bridge. 泳いで川を渡るなんて、 美雪が丸木橋を見ていたことを、 あらかじめ、知ってた上でなきゃ取らない行動だ
But Miyuki was only looking at the log bridge coincidently だが、美雪が窓から丸木橋を見ていたのは、ただの偶然に過ぎない
So the deduction that Kayama-san crossed the river, by swimming, away from Miyuki's sight seems forced. つまり、香山さんが美雪の視線を避けて、わざわざ川を泳いで渡ったという推理には、 ムリがあるんだ
Even if the culprit gets the membership card, It'll become obvious that it wasn't Jason's doing. もし、犯人が会員権を手に入れたとしても、 いずれジェイソンの犯行でないことは発覚する
The police will suspect the membership card winners. I don't think such a circumspect culprit would cross such a dangerous bridge! 警察は、会員権当選者を疑うだろう。 これだけ用意周到な犯人が、 そんな危ない橋を渡るだろか
One by one, I want you to tell me the circumstance that made you come here, in another room. I want to find the lead that connects everyone here. 一人ずつ個別に、 ここに来るまでの経過を聞かせて欲しいんです。 ここにいるメンバー全員をつなぐ糸を見つけたいんです
Sure, I'll definitely find the real motive. Before Jason touches the next victim. ああ、きっと本当の動機を見つけてみせる。 ジェイソンが次の獲物に手をかける前に
The Ship Oriental sinking accident from three years ago. Among its passengers, there are five out of nine here at least. 3年前の、オリエンタル号の沈没事故。 その船に乗り合わせた者が、9人のメンバーのうち、少なくとも5人はいる
If this Hiren Lake Monitor Tour's members are selected purposefully, what is the reason to select these nine people out of 500 passengers? もし、この悲恋湖モニターツアーのメンバーが、意図的に選ばれたものだとしたら、 500人もの乗客の中から、この9人を選んだ理由は何だ?
The only ones who knew it was fixed were me and Kobayashi-san. How did the culprit know the stereo was fixed? 直ったのを知っていたのは、俺と小林さんだけだったはずなのに、 犯人はどうしてステレオが直ったことを知っていたんだ?
With the curtain down, he couldn't have seen it from the outside. カーテンに閉ざされて、 外から覗くことはできなかったはずなのに
Miyuki, I'll take you out of this place soon. I solved all the mysteries! 美雪、もうすぐここから救い出してやるぞ。 謎は全て解けた!
I can't put up much resistance if I'm killed while sleeping. 寝てる間に殺されちゃ、たまらないぜ
If we are together, all of us can watch one another. Then the culprit won't be able to move around so easily. だからみんなで、監視し合うんです。 そうすれば、犯人も下手に動くことができないはずです
Or... Is there a reason you can't be with everyone? Like... Being Jason? それとも、いっしょにいられない事情でもあるんですか? たとえば、あなたがジェイソンとか
Tonight, everyone will sleep in this lodge. 今夜はメンバー全員、このロッジで寝ることにしましょう
I can't bear it anymore. I'm going back to my cottage. How am I supposed to sleep here?! もう我慢できない、 自分のコテージへ戻るぜ。 こんなところで眠れるか
No way, you'll be suspected of being the culprit! そんな、犯人て疑われるで
If you're going to suspect me, then go ahead! I won't stay here. 疑うなら疑え。 オレはごめんだ
When Kobayashi-san was murdered at the lodge, the culprit couldn't have looked into the room from outside with the curtain down. 小林さんがロッジで殺されたとき、 犯人はカーテンのかかった部屋を、 外から覗いていたとは思えない
Then I thought maybe he wasn't looking, but listening. So I searched the lodge. それならば、見ていたのではなく、 聞いていたのではないかと、 オレはロッジの中を探してみた
We made it look like everyone was gathered at the lodge, while I remained there by myself. Then, everyone moved to this cottage while holding the tapping device, as planned. 全員がロッジに集まったように見せかけ、 オレ一人だけがロッジに残り、 みんなは計画通り盗聴器を持ったまま、 このコテージに移動したってわけさ
I didn't think for a second that you could have gone to murder someone at that time! まさかあのとき、あんたが人を殺しに行こうとしていたなんて、 思いもしなかったぜ
Then you killed him and put your clothes on his body, tore up his face and put him in the boat. そして彼を殺した後、その死体に自分の服を着せ、 顔をつぶしてボートに乗せた
But even with this clever trick, there was one problem. だが、巧妙に仕組まれたトリックにも、一つ問題が生じた
Even if you forced the clothes on him, your watch didn't fit his wrist. 服など無理に着せても、 あんたの腕時計が、キッカワの腕に合わなかった
You thought the trick might be exposed if the hole position on the belt changed, so you didn't put the watch on the body. 使い込んだベルトの穴の位置が変われば、 気づかれると思い、 死体には時計を付けなかった
Even for my revenge, I couldn't part with that watch... with the precious memento of Keiko! たとえ復讐のためでも、 あの時計だけは、手放すわけにはいかなかった。 大切なケイコの形見だけはな!
A man who drifted from a sinking ship grabbed onto a piece of plank, but there was another who wanted to grab on the same plank. 難破した船から投げ出された男が、一つの板切れにつかまったが、 そこへもう一人、同じ板につかまろうとする者が現れた
The first man thought the plank might sink if both grabbed onto it, so he pushed away the one who came later and drowned him. しかし二人とも掴まれば、板は沈んでしまうと考えた男は、 後から来た男を突き飛ばして、溺れさせてしまった
The saved man was put on trial, but he was found not guilty. 助かった男は裁判にかけられたが、 罪には問われなかった
Doing things to save oneself, even at the expense of others' lives, cannot be punished. 自分が助かるためにやむを得ん場合は、 他人を犠牲にしても 罰せられんてことさ
When I tried to pull her up, the boat began shaking greatly. その少女を引き上げようとすると、 ボートが大きく軋みました
If I let this girl on the boat, the boat will sink. I thought that, then I did something so ruthless that I couldn't believe myself. 今、この少女を乗せたら、ボートは沈んでしまう。 そう直感した私は、自分でも信じられないほど、 冷酷な行動をとったのです
We lived depending on each other, just the two of us. ずっと二人で寄りそって生きてきた
But 10 years ago, we were taken to different households, I was raised with care in the Touno household as the president's son. But Keiko was treated like a maid in the Koizumi household. でも10年前、それぞれ別の家に引き取られ、 オレはトウノ家で社長の息子として大切に育てられたが、 ケイコは小泉家で、メイド同然の暮らしだった
Meeting each other was forbidden, so as time passed we continued to meet in secret. 二人が会うことは許されず、 養父母に隠れるように、ケイコと会う日が続いた
The trip for the two of us on Ship Oriental was discovered by my parents, so I couldn't get on the ship, and the tragedy occurred. あの二人だけのオリエンタル号の旅行も養父母に見つかり、 オレは船に乗れないまま、あの悲劇が起こってしまった
The first and last kiss was terribly cold. At that time, I decided to sell my soul to the devil. If the law wouldn't punish him, then I would! 最初で最後のくちづけは冷たい死の味がした。 オレはこのとき、悪魔に魂を売り渡す決意をした。 法律でさばけないなら、オレがさばいてやる
Just for revenge against one person, you involved all of us? For your stupid murder stage?! たった一人の復讐のために、オレたちを巻き添えにしやがったのか!? 馬鹿げた茶番劇のために!
Don't come near me! I'll detonate the bombs! Just like how I burned that bridge, If I push this switch, everyone will turn into dust! オレに近づくな、爆発するぞ! つり橋を燃やしたように、 このスイッチを押せば全員、こっぱ微塵だ!
Heh, do it then, you'll die too. 押してみろよ、お前も死ぬんだぜ
I'll give you just one chance to live. Kindaichi, kill Kouda with that axe. If you do so, I'll spare everyone else's lives. 一つだけ、生き延びるチャンスをやろう。 金田一、その斧で香田を殺せ。 そうすりゃ、他の全員の命は助けてやる
Do you really think the guy who lived by pushing away another can live happily? 他人を突き飛ばして助かった男が、 本当に幸せになれたとでも思ってんのか!
Even if he wasn't officially punished, The one burdened by the murder he committed, do you really think he can live without agonizing over it? 罪に問われなくたって、 人殺しの十字架を背負った男が、 苦しまずに生きてこれたとでも思ってんのかよ!
If I die, everything will end. I also wanted to run away from it all this time, from the nightmare of the girl sinking into the dark water... 私が死ねば済むことだ。 私もずっと逃げ出したかった。 暗い海に沈んで行く、少女の悪夢から
Hey, what would you do, Hajime-chan? If we both grab onto "The Plank of Carneades?" ねえ、はじめちゃんならどうする? 私と二人で、カルネアデスの板を掴んだとしたら
I'd have to think... of a way to save both of us. 考えるだろうな。 二人とも、助かる方法をさ
Let's play Nine-ball. It's a simple rule which the player has to get the nine-ball into the pocket. ナインボールをしましょうか。 この9番のボールをポケットに入れたプレーヤーが勝つという、 単純なルールです
Will I be able to do it? 私にできるかしら?
The message from the victim to point out the culprit. 犯人を教える被害者からのメッセージさ
So... If you solve this mystery, you can get this castle. この謎を解けば、この城が手に入るってわけだ
When the culprit killed Touma-san, he would have gotten a lot of blood splattered on himself. Then he'd change his clothes. 犯人はトウマさんを殺害したとき、 すごい返り血を浴びているはずだ。 洋服なんて着替えてますよ
These billiard balls were placed by the culprit after the deed. Basically this is a trap set up by the culprit, to push the blame onto Bandou-san. このビリヤードの玉は犯行の後、犯人が握らせたんですよ。 つまりこれは犯人の仕掛けた罠という訳です。 坂東さんを罪に陥れるためにね
After the dinner, during the billiard competition, we played the game "Nine-ball." The ones who participated in the game wouldn't get the #9 ball wrong. Except for you, Kindaichi-kun, who didn't participate. 夕食のあとビリヤード大会で私たちはナインボールというゲームをしたんです。 そのゲームに参加した私たちが9番の玉を間違えるはずがない。 あの時いなかった金田一君、君を除いてね
I thought such a crappy trick would be found out quickly anyways. こんなチンケなトリック すぐバレると思ったんだ
That's not funny, this is the end, with such a crappy game?! I can't be convinced with something like this! 冗談じゃないぞ!こんなくだらないゲームで終わりだなんて。 こんなの納得いくか!
The true mystery and horror will be uncovered one by one in front of you. この後、諸君の前に本当の謎と恐怖が次々と姿を現すだろう
I agree, if it ended like this, there wouldn't be any meaning in coming all the way to a rural area like this. 本当だよ、これくらいで終わられちゃ 信州くんだりまできた甲斐がないぜ
Mystery Night has been cancelled. No more worrying that this castle will be moved. ミステリーナイトは中止になったんだ。 この城がどこかに移される心配もない
In this case... The most suspicious thing is are those wax dolls. この事件で、1番の謎は やっぱり、あの蝋人形だよな
Why did Touma Megumi get murdered in the exact same way the wax doll was killed? I don't think that just frightening us was their intention... なぜトウマメグミは、自分の蝋人形そっくりのやり方で、 殺されていたんだろう… ただオレたちに、恐怖を与えるのが目的だったとは思えないし
If you keep saying that, I'll just sleep in my room. そんなこと言うなら、 オレ自分の部屋で寝るよ
It won't open, it's locked from the inside. 開かない! 中から掛け金がかけられているんだ
Everyone will be killed... We'll all get killed by Redrum! 皆殺しだ… オレたちは皆レッドラムに殺されるんだ!
You sound as if you know who Mr. Redrum is. レッドラムの正体が分かったような口ぶりだな
For murdering Richard, the suspects have been narrowed down. リチャード殺しに関しては、 容疑者が浮かびましたよ
The culprit is someone who could lock the fireplace room. In other words, one of the three people who were in the west tower. 犯人は小暖炉の間にカギをかけることの出来た人物。 つまり、西の搭にいた3人というわけです
"The culprit wouldn't have done something like this..." That sort of clumsy guess is taboo in a real investigation. 犯人はまさか、こんなことをやるはずがない… そういう思い込みは、捜査には禁物です
I can't help it, I have to see if there's a secret passage or whatever again. しょうがないな、 秘密の通路がないかどうか、もう一度じっくり調べてみるか
That's true, he would have just used his own voice. 確かにそうだな。自分の声をそのまま流しゃいいんだ
And in the west tower, there is only one room with a fireplace. It's the murdered Touma Megumi's room. Those two fireplaces are connected by one chimney. そして、西の塔の客室にも、一部屋だけ暖炉のある部屋がある。 殺されたトウマメグミの部屋だ。 両方の暖炉は、1本の煙突で繋がれている
No one had time to carry Bandou-san's doll to his room and hang it. 坂東さんの人形を彼の部屋に運び、首を吊らせる 時間的余裕は誰にもありませんでした
No, there was one person who could. That's you, いや、それが一人だけ余裕のある人間がいたんだ。 それはあんただよ
While we were breaking down your door, you could freely move around. At that time... you were actually in the west tower. オレたちがあんたの部屋のドアを壊すまでの間、 あんたは自由に行動出来た。 あの時、あんたは実際には西の塔にいたんだ
Ironic. You have proven my innocence after... accusing me of being the culprit. 皮肉ですね。犯人と睨んだ私の無実を、 君自身が証明してくれたんですから
For the spider web to be there, It means this chimney hasn't been used for a long time... クモの巣が張ってたってことは、 長い間暖炉は使われてなかったっつーことだもんな
As you mentioned, we're back to the starting point for uncovering this mystery. 君の言う通り謎の解明は振り出しに戻りました
This castle is the castle of alibi that Redrum made. I'll uncover the trick and definitely break the alibi. この城は、レッドラムの作ったアリバイの城だ。 奴のトリックを暴き、必ずアリバイを崩してやる
No, it's no big deal. What happened is the white part of the eyes of the wax dolls melted and flowed down. いや、たいしたことじゃないですよ。 これは、蝋人形の白目の部分が、 溶けて流れたものさ
The white candles melt faster than the colored candles. This room was as hot as sauna this morning, right? It's because of that. 白い蝋は、色のついてる蝋より、溶けるのが早いんです。 今朝方この部屋はサウナみたいに暑かったんでしょ? そのせいですよ
It's a crow's fault that this room got so hot. It flew into the air duct and died. サウナになっていたのは、カラスのせいなんです。 換気扇に飛び込んで故障させてしまいまして
I was going to fix it just now, but I was told not to turn off the fire in the fireplace, so I'd have to fix it fast. これから修理しようと思ってきたんですが、 暖炉の火を絶やすなと言われておりましたので、 早く直さなければと
Look, just Bandou-san's doll, the white part of the eyes didn't melt. This morning, this doll was also here. 見てくれ、坂東さんの人形だけ、白目の蝋が溶けてないんだ。 今朝、この人形もここにあったんだぜ
The evidence, if it's just as my deduction, then there must be some evidence here. 証拠だ、オレの推理通りなら、 ここに何らかの証拠があるはず
When Touma Megumi was murdered, because she died the same way as the doll, we developed a weird preconception. We thought the victim would be murdered the same way as the doll. トウマメグミが殺されたとき、 人形と同じ殺され方をしていたおかげで、 オレたちは変な先入観を持ってしまった。 犠牲者は、人形そっくりにその人の部屋で殺害されると
In Richard's case, the only thing in our head was his death. Just as the culprit planned, we ran towards the room immediately because of that preconception. リチャードの時も、頭に浮かんだのは、本人の死だった。 犯人の思惑通り、 先入観を持ってしまってたオレたちは、すぐさま部屋に向かった
That's impossible. There's no space that a person could hide in this room... 無理です。あそこには人が隠れるような場所は…
The cape and the gloves were made of fabric, and the mask was made of wax, so you can completely get rid of the evidence quickly. マントや手袋は布、マスクは蝋だから、 火にくべちまえば、あっという間に証拠隠滅できる
Then you pulled out the doll you'd hidden earlier and placed it on the table. あとは物置に隠してあった人形を引っ張り出し、 テーブルの上に置いた
If you hurry, it'd take about a minute. Pretending you'd heard the voice as well, you ran towards the west tower. 急げば1分足らずだろう。 そして、自分も声を聞いたふりをして、 西の塔に駆けつければいい
But you made a really small mistake at the very end of the plan. It's a small mistake that could have been overlooked, but that small mistake caused a big hole in this perfect crime. しかし、あんたは最後の最後でささいなミスを犯した。 取るに足らない小さなミスだが、 それがこの完全犯罪に大きな穴を開けたんだ
Hah, I've been listening to you without comment... Now you're making some half assed guess. ふん、黙って聞いてたら、 ずいぶん言いたいこと言ってくれるじゃない
Then when morning came, you just had to let Redrum's voice go off. Everyone got worried about Akechi-san and rushed to the east tower, but because Akechi-san was sleeping under the influence of the drug, he wouldn't come out. あとは朝になって、レッドラムの声を流すだけでいい。 みんな明智さんを心配して、東の塔へ行ったが、 明智さんは薬で眠らされているから 出てこない
All the dolls in this room have tears flowing, but only Bandou-san's doll had no tears. So I thought that maybe that doll was moved before this room turned into a sauna. この部屋にあった人形は皆、涙を流していたのに、 坂東さんの人形だけ涙を流していなかった。 ひょっとして、この部屋がサウナみたいになる前に、 運び出されたんじゃないかってね
No good, everything you've said is only circumstantial evidence. I cannot be convicted unless there is a physical evidence. ダメね。あなたの言っているのは状況証拠だけよ。 物的な証拠がなければ、有罪にはできないわ
She sat still while impersonating the doll, but she couldn't do anything about the sweat. The sweat at that time dried up and became salt crystals. 人形のふりをしてじっとしてたんだけど、 汗だけは堪えようがなかった。 その時の汗が乾いて、塩の結晶になって残ったのさ
As a mystery novel writer, you should know a lot of things, such as blood type, can be found from the sweat, right? 汗の成分から血液型や、いろんなことが解るってことは、 推理作家のあんたならよく知ってるよな
They were comrades before, but they betrayed me. So I took my revenge. Twenty-nine years ago, that person and I got murdered here by those three. あいつらはかつて仲間だった。けど、あいつらは裏切った。 だからその復讐をしたのよ。29年前にね、 あたしとあの人は、この場所で殺されたのよ、あの3人に!
This is the Perfect Crime Plan. Without hurting anyone, we can have only what we want in our hands. This is the perfect art. これは完璧な犯罪計画なんだ。 誰一人傷つけることなく、狙った獲物だけ手に入れる。 こいつはまさに芸術作品さ
We left so much evidence at the crime site. But everything we left is meaningless. No matter how much they investigate, nothing will lead to us. オレたちは、犯罪現場に証拠品を山ほど残してきた。 ただし、絶対に出所のバレないものばかりだ。 どんなに調べても、 オレたちの元へたどり着けない
But looking at so much evidence, the police will think this way, "This case will be solved quickly... It'll be easy to catch the culprit." Putting them off guard is what we intended. だが警察は証拠の山を見て、こう思うだろう。 この事件はすぐに解決できる。 犯人を割り出すのは簡単だとね。 その油断が、こっちの狙い目なのさ
Nothing went wrong with what he said. But those three...! あの人の言うことは、何一つ間違っていなかったわ。 なのに、あの3人は!
We'll hide this money until the prescription period is over. It's for the perfect crime. この金は、時効が来るまで分けずに隠しておく。 完全犯罪を成立させるためだ
I heard there'll be a German Castle built here. I thought of the perfect crime plan staged in that castle. 今度、ここにドイツの城が立つんだ。 その城を舞台にした完全犯罪を考えついたよ
I have a present for you. I don't know if this size will fit you... Will you give a thought about the future? 君にプレゼントがある。 サイズが合うかわからないけど、 将来について考えてみないか
All I had left was the ring he gave me. Then I swore to myself that I'd take revenge on them. 私に残されたのは、あの人のくれた指輪だけだった。 そのときあたしは誓った、3人に復讐することを
I underwent plastic surgery, became Takigawa Kahoru, and waited for my chance. Waited to kill them using his murder plan. And finally I could reach my goal! そして、整形を受けて、 滝川カオルという別人になりすまし、チャンスを待った。 彼の作った計画で、あいつらを殺す時を。 そしてついに、目的を果たすことができたのよ
Here, the last test by Redrum, How can you get out of this burning castle? What will you do, great detectives? さあ、レッドラムからの最後の問題よ。 燃え盛る城からいかにして逃げのびるか? どうする名探偵諸君?
I have a responsibility to perfect this plan till the end. This wonderful art! あたしには、この計画を最後まで完璧にやり遂げる義務があるのよ。 このすばらしい芸術を
Your lover's plan was in redible, but what care you say was left to you? All there was left were comrades' betrayal, lover's death, and the hatred! あんたの恋人の計画は確かにすごいものだった。 だが、あんたらに一体何が残ったっていうんだ? 仲間の裏切りと、恋人の無残な死と、憎しみだけじゃないか!
What would you know about anything?! あんたに何が解るって言うの?!
I wouldn't know! But were you happy living a life hating someone so much? Are you really satisfied now that you've taken revenge? わかんないよ!けどずっと人を憎み続けて、 あんた、幸せだったのか? 復讐を遂げて本当に満足かよ!?
No matter how much you decorate it with beautiful words, crime can only lead to tragedy! どんなきれいごとで飾ったって、 犯罪は、悲劇しか生まないんだよ!
It's designed so that fire cannot approach under this picture. Because of the flow of the air, the heat and smoke cannot come either. この絵の一角は、絶対に火が来ないように設計されているんです。 空気の流れに遮られて、 熱や煙は届きません
I was surprised. When I went hack to pick you up, the castle was torn down, and there was just one wall still standing as if to protect you guys. 驚いたぜ。4日目に迎えに行ってみりゃ 城は瓦礫の山だ。そこに1枚の壁が、 お前らを守るように残ってたんだからな
Touma and they were afraid that Sayama's body might be found, so they attended Mystery Night. トウマたちは佐山の死体が見つかるのを恐れて、 ミステリーナイトに参加したんです
Someday we'll be able to settle the winner. I'll look forward to that. いずれ君とは決着をつける時が来るでしょう。 その時を楽しみにしてますよ
Sorry, sorry, I accidently dropped my student notebook. I'm sorry that I've interrupted your money grabbing. 悪い悪い、生徒手帳おとしちゃったよ。 カツあげの邪魔してごめんな
It's not about that, I have to talk to you about something. I'm transferring out today. そうじゃないの、 話したいことがあって。 あたし、今日で転校するの
Hey, what were you going to say? おーい、話ってなんだよ?
If we leave it as it is, Police Headquarter's reputation will be at stake. このままじゃ、 警視庁の威信にかかわるんだ
But to think that someone as high up like the inspector from Police Headquarters, would ask me, a mere high-schooler? だからって、警視庁の鬼警部ともあろうお方が、 高校生のオレに頼むかよ
Well, think of it as a nice trip. ま、旅行のつもりでさ
The reason that I gathered you all here is because I wanted to introduce my daughter. 今日お集まりいただいたのは、 皆さんに娘を紹介したかったからなんです
She looks like she just came out of the painting. 本当、絵から抜け出したみたい
Have we meet somewhere before? どこかでお会いしました…?
I had absolutely no idea... that you're Master Painter Gamou's daughter あたし全然知らなかったわ。 さくらさんがガモウ画伯の娘さんだったなんて
Heh, it's not confirmed that you're the real daughter. ふん、あんたが本当の娘と決まったわけじゃないさ
I also have doubts about Sakura-san. To think my uncle, who didn't even get married, would have a daughter... This is the first time I've heard it. 僕もさくらさんのことは疑問に思ってますよ。 結婚もしてないガモウおじさんに娘がいたなんて、 初耳ですしね
Amazing! The garden, itself, looks as if it's of its own world. すごい。庭の中が一つの世界みたい
Even though it's called "atelier," ever since he stopped drawing new paintings, it's been turned into a gallery that displays paintings... アトリエと言っても、新しい絵を描かなくなった頃から ギャラリーのようにして、絵を画商に見せていらっしゃいまして
The Master doesn't like rides or small spaces... He doesn't even get on planes or ships. As for riding cars, this special limousine is the only exception. 御主人様は、乗り物と狭いところがお嫌いで、 飛行機はもちろん、船にもお乗りにならないんです。 車も乗れるのは、この特性のリムジンだけでして
To get to the Lavender house, you have to go around in order to cross the bridge. It takes about 10 minutes on foot. ラベンダー荘に行くには ぐるっと回って、橋を渡らなきゃならないの。 歩くと、10分ぐらいかかっちゃうのよ
He's like that whenever he comes here. It seems he doesn't like the smell of lavender. ここに来るといつもそうなの。 ラベンダーの香が苦手らしくて
After all, to begin by asking some high-schooler who's playing detective to help with the investigation... something's wrong with you. だいたい高校生の探偵気取りに、 捜査協力を依頼するところからして、 どうかしてますよ
To enter the atelier where the guards are watching over the entrance, the culprit has to go across the lavender field and slip through the backdoor. 警官が玄関を見張っているあのアトリエに入るには、 犯人はラベンダー畑を通って、裏口から入らなくちゃならない
So the culprit would have smell of lavender on him. だから犯人には、ラベンダーの香が染み付いていたはずだ
Truly, it was I who stole the painting. But that's...! I was upset that she would take over all of uncle's paintings! 確かに絵を盗んだのは僕だ。でもそれは… その女におじさんの絵を全部持っていかれるのが、悔しくて
Trouble! The stolen painting has returned to its original place...! 大変です!盗まれた絵が元の場所に!
"That was some low-level comedy! Next time, the real me will appear to take the painting. Don't let your guard down even in dreams." とんだ茶番劇だった。 次回は本物が絵をいただきに参上する。 努々ご油断なさらぬよう
I'm not going to let you steal even one painting! ここにある絵は、1枚だってお前に盗ませはしないぜ
Which painting do you think the Kaitou Gentleman will go for next time? 次に怪盗紳士が狙うのは、どの絵だと思う?
Well, it has to be this painting. "My Beloved Daughter's Portrait." Southern Cross as the background, a girl with a tender smile and long hair. そりゃあ、この絵に決まってるさ。 我が愛する娘の肖像。 南十字星をバックに微笑む、長い髪の少女
There's something in this painting that surpasses just regular beauty. この絵には、単なる美を通り越した何かがある
This painting is worth 200 million, no, even 500 million-yen is more like it. この絵なら2億、いや 5億出しても惜しくない
No it's not possible for this painting to be targeted. The Kaitou Gentleman stole this painting once, then returned it. いえ、この絵が狙われることはありませんよ。 怪盗紳士は、この絵を一度盗んで返して来てるんですから
"I've added this to my collection, but it was such a great piece, so I thought this deserves the distinction that it does, and I decided to exhibit in this Concours." 一度は我がコレクションに加えたが、 あまりの素晴らしさ故、 この絵にふさわしい名誉を与えたいと考え、 コンクールに出品する
In the press conference, Master Painter Gamou, confessed that he drew this painting upon the imagination that his long lost daughter who would have turned up by now. 記者会見で、ガモウ画伯は、 昔生き別れた幼い娘の 今の姿を想像して、 この絵を描いたと告白したの
When I was born, my father wasn't a well established painter yet, so he couldn't even marry. 私が生まれたころ、父はまだ売れない画家で、 結婚もしていなかったんですって
That's because... this bruise. He acknowledged me as his daughter after seeing this bruise that looks just like the painting. それはね…このアザ。 絵と同じこのアザを見るなり、 私を娘と認めてくれたの
It would look better if you were a bit skirinier. And change the glasses to contact lenses. 少し痩せた方が良いな。 それと眼鏡をコンタクトに変えなさい
As expected from 'Virtuoso of Paintings', Master Painter Gamou. To draw such a painting based on imagination with such resemblance! さすが巨匠と言われるガモウ画伯ね。 想像で、ここまでそっくりに描けるなんて
But you can think of it this way, the return of this painting was a trap to find the motif, Sakura-san. だがこうは、考えられないだろうか。 絵を返したのはこの絵のモチーフ、つまり桜さんを探すための罠だったとしたら
By releasing the painting to the public, the daughter was found, then the culprit may try to steal the motif along with the painting. 作品を世間に探すことで娘を探し出し、 改めて絵とともに、モチーフの娘をも奪い去る
It's not decided that this painting would be stolen! あの絵がまだ盗まれたってわけじゃないだろう!
How did the culprit get through that security...? あの警備の中をどうやって…
It seems she doesn't have external injuries. 外傷はないそうだ
But that guy shouldn't have taken that painting out of this place completely. だけど、まだヤツはあの絵を完全に盗み出していないはずだ
If the glass shards have flown into the room, then... the Culprit should've entered from the outside by breaking this glass, right? だけど、ガラスの破片が内側に飛び散ってるってことは、 奴は外からこのガラスを割って侵入したんだろう?
If the culprit broke the glass to unlock the window from the outside, it's natural to break the glass right next to the lock rather than the middle one. 犯人が、外から鍵を開けるためにガラスを割るとしたら、 真ん中より、鍵のすぐ脇を割るのが普通じゃないか
This side of the window is installed permanently and won't move. This is the evidence that the culprit is someone from the inside. こっち側の窓は、嵌め殺しで開かないだろ? これこそが、犯人が内部にいる証拠だ
Basically, the cuprit broke this glass by opening the window a little, like this. So the culprit couldn't break the glass which overlaps with that side of the window. つまり犯人は、こうして開く側の窓から身を乗り出してガラスを割った。 それでこっちのガラスが重なってしまう鍵の近くは、割れなかった
Then the Kaitou Gentleman is hiding somewhere even now? じゃあ、怪盗紳士は今もどこかに潜んでいるの?
You can't decisively say it as "hiding." There's a possibility that the Kaitou Gentleman mixed in with the invited guests for the party. 潜んでいるとは限らないぜ。 パーティーの出席者の中に、 怪盗紳士が紛れ込んでいる可能性もある
As I was sleeping in the room, I heard a noise, when I opened my eyes, I saw a big guy standing in the dark. Then I was forced to smell something and lost consciousness right after... 部屋で寝てたら物音がして、目が覚めたら、 暗闇に大きな男が立っていたんです。 その後すぐ、何か嗅がされて意識が…
Anyhow, such a painting with incredible worth got stolen. しかし、惜しい絵を盗まれたもんですな…
As long as my daughter's alive, that's enough. I can just draw the painting again. 娘がこうして生きていれば十分だ。 絵なんてまた描けばいい
Yes, I've heard that Kaitsu-sensei modeled for the painting some time ago. The Master cannot draw anything he has not seen, and he doesn't like rides, so he didn't go outside much. ええ、海津先生がモデルをなさってたって話は聞いたことがあります。 なにせ、御主人様は目で見たものしかお描きにならない上に、 乗り物嫌いで、めったに外へお出にならないので
It seems there hasn't been any painting drawn outside of the mansion for five years. 5年前から屋敷の外で描かれた絵は、 1枚もないそうです
In such a case, that was the only thing I could do. あの場合、ああ言うしかないだろう
No, if the disturbance goes down because of just one painting, it'll be cheap enough. If the police keeps probing around, we can't be sure that it might get exposed. いや、絵1枚で騒ぎが収まれば安いもんだ。 これ以上警察に居座られても、 いつ例のことがバレんとも限らん
At this rate, I'd be discarded. I'm not going to hand him over to anyone. I finally made him mine by dirtying my own hands. このままじゃ、あたしはお払い箱。 誰にも渡さないわ。自分の手まで汚して、 やっとあたしのものにしたんだもの
Gamou's paintings contain a lot of people. If the person's killed when a painting is stolen, how many more people would be killed...? ガモウ作品には、人物画も多いんだ。 盗まれる度に人が殺されたら、 この先、何人犠牲者が出るか…
Painter Kira, who drinks all the time, also has a considerable amount of debt, And the magazine journalist Daigo Maki, doesn't have anyone to rely on, so it seems her life isn't at a really comfortable level. 飲んだくれ画家の吉良も 借金がかさんでるようだし、 雑誌記者の大吾マキも、頼る身内もいないせいか、 生活は楽じゃなさそうだ
The painting merchant Hazawa is known for doing anything dirty to get a painting in his hands. 画商のハザワは絵を手に入れるためなら、 どんな汚いこともやると評判の男だし
And the butler, Komiyama, also had an unstable past, having no address and no phone number for about 10 years before he was hired here a year ago. 執事の小宮山は1年前にこの屋敷に雇われるまで、10年以上も 住所不定の状態が続いていた
You don't understand anythiny, boy. In this country, unless you've got some connections, you can't succeed. 何もわかっとらんな坊主。この業界はな、 コネがなきゃ成功なんて無理なのさ
It was 15 years ago. He stole my motif and won the Concours, and magnificently had his debut in society. 15年前のことだ。 ガモウはオレのモチーフを盗用して、コンクールに入賞し、 画壇に華々しくデビューしやがった
But he soon hit a dead end. He didn't have much skill to begin with. I thought it'd be just a matter of time until he was crushed. だが奴はすぐに行き詰まった。 もともとたいした実力もなかったんだ。 潰れるのも時間の問題と思ったさ
Someone as rotten as Gamou couldn't draw something so incredible! I'm sure those paintings were probably drawn by someone else! ガモウみたいな腐った野郎に、 あんなすばらしい絵が描けるもんか。 きっとあの絵は他の誰かが…
I'll stop here, it's going to make me sober up. よそう…酔いが覚めちまう
Unless you use your brain, stealing will get you no where. Then, why don't I teach you a few tricks? 知恵を使わなきゃ 盗みは成功しませんよ。 なんなら俺がご教示しましょうか
No way, to think Satomi would be murdered... まさか、サトミが殺されるとはな…
I thought so, I couldn't sleep much. やっぱあんま眠れなかったな、もう
Help me, I'm gonna be killed! I'll be killed by the Kaitou Gentleman! 助けてくれ、殺される! 怪盗紳士に殺される!
After selling the paintings, we hung the reproduced pieces. But that's strange, we haven't sold 'Lavender' yet. Why did Wakuta-sama have this reproduced piece... 絵を売った後は、複製画を代わりに飾っていたのですが… でも妙ですね、ラベンダーはまだ売ってなかったはず。 なぜ、ワクタ様がこの複製画を…
Like I said, they sere stolen by him. I only had them to deal for the real ones here. だから彼に盗まれたんですよ。 私は、本物と照合するつもりで持っていただけだ
I don't have anything that I wanna be asked though! いや、ぼくには聞きたいことは何もないんですけど…
I was almost framed as a thief. 危うく泥棒にされるところだったな
If you can resolve any suspicion on me, then I'd do anyting! ああ、疑いが晴れるんなら何でも…
Everything comes down to tonight. Tonight, the culprit will definitely show up! すべては今夜だ。 今夜奴は必ず姿を現す
Would you at least allow me to have the reproduced pieces? Even if they're reproduced pieces, since Uncle hung them up for a while, It might be worth some money at least. 複製画だけでも、持ち帰らせてもらえませんか。 複製画と言っても、おじさんが飾るだけあって、 それなりの金にはなるでしょうからね
If Sakura-san didn't turn up, I was supposed to inherit all the real paintings! さくらさえいなけりゃ、 本当は本物の絵を、俺が相続するはずだったんだ!
You can take the reproduced pieces. 複製画はお持ちください
To think she disguised herself as a person who really exists... It was obvious that we wouldn't have known even through identity check-ups. 実在の人物に変装していたとは… 身元を洗ってもわからなかったはずだ
I don't do such ugly things as murder. If you doubt me, take a good look at my message card. I put some indication so that you can identify mine from the fake ones. 人殺しなんて無粋な真似はしないわ。 疑うんなら、メッセージカードをよく調べてみるといいわ。 あたしと偽物の違いがわかるよう、 ちょっとした仕掛けをしておいたの
If what the Kaitou Gentleman said was true, then it also resolves the sense of incongruity I felt. 怪盗紳士の言ってたことが本当だとすると、 オレが感じてた違和感も解消するしな
The Kaitou Gentleman's cruelty that never happened before. And the hatred to the point to commit murder. 怪盗紳士の、これまでにない残虐性。 人殺しにまでエスカレートしている
And thinking about the wet floor, it seems the painting was stolen after murdering Kaizu. Kaitou Gentleman, whose first intention was to steal the painting... それにあの時、床が濡れていたことを考えると、 海図を殺した後、絵を盗んだようだ。 名画を盗むことが第一の目的であるはずの、怪盗紳士がね…
Gamou had his eyes blinded by gum-tape. There was some tape residue left. It seems he was killed while blind-folded. ガモウは目をガムテープで塞がれていたらしい。 粘着剤が付着していた。 目隠しされて、殺されたようだな
Even if it's been only one month since I've transferred out of Fudoh High school. A lot of things happened, it almost makes me feel like a few decades passed. 不動高校を転校して1カ月なのに、 いろんなことがありすぎて、もう何十年立ったみたい
It's totally possible to return as Sakura right now, you'll be popular. 戻って来りゃいいじゃん、また。 今のさくらならモテルぞ
The Southern Cross can only be seen from the southern hemisphere! There's no way it'd be seen from this forest in Aomori! 南十字星は南半球で見る星だ! 青森県の山奥で見えるわけないだろう!
Ah, you were stalking Sakura, trying to get something again! あんたまた何かもらおうと思って、 さくらを付け回してたな!
Ah, now that you mention it, there's just one place you can see the Southern Cross in Japan, too... ああそういえば、 日本でも南十字星を見られるところが、1カ所あるな
Well, even stuff like this can be dealt for high prices. There are times that I'd have to cross dangerous bridges. But you probably wouldn't understand. ま、こんなもんでも信じられないくらいの値がついて、取引される世界なんでね。 危ない橋でも渡ってないとやってられないのさ。 お前には、わからんだろうがな
I'll reveal everything now. The truth behind Kaitou Gentleman's Murder Case. これから、すべてを明らかにするんですよ。 この怪盗紳士殺人事件の真相をね
However, I've switched the real one with a reproduced piece, so it's safe. 最も、この絵はオレが複製画と取り替えておいたから、 本物は無事だったけどね
It's a trick to make it look like Kaitou Gentleman stole the motif along with the painting. By stealing those two paintings, Kaitou Gentleman became the suspect for Gamou's and Kaizu's murder. 盗んだ絵のモチーフをも奪い去るという、 怪盗紳士の仕業に見せるためのトリック。 二人の絵を盗むことで、 ガモウ、海図殺害の罪を、怪盗紳士になすりつけるためだったんだ
But before that, something unexpected happened. The real Kaitou Gentleman stole this painting. ところがその計画の前に、一つ予想外のことが起こってしまった。 本物の怪盗紳士が、この絵を盗んでしまったのさ
The fake Kaitou Gentleman was extremely startled. This happened before the plan, but if nothing happened to Sakura, the stolen painting's model, and only Kaizu and Gamou were murdered, then it would be strange to everyone. ニセの怪盗紳士は焦ったはずだ。自分の犯行前に 盗まれた絵のモデルであるさくらの身に何も起きずに、 海図とガモウだけ殺すのは、 誰の目にも不自然だから
So the culprit hurriedly attacked Sakura and showed off the brutal act of cutting her hair, making others think of the murders that would occur next. This tricked us into thinking that the Kaitou Gentleman's cruelty escalated to another level. そこで、奴は急きょさくらを襲って、 髪を切るという惨い行為を見せつけることで、 その後の殺人に繋ぐことを思いつき、 怪盗紳士の残虐性が、エスカレートしたと 思わせるその心理トリックは成功した
First, the culprit used the Kaitou Gentleman's name to send 'My Beloved Daughter's Portrait'... To the Concours for public attention. As a result, Master Painter Gamou Gouzou was forced to announce that he has a missing daughter. まず犯人は、この我が愛する娘の肖像を、怪盗紳士の名を語って、 コンクールに送りつけ、世間の注目を集めさせた。 その結果、ガモウ剛三は自分に行方知れずの娘がいると 発表する羽目になった
Master Painter Gamou hates rides and won't go on planes or ships, but in this painting... why is the Southern Cross constellation painted? 乗り物嫌いで、飛行機も船にも乗らないガモウ画伯の絵に、 なぜこの南十字星が描かれているのか?
But that's because the painting is done based on the imagination of grown-up Sakura-sama... So the background could've been drawn based on a photograph or... しかし、この絵は成長したさくらお嬢さまを、想像で描いたものですから、 背景は写真を見て描いたとか…
The painter made a pond, a waterfall, and even a garden for this, It's hard to imagine that he'd use photographs for his precious daughter's painting. 絵を描くためだけに、池や滝や畑まで作るような画家が、 大事な自分の娘の背景に写真など使うと思えない
He lost his memory, didn't understand any language, and was in a terrible condition to the point that he couldn't even speak. But he started on one oil painting. その男は記憶を失い、言葉も理解できず、 口もきけないほどの酷い病状だったが、 1枚の油絵を書き上げた
Gamou was at a dead end as a painter and set his eyes on the unknown but skilled painter, and made him paint for him instead. 画家として行き詰まっていたガモウは、 才能ある無名画家のその男に目をつけ、 自分に代わって絵を描かせていたんだ
Just as I suspected! That kind of guy couldn't make this kind of painting. He's that kind of guy! オレの睨んだ通りだ。 あいつにこんな絵が描けるはずがない。 ガモウはそういう男なんだよ
The paintings of the ghost painter sold for high prices. Feeling elated, Gamou bought this mansion, confined that painter, and made him create more and more paintings, acquiring millions in wealth and fame. そのゴーストに描かせた絵が高い値で売れ出し、 調子に乗ったガモウはこの屋敷を手に入れ、 その画家を監禁して、さらに多くの絵を描かせ、 巨万の富と名声を得た
Exploiting him as much as he could, then dumping him to the hospital when it got dangerous. That's exactly something that guy would do. 利用するだけ利用して やばくなったら病院送り。 あの男がやりそうなことだぜ
That's because this painting wasn't made based on imagination, but painted by looking at Sakura with the bruise in reality! At Hateruma lsland, the only place in Japan that the Southern Cross constellation can be seen. それは、この絵が想像で描かれたものじゃなく、 アザのある今のさくらを実際に見て描いたものだってことだよ。 日本で唯一、 南十字星が見える波照間島でね
Kindaichi-san, that's too much. To think Ojou-sama would kill the master! 金田一さん、酷過ぎます。 お嬢さまがご主人様を殺すなんて!
Ojou-sama appeared a minute after the phone was disconnected. How could she kill the master who was in the Lavender house? あの電話が切れて1分もしないうちに現れたお嬢さまにどうやって、 ラベンダー荘にいた、ご主人様が殺せるんです?
From the main building to the Lavender house across the stream, It takes at least five minutes if you hurry. It's impossible. この本館から川の向こうのラベンダー荘までは、 どんなに急いでも5分はかかる。不可能だよ
If possible, I wanted to leave it as a mystery. Then Sakura could have lived without being accused of murder. できれば、謎のままであって欲しかったさ。 そうすればさくらのことを、殺人犯などと呼ばずに済んだんだ
The limousine that we rode on the way to Lavender house, the corpse was hidden in the trunk. Without knowing it, we were used to carry the corpse over. 俺達がラベンダー荘へ向かうとき、本館から乗った、 あの大型リムジンのトランクの中に、死体が入っていたんだ。 俺達は知らない間に、死体の運搬を手伝わされたってわけさ
In the middle of the night, Sakura knocked Gamou out, dressed him in the same clothes as the self-portrait, covered his eyes, then hid him in the limousine's trunk in the garage. 夜中のうちにガモウを気絶させた彼女は、 ガモウの自画像と同じ服を着せ、テープで目を塞ぎ、 ガレージのリムジンのトランクに放り込んだ
Then she went to Lavender house to make a mess as if there was a rough fight, then stole the painting to make it look like Kaitou Gentleman's doing. その後、ラベンダー荘へ行き、あたかもそこで争いがあったかのように部屋を荒らし、 怪盗紳士の犯行に見せかけるために、絵を盗んだ
Perhaps Sakura hurriedly cleaned up the trunk after killing Gamou. But the smell that humans can't notice, Poirot noticed it. When I realized it, all the scattered, questionable points linked up. おそらくガモウ殺害後、さくらは急いでトランクの中を片づけたはずだ。 しかし、人間にはわからない、そのかすかな臭いをポアロの嗅覚は感じ取ったんだ。 それに気づいたとき、バラバラだった数々の疑問が1本の糸で繋がった
His favorite flower was lavender, so he would often make paintings of a fully blossomed lavender field during the summer. ラベンダーは、父のいちばん好きな花で、 夏には一面咲きほこるラベンダー畑の中で、絵を描いていた
Sensei made me an atelier! If I do my best, he'll help me debut as a painter! 先生がお父さんにアトリエを作ってくれてね。 頑張れば画家としてデビューさせてくれるんだ
His voice was excited. But it couldn't be helped, It was his first chance. If all this was prepared for one, anyone would believe their dream would come true. 父の声は弾んでいた。無理もないわ、 初めて掴んだチャンスだもの。 こんな庭を自分のために用意されたら、 誰だって夢が叶うって信じるわよ
He didn't know his own name, nor understood any language. In his condition, Father didn't recognize me either. 自分の名前も、言葉すらわからない状態の父は、 私のこともわからなかった
I wanted Father to remember even a little bit of the past, so I put my hair down, took off my glasses, and even wore a white one piece dress that father liked, but father's body only remembered how to paint. 私は、父に少しでも昔のことを思い出してもらいたくて、 昔の自分に近づこうと髪を解き、眼鏡を外し、 父の好きだった白いワンピース姿になってみたけれど 父の体は、絵を描くことしか覚えていなかった
Coming back to Tokyo after the funeral, I was almost out of it. With no hope for life and wandering around town, I found this painting displayed at a gallery. そして葬儀を済ませて、東京に戻った私は、 抜け殻のようだった。 生きる希望もなく、街をフラフラしていたとき、 画廊に飾られているこの絵を見つけてしまったのよ
When I understood everything, I swore to myself! Those who not only took my father's paintings, but also his life... I'd definitely punish them with my hands! すべてが分かった時、私は誓ったの。 父の絵ばかりか、命まで奪ったあいつらを 必ずこの手で裁いてやるって!
Why, why did you have to die... どうして、どうして死んじまうんだよ…
Like this, Izumi Sakura took her own life along with the tragic murder case... Like lavender which fades away in only two weeks... Fugaciously. こうして、泉さくらは悲しい殺意とともに、 自らの命を絶った。 わずか2週間で散っていく、ラベンダーの花のように…儚く
Kindaichi-kun, thank you for removing the suspicion off me. I'll return the fake one. 金田一君、私の容疑を晴らしてくれてありがとう。 その偽物はお返しするわ
I'll admit my defeat this time, but it won't go that way next time. 今回は私の負けを認めてあげるけど、 次はそうは行かないわよ
Arrg, this doesn't come off... I'll definitely catch you someday! くそ、ベルトが外れない… いつか必ずとっ捕まえてやるからなぁ!
Thanks to naming rights... you can only name baseball stadiums... fields, and concert halls... if you've got the cash. ネーミングライツと言って、 球場や競技場、コンサートホールなどに名前をつけるのにも、 お金がいるんです
Eventually... mountains and rivers will be named after corporations and products. いずれ、山や川にも企業や商品の名前がついたりするんです
Even Mt. Fuji will one day become Mt. Shonen Magazine. 富士山だってそのうちに、少年マガジン山とかになりかねない!
If I'm allowed to call you Pink Supervisor... I'll pay 50 yen. 私、桃色係長と呼ぶためなら、50円くらい払います
It always comes down to money, money, money. Even girls in high school try to solve everything with money. 何でも金、金、金… 女学生まで金で物事を解決しようとする
I'm in despair! This money-grubbing world has left me in despair! 絶望した!金汚い世の中に絶望した!
Like I just said... Nobody would ever try to die on such a beautiful day. さっきも言ったとおり、 こんな素敵な日に死のうなんて人、いるわけないじゃないですか
My father... often tried to make himself taller. あたしのお父さんも、よく身長を伸ばそうとしていました
Whenever times were hard... my father would try to make himself taller. 辛いことがあると、 お父さんはいつも身長を伸ばそうとしていました
When he was restructured... When the debt collectors came calling... When the company went out of business... he tried to make himself taller. リストラされたときも、 借金で首が回らなくなった時も、 会社が潰れたときも、 お父さんは身長を伸ばそうとしていました
And my mother also tried to make herself taller that one time. You wouldn't know. I'm referring to when... お母さんもあの時ばかりは、身長を伸ばそうとしていました。 わからないですよね。あの時と言うのは…
So what? From your perspective... the forests of Fuji are a hot spot for making yourself taller? じゃあ何ですか…君の見解では、 富士の樹海は身長伸ばしスポットですか?
Pink Supervisor. But you're not even that short. 桃色係長、でも全然身長低くないじゃないですか
I was really trying to die! And I won't accept the name Pink Supervisor! I will never accept it! 私は、本当に死のうとしていたんです! そして、桃色係長なんていう呼び名は認めません! 認めません、断じて!
Money isn't the issue here. I'm saying that you've got it totally wrong. お金の問題ではありません。 根本的に違うと言っているのです
But the number of strokes in my name... It couldn't be any worse. でも字画がなぁ… 字画が最悪なんだよ
Horrible luck with money.. No affinity for domestic fortune... Unlikely candidate for promotion... Everything I try to do in my twilight years will backfire... 金銭運に恵まれず、 家庭的に縁薄く、 出世しがたく、 晩年やることなすこと裏目裏目…
This will change the number of strokes in your name and your luck will improve. こうすれば字画が変わって、人生上り調子です
Since stroke number is a Japanese thing... writing your name horizontally would eliminate the problem. 字画なんて日本のものだから、 いっそ横書きにしちゃえば、関係ないですよ
Afterwards... Whenever we wrote his name horizontally.. we would leave enough space between. これからは、みんな先生の名前を横に書くときは、 十分に離して書くようになりました
A spa in the school would be quite novel... It doesn't sound like a bad idea... 学校が温泉と言うのは奇抜ですが、 悪くはないかと…
Honestly! I have no idea what you're talking about! Get a grip, Kafuka-san! あーもう、意味わかんない! ちゃんとしてよ、かふかさん!
Besides... If we turned the school into a spa... the humidity would ruin our textbooks. Glasses would get fogged up. Most importantly, you couldn't have class with everyone dizzy! だいたいね、学校が温泉だったら、 湿気で教科書がしおれちゃうし、 眼鏡は曇るし、なによりも のぼせて授業にならないでしょ!
And many other things would be ruined. Why... Just the thought is aggravating me! 他にもいろんなことがぐずぐずになって あーダメ…考えただけでイライラしてきちゃう!
You don't have to be so perfect about everything. そんな何でもキッチリしなくてもいいんだってば
I am a person who has no reason to live. I have spent the majority of my life in shame. 私なんて、生きていてもしょうがない人間なんです。 恥の多い生涯を送ってきました
This office is supposed to be for counseling students... And this is a little heavy for me so early in the morning... ここは基本的に、生徒たちの相談室なので… しかも朝っぱらからなんて重たい
My soul has been corrupted. I am no longer able to watch sacred sporting events. 私の心が汚れているから、 神聖なるスポーツも、まっすぐ見られないんです
I believe that the design represents an E with wings... あれは、Eに羽が生えたデザインだと思いますが…
My soul... My eyes have been corrupted... so even the wings of an angel look like filthy hair to me! 私の心が、私の目が汚れているから、 天使の羽さえも、薄汚い毛に見えてしまうんです!
If he had a thick head of real hair... there wouldn't be anything wrong with wearing fake hair. However, when your only hair is a logo on a baseball cap... もさもさとした本当の毛なら、 作り物でも許せないことはない。 しかし毛とは名ばかりの野球帽では…
Good morning. They had to stop the central line again this morning. おはようございます。今朝も中央線が止まりましたね
You're going to accept it? The name Pink Supervisor. You're okay with it? 受け止めるつもりですか? 桃色係長です、 いいんですか?
You can't go back once you've give up. You'll spend your life being ordered around. あきらめたら終わりですよ。 いいなり人生になりますよ
There's no such thing as free will in this world. 自由な人生なんてありませんよ、所詮
I can't believe that a teacher would say that. とても教師の言う言葉とは思えない
You will soon learn the truth. Okay. Who didn't get a handout? 今にわかります。 はいっ、プリントいってない人
Couldn't you just pretend that he's not a teacher? 教師だと思わなければいいんじゃない?
I'll do that from now on. 以後そうする
We just have to list our first three hopes, right... Pink Supervisor? 第1希望から、第3希望まで書けばいいんでしょ、桃色係長?
There is no hope in this world! There is only despair! You may only cling to hope until middle school. Now that you're in high school... you must learn your own limits. 世の中に希望なんてない!あるのは絶望だけです! 希望を抱いていのは中学生までです。 高校生にもなったら、そろそろ自分の限界を知らないといけません
Instead of asking you to list your hopes for the future... we will conduct a survey of your despairs for the future! 進路希望の代わりに、 進路絶望調査を行います!
What exactly are we supposed to write? どうやって書けばいいんですか?
Write the three most hopeless possibilities you see in your future. 将来絶望的だと思える進路を、三つ書いてくれればいいんです
Mmm.. I could get addicted to this... ふふ、クセになっちゃう…
There is. Far more than you would find... in a survey of your hopes. あります。希望調査なんかより、 ずっと意味があります
This will be the quickest way for you to understand what I meant. 私が先ほど言ったことを理解してもらうには、 一番手っ取り早い方法です
You will soon know... how hollow hope is... and how real despair is. 希望どれほどアナクロで、 絶望がどれほどリアルか、 知ってください
So you believe you can get into Tokyo U? じゃあ君は東大に行けるんですか?
Well... I guess it's pretty hopeless... いや、それは確かに絶望的、ですけど…
You can get into all of these places if you have the money... but your way of thinking is hopeless... so it's acceptable! お金さえあれば入れるところばかりだが、 考え方自体が絶望的なので、良しとしましょう
As time has shown... hope exists only in name. Its actual meaning is despair. And that is... the true face of the world we live in! ことほどさように、希望とは名ばかり。 その実体は絶望なのです。 そしてそれこそが、世の中というものなんです
Nothing in this world is hopeless! If you work hard... your hopes will surely come true! 世の中に絶望的なことなんてありません。 努力すれば、希望は必ず叶います
In that case... you're saying that nothing would be hopeless for you? それじゃ、君には、将来絶望的なものはないと言うのですか?
There are still a few things I have no hope of becoming. さすがに私にも、なるの絶望的なものありますよ
They have such splendid dreams. Though they're a bit unrealistic... but young people are better off this way. 実に夢がある。 少々非現実的だが 若者は、これくらいの方がいい
Just... There's one student that concerns me... Is she okay? It would be a good idea to keep a careful eye on her. ただ、一人だけちょっと気になった生徒が… その子は…大丈夫なんですか? 注意して見守ってあげた方が、いいですね
Morning. The refreshing breeze and soft sunlight... tell me something wonderful will happen. I wonder what will happen today. 朝。気持ちのいい風とさわやかな日差しは、 素敵なことの起きる予感。 今日はどんな出来事が待ってるのかしら
Actually... my entire savings will soon be withdrawn! By a counterfeit card! 実はですね…私の預金が全額、引き出されてしまうのです。 偽造カードで!
When you slide the wallet with your card over on automated turnstile... it responds, right? Which means... the other cards in the wallet are undoubtedly skimmed! 自動改札機って、サイフごとカードをかざすと、 反応するじゃないですか。ということは… サイフに入ってる他のカード類も、 スキミングされているに違いないのです!
I'm sure... some criminal organization has already placed a skimming device inside the turnstile! きっとすでに犯罪集団の手により、 自動改札機の中は、スキミングの機械が仕掛けられているんです!
Because... if I were an evil villain... I would place one there! だって私が悪しき考えの持ち主だったら あそこに仕掛けますよ!
After all... you'll be able to obtain the information for tens, hundreds of thousands of credit cards every day! 労せずして、毎日何万何十万というキャッシュカードの個人データが 手に入るんですから!
There's no need to worry. That can't possibly happen. 心配しなくても、 そんなことありえませんから
You should stop jumping to the worst possible conclusion... in every situation. 何でもかんでも 最悪の事態に考えるのは、やめたほうがいいですよ
It's been my nature since I was born. Telling me to stop would require... That's it. I should just end my life. 生まれ着いての性分ですから、 やめろといわれましても…そうだ。 やはり、生きるのをやめればいいんですね
Moving on... You have a hikikomori in your class. She hasn't come to school since her first year. Could you visit her home... and check on her? そんなことより、先生のクラスに引きこもりの生徒がいるようなんですけど。 一年の時からずっと学校に来ていませんね。 家庭訪問して、様子を見てきていただけませんか?
I can barely handle my own issues right now. I don't have the time to concern myself with other students. 私はいま、自分のことで手いっぱいなんです。 とても生徒の心配をしてる余裕なんて、ないんですよ
I'm sorry you had to come all this way. すみません、わざわざ起こしいただいて…
Under these circumstances... it will be difficult to get her to come to school. この分じゃ、 簡単に登校してくれそうにありませんね…
Was that supposed to be a joke? How could a hikikomori, something I've only seen on TV or in the newspaper... exist so close to me? 何をおとぼけ言ってるんですか? そんなテレビや新聞でしか見たことのない引きこもりが、 私の身近にいるわけないじゃないですか!
A zashiki warashi is a demon that resides in your living room and plays practical jokes. A wonderful spirit that protects your home. 座敷わらしは家の奥座敷に住み着いて、 いたずらをする妖怪です。 家を栄えさせてくれる、ありがたい精霊なんですよ
That's why we can't let her get outside! Or else their home will be ruined! だから、むしろ外に出しちゃダメ! 家が滅びるから
Her positive way of thinking is as horrifying as ever... If that's truly the case... it would be better to leave her here instead of forcing her to go to school, right? 相変わらず恐るべきポジティブな考え方ですが、 本当にそうならムリをしてまで登校させるより、 このままにしておいた方がいい、ということですか
We absolutely cannot allow her to come out! Your family will become poor! 絶対に外に出してはダメです! 家がまずしくなりますよ!
As expected from a fiend of the zashiki warashi variety... A physical barricade alone is not enough. さすが座敷わらしも妖怪のはしくれ。 物理的なバリケードだけでは防ぎきれない
I put up a spiritual barrier. It's your favorite toy. I'll let you have it if you don't go outside. 結界を張らせてもらったわ。 あなたの大好きなおもちゃよ。 これ上げるから外に出ちゃダメよ
You won't be lonely with all these other friends here. 他にもお友達がいっぱいいるからさみしくないわ
You're beautiful. With fair skin. Komori-san, If you ever want to die... let me know first. 美人だ。しかも色白。 こもりさん、死にたくなったら、 まず先生に言いなさい
I'll add you to my travel partner list. 旅立ちリストに入れておこう
Very impressive, Mr. Itoshiki. Your guidance is superb for someone so young. What a relief. さすがは糸色先生、 お若いのに立派な指導をなさる。 よかった
I'm hopeless when I fall in love. I'm going to see you now. 私、恋するとダメなんです。 今、会いに行きます
She keeps following her ex-boyfriend around. She secretly made a duplicate key and snuck into his house. The police finally got involved. 別れた男にしつこく付きまとい、 勝手に合鍵を作って進入して、 とうとう警察沙汰になってしまったんです
What is wrong with the students in my class? I should be the only troublemaker in the class. なんですか、うちのクラスの生徒さんは。 やっかいなのは私一人で十分です
Some girls are like this. Their personality changes according to their boyfriend. いますよね、こういう娘。 付き合う男によって、キャラの変わる
Once I've fallen in love... I can't help but think about him all day long. 好きになると その人のことが、一日中気になって仕方ないんです
Her actions up to this point... would make her a criminal. ここまで行き過ぎた行動は、立派な犯罪ですよ
Come on... She's only acting out of pure love! She shows her intense love in a direct way. It's a case of deep love. いやだなぁ、彼女はただの、純愛ですよ。 まっすぐで一途な分だけ、愛が強いんです。 ちょっとしたディープラブですよ
I'm not a stalker! My love just happens to be a little more intense! 私、ストーカーなんかじゃないんです。 人より、少し愛が濃いだけなんです!
Red lead, sleeping pills, and a will. Along with other items. This is my travel kit that I always carry on me. 練炭に睡眠薬に遺書、その他もろもろ。 私が常日頃持ち歩いてる、旅立ちパックです
If you'd like... I'll die with you whenever you want. 先生でよかったら、 いつでも一緒に死んであげますよ
I've been hiding this fact... but I'm actually terminally ill! I'll have to leave early today. Just study on your own! 今まで隠してきましたが、実は先生、危篤状態なのです! これで早退しますので、 みなさんは自習してください!
Could this be... what they call deep love!? Her love is too heavy! まさか、これがディープラブ… 愛が重い!
Oh, Matoi-chan. So you fell in love with someone new? あらまといちゃん、新しい好きな人できたのね?
I don't feel too well... so I'll rest for a bit. 気分が優れないので、ちょっと休ませてもらえますか…
It doesn't make sense! After all that pestering by Matoi... now I haven't heard a thing since! おかしい、あんだけしつこかったまといから、 一切連絡がなくなった…
The gurl who asked if one should watch fireworks from below or above... ended up watching the fireworks from a helicopter. 打ち上げ花火を下から見るか、上から見るかと言っていた少女は今、 ヘリコプターの上から花火を見ていました
Could you please return to your seat... Tsunetsuki-san? 席へ戻ってもらえませんか、常月さん
Please don't mind me. You'll soon grow used to it. 気にしないでください。 すぐ慣れますから
I'd really rather not. あまり慣れたくないですねぇ…
I didn't choose to get sidetracked. 好きで遊んでるわけではありません
You just have to ignore them. 相手にしなければいいんです
I would do that if I could... それで事が済むなら、そうしています
But Teacher... if our class's grades are bad... you'll lose your position, won't you? でも先生、クラスの成績が悪いと、 先生の立場がないんじゃないですか?
Okay, quiet down! Please quiet down! If you don't shut up... I'll introduce your mouth to my fist. はい静かに、静かにしてください! 黙らないと、口に握りこぶしを差し込みますよ
As a matter of fact, our school has classes in other countries... and they are known as overseas classes. 実はうちの学校は、日本以外の国々にもクラスがあって、 それを海外組と呼んでいるそうです
And a member of the overseas class has been assigned to our class! その海外組から一人、うちのクラスに編入が決まりました
In other words... even if you all score miserably... that person will simply raise the class average! つまり、皆さんがテストでそこそこの点数しか取れなかったとしても、 その人がさりげなく、クラスの点数を上げてくれるのです
Also... I doubt one exceptional student will be enough to raise the class average. それに、たった一人優秀な生徒が入ったからって、 そう簡単に平均が上がるとは思えないけど
When us the overseas class student going to be here? 海外組の人は、いつ来るんですか?
You won't fool me! I will not be fooled! 騙されない。 私は騙されません!
You're gonna scream, "Molester!" Just because I brushed your shoulder... and turn me over to the station attendant, right? ちょっと肩が触れただけで痴漢と叫んで、 駅員に突き出す気なんでしょう?
Like someone who completely believes information from the Internet... and applies it to the real world. まるでインターネットで読んだ知識を鵜呑みにして、 社会を決めてかかってる人みたい
Could it be that you've never been out of the country? 先生もしかして、外国へ行ったことないんですか?
The issue isn't whether I have or I haven't! I happen to be individually practicing isolation. 違います、あるとかないとかの問題ではなく 私は個人的に鎖国しているだけなんです
Not just isolation from foreign countries. My policy is isolation from all other people! In other words... this classroom could be considered Dejima! 外国に対してばかりではありません。 私は全ての人に、心の鎖国政策をとっています。 いわば、この教室は出島なのです
This is the only place where I'm willing to deal with you people. Please do not approach me... if you see me outside the classroom. 私はここでしか皆さんとは関わりません。 外で見かけても、声をかけないでください
I see! It was Dejima! My uncle would only communicate with the outer world through that place. So that was Dejima! そうか、出島だったんですね。私のおじさんも、 そこでしか外と関わらないんです。 あれは出島だったんですね
You would be mistaken. それは違います…
Our teacher would be strange by this country's standards. 先生は、この国でもおかしいんです
Now that I think about.. It isn't just the teacher... This country is filled with strange things! 帰ってきて思ったけど、 先生だけじゃなく、 この国は変なことだらけよ!
People are scared of sleeping with their pillow facing north. 北にマクラを置くのを怖がったり
They take off their shoes when they get in a car. 車に乗るとき、クツを脱いだり
Besides... these female uniforms are weird! That's what a sailor would wear! だいたい、女子の制服からしておかしい! それは水兵さんが着るものよ!
In my country... a male with something strawberry-print... is basically telling the whole world that he's a virgin! 私の国では、イチゴ模様の物を持ってる男子は、 童貞をカミングアウトしている証拠です!
How could I wear such a short skirt!? 私ったら、こんなに短いスカートで…
Her current personality would be the Japanese one... Kaede Kimura. 今出ている人格は日本人の、木村楓
As one who would be a perfect woman... I must love from the shadows. Follow three steps behind.. ヤマトナデシコたるもの、恋は忍ぶもの。 3歩下がって、後をついて参ります
I can't beat that woman by silently watching. This is as far as a perfect woman can go... つつましく見守っていては、あの女に勝てない。 ヤマトナデシコの限界…
No... This love will never work... ダメ…この恋はかなわない
I'm sure You'll look wonderful in a courtroom sketch. きっと似合いますよ、法廷画
Does it even matter? You could say that about most of the people in our class. いいんじゃないですか、 うちのクラスそんな人ばっかりですよ
How far have you gotten? どこまで進んでるの?
I'll uncover your identity. 正体を突きとめてやるわ
What? Are you going to her house? 何、あの子んちに行くの?
Illegal immigrants couldn't possibly exist. These people are.. returnees from Asia. 不法入国の人なんているわけないじゃない。 この人たちは、アジアからの帰国子女だよ
I even have a middle name. So... it's Tarou Maria Sekiutsu. ミドルネームもあるよ。 だから、せきうつマリア太郎
Yeah, I sold it to her, I sold everything I could. My uniform... My bookbag.. My student number... Even my pride! ああ売ったさ…売れるものは何でも売ったさ。 制服も、鞄も、出席番号も、プライドもな…
Then you would be the former Sekiutsu-san, right? じゃあ、元せきうつさんですね
If you sold your student number... you no longer belong to a class... which would make you classless, right? 出席番号を売ってしまったということは、現在は帰るクラスがない、 クラスレスの身なんですね
There is no problem if a proper exchange occurred. As long as it was properly done. きちんとした取引なら、問題ありません。 きちんとしていれば、それで良し
You shouldn't pick up all this trash. ダメじゃない、こんなにゴミ拾ってきちゃ
Japan is a land of abundance. All kinds of stuff gets thrown away. 日本すごく豊かね。 いろんなもの捨ててある
Somehow... When I look at her... I feel like I can't leave her alone. I feel like... I have to protect her! なんか、この子を見てると… 放っておけない気がする。 私が守ってあげないといけない気がするの
She's always covered with injuries and bruises. 彼女いつも怪我とかアザとか絶えないよね
It would be alarming if this were true. Mr. Itoshiki. Could you meet with Abiru-san's father? もし本当だとしたら由々しきことです。 糸色先生、あびるさんのお父さんに会ってきてくれませんか?
I don't have to waste time going to their home. 家までいく手間が省けました
If I ask him directly... I doubt he'll give me a straight answer. I should check for any suspicious behavior. ここで問いただしても、正直に答えるとは思えません。 何か怪しいところがないか、少し様子を見てみましょう
What are you going to use that frying pan for!? フライパンを何に使う気ですか!?
He's going to use the frying pan on his daughter!? フライパンで娘を…!
It appears that further observation will be necessary. どうやら、少し監視する必要がありそうですね
What a dangerous man. I'll put out notice... on the shopping district's emergency network. 実に危険な奴だ。商店街の緊急連絡網で、 通達を出しておきましょう
It can't be! He's a survivor of the special force, Desert Crushers!? They're the only ones capable of such a feat! まさか!あの特殊部隊、砂漠のねり消しの生き残りでは!? こんな芸当、奴らにしかできない!
A single member annihilated an entire platoon... armed with only a single volume of Orange Rood. たった一冊のオレンジロードの単行本を武器に、 一人で一個小隊を全滅させたという
I've made an incredible enemy! I'll make up a story to tell the school... so spare my life! 大変な相手を敵に回してしまった! 学校には適当にごまかしておきますので、 命だけは!
She can remain positive in such a situation. こんなときにまで、なんてポジティブな意見
So it wasn't DV... You were playing around with animals... and got injured. つまりDVではなくて、動物とじゃれていて 怪我だらけになったというんですね?
I really love animals! Technically, I should say that I love animal tails! 私、ほんとに動物が大好きで、 正確には動物のしっぽが大好きなの
I would like to read from Faithful Elephants today. A story about poisoning the potatoes fed to elephants... Poison that especially affects the tail and ears... 今日は、かわいそうな象を読みたいと思います。 象の餌のジャガイモに毒を、 特にしっぽと耳に効く、毒を入れるお話です
Meru-chan's an extremely poor talker. She's really bad at communicating with other people. めるちゃんは極度の口下手なんです。 他人とのコミュニケーションが、すごく苦手なんですよ
If you avoid unnecessary talking... you can avoid unnecessary trouble! There are precedents where an unnecessary statement led to disaster! 余計なことをしゃべらなければ、 余計なトラブルに巻き込まれません。 余計な一言で、大変なことになった例も少なくありません
If the people have no bread, then let them eat cake? After that statement.. the French Revolution began. 「パンがなければケーキを食べればいいじゃない」、 と言ったがために、フランス革命が起きたり
Even if it means talking to yourself... you should speak every once in a while. たまには独り言でもいいから、 しゃべった方が良いですよ
How irritating. If you have something to say, say it! I'll sue! イライラするわね。 いいたいことがあるなら、はっきり言えばいいのよ。 訴えるわよ
She's really shy... and can only talk through e-mail. その子、恥ずかしがり屋で メールでしか会話できないんです
Looks like I got a reply. Let's see... Uh... There must be some kind of mistake, right? 返信がきたみたいですね。どれどれええと… 何かの間違いですよね
She's abusive in her e-mails!? People like you badmouth me on the Internet! But then they behave properly in person... so I can't get mad at them! メールじゃ毒舌! 君のような人が、ネットで私の悪口を書くのですね! でも会ったら大人しくて礼儀正しいから、 怒るに怒れないんですね!
Could you also check my blood sugar levels and gamma-GTP? ついでに血糖値とガンマGDPを計っていただけますか?
So you're at an age where that's a bigger concern. そっちの方が気になる年なんだ…
How mean! What about you, Meru-chan? Did your breasts get a little bigger? ひどい!そういうめるちゃんこそ、どうなのよ? 少しくらいは、胸大きくなったの?
I believe physical examinations were today. However... What is the point in focusing on your outward appearance? 今日は、身体測定だったようですね。 しかし、上辺ばかり計って何になるのですか?
Your physical body will eventually crumble! You'll be cremated... and your ashes scattered on Ayers Rock. What's the point in worrying about such worldly matters!? 肉体はいずれ滅びます。 死んだら灰になって、エアーズロックにばらまかれます。 そんな上辺の物体にこだわってどうするんですか?
Like your company's market cap... Or the number of calories on the menu... Or the number of hits on your blog... Or how many copies your book has sold... The fact that mere numbers can make people rejoice or grieve... is why Japan has become bizarre! 会社の時価総額とか、 メニューのカロリーとか、 ブログのアクセス数とか、 単行本の発行部数とか、 上辺の数字ばかり一喜一憂するから、 日本はおかしなことになるんです
Which is why... we will commence an examination of your status today. In other words... a measure of your caliber as a human being. そんなわけで、今日は身の丈測定を実施します。 つまり、人間の器の大きさを測るのです
I believe that every person should be aware of their own status... and live an appropriate life. みなさんには、自らの身の丈を知り、 身の丈に合った人生を送ってほしいと思います
Many people in this world do things unbefitting of the their status. 世の中、身の丈に合っていないことをしている人が多いんです
Like a 60" plasma TV in a six-tatami room. A NEET making fun of other NEETs. 6畳の部屋に60インチのプラズマテレビを置いたり。 ニートのくせにニートに意見したり
You get a biometric cash card... when you only have 5,000 yen in your account. 残高が5000円しかないのに、 声帯認証キャッシュカードにしたり
You shouldn't use a two-page spread in a twelve-page manga! 12ページのマンガで見開きを使うべきではないのです
If you do not know yourself... you will succumb in every battle. 己を知らざれば、 戦うごとに必ず危うし
Then 2,000 yen will do. Will you lend it to me? じゃあ、2000円でいいです。 貸してくれませんか?
I can't even lend you 2,000 yen. いやですよぉ、2000円も
Very well. I can lend you that much. わかりました。それくらいなら貸します
50 yen!? What kind of person would that be!? 50円て、どんな器の人間ですか!
Indeed... In general... a 50 yen person will get pissed if someone uses the eraser after borrowing a pencil. そうですね、具体的に言うと、 50円の人間は貸したシャーペンについている消しゴムを使ったらマジギレ
Once a virgin goes out with a married woman... his body can no longer be satisfied by young girls. 童貞が人妻と付き合うと、 もう若い子では満足できない体に
When you do things beyond your status... you will usually find unpleasant results. This treatment is to ensure... that you students do not meet such a fate. 身の丈以上のことをしようとすると、 大抵は残念な結果が待っているのです。 そんなことにならないようにと、 君のことを思っての仕打ちなんです
This is the first time I've been impressed by your views. It is important for people to understand their own status. 初めて先生の意見に、感銘を受けました。 やはり人間、身の丈を自覚することは大切です
From now on, I will properly ensure that everybody is living an appropriate lifestyle. 今後は私がきっちり、身の丈以上の生活をしている者を取り締まります
What might be the matter? 私が何か!?
You're carrying a name brand bag when you're in high school? A brand name paper bag is good enough for you! あなた、高校生の分際でブランドもののバッグ? あなたには、ブランドものの紙袋で十分よ!
This is oppression... The oppression has begun! 圧政だ。 圧政が始まった!
Mataro lives a modest life... so she probably doesn't have anything above her status. マ太郎は、慎ましやかな生活を送ってるから、 身の丈以上のことはなさそうね
That's not true. I also have something that doesn't fit my status. I have a 100,000,000 yen life insurance policy that doesn't fit my status. そんなことない。マリアにも、身の丈に合ってないものある。 マリア、身の丈に合わない、1億円の生命保険に入ってる
In that case, I'll put everything in this world in its place. こうなったら私が、世の中の全てを身の丈に合わせてあげる
Living according to your status is a terrifying thing. You can't be comfortable whether you're asleep or awake. 身の丈に合った生活は恐ろしいです。 寝ても覚めても生きた心地がしません
In that case, I no longer care. I'll live an exorbitant life beyond my status. I'll die an exorbitant death beyond my status. もうこうなったら構いません、 身の丈に合わない贅沢をしてやります。 身の丈に合わない、贅沢な死に方をします
This is a germanium hot spring effective for detoxification. It can flush the toxins out of your body. ここはデトックス効果のあるゲルマニウム温泉なんです 体内に蓄積された毒素を排出してくれるんです
That isn't funny! I'm absolutely against it! If you randomly remove toxins... there will be severe consequences! 冗談じゃありません、そんなのまっぴら御免です! 毒なんて迂闊に出したら 大変なことになりますよ!
I've sweat a great deal. That should have flushed out plenty of toxins. Time to get out. だいぶ汗かいたから相当毒素でたね そろそろ上がろ
We were expecting fanservice for the audience... but they didn't even use a swimsuit! She's in a wetsuit! 視聴者サービスかと思いきや、 水着ですらない ウェットスーツ!?
Your teacher has gone missing! It's quite nice to go missing. I recommend that everyone try it once. 先生は、疾走することにしました。 疾走はいいですよ。 是非皆さんも一度、やってみることをお勧めします
I was wondering what his sudden announcement might be... 唐突に何を言い出すかと思えば…
Did you eat something funny? You know? Since it's the middle of summer. 何か傷んだ物でも食べた、とか? ほら、すっかりもう夏だし…
As a doctor whom patients entrust with their lives... I am very proud to have such a prophetic name. 人の命を扱う医者になるべく、 運命づけられた名前だと自負しております
This damn name is why I don't get any patients! 私がこんな名前しているから、医院が全然流行らないんだ!
I'm okay now. Despite appearances... I'm known for being quick to get back on my feet. もう大丈夫です。こう見えても、 立ち直りが早いのが取り柄
I couldn't be a doctor... if I let such a trifling matter distract me. この程度でとり乱していては、 医者は務まりませんからね
Almost an hour has passed. すでにあれから小1時間ほど経ってますけど
What did you come here for!? Did you come to toy with me, little brat! 何しに来たんだ! からかいに来たのか、このヤロー!
How could someone so close to me go missing? He's merely gone back to his old home. こんな身近に疾走者なんか出るわけないじゃない。 これはただの里帰りよ
It's possible... Besides... People who go missing don't actually go around telling people that they're going to go missing. ありえるかも…そもそも疾走する人が、 自分から疾走するって言ったりしないわよね
What do I mean? An arranged marriage would mean an arranged marriage? どうと言われても… 見合いは見合いだと思うが
You saw me! Now you know! I actually dress like a slob at home! 見たな!知ったな! 実は私は地元では、チャラチャラしてるってことを!
He is the current head of the Itoshiki family... as well as a local member of the Diet. 現在の糸色家の当主であり、 地元選出の代議士をなさっております
Speak of the devil... That would be his younger sister, Mistress Rin. 噂をすれば… あの方が妹ぎみの倫様でございます
At the youthful age of seventeen... she is an instructor in the Itoshiki school of flower arrangement... with three thousand students. 若干17歳にして、 3000人の弟子を抱える、 糸色流華道の師範をなさっております
This train will wait while three express trains pass by. 当駅で、特急列車3本通過待ちとなります
Engaged if your eyes meet...? I've never heard of such a thing! 見合ったら成立って、 そんなお見合い聞いたことないわよ
Now you know... The reason I became a pessimistic person... これでわかったでしょう… 私が伏し目がちな人間になった理由が…
When I saw Sebastian-san jump on you... I thought something was odd... So you ran away because you didn't want an arranged marriage. セバスチャンさんが飛び掛って捕まえたりして、どうも様子が変だと思ったら、 見合いが嫌で家を抜け出していたんですね
Incidentally... During previous rituals... Master Nozomu has never let his eyes meet anyone else's. ところが、これまでその間、 望ぼっちゃんは誰とも目を合わそうとはなさいません
Your father would prefer that you settle down soon... 御主人様はそろそろ身を固めてもらいたいと、お考えなのですが…
I'll relent... and forgive the fact that you've put us in kimonos... However... why am I the only one with one so short!? 100歩譲って、着物を着せられたのは許そう。 でも…なぜ私だけこの丈なのよ!
Teacher is going to look into my eyes. 先生が目を合わせるのは私よ!
Not going to happen. After all, I'm a pro at avoiding eye contact. そうは行きませんよ。 何せ私は見ないことに関してはプロですから
Yes. I've lived my life by ignoring reality. そう。私は事あるごとに、現実から目を背けて生きてきました
Friends cheating... Forbidden love... Abandoned kittens... Even a fish tank with something inside... 友達のカンニングにも、禁断の恋にも、捨てられた猫にも。 何かを飼っていたはずの水槽にまで
It is futile... to attempt to meet my eyes! そんな私と目を合わそうなどと、無駄なことです
I sense danger. Something in the direction from which I just averted my eyes! 何やら危険な感じがしますよ。 目を反らしたその先に何かいる気配!
In any case... I won't be meeting anyone's eyes for the next twelve hours! とにかく12時間、 私は誰とも目を合わせませんから!
You can usually find an escape passage in a storage space.... 蔵にはたいてい、抜け穴があるものですが…
If you're a pro at avoiding eye contact... they're pros at making eye contact! Will you be able to avoid their eyes? ぼっちゃんが見ないプロなら、 あの者たちは見るプロ。 果たして彼らの視線をかわしきれますかな
I never looked at you. Something terrible would happen if I did. 見てませんよ最初から。 見たら大変なことになるじゃないですか
So two men can get engaged. 男同士でも成立するんですね
This doesn't seem like a marriage interview. More like harassment. これじゃ見合いというより、 ただの嫌がらせよね
We have more eye contact pros awaiting. この先にも数々の見るプロたちが控えております
It doesn't matter who I'm up against... I absolutely won't make eye contact! 相手が誰であろうと、 絶対目を合わせませんから!
Not even Teacher can avoid making eye contact in that situation. これじゃあさすがの先生でも、 目を合わせないわけにはいきませんよね?
We don't need monitors. If you open the eye of your soul... you can see anything. モニターなんか使わなくたって、 心の目を開けば、 見えないモノは無いわ
That was obviously invalid. Besides... if you include stuff besides humans people will be marrying dogs and goldfish. あんなの無効に決まってるわ。 だいたい、人間以外も有りにしちゃったら、 犬とか金魚とかと結婚する人まで出てきちゃうわよ
That voice would be... Fujiyoshi-san? その声は、藤吉さんですか?
I guess there's no point in hiding if you've already seen it... The truth is that... I produce fan-made publications. 見られてしまった以上、隠しても仕方ないので言いますけど… 実は私、同人誌を描いているんです
This would be a manuscript. It's not exactly a hobby I can brag about... これはその原稿です。 あんまり人に自慢できる趣味ではないんで…
There's nothing to be embarrassed about. To be honest... I also worked on fan-made publications when I was in school. 恥ずかしいことなんてありませんよ。 実は先生も、学生時代に 同人誌をやっていたんですよ
Would you be... an Araragi writer? Or a Shirakaba writer? 藤吉さんは、あららぎ派ですか、しらかば派ですか?
If I had to pick.... I'd be Ath x Caga... しいて言うなら、アスカガ派ですけど
I've never heard of it. それは存じ上げませんね…
Which anime would Ara x Ragi be from? アララギって、何のアニメかしら?
Still, Harumi... If you're going to draw manga... why don't you try going for something more proper? でも晴海、どうせ漫画描くなら、 何かこうもっときちんとしたものを目指したら?
If you're going to draw manga... aim for Manga Koshien! 漫画描くなら、 まんが甲子園を目指しなさい
Understood? Draw a four-panel manga... which follows the proper structure. いいこと?起承転結のきっちりした、 4コマ漫画を描くのよ
Maria's gonna draw manga, too! マリアも漫画描く!
In reality... four stages aren't enough! After the first four stages... forbidden fifth stage usually exists! 現実は、起承転結だけでは済まないのです。 起承転結の後には大抵、 禁断の5コマ目が存在するのです!
After introduction, development, turning point, and conclusion... comes darkness! 起承転結の次には、 闇があるのです
A recently unemployed person's fifth panel.. would be having to play taxes on his former salary. 無職になった人の5コマ目は、 翌年の税金請求
A diet's fifth panel would be the rebound! Those are all... painful fifth panels! ダイエット成功の5コマ目はリバウンド。 それはそれは、とても辛い5コマ目なんです
Would prank calling an ex... also be darkness? 別れた相手にかけちゃう無言電話とか、闇ですか…?
What should I have... Guess I'll go with strawberry. 何にしようかな? やっぱりいちご味かな
That's a normal choice after all that thinking. 悩んだ割には普通だね
This is how a festival should be. やっぱりお祭りってのは、こうでなくっちゃね
You should be able to determine for yourself... whether it's exciting or not. This is a bad habit of Japanese people who love festivals. They immediately jump onto a bandwagon and make a huge fuss. 盛り上がってるかどうかは、ご自分で判断なさい。 祭り好き日本人の悪い癖です。 御輿につられてすぐ踊り出す
Before you start celebrating... you should verify the truth with your own eyes. 踊る前に、 自分の目で真実を見極めなさい
Even when it's something trivial... they still hype it up as something incredible! 大したことないものでも、 なんだかすごいもののように、祭り上げてしまうのです
Even though she isn't even that pretty... She just happens to be a little more attractive than other people in the business... and they start hyping her as a beauty. They treat her like she's the most beautiful doctor in Japan! 大して美人でもないのに、 その業界でちょっとだけ人よりきれいというだけで、 美人美人と祭り上げ、 まるで日本一の美人医師であるかのような扱い
They treat young athletes like idols... hype them on variety shows... even on the news! 若いスポーツ選手を、アイドルの如く担ぎ上げ、 ワイドショー…さらに一般ニュースでも祭り上げる
That would be a shrine to rare animals! They take a seal that got lost... and fuss over how cute it is. 向こうは珍獣御輿。 迷子になったアザラシを、 かわいいかわいいと祭り上げる
If you give the mass media an opportunity... they'll worship anything. I pity the general public for tagging along. 大メディアは隙あらば、 なんでも担ごうとしますからね。 その御輿につられて踊る大衆の哀れなこと
It feels good to hype things up. A book that just talks about someone dying... can sell over 1,000,000 copies if you hype it! いいですよ、神輿を担ぐのは。 ただ人の死んじゃうだけの小説が、 担いだだけで100万部突破ですよ
1,000,000 people have hopped on the bandwagon. 100万人が踊らされているのです
But you know... Making a fuss because someone's a little better at something... would just be a bother for that person. でもさ、ちょっと人より飛び出したところがあるってだけで騒がれても、 担がれる方も迷惑よね
Shall we hype him up? 担いじゃいますか?
It's a big family! We must hype them! 大家族! それは担がねば!
What a mysterious fruit. It must be good for your health! 何やら不思議な木の実。 体にいいに違いない
We love to celebrate. We'll hype whatever we can! 祭り好きだもの。 どんな御輿でも担ぎ上げるさ
We've hyped many things over the years. No citizen can refuse to go along with our hype. これまでも、いろいろかつぎあげて参りました。 我々が担いで踊らない国民は、いないのです
The general public simply needs to follow the hype. 一般人はおとなしく踊らされていればいいのです
It isn't just the mass media. There are local examples of hype as well. For instance... a shrine to a net idol. 大メディアじゃなくても、 局地的に担ぎ上げられる御輿ありますよ。 例えばあれ、ネットアイドル御輿
I don't even know what's going on anymore. もう何がなんだかわからなくなってきました…
I wonder if someone will put me on a pedestal. 誰か、私も担いでくれないかしら?
I shouldn't say this about myself... but my inconspicuousness... is anything but normal. 自分で言うのもなんだけど、 僕の影の薄さは、尋常ではない
When I was born into this world... the doctor failed to notice... and I spent a whole hour of crying being completely ignored. この世に生を受けたとき、 医者は生まれていることに気づかず、 懸命に泣き叫んでいる僕を、小1時間放置した
When I was in preschool... I would always get lost when I went out with my parents. It wasn't because I got separated from my parents. 幼稚園の頃、 両親と出かけると必ず迷子になった。 僕が両親を見失うのではない
My parents, right next to me... would lose sight of me. 両親が目の前にいる僕を、見失うのである
There aren't any decent grade school pictures of me. People would take the picture... without realizing I wasn't in the picture. 小学生の頃の、僕のまともな写真はない。 誰もが僕のいないことに気づかず、 シャッターを切るからである
Getting cut off in your graduation picture... is a rare occurrence. 卒業写真が見切れている人間というのも、 珍しいだろう
I was said to be a truant student in middle school. The truth was that despite three years of perfect attendance... the teacher never noticed me... and marked me absent 80% of the time. 中学時代は、登校拒否といわれた。 本当は3年間、皆勤賞だったにもかかわらず、 教師に気づいてもらえず、 8割以上、欠席扱いにされたせいである
Then came high school. I wanted to become a little more conspicuous... so I became class representative. そして高校。 僕は少しでも、この影の薄さを直そうと、 クラス委員長になった
Thinking back... I've always walked in the shadows. I always have and I always will... Thus is the life of an outcast. 思えば私は、ずっと日陰を歩いてきました。 今までも、そしてこれからも、日陰者の人生
When all is said and done... I have never walked in the sunlight. I am a resident of Hikage Inn! なんといっても私は、 陽の当たることなんて一度もない、 日陰荘の住人なんですよ!
You shouldn't be so hard on yourself. Just work hard to reach the light. そんなに卑下しなくったって、 日が当たるように努力すればいいじゃないですか
Such is the destiny of outcasts. No matter how hard we try... What we accomplish... We will never touch the light. We are utterly inconspicuous! 日陰者はそういう宿命なんですよ。 努力しようが結果を残そうが、 決して日が当たることなどない、 影の薄い存在なんです
Madame Curie was so famous that most people have forgotten but her husband also won a Nobel prize! キュリー夫人があまりに有名で、忘れられていますが、 キュリー旦那もノーベル賞をとっているんです
They were all overshadowed by Madame Curie... and forgotten! みんなキュリー夫人の影に隠れてしまって、忘れられているんです
It doesn't matter if you won a Nobel Prize... an outcast is still an outcast! You can't do anything about your obscurity! ノーベル賞を取ったって、所詮日陰者は日陰者。 影の薄さはどうしようもありません!
Even if you accomplish great things... you can still end up being overshadowed by something else. すごいことをしても、 何かの影に隠れちゃうことってありますよね
When I ran for the position in April... I was acknowledged as the winner, wasn't I? 4月に立候補して、 ちゃんと承認されたじゃないですか
Such an inconspicuous person couldn't possibly exist. He must be a fairy! Which is why some people don't see him or notice him. こんなに影の薄い人間が、居るわけないじゃないですか。 きっと彼は、妖精さんなんですよ。 だから人によっては見えないし、気がつかないんです
Perhaps because my soul is at a lower stage... I can only see Mr. Fairy occasionally. 私は魂のステージが低いせいか、 妖精さんがたまにしか見えないんです
If the alternative is to be such an inconspicuous person... I'd rather walk in the light! 先生、こんな影の薄い人間になってしまうくらいなら、 日なたを歩くほうがまだマシです!
How cruel! I thought an outcast teacher would understand how I feel! ひどい!日陰者の先生なら、 僕の気持ちわかってくれると思ったのに!
Could he be late on the first day of the new semester? まさか新学期早々、遅刻?
That's the board for stoppage time in soccer, right? それって、サッカーのロスタイムを表示するやつよね
Maybe it means... we get five days of summer vacation for stoppage time? もしかして、夏休みのロスタイムが5日ってことじゃない?
Chaperon time and going back home adds up to five days of stoppage time... so I'll come on the sixth day... is what it says. 引率や研修やらで、 ロスタイムが5日ほどあるので、 6日からきます、とのことです
Could you stop doing that? You're a grown man. もうそういうのやめてくれません? いい大人なんだから
I had a good upbringing... so I'm not used to receiving criticism! 私は育ちがいいから、 非難されることに慣れていないんです
You've hurt me deeply. Maybe I should kill myself... 深くキズつきました。 もう死んじゃおうかな…
There's something we must do so you don't end up like the weak adult I just portrayed. That would be... Criticism drills. こんな心の弱い大人にならないためにも、 しなければならないことがあります。 それはズバリ、非難訓練です!
When people unaccustomed to criticism step into the real world.. and are suddenly yelled at... the subsequent stress usually leads to unpleasant outcomes. 怒られ慣れてない人が社会に出て、 急に怒られると、 そのストレスから、不幸な行動に出てしまうことが多々あります
Even if you're used to criticism... We live in a hysterical world... so even the slightest thing can draw criticism. それでなくてもヒステリックな世の中ですから、 ちょっとしたことでも非難されます
Furthermore... In this modern Internet-driven society... you can immediately get flamed on forums. Or people will badmouth you through e-mails さらに、ネット社会の今日たるや、 すぐBBSで叩かれたり、 メールで悪口を回覧されたりする有様
They'll criticize me. I'm definitely next... The whole class will criticize me! 非難される… 次こそ間違いなく、 それもクラスのみんなに非難されてしまう!
In that case... I should criticize myself... before someone else does! こうなったら、誰かに非難される前に、 自分で自分を非難してやる!
I'm just a person with... thinning hair! どうせ僕なんて、薄毛ですから!
When people criticize themselves... they tend to soften the blow. 人は自分で自分を非難する時、 たいていちょっとずつ、ダメージを少な目に言うものなのです
Thinning hair instead of bald. Petite instead of short. Stout instead of fat. Perspiration instead of oily skin. ハゲを薄毛。 チビを小柄。 小太りをがっちりタイプ。 油症を汗かきと言ってしまうものなのです
Don't stay up watching anime all night! 夜中にアニメばっかり見てんじゃねえ!
I see! Life is filled with mistakes. Seven wouldn't even begin to cover them. そうか。人生、間違いだらけですもんね。 とても7つじゃ足りませんよね
I asked the wrong question! I made another mistake in my life! 先生、質問間違っちゃいました。 また私の人生に一つ間違いが増えました!
I'll revise it! Name ten mistakes in life! 訂正します。 人生の間違いを、10コ言え
That's not much of a difference. たいして変わんないじゃん…
No, not that. We can't possibly come up with ten mistakes on the spot. いえ、そうじゃなくて。 急に言われても間違いなんて思いつきません
That shouldn't be the case. A famous person once said... Nothing in life can be considered right. In other words... everything in life is wrong! そんなことはないはずです。 著名な方がおっしゃいました、 人生に正解などないと。 つまり、人生には間違いしかないということですよ
I don't think that's what it means... そういう意味で言ったんじゃないと思いますが…
There are so many to choose from. First... The fact that I was born into this world! That was the first and greatest mistake! それはそれはいっぱいありますよ。 まず、この世に生まれてきたこと! それが最初で、最大の間違い!
Next... It was a mistake to be born to those parents! And it was a mistake to be born in this age! 次に、あの親の子に生まれてきたことが間違い。 そして、この時代に生まれてきたことも間違いです
Those all relate to you being born. 生まれたことばっかりじゃない
I have made many more mistakes! I used up all of my savings... before July of 1999. そのほかに、いろいろ間違ってきました。 1999年の7月を前に、 貯金を使い果たしてしまったり
I bought the one that wasn't a Laserdisc. レーザーディスクじゃない方を買ってしまったり
And third... The fact that you got me as your homeroom teacher! そして三つ目、私が担任になったこと!
I'll agree with that. 納得
However, from my point of view... your presence in this class would be a mistake... so it goes both ways. でも私からすると、 このクラスにあなた方がいることが間違いな訳ですから、 お互い様と言えますが
So a battle of mistakes... between fellow mistakes. 間違い同士の、 間違い合戦ですか?
I was about to say that! 言おうと思ったのに!
Very well. You've all become depressed... after realizing the mistakes in your lives. よろしい。各々、人生の間違いに気づいて、 一気に暗くなりましたね
We'll do everything we can to protect you. 全力で守ってあげるからね
It would appear I've made a new mistake... Well, I suppose it was the correct action. As time has shown... life is filled with mistakes. 新たな間違いが生まれているようですが… まあそれもまた正解といえば、正解です。 ことほどさように、人生というのは間違いだらけなわけです
Now he's trying to sum everything up. 無理矢理まとめた…
If it's correct... it can't be a mistake, right? 正解なら、間違いじゃないじゃないですか
It'd be weird to find something correct... when you're looking for mistakes, right? 間違い探しの正解って 変な話ですよね?
I get it. Once a mistake comes to light... it becomes correct! わかりました。間違いは発覚した時点で、 正解になるんですね
That's right. There can't be many mistakes in this world! そうですよ。世の中にそうそう間違いなんてあるわけないですもの
All of your mistakes came to light... so they're correct now. 皆さん間違いが発覚したので、 正解ですよ