
304英語初心者:2007/04/27(金) 09:40:19 ID:???O
I am in bad mood.
305(-_-)さん:2007/04/27(金) 18:28:22 ID:???0
306英語初心者:2007/04/30(月) 14:34:24 ID:???O
307英語初心者:2007/05/07(月) 21:59:51 ID:???O
308英語初心者:2007/05/07(月) 22:27:32 ID:???O
309英語初心者:2007/05/07(月) 22:34:48 ID:???O
Don't worry.
310英語初心者:2007/05/08(火) 18:18:55 ID:???O
your words make me happy.
311英語初心者:2007/05/13(日) 06:18:22 ID:???O
312(-_-)さん:2007/05/13(日) 07:50:29 ID:???0
313(-_-)♪さん:2007/05/14(月) 01:04:58 ID:???0
May I pracrice writing English here?
I don't have oppotunity to learn English now.
I've studied English only in junior high school.
I like UK and US music, so I wanna study English and
make friends if I can.
314(-_-)♪さん:2007/05/15(火) 08:33:55 ID:???0
Good Morning!
I'm fine, but little bit sleepy.
No plan today as useal, freetime all day and night.
I lost my English Japanese dictionany resentiy,
so I sometimes can't write my feeling and situation exactly
and also can't understand other people's messages.
Any way see you!
315英語初心者:2007/05/15(火) 15:11:31 ID:???O
316(-_-)さん:2007/05/15(火) 19:05:08 ID:???0
How could you lose a dictionary although you are a hikikomori?
317(-_-)♪さん:2007/05/15(火) 20:37:33 ID:???0
Becase there're many things in my room like a mess now.
I forgot where I put the dictionary.
I have to clean up my room.
Every day I look for something nessesary
as if I'm a treasure hunter.
318(-_-)♪さん:2007/05/17(木) 20:12:00 ID:???0
I found my dictionary behind the CD player yesterday!
There're many books in the book shelf and
some books fell last week
at that time I found the other books and replaced them,
but, the dictionary... It's very small so I could'nt.
Now I'm happy!
319(-_-)さん:2007/05/18(金) 21:25:39 ID:???0
i want a new dictionary
320(-_-)さん:2007/05/21(月) 12:44:23 ID:ry3dPg2s0
suck my ball
hikky should kill theirself
killy stupid asshole
Jap police sanofabitch
321(-_-)さん:2007/05/21(月) 12:49:43 ID:???O
Don't use such words!
322(-_-)さん:2007/05/22(火) 19:52:06 ID:???0
Today I tried a shadowing method to improve my speaking ability,
but I’ve got a sore throat because I've barely vocalized for several years.
323(-_-)さん:2007/05/23(水) 16:19:01 ID:???0
Do you have one testicle don't you?
So you must say "suck your balls"

Don't make a fool hikky
you sutupid asshole

You can go fuck yourself
324(-_-)さん:2007/05/23(水) 18:41:37 ID:???0
I can not understand English
How does everybody study?
325(-_-)さん:2007/05/23(水) 20:21:14 ID:???0
Japanese people don't need to study English
understand it
hikky can have job If they can have English

Don't work in japan Foreigner
sightseeing is OK

But don't work in Japan

Because uneployed people find good job
OK? Foreigner should not work in Japan
They stupid assholes If you work in Japan
326(-_-)さん:2007/05/23(水) 20:31:40 ID:???0
327(-_-)さん:2007/05/23(水) 20:33:10 ID:???0
328(-_-)さん:2007/05/26(土) 14:29:53 ID:???0
Read books
329(-_-)さん:2007/05/31(木) 20:07:40 ID:???0
I often see "LOL",a word of which some foreiners use
in YOU TUBEs comment,but what does it mean?
I dont know at all about its meaning.
So I really want to know!
Who dont know?
330(-_-)さん:2007/05/31(木) 21:31:09 ID:???0
lol stands for "laugh out loud"
in japanese, it deserves www or 笑
331(-_-)さん:2007/05/31(木) 21:54:23 ID:???0
Ummmm... I didnt know that it indeed stands for so.
To be sure,I might have thought that it was used in funny situations...
Anyway,thx!!!!!!!!!!←This is often used ,too,isnt this?! 
332(-_-)さん:2007/06/03(日) 09:58:39 ID:???0

          ト、         /ヽ   /\        _
       /|\ | ヽ       〈三ヽ /三/|        / !    /!ヽ
       | l  ヽ |  ヽ      !\   / _|      /  |   ,' /  !   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
       | ヘ   !   ヽ    ( )){ }( ))     ,'   !_/ /  j  │ 
       ',  ヽ |    l      トイ`|i|⌒ Y=}     !    ', /   /. │ 
       ',  ヽ!≡   l      { ヽ || r‐'リ -i    !  ≡ !     /  <   日本語でおk 
        ヽ    ≡  !     | ミ )!!= 彡-ノ_   l  ≡ !   ,.'    │ 
         \   ≡ |   ,.-ノ / ! ト、トく   `メ、_',  = / /     \________
          \ ≡ !  /てノしイ_人人ノ、    ヽ  /
            \― |/ヽ ,イ- 、ヽ /   イ´ ̄ ̄ヽ_/
             \ ヽ/  l  ヽi / ̄`!
                    〉―く ァ―‐‐j

333英語初心者:2007/06/03(日) 11:28:11 ID:???O
==⊂(^ω^*)⊃⌒== booooOooOnNN
334(-_-)さん:2007/06/07(木) 12:00:24 ID:???O
I dont stady my life…
“Idont' like communication”
three bat X(
Way This keep?

English is “BUT LOOKING”…
Way bone to eath
English BOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
335(-_-)さん:2007/06/07(木) 12:03:15 ID:???O
336(-_-)さん:2007/06/07(木) 12:36:44 ID:rFoOsk0KO
up! Go on
wat you gonna be trogh and wanna be to and carry on
Wait age to go
I dont think but you know
I abut to lait yOu go
one more day I gat to say
I not sorry
IdoNT no worry
Clud I gonna lide your are in stay
Suld I Caer
I was so alone
You NEED lookn
337(-_-)さん:2007/06/07(木) 13:23:24 ID:???0
I'm lazy and crazy.
338(-_-)さん:2007/06/07(木) 15:02:51 ID:???O
339(-_-)さん:2007/06/07(木) 15:33:30 ID:???O
″staying door″ of the world lookig.
How tha view?
340(-_-)さん:2007/06/07(木) 18:15:51 ID:???0
odayuuji no debyu-kyoku shitteru?
341(-_-)さん:2007/06/07(木) 20:32:50 ID:???0
I don't know. And I don't understand why the heck he sings.
His songs are as useless as Fujiki Naohito's songs.
342(-_-)さん:2007/06/08(金) 15:08:38 ID:???O
>>341Dont not yo
listen to music?
343(-_-)さん:2007/06/14(木) 01:36:42 ID:???0
hello everyone.
say "manco", and you can get better.
344(-_-)さん:2007/06/14(木) 14:01:08 ID:???O
“manco” in English a “pussy”.
345(-_-)さん:2007/06/14(木) 14:26:23 ID:???0
manco ha kusaiyo
kaidakoto nai kedo nen
346(-_-)さん:2007/06/14(木) 22:47:55 ID:???0
I just want to cry, now I'm confused what to do for my future.
347(-_-)さん:2007/06/15(金) 00:01:11 ID:???0
Don't cry...
Just say, "manco".
348(-_-)さん:2007/06/15(金) 05:33:13 ID:???0
Good morning! I can't sleep well coz I'm worrying about new job that
will start from next Monday. Now I'm getting very nervous. I'll try
to do my best, but with no confidence. I'm real hikky.
349(-_-)さん:2007/06/15(金) 10:01:30 ID:???0
you're plastic hikky. coz hikky cant even get out of house, much less getting job!
so you dont have to feel uneasy, pull yourself together.
350(-_-)さん:2007/06/15(金) 11:08:00 ID:???0
After graduated the university, I've been real hikky for 2 years,
then I became plastic hikky little by little recently.
Thanks for good advice!
351(-_-)さん:2007/06/15(金) 15:21:23 ID:???O
Wat say “plascichikky”in japanesse?
352(-_-)さん:2007/06/16(土) 14:49:22 ID:???0
I think plastic hikky is“偽ヒキ”.
I hope an English name and Japanese are mixed as for the following thread.

For instance, in this way.
Chat in English (英語で雑談)