what's your plan for these weapons? -それにしても、これっぽちの武器で何をするんだ?
―i'm pushing for regugee liberation. -後押ししてやるのさ、難民開放を
how is the ID check going on the high-spec male cyborg who tried to kill the prime minister? 総理を狙ったハイスペックの義体男の照合は、どうなってる?
―we've been looking, docusing on military personnel, but we haven't gotten any hits yet. 軍関係者を中心に洗ってはいるが、今んところ該当者無し
――after that helicopter went out of control a while back, the military seriously upgraded their security. 支援ヘリの暴走の一件以来、軍のガードが異常に固くなっていてな
strangely, not only has the PKF's member list disappeared, but also their operation records. だがなぜか当時のPKFの名簿はおろか、作戦の記録までごっそり消えてなくなっているんだ
―so, the model was being used by a maintenance-free PKF. -メンテナンスフリーのPKF仕様か
togusa, what about the organization that was supposedly involved in the nuclear power plant in shinjuku? トグサ、新宿原発の件で動いていたという組織の方は?
―i haven't found anything concrete about that, either. -こっちも具体的なことはまだ
we have a whole lot of problems to deal with. -抱え込んだ問題は山積みだが
―i heard that the chief was called to the prime minister's office again in regards to "something" that was dug up at that power plant. その原発から掘り出されたブツに絡んで、課長の野郎また首相の所に呼び出されてるようじゃねぇかよ
yes, he was; is there something you don't like about that? -ええ、何か不満でも?
―a whole lot. don't you think this is all screwed up to being with? -おおありだ。大体おかしいと思わねぇのか
if i remember correctly, section 9 is an organization that goes on the offensive against crime. たしか9課は攻性の組織だったはずだろ
―but if we're going to be held up by the scruff of our necks, we sure as hell can't take any preemptive actions. なのにこう首根っこ押さえられてちゃ、何一つ先手を打つなんて出来やしねぇじゃねぇか
――i won't argue with you, and i'm sure the chief feels the same way. -否定はしないわ。でも課長もそう思っているでしょうね
what is our greatest enemy? -9課にとって最大の敵って何だと思う?
―the answer is...numbers. in particular, in the face of an enemy with strong numerical superiority, organizations such as section 9 will be powerless and suffer defeat. それは…数だ。それも圧倒的物量の前では、我々のような組織は為す術も無く敗北する
――if this current situation is in itself an attack on us...is it not posible to think that something is starting to happen elsewhere, unbeknownst to us? 今の状況そのものが、我々に対する攻撃だとしたら、どこかで何かが動き始めているって可能性は、考えられない?
you are aware that a plutonium fuel rod was recovered during an operation to refill the underground nuclear power plant in shinjuku, yes? 先日、新宿大深度地下原発の埋め戻し作業中に、プルトニウム燃料棒が回収されたことはご存知ですね
―i have heard of it, yes. -一応は耳にしております
a plan was formulated to secretly transport the fuel rod to safety, but it was leaked to terrorists before it could be executed. 実はその燃料棒を極秘裏に移送する計画が進行していたのですが、その情報が事前にテロリストに漏れていたようなのです
―after that declaration arrived, the coast guard interrupted a weapons deal, but there is a possibility that a large amount of weaponry had already been sold. その声明を受け、海上保安庁が武器の取引の現場を押さえることには成功したのだが、そこでとんでもない数の銃器が取引された可能性が出てきてね
the original plan was to transport the fuel rod by sea. however, information from a captured terrorist lead us to expect an attack at sea, so there has been a change in plans. 当初、移送計画は海路を使ってと考えられていました。ですが、テロリストの残した受領書から海上での襲撃が予測されるため、急遽計画を変更することになったわけです
―so, the new plan is to have section 9 transport the fuel rod by land? -それで、陸路での移送を9課が担当しろと言うことですかな?
prime minister, if i may ask one question? to what extent were you aware of the nuclear power plant in shinjuku? 総理、一つよろしいですかな。あなたは、新宿原発の存在についてどこまでご存知でしたか?
―i first learned of its existence when the plutonium was found. -プルトニウムが見つかったとの知らせを受けて初めて…
the operation's details are as previously reviewed. -作戦の内容は、事前に説明したとおりだ
―we will use ground transport to move the plutonium fuel rod from the residential refugee sector. 例の原発から掘り出されたプルトニウムを、難民居住区から陸路を使って運び出す
what's going on? as i thought, the excavation was a secret operation under government supervision. if so, then why did you... どういうことなんですか。やはりあれは、政府主導による極秘の発掘計画だった。なのに何故…
―old man...since when did section 9 become the prime minister's errand boy? -おやじ…9課はいつから総理の使いっ走りに鞍替えしたんだよ
we haven't switched roles. -鞍替えなどはしてはおらんよ
―it just means that someone else has the upper hand right now. isn't that right, chief? -今は誰かに先手を取られているだけ。そうなんでしょう課長?
then, does that mean the on-site SDF were not even made aware of what they were protecting? ということは、現地の自衛軍は、自分たちが何を守っているかも知らされていなかったということか
―that is correct. there are many things in this world that one does not need to know. -その通りだ。知らなくていいことは世の中にたくさんある
――in order to manipulate information with efficiency after the operation is complete, it is desirable to have a minimal number of people know the truth. 事後、情報操作を速やかにこなしていくためにも真実を知る人間は最小であることが望ましい
―――if that's the case, why didn't the cabinet intelligence agency conduct this entire operation in the first place?! だったらこの作戦全部をあんたら内庁がやったらどうなんだ
i've been in a cold sweat ever since i heard this was plutonium. -こいつがプルトニウムだという報告を受けてからは冷や汗が出っ放しだったよ
―you've done well. we'll take over and transport this out of the residential regfugee sector. ごくろう。後は我々でこれを難民居住区の外に運び出す
negative. after all, my subordinates may have been irradiated. -そうはいかん。部下が被爆した可能性もあったわけだ
―don't worry, such concern is unnecessary. -大丈夫だ。そんな心配はない
what would a bureaucrat know about it? -背広組に何が分かる!
―you may despise bureaucrats all you like, but this is government policy. -背広組に失望するのは結構だが、これは政府の方針だ
――each section has a designated function. if you dislike that fact, take off your uniform. -各セクションには決められた仕事がある。それが嫌なら制服を脱げばいい
―――however, i'm sure that it will not put you at ease. so, i have a favor to ask of you...i'll tell you over a closed-circuit link. だがこれでは君たちも気持ちが収まらんだろう。そこで一つ頼みがあるんだが…有線で話そう
an XO and a private from our ranks will accompany you. that is the concession. -分かった。うちからは副官と歩哨を2名出す。それが譲歩案だ
―affirmative. we will depart as soon as we finish reinforcing the vehicle. -よし、車両に補強を施し次第出発する
it's somehow unnerving. -なんとなく不気味ですね
―we can't rule out the possibility that the particularist eleven may have a hijacking planned, but it's not as though they have a firm partnership with the refugees. be careful, but don't get paranoid. 個別の十一人がプルトニウム強奪を計画していた可能性は否定できないが、難民と組んでいるわけではない。警戒するに越したことは無いが疑心暗鬼になるな
――i'm more worried about where the leak of the previous sea-route plans came from. -それより海上移送の計画がどこから漏れたのかが気になる
how innocent. -無邪気なもんだな
―hey, have you heard of this? in nagasaki's residential refugee sector, a girl about her age fired on a policeman. おい、知ってるか?長崎の難民居住区じゃあのくらいの少女が警官に発砲した事件が起きたばかりだ
――what's the point in trying to make us nervous? -味方を不安にさせてどうする
it seems your team members have undergone extensive training. your female commander is frightening, too. 君のところはかなり鍛えられているようだ。あの女隊長はかなり怖そうだしな
―not as much as you think. -そうでもねぇよ
――why did you join section 9 under her command? could it be that you have feelings for her? of course not. ほう、時に君は何故彼女の隊に?もしかして彼女に惚れている…なんてことは無いよなぁ
ishikawa, how is the route recon going? -イシカワ、ルート検索は
―i'll send you data from the satellite. -衛星からの情報を送る
that's an underpass ahead. isn't that dangerous? -高架になってるな。危険じゃないのか?
―once you pass through the old highway, you'll have exited the refugee sector. soon after, that we'll be done, when we hand over the package to the receiver from yokosuka base. 旧高速まで行けばもう難民地区は抜けている。あとは横須賀基地からの迎えに荷物を預ければ完了だ
――the perimeter highway is more dangerous, actually. the mjority of the buildings left in that area are abandoned or destroyed; they block both sides of the road. むしろ危険なのは環状道路のほうだな。ほとんどのビルが倒壊したまま廃棄されていて道の両側を塞いでいる
―――if the terrorists laid an ambush there, we won't have a chance. -もしテロリストが待ち伏せていたらひとたまりも無い
what a plan. what is gouda thinking? -たいした作戦だ。合田の奴、何を考えている
―ishikawa, once you finish making a pass through the route, try investigating his motives. イシカワ、ルートを一通り洗ったら奴の裏を探ってみろ
well done. information on the armed terrorist attack appears to have been false. -ご苦労だった。武装テロの情報はブラフだったようだな
―fortunately, it was just wasted effort. -幸い徒労に終わったわ
mr.aramaki, section 9 did an excellent job again in this mission. i am extremely grateful. -荒巻さん、今回も9課は実にいい仕事をしてくれた。感謝しますよ
―are you being sarcastic, or what? -嫌味のつもりか
i mean what i say. by now, temporary GSDF platoon 2 will have withdrawn from camp and passed the plutonium on to the coast guard. 本心さ。今頃はキャンプを引き払った陸自の第2架設小隊がプルトニウムを海上に送り出しただろう
―so you used us as a decoy. -我々を囮に使ったな
――just who the hell do you think we are?! -俺たちを何だと思ってやがるんだ!
and who do you think you are? a small elite, force of top agents? -お前たちこそ自分たちを何だと思っているんだ。少数精鋭の選りすぐり部隊か?
―if you had been attacked by a horde of refugees who were armed with contraband weapons, you would've been powerless to stop them. そんなもの、流出した重火器で武装した難民どもが大挙して押し寄せていたら手も足も出なかっただろう
――be thankful that you even got to be a decoy under my supervision. -私の演出で囮役を演じられただけでもありがたいと思いたまえ
I think it's worthwhile to make a concession. それは譲歩する価値があると私は思う
Somehow I sensed you might say that. 何となくあなたがそう言うような気がしてました
A puppy wants to defecate soon after a meal. 子犬は食事の後すぐに排便したくなる
They handed Billy over to the police. 彼らはビリーを警察に引き渡した
If there were no receivers, there would be no thieves. 盗品を受取る者がいなければ、盗みを働く者もいなくなるであろう
climb out of an overturned automobile 横転した車からはい出る
They don't really sit down and prioritize, like, what's the most important thing to get done and get it done now, as opposed to doing absolutely everything that there is to do. 落ち着いて優先順位を決めるということをしない、つまり、済ませておかなくてはいけなかったり、今すぐ済ませなくちゃならなかったりという一番大切なものは何なのかではなく、とにかくやらなくちゃならないことを全部やろうとするんだ
shinku, it's morning! you'll be scolded if you don't open your eyes! -真紅、朝だよ!お目目パチッてしなきゃ、怒られるんだから
―she won't wake up, no matter what. -どうしても目覚めないんだ
――some part of her must have been broken when she fought that suigintou girl. -やっぱり、あの水銀燈とかいうヤツと戦って、どこか故障したんじゃ
shinku-chan still hasn't woken up?
―what should we do nori?
――i wonder, i don't know much about you mysterious dolls either. -そうねえ、不思議なお人形さんのことは私にもわからないから
what the hell is this?
―dolls will react when their medium, who gives them power, is in danger. -ドールは、力を与えてくれるミーディアに危機が近づくと、反応するものです
she shows no signs of waking up. -起きる様子はないけど
―how strange...well then, we weill use something more drastic. -おかしいです…では、より大きな危機を
――i'll die! if you do that i'll die! -死ぬ!それは死ぬだろ!
jun-kun, i can try to think of some good ways to wake her while i'm at school. so, let's not give up hope and work hard. ジュン君、私も学校行ってる間、何かいい方法がないか考えてみる。だから、あきらめないでがんばろう
―don't do something unnecessary that. it's finally become quiet around the house. -余計なお世話だ。やっと一匹減って、静かになったのに
jun, are you taking a nap?
―as i thought, you are a useless guy at times like this. -やっぱりお前はダメなヤツです。こんな時に
at this rate, what will happen to shinku? -このままだと、真紅はどうなるんだ?
―she'll...keep dreaming. dolls dream within a deep sleep. -夢を…見続けるです。ドールは深い眠りにつくと、夢を見るのです
having been born as a doll, they've had numerous encounters over time. -ドールとして生まれ、いくつもの時を越えて繰り返される出会い
―the feelings deep within their memories towards father...become sudden darkness. -記憶の彼方にあるお父様への思い…そして不意に訪れる闇
――an eternal sleep that doesn't even allow death. thay are unable to move, wrapped in a feeling of absolute darkness. 死すら許されない永遠の眠り。動くこともできない、漆黒に包まれる感触
―――all of the memories gained since being born as a doll...are simply relived over and over again. ドールとして生まれてから感じてきた、その全ての記憶を、ただ繰り返し見続けるです
you should do something as her servant! use that mini mini-size brain of yours to come up with something! you worthless... お前…真紅の家来ならなんとかするです!そのミニミニサイズの脳ミソで考えるです…この役立たず
can i talk to you for a little bit? -ちょっとだけお話してもいいかな?
―no. -いやだ
i'll talk to myself then. when i saw your serious face this morning, it reminded me of when we were little. do you remember? じゃあ独り言。私ね、今朝ジュン君の真剣な顔見てね、小さい時のこと思い出しちゃった。覚えてる?
―when i lost my stuffed animal, you made me something with all your might...i was so surprised. 私がヌイグルミなくしちゃった時のこと。ジュン君一生懸命私に作ってくれた…お姉ちゃんビックリしちゃった
――i didn't think you could make something like that all by yourself. -ジュン君が、一人で作れるなんて思っていなかったから
―――and i thought...that you can actually do anything if you try... -それで思ったの…ジュン君はやれば何でもできるって
shut up! i always tell you i don't want to hear about those old memories! stop trying to cheer me up! 黙れ!そんな慰め聞きたくないって、いつも言ってるだろ!気休め言うなよ!
―i'm just worthless. i can't even bring myself to go into the school courtyard! -僕はどうせ役立たずなんだ!学校に入ることさえできない!
――i'm finished now! all i can do is to stay in this room like this! i can't do anything! -僕はもう終わったんだ!ただこうやって家に篭ってるしかない!何もできないんだ!
it's locked in the morning. if you're here at school, why didn't you come in your uniform? -朝はカギがかかっているわ。学校に来るなら制服着てきたら?
―do you want to go in? i just happened to have been asked by a teacher to come look for some information. 入るの?ちょうど先生に頼まれて、資料探しに来たところなの
can i talk to you for a little bit? -ちょっとだけお話してもいいかな?
―no. -いやだ
i'll talk to myself then. when i saw your serious face this morning, it reminded me of when we were little. do you remember? じゃあ独り言。私ね、今朝ジュン君の真剣な顔見てね、小さい時のこと思い出しちゃった。覚えてる?
―when i lost my stuffed animal, you made me something with all your might...i was so surprised. 私がヌイグルミなくしちゃった時のこと。ジュン君一生懸命私に作ってくれた…お姉ちゃんビックリしちゃった
――i didn't think you could make something like that all by yourself. -ジュン君が、一人で作れるなんて思っていなかったから
―――and i thought...that you can actually do anything if you try... -それで思ったの…ジュン君はやれば何でもできるって
shut up! i always tell you i don't want to hear about those old memories! stop trying to cheer me up! 黙れ!そんな慰め聞きたくないって、いつも言ってるだろ!気休め言うなよ!
―i'm just worthless. i can't even bring myself to go into the school courtyard! -僕はどうせ役立たずなんだ!学校に入ることさえできない!
――i'm finished now! all i can do is to stay in this room like this! i can't do anything! -僕はもう終わったんだ!ただこうやって家に篭ってるしかない!何もできないんだ!
it's locked in the morning. if you're here at school, why didn't you come in your uniform? -朝はカギがかかっているわ。学校に来るなら制服着てきたら?
―do you want to go in? i just happened to have been asked by a teacher to come look for some information. 入るの?ちょうど先生に頼まれて、資料探しに来たところなの
you don't remember anything? what were you doing up on the rooftop? -何も覚えていない?おの時、屋上で何をやっていたのかな?
―can you tell me anything of what you remember? -少しでも覚えてることを、オジサンに話してくれないかな?
――tell him, martin! if you hadn't hit the canopy on the first floor and landed in the bushes, you might have died! ちゃんとお話しなさいマルティン!あなた、1階の庇に当たって植木に引っかからなかったら、死んでたかもしれないのよ!
does it hurt? -痛い?
―does what hurt? -何が?
――tgat...injury. the one that's all bandaged up. you must've been scared, right? when you fell from the roof. その、傷。その包帯の傷さ。怖かったろ、屋上から落ちた時
my shoes are in that bag over there. get them out. -そこのバッグの中に靴が入ってる。取ってくれ
―you need to stay in bed! -寝てなきゃダメだよ
――get the shoes out. -靴取れよ
they'll be mad at you. -怒られるよ
―so what if they are? i'm not scared of being yelled at. -怒られたからって何だよ?別に怒られることなんて怖くないさ
it's just like he said. "when you're reborn, try going outside. the world will have changed." 言ってた通りだ。生き返ったら外に出てごらん。世界が変わっているよ
―no...it's not that the world has changed...it's me who's changed. -ううん…世界が変わったんじゃなくて、僕が変わったんだ
i like dr,reichwein! his secretary, ms.mehrez, is a kind person, too! -ライヒワイン先生が好きだ!秘書のメレスさんもやさしい人だ!
but if i die, i won't be able to see them anymore! -でも、死んだら会えなくなる
scary things never go away! he said that's why we grow up! -怖いものなんかなくならない!だから大人になるんだって言ってた
tenma said tomorrow will be a good day! -明日はいい日だって、テンマが言ってた!
if i die, i won't be able to see tenma anymore. -死んだら、テンマに会えなくなる
i can't...i can't...become like johan. johan is playing a game that's even more amazing. -なれないよ…僕は…ヨハンみたいになれない。ヨハンはもっとすごい遊びをしてるんだ
―johan said he was going to be killed soon. he said that he was going to be shot by a japanes guy. ヨハンはもうすぐ殺されるって言ってた。もうすぐ、日本人に撃ち殺されるって言ってた
i was unable to attend a university and came this far by studying by myself. -私は大学へ行けずに、独学でここまで来た人間だ
―these books are the result of trying to at least be well-read. -せめて、本だけでも読んでおこうと思った結果だよ
――that you'd donate such an impressive collection to our library...i am too grateful for words! -これだけの蔵書を、私どもの図書館に寄贈していただけるとは、感謝の言葉もございません
i've lost my sight and can no longer read. it'd be more beneficial to let the students have the books, rather than to have them slumber here in this study. 私は目が見えなくなり、もはや読むことができない。この書斎で眠らせているより、学生達の手元にある方が為になるだろう
―yes. they are valuable books, but we are considering allowing public access. -はい。貴重な本の数々ですが、一般閲覧も考えております
have you been able to ascertain his motives? -ヤツの裏は取れたか?
―the outlook isn't very promising. the information is under tighter control than i expected. -芳しくないな。思っていた以上にガードが固い
however, as far as gouda's investigative council for possible changes to wartime strategy is concerned, i've found evidence of illegal information manipulation in their collection and analysis of domestic and foreign intelligence and SDF activities. だが合田の所属している戦略影響調査会議においては、国内外の情報収集、分析、それに自衛軍の活動等について数々の非合法な情報操作を行っている痕跡が見つかった
―so, the plutonium incident is only one of the instances of manipulation? -プルトニウムの1件もその1つというわけか
――that seems to be the case. -そういうことだ
what about his personal history? -ヤツの経歴は?
―he was on the "headhunting" team within the bureau of defense policy, and them made a rapid ascent through the ranks to his current position. 防衛局からのヘッドハンティング組で、一気に今のポジションに登りつめている
――at the time, however, his performance was mediocre. he seems to have been more of a failure. he's an enigmatic man, to tell you the truth. だが、当時の記録はぱっとせず、むしろ落ちこぼれだったようだな。正直実体の掴めん男だよ
what is that? -それは?
―gouda's appearance during his years at the bureau of defense policy. -合田の防衛局時代の顔だ
――he apparently got those wounds in some kind of accident, but he's opted to keep the scars intact. 何かの事故で負傷したらしいんだが、そのときの傷を今でもそのままにしているようだ
he wasn't as striking as he is now. -今より印象がないな
―all right. we'll halt the investigation on his background for now while we wait for the chief's orders. よし、ヤツの裏取りはいったん切り上げ、課長の指示を受けろ
i have called this emergency session to announce our future policy regarding the series of events that has recently occurred. 急遽集まってもらったのは他でもない。このところ立て続けに起こる事件への対応をどうしていくか。その方針を伝えるためだ
―before we get into all that, i'd like to deck that guy first. -その前にあの野郎をぶん殴りてえとこなんだがな
――i agree. the cabinet ministry's intentions are clearly to put pressure on us. i have no intention of backing down after already facing that pressure twice. 俺も同意見ですね。内庁の行為は明らかにウチに対する外圧です。それを二度も受けて黙ってる気はありませんよ
don't warry, i feel exactly the same way. -安心しろ。それはワシとて同じだ
―even so, you seem to be making frequent visits to the prime minister's office. isn't it the prime minister herself who wants to rein us in? にしちゃあ、頻繁に総理のところに行ってるみてえだが。俺たちの首に綱をつけたがってるのは、首相本人なんじゃねえのか
that is not possible. it's true that she's just a figurehead who was installed in order to divert the public's attention away from the bribery scandal of the previous regime. それはなかろう。彼女は前政権の疑獄から世間の目を逸らすために担ぎ出されたお飾りではあるが、
―however, while she may only occasionally act as our ally, she will never become our foe. -味方になることはあっても敵になる人間ではない
as for the cabinet intelligence agency, it appears to have deliverately manipulated the information regarding the GSDF helicopter incident and the recent plutonium transportation incident. 内閣情報庁内において陸自ヘリ暴走事件と先日のプルトニウム輸送の件で、意図的な情報操作が為されている節がある
―thus far, the agency's intentions remain unclear, -今のところ内庁がこれらの件に関して、何を企んでいるのかは定かではないが、
――but i believe that the pressure being repeatedly brought to bear upon us is being exerted by political factions within the government that wish to hide something from us. 度重なるウチへの外圧は、その何かを隠しておきたい政府内の動きと考える
including the particularist eleven case? -個別の十一人事件に関しても?
―yes. after all, they are holding us back from investigating, even though we were the ones most closely involved in fending off the assassination attempt on the prime minister. うむ、首相暗殺未遂という重大なテロ行為に対し、最も近い立場にいた我々を捜査から遠ざけているわけだからな
――even if we suppose that the prime minister is a venomless snake, if our opponent is the government, it won't change the fact that she'll bite the hand that feeds her. but you'll still proceed, right? 総理が張り子の虎だとして、政府が相手なら飼い主に噛みつく事に変わりはねえわけだ。それでも行くんだな?
you object to that? -気に入らんか?
―no, that's what i was waiting to hear. -そいつを待ってたんだよ
all right, then. i will now explain our planned course of action. -よかろう。では、作戦を説明しよう
―the information i've assembled here is from numerous cases that were instigated by different organizations claiming to be the particularist eleven. ここに挙げた資料は、すべて個別の十一人を名乗る、別々の犯行グループによって引き起こされたものだ
the JNN TV fund illegal money outflow scandal, the bombing of the refugee support association, -JNNテレビ義援金不正流出事件、難民支援組合爆破事件、
the blackmail of the NPO that was providing refugees with free cybernetic bodies... -無償義体を難民に提供していたNPO団体脅迫事件、
the death by drowning of a back-alley cybernetic body physician, -闇義体医師溺死事件、
the homicide of a netbank president, the homicide of a civilian party representative, -ネットバンク頭取轢殺事件、民政党代議士刺殺事件、
the homicide of the popular cyber-rapper, "densetsu." the blackmail of nanyou news agency, -人気電脳ラッパー『デンセツ』射殺事件、南陽新聞社脅迫事件
and the failed aassassination attempt on prime minister kayabuki. -そして、茅葺総理暗殺未遂事件
of these nine incidents, the failed assassination attempt was assumed to be the only one in which the suspect's face was seen, これら9つの事件のうちで、容疑者が目撃されている事件は首相暗殺未遂事件のみとされていたわけだが、
but we now have another incident in which the suspect's face was witnessed. -それ以外に、もう一つ容疑者らしき人物が目撃されている事件が見つかった
―that's news to me. weren't the police resisting any disclosure? -初耳ね。警察庁は情報の開示を拒んでいたはずだけど
――yes. unlike in the laughing man case, they are quite serious about this one, although it is also true that their mindset is proving to be an obstacle for us. うむ。笑い男事件の時とは違い、彼らも相当な覚悟で取り組んでいる。それが要らぬ壁になっているのも事実だがな
this is footage we obtained directly from a witness, not from the police. up to this point, there have been three shots fired into nanyo's premises by the particularist eleven ostensibly as a result of nanyo's critical stance against refugee policies. これは、警察からではなく事件の当事者から独自に入手した映像だ。今までに南陽新聞は難民政策に対する批判的な姿勢から、個別の十一人により3度社屋に銃弾を打ち込まれている
the man who was captured on security camera footage in all three of these instances is this man, kawashima shou. そしてその全ての事件発生時に、防犯カメラに映し出されていたのがこの男というわけだ。名前はカワシマショウ
he began working as a taiwanese vegetarian chef at a restaurant near the nanyou news agency about a month ago. 一月ほど前から台湾素食の調理人として、南陽新聞社近くの料理店に勤め始めている
we've found records that he used to be an SDF officer as well. -元自衛官だった経歴も見つかった
―where did you find that information? -その情報はどこから?
i sent data on the individual's facial structure to military intelligence, and managed to gain their cooperation. ヤツの顔の骨格データを送って、軍情報部の協力を得た
―so in the end, we're more cozy with the military than with the police. well? what do you want us to do about him? 結局のところ、俺たちの親戚筋は警察より軍ってことか。で、俺たちにそいつをどうしろと?
first, secure this man. investigate the significance behind his ideology and background information. まずはその男を捕らえ、その思想と背後関係に隠された意味を調べる
at this point in time, we haven't been able to confirm whether any connection exists between the cabinet intelligence agency and the particularist eleven, 今のところ内庁と個別の十一人とのつながりは確認できんが、
but if we try to unravel what medium resulted in the emergence of a terrorist standalone complex, 何を媒介にしてスタンドアローンのテロリスト集団が現れたのかを紐解いていけば、
their intentions should become more transparent. -その思惑も透けて見えよう
―you may be right. batou, togusa, saitou and pazu, you four are to secure kawashima shou. そうかもね。バトーとトグサ、サイトー、パズはカワシマショウの身柄を確保
――ishikawa and bomer, you two will continue to investigate gouda's background and search for the whreabouts of the terrorist who attempted to assassinate the prime minister. イシカワ、ボーマは引き続き合田の裏を探ると同時に、首相暗殺未遂の実行犯の検索捜査を行う
the seven other cases don't seem similar, besides that they all push for refugee liberation. 他の七つの事件にしても難民解放って謳い文句は一緒だが、どれも統一性が見えねえ
―they don't have anything in common aside from that symbol on their claims of responsibility, either. 犯行声明文にかかれたマーク以外に共通項もないしな
if this case is the same as the laughing man case, would it mean that the "originals" are the terrorists who occupied the chinese embassy? もしこれが笑い男事件と同じ性質のものだとすると、模倣者たちのオリジナルは中国大使館に立て篭もった連中ってことになるのかな
―they were the first group to name themselves the particularist eleven, after all. 個別の十一人を最初に名乗ったのはあいつらだからな
but no one else has called themselves that, aside from them. we only figured out how to interpret the symbol after investigating it and tracing it back to that theorist's paper. でも、あいつら以外は逆に名乗っていないんだよなぁ。俺たちにしたって、あのマークについて調べてるうちにある思想家の評論に行き着いて、読み方を知ったってだけでさ
―it just means that the individual who provides the motivational medium in a standalone complex case is not necessarily the "original", right? スタンドアローンタイプの事件では、動機づけとなる媒介者が必ずしもオリジナルではないってことだろう
――that's true, but i feel that the guy who are using this symbol are the ones who are being more original. 確かにそうなんだけど、俺はむしろ、このマークを使っている連中のほうにオリジナリティを感じるんだよなぁ
now what, major? should we continue with the stakeout? -どうする少佐、このまま張り込みを続けるか?
―as long as securing the suspect remains our top priority, we have no choice but to continue. 身柄の確保が最優先である以上、確率を重視するほかあるまい
――after all, nanyou continues to be threatened, and he was showing up at the restaurant right up until yesterday. 南陽への脅迫も継続されているわけだし、店には昨日まで顔を出していたわけだからな
we're totally unable to find anything, even though i think that if anyone attempted to get a PKF-issued cybernetic body, there'd definitely be a trail... 全然見つかりませんねぇ。PKF仕様の義体なんかを換装しようとすれば、必ず足がつくと思うんですけど
―perhaps he's no longer in the country? -もう国内にいないのでわ?
aramaki, i'm sorry, but i won't be able to take as much time off as i'd hoped. when will you arrive? 荒巻、すまんが余り時間が取れなくなった。こっちには何時に着く?
―the time i promised i'd be there by. -約束どおりだが
――i see...then how about if we meet at that restaurant? we shouldn't meet anywhere too public, after all... そうか、なら例の店でどうだ?あまり公の場で会うのもなんだしなぁ
but still...why did monks in taiwan come up with such a tedious cooking method? -でもさ、なぜ台湾の坊さんはそんな面倒な料理法を思いついたんだ?
―there's no need if they never knew the taste of meat in the first place. -初めから肉の味を知らなきゃ、そんな必要ないわけだろ?
well, yeah. but see, everyone can eat what they want before becoming a buddhist priest. -そりゃそうさ。だがな、誰だって仏門に入る前はなんでも食えるんだ
―even though they may be training as ascetics, they can't erase memories of their past. -いくら修行の身でも、そのころの記憶を消すことは出来ねえよ
i see. still, you're awfully knowledgeable about this. could it be that even you get nostalgic about the taste of "real" food? なるほどね。でも、やけに詳しいんだな。もしかして、旦那も本物の味が懐かしくなるとか?
―even though i am a cyborg, my brain hungers for food. my point is, that's why cyborg food is made for entertainment purposes. たとえサイボーグでも、脳が求める食欲はある。だからこそ娯楽としてのサイボーグ食も作られるってことだ
so, taste as a replay device that permits us to recall memories of our past...where would kawashima have come across such cuisine? 過去の記憶を思い出すための再生装置としての味ってことか。カワシマのヤツはどこでそんな料理を?
―he probably tried it out when he was stationed in taiwan. -恐らく、台湾に駐留した時にでも覚えたんだろうな
about that man you asked about, gouda: even though i asked my former coworkers at the bureau of defense policy, almost no one remembered anything about him. 例の合田という男だが、防衛局時代の同僚に聞いてもほとんど覚えてるものはいなかったよ
―and, even if they did remember him, they only recalled him being rather unremarkable. -たとえ覚えていたとしても、存在が薄かったということしか覚えてないそうだ
however, we did find records of the psychological testing he'd received while being considered for employment. だが、採用時の精神分析テストの記録が見つかった
―"while introverted, subject possesses a strong sense of self and exhibiitonist tendencies. on the other hand, subject displays a tendency to use others in order to assert himself." 内向的だが自意識と自己顕示欲が強く、反面、他者を利用して自己を表現しようとする傾向がある
――somewhat different from how i visualize his character to be today. -今の彼とは多少イメージが違うな
wong chu ren? he's an international terrorist from taiwan. -ウォン=チューレンていやぁ、台湾出身の国際的テロリストだ
―an assassination order has been issued from above, but i haven't received any information about him switching his face. 上からも暗殺命令が出てるが、顔を変えたなんて情報は来てねえぞ
――either we are being set up, or section 1 is being set up... -ウチが嵌められているか。1課が嵌められているか
only you would continue this farce! -こんなゲスなマネをしやがるのは、お前くらいなのです!
―don't make such a frightening face. and here i thought i'd show you something nice. 怖い顔しないでよ。せっかく、いいもの見せてあげようと思ったのに
poor girl...she isn't even allowed to sleep in her case...despite leaving you in order to stay with her master. かわいそうに…カバンで眠ることも許されずに…あなたを捨ててまでマスターを選らんだのにね
―why? that old man liked souseiseki! -どうして?あのじいさんは蒼星石を気に入っていたのに
――it seems that his love has gone too far. -行き過ぎた愛情ってやつかしら
dreaming within one's case holds a special meaning for us. -カバンの中で夢見ることは、私たちにとって特別な意味を持つわ
―it's a sacred ritual to weave the past eternally to the present. -永久に等しい過去を今へと紡いでいく神聖な儀式
――if that is stolen from her, she may eventually become a lifeless shell devoid of emotion. she will become merely a shell of her former self. それを奪われたら、いつしか感情を持たない、ただの抜け殻になっちゃうかも
―――feelings for your little sister, huh, suiseiseki? -妹思いね、翠星石
nothing has changed here. -相変わらずです
―it's okay like this. i have something that i have to do. -いいんだ、このままで。僕にはやらなくちゃいけないことがあるんだ
――if i don't, the master's heart will break. -でないと、マスターの心は壊れてしまう
his heart has been broken for a long time! and that old woman has always been asleep! あいつはとっくの昔に壊れてるです。あのおばあさんもずっと寝たままで
―no matter how many times you venture into her dreams, it's always pure white, completely empty! just give up already! 何度夢の中に入っても真っ白で、何もなかったです。もうあきらめるです!
i want you to lend me your power. i know i shouldn't be asking this of you, but... -君の力を貸してほしい。こんなこと頼める筋合いじゃないのはわかってる、でも…
―you want me to use the gardener's watering can for that old man? -庭師のジョウロをあのじいさんのために使えと?
――having gone through something like this...and you still side with that senile old fool? -こんな目に会ってまで、まだあの老いぼれの肩を持つのですか?
why did you insist on staying with him? come with me to jun's place. -なぜあいつに固執するです?私と一緒にジュンのところへ行くです
―your new master?
we haven't pledged yet, but...he's hopelessly unreliable shorty. -契約はまだです、でも…どうにも頼りないチビなんです
―if i'm not with him, i'll worry and worry. -私が側に居てやらなきゃ、心配で心配で
he seems like a good person. you like him? -いい人なんだね。好きなの?
―what are you saying?! he's much, much better than that incompetent old man, that's all! -何言ってるです!あのへっぽこじいさんに比べちゃ、ずっとずっとマシってだけです!
――besides, shinku and hina are there, too. -真紅と雛苺も一緒ですし
―――how nostalgic... -懐かしいな…
i'm going to go back after all. i feel the same as you do. i want to be by my master. やっぱり僕は帰るよ。僕も君と同じ気持ちなんだ。マスターの側にいてあげたい
―i can't stand this anymore! as you twin sister, i'll put you back on the right path, even if i have to force you! もう我慢ならんです!双子の姉として無理やりにでもまっとうな道に連れ戻すです!
excuse me for not being boyish. no matter how much you treasure him, that child will run away from you. ごめんなさい、ボーイッシュじゃなくて。いくら大事にしていても、あの子はあなたの元から逃げていくわ
you will be alone for eternity. -あなたは永遠に一人ぼっち
don't get upset. your blood pressure will rise. are you getting enough lactic acid? -怒っちゃダメよ。血圧上がっちゃうから。乳酸菌取ってる?
there is one way. a nice way to keep that child at home forever. -一つだけ方法があるの。あの子をずっと手元に置いておくいい方法よ
will you give me a hand, sir? -手伝ってくださる、おじい様?
souseiseki, come back with me. i don't want to hurt you any more. -蒼星石、一緒に帰るです。あなたをこれ以上苦しめたくはない
―is the old man that important to you? even more than me? -そんなに、じいさんが大切ですか?私よりも?
suiseiseki? hey, what's wrong, at this time of night? hey, are you hurt somewhere... -翠星石、おいどうしたんだよ、こんな時間に?おい、どこか痛いのか?
―if you were more cool and resourceful...then souseiseki wouldn't have chosen that crazy old fool! お前がもっとカッコよくて甲斐性があって、そしたら蒼星石だってあんな老いぼれを選ばないのです!
jun. what did you do to suiseiseki? -ジュン。あなた翠星石に何をしたの?
―i was just trying to go to the bathroom! -僕はトイレに行こうとしただけだ!
―yes. johan liebert was discharged this morning. -ええ。ヨハンリーベルトさんなら今朝
――is that so...? -そうですか…
i heard he suddenly collapesd, but i guess it wasn't that big of a deal, after all... -突然倒れたって聞いたけど、たいしたことなかったのかなあ
―you're the girl who comes to the library all the time. -あなたは、よく図書館に来る
――you're the university librarian... -あなたは、大学の図書館の秘書の…
i see. he was discharged from the hospital. i'm glad to hear that. -そう。彼退院したの。よかった
―i didn't know what to do when he collapsed. -あの時はどうなるかと思った
he collapsed in front of you? -あなたの目の前で倒れたの?
―yes. he was looking for a book...so i helped him look. -ええ。彼、本を探していたの…それで私も一緒に探していて
and then he suddenly collapsed? -それで突然?
―yes. he let out a yell, then...he took a picture book in his hands, and while flipping through the pages like this... ええ。叫び声を上げて…絵本を手に取ってね、こうページをめくっていたら…
shouldn't you rest a while longer? though, of course, both your mind and body are totally fine. もうしばらく、休んでた方がいいんじゃないか?最も、脳にも脳波にも異常はないし、まったくの健康体
according to the doctor, it was due to either anemia or fatigue. -医者が言うには、貧血か過労が原因だろうってさ
"otherwise, he must have experienced quite a shock." that's what he said. -さもなければよほどのショックを受けたんだろう。なんてあの医者言うんだ
by the way, i didn't know that you had a scar from major brain surgery. -ところで知らなかったよ、頭に大手術の痕があるんだって?
in any case, you should take a break from work and school, and get some rest. -とにかく、今は仕事も勉強も休んでゆっくりした方がいい
oh, that reminds me. a letter arrived while you were in the hospital. there's no return address on it. ああ、そうそう。君が入院している間に、手紙が届いてたんだ。差出人の名前は書いてないんだ
well, i'm pretty sure it's not a mail bomb. -ま、手紙爆弾じゃないと思うよ
lookie what a pretty boy we got wandering here. are you lost, babe? or are you a virgin trying to get laid? ずいぶん小奇麗なのが迷い込んできたわね。迷子ちゃんかな?それとも筆卸かな?
―this nice lady'll teach you from step one; come with me. -お姉さんが一から優しく教えてあげるよ。おいで
do you know the "red hindenburg"? it says here that she's around here somewhere... -赤いヒンデンブルク知らないか?この辺だって書いてあるんだ…
―boy, you're real kinky for you age. she's back down that way. -あんたその年で、ずいぶんマニアックなとこまで行ったもんだね。この奥だよ
after claiming you're margot langer...this time it's the "red hindenburg"? -マルゴットランガーと名乗った後は…今度は赤いヒンデンブルクですか?
―just recently, it was "blue sophie." who cares about names...isn't that right, johan liebert? -この前までは青いソフィーさ。名前なんてどうでもいいのさ…そうだろ、ヨハンリーベルト
in any case, that's what my boyfriend calls me now. my boyfriend, who's behind that door. -とにかく今はね、彼氏があたしをそう呼ぶのさ。このドアの向こうの彼氏がね
so don't try anything funny. he's behind that door aiming a huge gun. he's huge in another way as well. だから変な気起こさない方がいい。彼、このドアの向こうででかい銃構えてるんだ。あっちの方もでかいけどね
what a detailed plan, to cozy up to that millionaire, schuwald...no, seriously, it's impressive. あの大富豪シューバルトに取り入るのに、なんとも周到な計画…いや実際たいしたもんだよ
you brough that squirt, farren, or whatever his name was, right? but i never thought schuwald's real son would show up later! 以前あんたは、ファーレンとかいう若造を連れてきたね。ところがまさかその後、本物のシューバルトの息子が現れるとは思わなかった
farren got the short end of the stick. once he outlived his usefulness, he was forced to commit suicide right away. かわいそうなのはファーレンだ。用済みになった途端、すぐ自殺させられちまった
my, my. to think that it took two years...the real margot langer sure died conveniently two years ago as well. いやはや、2年がかりとはね…2年前実に都合良く死んでくれたもんさ、当のマルゴットランガーも
of course, i gained a lot from her death too. it's not like i was all that close to her, you know. 最も、彼女が死んであたしもずいぶんと恩恵に預からせてもらったがね。別に、彼女とそんなに親しくしてたわけじゃない
she wasn't a hooker. she'd already packed it in, after all! i just drank with her a few times. 彼女は街の女じゃない。もう足洗ってたからね。2、3度酒を一緒に飲んだだけさ
she must not have had anyone to talk to for many years, huh? -長い年月、話す相手もいなかったんだろう
after i got her drunk and pretended to cry a little, she just talked and talked... -酔わせて、あたしがちょいと泣き真似しただけで、話すわ話すわ
her love affair with schuwald...the son she placed in foster care...but that woman got killed. シューバルトとの色恋沙汰、里子に出した息子の話…ところがあの女殺されちまった
thanks to that, i was able to become margot langer and get oodles from schuwald. -おかげでこっちは、マルゴットランガーに成り代わってシューバルトからごっそりいただいたわけさ
oh, that reminds me...that former detective, richard something, got it real bad, too! あ、そうそう…それにあのリヒャルトとかいう探偵も、かわいそうなことしたね
if he hadn't stuck his neck into something like this, he wouldn't have had to "commit suicide"... こんなことに首突っ込まなきゃ、自殺なんかしないで済んだろうに
well, now, i wonder how many you've killed.
now then, let's cut the fun chitchat and get down to business. -さてと、楽しい話はこれぐらいにして、交渉ごとに入ろうか
make me an offer. how much will you pay? -言ってごらん、いくら出す?
―what do you think is the greatest fear? i thought i'd arrived at the darkest place of all... 一番の恐怖って、何だと思う?一番暗いところに辿り着いたと思ってた…
there's no use trying to change the subject. -話そらしてもムダだよ
―but...beyond it...i saw an even greater darkness. -でも…その先に…もっと暗い闇が見えたんだ
you think i'll just let you go like this? -このまま帰れると思ってんのかい?
―i stopped. i'm not interested in schuwald anymore. -もうやめたんだ。もう、シューバルトに興味はなくなった
――it's useless now. i am someone who doesn't exist. -もうムダだよ。僕はいない人間なんだから
what's that long, stick-like thing you've got there? -なんだい、その長い棒みたいのは?
―oh, well...nothing much...is this doctor that good? -いや…ちょっと…こちらのドクターはそんなに名医なんですか?
of course. if this doctor weren't here, the local asians, and especially the vietnamese, would all be dead! あたりまえよ。このドクターいなかったら、ここらのアジア人、特にベトナム人はみんな死んでら
――no, it's not. i can tell just by looking at you. you're not a real doctor. -病院じゃない。見ればわかる。君は本当の医者じゃない
if i could've sent him to a real hospital, i would've done it a long time ago. -本当の病院に連れて行けるんなら、とっくに行ってるわ
―the majority of the people here are illegal immigrants. -ここの人たちはほとんどが、不法滞在者か、不法入国者よ
――if they were sent to a real hospital, they'd immediately be sent to a facility and then extradited to their home country. 本当の病院なんかに行ったら、すぐに施設送り。本国に強制送還される
how many people do you think have died because they couldn't go to a proper hospital? -ここの人たちがちゃんとした病院に行けないで何人死んでいったと思ってるの?
―don't say such high-and-mighty things when you know nothing. -何も知らないで、偉そうなこと言わないで
insert a drainage tube. it's highly possible that he was stabbed with a dirty knife. -ドレイン管を挿入して。汚れたナイフで刺された可能性が大きい
―if you don't insert a drainage tube, the wound will fester and from an abscess! -ドレイン挿入留置しないと、傷の内部で化膿して、膿瘍形成を起こしてしまう
――take out one or two stitches. insert a drainage tube in about five centimeters. -1、2針分、抜糸して。ドレイン管を、中に5センチくらい入れて
you've come to? i asked the patients. they said you'd been seeing patients for 48 hours straight without any sleep. 気がついたか。患者に聞いたよ。48時間、眠らずぶっ続けで治療してたそうだな
―i took a look at the other treated patients also. for a back-alley doctor, you have pretty good skills. 他の患者の術後の状態も診せてもらった。モグリの医者にしては、なかなかの腕だ
――i'm surprised...you're so young. yet you're almost like a new doctor who just opened a clinic... 驚いたな…そんな若さで。まるで本物の開業医並だ
―――it just so happenes...the practitioner here disappeared, leaving his tools behind... たまたまね…ここで開業してた医者が、道具を置いたまま蒸発してしまって…
it's not something you can do just by having a set of tools. where did you learn such skills? 道具が揃っていればできるってもんじゃない。どこでこんな技術覚えた?
―my father...was a doctor, so... -父が…医者だったから…
my father was a vietnamese doctor who brought me abroad to study here in east germany. -父はベトナム人医師で、あたしを連れて東ドイツに留学
afterwards, he stayed and opened a small clinic. -そのまま残って、小さい診療所を開業してた
but the wall came down...he still tried to do what he could to help people who came from asia...just at that moment...my father was killed by a beo-nazi punk. でも壁が崩壊して、それでも微力ながらアジアからやってきた人たちを助けようとしてたのに、その矢先に…ネオナチを名乗るチンピラに父は殺されたの
just because his skin was a different color...he was killed, just like that. -肌の色が違うだけで…ただ殺された
i was all alone and sent to an orphanage. then, i was adopted by a german family. -あたしは一人ぼっちになり、施設に送られた。その後はドイツ人の家に引き取られた
but, they only adoped me because they wanted to serve their community...they just thought of me as a poor, yellow-skinned girl. that's why i ran away. でも、あの人たちはただの奉仕精神だけであたしを引き取ったんだ。かわいそうな黄色い肌の子としてね。だからあたしは逃げた
when i was little, i would always help my father. -あたし、小さい頃からずっと父さんを手伝ってた
i read many of the medical books my father left behind. -父さんの残してくれた医学書もたくさん読んだ
―i know my limits! this is beyond my abilities! -あたしだって限界は知ってるわ。これはお手上げだわ!
――don't give up until the end! if your patient still breathes, don't cast aside hope until the very end! 最後まであきらめるな!息がある患者だったら、最後の最後まで望みを捨てるな!
it's a miracle that the digestive organs, such as the stomach and the small and large intestines, were undamaged. 奇跡的に、骨や小腸、大腸をはじめ、消化器には損傷はなかった
―it was an awesome operation. -見事なオペだった
because you were there... -あなたがいてくれたから…
―dr.tenma...please stay here. -ドクターテンマ…ずっとここにいて
i came here...because i need to ask you something. look at this newspaper article. -私は君に…聞きたいことがあって来たんだ。この新聞記事
―"blue sophie"...also known as the "red hindenburg"...i heard that the first person to arrive at this prostitute's murder scene...was you. 青いソフィー…またの名を赤いヒンデンブルク…この娼婦の殺害現場に最初に駆けつけたのは、君だって聞いたんだ
――can you tell me what the crime scene was like? -その現場がどんな様子だったか、聞かせてくれないか?
that night, i got a call from the townspeole and raced over there. -あの夜は、街の人から電話を受けて、駆けつけたの
she had been shot in the head. she died instantly. -頭部を銃で撃ちぬかれていたわ。即死だった
i've seen similar crime scenes many times...but never one quite like that...where i felt what i did when i entered that room. ああいう現場は何度も見たわ…でも、あんなの初めて…あの部屋に入った時の、あの感じ
it was neither a robbery nor a personal vendetta...it was murder, just like that... -あれは強盗でもない恨みでもない…ただ殺しただけ…
if you are in the darkness, you'll sink into it. shine light upon it. -闇の中にいると、闇に沈み込んでしまう。光をあてるんだ
―listen, study properly. you will definitely become a doctor. -いいかい、しっかり勉強するんだ。君ならなれる
――you can definitely become a good doctor. -君なら必ず、いい医者になれる
where are you going, dr.tenma?
―you...you are the one who looks like he'll sink into a deeper darkness. -あなたこそ…あなたこそ、もっと深い闇に沈み込んでいく人みたいに見える
as is the case with the particularist eleven, after first releasing a warning, the terrorist ends up indiscriminately blowing himself up. 個別の11人同様、先に犯行予告を出しておいて、結局は無差別に自爆テロを繰り返す
―this type is troublesome; for them, the significance of terrorism lies in the act itself. 明らかにその行為自体に意味を見出している厄介なタイプだ
then you're saying that there will be another act of terrorism? -じゃあ、少なくとも今回の自爆テロは、あと1件は起きると?
―if we are to believe their warning, yes. -犯行予告を信じるならな
chief, there's no way we can catch up the way things are now. are there any hints in the warning as to where and when the terrorist attacks will take place? 課長。これじゃどうにも追いつけねえ。犯行予告の中に、時間や場所のヒントは見つからねえのかよ
―as of now, the only information we have is an e-mail saying that five terrorist attacks involving suicide bombers will occur today in niihama. it was sent to the prefectural police. 今のところ、本日中に5件の自爆テロを新浜市内で起こすというメールが、県警に送りつけられただけだ。
――if this case is the same type as the attacks that occurred yesterday in fukuoka, there is no doubt that the next attack will occur here in niihama. 先週福岡で起きたタイプと同様なら、間違いなく最後の1件も、ここ新浜で起きるだろう
are you asking us to detain every single cyborg in niihama? -新浜中の義体化した人間を拘束しろとでも?
―even though this seems indiscriminate, there must be some surpose to this madness. -無差別テロとはいえ、何か方向性があるはずだ
by the way, where's the major when we need her? -ところで、こんな時に少佐の奴はどこへ
―she's on a classified infiltration mission. -極秘の潜入捜査だそうだ
what's this ahout human bombs in the first place? this country is not an anarchy under enforced rule. 大体何なんだ、人間爆弾て。統治下の無政府国家じゃあるまいし
―it means things are no longer so peaceful that you can say stuff like that. not even in this country. そんなこと言ってられるほど、平和じゃなくなってきたってことさ、この国もな
true...the refugee issue is a powder keg ready to blow. that the individualists have gotten this radical may be due to how uncertain the nation's future is. 確かに…難民問題はいつ火が付いてもおかしくない火薬庫だし。インディビジュアリスト達がここまで過激になってくるってのも、先行きが不安な国政に責任があるのかもな
―i get it...it could be the refugees...i'd totally forgotten that!そうか…難民って可能性を…忘れてたぜ
chief, please investigate the suspects in last week's fukuoka incident and in the last few hours' attacks! 課長、先週福岡で起こった奴と、この数時間で起きた自爆テロ、両方の被疑者がどんな奴だったか調べてくれ
―their bodies are barely intact. what we know is that they had a relatively high percentage of cybernetic components and not much more. 死体はほとんど原形をとどめていない。分かっているのは、義体化率が比較的高いということぐらいだが
no, it's not about that. the IP system's surveillance cameras must have recorded them while they were still alive. いや、そうじゃねえ。生きているときの姿を、IRシステムや監視カメラが捉えているはずだろ
―i want all the footage to be collected. -そいつを全部をそろえて欲しいんだ
what's this about? -どういうことなんだ
―this sort of stuff can't happen all that often on such a large scale, even if people are forced by others or by their superiors. こういった事件はな、他人に強要されたり、上からの命令なんかで、そうそう大規模に起こるシロモンじゃねえ
――suicide bombing is an act of terrorism you resort to when you have no further hope in your life. 自爆テロってやつは、自分が生きてくうえで、一切の希望が持てなくなったときにやらかすもんなんだよ
chief, are things going all right? it seems as though we're really behind. -課長、大丈夫?だいぶ後手に回っているみたいだけど
―we will get to the next one without fail! and how are you doing on your end? -次は必ず抑える。そっちこそ首尾はどうだ
the tachikomas are doing fine in agent mode. there is almost no need to consider any loss in effciency resulting from physical distance. エージェント化させたタチコマは良好ね。距離的なロスをほとんど考える必要がない
―while there will be no victory, i don't think there will be defeat, either. -勝ちはないけど、負けもなさそうよ
don't go too far. -あまり派手にやるなよ
―i wonder. i'll try to rein myself in, though. -どうかしら。一応自粛はするけど
bomer, what about your analysis of the explosives? -ボーマ、爆弾のほうはどうだ
―judging from the residue, C-4 was employed in all four cases. -残留物から見て、4件ともコンポジションC4ですね
can you profile the source or the manufacturing process used? -入手経路か製造方法はプロファイルできるか?
―if i were able to bring all of this into spring-8, i'd be able to find out more. -Spring-8にでも持ち込めれば、詳しく分かるんですがねえ
chief, i got some interesting data on the stores that were destroyed by the bomb. -課長、爆破された店舗から面白いデータが取れました
―the first two buildings were being used as gathering places for particularists. -最初の2件は、個別主義者達が集うサロンとして使用していたビルで
――the next two were also owned by an organization that was using refugee policy to make an actual profit. 次の2件も、難民措置法を隠れ蓑に実利を上げていた団体の持ち物です
―――this restaurant's background is similar to the rest, too. it seems batou's hunch might be right on the money. このレストランにしても背景は同様、こりゃバトーの読み、当たりですかね
have the prefectural police's public safety division figured that out? -その情報を、県警公安部は掴んでいたか?
―no matches were found in their database. -公安網にも該当データは無し
contact the prefectural police immediately. -至急県警に連絡
―have their police officers patrol any gathering locales for particularists as well as offices and shops that are being operated by mob-related organizations that profit from the refugee policy. 個別主義者の集う集会所、ならびに、難民措置法で資金調達を行っている暴力団関係の事務所・店舗などに警官を巡回させろ
――if they find anyone about twenty years old who is from a refugee camp, they should question them, regardless of their gender. 難民キャンプ出身者と思われる20歳前後の人物を見つけたら、男女を問わず職質
―――tell the police to be very careful if they have a lot of cybernetic components. -義体化率の高いものほど注意してかかれ、とな
we should assume that the refugee "powder keg" has already been ignited. -既に、難民て火薬庫には火がついちまったと考えるべきだろ
―dying in order to send a message out...it's abnormal. -自分が死んでまで何かを訴えるっていうのは、尋常じゃないよな
what were the time intervals between each of the cases, from the first to the last? -最初の自爆からさっきの4件目まで、それぞれの間隔は何分おきになっている?
―the warning weas sent out exactly at noon. then, the first attack occurred thirteen minutes later. 犯行予告が出されたのが正午きっかり。そこから1件目が起きたのが13分後
――the second attack occurred thirty-eight minutes after the first. -2件目は、そこから38分後だ
the third attack happened after a bit of a breather, approximately two hours later at 3:23. -3件目は少し間隔が空いて、約2時間後の15時23分
―the fourth attack happened after an even longer interval, at 7:11. -4件目はさらに空いて、19時11分
――there should be a greater time interval before the next one. -次はもっと空くはずだ
in serial suicide bombing terrorism, the ones who have firmed their resolve go first, one by one. 連続自爆テロの場合、覚悟を決めているやつから順に決行する
―let's hope that there's still time left before the next suicide bombing. -次の自爆まで、まだいくらか時間があると信じよう
man, you're really knowledgeable about the more extreme cases. can i ask you something? 旦那、こういったヤバイ事件さすがに詳しいんだな。ついでに、一つ聞いていいか?
―if their intent is to generate terror, i'd think it'd be more effective to not have a bomb warning. 恐怖の大きさが目的なら、爆破予告すら出さずに決行したほうがより効果的だと思うんだけど
why do you think they sent it out? -やつらは何で最初に予告を出して来るんだと思う?
―who knows. could it be that they want someone to know, maybe? to know what their final actions were? さぁな。誰かに知っといてもらいたいんじゃねえか。自分のとった最後の行動を
it's as i'd exoected. i've confirmed that they had strong ties with poseidon from gouda's history, but to thikn that everything has become tied to manual to this extent... 予想通りか。合田の経歴からポセイドンとのパイプが太いことは確認していたが、ここまでマニュアル化されているとはな
―a trap? or... -罠か、あるいは…
so, this is the decatoncale i've always heard rumors about. -これが噂に聞くデカトンケイル
―it seems to have constructed a virtual persona from vast amounts of data and is runninga simulation. 大量のデータをもとに仮想人格を構築し、シミュレーションしているのか
―i am gouda kazunto. i have previously been involved with the radiation dispersal removal and molecular engineering robotics projects under the japan technical research institute. 私は合田一人。かつては大日本技研で放射能粉塵除去、分子工学ロボットプロジェクトにも従事していた
radiation dispersal removal...he must be referring to the japanese miracle. as a technician? 放射能粉塵除去…日本の奇跡のことだな…技術者としてか?
―of course not. my brain is specialized in linguistic ability. -とんでもない。私の脳は言語機能に特化している
after the two world wars, this country was able to regain its status as an economic power after implementing the radiation dispersal removal method, which was developed under my direction. 二度にわたる大戦後、私のプロデュースした放射能除去技術を用いて、この国は再び経済大国にのし上がった
―i was also supposed to join the uppermost echelons of society at the same time. -私もそのとき、人としての最上部構造へ行くはずだった
――however, just as this country was unable to gain a signficant foothold in the international community, i was unable to acquire a significant status in the social system here. しかし、この国が国際社会の中でたいした地位を獲得できなかったように、私もシステムの中で大きな位置を占めることはできなかった
―――you mean, society did not provide concrete recognition to the individual who was all talk? 社会は、口だけの人間に具体的な評価を与えてくれなかったってことかしら
however, it took me a very long time to realize the very attributes i was born with were making the system withhold proper recognition for the impact i made on society. しかしだ、私が社会に及ぼした痕跡を、システムが真っ当に評価しなかった理由を、私が生まれもって持ち合わせた資質がそうさせていたのだと気づくのに、随分時間がかかったよ
―in other words, you had an inferiority complex. -つまり、自分に劣等感があった?
no. my very existence was problematic. personas that are desired by the system itself definitely exist in society, and people hunger for them. いや、存在そのものに問題があったのだ。社会にはシステム自身が望む人格というものが確実に存在する。人はそれを渇望する
―and yet, they are almost sinfully unaware of this fact.なのに、そのことに対しては悪戯なまでに無自覚だ
are you satisfied with who you are now? -今の自分には満足を?
―far more than i expected i would be. -予想以上にね
do you know that ghosts, whose existences are confirmed in a manner opposite of that used for confirming the existence of physical bodies, change in accordance to changes in the body? 物理的身体とは逆説的にその存在が確認されているゴーストが、実は身体の変化に応じて変容するという事実を知っているか
―who knows? although, there was apparently some theorist who saw a personal raison d'etre in revolutions and carried one out. さぁ…かつて革命に自身の存在意義を見出した思想家が、それを実践して見せたことがあったみたいだけど
patrick silvestre, eh? i have committed my self to his theories before. i admired heroes and truly wanted to have charisma. パトリック・シルベストルか。私も彼の思想に傾倒したことがある。英雄に憧れ、カリスマを得たいと本気で望んだ
i am someone who should be leading others. that thought has existed within me as long as i can remember. 私は人の上に立つはずの人間だ。その思いは、物心がついた頃から私の中にあった
in the end, my body prevented me from achieving that end. however, fate was on my side. -結果、身体がそれを邪魔したわけだが、運命は私に味方した
my body changed upon encountering my "self", which was wandering along the boundary between life and death, and then my ghost happened to change as well. 死線をさ迷う事故に遭遇し、私の身体は変貌を遂げ、期せずしてゴーストも変化した
a mission to restructure the system called the state. -国家というシステムを私が再構築するという使命をね
―a political reformer, or a megalomaniac? -国家改造論者?それとも誇大妄想狂?
right now, what this nation desires is to recreate a state of xanadu that can only exist by consuming another. 今、この国が求めているものは、第三者を消費することでのみ成立する桃源郷の再現だ。かつて、この国は偶然にもそれを体現した歴史がある
by accident, this nation has realized this in the past. those without a motive continue to desire this, unaware. 動機なき者たちは今もそれを無自覚に欲している
i merely provide them with it. -私は彼らにそれを与えてやるだけだ
and then you'll become a hero? -それで自分が英雄になると?
―i no longer wish for that. my role is to produce the hero. -今の私にその願望はない。私の役目はその英雄をプロデュースすることだ
――to create an activist who will execute and voice what those without the motive cannot say out loud, even as they fuse together. 動機なき者たちが切望し、しかし、声を大にして言えないことを代弁し実行してくれる行動者を作り出すことだ
so, the xanadu in the aftermath of consumption whould be a japan with a structure resembling a cold war? 消費の果ての桃源郷とは、冷戦構造下の日本のことか?
―if so, then who is this hero you are saying you will produce? -では、お前がプロデュースするという英雄とは誰だ?
major, they discovered our infitration! -少佐!潜入がバレました
―got it. then, are the enemies of this "hero" you speak of the refugees? -わかった。では、お前のいう英雄の敵は難民か?
――by making them imagined enemies, you manipulate the citizens' thoughts. isn't that it? -彼らを仮想敵とすることで国民の思想を誘導する。違うか?
thought manipulation is necessary. at times, the law must be bent. the end justifies the means. 思想誘導は必要だろう。そのために法を曲げることもな。結果が手段を正当化する
―that is a philosophy that applies to both terrorists and democratic states. -これはテロリストにも、民主国家にも通用する理論だ
you're saying that eradicating the refugees is a national consensus? -難民の排除が国民の総意だと?
―modesty is one of our people's virtues. -奥ゆかしさがわが国民の美徳だ
last question - what do you think about section 9? -最後に一つ、公安9課をどう思っている?
―the chain reaction of hatred that was created by absence will not stop. -9課、そうだな…不在による憎しみの連鎖はもう止まらない
――section 9 will suffer in between the national consensus of the people and their own sense of justice. 彼らは総意としての国民の意思と自身の正義、その狭間で苦悩するだろう
so, we managed to get the last one. -何とか最後は抑えたか
―barely. this will have lasting effects. this is a declaration of war from the refugees. -辛うじてな、だが尾を引くぞ。こいつは難民達からの宣戦布告だ
batou's hunch is, unfortunately, correct. the particularist eleven are most probably individualists that were "produced" by gouda. バトーの読み、残念ながら正解よ。個別の十一人は、おそらく合田のプロデュースしたインディビジュアリスト
their motive is to discard the refugees. -その目的は難民の蜂起
the compromise will probably be to create an autonomous region for the refugees within this nation. 落としどころは、さしずめこの国に彼らの自治区を作り出すってことじゃないかしら
up to now, we have suffered total defeat. the "chain reaction of hatred" gouda spoke of has definitely begun. ここまでは完敗ね。合田の考える憎しみの連鎖は、確かに始まっている
what sort of nasty trick did you use to get in here? -どんなエゲつない手でここに入り込んだですか?
―oh my...your beloved sister was the one who opened the dream door for me. -やあね…夢の扉を開いてくれたのは、あなたの愛する妹よ
――knowing that the old man was trying to lock her within his dreams, she still opened the door. isn't that right? おじいさまが、自分を夢に閉じ込めようとしているのを知っていて、その上で扉を開いたの。そうよね?
you'd go this far for that senile old man? -そこまであのウザウザおじじに!
―don't speak ill of the master. -マスターを悪く言わないでくれ
――you're still spouting that gibberish? i'll slap some sense into you! -まだ寝言をほざくですか!もっかい叩き起こしてやるです!
but lempicka alone may not be enough. say suiseiseki...will you let me have jade dream as well? でもレンピカだけじゃちょっと物足りないかも…ねえ翠星石。翠ドリームもあたしにちょうだい?
―enough of this. you will return lempicka, suigintou. -いい加減にしなさい。レンピカを返すのよ、水銀燈
――foolish as ever, eh, shinku? do you think you have any chance of winning in this world? どこまでもおバカねえ、真紅?この世界であなたに勝ち目があると思うの?
it's huge! is this the old man's tree? -でか、これがじいさんの木なのか?
―just what are you looking at? these are branches, yggdrasil's branches. -どこに目をつけてやがるです?これは枝です、世界樹の枝です
every dream, with its branch, connects to a single big tree, yggdrasil. -全ての夢は、枝を通じて一つの巨大な木、世界樹へと繋がるです
―dreams never mix with each other, only with the interference of yggdrasil... -夢と夢とが交りあうことは決してないですが、世界樹の枝の干渉によって…
――i'm sorry, but could you please keep it under 30 words? -すまん、30字以内で頼む
it can't be helped...i'll bring it down to shorty's intelligence level. -しゃあない…ここはチビの知能レベルに合わせてやるです
―these branches connect the dreams of those whose hearts are adjoint. -この枝は、心を通わせる者同士の夢を繋いでいるです
they lost their only son, kazuki-kun, in a traffic accident. since then, the master's wife has been in a deep sleep. 一人息子のカズキ君を、交通事故で失ってしまった…それから、マスターの奥さんはずっと眠り続けている
―i'm sure something is happening to her tree. that's why... -きっと、奥さんの木に何かが起きているんだ…だから…
if we liberate her tree, the old woman should awaken from her long sleep. -木を解放すれば、婆さんは、長い眠りから目覚めるはず
―the old man fusses over you because of his intense loneliness. saving her will save his heart! -じいさんがお前にこだわるのも、深い孤独が故。婆さんを救うことは、じいさんの心を救うことになる
――why do i need to read your heart aloud, you inarticulate doll?! -ええい、何でお前の心情をつらつら朗読してやらにゃならんですか、この口下手人形!
but, i want you to find a new master and be happy. -でも翠星石には新しいマスターを見つけて幸せになってほしい
―since i've come this far, i've no choice but to do it! let's split up and look for the old woman's tree. ここまできたら、もうやるしかないです。みんなで手分けして、婆さんの木を探すです
human, hurry up and sniff out the trail! -人間、さっさと匂いを嗅ぎまわりやがれです!
―what am i, a truffle-hunting pig? -僕はトリュフ探しのブタか!
don't search for her tree. my mom, she says that she doesn't want to wake up. -木を探さないで。お母さんね、目覚めたくないんだって
there's nothing here. no scary cars or sad things. -ここには何にもないよ。怖い車も、悲しい出来事も
―my mom, she said she wanted the two of us to live in this silent world forever, お母さんね、この静かな世界で、僕と二人ずっと暮そうって
――in a place where no one can ever hurts us. -誰にも傷つけられることなく、ずっと
then, what will happen to the old man? -それじゃあ、じいさんはどうなるんだよ?
―i'm sure that losing you was a shock to her. but turning away from reality and shutting yourself in a safe dream world is... そりゃ、君を失ったのはショックだったと思う。でも現実から目をそむけて安全な夢の世界に閉じこもってるなんて…
――shutting yourself in a safe world... -安全な世界に閉じこもって…
your father...is lonely, too. your mother is still alive. -お父さんだって…さびしいんだぞ。お母さんはまだ生きてるんだ
―you have to return her to reality. -現実に返してあげなきゃ
without a master, you have no power outside the dream world. not to mention... -マスターのいないあなたは、夢の世界でなければ力を発揮できない。ましてや…
―not to mention, a doll without lempicka is mere junk! -ましてや、レンピカを奪われた人形なんてただのジャンク!
――hand jade dream over obediently, suiseiseki. i don't want to do this the hard way. -おとなしく翠ドリームを渡しなさい、翠星石。手荒なマネはしたくないの
i'll shou you where the exit is. in exchange, could you tell dad an mom something? -出口を教えてあげる。その代わり、お父さんとお母さんに伝えてくれるかな?
―tell them that no matter where they go, i will always be with them. -どこにいたって、僕はずっと二人といっしょだよって
thank you...thank you, eh? what a strange bunch. -どうも…どうもか。意味不明な連中だ
―ah, thank you very much for waiting. the business talks went on a bit longer than expected. あ、どうもどうも、お待たせしました。商談がちょっと長引きまして
nice to meet you, sir. -どうか一つ、よろしく
―thank you. -どうも
――"thank you" with a bow? i'm floored. -どうもでおじぎですか、こりゃまいったなあ
well, do you know about the millionaire, mr.schuwald? -ご存知ですか、大財閥のシューバルト氏
―he had been in seclusion, but just recently, he resumed his activities in the financial sector, and suddenly, all his businesses and affiliated companies in germany became prosperous. 隠遁していた彼が経済活動を再開したもので、ドイツ中の彼の傘下の企業も、その関連会社もにわかに活気付きましてね
――why does he laugh? -なぜ、笑う?
so, yamamoto is not available to help you today, but he and i are both similarly acquainted with mr.kenzo tenma. で、ヤマモトは今日はご協力できませんが、彼も私も親しさから言えば、同じ程度なんですよ、テンマケンゾウさんとは
―in any case, it was a surprise. i had no idea you were still investigating him. しかし驚きましたね、まだ彼のこと捜査していたとは
――yes, although we have yet to see a resolution. -ええ、いまだに解決を見ていませんからね
i was astonished when mr.tenma's name was mentioned as a suspect. -テンマさん名が疑惑の人として挙がった時は、そりゃ驚きました
―was it that unexpected? -そんなに以外でしたか?
――oh yes, totally unexpected! to think that he's a murderer... -以外も以外!彼が人殺しなんて…
well, to tell you the truth, i never thought of him as the type who'd do something like that. いや、実際の話、彼がそんなことするとは思いませんでしたよ
―i went drinking with him a couple of times three tears ago, but he wasn't a bad person or anything. 3年ほど前、二度ほどいっしょに飲みに行っただけですけどね、悪い人じゃなかったですよ
since he wasn't a "bad" person, do you mean to say he was a "good" person, then? 悪い人じゃないということは、いい人ということですか?
―well, not exactly...i mean, he wasn't the type to let his guard down... -いい人、というと…そんなに自分を出すタイプじゃないですし
so those who don't let down their guard are "good" people? -自分を出さない人間は、いい人間なんですか?
―well, in any case, he wasn't antisocial or anything, that's all. -まあ、とにかくそんなに愛想の悪い人じゃなかったということですよ
japanese people do not normally wear something like this. -日本人は通常、こんなものは着ない
―japanese are good at using chopsticks. -日本人は器用にハシを使う
――i am japanese. thank you. -私は日本人だ。どうも
actually, dad...i had a healthy baby. -実はね、お父さん…子供、元気に生まれたから
―a lot of things have happened, but when it comes down to it, i'd like you to see your grandchild's face. will you see him? いろいろあったけど、やはりお父さんには孫の顔見てほしい。会ってくれる?
――of course. -もちろんだとも
then, are you free tomorrow? -じゃ、明日大丈夫?
―yes, if it's after six o'clock in the evening. where shall we meet? got it. well, then. thank you. ああ、夕方6時以降なら。待ち合わせ場所は?ああ。わかった、それじゃ。どうも
i'm sorry. i just a call from yamamoto. he got into munich from prague, but he said that he had to go directly to a client. 申し訳ない。ヤマモトから連絡がありましてね。プラハからミュンヘンに到着はしたんですが、どうしてもその足で取引先に向かわなければならないと
―he seems busy. -お忙しいようですね
he said he'd join us later at the place we'll be going to. -これから、私達の行く店に、後から来ると言っていましたが
―i know! why don't you join us, detective runge? -そうだ!ルンゲ警部もいかがですか?
――this may be some strange twist of fate, and we may be helping each other our later on. -これも何かのご縁ですし、また何かの時にお世話になるかもしれませんし
―――no. today, i...i am...tenma. that sounds like a good idea. please let me join you. いや。今日は私は…私は…テンマだ。いいですね、ぜひご一緒させてください
i am tenma. i cannot blend into japanese society. i do not seek help here. 私はテンマだ。私は、日本人社会の中に溶け込めない。私はここに助けを求めない
―i have no place to return to. i am...alone. -私には帰る場所がない。私は…孤独だ
oh, that reminds me. i found it! -そうそう、それより見つけましたよ、あれ
―that thing that schuwald's right-hand man, the blond boy, wanted. 例のシューバルトの片腕の金髪の青年から頼まれた
――oh, you found it?! -あったのか、あれ?!
right now, getting on the good side of that secretary is the best way to cinch a business deal with mr.schuwald! 今や、あの秘書のご機嫌取るのが、シューバルト氏と商談をまとめる一番の手立てですからね
―i looked through countless second-hand bookstores in prague and finally found a copy! プラハの古本屋何軒も探して、ついに一冊見つけました
――though the cover is missing and it's all beat up. -カバーも取れてるし、ボロボロですけどね
―――if we wrap it up all nicely, it should be presentable. -キレイに包装すれば、格好つくだろ
inspector, what are you looking up, using a dictinary and all? -警部、辞書引っ張りだして何調べてるんですか?
―czech. -チェコ語だよ
does it have something to do with the case? -捜査に何か関係あるんですか?
―no, it has nothing to do with that at all. -いや、まったく関係ない
i never thought you'd look up anything that wasn't related to a case, inspector. -警部が捜査に無関係の調べ物するとはね
―it's a passage from a picture book. i liked the illustration. -絵本の一説だよ。絵が気に入ったんだ
――i wanted to know what the passage meant. -その文章の意味が知りたくてね
―――the inspector, with a picture book? talk about a novelty. -警部が絵本?こりゃ珍しいや
i see. so johan has finally begun to manipulate that millionaire. -そうか。いよいよヨハンは大富豪を操りだしたか
―i'd listened to your stories about johan earlier, dr.gillen, but johan...talk about a monster.前からヨハンの話をギーレン先生に聞かせてもらってたけどさ…まったくもって怪物だよ…ヨハンは
――i've killed many people myself, but he's become something i wanted to be, but couldn't. seriously, johan's my hero. 俺もいろいろ人殺しをやってきたけどさ、俺がなりたくてなれなかったものに、彼はなってるんだ。まったく俺のヒーローだよ、ヨハンは
i see...eh...i have one more thing i weant to ask you, but... -なるほど…で…君にもう一つ聞きたいことがあるんだが
―then a boy who was about your son's age appeared after you were unable to have another child. additionally, he even had money. その後、子宝に恵まれなかったあなた方の元に、お子さんと同じ年くらいの少年が現れた。しかも彼は金まで持っていた
――he gave you a marvelous home. he gave you a beautiful garden. and...he gave you love. 彼はあなた方に素晴らしい家を与えた。美しい庭を与えた。そして…愛情を与えた
―――i can understand very well why you would like to believe in him. however, what's written here is the truth! 彼を信じたい気持ちはよくわかる。しかし、ここに書かれてあることは真実
johan is...a good boy. -ヨハンは…いい子です
―johan is...a kind boy. -ヨハンは…やさしい子です
――an intelligent...and capable boy. -頭が良くて…器用な子です
―――he brings...meaning to our lives. -あの子は…私達の生きがいです
is that all? you were his parents for nearly five years...and that is all you have to say about him? それだけですか?5年近く彼と親子の関係にあって、あなた方はそれだけしか言えないんですか?
―you know nothing about him! please help me. -あなた方は彼のことを何も知らない!どうか私の力になって欲しい
my friend, richard, died because of him. and right now, a man called dr.tenma...something beyond repair is about to happen. 彼によって、私の友人リヒャルトは死んだ。そして今、ドクターテンマという男が…取り返しのつかないことになろうとしている
―please help me. no, more importantly, the two of you, like the middle-aged couples in this report, どうか私の力に。いや、そんなことより、あなた方も、ここに書かれた中年夫婦のように
――and like the people who raised johan as a foster child, will be killed. -ヨハンを里子として育てた人たちのように、殺されます
―――let's leave this place! come with me! -ここから出ましょう!私と一緒に
the apple tree has borne small fruit. -リンゴの木が小さな実をつけましたね
―yes. next year it will have larger fruit. -ああ。来年はもっと大きな実をつけるぞ
――i'm looking forward to it. -楽しみですね
he'll be killed soon by a japanese man? johan said that to the kids? -もうすぐ日本人に殺されるって?ヨハンが子供達にそう言ったのか?
―yes. what do you think of that? -ああ。その言葉、どう思う?
――lemme tell you, he doesn't want to be killed at all. -言っとくけど、彼に自殺願望なんてないよ
then what does he mean? -それじゃ、どういう意味だ?
―who knows...it's hard to understand what a hero is thinking about. -さあね…ヒーローの考えることは難しいからね
――but...but i can say one thing. even if everything were to burn down in a nuclear war, he would survive. ただ…ただこれだけは言えるよ。たとえ核戦争で全てが燃え尽きても、彼は生き残る
does that mean we can do nothing? -私達には何もできやしないってことか
indeed, everything we've done so far has ended in wasted effort. i couldn't even save richard... たしかに、私達がやってることは全て徒労に終わっている。リヒャルトを助けてやることもできなかった…
we can't even find out where dr.tenma is...nor can we stop him from killing johan. everything has been wasted effort. ドクターテンマの行方を探し出すことも…ヨハンを殺そうとしている彼を、止めることもできない。全て徒労だ
now that it's come to this, all that's left is an all-out, upfront confrontation! こうなったら、捨て身の接近戦に持ち込むしかない
i am going to reveal everything to that millionaire, schuwald! 直接会って全て話すんだ。あの大富豪シューバルトにな
―As if it had been swallowed by the light of countless stars. -無数の星の光に飲み込まれた様に。
Your Starlight Extinction is still as fearful as it always was. -お前のスターライト エクスティンクション相変わらすの恐ろしさよな。
But you can't fool my eyes. -だが私の目は誤魔化す事はできぬ。
Even though you know those struck by the Starlight Extinction can only end in the World of the Dead. スターライト エクスティンクションをかけられた者の行き先は死の国以外にありません。
―This is no concern. -まぁよかろう。
Opposing those two means disobeying me. -その二人に歯向かう事は私への反逆になるという事が。
―I told you. It is my duty to protect this Aries Temple even if I must die.-私もこの白羊宮を死んでも守るのが使命だと、そう申し上げたはずです。
I, Mu, will pay for my disobedience toward you with my death.これがあなたへの反逆だと言うのなら、このムウ死をもって償いましょう。
For the first time, Mu, the sweet hearted and majestic ram has erased his smile and finally revealed his horns! 初めてムウが…天かける黄金の羊のごとく常に優雅な微笑みを絶やさなかったムウが…初めて牙を剥くのか!
―You were once Athena's Saint, but your desire to be resurrected made you swear allegiance to Hades and now you are ready to threaten Athena's life. かつてはアテナのセイントでありながら、生きる事にのみ執着し、そのあげくハーデスに忠誠を誓いアテナのお命を狙いに来るとは。
We are seeking two computer science graduates. 私たちはコンピュータサイエンス専攻の卒業生をふたり求めている
Don't get on the wrong [bad] side of the boss or you'll be sorry. 上司の不興を買わないように、でないと後悔するよ
The matter isn't important until the business deal has been agreed on. 取引がまとまるまでは、その件は重要ではない
That has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. それは私が話していることとは関係ない
I can't stand it any longer. もうこれ以上我慢できない
I put together a report by the deadline. 締め切りまでに報告書をまとめます
I didn't get to sleep until 2:30 because I was fooling [fiddling] around with my new VCR last night. 昨晩は VCR をあれこれといじくりまわしているうちに時間がたってしまって寝るのが2時半になってしまった
He's been out of touch for nearly two years. 彼とは二年近くも音信不通だ
Patience with poverty is all a poor man's remedy. 貧乏人には辛抱以外、貧困に対する救いはない
I was about to do a very bad thing. 私はまさに、とても悪いことをしようとしていた
I haven't seen any bears around here so far. 今までのところ、このへんでクマを見掛けていない
your cybernetic parts...you've modified them many times, no? -その義体、何度もモディファイ繰り返してますよね
―it seems you've combined parts from different manufacturers, and you've overwritten the regulatory software every single time. メーカーの違うパーツを組み合わせてるようだし、制御ソフトもそのつど上書きしている
what's your point? -何が言いたい?
―i am an attorney who specializes in cases involving cyborgs. i am therefore well-versed in these circumstances. 私は義体関係専門の弁護士です。従ってこういった事情には詳しい
――regulatory mechanisms could go haywire for no reason, even under normal circumstances. 何かの弾みで制御機能がおかしくなることは通常でも起こりうる
i don't understand. you're being detained, even though you're not the perpetrator. -納得いかないわ。犯人でもないのにあなたが勾留されるなんて
―i feel the same way, but it's in order to expedite the trial's completion. -俺だってそう思うけど、裁判を迅速に終わらせるためなんだ
――besides, even though it was to save a life, it is true taht i used my gun off-duty. -それに、人命救助のためとはいえ、勤務時間外に発砲したのは事実だし
if you're required to carry a gun, you can quit your current job with the security company! -銃を持たなくちゃいけないのなら、今の警備会社辞めたっていいのよ
―how is a family of four going to keep themselves fed if i quit my job? i'm fine. -仕事辞めて家族4人どうやって食っていくんだよ。俺はだいじょぶだ
chief, thanks for coming all the way here. -課長、わざわざすいません
―i don't care about the past. your course of action also deserves some recognition. -過ぎたことは構わん。行動にも評価すべき点はある
――however, the problem lies in the fact that you fired shots while off-duty. -だが問題は非番中に発砲した点だ
what we say in meetings while you're still isolated may be used in cross-examinations, so i'll let you decide what happens next. 隔離中の接見は反対尋問の材料にされかねないので、ここからの判断はお前に委ねる
―understood. more importantly, about my wife... -分かりました。それより女房のことなんですが…
you don't need to worry about that. -それはだいじょうぶよ
―i told her she's bettre off going home because she'd be sickened if she were to observe the court proceedings. 傍聴すると嫌な思いもするから帰ったほうがいいと言っておいたわ
one last thing: i'm sure you're aware of this, but all transmissions are prohibited in court. 最後に一つ。分かってるとは思うけど、法廷内における一切の通信行為は禁止されている
―if there is a transmission on normal frequencies, it'll get traced back. -通常周波の通信だと逆探知にも引っかかるわよ
――it's time. prepare your rejoinder. -そろそろだな。答弁の準備をしておけ
mr.togusa. in your testimony, you said that you tried to immobilize mr.izumi by focusing your shots on his shoulders and legs, トグサさん、調書ではイズミさんの肩や足に銃弾を集中させ動きを止めようと思った、と記されていますが、
―but why was it necessary to fire that many shots? -何故ここまで銃弾を浴びせる必要があったのですか?
――the accused had cybernetic implants and he said that he had cut pain perception, so i felt the need to completely immobilize him. 被疑者は義体化していて感覚器官を切っていると言っていたので、動きを完全に封じる必要を感じたからです
if i recall correctly, you said that you first immobilized the perpetrator, did you not? 確かあなた、初めに犯人の動きを止めたと言っていますよね
―yes. however, the perpetrator did not let go of the gun. -ええ、ですが犯人は銃を離さなかった
――it is an ironclad rule to take away weapons from the perpetrator during an ongoing arrest. 犯人から凶器を取り上げることは逮捕を遂行する上での鉄則です
i see. well then, let us try and look at things from a different perspective. -なるほど、では少し視点を変えてみましょうか
―mr.togusa. does this seem familiar to you? -トグサさん、あなたはこれに見覚えがありますか?
――yes. it is the same model as the weapon i carry while i'm on duty. -はい、それは私が勤務時に使用しているのと同じ銃です
i see. this is a replica of mateba's automatic revolver, but does everyone use this at your workplace? なるほど。これはマテバ社のオートリボルバーのレプリカですが、あなたの職場では全員がこの銃の使用を?
―no. my coworkers all use seburo M-5's. -いいえ。他の人間はセブロ M-5を使用しています
seburo M-5 is an automatic that can fire off a maximum of twenty-one 5mm rounds, isn't it? セブロ M-5は5.7mm弾を最大で21発連射できるオートマチックですよね
―however, your model only allows you to fire six rounds. don't you think that is too inefficient? しかしあなたの銃はたったの6発だ。これはあまりにも非効率だと思いませんか?
mr.togusa, what happens when you exhaust your rounds with this model? -トグサさん、この拳銃の場合、弾を撃ち尽くしたらどうなるんですか?
―i discard the casings and reload. -薬莢を捨てて、新しい弾を装填します
i would like to hear an explanation since i am not very knowledgeble about firearms. -私は銃に詳しくないのでご説明願いたいのですが、
―which allows you to reload faster, the automatic or the revolver? -リボルバーとオートマチックではどちらの方が弾の交換をすばやく行うことが出来ますか?
――it depents...but it'd be the automatic under most circumstances. however, the revolver has its merits. 一概には言えませんが、大抵はオートの方だと思います。ですがリボルバーにもメリットはあります
―――excuse me for interrupting, mr.togusa. you only need to answer the question. -すいませんトグサさん。質問にのみ答えていただければ結構です
then let me ask you this. which allows you to load faster, the seburo or the mateba? -ではこう伺いましょう。セブロとマテバではどちらの弾の装填が早く済みますか?
―the seburo.
so you deliberately choose to use an inefficient model on the job. isn't this extremely strange, considering the nature of your job? そうなるとあなたは任務遂行に非効率な銃をわざわざ選んで使用しているわけだ。これはあなたの仕事の性格上、極めて不自然ではありませんか?
―there is that aspect to the model, yes. but unlike automatics, revolvers won't jam, and six rounds suffice unless the circumstances are extreme. たしかにそういった側面もありますが、リボルバーはオートと違って弾詰まりを起こすことがありませんし、よほどのことが無い限りこの装弾数でことは足ります
――that is not very persuasive. after all, you did in fact encounter an extreme circumstance. それはあまり説得力がありませんね。現にあなたはこういった状況に遭遇した
to be blunt, aren't you choosing to carry a revolver based on personal preference? yes or no? -率直に言ってあなたは自分の趣味性においてリボルバーを携帯しているのではありませんか?イエスですか、ノーですか
―it is not due to...personal preference. -趣味ということはありません
then one more question. according to the report, you spend quite a lot of time in target practice. ではもう一つ質問です。あなたは勤務時間中、かなりの時間を射撃訓練に費やしていると報告書にありますが、
―aren't you seeking personal fulfillment in shooting firearms as a hobby?あなたは元来射撃という行為に趣味嗜好を求めてはいませんか?
objection! whether or not mr.togusa's target practice is a personal hobby is speculation on the part of the defending counsel. 異議有り。トグサ氏の射撃訓練が個人の趣味によるものかは弁護側の憶測に過ぎず、
―there is no factual basis behind their assertions. -発言に根拠がありません
――objection sustained. defending counsel should ask questions that pertain directly to the case. -異議を認めます。弁護人は本件に直接関係のある質問するように
then, mr,togusa, i'd like to confirm this with you. do you remember what you said...when you shot mr.izumi? 分かりました。ではトグサさん、確認しますがあなたはイズミ氏に発砲する際、なんと言ったか覚えていますか?
―if you do not, allow me to refresh your memory. you yelled, "do you want to be killed?!" to mr.izumi. 覚えていないのなら教えましょう。あなたはイズミ氏に『殺されたいのか』と怒鳴った
――among the courses of action you were considering, there was the possibility that you were going to kill the defendant. isn't that right? あなたの行動の選択肢の中には被疑者を殺すという可能性が含まれていた。そうですよね
―――cut the crap! that's taken completely out of context! -ふざけるな!それはただの揚げ足取りじゃねぇか!
i guess he didn't get the hint during our meeting. -接見のときの意図は伝わってなかったのか
―togusa is naive, but he's not stupid. he understood that we would be sending encrypted transmissions. トグサは青臭いけどバカじゃない。暗号通信の意図は察知してた
――so he doesn't want to use underhanded methods in court? -法廷内で卑怯な手は使いたくねぇってことか
it's not going well. he stopped looking our way during the trial. -いかんなぁ、途中からこっちを一切見なくなっている
―i'm going to try checking the defendant's background. -俺は被告の裏を洗ってくる
――major, continue to observe the trial. i am returning to HQ for the time being. -少佐はこのまま傍聴を続けろ。わしはいったん本部へ戻る
i believe that mr.togusa had an intent to kill. your honor, mr,togusa said this in his statement: -私はトグサ氏には殺意はあったと考えている。いいですか、トグサ氏は調書の中でこういっている。
―"upon encountering the accused, i could tell right away that he was a complete cyborg." -『被疑者と対峙した時、一目見て男が全身を義体化していると判断した』
――his statement infringes on the cyborg anti-discrimination law. -このトグサ氏の発言は義体者差別禁止法に抵触する発言だ
―――consequently, i believe that his relentless firing upon the defendant was due to his bias against cyborgs. 従って本件の執拗なまでの発砲もサイボーグに対する差別意識から発生していると考えられます
objection! your honor, the cyborg anti-discrimination law is irrelecant to this case. -異議有り。裁判長、ここでは義体者差別禁止法を持ち出すのは見当違いです
―objection sustained. defending counsel should base its assertions on specific facts. -異議を認めます。弁護人は具体的事実に基づいてのみ発言するように
i'd now like to allude to mr.togusa's specialty, the workplace environment, before proceeding to explain his specific actions. ではここでトグサ氏の特異な職場環境に言及してから、氏の具体的な行動の説明に入りたいと思います
public safety section 9, where mr.togusa works, is a special organization that consists solely of members who have militarized cybernetic parts. トグサ氏の勤務する公安9課は強化義体を施した部員のみで構成された特殊な組織です
having been subjected to prolonged stress in a work environment where he is surrounded by cyborgs, 氏は周りをサイボーグに囲まれた労働環境で長時間に渡り緊張感を強いられてきたため、
we posit that he has developed a subconscious inferiority complex and bias against them -義体化している人間に対する無意識的な劣等感と差別意識があったのではないかと思われます
and that my client gave him an outlet for his negative feelings. -その結果、今回の事件が心の闇の捌け口となってしまった
chief, i found something interesting in the defendant's terminal: -課長、被告人の端末から面白いもんが見つかった
―an inventory of the illegal cybernetic body he'd received the day before the incident.犯行前日に施術した非合法義体の内容証明だ
do you think we can get him with that? -それで落とせそうか
―looks like we might have a reason to believe we can. -一応根拠にはなりそうだな
――pass the information batou found to the prosecution. -バトーが得た情報を検察に回しておけ
so, what about the information we received that this prosecutor, kusunoki, is trying to drag section 9 into court? で、クスノキ検事なる男が9課を法廷に引きずり出そうとしてるっていう情報は?
―he was the one who acted when secretary general yakushima was arrested. it seems he is pulling the strings in this case. 例の薬島幹事長逮捕の際に動いた男なんだが、どうやらこの件の裏で糸を引いているらしい
――it means someone someone has set kusunoki's ambition on fire after he obtained information on section 9. 9課の情報を嗅ぎつけたクスノキの功名心に火をつけた者がいるということだろう
―――it must be gouda. how clever of him. -合田ね…やってくれるわ
what do you want? -何の用だ?
―i am considering bringing civil charges against you. -あなたを民事告訴することを考えています
――is that a threat? -脅しのつもりか
i just contacted your superior officer, chief aramaki. as i'd expected, he was a very reasonable man. 先ほどあなたの上司である荒巻課長に連絡を取りました。さすがに話のわかる方だ
―it looks like we can settle this case as an accident resulting from a malfunction in the cyborg's regulatory system in return for dropping the civil charges againt you. あなたの民事を取り下げる代わりに義体の制御系の事故ということで話がまとまりそうです
――there is no way the chief would accept a deal like that. -課長がそんな話呑むはずが無い
then i will proceed as planned. i'm sure it'll be section 9 members who'll suffer because of that. それならそれで予定通りにさせていただくだけだ。そうなって困るのは9課の皆さんでしょうねぇ
―i don't care either way, of course. -私はどちらでも構いませんが
mr.togusa, would you have fired as many shots had the perpetrator been flesh? -トグサさん、あなたは犯人が生身の人間だった場合も、何発も銃を撃ったでしょうか
―of course i would've dealt with the matter differently. -当然、違った対応をします
――i see. then i will ask you about the specific actions of section 9, the organization you're affiliated with, in recent incidents. なるほど。では、先ごろ起きた事件で、あなたの所属する公安9課がとった具体的な対応について伺います
suicide-bombing terrorism by cyborg refugees has been occurring frequently, correct? -昨今、義体化難民による自爆テロが頻発していますが、
―i've heard that section 9 has been very closely involved with these cases. is this true? これらの事件について、公安9課はかなり密接に捜査に関わっていると伺っていますが、本当ですか?
――is it also true that you were directly involved in the arrest of a perpetrator in the recent serial suicide bombing? 先日の連続自爆テロ事件に関しても、あなた自身が犯人逮捕に関わっていたというのは本当ですか?
enforce a media blackout. -マスコミに対して情報規制をかけろ
―i'm already on it. -もうやってるわ
here is a copy of the case report that was submitted to the prosecution. -ここにその事件に関して、検察に提出された報告書のコピーがあります
―according to the report, while preventing the cyborg refugee's suicide bombing, mr.togusa gave a worning, and in adition, did not fire. この報告書によると、トグサ氏は義体化難民の自爆を阻止する際、警告を発した上でさらに発砲しなかった、と記されています
――why was there such a large difference between the way you dealt with the defendant and with the suicide bomber girl? 何故本件の被疑者とその自爆少女とで、これだけ対応に差が生じたのですか
―――this is clearly proof that there was a bias. -これは明らかにあなたの心の内に、差別意識があった証拠だ
i gave a warning to the defendant in this case as well. besides, the actions he took were entirely different in nature. 今回の事件でも被疑者に対して最初に警告を発している。それに彼のとった行動は全く別物だ
―i just tried to save the victim, who was calling for help! -俺は、ただ助けを求める被害者を救おうとしただけだ
――that may be true. however, there is no way to prove that. -そうかもしれない。が、それを証明する方法も無い
we do not wish to judge you on that. we merely wish to prove that this case was an accident that was brought about by your actions. 我々はそのことであなたを裁こうとは思わない。本件があなたの行為によって引き起こされた事故だと、証明したいだけなのです
―in fact, mr.izumi had been subjected to baseless suspicion after the serial suicide bombing attacks, due to his cybernetic implants. 事実、イズミ氏は連続自爆テロ事件以降、自身の義体化によりいわれの無い誤解を受けることが増えていたそうです
――that is why he changed into a new cybernetic body that drew a clear distinction between himself and the refugees, only a day before the incident. そのため難民と区別してもらおうと、事件の前日に一目で難民ではないと分かる義手に換装したばかりだった
―please wait. the victim cannot rest in peace with such a fake trial. -待ってください。こんなインチキ公判じゃ、亡くなった被害者が浮かばれません
yesterday, the defendant's lawyer met with me, and using civil charges as a threat, pressured me to settle the case as an accident. 昨日弁護人は俺と接見し、民事告訴をちらつかせ事故の線で裁判の終結を迫った
you probably intend to make me back down by using the fact that my work involves special missions in the cross examination. 俺の職場が特殊な任務を行っていることを反対尋問の対象にすることで、俺を引き下がらせようって魂胆だろうが、
however, i will no longer be intimidated by such threats, -もうそんな脅しは効かない
for i am going to resign from section 9 here and now! -なぜなら、今この場で俺は9課を辞めるからだ!
―that idiot... -あのバカ…
――letting his anger get the better of him... -激情に駆られおって
this case was no accident. however, it is true that i could not save the victim. -この事件は事故なんかじゃない。でも被害者を救えなかったのは事実だ
―if you want to press civil charges against me, go ahead! -民事告訴で俺を訴えるなら好きにしろ
――but in return, i won't run away from this trial! -その代わり、俺はこの裁判から絶対に逃げないからな!
―――witness, the court is currently adjourned. resume giving your statement after we are in session. 証人、今は休廷中です。証言は開廷後に行いなさい
no. i want to say at least this: -嫌です。これだけは言っておきたい
it seems that this type of trial has recently been on the rise in parallel to the increased prevcalence of cyborgs, 昨今、義体の普及率に比例してこういった裁判が増えてるようだけど、
but i've heard that there are instances in which a particular cyborg manufacturer colludes with the prefectural police or the defense and conducts unfair trials in order to cover up their products' flaws. その中にはある特定義体メーカーが、自社の商品の不備を隠蔽するために検察や弁護士と癒着して、不正な裁判を行っているケースもあると聞く
due to the nature of my work, i have become knowledgeable about such underhanded dealings. 私は仕事柄そういった裏事情に自然と詳しくなるわけだけど、
now that i have firmed my resolve to resign from section 9, i intend to reveal all of the truth, 9課を辞めると決心した今、真実をすべて話していくつもりだだから
so you guys'd better be prepared. -あんたたちも覚悟して来いよ
―remove the witness from court. -証人を退廷させなさい
a late return. -遅いご帰還ね
―i am not very happy. even though it's you, to think that you've made an entry point for ghost infiltration without permission...i have problems with that. 嬉しくないですね。いくら少佐でもゴースト浸入錠を勝手に作って持ってるなんて…納得いきませんよ
――it's because you were brandishing that naive righteousness of yours in a meaningless manner. お前が青臭い正義感を無意味に振りかざすからよ
but...what happened then had the opposite effect! -でも、あれじゃ逆効果じゃないですか
―don't worry. after that, the defendant got a tentatively guilty verdict. -安心しろ。あの後、被疑者には仮の有罪が出された
――he'll probably get the same verdict in the actual trial. -本裁判でも有罪は確定するだろう。
what the major made you say back there is information we found after investigating the lawyer's bank account. あそこで少佐がお前にしゃべらせた話は、被疑者の弁護士の口座を洗って見つけ出した裏情報だ
―he feared that his own secrets would become exposed. -奴は自分の秘密が露呈することを恐れたわけだ
futhermore, prosecutor kusunoki, who was plotting to take advantage of this case and extort section 9, さらに、今回の件を利用して9課に揺さぶりをかけようと画策していたクスノキ検事も
―decided to withdraw before his ties with the lawyer became clear. -弁護士との繋がりがばれないうちに手を引いたわけ
the scriptwriter was probably gouda from the cabinet intelligence agency, -おそらくシナリオを書いたのは内庁の合田
―the director was kusunoki, and the lead was that yame-ken lawyer. -演出がクスノキで、主演がヤメ検弁護士ってとこかしら
but that's...where'd the whole concept of dighting for justice in court go? -そんな…法廷で正義を争うって意味はどこいったんですか
―unfortunately, the justice you believe in may no longer have any role to play in this trial. 残念ながら、お前の正義が出る幕はもはや無いのかもしれないな
but the victim's spirit won't be able to rest in peace... -それじゃ被害者が浮かばれない
―there may be divine retribution, however. -だが、天罰は下るかもしれん
I haven't come to see you since the ship where you are resting has sunk to the bottom of the sea...Don't you feel lonely? -マーマの眠る船が海溝の深淵に沈んでしまってから会いに行ってないけれど、寂しくないですか?
Never will for get you. I shall continue to pray for your soul's rest. -かけがえのない彼らの霊魂を含め、僕はずっと冥福を祈り続けるつもりです。
Who allowed you to come back here? -お前は一体誰の許しを得てここに居るのだ?
On the surface, Scarlet Needle inflicts only small wounds, but it also inflicts agony as great as the wound it samll. -スカーレットニードルによる外的なダメージは、針の穴ほどの小さな傷跡だが
―In fact, it inflicts pain you can't even begin to fathom. -実際には想像を絶する激痛を受ける。
――This blow is clearly like the scorpion's sting and venom! -それはまさしくサソリの猛毒が全身を駆け巡る様な衝撃!
And so long as Scorpio Constellation's 15 stars haven't pierced your body, no answer will come. -サソリ座15の星が全てその体に打ち込まれる前に、答えはでる。
For I have no right to die or become insane right now! -カノンという自我を失う事も、ましてや死ぬことなど私には許されんのだから。
This man...All that he has withstood until now... was to repay his criems! -この男…今までのせめてもの罪滅ぼしの為に、罪を贖う為に
―He would have willingly withstood Scarlet Needle to cleanse himself of his sins! -あえてその身にスカーレットニードルを受けていると言うのか!
You can't just know if he is evil or not simply by seeing Kanon right now! -あなたも今のこのカノンを見て善か悪かわからないはずがないでしょう!
Because of him, a lot of blood was spilled. -この男の為にそれ程多くの血が流されたのです。
―Even though he said he has changed, we can't trust him blindly. -改心したからと言っておいそれと皆は信用しません。
If Kanon truly wishes to atone his sins, he must first show himself capable of sacrificing his life. -このカノンが本当に前非を悔いているなら自ら命を投げ出す必要があるのです。
He who is here is no enemy. -ここにはもはや敵はおらん。
―He who is here is a brother to us, and his name is none other than Gemini Kanon. -ここに居るのは我が同士、その名もゴールドセイント、ジェミニのカノンだけよ。
―――no, i don't think she's acting. -いや、演技ではないと思うが…
hello, cute little girl. would you care for one of my big, beautiful, delicious apples? -そこのかわいいお嬢さん。甘くて妙においしいリンゴはいかがです?
―i do not want to, but i will have one. -不本意だけど、頂くわ
――look at this! and now i, suiseiseki, am the fairest one in the whole world! -ザマアミロです!これで世界で一番美しいのはこの私、翠星石になったのです
suddenly, a prince riding a white horse appeared! -するとそこに、白馬に乗った王子様が現れました
―his kiss is the only thing that can dispel the witch's poison. -魔女の毒を消し去ることができるのは、王子様のキスだけなのです
if it ends like this, i won't be on stage enough! -このまま終わったら私の出番があまりに少なすぎです
―we really need to have the battle between the prince and the witch in the second half! -やっぱり後半は王子と魔女の大バトルをすべきです
do you even know what "snow white" is all about? you've been doing nothing but talking about yourself, you demom doll! お前な、白雪姫の話を理解してるのか?自分勝手なことばかり言いやがって、この悪魔人形!
―what was that? i don't want to be called that by some glasses-wearing chibi otaku brat like you! 何ですって?チビメガネのオタク小僧なんかに言われたくないです!
jun...you wanted to, didn't you? -ジュン…おしかったわね
―what are you talking about? you think i'd be happy kissing a doll?! -何言ってんだ!人形とキスなんかしたって、うれしくもなんとも
―no. while my spring is unwound, i would simply sleep for a while. -いいえ。ネジが切れた間、ちょっと眠るだけよ
――but, if no one winds my spring, i may remain like that forever and never wake up. it is a sleep like that. でも、誰かがネジを巻いてくれなければ、そのまま永遠に目覚めないかもしれない。そんな眠りなのだわ
that's kind of nice. when i'm awake, there's no one who really knows me. it's a relief. ちょっといいな、それ。目が覚めたら、ボクのこと知ってるヤツなんか、誰もいない。すっきりするだろうな
―it'd be nice to stay like that and not wake up. -そのまま目覚めなくたっていいくらいだ
――i do not know about that. i think it is better to be awake. -そうかしら。私は目覚めた方がいいと思う
to a rozen maiden, although you may fight when you are awake, -ローゼンメイデンにとって目覚めは戦いの合図でもあるけれど
you can see many more things, hear many more things, than when you are asleep. -眠ってるだけより、ずっといろんなものが見られるし、聞けるもの
and the, someday, we can see father. then the alice game will be over. -それにいつか、お父様にも会えるから。そしたら、アリスゲームも終わる
alice is a girl that lives only inside of father. a girl of dreams. -アリスとは、お父様の中だけに生きる少女。夢の少女
more sublime than any flower, purer than any gem, and without a touch of impurity. -どんな花よりも気高くて、どんな宝石よりも無垢で、一点の汚れもない
unrivaled by any girl in the world, she is a girl of supreme beauty. -世界中のどんな少女でも敵わないほどの、嗜好の美しさを持った少女
his pursuit of this alice, his attempt at creating that form, is us, the rozen maiden dolls. そのアリスを追い求めて、形にしようとしたのが私達、ローゼンメイデンのドールズよ
but, one doll, two dolls...no matter how many dolls he made, it was no good. -でも、一体作り、2体作り…何体作ってもダメだった
none of us realized alice. -私達は、誰もアリスに届かなかった
however, if you win the alice game and collect all the rosae mysticae, you can become alice. だけど、アリスゲームに勝って、全てのローザミスティカを集めれば、アリスになることができる
―that's a sad story. to be made for that purpose and forced to fight...what does that say about you? it's too sad. 悲しい話だな。そんな理由で作られて戦わされて、お前らのこと何だと思ってるんだよ?悲しすぎるよ
――i don't think so. after all...to live is to fight, correct? -私はそうは思わない。だって…生きることは、戦うことでしょ?
something was strange about shinku today. -今日の真紅、なんか変だった
―she's always strange! she's extraordinarily strange even amongst the sister! -あの子は、いつも変です!姉妹の仲でもとびきり変な子です
――that's not it. it's like she was hiding something...that's how it felt. -そうじゃなくて。何か隠してるような…そんな気が
it won't work even if you try to hide, sissy pants tenma. -隠れたってムダだぞ、弱虫テンマ
―if you try too hard, you're gonna pee your pants again. -ムリして隠れてると、また小便漏らすぞ
――hey kids, it's getting late. how much longer are you going to play? -あんたたち、もうこんな時間よ、いつまで遊んでるの!
what should we do? the man who came here earlier this evening is still standing in front of the estate. いかが致しましょう?夕方やってきた男、まだ屋敷の前に立っていますが
―who is he? -何者だ
――he claims to have been the primary psychiatrist of detective braun, who used to work for us. ill go chase him off right now. 以前雇っていた探偵、リヒャルトブラウンのかかりつけの精神科医だそうです。ただいま追い払いますので
karl. i cannot see. what kind of man is he? -カール。私は目が見えない。どんな男だ?
―he's an elderly man. -初老の男性です
what is your opinion of him? -お前が見て、どう思う?
―he doesn't seem like a bad person...and he seems...very desperate for some reason. -悪い人間じゃなさそうな…そして、なんだか酷く、切羽詰っているような
thank you for seeing me, herr schuwald. -お会いいただけて感謝しますよ
―let's not waste time with meaningless small talk. it's late. -くだらない前置きはやめよう、時間も時間だ
――let's hear what you wanted to say. -とりあえず用件を聞こうか
―――i don't have that much time, either. however, whether or not our talk will be brief depends on you. こちらもそんなに時間はない。ただ短時間で話が終わるかどうかは、あなた次第だ
din't you perhaps come because of him? because of johan. -彼のことで来たんじゃないかね?ヨハンだよ
it seems i was right. i always thought someone like you would come see me one of these days...to solve the mystery. どうやらそのようだな。いつか、あたしの元に君のような人間がやってくると思っていた。謎を解いてくれるためにね
he is too perfect. those who can see may not be able to understand. -完璧過ぎるんだよ、彼は。目の見える者にはわからんかもしれない
i can feel when someone who is perfectly balanced is in front of me, -感じるんだよ、完全に調和のとれた者を前にすると
and feel that perhaps someone like this does not exist in this world. -それが、この世に存在していないのではないか、とね
―indeed, he does exist in this world. fragments of his past are written down here. -存在していますよ、しっかりとね。ここに記してあります、彼の過去の断片がね
――i will now read it to you. you will learn that he is anything but an illusion. -今読んで聞かせます。彼が幻でも何でもないことがわかるでしょう
―――the story begins in 1986, when a certain boy was brought to a hospital in critical condition. -話は1986年、ある少年が瀕死の重症で病院に担ぎ込まれた所から始まります
according to this analysis by richard, who died...no, who was killed...it was also johan who had farren claim to be your son. 死んだ…いや、殺されたリヒャルトの推理では、ファーレンという学生にあなたの息子を騙らせたのもヨハンだ
however, as soon as your true son, karl, appeared, he changed his plans and attached himself to karl. ところが、そこに本物の息子、カールが現れるやいなや、彼は作戦を変更し、カールにとりついた
then, farren was forced to commit suicide. -そして、ファーレンは自殺させられた
why did you feel like accepting your lost son? -あなたの生き別れだった息子を受け入れる気持ちになったのはなぜですか?
in the past few years, of those you were close to, how many have died? -ここ数年、あなたが心を許していた人たちが、何人死にましたか?
the driver who served you for many years, the maid who read books to you, the accountant who shared your bird-watching hobby...they all died. 長年あなたに仕えていた運転手、あなたに本を読んで聞かせたメイド、バードウォッチング仲間の会計士、みんな死んでいった
everything was done to isolate you and to allow johan to slip into your heart! -全て、ヨハンがあなたを孤独にし、あなたの心の隙間に入り込むためだ
please help me! we will bring everything into the light of day! -お願いだ、力を貸してほしい!全てを白日の下に晒すんだ
―you said it was as though johan was playing with a line of ants, didn't you? 君は、ヨハンがアリの行列をイジくるように遊んでいると言ったね?
――do you know what the public calls me? yes, the bayern vampire. -私は世間で何と呼ばれているか知っているかね?そう、ヴァイエルンの吸血鬼だよ
―――i gladly accepted that nickname. -私は、その呼び名を喜んで受け入れた
Since Deathmask is no longer here, this Temple is uninhabited. -デスマスクも今はいない、無人の宮。
―Let's huury up and reach Athena's temple! -アテナ神殿に向けて急ぐぞ。
What on Earth is this Cosmo emanating from the Cancer Temple? -巨蟹宮に満ちたこのコスモ、一体何だ?
―No, more than a Cosmo, this is like Death's presence itself we feel -いや、これはコスモと言うより死の気配に近い。
These would be dead humans who somehow still journey between the World of the Dead and the World of the living? -現世と死界の間を死に切れず彷徨う亡者共か!
I don't understand...Who could have created this illusion? -わからん。一体誰がこの幻影を作り出しているのだ?
―Saga, you did feel Kanon's presence even though he was in the Pope's Chamber. -サガ、双児宮で遥か教皇の間にいるカノンの存在さえ見抜いたあなたにもわからぬのか?
――A man capable of completely hiding his presence while using such a Cosumo...And capable of holding us back. -己の存在を一切気取られぬ様にしながら、尚これだけのコスモを放ち我々を籠絡するとは。
I have no intention whatsoever of allying myself with anyone. -俺は誰にも組するつもりはない。
i forgot that i wanted you to retrieve some documents. -とってきて欲しい書類があることを忘れていた
―what documents? -書類って何ですか?
never mind that; just go get them from the estate. they're on the desk in the study. いいから屋敷に取りに行け。書斎の机の上だ
―johan will come soon. let him handle this. -もうすぐヨハンがくる。ここは彼にまかせろ
just what is going on with the investigation? -捜査の方はいったいどうなってるんですか?
―it's going well. -順調に進んでいますよ
going well? i told you that tenma was in munich because i though you'd put effort into the investigation. but what are you doing instead?! 順調ですと?私はあなたが捜査に力を入れてくれると思って、テンマがミュンヘンにいることを教えたんだ。なのにあなたは何をやっている?
did you investigate johan liebert, who has become schuwald's secretary? -シューバルトの秘書に納まっている、ヨハンリーベルトを調べたのか?
there's no doubt that he's the real culprit behind all the murders! -彼が一連の殺人事件の真犯人であることは間違いないんだ
tenma's trying to end this with his own hands! -テンマは自らの手で全てに決着をつけようとしているんだ!
To thik that a man like you has lost the desire to life...How tragic... -お前程の男でも命の欲望に負けたかと思うと…悲しいぞ…
―Now I must vanquish you and bring back the old Sion! -今一度死んで昔のシオンに戻れ!
Had you have had the strength of your younger self, there is no doubt that even I would have been crushed by such a blow. -かつてのお前のパワーがあればこのシオンも今の一撃で完璧に倒されていたに違いない。
I won't allow you to claim the head of the old master for yourself! -むざむざと老師の首を取らせはしないぞ。
―Not only are you blind, but you wear a Cloth that's torn to pieces. What do you plan to do? -目が不自由な上にそんな傷だらけのクロスを纏って一体何をする気だ?
This is what you call true strength and you Bronze Saints are beginning to annoy me. -それが力の差と言うのものだ。たかがブロンズと言えどこれ以上は目障りだ。
―So I shall eliminate you all starting with you! -お前から先に葬ってやるか。
This is the only lifestyle that I know of and I, Shiryu have chosen to die on the battlefield. -それならむしろ戦いの中で死を選ぶ事こそ私の生き方。
―As always, you are stubborn. -相変わらず人間が固い奴よのぉ。
――Heh. Even though this is your weakness, it is also your strength. -まぁ、それがお前の欠点でもあり、長所でもあるのだが。
Shall we die togeter, Shiryu? -一緒に死ぬか?のぅ、紫龍よ。
―Gladly. -本望です。
――You really like playing the big shot don't you? -お前は…つくづく不器用な男じゃの。
Until now I hadn't realized how much Papillon had injured me... -今になってパピヨンに受けたダメージが…
If you keep running like that, you're gonna fall again! -あせると転ぶぜ!
Do you really think I, Aiolia, would have let any enemy through, no matter who he was? -たとえ誰であろうと敵である者をこのアイオリアが通すと思うか。
Since the Mythology, these Twelve Temples have been bathed in Athena's sacred Cosmo... -この十二宮には神話の時代よりアテナの聖なるコスモが立ち込めているからな。
―Even if you possess superhuman powers, in these Twelve Temples, you have no other way to advance than to walk on your two legs. -いかなる超能力を持つ者であれこの十二宮では己の2本の足で進んで行くしかないのだ。
We can't allow ourselves to lose track of them until they finally cut off Athena's head. -奴らが本当にアテナの首を取るまで見失う訳にはいかんのだ。
―Now I see. So you're here to watch after them? -なるほど。お前達は監視役という事か。
He's no ordinary man... -あの男桁外れだ…
―He really is like a Golden Lion revealing his fangs. -まさしく牙を剥いた黄金の獅子そのもの。
Among these Specters, I feel Cosmos Ihave already met before... -このスペクター達の中から過去に出会った事があるコスモを感じる。
―And it makes me feel nostalgic... -それも何か懐かしささえ覚えるような…。
What a pretty sight, Aiolia. -いいざまだな、アイオリア。
―The least I can do, before your body is torn to pieces, is to kill you! -せめてもの情け、その体が引き千切れる前にこの俺様がとどめをさしてやろう。
Saga had told you to move away if you held life dear. -命が惜しくば引っ込んでいろとサガに言われたはずだ。
―See! The pearls matchig those among you who had survived already changed colors! -見ろ!残ったお前達の玉の色も変わってしまったぞ!
The fool! We had decided to spare him and he decides to play the big shot! -馬鹿な。せっかく命拾いしたものを大口を叩きおって!
―Too bad for him! We'll tear him to pieces and pass through! -ええい、構わん。八つ裂きにして押し通れ!
Disappear, you scoundrels! -消えろ、雑魚ども!
I converse with Bouddha since my birth, and never have I heard of a man who would have received an eternal life. -だがこのシャカ、生まれてこのかた常に神仏と対話してきたが…未だ永遠の命を貰った人間の話など聞いた事もない。
―Could it be that I didn't pay enough attention to his words? Or...-それはこのシャカが悟りきれていないせいなのか?それとも…
――This can't...Then...Emperor Hades would have fooled...! -まさか…それではハーデス様が俺たちに…!
Shaka is said be Buddha's incarnate. -シャカはブッダの生まれ変わりと言われている。
―When Buddha reached the Nirvana, in other words, when he died, he lied at these Twin Sala's feet. -そのブッダが入滅、つまり死ぬときに横たわった場所が沙羅双樹の木の下なのだ。
Now it is impossible for you to strike or to run. -もはやお前達は攻める事も逃げる事も不可能だ。
You too must have understood. -お前達もわかっているはずだ。
―Once Shaka had entered this Twin Sala's garden, he had no longer the intention of winning against us, but rather, he was seeking Death. -この沙羅双樹の園に入った時から、シャカは我々に勝つつもりではなくむしろ死を望んでいる事を。
Who would wish for a life made only of suffering? -苦しみだけの人生など誰が望みましょう?
―You are wrong. If there is pain, there must be happiness. -それは違う。苦しみがあれば必ず喜びがある。
――And the opposite is also as true. -その逆もまた然り。
A magnificent flower blooms and will one day wither. -美しい花が咲く、それもいつかは散る。
―In this world, every thing with life changes with each instant. -この世に生あるものは一瞬たりとも留まってはおらぬ。
―Like a constant move. This is uncertainty. -常に動き、変わる。それを無常と言う。
Death is only one more transition. -死でさえも変化の一つにすぎん。
i was waiting for you. i thought you'd be coming soon. -お待ちしてたわ。そろそろ来る頃だと思ってた
―these children were anxious for you to come, after all. -この子達も待ちわびていたもの
the please tell me about them, about those children. -じゃあ早速聞かせて、この子達の事
―how impatient you are. very well. -せっかちなのね。いいわ
these two cybernetic bodies were being carefully preserved by the boy, who is now a full adult. この二つの義体は、今では立派な成人になった男の子の方がずっと大切に保管していた物なの
when that boy was six, he was in an airplance accident. -男の子は六歳の時飛行機事故に遭った
it was apparently a huge accident in which most of the plane's passengers died, -乗客のほとんどが死亡した大変な事故だったそうよ
and i heard that almost all of the initial survivors passed away... -救助された人々も間もなく全員が亡くなったと聞いているわ
except this boy, and the girl, who coincidentally sat next to him on the plane. -この男の子と、それから偶然隣に乗合わせた女の子を残して
the two miraculously survived, but the girl did not regain consciousness, -奇跡的に命を取り留めた2人だけど、女の子は意識が戻らず、
and the boy became completely paralyzed, save for his left arm. -男の子の方も左手以外は全く動かなくなってしまったの
after his injuries healed, the boy immediately understood the situation he was in, -体の傷が回復した男の子は、自分の置かれた状況をすぐに理解したわ
such as the fact that his parents, who were also on the plane, were dead, -両親が亡くなってしまったことや、
and the reason why his distant relatives, who at first came to visit him and were caring towards him, stopped coming all too soon... 遠い親戚が、はじめのうちこそ親身になってやって来てくれたけど、すぐに足が遠のいたわけも
he tried to accept all this as best as he could with his still-young mind, -その小さな頭で、精一杯受け入れようと努力したの
and began to think of the girl, who remained asleep in the bed next to his and was in the same situation as him, as his only friend in the entire world. そして、隣に眠っている自分と同じ境遇の女の子を、世界でたった一人の友達と思うようになった
"please, let her wake up..." praying for this to happen, he continued to fold origami cranes, using his left hand as best as he could. 彼女が目を覚ましますように、そう祈りながら折鶴を左手ひとつで懸命に折り続けたの
after a while, the girl's condition suddenly changed. -しばらくして女の子の容態が急変したの
the next morning, the boy was told that the girl had gone somewhere far away. -次の朝、男の子は、女の子が遠くへいってしまったと聞かされたの
over the next two years the boy spoke to no one and continued to fold cranes in silence... それから二年、男の子は誰とも口を聞かず、ただ黙って折鶴だけを折って暮らした
as if continuing to fold those cranes was a serious duty that had been cast upon him. まるでそれを折り続ける事が彼の人生に課せられた重い責務であるかのように
one day, after all the paperwork from the crash litigation was complete, -訴訟などの手続きが全て終わったある日、
a young physician came to visit with one of the boy's relatives, and asked him, -親類の男と共に一人の若い医師がやってきて、男の子に言ったの
"if you wish it, there is a treatment you can have that'll repair all the parts of your body that won't move. do you have the corage to undergo this treatment?" “もし君が望むなら、君の動かない体を全部取り替えるという治療法があるのだけど、受けてみる勇気はあるか”って
"if this all goes well, you'll be able to lead a normal life, like you did before." “うまくいけば前のように普通に生活できるようになるから”って
"can you fold a crane using your cybernetic body? if you can, i won't mind becoming a full cyborg." “君は義体で折鶴が折れるの? もし出来るなら僕も全身義体になってもいいよ”
however...even though she could make her body exert strength, she wasn't able to command it to carry out delicate movements just yet. でも、彼女は力を出す事は出来ても、繊細な動作を上手く義体に伝える事はまだ出来なかった
i wonder if the girl didn't like being defeated. i heard she tried very hard to fold a crane. その子、負けず嫌いだったのかしら、なんとか鶴を折ろうと頑張ったそうよ
that girl must have been a source of hope for the boy, too. -男の子にとってもその女の子は希望だったはずよ
but see, they were still both very young. -でもね、二人ともまだ幼かった
the boy was crestfallen, and said that if he couldn't continue to fold cranes for the girl who had passed away, 男の子は落胆して、“死んでしまった女の子の為に鶴を折る事が出来なくなるなら、
he'd be just fine the way he was. -このままでいい”と言ったの
after that day, the girl never appeared before the boy again, leaving behind the words, "this time, i'll practice folding cranes for you, okay?" その日以来、女の子は男の子の前から消えてしまった。“今度は、私があなたの為に折り鶴を練習するね”と言い残して
yes, she was the girl whom the boy had believed to have died. -そう、男の子が死んでしまったと思い込んでいたあの女の子だったの
why did she not tell him? i'm sure there was a very serious reason for that... -なぜその事を彼女は言わなかったのか、何か重大な事情があったんでしょうけれど
but tha day, the boy made a decision to get cybernetic implants and vowed to go meet the girl, who disappeared from the hospotal. 男の子はその日から、自分も義体化することを決意した。そして病院から消えてしまった女の子に逢いに行くと心に誓ったの
later on, the boy became a full cyborg, and withstood a difficult rehabilitation to become a very skilled user. 後日男の子は全身義体化し、つらいリハビリにも耐えて優秀な義体使いに成長していったそうよ
since there were very few children who were full cyborgs at the time, it must have been unimaginably difficult for him. 当時はまだ子供の全身義体はほとんどなかった時代だから、それは想像を超えてつらいものだったでしょうね
still, when he thought about how the girl must've borne the same difficulties, he overcame his with ease. でも、あの女の子と同じ苦しみに耐えていたのだと考えると、簡単に乗り越えることができた
―and...was that girl ever found? -それで…その女の子は見つかったの?
a girl who was in a plane crash and became a full cyborg...that alone should've been a good enough lead, 全身義体の飛行機事故に遭った女の子…これだけで手がかりは十分なはずだった
―but he could not find her. -でも、その子を見つけることは出来なかったの
――then, where did he find the girl's cybernetic body...? -それじゃあ、女の子の義体は何処で?
when the boy was at a unicersity lab, he found it being preserved there as a specimen. -男の子が大学の研究室にいたとき、標本として保存されていたのを見つけたそうよ
the boy knew right away that the body was the girl he was looking for, -男の子にはこの子が探していた女の子だってすぐに判ったのだけれど、
but he was ultimately unable to find the girl herself, who had resized to a different body. 義体をリサイズした本人の行方はつかめずじまい
so the memories of that girl are still empty. -だから、女の子の方の記憶は今でも空っぽのまま
towards the end of the world war, he was dispatched overseas. he hasn't come back here since then, so...he may have died. 大戦の末期、外国に出兵して、それっきり。あれから一度もここには来てないから、死んでしまったのかもしれないわね
i see...thank you for the telling me the story. i'm sure that the girl is also still looking for the first boy she liked, even now. そう…話してくれてありがとう。きっと女の子も初めて好きになった男の子を、今でも探しているんでしょうね
―the first boy she liked...? -初めて好きになった?
the ice in your ice tea is all melted. -アイスティーの氷が溶けてるぞ
―i know. what is it? -解ってるわよ。何?
well, about that bunch's testing...i want to let them try again after setting the difficulty to the maximum level. what do you think? 実は連中の試験の事なんだが、難易度設定を再考の上でもう一度トライさせてやりてえんだよ。どう思う?
―where's this coming from? -どういう風の吹き回し?
well, you see, i remembered how i used to get yelled at by my instructor, back when first joined, because i couldn't really be at my full potential either... いやなあ、俺も入隊したばかりの頃は、意外に実力出し切れなくて上官に怒鳴られてたっけかなー、なんて事を思い出しちまってさ
―that's true. maybe no one can do that well from the very beginning. -そうね。確かに始めから上手く出来る人なんて、いないかもね
――yeah...it helps that you say that, too. -ああ…そう言ってもらえると、俺も、助かるよ
he is just dreaming a little dream for me. -ちょっと夢を見てもらっただけよ
―but, shinku, when humans can no longer tell the difference between dreams and reality, it seem they tend to break. でも、真紅。人間は夢と現実の区別ができなくなると、壊れちゃうらしいのよ
there is no need to worry; i am going to take my time tormenting you. -心配しなくても、真紅は水銀燈がたっぷりイジめてあげるんだから
―foolish things should not be said. -バカなこと言うものじゃないわ
――i can defeat you even without drawing on that servant's power. -あんな家来の力を借りなくても倒せる
after all...you are junk. -だってあなたは…ジャンクだもの
―now you've done it. -言ったわね
i wonder how long you can last. -いつまで持つかしら
―everything you can do, i can do, as well. have you forgotten? -あなたができることは、全て私にもできるの。忘れたの?
jun...please, do not be fooled by your dreams. -ジュン…お願い、夢に惑わされないで
―it is useless, you know. i shut the door to his dream tightly. i made sure there is no way he can get out. ムダよ、夢の扉は固く閉めて、絶対出られないようにしてある
――that boy will break inside his dream. if you do not wish that, hand over your rosa mystica. あの子は夢の中で壊れるの。それがイヤなら、ローザミスティカを渡しなさい
so you are awake! now hurry and go to sleep! -起きやがったです!とっとと寝やがれです!
―wait! sorry for being so sudden. we want you to let us go into your dream. -待って!すいませんいきなり。夢の中に入らせてもらいたいんです
something happened to jun-kun, didn't it? -ジュン君に何かあったのね?
―we came because we felt the chibi-human's dream door open. and then... -チビ人間の夢の扉が開いたのを感じたので、来てみたのです。そしたら…
right now, they're imprisoned in his sealed dream. -彼は今、封印された夢の中に閉じ込められています
―someone has to go and save them. -それを救うには誰かが行くしかない
――we could pry open the dream door if we had renpika and amethyst dream, but...it's all that accursed suigin tou's fault! レンピカと翠ドリームがあれば、夢の扉をこじ開けられるのですが…水銀燈のこんちくしょうのせいで!
you are the person closest to jun. -あなたはジュン君の一番近くにいる人
―you shold have a connection to jun's dream somewhere! so, if you help us... -ジュン君の夢とどこかで繋がってるはずです。だから、あなたが協力してくれれば…
there is something i have always wanted to try. do you know what it is? -私が、一度でいいからしてみたかったことがあるの。何だかわかる?
i want to play with dolls. -それはね、お人形さん遊び
you make a doll move as you want it to...you make it say what you want it to say... -自分のお人形さんを好きなように動かして…自分の好きなこと言わせたり…
thirty points! hurry and give me that little rosa mystica. -30点!早く商品のローザミスティカちょうだい
―i will not. -イヤよ
――as i thought, even if you are coming apart at the seams, you will not say you will hand it over, will you? that is why... 思ったとおり。あなたは例えバラバラにされても、渡すとは言わないのよね。だから…
he will break at this rate. is it all right for you to now save him? -このままじゃ壊れちゃうわよ。助けなくていいの?
―hurry up! i hate slow thinkers. -早く!ノロマは嫌いよ
i refuse! i do not intend to dirty my rosa mystica by handing it over to junk. -断るわ。ジャンクに渡すほど、私のローザミスティカは汚れてないの
―all right. in that case... -いいわ。なら…
why are they so slender? -どうしてこんなに細いの?
―it means the bond is withering. -二人の絆が切れかけているということです
――and so the branches are, as well. as i thought, something happened to him. -それに枝も枯れかけている。やはり彼の身に何か
such a desolate place... -さみしい所ね…
―this is the inside of the chibi's dream. -ここがチビの夢の中です
――how terrible! the chibi-tree is withering! -大変です!チビ木が枯れかけてるです
one day, the boy met the monster who had headed west. -ある日男の子は、西へ行った怪物に出会いました
"i have a name. it's a wonderful name." -名前がついたよ。素敵な名前なんだ
the monster who had headed west said, " you don't need a name. you can be happy without a name. we are monsters without names, after all." 西の怪物は言いました。”名前なんていらないわ。名前なんてなくても幸せよ。わたしたちは名前のない怪物ですもの”
the boy ate the monster who had headed west. -男の子は西へ行った怪物を食べてしまいました。
although he had finally found a name, there was no one left who could call him by that name... せっかく名前がついたのに、誰も名前を呼んでくれる人はいなくなりました
even though johan was such a wonderful name. -ヨハン、素敵な名前なのに
that guy...the one who collapsed upon seeing this book...does he look that much like me? その彼…その本を見て卒倒した彼は…そんなにあたしに似てるの?
―as though we were twins...he looks as though he were my twin, right? your friend, johan. 双子みたいに…あたしと双子みたいにそっくりなのね?あなたの友達のヨハンは
where is he right now? -彼は今どこに?
―at the book donation ceremony in the university library... -大学図書館で蔵書寄贈のセレモニーに…
dammit...if i pull the trigger...everything will be over, and yet...please move... クソ…引き金を引けば…全ては終わるのに…動いてくれ…
―i have to shoot! -撃たなきゃ…
pay close attention...to how you should shoot a gun. -よく見てな…銃の撃ち方を
―this is how you shoot a gun. -銃っていうのはな、こうやって撃つんだよ
shall we begin the structural analysis right away?! -早速、構造解析始めますか?
―contact the major first. -まずは少佐に連絡だ
it's a message that we won't find proof that leads to him, even if we find kawashima's external memory. カワシマの外部記憶を見つけたとしても自分につながる証拠は発見できないというメッセージよ
―how clever. however, from the looks of it, there is not trace that a third party has tampered with this external memory. 狡猾だな。だが見たところこの外部記憶に第三者の手が入った形跡はない
if we are to presume that the particularist eleven phenomenon is the result of a virus, 個別の十一人がウイルスによって発症するのだとしたら、
―there is a significant chance taht evidence remains. -その証拠が残されている可能性は十分ある
――all right, i'll dive. -よし、私が潜る
major, i'm sorry to interrupt, but i need you ASAP. this is top priprity. -少佐、取り込み中すまんが、大至急来てくれ。最優先事項だ
―since it has higher priority than this, it can't be good. -この件以上ってことは、穏やかじゃないわね
that's right. call batou, saitou, and pazu as well. -そうだ。バトーとサイトー、パズも呼べ
―you head him.だそうよ
bomer, make the dive in my place. ishikawa, please take care of the rest. -ボーマ、代わりにこいつにダイブしておけ。イシカワ、後は頼んだぞ
―all right, let's get this over with. -よし。早いとこ始末するか
hey, hey. togusa-kun, why don't you put your personified data on default? ねえねえ、トグサ君は何で擬人化したデータをデフォルトにしないの?
―well, it may be different if we're talking about chats, but don't you think it'd be too dangerous to lug something heavy like that around when you're diving into a firewall array? チャットならともかく、防壁アレイに潜る時にそんなの背負ってたら重くて危ないだろ
besides, do you really want to see me and old man ishikawa lookign out of place, wearing costumes like american comic book heroes? 第一、俺やイシカワの旦那がアメコミのヒーローみたいなコスチュームで浮いてるのを見たいのか?
―you have a point there... -それもそうですね
――cut the chit-chat. bomer's about to go through the gate. -無駄話はよせ。ボーマがゲートをくぐるぞ
how is it going? -どうだ
―it's starting to become visible. there's a suspicious file on level six. -見えてきた。第六レベルに怪しいファイルがあるな
what's the name of the file? -ファイル名は
―"particularist eleven." what now? -インディヴィジュアル・イレブン。どうする
then, if we are to confirm whether that's the virus that triggers the particularist eleven, そいつが、個別の十一人を融和するウイルスかどうか確認するには、
―it'd be quickest to drop that file into someone's cyberbrain. -実際に誰かの電脳に落とし込んでみるのが早いな
――oh well, i guess i'll try putting it in my head. -仕方ねえ。俺の頭に入れてみるか
hey, isn't it dangerous? wouldn't it be better to build a vaccine first... -なあ、危険なんじゃないのか。やっぱりワクチンを組み上げてからの方が…
―you can't make vaccines until after symptoms develop. -ワクチンってのは、発症してからじゃなきゃ作れないんだ
――that's how it is. -そういうことだ
this is footage that was revorded twenty-two minutes ago by IR system on nagasaki's offshore reef. 今から22分前、長崎沿岸B区のIRシステムが偶然捉えた映像だ
―man, where has he been hiding all this time? -こいつ、今まで何処に隠れてやがったんだ
――if he hadn't switched to a new cybernetic body, it could be that he was inactive until his body parts regenerated. 義体を換えずにいたとすると、生体パーツが自己再生するまで活動を停止していたのか
this could be our chance. i have requested that the authorities in kyushu bolster their surveillance of the entire region. これは千載一遇のチャンスかもしれん。九州庁の全権に監視体制を強化するように要請した
―go to nagasaki ASAP and secure him! -至急長崎へ飛び、奴を捕らえろ
so, how was it? -で、どうだった
―nothing special. the contents were a poorly constructed essay. -何のことはねえ、中身は出来の悪い評論文だ
i wonder if symptoms won't develop just by downloading this thing... -こいつをダウンロードするだけでは発症しないのか
―after all, there's no point in randomly scattering this around and turning everyone into a particularist. 確かに、無作為にばら撒いて誰もが個別の11人になってしまっては意味が無いからな
――it could be that there are other factors involved. -何か別の因子があるのかも
gouda's plans, which the major found after diving in, were very credible. -少佐がダイブしてたどり着いた合田の計画はかなり信憑性がある
―his plans ignited the fury of the refugees. -それが難民という火薬庫に火をつけた
he's responsible all right. in addition, it seems he can't wait to have someone else discover his methods. 奴はどうみたって真っ黒です。しかも自分が犯人だってことを第三者に気づかれたくって仕方ないって手合いだ
―but, unless he displays symptoms, we can prove nothing. -だがこいつが発症しない限り、何一つ証明できませんよ
if we could at least get our hands on the original "particularist eleven" essay... -せめて、個別の十一人の評論文のオリジナルでも手に入りゃあな
―but they coldn't find it the last time they searched either, right?でも、以前の検索捜査でも結局見つからなかったんだろ
then how about trying to find it in paper? -なら、紙媒体で見つけてみてはどうだ。
―the original document may still be around somewhere. i have a place in mind. try there. 原書ならまだどこかに残ってるかもしれん。思い当たる場所がある。そこへ行ってみろ
all right, i'll leave that to you. bomer and i will do another complete analysis on kawashima's external memory. よし。そっちはお前に任せる。俺とボーマはもう一度カワシマの外部記憶を徹底的に構造解析してみる
―it's the only lead we have right now. -今のところこれが唯一の手がかりだからな
You must never forget...that death is not a conclusion. - 忘れてはならん…決して死が最終的なものではないという事を。
―In the past, those who were born on this Earth and who were called Saints have all overcome death. -かつてこの地上に生を受け聖人と呼ばれた者達は皆、死を乗り越えたのだ。
――If your meditation allows you to understand this, then even though you were born a human, you will become the man closest to the Gods. -お前がそれを悟る事ができたならお前は人間として生まれながら最も神に近い男となろう。
A flower blooms and withers…A star shines and will one day disappear. -花は咲き、そして散る…星は輝き、いつか消える。
―The Earth, the Sun, the Milky Way, and even this great universe...A day will come when they will die. -この地球も、太陽も、銀河系も、そして大いなる宇宙さえもいつかは死する時が来る。
――One man's life, when compared to this, is nothig more than the blink of an eye... -人間の一生などそれらに比べれば瞬き程の僅かなものであろう。
And during this instant, a man is born, laughs, sheds, tears, fight, gets injured, feels happiness, sadness, hatred towards people, love towards others… -その僅かなひと時に人は生まれ、笑い、涙し、戦い、傷つき、喜び、悲しみ、誰かを憎み、誰かを愛し…
―All this only lasts an instant. -全ては刹那の邂逅。
――And in the end, he falls into this deep and eternal slumber called Death. -そして誰しもが死と言う永遠の眠りに包まれる。
With the blood on his finger, he is writing something on the petals. -指ににじんだ血で花びらに何か書いている。
―He's writing his last words with blood letters...血文字で辞世の句を…
Wind...Thos shalt take this... -風よ…運べ…
Why are you getting in my way? Let go! -なぜ邪魔をする?離せ!
―They are not any better than invalids...-彼らはもはや廃人も同然。
――What point would there be in hitting them any more? -そんな者達を敢えて討よいのではないか?
Why did Shaka die? -シャカが何故死んだのか?
―I feel that behind all of this lies a much deeper meaning. -そこにもっと深い意味が隠されているような気がするのだ。
Finding a deeper meaning to his death is fine, but someone who would see one of his friends get killed before his eyes, whithout reacting.. -思慮深い事は結構だ、しかし目の前で仲間が殺されてるのを見て何の行動も起こせない様な奴は…
―That, as a Saint...No, as a man, Ican't accept it! -セイントとして、いや男として認めん!
even though you are almost blind, if i come this close... -ほとんど目の見えないあなたでも、ここまで近づけば…
can you see what is shown in my eyes? -僕の目に、写っているものが見えますか?
i...was born in a city that was like a fairy-tale country. -僕は…おとぎの国のような町で生まれた
many people were dead. i was walking there...holding hands with my other self. -たくさんの人が死んでいた。もう一人の分身と、そこを手をつないで歩いていた
it was as though...we were the only two people in the world. -世界の…僕ら二人だけ見たいだった
we...were nameless. -僕らには…名前がなかった
as a so-called 'high-quality call girl' of munich, she took clients who were mostly in the political and financial sectors, ミュンヘンのいわゆる高級コールガールとして、政財界人の中心に顧客を取り、
―and her name became known, albeit secretly, in the upper echelons of society. -その名前は、上流社会ではひそかではあるが、知られた存在となる
――additionally, included among these clients was the one who had requested this investigation, mr.hans georg schuwald. なお、顧客の中には本件の依頼人、ハンスゲオルグシューバルト氏も含まれている
―――father...so you were still investigating mom. -父さん…あなたまだ、母さんのこと調べていたんですね
that child went from foster home to foster home, and suffered ,many hardships. その子は、いくつもの里親の下を転々とした。いろんな目にも会った
some were great foster parents. but he was alone...always alone... -素晴らしい里親もいた。でも、彼は孤独だった…ずっと孤独だった…
that sort of thing wouldn't be anywhere on here, i guess. -なんてことは、どこにも載ってないか
Intermediate levelもあります。 Grammar in Use Intermediate With Answers: Self-Study Reference and Practice for Students of English (Grammar in Use S.) Raymond Murphy (著), William R. Smalzer (著)
Fan translation games Dragon Quest VI (Super Famicom) ? fan-translated into English by NoPrgress in 2001 Dragon Quest V (Super Famicom) - fan-translated into English by DeJap Translations in 2001 Dragon Quest I & II (Super Famicom) - fan-translated into English and Spanish by RPGOne in 2002 Dragon Quest III (Super Famicom) - is currently being fan-translated into English and Spanish by RPGOne as of 2005. Status for the English translation is 47% (as of 12/17/2005).
Congratulations, Lord Papas! You've got yourself a beautiful baby boy! パパスさま、おめでとうございます!ほんとうにかわいい、たまのような男の子で!
Martha: But actually... I've been thinking of a name as well...What do you think about the name, NEET... でもね、わたしも考えていたのです。ニートというのはどうかしら?
Papas: What? You had a dream? From when you were a baby? and you were in some castle, you say? Sleepy head! なに?夢を見た?赤ン坊のときの夢で、どこかのお城みたいだったと?ねぼけているな
Papas: Why don't you take a little walk out in the fresh air, son. It'll help wake you up! ねむけざましに、外にでもいって風にあたってきたらどうだ?
What's the matter, boy? If you've got business with the Captain, he's in his cabin. どうした坊や?船長に用なら、そこの船室にいるぜ
We'll reach the Harbor of Vista soon. It may sound pretty fancy, but it's really pretty dinky. もうすぐビスタの港だ。といってもなにもない小さい港なんだよ
Can't believe that the Captain agreed to stop by that harbor just for you two...Our Captain's too nice sometimes... あんたら親子のためだけにあんな港によってゆくなんて、船長も人がいいよなあ
My cooking's some of the best! I wonder who the better cook is: me or your father? おじさんの料理はうまいだろ。坊やの父さんと、どっちが上手だろうね?
I heard your father is traveling the world, searching for somethimg. 坊やの父さんは、なにかを探して世界中を旅してるんだってな
I'm this ship's captain. A long time ago, your father helped me out a lot. 私が、この船の船長だ。坊やのお父さんには昔よく世話になったものだ
Bianca, darling! We have to go back to the inn soon! ビアンカ、そろそろ宿にもどりますよ!
Papas: Let's see... I've got to go out for a while... so you be a good boy now, alright? さて……と。父さんはちょっと出かけるが、いい子にしてるんだよ
Don't you know anything, boy? You can't just carry around weapons and armor! You have to equip them to even begin to use them. 坊や知ってるかい?武器や防具はもってるだけじゃダメなんだぜ。ちゃんとそうびして、はじめてつかいこなせるってわけさ
-So when you find weapons in the caves, and such, remember to equip them! 洞くつなどで手に入れた時も、そうびするのを忘れずにな!
If this wintry weather keeps up, the harvest will be destroyed. But what can I do.. ? こう寒くっちゃ作物が育たないよ。こまったことだわい
Papas must have come to this village five years ago...He was a hard worker and everyone liked him as I recall. パパスさんがこの村にきたのは、5年くらい前だったかね。なかなかのはたらき者で、たちまち村の人気者だよ
Why hello there... what a cute little custoner! But this is a tavern and only adults are allowed to get plastered here. ありゃりゃ、かわいいお客さんがきたぞ。ここは酒場。坊やにはちょっと早すぎるなあ……
The person I sent to fetch the herbs hasn't returned yet... 薬をとりにいってくれた人が、まだもどってこないのよ
-To tell the truth, I wanted someone to go after him... But your father looks so busy... 本当はだれかにさがしにいってもらいたいけど、あんたの父さんのパパスも忙しそうだしねえ……
--I wish someone would go to the depths of the cave and check up on him... だれか洞くつの奥まで様子を見にいってくれる人はいないものかねえ……
If you go further along this path, you'll reach a cave...but if you get lost in there, don't say I didn't warn you. 坊やこの先は洞くつだ。迷子になってもおじさんは知らないぞ
Ahh... its about time you woke up! I've tended to your wounds a bit, but you'll still need plenty of rest to get better. おお、気がついたようだな。いちおうの手当てはしたが、家でゆっくりと休むことだな
Little boy, do me a favor...help me push this rock off? 坊や。わるいがこの岩をちょっと押してくれるか?
Papas: Bianca and her mother got the medicine they needed, so they're going home today...But I get such a bad feeling having two women out walking alone... 薬が手に入ったので、おかみさんとビアンカは今日帰ってしまうらしい。しかし、女ふたりではなにかとあぶないし
Papas: I was thinking of escorting them back to Alcapa... do you want to come along? ふたりをアルカパまでおくっていこうと思うのだが、お前もついてくるか?
Ah! Welcome back, ma'am! Did you get the medicine? あっおかみさんおかえりなさい!薬は手に入ったんですか?
Papas: Well then, I think I'll go check in on old Duncan for a moment... どれ、わたしもダンカンをみまうことにしよう
Diana: Are you going for a walk? Come on, I'll go with you! お散歩にいくの? わたしもつき合うわ
Once upon a time, at the Palace of Lenoire lived a brave King and his beautiful Queen. むかしむかし、レヌールの城にはたくましい王と美しい王妃が住んでいました
But these two could not have children, and so their royal line could not survive. The palace was deserted soon after. しかし2人には子供ができず、いつしか王家も絶え、お城には誰もいなくなったのでした
But these two could not have children, and so their royal line could not survive. The palace was deserted soon after. しかし2人には子供ができず、いつしか王家も絶え、お城には誰もいなくなったのでした
However! It is said to this day, at night the sounds of weeping can be heard from the Palace of Lenoire! ところが、そのレヌール城から夜な夜なすすり泣く声が聞こえてくるという
Anyhow, little boy... the moral of the story is to stay the heck away from the Palace of Lenoire! ともかくレヌール城には近づいちゃいけないよ
This is the city of Alcapa. To the North lies the Palace of Lenoire. ここはアルカパの町、北にいくとレヌールの城がありますわ
My my, little boy! Did you bring your little girlfriend in here for a drink? あら坊や! 彼女を連れてお酒を飲みにきたのかしら!?
What a cute girl she is! When she grows older, she'll no doubt become a beautiful young lady. でもかわいい彼女ね。大きくなったらきっと美人になるわよ
Hmm? oh, you're not the usual punks... Anyhow, you're in my way! Now scram! おや?坊やたちはいつもの子とちがうな……ともかく仕事のジャマだ! さっさと出ていってくれ!
I'm standing guard here so had monsters can't get into the city. But its also to keep little boys like you from leaving the town on a whim. おじさんはこうして町に怪物が入ってこないように見張っているのだ。坊やみたいな元気な子が、勝手に町の外にいったりしないようにもな
Hey, what's the big idea? This is my cat to bully! Don't get in my way! なんだよう!今こいつをいじめて遊んでるんだ! ジャマすんなよなっ!
It's a weird looking cat, ain't it? It meows funny when you kick it! かわったネコだろ!? 変な声でなくから面白いぜっ
Bianca: Stop it! The poor thing's scared sick! Give it to me right now! やめなさいよ!かわいそうでしょう、その子をわたしなさい!
Heh, she wants us to hand over the cat! What should we do? おい、このネコをわたせって、どうする?
Well, we were getting bored kicking the bejeezus out of it, so you can have it if you want... そうだなあ、いじめるのもあきてきたし、欲しいならあげてもいいけどさ
Wait, I know! You can have it if you can beat up the ghosts of Lenoire! そうだ! レヌール城のお化けを退治してきたらなっ!
Good one! The cat for the ghosts of Lenoire! そりゃいいや! レヌール城のお化け退治と交換だな!
My fool child! Picking up stray cats! I told him to get rid of it, but he just won't listen! What a stubborn child! うちの子ったら子ネコなんか拾ってきて……捨ててきなさいっていっても、ちっとも聞かないし。こまったものだわ!
Well well... how pious you must be to come to church all by yourselves at such a young age. You remind me of my younger days. おうおう、小さいのに教会にくるとは感心な子たちじゃのう。わしの小さい頃を思いだすようじゃい
Papas: Sorry to keep you waiting, NEET. But it seems like Duncan's sickness was just a simple cold! 待たせたなニート。ダンカンの病気はどうやらただのカゼらしい
Papas: Well, shall we head back to Santa Rosa, then? さて、そろそろサンタローズの村に帰ることにしよう!
Oh, Papas! Don't you dare go home after just a few hours! Why don't you stay over, at least for the night? パパスさんパパスさん、このまま帰るなんてとんでもない! せめて今日だけでも泊まっていってくださいな!
Papas: Let's see... We have to leave early tonorrow morning, or else the village will think the worst. さてと…… 明日は早く出るぞ、村の皆が待っているからな
Bianca: The castle of Lenoire is supposed to be all the way North of this city. レヌール城はこの町からずっと北にあるそうだわ
Well hey now, you're a short little bugger, ain't ya? いよ一!少年! 元気でやっとるかっ!?
Little boy, don't you think you should come back in a year... or ten? 坊や、ここはもっと大人になってからくるところよ
Sophia: Though we could not have children, we lived in this small castle, just the two of us... But we were so happy together... Oh, please... help us... この小さなお城で… 子供のいないわたしたちはたった2人きりで……でも平和に暮らしていたのです。どうかお願いです…
Erik: Oh! You are the first brave souls to have ventured this far... おお!ここまで来る勇気のあった者はそなたたちが初めてじゃ…
Erik: Please! I beg you two! Will you help us and rid this castle of the ghosts? どうか願いじゃ! ゴーストたちのボスを追いだしてくれぬか?
Erik: Oh! almost forgot!! left a torch out in the kitchen somewhere... If you use that torch, you will be able to see through the darkness around you! おおそうじゃ! 台所にたいまつがあったと思うが……そのたいまつを使うとどんな暗やみも照らすことができよう!
Well well... You've come this far, eh? What good children. As a reward... You can be the main course! ほほう…… ここまで来るとはたいしたガキどもだ。ほうびにお前たちをおいしい料理にしてやろう……
I heard that there's a treasure hidden inside this castle. But I haven't seen it anywhere around here... この城には宝があるときいてきたのに… どこにもないじゃないか…
So! It looks like my skeletons found you two a bit hard to swallow...Guess I have no choice but to eat you instead! なんと! がいこつどもはお前たちを食べそこねたようだな…… ではこのオレさまが食ってやろう!
He... HELP!! I'll restore the graves of the King and Queen, just please spare me!! たっ……助けてくれー! 王と王妃の墓はもと通りにするから!
Heh heh heh. Thanks! You've got the makings of a fine warrior, little boy... へっへっ〜ありがたい。あんたりっぱな大人になるぜ……
Erik: You've done it! Thank you, from the buttom of my heart! よくぞやってくれた! 心から礼をいうぞ
Bianca: But I wonder why the Ghosts were tearing this castle apart in the first place... Hmm? What's this? What a beautiful gem! でもゴーストたちはなんでこの城をあらしていたのかしら…… あら?なにかしら? きれいな宝石ね
Bianca: It must be a thank you! Its so bright... let's take it with us! きっとお礼よ、ねえ持ってゆきましょう
Bianca: Hey, you promised! This kitten is mine now, got it? さあ約束だわよ! この子ネコをもらっていってもいいわね?
Well, I guess we did promise, and you guys really kicked some ass! So here, the cat's yours! よし!約束したしお前らもがんばったからな! このネコはあげるよ!
Bianca: Wait! I almost forgot! We have to name the kitty, don't we? そうだわ! このネコさんに名前をつけてあげなきゃ!
The weeping noise that came from the Palace of Lenoire all a sudden just... stopped! 夜な夜な聞こえていたレヌール城からの泣き声が昨夜からしなくなったのです
Oh dear oh my... I thought I had placed this in the drawers, but here it is in my sewing box! How very peculiar... あらあら、タンスのなかに入れたと思ったおさいほう箱がイスの上に。 おかしなことがあるものねえ
Hey! Who made these scribbles all over the registry book?! I hope it wasn't you, boy... ありゃりゃ、宿帳におかしないたずら書きがしてあるぞ。坊やじゃないだろうね?
Hey! What happened to all the stew I was cooking in here? Its gone! ありゃ? おなべのなかがいつのまにかからっぽだわ
If grandpa was so hungry, he should have just told me... おじいちゃんもおなかがすいたならそういえばいいのに……
What?! didn't eat it! That girl! Always treating me like a little child! わしゃ食べとらんぞ! わしのことを子供あつかいして、こまったヤツじゃわい
Hey... you're the little spelunker I met before. remember me? I was standing in fromt of that cave. キミは洞くつ好きの坊やだね、私は洞くつの入ロにいたおじさんだよ
Recently, this stranger came to town and has been asking everyone about everything. 近頃村に変なヤツが来て、いろいろとかぎまわってるようなのだ
Yeah, he was right by the church, little boy, but you'd best be careful all the same... たしか教会のそばにいたが、坊やも気をつけないといけないよ
Thank goodness! I've finally found someone who actually noticed ne! よかった! やっと私に気がついてくれる人を見つけたわ!
Who am I, you ask? Just a second... I just can't seem to relax here... 私が何者かですって? 待ってここじゃ落ちつかないわ
If I'm not mistaken, there's a house in this village with a basement... will you wait there? たしかこの村には、地下室のある家があったわね。その地下室にいってて! 私もすぐにいくから……
Oh yeah? Your father's name is Papas, eh? now that you mention it, there was once a King named Papas. Of course, that man was much better looking than your father! へえ坊やの父さんはパパスさんというのか…… そういえば昔どこかの国にパパスという国王がいたなあ。まあ坊やの父さんとは別人だろうけどね
you are Lord Papas' son, are you not? Just between you and me, it is said that Papas has a very powerful enemy. パパスどののむすこさんじゃな。 これはウワサじゃが、パパスどのにはとんでもない敵がいるそうじゃ
If only you were a little older, you might be able to help your father out... 坊やがもっと大きければ父の助けをできただろうにのう……
Ohhh... What a beautiful gem you have there, little boy... May I have a little look at it? うん?坊やはステキな宝石を持っているな。 その宝石をちょっと見せてくれないか?
Excuse me, little boy...? Was that handsome fellow standing in front of the church still there? ねえ坊や、教会の前にいたステキな人はまだいたかしら……
The master gathered the herbs and returned safely to us. 親方が薬をもってもどってきたんだ
Hey, you're the kid I met in the cave... You saved my life back then. おお坊やは洞くつで会った……あのときは世話になったな
I've got a little something for you. Go on and look in those drawers. お礼にいい物をあげよう。そこのタンスをしらべてごらん
Papas: I thought I heard some talking down here... but I guess you're alone, eh? 話し声がしたのでだれかいるのかと思ったが、お前ひとりか……
It's a bit chilly down here. Why don't you come up and play where its warm? ここはとても寒い. ひとり遊びもそこそこにして、カゼをひかぬうちにあがってくるのだぞ
Bella: Well... will you please come back to my country with me? Lady Powan will explain the entire story when we're there! ともかく私たちの国に来てくださる? そしてくわしい話はポワンさまから聞いて!
Bella: Lady Powan! I have brought before you the human warrior that will save us all! ポワンさま、おおせのとおり人間族の戦士を連れてまいりました
Powan: Therefore, NEET, I must ask a favor of you... Will you accept? ニート、あなたにたのみがあるのですが、引き受けてもらえますか?
Powan: Our treasure, the Flute of Spring, has been stolen away by some unknown force... じつは、私たちの宝はるかぜのフルートをある者にうばわれてしまったのです
Powan: Without this flute, we cannot bring Spring into the world... NEET... I beg you... will you return the Flute to us? このフルートがなければ世界に春をつげることができません。ニート、はるかぜのフルートをとりもどしてくれませんか?
Powan: NEET... I will pray that you successfully reclaim the Flute! ニート、あなたが無事にフルートをとりもどせるよう祈っていますわ
We of the Faerie folk do not possess the strength to swing a sword. Master NEET, please, we implore that you listen to Lady Powan's pleas. 私たち妖精には剣をふる力はありません.。ニートさま、どうかポワンさまの願いをかなえてあげてくださいませ
Within here lies the church. Before you leave on you journey, it would be smart to pray to our Lord. この奥は教会. 旅立つまえに神さまにおいのりをしていくとよいでしょう
This is the land that oversees the seasons, the Land of Fairies. If it continues this way and we are unable to bring about spring, the world will freeze over! ここは季節をつかさどる妖精の国。このまま春をつげられないと世界は冷えきってしまうことでしょう……
I know what happened! The bad person who stole the Flute headed North of here! わたし知ってるよ、フルートを盗んだ悪者は北のほうににげていったって
Lady Powan truly is a kind and gentle soul. She even allows a slime like me to live in this village. ポワンさまは本当にやさしい方だよ。ボクみたいなスライムでもこの村に住ませてくれるから
Whoa! that thing you've got with you is... a Killer Panther! あわわわ! おぬしが連れているのはまさしくキラーパンサー!
It may be young, but there's no doubt about it! But how could the Underworld's Assassin, the Killer Panther, ever be tamed by a human..? まだ小さいとはいえ地獄の殺し屋キラーパンサーが人間になつくとは信じられんわいっ
Aah... I love hot baths... Soaks right through to the bone...By the way, have you heard about the Dwarves of the Western caves? ああいい湯じゃわい。骨までしみるのう……ところで西の洞くつに住むドワーフの話をしってるか?
Oh yeah? Well, you must have a keen ear for gossip. そうか、おまえはなかなか耳がはやいな
Well, seems that a long time ago, they discovered a way to make something called the "Thieves' Key" and were banished from the village. なんでも大昔、盗ぞくのカギの技法をあみだして村を追いだされたそうだ
If only Lady Powan had been in power... that never would have happened. ポワンさまの代なら追いだされなかったのに、あわれなドワーフだよな
Oh oh! Its one of those faeries! I didn't steal the Flute, I swear! Zaile did it! It was all him!! うわ!人間と妖精だ! フルートを盗んだのはボクじゃないよっザイルがやったんだよ
That fool, Zaile... What, was he thinking that I was exiled by Lady Powan? And then he tries avenging me by stealing the flute! まったくザイルにはあきれてしまうわい。わしがポワンさまに追いだされたとカン違いして仕かえしを考えるとは……
fuck off, your excuse is too poor. this thread is originally for people who want to speak English but not for fellow who show off their own faculities like you. get out just now. just a copy-n'-paste is eyesore.
Human... please accept the secrets of the key as my humble apology. 妖精の村から来たお方よ、おわびといってはなんだがカギの技法をさずけよう
The secret of the key has been sealed deep within this cave. カギの技法はこの洞くつ深く宝箱のなかに封印した
You here to find out how to make the Thieves' Key? But too bad, I'm gonna find out first, suckers! あんたもカギの技法をさがしにきたな? でもオレさまが先にいただくぜっ!
Oh I get it! Powan must have sent you to come get her precious Flute back! そうか!ポワンにたのまれてフルートをとりもどしにきたんだなっ!
Powan is a villain that banished my grandpa from the village! ポワンはじいちゃんを村から追いだした憎いヤツだ!
Zaile: What? The one who exiled my grandpa from the village wasn't Lady Powan.. ? But the Snow Queen said... え?じいちゃんを村から追いだしたのはポワンさまじゃないって? けど雪の女王さまが……
Queen: I was a fool to think that I could use a child as a tool to further my ambitions... やはリ子供をたぶらかせてという私の考えは甘いみたいでしたね
Zaile: What? The Snow Queen is actually an evil monster?! なんだ雪の女王さまって悪い怪物だったんだっ!
You retrieved the Flute for us? Wow! You're the greatest, NEET! フルートをとりもどしてくれたのっ?うわ一おにいちゃんてすごいね
So, the Snow Queen was really the puppet master behind all of this.. the Snow Queen.. ? ふ一ん雪の女王というのがウラで糸を引いてたの? いったい何者かしら……
Aah.. it feels as if a warm breeze just blew into my heart... Looks like spring is finally here... ふう……なんだか心なしかあたたかくなってきたなあ。やっと春が来たかな
Seems like Papas was called to the castle of Reinhart. Papas was renowned for his skills as a warrior...Must be why they called him. パパスさんがラインハットの城に呼ばれたそうだね。パパスさんの強さはかなり有名だから、それで呼ばれたのかねえ
Hey now... there's some writing on the back of the registry again... ありゃ宿帳にまたいたずら書きがあるぞ
Let's see now... Dear NEET.. thank you... I hope we can meet again one day... Bella... What in the hell.. ? ニートありがとうまたいつか会いたいわね、ベラより……なんだこりゃ……?
Ahh, the weather's gotten so nice and warm. It will be a good harvest this season! ずいぶんあたたかくなってきたわい、こりゃー今年は豊作だぞお
Oh dear oh my! I thought it was just the one, but now this pot is all enpty as well... I wonder... what could have happened to all the food? あらあら? ひとつだけだと思ったらこっちのおなべもからっぽだわ 。いったいどうしたことかしら……
That vixen keeps accusing me of eating all the food, so this time I really did eat it! ヨメのやつがわしをうたがうから本当に食べてやったわい!
My uncle was easily able to find his cup, but I don't think the thing that Papas needs to find will be that easy. Something about him finding a person called the Legendary Hero... おじさんが探してたコップは見つかったけどパパスさんの探しものは大変だねえ。なんでも伝説の勇者ってヤツを探してるとか……
Oops, maybe what I said was a bit hard for a little boy like you to understand. おっと坊やにはむずかしい話だったかな
Your father's name is Papas, eh? Hmm, now that you mention it, there was once a King named Papas. 坊やの父さんはパパスさんというのか……そういえば昔どこかの国にパパスという国王がいたなあ
Of course, that man was much better looking than your father! まあ坊やの父さんとは別人だろうけどね
Calling upon Papas like that! The King of Reinhart must think himself better than us all! パパスさんを呼びつけるなんてラインハットの国王もごうまんな人よねっ
If he had a favor to ask Papas, he should've come to him personally. 用があるなら自分から来ればいいのに……
Papas: I was just offering a prayer to God before I set out...You should pray as well, son. I'll be waiting at the entrance of the village. 父さんは旅立つ前に神にお祈りをしていたところだ。お前も祈っておくといいだろう。父さんは村の入ロで待っているからな
So, Papas has been called to the castle of Reinhart, eh? They seem to be having problems of succession right now... take care if you're following him. そうかいパパスのだんながラインハットの城にねえ…… あそこの城は王位継承問題でけっこうゆれてるらしい。気をつけるこったな
Papas: Ah, you're here, NEET. This time we travel to the castle of Reinhart. おお来たかニート、今度の行き先はラインハットのお城だ
Papas: This will be a relatively short trip compared to our travel by sea. まえの船旅とちがってそんなに長い旅にはならないだろう
Papas: After we finish this journey, I plan for us to settle down for a while. この旅が終ったら父さんは少し落ち着くつもりだ
Papas: I am Papas from the village of Santa Rosa. I was summoned here by the King of Reinhart with utmost urgency! 私はサンタローズに住むパパスというものだ。ラインハット国王に呼ばれお城にいく途中である
Old Man: Don't trouble yourself with my worries... I am merely divining this nation's fate by watching the flows of the river... ほっといてくだされ、わしは川の流れを見ながらこの国のゆく末を案じているだけじゃて……
Papas: I see... Well take care, old man... the wind blows cold and you may catch chill... ふむ……あまリ風にあたると身体に毒ですぞ
King: Papas, is it? I have heard the rumors of your heroics from all over the nation... パパスとやらそなたの勇猛さはこのわしも聞きおよんでいるぞ!
King: So...I have a favor I must ask of you... Would you mind coming closer? The rest of you are dismissed! その腕をみこんでちとたのみがあるのだが…… パパスもう少しそばに! 皆の者はさがってよいぞ!
Papas: NEET, you must be bored just standing there... Why don't you take this opportunity to look around the castle? ニートそんな所に立っていてもたいくつだろう。いい機会だから城の中を見せてもらいなさい
Papas: I'm sure I'll be done here by the time you're done taking a look or two around the place. ひととおり見るうちには父さんたちの話も終るはずだ
Only the King's bed chambers lie beyond here. If you wish to play, you should find somewhere else, little boy. 坊やこの奥は王さまの寝室なんだよ。遊ぶならほかにいって遊びなさい
Ugh, I don't know if I can take much more of Prince Henry's childish antics. It makes me anxious to think that those are the characteristics of the future King of this land... まったくヘンリー王子のわんぱくぶりにはあきれてしまうのう。あんな性格で次の国王がつとまるのか不安でならんわい……
Queen: And who are you? Here to greet our son, Dale? なんじゃそなたは? わが子デールにあいさつにきたのですか?
Queen: Young as you may seem, how very perceptive you are. You too believe that our Dale is more suited to take the throne than that wretched boy, Henry, don't. そなたは小さいくせになかなか目先がきくとみえる。兄のヘンリーよりこのデールのほうがよほど次の王にふさわしいとそう思ったのですね
Long ago, a giant castle fell to Earth from the heavens. その昔、巨大な城が天空より落ちてきたそうです
Ever since, monsters have once again begun to attack the people of these lands. Little boy? Can you believe it? そしてそれ以来、再び庵物が人をおそうようになったといわれています。坊やには信じられますか?
Only God knows the truth of things. 真実は神のみがお知りなのでしようね
What's wrong with every one? The King is still healthy and yet they speak only of his successor... みんなどうかしてるぞ、王さまがまだ元気なのに次の国王の話なんて
Will the future King be Lord Henry or Lord Dale? So long as nothing drastic happens, then no doubt our King will be the eldest, Lord Henry! 次の国王はヘンリーさまかデールさまか? まっよほどのことがない限り、やはりあとつぎは長男のヘンリーさまだろうな!
how interesting... seems as though the Queen has been meeting with some rather unsavory characters. う一ん気になる……王妃さまが、なにやらたちの良くない連中とつき合っているようなのだ
But should I bring this up before the King..? Oh, what a dilemma... このことを王さまに報告したほうがいいのか、どうしたものだろう
everyone thinks badly of Prince Henry, except for myself. みんなヘンリー王子さまを悪くいうけど私はそうは思わないね
When he was very young, he lost his mother, so his father promptly remarried, but... it just wasn't the same. 小さい時お母上をなくして、王さまは新しい王妃さまをもらったけど、やっぱり本当の母親じゃないし
All the new Queen cared of was her own children. It's only natural that he be bitter. それに新しい王妃さまが可愛がるのは自分の子供だけときちゃ、ひねくれるのも当然じゃないかねえ
Henry: You're the son of that Papas guy my father called here, aren't you? 親父に呼ばれて城に来たパパスとかいうヤツの息子だろう!
Henry: I'm the prince of Reinhart! I'm the next bestest after the King. Do you want to be my personal goon? オレはこの国の王子。王さまの次にえらいんだ. オレの子分にしてやろうか?
Henry: Why would I want a little shrimp like you as fly goon? Go home to your mother! だれがお前みたいな弱そうなヤツを子分にするか! 帰れ帰れ!
King: I have asked Papas to baby-sit my son, the prince Henry. I also ask you to be his friend. I am counting on you. パパスには、わが長男ヘンリーのおもりをしてもらうことにした。そなたもヘンリーの友だちになってやってくれい。たのむぞよ
Papas: I wish he would trust me a little, but he really seems to dislike me...But you're a kid too. Maybe you can befriend him...? 本当は王子のそばにいたいのだが、まいったことにキラわれてしまったらしい。だがお前なら子供どうし、友だちになれるかも知れん
Papas: I'll be watching out here to see he doesn't go anywhere, so will you go try to be his friend? 父さんはここで王子が出歩かないよう見張ってるからがんばってみてくれぬか?
Henry: There's a Goon Badge in the next room, so go bring that to me! If you do that, I'll make you my personal goon! となりの部屋の宝箱に子分のしるしがあるからそれを取ってこい!そうしたらお前を子分と認めるぞっ
Papas: Without entering through this corridor, the Prince couldn't have gone out... but I never even saw the boy... この通路を通らないと外にはいけないはず!しかし王子は来なかったぞ
Papas: Anyhow... will you please befriend the Prince? I'm counting on you. ともかく王子の友だちになってやってくれ。たのんだぞ
Henry: Well? Did you bring the Goon Badge with you? どうだ? 子分のしるしを取ってきただろうな?
Henry: What? The treasure chest was empty? That's impossible! なに?宝箱はからっぽだったって? そんなはずはないぞ!
Henry: Damnit, you already found the hidden stairs?! Boring! なんだもう階段を見つけてしまったのか…つまらないヤツだな
Henry: Still, you didn't bring me the Goon Badge, did you? Well you can't be my goon, so there! しかし子分のしるしは見つからなかっただろう。子分にはしてやれないな
Papas: Listen up, NEET, don't tell anyone about this yet. We can't make this any bigger than it already is. いいかニート、このことは誰にもいうな。さわぎが大きくなるだけだからな
That over there is a map of this region. Lord Papas seems to have left the castle rather abruptly. I wonder what's going on? そこにかかっているのは、このあたりの地図だよ。パパスどのがあわてて出ていったようだが、どうかしたのかな……
Nothing can beat a cold beer after a hard day's work! Anyhow, they say if you bring children here, someone'll buy 'em as slaves for a good price. 仕事のあとの酒はたまんねえなあ。ともかくここに子供を連れてくると、どれいとして買ってくれる。いい話だよな
Good deal, The Queenie hired Me to get rid of the prince, but hey, she didn't say l had to kill him. I think I'll sell him off and make a bit of extra spending Money. 王妃に王子を始末してくれとたのまれたけどよお、殺せといわれたわけじゃないし。王子をどれいとして売れば、また金が入る
Papas: I thought I'd lost you, but you came all the way here by yourself, eh? You truly have grown, haven't you? It hakes me so proud! はぐれてしまったと思ったがこんな所までひとりで来るとは……お前もずいぶん成長したものだな。父さんはうれしいぞ
Papas: NEET! Leave this to me! You take the prince and get out of here! ニート! ここは父さんが引きうけた! お前は王子を連れてはやく外へ!
Gema: If you wish to see the child die, then go on, and fight to your fullest! この子供の命がおしくなければぞんぶんに戦いなさい
Gema: But know that this child's soul will forever roam the plains of Hell. でも、この子供のたましいは永遠にじごくをさまようことになるでしょう
Gema: Ahh, a parent's love for his child... how touching...But don't you worry. 子を思う親の気持ちはいつみてもいいものですね。しかし、心配はいりません
Your son will be spared to live the rest of his life happily enslaved to our High Priest! お前の息子は、わが教祖さまのどれいとして一生幸せにくらすことでしょう
Gena: Throw it out somewhere. After a while in the wild it'll regain its killer instincts. 捨てておきなさい。野にかえればやがてその魔性をとりもどすはず
What the hell do you think you're doing?! Hurry up and lift the damn boulder! こらー!なにをしているっ! さっさと岩をはこばんかっ
Please, don't get in my way. I don't want to be flogged. ジャマをしないでください. ムチで打たれたくないんです
I am the water girl. My handsome slave, would you care for a cold drink of water? 私は水くみ女よ. ステキなドレイさん水を一杯いかが?
Carry this stone up to the top of the stairs. Our Lord High Priest is anxious for the completion of the great tenple! この石を上の階にはこぶんだ! わが教祖さまは大神殿の完成を待ちのぞまれているぞ
I heard that beneath this room there's a object of worship. That means that one of these days, we're gonna have to destroy that descending staircase too... なんでもこの部屋には、ご神体の像がかざられるらしいな。ということは、あそこの下り階段もいずれつぶしてしまうのかなあ
You slaves really have it good, don't ya? Being able to work for your entire life under the High Priest and all. お前たちドレイは本当にしあわせ者だな! わが大教祖さまのために一生はたらけるのだからな!
This is still hush hush, but once the temple's finished, the High Priest said that he'd release you slaves. まだ秘密だが、教祖さまはこの神殿が完成すれば、お前たちドレイを解放するとおっしゃっているぞ
The catch is, though, that you'll have to join the Order of Light. Still, it isn't that bad of a deal. もちろんわが教団の信者になればという条件つきだが、わるい話ではあるまい
Would you care for some water? The outside world is full of monsters. Only here is it safe. お水はいかが? 外の世界は魔物がウヨウヨ、でもここは安心よ
It is all due to the great power of the High Priest. それもこれも教祖さまのおちからなのね
The High Priest here says that he will be the one to save the world. ここの教祖さんは世界を救うというとるそうじゃ
But what kind of man is he that he'd use slaves to construct this temple of his...? しかし、ドレイをつかって神殿をつくらせるようではろくなもんじゃねえぞ!
Henry: You're lucky though... Even if I got out of here, back at the castle my little brother's the damn King... Ah well.. no use in dredging up the past. I'm heading back to work. いいよなあ、オレなんかここを逃げだしてもお城では弟のデールが王さまになってるだろうし……と、くどくど話しててもしかたないなっ! さあ、仕事仕事
Goddamn it... My younger sister Maria was taken into slavery... まいった……妹のマリアがドレイにされてしまったのだ……
I've got to do something, but I can't just go up against the High Priest... Heh... what use is it to tell a slave like you my story.. ? なんとかしたいが教祖さまにはさからえないし…とこんなことをドレイのお前に話してもしかたなかったな……
Henry: But man, you've got such fight in you... You've never gotten used to being a slave, haue you...? しかしお前はいつまでたっても反抗的で、ドレイになりきれないヤツだよなあ
Henry: On the other hand, take alook at me! I'm all reformed, and stuff! その点オレなんか素直になったと自分でも思うよ
Please, don't wake me up yet. Just let me sleep a little more. おねげえだ、起こさないでくれ。ぎりぎりまで眠らせてくれ
I heard that you were brought here when you were just a child, and that you've been working since...It must have been so rough for you... なんでもアニキは子供のとき連れてこられて、10年以上もドレイとしてはたらかされているとか。ずいぶん苦労しなすったんですねえ……
Without hope... without dreams... I don't want to live my life as a slave... I just want to die... なんの希望も夢もなく一生ドレイで終わるなんて……もう死んでしまいたいです……
Gee, listen to this. That girl Maria there was a follower of the Order of Light and still got enslaved. ちょっと聞いておくれよ。そこのマリアちゃんは教団の信者だったのに、ドレイにされちゃったのよ
Seems like she went and broke a very valuable artifact of the High Priest's. なんでも不注意で教祖さまの大事なお皿をわってしまったとかで……
Maria's elder brother is a guard here, for the Order... God, what a horrible life it must be for them... マリアちゃんの兄さんは教団の兵士をしてるっていうのに、まったくひどい話よねえ……
Maria: Its alright really... Besides, something happened recently that made me unable to follow the beliefs of the Order anymore... いいんです私……最近、教祖さまのお考えについていけないところがあったし……
Maria: And now this. I had no idea that so many innocent people were being enslaved by the Order. それに、今までこんなに多くの人々が教団のためにドレイにされているなんて、知りませんでした
Did you know? Once the temple's completed, we can go free! あんた知ってますか? 神殿が完成すれば私たちは自由の身になれるんですよ!
Hey there, NEET! Heard your father got killed by some menbers of the Order of Light. よお、おめえか! おめえの親父はこの教団のヤツらに殺されたんだってな
Don't you ever forget the pain you felt during that one moment. As long as you have that drive, you'll be able to conquer any ordeal... その時のくやしさを忘れちゃいけねえぜ。その思いがあるかぎり、おめえはきっと生きてゆくだろうからな
I don't know if I'll be able to live long enough to see the completion of the temple. この神殿が完成するまで、とても生きておれそうにないのう
But if I die, I'll never have to be flogged again. I'll finally be free... しかし、死んでしまえばもうムチでうたれることもない。やっと自由な身じゃよ
When the temple is completed, can we all go free, you ask? Of course you can! So stop thinking of anything except working your hardest! 神殿が完成すれば自由になれるという話か? ああ、もちろん本当だとも! だから何も考えず精いっぱいはたらくのだぞ!
According to the High Priest, a time of darkness is upon us. Thus, the High Priest took it upon himself to create a land of light to counter such. 教祖さまのお話ではやがて閣の時代が来るらしい。そこで、教祖さまは光の国をつくり人々を閣から守るおつもりなのだ
How cruel... Can't anyone do something about it..? むごいのう誰かなんとかしてやれんもんじゃろうか……
Guard: No matter... Someone, take this girl up to the healer's! And throw these two in the cell! まあよい……おいこの女の手当てをしてやれ! それからこの2人は牢屋にぶちこんでおけっ!
Joshua: Its just a rumor, but l've heard that when this temple is completed, they're going to destroy any evidence of its creation... including the slaves! If that happens, my sister Maria... she'll... じつはまだウワサだが、この神殿が完成すれば秘密を守るためドレイたちを皆殺しにするかも知れないのだ……そうなれば、当然妹のマリアまでが……
Joshua: This water duct is used to wash the carcasses of dead slaves away... but if you hide in this barrel, you'll probably be able to get out alive. この水牢はドレイの死体を流すためのものだが、タルに入っていればたぶん生きたまま出られるだろう
Joshua: Hurry! Get in the barrel before someone sees you! さあ、誰か来ないうちに早くタルの中へ!
Oh well, this is a nameless nunnery by the sea... so take your time to rest and get better! You're safe here! ここは名もない海辺の修道院。どうか元気になるまでゆっくりしていってくださいね
Oh yes, I found that set of clothes tucked away in your belongings. そうですわ、その服はあなたが持っていた荷物にはいっていたものです
The clothes you were wearing recently were so raggedy, I took the liberty of changing you. 前の服はあまりにボロボロだったので、着がえさせてもらいましたのよ
You came here all the way downstream in the same barrel as Miss Maria? あなたはこのマリアさんと同じタルで流されてきた人ですね
Ah, the more I speak to Maria, the more I am humbled by the beauty of her soul. Surely she was sent to this Earth to serve our God... マリアさんと話せば話すほど、その心の美しさに感心してしまいますわ。彼女こそ神におつかえするため生まれてきた人なのではないでしょうか
I have heard your tale... you've have worked as a slave for ten years and finally gained freedom. お話は聞いています、 10年以上もドレイとして働きやっと自由の身になったとか
Rest assured that no one will ever give you orders again. あなたは、もう誰からも命令されないでしょう
With your father's passing, where you go and what you do will be entirely up to you. 父上もなくなった今、どこに行きなにをするか、これからはすべて自分で考えなくてはなりません
i've been living in the US for half my life but i'm so fucken scared it's summer break over here but i haven't left my house at all there's about 2 months left of this boredom... i hardly have any friends after that, college starts but i'm terrified for that, too i'll have a roommate then, too! yippieeee. dammit! dammit!!! dammit!!!!
I ran away from my no-good husband. He used to beat me everyday. あたしゃ亭主から逃げてきたんだよ。とんでもない乱暴者でね
Hmm? Where did you run away from? What a coincidence! おや?あんたもどこかから逃げてきたのかい? そりゃきぐうだねえ
Maria: Thank you so much for hearing my brother out and for helping me to escape. 兄の願いを聞きいれ、私をつれて逃げてくれてありがとうございました
Maria: But... when I think of my brother and the people who are still enslaved there... I cannot bring myself to truly be happy... まだあそこにいる兄や多くのドレイの皆さんのことを考えると、心からよろこべないのですが……
Maria: The reason that I stand here this day, is surely due to God's good grace. 今私がここにあるのも、きっと神さまのおみちびきなのでしょうね……
Listen! If you go all the way North of here, you'll get to a huge city! It's a really fun place! あのね!ここから北にいくと大きな町があるのっ。とっても面白い所だよ!
Henry: Oh? You got changed and everything? Oh yeah, you had baggage and stuff, huh? へえ、ちゃんと着がえたのか?そういやお前は荷物を持っていたもんな
Henry: But look at me. I still look like a damn slave. Ah well, what can I do? オレなんかまだドレイの恰好のままだぜ。まっいいけどね
Henry: Let's see now... What should we do now? Anyhow, when you're about to leave, gimme a holler. さあてと……これからどうするかなあ……出かけるときはオレにも声をかけてくれよ!
Henry: I'm gonna go and tell the others that we'll be leaving, so just wait here a sec! 今出かけるっていってくるから、お前はここで待っていろよ!
Maria: I will stay here and pray for the souls of the Many slaves... and also... I'll pray that you find your mother, NEET... Please take care, always. 私はここに残り、多くのドレイの皆さんのために毎日祈ることにしました。そしてニートさんがお母さまに会えるようにも……どうかお気をつけて
Once you step through these gates, you will be transported to a faraway lands. 旅のトビラをくぐれば、たちまち遠い所へはこばれよう
However, now is not the right time. Perhaps... soon... This is the city where all dreams can come true, Oracleberry. じゃがまだその時ではない、出なおして来なされ
Whaddaya want to drink? Eh. You don't even know what a beer is.. ? I don't know the details... but you must have come from some really barren place... なんか飲むかい? え?酒を知らないだって? へえ、そのトシでねえ……よくはわからないけど、ずいぶんとさみしい所から来たんだねえ
Hmm? Ah, you're a traveler. Oh, but it's nice to have a place to go home to... But I suppose a young person like you still doesn't know the true joy of such... おや、あんた旅の人だね。でも帰る所があるっていいもんだよ。とかいっても若い人にはまだわからないかねえ……
I came to this town in hopes of becoming a dancer. Just you watch... I'll be the number one dancer here soon! あたし踊り子になりたくてこの町にやってきたの。きっとトップダンサーになってみせるわ
Sir, did you know? A spell named Identify is said to be able to discern the contents of a lot of things. お客さん知ってますか? なんでもインパスという呪文で、いろんな物のかんていができるみたいですよ
Aaah, time passes so quickly doesn't it? When I was younger, this town was just a smail village. まったく月日のたつのは早いものじゃな。わしが若い頃この町はまだ小さな村じゃったのに
People only started coming here after they built the bridge up North. How long ago? It's been about ten years since they put that up. 北に橋がかかってからは人々が来はじめてのう……北に橋ができてからもう10年になるかのう
When you leave a town and walk for some time, it will become night. At night, this town will show its other face. 町の外に出て長く歩くと、やがて夜になりましょう。夜ともなると、この町はまた別の顔を人々に見せるのです
I heard that there's a store around here that sells something very peculiar... it's only open at night though. めずらしい物を売っている店があると聞いてきたのだが、昼間はやっていないらしいな
I am a traveling merchant. On my way in from the North, I happened upon a terribly desolate village. 私は旅の行商人。北からやってきたのですが途中ずいぶんさびれた村を見ましたなあ
I could hardly believe that people actually lived there. あんな所にも人が住んでるかとびっくりしてしまいましたよ
First things first! You need to find a caravan! And then... You must fight monsters, not with hate.. but with love! まず、馬車を手に入れることじゃ! そして……憎む心ではなく愛をもってモンスターたちと戦うのじゃ
And when the monsters see this love, they will come to you, not as an enemy, but as a friend... a companion... そのおぬしの心が通じたとき、モンスターはむこうから仲間にしてくれといってくるじゃろう
Of course, they respect only the strong... so you must triumph over them in battle first before they join you. もっとも、波らは自分より強い者しか尊敬しないから、仲間になりたいというのはこっちが勝ったあとじゃがな
A smart ome like you will be able to befriend many a monster! おぬしならきっと多くのモンスターを仲間にできるはずじゃ!
You will be able to take along a lot more monsters with the caravan, but there is still a limit... 馬車があればより多くのモンスターを連れて歩けるが、それでも限度はある
When you reach such, just come visit me. I'll take care of your monstrous friends. そのときはわしの所へ来ればいい。仲間のモンスターのめんどうをみてあげるぞい
If you want a monster to obey your orders all the time, you should raise their intelligence. モンスターにいうことをきかせたかったら、育ててかしこさをあげることね
When a monster's intelligence is over 20, he'll do just about anything you order him to do. かしこさが20以上になったら、ちゃんと命令どおりに戦ってくれるはずよ
Hmm? You a friend of my husband's, are you not? Then listen to this a moment. My husband keeps telling me that he want's to go North to a great castle to sell his wares... おや、あんたうちの人の知り合いかい? だったら聞いておくれよ。うちの人ったらずっと北の大きなお城まで商売にでたいなんていうんだよ
But this castle doesn't have the a most shining reputation.. it just worries me so... でもあんまり評判のよくないお城みたいだし、あたしゃなんだか心配で……
You could say that I'm a rather famous fortune telling lady. わしはこの町ではちょっと名の知れた占いババじゃ
To tell the truth, I only do fortunes at night... but seeing that you're my type of man, I'll tell you something helpful. 本当は夜しか占わぬが、おぬしはなかなかの男前でわしの好みだから、いいことを教えてあげるぞえ
A giant hand of darkness hovers menacingly to swallow our world! Whether you want to believe it or not, that's entirely up to you. 巨大な闇の手がこの世界をのみこもうとしておる! 信じる信じまいはおぬしの勝手じゃがな
This is an underground prison. If you want to speak to the prisoners, you can talk to them across the bars. ここは地下牢。囚人と話したければ鉄格子ごしに話しかけるといい
This store brews great ale, but the food is disgusting! See? Try some! この店は酒はうまいが料理はまずいのう。ほれ食ってみなされ
I may only own one tiny little armor shop, but my dream is to one day own a huge enterprise... 私はね、今はしがない防具屋ですが、もっとでっかい商売をするのが夢なんですよ
To do that, I need to go to this castle said to exist to the North and take tons and tons of orders... But my darn wife... She won't let me go! Dammit! そのためには北にあるという大きなお城にいって、注文をどっさりと……でもうちの女房が許してくれなくて……なんでい!
I an a fortune teller... Would you like for me to peer into your future..? わしは占いババじゃ、占ってほしいのか?
Very well. Since you're so handsome, I'll tell your fortune for free! よろしい。おぬしは男前じゃから、特別にただでみてしんぜよう
Let's see... you are.. looking for someone.. and that person... a woman most dear to you... But you are confused.. for you do not know whether she lives or not... ふむふむ、おぬしは誰かを捜しておるな。それは、おぬしに親しい女とでたぞ。しかし、おぬしにはその者がまだ生きているのかわからないとみえる……
But take heart, for she lives! And she too anxiously awaits the day that you two can come face to face... 安心せい! その者はまだ生きておる! そして、おぬしに会える日を待っているぞ!
You must first go North. There you will find a piece to this puzzle... まず北にゆくがよい。そこでおぬしはなにかを見つけるじゃろう
Are you travelers? Then you'll need to buy a caravan! You can have more party members this way! お前さん旅の人かい? だったら馬車のひとつも買ってみないかい? 多くの仲間を乗せられるぞ!
Normally, I'd sell her for 3000 gold... but for you.. how about 300 gold? 3000Gといいたいところだが、まけにまけて 300Gでどうだい?
Alright! It's a done deal! I'll leave the caravan outside the city... good luck now! よし商談成立だ! 馬車は町の外に出しとくから、いい旅をするんだぜ!
I heard this rumor that, someplace, they're building a country of light where everyone can live happily. If it's true, I'd like to go there one day... 風のうわさに聞いたのですが、どこかで人々が幸せに暮せる光の国をつくっているとか。もし本当ならいってみたいものですね
According to rumor, there is a King somewhere that collects small medals. When you bring medals to this King, its said that he will exchange them for various items. うわさでは、世界のどこかにちいさなメダルをあつめてる王さまがいるそうです。その王さまのところにメダルを持ってゆくと、いろんな物をくれるそうです
If you find a medal, don't throw it away, but keep it, or store it away in the Depository. メダルを見つけたら捨てずに、とりあえず預かり所にでもあずけておくことですな
Recently, my children have been playing on the outskirts of the town... I'm so worried. 最近うちの子供が町の外で遊んでるらしくて、とても心配だわ
I hope that the world will someday be peaceful enough that they can at least go outside. 怪物たちの出ない平和な世の中になってくれないものかねえ……
Welcome to the casino. You may only use coins here. You can exchange your gold for coins at the cashier over there. ようこそカジノへ。ここではコインしかつかえません。そこのキャッシャーでコインを買ってくださいね
There's this rumor that this world is going to be infested by darkness, but when a person dies, they die! You have to enjoy life! 世界を闇がむしばむというウワサがあるみたいですが、人間死ぬときは死ぬんです!人生楽しまなくっちゃ!
Do you know of the Legendary Hero? I wonder if truly someone called that will appear on this world... Actually, I've already bet 1000 coins that he will appear! 伝説の勇者って知っていますか? そういう人がホントに出現するかどうか……私は出現するほうにコイン1000まいかけてるんですよっ
When you come here, you get to see a lot of different lives of a lot of different people. At my age, this is the only thing that gives me joy. ここに来ると、いろんな人の人生が見えるのじゃよ。このトシになったらそれだけが楽しみで
Please lend me your ear a moment! If that monster there wins, since I've got a double up on him, I'll get 1000 coins! 聞いてください! あのモンスターが勝つとダプルアップしてるんで、なんと1000まいに!
You can win all you like at the casino, but coins will always stay coins and can't be changed back to money. いくらカジノで勝っても、コインはお金にはもどらないのだ
So not indebting yourself and only using truly excess money is the reasonable way to go. 無理をせずに、あまったお金で楽しむのがりこうなやりかただろう
This is the village of Santa Rosa. If you head West, you will eventually come upon the city of Alcapa. ここはサンタローズの村だよ、西にゆくとアルカパの町があるんだい!
A long time ago, this was a beautiful village. But one day, soldiers from Reinhart came here and burned the village to ashes! その昔ここはとても美しい村でしたのよ。しかし、ある日ラインハットの兵士たちが村を焼き払いに来て……
How cruel! How could they?! They blamed their prince's disappearance on Papas... ひどい!ひどいわ! パパスさんのせいで王子様が行方不明になっただなんて!
Telling a complete stranger about Papas... What good would that do? 見ず知らずの人にパパスさんの話をしても、しかたなかったですわね……
What? You know Lord Papas? He was your father?! B... but... come to think of it... you look like that boy he was with... NEET! NEET?! Is it you...? え?パパスさんを知ってる? あなたの父親ですって!? そんなっ……でも確かにあの時の坊やのおもかげが……ニート!ニートなの!?
come to think of it... back then, Papas mentioned hiding something valuable in the cave... そういえば、あの当時パパスどのは洞くつのなかに大切な物をかくしてたようじゃ
It's been a long time and I don't know for sure what it was, but whatever it is still there! Be careful downthere... なん年もたっているのでどうなってるかは知らんが、きっとまだあるはず!気をつけて調べなされよ
Way back when, this was a thriving inn.. but then the soldiers came and destroyed it. 昔ね、もっとちゃんとした宿屋だったけど、兵士たちにこわされちゃってねえ……
This is all we have now, but please, stay and rest as long as you like. まあこんな所だけど、ゆっくり旅のつかれをとっていっておくれよ
Dear NEET... If you are reading this letter, then for some reason, I am no longer able to stand by your side... ニートよ。お前がこれを読んでいるということは、なんらかの理由で私はすでにお前のそばにいないのだろう
You may already know this, but my quest began when a creature of purest evil kidnapped my wife... すでに知っているかもしれんが、私は邪悪な手にさらわれた妻のマーサを助けるため旅をしている
My wife, your mother, possessed a most wonderful power. I'm not sure what it truly does, but I know that it has some connection to the Demon World. 私の妻、お前の母にはとてもふしぎな力があった。私にはよくわからぬが、その能力は魔界に通じるものらしい
I have no doubts that it was because of such power that she was kidnapped. たぶん妻はその能力ゆえに魔界に連れ去られたのであろう
NEET! You must find the Legendary Hero! ニートよ! 伝説の勇者をさがすのだ!
From my research, the only person who may venture into the Demon World to save her is the one who can equip the Zenithian Armor. 私の調べたかぎり魔界に入り邪悪な手から妻をとりもどせるのは、天空の武器・防具を身につけた勇者だけなのだ
I traveled the world thrice, and all I have to show is the Zenithian Sword, much less any sign of the Legendary Hero! 私は世界中を旅して天空のつるぎを見つけることができた。しかし、いまだ伝説の勇者は見つからぬ……
But NEET! You must do what I could not! Find the Hero, find the Zenithian Brmor, then same your mother! You are our only hope! ニートよ!残りの防具をさがしだし、勇者を見つけ、わが妻マーサを助けだすのだ。たのんだぞニート!
Henry: Hmmm... and so the plot thickens, eh? Man! The Legendary Hero, huh? Hmmm... なにやら大変な話になってきたなニート。伝説の勇者かあ……う一ん
But it's said that such a sword can only be equipped by the Legendary Hero... なんと、洞くつで天空のつるぎというのを見つけなされたか!して、そのつるぎは勇者にしかそうびできぬと、なるほどのう……
I remember years before when Papas was crying out in desperation that he could not wield such... So... that was the sword, was it? かつてパパスどのがなんで自分にそうびできぬかとなげいておったのは、そのつるぎじゃったのか
I had never seen Papas so desperate, or so bitter, before that moment. パパスどののあんなにくやしそうな姿を見たのは、その時がはじめてじゃったのう
Oh? You're searching for the Legendary Hero? Are you kidding me? まあ!伝説の勇者さまをさがしだすですって!? 本気なの?
Oh, of course you're kidding. Besides, he's the stuff of legends, and probably dead by now anyway. そうよね冗談よね、伝説なんていうくらいだからもうとっくに死んでいるはずよ
You're not... now that I think of it, I once heard a tale about the Legendary Hero at Alcapa. そういえば、昔アルカパの町で勇者さまの話を聞いたことがあるわ
Hmm... Alcapa... didn't you have a friend named Bianca who lived there? I wonder how she's doing..? アルカパといえばニートのおさななじみのビアンカさんもいたわね。元気かしら
What am I to do now? With that selfish prince gone and his younger brother Dale, King, I went to Reinhart to become a soldier. まいっちゃったよなあ。わがまま王子がいなくなって弟が王位をついだと聞いたから、あの城の兵士になったのに……
But in truth, the one with power was the King's wife, the queen. Oh, how horrible she is. It's the end of that country it is. 実権をにぎってるのは王さまの母親の太后さまで、これがとんでもないんだもん。あの城ももうおしまいだな
This one is said to have run away from Reinhart. こいつ、ラインハットから逃げだしてきたんだぜ
According to rumor, Reinhart has really gone down the sewer. But I didn't think it was so bad that a person had to escape... うわさには聞いてたけど、ラインハットのお城がそれほどひどくなってるとは知らなかったな
Our son who ran off to become a soldier at Reinhart has finally returned! ラインハットにおつとめに出ていたうちの息子が、帰ってきたんだよ
I'm not coming back 'til I'm rich and powerful! he said when he took off. But look at him now. えらくなるまで帰らないぞ! なんていって家をとびだしたのに、なさけないよね
But I'm happy right now. I guess it's part of being a parent. でもあたしゃホッとしたね、これが親心なのかねえ……
I am on a quest to find all the Legendary Equipment. I heard that there's a man who lives here that knows all about them... 私は伝説の武器を求めて旅をしている。この町に伝説にくわしい男が住んでいるらしいのだが……
Tales about the Legendary Hero? Just a moment... My father could be considered sort of an expert in that department. He's in the back... why don't you ask his? ふ一ん伝説の勇者の話……ちょっとまってね。その話ならお父さんがくわしいと思うわ。奥にいるから聞いてみたら?
What? You want to hear about the Legendary Hero?! Very well then! Let me tell you! なに?伝説の勇者について話を聞きたいだと!? よし!話してやろう
Many many years ago, a Dark Lord named... um... well, a Dark Lord was awakened and set out to destroy the world. だいぶ昔の話だが、闇の帝王エスなんたらが復活し世界をほろぼそうとしたことがあったんだ
But a hero wielding the Zenithian sword and wearing the armor, helm and shield of the Skies defeated the Dark Lord and saved us all. しかし天空のつるぎよろいたてかぶとをつけた勇者がな、そのエスなんたらをたおし世界を救ったちゅうことだ
Hmm? And what happened to him after that? According to one story, he was said to have returned to the Heavens. But I'm not really sure. え?そのあとの勇者かい? う一ん、一説には天空にもどったともいわれてるけど、そこまでは知らんなあ
But perhaps some of his blood line has survived...? まあ大昔のことだし、どっちにしてももう生きてはいないと思うぞ。勇者の子孫くらいならどこかにいるかも知れんがな
Who? Bianca? I'm sorry... I don't know her. Actually, we came here seven years ago and bought this inn from a man named Duncan. え?ビアンカ? 知らないねそんな子は。あたしら夫婦は7年ほど前、ダンカンていう人からここを買いとって宿をはじめたのさ
Well anyway... Maybe if you stay the night here, something good will happen! それより泊まっておゆきよ、うちに泊まれば何かいいことがあるかも知れないよっ!
I am a traveling nun. Yes, I am able to feel it, that the seal placed upon the Demon World by our God, so long ago, weakens even as we speak. 私は旅の尼、私には感じることができます。かつて神が開ざしたという魔界、その封印のちからがしだいに弱まりつつあります
If the seal is ever broken, darkness will overrun this world, and devour everything. Oh! もし封印が破られれば、世界は再び闇におおいつくされることでしょう、ああ!
I thought I might come visit him one day, but seems like Duncan had fallen rather ill and had to get out of the business. Now he's moved to a get out of the business. Now he's moved to a mountain village across the sea. わしは昔この宿をやってたダンカンさんの知り合いでの、ひさしぶりに会いに来たのじゃ。けとダンカンさんは身体をわるくして宿屋をやめ、はるか海のむこうの山奥の村に引っこしていったらしい
You are searching for someome you say? That reminds me. A long time ago a king once set out in search of his kidnapped queen. 誰かをおさがしの旅ですか? そういえば昔さらわれた王妃をさがして旅に出た王さまがいたとか
I never heard a tale of him finding her, so I suppose he's still searching to this day... How romantic... 見つけたという話を聞いていませんから、今もさがしているのでしょう。ロマンチックな話ですね
Under its past King, Reinhart was a great nation... But since that King passed and Prince Dale took the throne, the monarchy just fell to pieces... ラインハットのお城も、まえの王さまの時はよかったんだがね。王さまがおなくなりになってデール王子さまが王位についてからはいけねえや
My dream is to find the Legendary Equipment and become the world's finest warrior! 私の夢は伝説の武器を手に入れて地上最強の戦士になることなのだ
I've heard tales of a cult somewhere in the world dedicated to protecting the Gate to the Demon World. 私は聞いたことがあります。どこかに魔界の封印を守っている一族がいると
It's said that the followers of that cult can speak the language of monsters... その人たちは魔物たちとも心を通じることができたといわれています
Guard: East of here lies the country of Reinhart! Under order of the Queen, I cannot let anyone pass without the proper papers! ここから先はラインハットの国だ。太后さまの命令で許可証のないよそ者は通すわけにいかぬぞ!
I heard that this country is gathering an army by offering exorbitant high wages to strong soldiers... この国が強い兵士たちを高いお金で集めていると聞きやってきたのだが……
To finance such actions, taxes have become unbearable for the people, who can barely afford to eat. そのために国民は重い税金に生活もできぬほど苦しんでいるらしいぞ
This nation's Queen is really something. It won't be long until this land conquers all the world. この国の太后さまはなかなかたいした人物だな。この国が世界を征服する日もそう遠いことではあるまい
Hey there, you! You here to try your hand at being a soldier? This is good country for that! よお兄ちゃん! おめえも兵士になりたくてやって来たのかい?この国はいいぞお!
So long as you fight, you get tons of money and all you want to eat! 戦ってさえいれば金がいっぱいもらえるしうまい物も食い放題だぜっ
There is nothing more enjoyable to me than war. Ahh, the sweet sounds of slaughter and the bitter cries of death... 世の中に戦争ほど楽しいことはないぜ。人と人とが血を流しあう、たまんねえよなあ……
I've been thinking recently but... these men the Empress is gathering are all one arrow short of a full quiver. 最近思うのですが太后さまの集めた連中は気持ちの悪い人ばかりで……
Oh, wait! Please don't tell any of these men that I said such a thing! ああっと!私がこんなこといったなんて人にはいわないでくださいよ
But, God, to this day I cannot erase from my mind that atrocity... しかし今思いだしてもあれはイヤな戦いだった……
Though it was an order from the Enpress, how could we have destroyed such a defenseless village? いくら太后さまの命令とはいえなんの罪もない村をほろぼしてしまったのだからな
Only those called by the Empress may pass from this point on. Now go home! これよリ先は太后さまに呼ばれた者しか通すわけにはいかぬ、帰った帰った!
Henry: Hold on! You're gonna leave just like that? I mean... I guess it's no use if we can't get into the castle... おい!このままひきさがるつもりなのか? といっても城の奥に入れなきゃしかたないか……
Henry: There used to be a secret passage around here. Maybe we can get into the castle through that...Let's see... where was that thing... たしかこの城には外から中に入れる抜け道があったはずだ。抜け道の入口はどこだったっけなあ……
The one who got rid of Prince Henry was none other than the former Queen, and our present Empress! ヘンリー王子を亡き者にしたのは元王妃今の太后さまじゃ!
And yet she pretended to be torn apart by his disappearance and even blamed the whole ordeal on Papas! Even destroyed his village... なのに自分もヘンリー王子の行方知れずを悲しむふりをしすべてパパスどのの責任に! 村にまで攻めこんだんじゃ
Never have I met such a vile and repulsive woman... But soon... she'll get hers! あんな性悪な女は見たことがない、今に天罰をくらうぞ!
Oh yes, it was I, who ten years ago had that brat Henry kidnapped and sent to his grave! たしかに10年前ヘンリーをさらわせ亡き者にさせたのはわらわじゃ
But it was all for my dear son. All to make Dale the King! しかしそれもわが息子デールを王にさせたかったあわれな親心から……
But now, I truly do regret doing such a thing... So please... do not leave me here... 今では本当に悪かったと改心しておる、だからお願いじゃ,わらわをここから……
This country's King is Lord Dale. But he is merely a puppet for the Enpress. She holds the true power. この国の王はデールさま、でも実権はデールさまの母上太后さまがにぎっているのよ
So it would be best if you did not ever go up against her. Else, you may find your head lying by your feet... くれぐれも太后さまにさからわないことね、でないとクビがとぶわよ
The Empress, back when she was but a Queen seemed to truly care for her son, Dale. 太后さまも王妃さまの頃は息子のデールさまをあんなにかわいがっていたのに……
But the monent he became King, she became a totally different person, almost overnight... デールさまが国王になリ自分が太后さまになったとたん人がかわってしまって……
Now, it seems as though she considers King Dale to be a nuisance to her ambitions. I wonder... what could have happened? 今では国王のデールさまをジャマにさえおもっているご様子。まったくどうしてしまったのかねえ
I am studying the evolution of life. People, living things, how did they come to be as they are now? Can they grow stronger.. ? わたしは生き物についての研究をしておる。人は生き物はなぜ今の形になったのか? もっと強い存在になれぬのか?
I have heard that there was once a way to manipulate such evolution.. perhaps it was just an act of God. かつてその謎をとく秘法があったと聞くがそれは神の技だったのかも知れんな……
This is the Empress' room. Did our Empress call for you? ここは太后さまのお部屋だ。太后さまに呼ばれたのか?
Then go! Only those that the Empress has called for specifically may pass. ではさがれ! 太后さまは必要のある者しかお会いにならぬのだ
Dale: What? Mother's in the dungeon?! Now that I think of it, things were going a bit odd... え!母上が地下牢にっ? そういえばいろいろ思いあたることがあるな……
Dale: I don't remember when, but I read in some book about a magical mirror... いつだったかボク読んだことがあるんだ、ふしぎな鏡の伝説を
Dale: It was on the book shelf of the castle's storage room... この城の倉庫の本だなだったと思うな
Dale: Here, take this key with you.. it should come in handy... そうだ、このカギを持っておいきよ、きっと役にたつから
Chancellor: To avoid a man of my caliber! hat on Earth does the King plan on doing.. ? この私までさけるとはいったいわが国王はやる気があるのだろうか!
Chancellor: Oh well, so long as the Empress lives, this country will be peaceful. もっとも太后さまさえいればわが国は安泰だがな
Hmm? The Empress called for you? Well, when you're done, don't loiter around the castle. Go home, you hear? ん? 太后さまに呼ばれた者か? 用がすんだのなら城の中をウロウロせずさっさと帰ることだな
Oh! You are the one who... Please, come in come in! Maria will be so happy to see you again! まあ! あなたさまはいつぞやの……よくぞおいでくださいました、マリアもきっとよろこびますわっ
I ran away from my no-good husband. He used to beat me everyday. But you have kind eyes, so I believe you to be a good man. あたしゃ亭主から逃げてきたんだよ。とんでもない乱暴者でね。でもあんたはやさしい目をしてるからきっといい亭主になるよ
What? You wish to enter the Southern tower where the sacred mirror is kept? Hmm... that is a dilemma... え?鏡がまつられている南の塔に入リたいと? それはこまりましたね
You see, only a maiden of God can open the gate to that tower. あの塔の入口は神につかえる乙女にしか開くことはできないのです