
290monster14:2005/11/14(月) 21:42:27 ID:???0
―the case may appear nonsensical at first glance, but it makes complete sense under this assumption. now, we only need to wait for the police to take him into custody.

are you saying that your job is done once you've requested his arrest warrant?! -逮捕状を請求すれば、あなたの仕事はもう終わりってこと?!

―there are many things i want to ask him once i meet him. dor.tenma...he's an interesting character, after all.

――however...there's a whole mountain of case files on my desk right now that require my attention. -ただ…デスクの上には私を必要としている事件が山積みなんです

then what? are you suggesting that the councilman hired that hitman? how ridiculous! -じゃあ、何かい?そのプロの殺し屋を先生が雇ったとでも言いたいのかね?馬鹿馬鹿しい!

―i've decoded the names of the victim's clients. the councilman's name was included in that list. -殺された女の顧客リストを解読しましてね。その中に議員の名前がありましたよ

so what if his name was in there? what would be his motive to kill? -名前が合ったからって、殺人の動機は何なんだ?

―well, i really have no answer to that... -ま、そう言われればそれまでですが…

then...what am i doing? -では…私は何を?

―there is nothing left for you anymore. -キミにはもう、何もないんだよ

when can we see each other again? -今度、いつ会える?

―let's see...i'll stop by after my next business trip. -そうだなあ…次の出張の後、寄るよ

you were looking at me again, weren't you? -またあたしのこと見てたでしょ?

are you interested in the fact that i bring home a different man every time? -いつも違う男を連れ込んでるのが気になる?
291monster14:2005/11/14(月) 21:43:59 ID:???0
you want to get a piece of action too, don't you? how perverted. -あなたもあやかりたいと思ってるんでしょ?いやらしい

maybe a man like you could do it. do you have the confidence to make me happy? -案外あなたみたいな人なら、できるのかもね。あたしのこと、幸せにする自信ある?

when will they ever arrest tenma?! he killed my father and ran! he says he was framed, but it's a lie! -連中はいつになったらテンマを逮捕できるのよ?!あたしの父親を殺して逃げたのよ!あいつは濡れ衣とか言ってるけど、ふざけんじゃないわ!

―how can it be "johan's work"?! look at this! that's johan, pictured with my father! do you think a kid like him could kill someone?!

then...why do you have his picture out like this? in your heart, you truly believe that tenma is not the murderer. and you're still...in love with tenma...

―you must have been watching too many soap operas. this man was the man who was most suitable for me. -メロドラマの見過ぎじゃないの。この男はね、最もあたしにふさわしい男だったのよ

i can't replace him, can i? i'm fine making gardens for you for the rest of my life, if that gives you peace of mind.

―don't think you're so hot just because you slept with me once! you're only someone to help me whittle away my boredon! i was just playing around with you!

――you are truly a lonely person. -あなたは、本当にさみしい人だ
292Samurai Champloo14:2005/11/14(月) 22:06:59 ID:???0
it's strange...they're still so beautiful, even when i feel so sad. -あんなに…あんなに綺麗なんておかしい、こんなに悲しいのに

―they can't see anything at all. looking down from up there, we're nothing more than grains of sand. -何も見えちゃいないのさ。向こうから見たら俺らなんざ、砂粒みてえなもんだ

how about it? do you wanna team up with me? you and i are alike. we're both loved by this hell. -どうだ?俺と組まないか?俺とお前は似たもの同士だ。どっちも、この地獄に愛された男さ

―i don't team up with anyone. -俺は誰とも組まねえ

what are you scared of? -何を恐れてる?

―i ain't scared of jack. -怖えもんなんかねえよ

then why won't you join me? -じゃ、なぜ俺と組まない?

―'cause i don't like you. -てめえが気にくわねえからだろ

we were born and raised in this hellhole. there's nowhere to go but up from here. there's nothing left to lose. -俺達は、このどん底みてえな所で生まれ育った。もうこれ以上落ちることはねえ。もう何も失うもんなんてねえはずだ

how'd you find this place? no way... -どうしてここがわかった?まさか…

―i was supposed to be the one to kill him.  -アイツは俺が切るはずだった

you think i'd die before killing you? i'm gonna take care of things. -てめえ斬る前に死ねっかよ。片つけてくらあ

―i killed him. he was tricked...as well. -斬ったよ。ハメられたんだよ…アイツも

do you regret what happened? -後悔してるのか?

―no...this is the only path for me, after all. i've lived this way my whole life. -ううん…だって、これしか生きてく道がないもん。ずっと、こうやって生きてきたんだもん
293SAC15:2005/11/14(月) 22:37:08 ID:???0
oh yeah, that reminds me. have you heard that even the definition of the term "cyborg" is now being debated? -それで思い出したけど、サイボーグって言葉が問題になってるって聞いた?

―people say that the term is discriminatory towards those with cybernetic implants! -義体化した人に対する差別語だって

――by "people" you mean the retroactive naturalists, don't you? how can they oppose cybernetic implants or cyberbrains, given the world of today?!

good job! it's touching to see a diligent robot! -お役目ご苦労!仕事熱心なロボットってのは健気だねえ

―what do you intend to do? -何をするつもりですか?

we're not planning to do anything with it. -何にもしないってば

―you shouldn't think that you can fool me so easily! -そんな口先の嘘は通用しませんよ!

that's right, all i do is lie! i never tell the truth! -そうだよ。僕は嘘しかつかない。本当のことは何ひとつ言わないんだ

now then, if what he said just now is true, it means that he ended up telling the truth. -さて、もし今の台詞が本当なら彼は今真実を語ってしまった

if what he just said was a lie, it means that he normally tells the truth. -もし今の台詞も嘘なら、彼は普段から真実も語ることになる

how would you process this paradox? -この矛盾をどう処理する?

that was easy. especially since it couldn't even reconcile the paradox of self-reference. -ちょろいなあ。自己言及のパラドックスをクリアできない奴って

i've been concerned lately. the major's been watching our behavior very closely, but she's been getting pretty serious about it lately.

―are you referring to the debate over that natural oil incident? -それはもしや、天然オイルが問題となっている?
294SAC15:2005/11/14(月) 22:38:27 ID:???0
――it's far more serious than that! it means that we, ourselves, might be scrapped! -それどころの騒ぎじゃない。僕たち自身が廃棄されかねないってことさ

is getting "scrapped" the same thing as dying? -廃棄処分って死ぬのとおんなじなの?

―well, the concept of "death" doesn't exist anywhere in our current realm of experience, so i can't say anything for sure...

――you could say that it's a limitation imposed on us, as als without ghosts. in the end, we're half-dead and half-alice; since we're not alive, we cannot die.

being scrapped wouldn't necessarily entail dying, would it? -廃棄処分イコール死ぬってことじゃ無いでしょ

―oh, you think so? -え〜そうかなあ?

the time when the physical body and its ghost had to coexist is long past. so if we take that to an extreme, it's entirely possible that a bodiless conglomeration of data can harbor a ghost.

―wow, you've been thinking about this?! but hey, don't you want to join in the discussion over there? -すっごいな君、そんなこと考えるなんて。でも、あっちの会話に入っていく気はないの?

oh, well, i've lately been really interested in books. -ああ、最近本が面白くてねを

―what are you reading? -何読んでるの?

"flowers for algernon." -アルジャーノンに花束を

―you actually bought a bound paper copy? -わざわざ紙媒体で?

hey, what do you think it means to be alive? -ねえ、君は生きるってどういうことだと思う?
295SAC15:2005/11/14(月) 22:40:17 ID:???0
―i mean, the very definition of "life" is in constant flux, so...for humans, through interaction with robots, the concept of "life" is changing at the subconscious level.

――but, you know what? the ones who are changing are probably humans, not robots. -変化しているのはロボットではなく、むしろ人間のほうでしょ

but, wait a minute! if they delete my data, does that mean that i'll forget about miki, too? -でも待てよ。もしデータを消されてしまったら、ミキちゃんのことも忘れてしまうのか?

―miki?! i want to see her, too! -ミキちゃん?ミキちゃんなら僕も会いたい

comrades, don't panic! in any case, who was the one who actually met miki face to face? -諸君慌てるな!そもそもミキちゃんと直に会ったのは誰だっけ?

―it was me! no, it was me! no way, it was me! -僕です!いや僕だ!いやいや僕でしょ!

then, did any of you notice the major watching us? -じゃあ、あの時少佐らしき人影に気づいていた者はいるか?

―stop asking that, it'll get us nowhere. since all our data is synchronized, the experience of one becomes the experience of all.

this is interesting food for though...it might be that memories pertaining to batou are special. actually, he was the only one who had natural oil put inside of him, too.

―then, does that mean that body and consciousness are inalienable, after all? -じゃあ身体と意識はやっぱり不可分だってこと?

i wonder...yeah, i think the major's actually pretty angry about what we've obtained lately. -実は少佐、僕たちが最近獲得したものに対して怒っているような気がしてさ
296SAC15:2005/11/14(月) 22:45:33 ID:???0
―this is, individuality. and, i think i'm even starting to understand the concept of god, which was tatally foreign to me before.

maybe, just maybe, it's something that's akin to the concept of the number zero. -もしかしたらだけどさ、数字のゼロに似た概念なんじゃないかなって

and then if you think about it, our primary structure is dijital, right? -でね、僕たちって基本的な構造がデジタルなわけじゃない

so, no matter how much information we accumulate, a ghost will never dwell within us. -だから僕たちがいくら情報を集積していっても、今のところゴーストは宿らない

but since batou and the others have a primarily analog structure, no matter how muc you increase the dijital factors in your structural makeup by adding cybernetic and cyberbrain implants, your ghosts will remain intact.

in addition, you are capable of death because you have a ghost. lucky you. what does it feel like to have a ghost?

is there reason to obsess over exterior details so much? -外見的な差異にこだわるのって、そんなに意味があるのかな?

―well, wouldn't it be? togusa carries around a photograph of his children and always makes a big fuss about which of their parts take after him.

but more importantly, it's probably because our users would invest too much feeling in us if we were humanoid. i think that we'd be even more disliked if we were humanoid.
297SAC15:2005/11/14(月) 22:46:01 ID:???0
―then, what about that one? -じゃあ、あいつはどうなの?

――that has restricted processing abilities, so it doesn't matter. it will never pose a threat to mankind, and besides, it deals with customer services a lot.

then what are we supposed to do? -じゃあ、僕らは一体どうすればいいわけ?

―what i'm trying to say is, people desire for machines to act like machines. -だからさ、人間は機械には機械らしい反応を望んでるわけじゃない

――oh, i see! then, if we all act more like machines...the major will feel more kindly towards us! AKA, the ultimate robot strategy plan!

we are robots, we are robots...ugh, i can't do this! before, i felt like i could just do things without thinking, but...

―that's because you really weren't thinking anything, right? you have to think more positively about acquiring intelligence!

――"it's better to be a dissatisfied socrates than a satisfied pig!" taht's what we're talking about! -満足な豚より不満足なソクラテス。これよ!

―――um, you're using the phrase in a context that's slightly off... -それ、微妙に引用間違ってるよ

have you seen batou? -バトーを見なかった?

―yes, he headed towards that elevator hall just recently. our pleasure. -ハイ、先程アチラノエレベーターホールニ向カワレマシタ。イイエ、ドウイタシマシテ

how was that? -どうかな?

―yes! i think that was a good, natural, robotic greeting. -そうね。ロボットらしい自然な挨拶だったと思うよ
298Samurai Champloo15:2005/11/15(火) 15:03:25 ID:???0
jin! give up already! come over here and eat with us. i'll split my catch of fish with you! -ジン、もうあきらめてさ!こっちにきていっしょに食べようよ。あたしが釣ったの、分けてあげるから

―just let him be. he's just pissed off 'cause he's the only loser. -ほっとけ、ほっとけ。自分だけボウズで意地になってんだよ

――besides, he's the one who said before we started: "fishing is an earnest battle between man and fish. if you take it lightly, you're sure to get hurt." and the one who said that can't even catch a single fish!

maybe we laughed a bit too much... -ちょっと笑いすぎたんじゃない…

―hell if i know. don't look him in the eye! in the eye... -知るかよ!目合わせんなよ、目…

where did this come from?! -どうしたの、これ?!

―it was lying at the bottom of the lake. -池の底に落ちていた

who else started working here at the same time as this man? -この男と、時同じくして入ったものは?

―he came to the foundry about at year ago. there are four or five others working below. -こやつが鋳造所に入ったのが一年ほど前。他、4、5人の同期が地下に

――and above...i think the only one who joined us about a year ago is yatsuha... -上では…一年ほど前となると、ヤツハぐらいしか…

yatsuha, are you sure it's okay to leave him here? -ヤツハ、大丈夫か?こんな所に置いといて

―it seems he was traveling with some people, so i'm sure they'll look for him. -連れがいたみたいだからね。探してもらえるでしょ、たぶん

i hope he doesn't get eaten by the crows. -カラスに食われないといいけどな

―he'll be okay. he's pretty tough. he's going to be my husband. i fell for him! -大丈夫、そんなにヤワじゃないわ。あたしの旦那になる男だから。惚れちゃったの!
299monster15:2005/11/15(火) 15:06:32 ID:???0
he told me to stay with you, mr.heckel, because he found this man he was looking for. -探してた男が見つかったから、しばらくヘッケルのおじさんといっしょにいろってさ

―i'm supposed to look after you?! this has got to be a joke! -オレに、お前の面倒を見ろってか?!冗談じゃねえ!

――what happened to our arrangement for him to become a back-alley doctor and make us big bucks? -モグりの医者で一儲けって話はどうなったんだよ?

i told you, you can't hold it with your hands. that's a yellow card. -手で持ってちゃダメだって言ってるだろ。イエローカードだよ

―you can't make a living being scared of things like that! -そんなもんが怖くて、世の中渡れるか!

――saying that will get you a red card. -そんなこと言ってると、レッドカードだよ

what are you planning to do, dressing up like that just to meet your brother? -そんな格好までして、お兄さんと会ってどうするんです?

―i must kill him. -殺さなきゃいけないの

what kind of car was it? what color? -その車の車種は?色は?

―it was a big, red mercedes. -真っ赤なでっかいベンツだよ

――okay. i guess i have to find that car and go after it. -よし、とにかくその車を見つけて、後を追うしかないな

you people don't know where johan is either, do you? -あなた方もヨハンの居場所を知らないのね

―we need him...to rule over us. do you know hitler gained so much power? -私達は彼を必要としている…我々の上に座ってもらうためにね。ヒトラーが、なぜあれほどの力を得たか知っているかい?
300monster15:2005/11/15(火) 15:07:03 ID:???0
he was an intelligent businessman, so he understood three points. -彼は頭のいい実務家でね、3つのポイントを知っていた

he controlled the banks and the military-industrial complex, as well as the military itself. -人口を押さえ、軍需産業を取り込み、そして軍隊を掌握した

right now, johan is hiding in one of those systems. -ヨハンはそのいずれかに潜んでいる

what do you think? don't you think this is a likely possibility? -どうだい?この推理、正しいと思わないかね?

however, the reason hitler succeeded in those thing swas due to his charisma. -ただし、ヒトラーがそれを成し得たのは、彼のカリスマ性のおかげだ

what must i do? -あたしはどうすればいいの?

―i want you to stay here for a while until johan appears to meet you. -ここにしばらく居てほしい、ヨハンが君に会いにくるまでね

what are you trying to achieve by finding johan? -ヨハンを探し出してどうしようっていうんだ?

―what are you going to do with nina? -ニナをどうする気だ?

――i told you not to ask questions! nina is a valuable guest, unlike the piece of garbage you are. -質問するなと言っているだろ!ニナは大事なお客様だ。お前のようなゴミとは違うんだ

but she's very dangerous. with such a pretty face, she's trying to kill johan...we have to dispose of such people sooner or later.

―then, nina is just a tool to bring johan out? -ニナはヨハンを呼び出すまでの道具というわけか
301SAC16:2005/11/15(火) 20:59:35 ID:???0
dona dona dona...dona...taking the calf to market...dona dona dona...dona...teh cart sways...oh! batou!

―you guys...do you understand the meaning of that song? -おまえら、その歌の意味わかってんのか?

oh please! of course we do! it's a song describing how a calf gets sold to the market. -やだなあ、知ってますよ!仔牛が市場に売られちゃう歌でしょ

yeah, in order preserve his existence, man pripritizes economic factors over sentiments, that's what it means!

right, right! it's about friendship being defeated by poverty! in, the end. -そ〜そ!友情が貧困に負けちゃう歌なんだよね。結果的にね

well...it seems that we're being sent off to the lab. all right then, bye-bye! -まあまあ…僕たち、ラボ送りってことみたいです。では、バイバ〜イ!

hey, man. are you concerned that the tachokomas were sent to the lab? -ねぇ旦那。タチコマのラボ送り、気にしてんの?

―why would i be? -何故?

――well, it's fine if you're not. well, i'm not "worried" but you sure don't seemt too enthused lately. -いや、気にして無いならいいけどさ。別に心配って訳じゃねえけど、どう見てもノってないぜ

hey, is batou around? -おい、バトーは来てないのか

―oh, that guy from yesterday. i haven't seen him aroud, no. -ああ、昨日の。まだ見てませんね

oh, the man's well-know around here? -あいつここじゃ有名なのか?

―oh, no. i think he's a member of the 103rd air force division that came in when the mikumo made a port call yesterday.

what do you want with me? -俺に何か用か?

―oh, so you are here. how about lunch? -いたのか。どうだ飯でも?
302SAC16:2005/11/15(火) 21:00:20 ID:???0
――lunch? i feel more like a shower right now. -飯?今は飯よりシャワーって気分だな

by the way, there are some guys from somewhere who're here for a group training session, aren't there? -そういや、今どっからか合同訓練が来ている奴がいるだろう

―oh, are you referring to the navy guys from the aircraft carrier that made a port call? -空母で寄港している、海兵隊員のことかしら?

――oh, maybe. yesterday, one of those guys came to the gym, and he had some backbone. -そうかな。昨日そこの奴がジムに来たんだけど、なかなか骨のある奴だったよ

hey! did one of you enter my room? -おい!おまえら、俺の部屋に誰か入ったか?

―no one's...inside, sir. -誰も…入ってませんよ

you pretended you were a fan and approached me because you were conducting an internal investigation? -俺を内偵するために、ファンを装って近づいたのか?

―i was deceived pretty well. did you study my past, too? -上手くだまされたよ。俺の過去も勉強したのか?

――you wanted money? even though you said everything went wrong, it seems like you had a pretty good life going. -金が目的か。人生の計画が狂ったとは言え、それほど悪い暮らしぶりとも思えんがな

what do you know about my life? -お前になにがわかる!

―i want to ask you one thing before i arrest you. it's that "implants' weaknesses" thing. -逮捕する前にひとつ聞きたい。義体の隙って奴のことだ

you...did you let yourself be beaten on purpose yesterday? -お前、昨日はわざと負けたのか?

―have you fallen so far that you can't evem tell if i did? -わざとかどうかわからねえほど、錆びちまったのか

oh, hey man...it's finished? er, what's wrong? you don't seem to be feeling any better than before, even though the case was resolved. -あれ?旦那、終わったんだ。どうしたのさ?解決したってのに、出発前と変わらないぜ

―do i seem that way? -そう見えるか?
303monster16:2005/11/16(水) 19:50:06 ID:???0
that man who was in the photo with my brother...? -兄といっしょに写真に写っていた…

―yes. he knows johan better than anyone. he said he probably knows johan even better than you, his sister.

johan wouldn't choose to lead you people. it's impossible to have johan take a place at the top of your organization.

johan doesn't hold with cheap racist ideals and prejudices the way you people do. -彼は、お前達のような安っぽい人種差別や偏見など、持ち合わせちゃいない

johan mocks all of humanity! -ヨハンは人間全てを嘲笑っているんだ

well, isn't this a rare guest? -これは、珍しいお客さんだ

―give this guest my usual, on me. -こちらのお客に、おれから一杯いつものヤツ

what a kid... -たいしたもんね

―he'll grow up to be a real villain. -ありゃ、相当なワルになるね

――that tasted horrible. how do they drink that stuff? -まっず…よくあんなの飲むよ

what shall i do with this boy? he was talking about coming to find this man. -この子はどうしましょう?この男を探しに来たとか言ってました

―i don't know him. he has nothing to do with me. just let him go. -知らないな。関係のない子供だ。離してやってくれ

we will soon be arriving at the mansion where general volfe is waiting. -もうすぐ、ボルフ将軍がお待ちになっている屋敷に、到着します

―will nina be there as well? -そこには、ニナもいるのか?
304monster16:2005/11/16(水) 19:50:42 ID:???0
i'm sorry for acting so violently. go now. i know you people trusted me when you returned my gun, but it didn't seem like you would stop unless i did that.

―oh, no. i'm sure general wolfe will be pleased to know that you consider guns to be more than mere accessories.

human names are very mysterious. those who know me know that my name is wolfe. -人間の名前というのは、不思議なものだよ。私を知っている人間は、私がヴォルフという名前だと知っている

however, if i join a group of strangers, i must introduce myself as wolfe. -しかし、見ず知らずの人間の中に入れば、私はヴォルフと名のらなければならない

but then, where in the world is the proof that i am "wolfe"? -だがね、私がヴォルフであるという証拠は、どこにあるというのだね?

i am only associated with the organization for convenience's sake. -私は今、便宜上この組織に属しているだけだ

it seems that the others are attempting to set him up as a hitler, but it is a foolish idea. -他の連中は、彼をヒトラーに仕立て上げようとしているようだが、馬鹿な考えだよ

even someone like hitler was able to go that far. if it were johan...yes. i gave him that name. -ヒトラー程度の人間でさえ、あそこまで行ってしまった。ヨハンだったら…そう、ヨハンという名は私が付けたんだ

they lost consciousness as soon as we took them in. they would have died if we had not found them. it's the same as when you saved his life.

when he came to, i asked him, "how are you feeling you?" -意識を回復したとき、私は彼に問いかけた。「今の気分はどうだね?」

he answered, "you'll find out soon enough." -彼はこう答えたよ、「あなたも今にわかりますよ」
305monster16:2005/11/16(水) 19:52:35 ID:???0
there is no proof that i am wolfe. people who knew me died, one by one. -私がヴォルフである証拠はないんだよ。私を知っている人間は、次から次へとこの世から消えていった

my wife, children, parents, siblings, relatives, subordinates, even friends...they all died, one after the other. i was all johan's doing.

it is only thanks to the large sum of money i brought with me when i escaped from east germany that allows me to prove that i am wolfe.

unless i believe that i am myself, no one will know me. -私が、私であると信じる以外、誰も私を知らない

"you'll find out soon enough." this is what it means. solitude. -「あなたも今にわかりますよ」。その意味がこれだ。孤独だよ

wasn't there a turkish woman being held at this mansion? -この屋敷に、トルコ人女性が監禁されていなかったか?

―that woman was dead on the third floor. -その女は3階で死んでいた

will that man be able to kill johan? -あの男、ヨハンを殺せるでしょうか

―i don't know. but he still might not be too late. -わからん。だが、今ならまだ間に合うかもしれない
306Samurai Champloo16:2005/11/16(水) 20:24:19 ID:???0
isn't there an easier way? isn't there a shortcut going weat? -もっと楽な道ってないもんかしら?西へ抜ける近道とか、あるんじ


―i don't know much about the west. -私は西にはうとい

what? are you guys criminals or something? -何、あんた達、罪人なの?

―yup. i was born a criminal. at any rate, i'm a good-looking guy. -そうそう、俺は生まれつきの罪人よ。なんせ、いい男だから

――idiot! just an idiot. -バカ!ただのバカ

say...you wanna join me over there in the bushes? -なあなあ…あっちの、草の生い茂った方とか行かねえか?

―eh? what do you have in mind? -え〜、何考えてんのよ

――oh, this and that. -いろいろとね

―――a perv. just a perv. -エロ。ただのエロ

so...what the hell is it that's supposed to appear? -結局…何が出るのよ?

―it's just a rumor. that's all... -噂だ。あくまでも…
307Samurai Champloo16:2005/11/16(水) 20:25:16 ID:???0
―it's just a rumor. that's all... -噂だ。あくまでも…

are you sure this is a shortcut? why did you want to go this way, anyway? -こっちが近道なの?何でこっちに行く気になったのよ?

―well, something sure seems to have made a home on this mountain. -まじで、何か住んでるみたいだからな、この山には

――of course something lives here! -そりゃ、何か住んでるでしょうよ

looking for the sunflower samurai? i was...never fucking interested in it! -ひまわり侍を探す気?そんなもんな…ハナっからねえ!

―and as for spending time with you, i never thought of it as being enjoyable! -ましてや、お前といっしょにいたいなんて思ったことはな、これっぽっちもねえ!

then why the hell have you stuck with me up till now?  -じゃ、何で今までいっしょにいたのよ!

―it just happened! -たまたまのたまたまだ!

――stop this. it's unsightly. -よせ、見苦しい

this four-eyed freak feels the same way. "what's so great about traipsing around after this unattractive girl?" -このムッツリメガネだって思ってんだよ。「こんな色気のない女といっしょに居たって、何の楽しみもない」ってな

―i shouldn't have said that. how dare you call me "four-eyed"? -そいつは失言だな。ムッツリメガネとは聞き捨てならん

――that's not what i meant! -そっちかい!

"the samurai who smells of sunflowers..."? what the fuck is that?! what the hell were you gonna do with a sissy like that?

―he's not like that at all! -そんなんじゃない!

then what's he like? -じゃ、どんなんだよ?
308Samurai Champloo16:2005/11/16(水) 20:26:28 ID:???0
―you truly don't even know what he looks like? -まさか、本当に顔も知らんのか?

――why the fuck do we have to search desperately for someone when you don't know if he's alive or dead? -実際、生きてんのか、死んでんのかもわかんねえ奴を、何で必死で探さなきゃなんねんだよ?

but, i...am not like the others in the dojo. avenging my master has no meaning for me. -でも、僕は…道場の連中とは違う。師匠の仇など討つ意味がない

―now, with no dojo, the wind is full of rumors about you. i'm sick of it. -道場亡き今、風の噂はあなたの名前ばかり。うんざりです

so you want to make a name for yourself? -名を上げたいか?

―you, too, made yourself famous by killing our master. -あなたも師匠を討って、名を上げた

why do you keep retreating? -何故、逃げてばかりいる?

―i don't want to kill you. -お前を斬りたくない

you cannot kill me. -あなたに、僕は斬れない

―i will not grant you death. if i kill you, it will only rust my sword. -お前は、斬るに値しない。お前を斬っても、刀の錆になるだけだ

what's the matter? shall we go to hell together? -どうした?このまま共に、地獄に逝くか?

―tell anyone you like that you killed me. i may as well be dead. -私を討ったと、好きに振れ回れ。私は死んだも同じだ
309SAC17:2005/11/16(水) 21:24:30 ID:???0
what is this place? -なに、ここ?

―an old friend works here. she runs the wine fund. it is an "asset management" system where wine is purchased and then held in an investor's name.

i just got off work. how long has it been? about two years? -丁度仕事上がりなの。2年振りになるかしら

―i was surprised when you suddenly left the world of politics. -おまえが突如政界を離れて渡英したときは、驚いたよ

and? what would you like to discuss? -で、相談と言うのは?

―you are abrupt as usual. -相変わらずせっかちね

the truth is, the mob is laundering their money in cooperation with some of our top bankers. -実は、うちの銀行の上層部の手引きで、マフィアの資金のロンダリングが行われてるみたいなの

―do you have proof? -確証はあるのか?

――in the clerk's registry of names, there is a file that has been disguised under a different name. -管理名簿の中に、巧妙に偽装されたファイルがあるの

so, could you help me? i want you to help me discover who the middleman is. -ねえ、手伝ってくれない?パイプ役が誰なのか、その証拠を一緒に見つけて欲しいの

―but this is england. it is completely out of my jurisidiction. if i make a wrong move, it would be a criminal act. besides, i...

――"can not make a move based on self-interest," right? that's what you always say. -私情で動くわけにはいかない。あなたの口癖だったわね

how did you get past the protection? -あなた、どうやってセキュリティを?

―when i fled the prganization, i took the key to break through this protection. -組織を抜けるときに、防壁破りを頂いてきたんだよっと
310SAC17:2005/11/16(水) 21:26:08 ID:???0
hey, you fool. yeah, you. come here. -おい、そこのウスノロ。ああ、お前だ。ちょっとこっちへ来い

―what is it geezer? -なんだあ、じじい?

――what was that noise? -なんだ!今の音は!?

snipers. how did the police arrive so quickly? it must have been you guys. -狙撃!?警察が何故こんなに早く・・・さてはお前らだな!

―you are the one who cut off contact with the outside. -外部との連絡手段は、おまえ自身が全て絶っただろう

――the circuits have been disconnected and cyberbrain communications are being jammed. -有線回路は切断されたままだし、電脳通信もジャミングが作動中だ

―――the only way to connect would be...since all of the electricity has been cut off, that is the only thing that has a connection to the outside.

but that's strange. basically, england's banks don't trust the police. this security system is also connected to the security company.

―if our records are tampered with, the security company should respond first. -帳簿へのアクセスを察知したら、警備会社の方が早く来るはずよ

――it looks like the identity of the middleman between the bank and the mafia is becoming clearer. -どうやら、銀行とマフィアの仲介役が誰だか見えてきたようだな

i've never heard of the police being briefed about wine transactions. don't try to screw with me. -警察がワイン取引に噛んでいるなんて、聞いたことねえぞ。でまかせ言ってんじゃねえ

―when they shot at us, there was no sound of gunfire. you only use a silencer for assassination. you two are in a somewhat dangerous situation.
311SAC17:2005/11/16(水) 21:26:29 ID:???0
we have hostages. those guys can't make their move easily. -俺たちには人質がいるんだぜ。向こうは簡単に手出しできないはずじゃないのか

―no. we are not valued as hostages.  -いや、我々に人質としての価値は無い

does that mean they are planning to kill us with them? -それって、あたし達ごと消そうとしてるってこと?

―most likely. anyone who had a chance to find out about the account must be eliminated. this is the basic strategy for keeping a secret. they can easily create a cover-up for our deaths.

let me see the weapons you two have. if i am not mistaken, you also have a map. we will plan from there. -貴様ら、所持している武器をワシに見せてみろ

―do you have any idea of the position you are in? -確か地図も持っていたな。そこから作戦を立てる

――don't worry. we don't want to be killed now either. give me your weapon and i will offer you my knowledge. we're running out of time, hurry up.

even the press is here. -報道陣まできてるぞ

―that must be the major's work. now it is hard for them to shoot or attack with explosives. -少佐の仕業だな。これで向こうも、爆破や狙撃といった強攻策を取りにくくなる

i did as you told me geezer. now what? -言われたとおりにしたぜ、ジジイ。次はなんだ?

―didn't you two have a hand grenede? we need to stall for time while escaping. that is the only entrance they can storm. we must set up a trap.

i did as you asked. but, will this kind of trap really work? -言われた通りにしたぜ。でも本当にこんな仕掛け方でいいのかよ?

―it will be okay. -大丈夫だ
312SAC17:2005/11/16(水) 21:27:01 ID:???0
what's teh deal with that geezer's tactical competence? -何なんだよ、あのジジイの手際の良さ?

―how sould i know? -俺が知るか

when you are done with that, save the account registers that the two of you opened. -それが済んだら、貴様らが開けた裏帳簿のデータを保存しておけ

―good, we have stalled for all the time we could. we should get ready for the attack. -よし、やれる限りの時間稼ぎはした。我々もそろそろ逃走の準備をするとしよう

there is a bomb in the front entrance? useless. -正面入り口に爆弾だと?無駄なことを

―change the point of attack! we will move in through the adjacent apartment. -突入路を変更、隣のアパートより進入する

the sewer? so, they must've escaped by making it look like they have compassion. -下水道か。篭城すると見せかけ、ここから逃げたな

―make sure that you find and secure all the entrances and exits to the sewer system. we will pursue them. -背後の地下水路の出入口を集中的に固めろ。我々は追跡を続行する

did you capture the criminals at one of the exits?! -出口で犯人を押さえたのか?!

―we have blocked off every passage. they cannot escape anywhere. -全ての通路を封鎖しました。もうどこにも逃げられません

well, well. what would you have done if i didn't notice? -あらあら、私が気付かなかったら、どうするつもりだったの?

―i knew you'd notice. -お前なら気付くさ

sorry for being late, but the troops wouldn't leave this place for a while. or, would it have been better if i had come a little later?

―if you had, the wines that depend on a certain temperature would have gone to waste. we took out quite a few. -その場合、温度と湿度に敏感なワインが犠牲になっただろう。かなりの本数を外に出したからな
313SAC17:2005/11/16(水) 21:27:58 ID:???0
forget about the wine this time. if you do, we will let you go. -今回はワインはあきらめろ。そうすれば貴様らのことは見逃すことにしよう

―thanks to you, we were able to get the hidden account information. -お蔭で裏帳簿の資料も手に入ったしな

――how about it? in this situation, don't you feel glad just to be alive? -どうだ?あの状況下で命が助かっただけでも有難いと、思わんか?

is it okay to just let them go? even though you stopped their attempt, it is still a crime. -いいの?このまま逃がしちゃって。未遂で終わったとはいえ、一応立派な犯罪者よ

―well, it doesn't matter. it's out of our jurisdiction anyway. -まあ、構わんだろ。なにせ、管轄外だからな

this is a disk proving your connection to the mafia. it contains all the past illegal transactions. -これは、あなたとマフィアの癒着を証明する、過去の不正取引の一切の資料です

―it was a good way to hide the money laundering, but you should've respected people's lives. -後を残さない上手いロンダリング方法でしたが、人命尊重は貫くべきでしたな

where have you been hiding all this time? -いったい、今までどこに隠れていたんだ?!

―"the truth is in the wine." if i am not mistaken, that is a british expression. -真実はワインに有り。確かイギリスの諺でしたな

can't you stay here for just one more day? -ねえ、1日だけ帰国を延ばせない?

―no. it's unfortunate, but i have a mountain of work waiting for me. -いや、残念だが残してきた仕事が山積みなんだ

i wouldn't mind if you extended your leave. -私は別に、課長が帰国を延ばしてくれても構わないのよ

―there are people who spend time waiting for the wine to age. don't worry about me. -ワイン同様、熟成に時間を要する人間関係もある。余計な気は使うな
314monster17:2005/11/17(木) 14:05:36 ID:???0
now...what shall we do with them? -さてと…コイツらどうします?

―there was beings like these, even among the superior race. this one has become a petty thief, and the kid tried to tell the turks about our plan.

how did you find this place? -どうしてここが?

―i got the general directions from dieter. -ディータに、だいたいの場所を聞いていたからね

――so you were the "tenma" that boy was talking about? -やっぱりあの子の言ってたテンマって、あんたのことだったのか

you're a disgrace to the turks. who knows who that kid's father is? -トルコ人の面汚しだぜ。そのガキだって、誰の子だか

―you people should know as well as anyone...one must survive, even if it is by doing such things. -そうやってでも生きていかなきゃならないのは…あんたがたもよくわかってるはずだ

――should we set up a neighborhood watch? why don't we try doing as this japanese man asks for a little while? -自警団を作れってのか?この日本人の言うとおりに、ちょいとやってみようじゃねえか

and, as we do so...see! take a look, that's the first of the fires. however, that's just the appetizer. -そうしているうちに、ほら!ごらんなさい、まず第一の火の手が上がりましたよ。でもまだまだ、あんなものは前菜です

―where is the main dish? if that fire is the appetizer, then what are you planning to burn for the main dish?!

johan doesn't want this. -ヨハンはこんなこと望んでいないわ

―how would you know that? -なぜ、そんなことがわかるんだね?

――i saw...after going to the place he mentioned in his message. -私見てきたのよ…彼の伝言通りの場所へ言ってね
315monster17:2005/11/17(木) 14:06:22 ID:???0
what did you see? -何を見てきたんだね?

―he didn't want anything! -彼は、何も望んでいなかった!

are there any other shelters where the injured were carried to? -他にケガ人を運び込んだ避難所は?

―yeah, a mosque on the riverbank. -川縁のモスクだ

if the earlier fires were just decoys, then where are they going to light the main fire?! -今までの火事が囮だって言うなら、いったいヤツらはどこに火をつけるの?

―just leave it. who cares what happens to this town? more importantly, i have a job to take care of. -ほっとけよ。こんな街どうなろうと知ったことかい。それよりオレには、片付けなきゃならねえ仕事があるんだよ

if it were up to you, where would you light the fire?! -もしあなたなら、どこに火をつけるの?!

―i told you! the wind will start blowing from the river soon. if you started a fire in one of the abandoned factories along the riverbank, nothing you could do would stop it, since there should still be chemicals left in them.

i will shoot you in the head before that happens. if i sever your nerves, i can stop you from moving! -その前にあなたの頭を撃つわ。あなたの脳神経を切れば、あなたの動きは止められる

―will you be able to him me? -当たるかな?
316Samurai Champloo17:2005/11/17(木) 14:06:54 ID:???0
you wanna get caught or something? that song...sounds a lot like something i heard when i was a kid. -追っ手に見つかりてえのか?その音…ガキの頃に聞いたのと、よく似てんぜ

―where were you born? -生まれはどこだ?

――ryukyu, was down south. -琉球さ、南の果てだ

did they pay you off? -金でも渡されたのか?

―i just wanted to fight you face to face. -俺はただ、あんたとサシでやりたいだけさ

why are you here? -お前はなぜここにいる?

―what's it to you? you're not gonna say that you had regrets and that you've come back now, are you? -関係ないじゃない。今更、後悔して戻ってきたって言うんじゃないでしょうね

i thought you might have drowned...this was floating down the river. -ドザエモンになってるかと思ったが…川を流れてたぞ

―were you keeping it as a memento? -あたしの形見にでもしようと思ったわけ?

――i thought i could make it an offering to your remains. -遺体にでも備えてやろうと

did you really think you'd deceive me? do you know why this mountain is worshipped by so many? -僕を欺いたつもりですか?この山、なぜ多くの民が参拝するか?

―it seem you can be reborn again. everyone comes here seeking death and rebirth. it seems to be that kind of mountain.

――do you also intend to be born again? -あなたも、生まれ変わるおつもりか?
317Samurai Champloo17:2005/11/17(木) 14:07:17 ID:???0
why do you run from me? -どうして僕から逃げるんだ?

―will nothing change your mind? -どうしてもやるのか?

――even if i am betrayed, or abandoned, i will...never let you escape! -たとえ裏切られても、見捨てられても、僕はあなたを…逃がしはしない

do you know this okuru? -知ってるのか?オクルという男

―i owe him my life. -あたしの命の恩人だもの

you've a strong sense of honor. -義理堅い女だな

―when honor goes out of fashion, this world falls into darkness! -義理が廃れば、この世は闇よ

why are you looking for that sunflower samurai? for revenge? -そのひまわりの侍探して、どうしようってんだ?仇討ちか?

―that's right. i'm going to avengte my mother. or something like that. -そうよ。母さんの仇、みたいなもん

where are you going? -どこ行くのよ?

―where the hell is nagasaki, anyway? there anything good to eat there? -長崎なんてよ、どこなんだよ?うまいもん、あんのかよ

――i've heard they've imported something from europe called "sponge cake." -南蛮渡来のカステーラとかいうのがあると聞いたが
318SAC18:2005/11/17(木) 19:24:39 ID:???0
what? you have a personal errand at an important time like this? -なんだよ、こんな大事な時に私用か?

―i'll be back by nightfall. we will maintain close contact with the major as she tries to track down who made the threat.

i believe you also had a younger brother in elementary school, didn't you? -確か、小学生の弟さんもいらしたようですが

―yes.um...there's something i'd like to ask you about. -ええ。あの…荒巻さんに相談があるのですが

――and that is? -何でしょう?

it's about my brother, yuu. he has suddenly begun acting like my father. -弟のユウのことなんです。あの子が最近、亡くなった父に、急に似てきたんです

―he was raised well. he resembles tsujisaki, when he was young. -立派に育てられましたな。若い頃の、辻崎の面影がある

no, that's not what i mean. it's not just a physiacal resemblance, both his voice and manner of speech are now quite similar to our father's.

―does that pose some kind of problem? -それに何か問題でも?

he recently began to access military news sites, though he has never shown any interest before now. -最近弟は、今まで全く興味が無かったネットの軍事関連のニュースサイトに、頻繁にアクセスするようになりました

in addition, i sometimes wake up in the night because i hear a noise in the living room, and i find my brother sitting there reading my father's works very intently.

when i became worried and asked him what he was doing, all he did was to look at me and ask, "saori, you're still awake?"
319SAC18:2005/11/17(木) 19:25:04 ID:???0
do you think it's possible that he might be involved in something strange? please, i want you to investigate why he changed so suddenly.

―i'm very sorry, but i cannot use my professional authority for private matters like this. -申し訳ありませんが、個人的な理由で私の職務権限を行使するわけにはいきません

――you may confide in me, but i cannnot help you, based on what you have told me so far. -お話を聞くことはできますが、今の話だけでは何の力にもなれんでしょう

the man's purposefully letting himself be seen on TV. -旦那の奴、わざと写ろうって狙ってんだぜ

―how easygoing of him...and here we are laying low, toiling away in our pursuit of the suspect. -余裕だな…こっちが地味に、暗殺予告犯の足取りを追っかけてるってのによ

any clues as to the target's identity? -犯人の目星はついた?

―well...this just came in. -ああ、それなんですが…こんな情報が入ってます

this is the assassin who is targeting undersecretary kim? -これが金外務次官を狙う暗殺者なわけ?

―i'm having the system run an identity check using this image, but will take about two more hours for the results come back.

have you determined the identity of the suspect? -犯人の割り出しは済んだか?

―we haven't reached a final conclusion, but judging from the circumstances, he is our best candidate. -まだ特定という訳じゃありませんが、状況から判断して、そいつが最有力です

how long has your brother been using the portable terminal? -弟さん、携帯端末をいつから使ってる?

―yuu received a package containing the portable terminal our father used on his sixteenth birthday. -16歳の誕生日に、ユウ宛に父が生前使っていた携帯端末が送られてきたんです
320SAC18:2005/11/17(木) 19:26:10 ID:???0
did you find something? -何か見つかった?

―there is no sign of him on the monitors at train stations and airports at present. -今のところ、駅や空港のモニターにそれらしき人影は写ってないな

from here on, it is only speculation on my part, but consider tsujisaki yuu's actions thus far and the degree of cunning in his apparent ability to predict our movements. if you put the two together...

―his father's library was a collection of war tactics that had been accumulated over the years, and tsujisaki yuu succeeded in secretly obtaining that information by using the password in his father's terminal.

in other words, his mind is now that of an assassin who has been trained by an extremely capable intelligence officer?

―i do not have conclusive proof, but considering how he has continued to brilliantly circumvent all efforts on our part to capture him, the possibility is high.

what is this about? -どういうことなんだ?

―at first, i had no intention of doing anything. i just wanted to tell "myself" the truth... -最初は何もする気はなかった。ただ、俺に真実を知らせたかったんだ…

what did you hide in the data library? -データライブラリに、何を隠したと言うんだ?

―the truth behind the okinawa incident. -沖縄を巡る真実だ

vengeance, after all these years? that's not like you. -この後に及んで、復讐か?おまえらしくないぞ
321SAC18:2005/11/17(木) 19:26:31 ID:???0
―i agree. but now, i am tsujisaki hideo and tsujisaki yuu at the same tiem. -私もそう思うよ。今の私は辻崎英雄でもあり、辻崎ユウでもある

――when this is finished, it may be that i will become someone entirely different. -もしかしたら、全てが終わったら私は、俺でもない全く別の自分になってしまうのかもな

do you intend to make your son into an assassin? -息子を殺人犯にするつもりか?

―if i could at all help it, i would prefer not to. no one can stop this. it must be yuu's youth that necessitates this.

saitou, can you scope out possible sniping points? he has a sniper rifle with an extremely long range. -サイトー、ポイントは特定できねえか?奴は、超長距離レンジの狙撃ライフルを持ってる

―if he's planning to make the kill as a sniper, my current location is the best position. other locations suffer from a strong sea breeze and obstructions. he would not be ablt to shoot with any accuracy.

we've found the weapon! -武器が見つかった

―what about the sniper? -奴は?

――there's no sign of him. all we've found is one sniper rifle and a student whose uniform was taken. -本人は見つかってない。見つかったのは、狙撃銃一丁と服を取られた学生が一人

―――so, the rifle was a ruse! -狙撃はフェイクか!

major, i didn't know that you were here. -少佐、来てたのかよ

―we were able to determine the actual plot from tsujisaki's data. according to him, "the most effective assassination method is to approach the target without regard for an escape route."

――an assassin with a one-way ticket, huh? -片道切符の暗殺者ってわけか
322Samurai Champloo18:2005/11/18(金) 12:53:52 ID:???0
so, what are you guys getting? -で、あんたたちは?

―i'll go with seafood...oysters. -海鮮で…カキを

can you only...read one letter? -もしかして…読めるのって一文字だけ?

―one is more than enough! it doesn't keep me alive. -一つも読めりゃ十分だろ。別に生きるにゃ困んねんだよ

but isn't it amazing that we didn't even notice until now? -だってさ、今までぜんぜん気づかなかったっていうの、すごくない?

―listen up. you don't need to read in order to kill someone. -いいか。人を斬んのに文字なんて必要ねんだよ

what are you saying?! a fool should stay a fool? don't say such dismal things! -何ヌかしとんじゃい?!馬鹿が馬鹿のままでいいなんて、悲しいことヌかすんじゃねえ!

―doesn't it bother you that people think you're stupid just because you don't know your letters?! do you want to stay a fool?! damn it!

――he passed out. -寝ちゃった

who drew this? -これ描いた人って、誰ぇ?

―how the hell would we know?! if we kew that, they would've been arrested a long time ago! -知るわけないでしょ?!わかってたら、とっくにお縄よ!

mihara's pretty far from here. who are you willing to go so far out of the way for? an ex-girlfriend? -三原ってけっこう距離あるよ。わざわざ行くなんて誰?元カノとか?

―for one who aspires in martial arts, mihara is a town that connot be passed by. -武芸を志す者にとって、三原はかかすことのできない町
323Samurai Champloo18:2005/11/18(金) 12:54:41 ID:???0
what the fuck kind of attitude is that so take with your older brother? -それが兄貴に対する態度だってのか?

―don't play "big brother" when you were only born one minute before me! -たかだが、生まれが一分しか違わねぇのに、兄貴面すんじゃねえよ!

actually, i can't even stand your face. -だいたいその面からして、気にいらねえ

―that's...my line, asshole. -そりゃ…こっちのセリフだってんだよ

――what are they talking about? they both have the same face. -なんだ、どっちも同じ顔じゃない

why are you two quarreling? as brothers, shouldn't you be helping each other and mastering the path your father set for you?

―it can't be helped. these days, people don't have to carry on the family legacy or some "path." -仕方ねえじゃん。そういう家とか道とか継ぐような時代じゃねえしさ

then do you have something to take the place of the sword? -では、お前達にとって剣に代わるものとは何だ?

―that could...only be one thing, i guess. -そりゃあ…やっぱあれかな

graffiti, is it? -ラクガキか?

―bro, that's not exactly right. it may look like just graffiti to you, but we're putting our lives on the line for it.

well then, why don't you challenge each other with that "graffiti" thing? -じゃあさ、その落書きで勝負すりゃあいいじゃん

―how? -どうやって?

――isn't it good engough to say that whoever paints in the most dangerous place wins? -やっぱ、一番危険なトコに描いた方が、勝ちでいいんじゃない?
324Samurai Champloo18:2005/11/18(金) 12:55:02 ID:???0
the one that has the curly on the end is "ne," and the one with a straight end is "re." -この最後んトコが、ちゅるんってなってるのが「ね」で、ここがシュッてなってるのが「れ」だ

―how many times do i have to say it for you to understand?! -何回言ったらわかるんじゃい?!

――this is so friggin' confusing! -まぎらわしいんだよ!

the competition can't be settled at this rate. -これでは、勝負がつかん

―well then, where haven't you done graffiti before? -じゃあ、今まで落書きしたことない場所は?

――well, that would be...of course. hiroshima castle! -そりゃあ、決まってんだろ…広島城だ!

so...who won? -で…どっちの勝ちだったの?

―neither of us. someone beat us to it. we lost to someone we don't even know. -どっちでもねえ。先客が居た。知らねえ奴に負けた

the world is a big place. there's always someone better than the best. -世の中広ぇよ。上には上がいるわ

―it's enough if you've come to understand that. -それがわかっただけでも、十分だ

hey, you! what's the meaning of this? -ちょっと、あんた!どういうことよ、これ?

―gotta put your name on your belongings. -持ち物には、名前を書かなきゃな

what is that word? -その字は?

―it means "infinity." i made it up. -「無限」て意味だ。俺が作った
325monster18:2005/11/18(金) 20:05:09 ID:???0
then, i can go home now? -それじゃ、これで帰っていいんですね?

―yes. and...the people in that town called the asian "dr.tenma." would you happen to know anything about him? -ええ。あ、後…あの街の人々が、その東洋人のことを、ドクターテンマと呼んでいるんですが。あなたは彼について、何かご存知では?

――i don't know anything. -何も知りません

what do you think? -どう思うね?

―judging by her appearance, don't you think she was trying to become a prostitute in this town? -あの格好だと、この街で売春でもやろうとしてたんじゃないですかね

not about her. i mean dr.tenma. that's what the people from the turkish town called that asian. -違うよ。ドクターテンマだよ。最初、トルコ人街の連中は、その東洋人をそう呼んでいた

―but, after we told them he was a suspect in a series of homicides, we began our questioning, and every single one of them said that they had no idea who he was.

i see you still put five spoonfuls of sugar in your coffee. -相変わらず、お砂糖5杯入れるんですね

―of course. coffee is no good if it's not sweet. -あったりまえさ。甘くなきゃ、コーヒーなんてうまくねえ

of course you're hired! how can i refuse? with such a pretty girl working here, my restaurant will get a lot of business.

―it's just that...you should...smile a bit more. don't let your pretty face go to waste. -ただなあ…お前さん、もう少し笑った方がいい。せっかくの美人が、台無しだぜ

hey, you're not going to be working as a waitress in this restaurant, are you? -おいおい、まさかお前さん、こんな店のウエイトレスやるつもりじゃないよな?
326monster18:2005/11/18(金) 20:07:27 ID:???0
―and what's wrong with this restaurant? of course, anna is going to be our waitress from now on. -まさかこんな店ってのはどういう意味だ?アンナは今日から、間違いなくここのウエイトレスだぞ

hey rosso, where'd you pick up a cutie like her? -ロッソよ、どこでこんな可愛い子ひっかけたんだい?

―i don't have to pick up anybody! -ひっかけたなんて、人聞きの悪いこと言うない

i don't mean to ask questions, but...where are you going every day? -詮索するつもりはねえけどよ…毎日どこ行ってんだ?

―oh, forget about it. it's none of my business what you do on your break. -ああ、いいんだ。別に休み時間に何しようと、勝手だからな

――i go to...practice shooting. -射撃の…トレーニング

mr.rosso, have you ever fired a gun? -ロッソさんは、銃を撃ったことある?

―guns? no way! i get the shakes just from seeing one. -銃なんて、とんでもねえ!あんなもん、見ただけで震えがくるぜ

i wonder how it turned out this time? -今度はどうかなあ?

―try it. what can you taste? -食べてみな。何の味がする?
327monster18:2005/11/18(金) 20:07:56 ID:???0
when i was young, i didn't have the time for movies, even when i wanted to watch them. -若い頃は、映画を見たくても、見る暇もなかったからな

―i know i ate a lot of good food back then, but i can't remember the taste of a single thing i ate. i didn't even know the taste of sugar.

――you know about me, don't you? i also checked you out, after you left. -俺のこと、知ってんだろ?俺も、あんたが出てった後、あんたのこと調べたんだ

what did you want me to do? was it a job? did you want me to teach you? -俺にどうして欲しかったんだ?依頼か?教えて欲しかったのか?

―i thought about having you...teach me. -教えてもらおうと…思った

how did you figure out who i was? -どうして俺のことがわかったんだ?

―there was a law professor in my college who had been researching you. -大学の法学部で、あなたのことを研究していた教授がいたの

how many people do you think i have killed? -俺が何人殺したと思う?

―to be honest, i don't know either. -実は、俺も覚えてないんだ
328monster18:2005/11/18(金) 20:08:41 ID:???0
it was at a cafe in the middle of the day. i aimed my gun at this person i didn't know, who might have been the hundredth person i would kill.

that person...had ordered coffee. then, he began to put sugar in his coffee. when he put the fifth spoonful of sugar in, the taste of the coffee i usually drank spread thgough my mouth.

that person drank the coffee as if it tasted great. -誰かさんはそれを、うまそうに飲みやがった

and then i put down my gun. just like that. just like that, and i couldn't kill anyone anymore. -それで俺は、銃を降ろした。そんなもんだ。そんなもんで、俺は人を殺せなくなった

why didn't you ask me to teach you how to kill during the six months you were with me? -なぜ半年の間、俺に殺し方を教えてくれと言い出さなかったんだ?

―because...because i realized i shouldn't force you to get involved... -あなたを…あなたを、巻き添えにしてはいけないと思ったから…

do you have to go? -どうしても行くのか?

―well, then...thank you, mr.rosso. -それじゃ…ありがとう、ロッソさん

――killing people is easy. just forget the taste of sugar. -人殺しなんて簡単だ。砂糖の味を忘れればいい
329SAC19:2005/11/19(土) 00:40:28 ID:???0
batou, what's the situation? -バトー、状況は?

―i came to pick up some visuals from the IR systems around here, but they show nothing. our investigation was fruitless.

hey, don't you think it's similar? to their criminal method? -なあ、似てると思わねえか?例の手口に

―the chief seems to be thinking the same thing. a person suddenly disappears in the great urban city... -課長もそう考えてるみたい。大都会のど真ん中で、忽然と人が消える…

either way, why is there still is no ransom demand from the criminal? -それにしても、犯人からの要求が未だにないのは何故かね?

―as a matter of fact, although this has not been confirmed, it's possible that the criminal who abducted reiko didn't know that she was the daughter of a congressman.

the northern mafia is composed of tens of thousands of people from high officials to low-ranked members. -北方マフィアは、上から下まで数万人の構成員で組織されています

―there are most likely people in the lowest ranks who do not know of your efforts. -使いっぱしりのなかには、あなたの努力を知り得ない者もいるでしょう

i'm quite disappointed with you, to think that you can only reach that kind of conclusion. or perhaps the main government faction pressured you to obstruct the investigation?

―you seem to be having misgiving about many things, so let me say this clearly. -何かと危惧されることがお有りのようなので、はっきり申し上げておきます

――i am not concerned with anything other than getting your daughter back safely. -私はお嬢さんを無事に保護すること以外に、興味はありません
330SAC19:2005/11/19(土) 00:42:44 ID:???0
former prime minister kanzaki seems to be quite paranoid. -神崎元総理、相当疑心暗鬼になってるようね

―it can't be helped. he had to resign because a family member in the government party leaked information... -無理もない。辞任騒動の発端は、身内である与党内部からのタレコミだったのだからな

the northern organ smuggling group are professionals that operate with the implicit consent of their government. -北方の臓器密売グループは、明らかに祖国政府の暗黙の承認を得て動いているプロ集団だ

―then it's all the more curious that they abducted kanzaki's daughter, since he is their defender. do you really think her abduction was a coincidence?

――though i have no proof, yes. even if they are a professional group, in the end they are just a bunch of hoodlums.

if it's the former scenario, then it would be bad if the criminals found out that she's kanzaki's daughter. if i were a low ranked person...

―we cannot let that information get to them at any cost. that's what the media control is there for. -その情報だけは奴らに知られてはならない。そのための報道管制だ

――in addition, don't let the enemy detect our movements. the police have never gone after blind folded erwin to this extent before.

―――they're probably off guard for the moment. however, if they find out, they'll probably kill off all the hostages and hide underground.
331SAC19:2005/11/19(土) 00:43:17 ID:???0
batou, it's highly unlikely that they would send their stock overseas alive. they're probably going to process them somewhere.

―investigate the institutions that could do the dismantling, starting with the most likely ones. -大量の人間を解体処理できそうな施設を、可能性の高い順に洗って

――the major is so matter-of-fact... -即物的だな、少佐は…

how many more do we need? -目標まで、あと何人だ?

―will you let me rest for a bit? three more. -少しは休ませてくれよ。あと3人

you're going to do them by yourself? -一人でやんのかよ?

―i had the local mafia introduce me to a black-market doctor. -解体作業は、地元ヤクザに闇医者を紹介してもらってある

major, the first entry has come in. -少佐、最初の書き込みが入りました

―already? i'm amazed, where do they get the information? -もう?あきれるわね、どっから嗅ぎ付けるのかしら

the location is virtual city beta's "tarekomi dera". checking the response related to the entry. information leakage into personal sites, confirmed.

―that's suspicious. it's very likely that the nine great networks leaked it to get past the media agreement.

well, it's not like i didn't expect this...what's the estimated time until the criminal reaches the sixth level?

―two hours if we're lucky. if they perform an AI search, it'll ne more like twenty minutes. -運に頼って、せいぜい2時間。AI検索でもかけられたら、ものの20分てとこだ
332SAC19:2005/11/19(土) 00:44:58 ID:???0
it's common sense of work from the highest probability to the lowest, but would they really be hiding in such an easy to find place?

―sometimes you open the door and find out that your neighbor is a criminal. -蓋を開けてみたら、隣人が犯人なんてことはままあるもんさ

how about it? how about informing the embassy? -どうです、大使館に連絡を入れてみては?

―that's a good idea, but what will happen if they deny knowledge? what then? -それもよろしいが、彼らに白を切られた場合は、どうするおつもりですか?

――but, you police people can't be depended upon, right? -だが、貴様ら警察も当てにはならんだろう

i can't disagree with that. however, i have an idea. -言葉もありません。ですが私にひとつ考えが

―we're going to use your media power to do the opposite of what we've been doing. -議員の力を、メディアを通して利用するのです

we've been using the media agreement to try to keep this situation hidden, but now we're going to spread information about the situation throughout the internet.

―if i do something like that, the media will have a field day with me! -そんなことをすれば、私はメディアの格好の餌食だ!

the viewers will spread this scandalous information through the internet like wildfire, and the criminal will certainly hear about it. then your power will work effectively.

the fleeing criminal is, luckily for us, a professional. since our opponent is a professional this plan becomes effective.
333SAC19:2005/11/19(土) 00:45:38 ID:???0
you may think this is strange, but even though the criminal is our enemy, she is a professional. her actions are guided to some degree by principles.

in other words, if the government's dog finds out that she has the daughter of congressman kanzaki, the ally of her mother country, then she'll certainly ask her comrades for help.

and while she is thinking of a way to get out of this, she will most likely not harm your daughter. -そして対応を考える間は、お嬢さんに危害を加えることはまずあり得んでしょう

because of this, we want to get the information about your daughter to the criminal as soon as possible.

when that happens, there's only one place the criminal will run. -そうなった時、敵が逃げ込むところは一つです

―to the embassy... -大使館か…

――it's all up to you now, congressman. -あとは、議員のご決断次第です

but, chief, i'm surprised you came up with a plan like that in the midst of an emergency. to make him choose between his daughter's life and his political life...

―since the northern mafia was involved, cutting off ties to kanzaki helped resolve this case. that was reason enough for kanzaki himself to admit the truth.

it's great how he was able to get off easy by admitting the truth. -真実を認めたことで彼、楽になれて良かったじゃない

―there's no harm in being appreciated by him, now is there? -彼に感謝をされて、損をすることはあるまい
334monster19:2005/11/20(日) 00:00:32 ID:???0
my wife said to me, "you're just a collector who peers into human minds." -妻は私にこう言ったよ、「あなたはただ、人の心を覗くコレクターだ」とね

―doctor...you're abnormal. -ドクター…あんた異常だよ

――perhaps. the task of peering into the deep abyss and lurking in the depths of the human mind puts me at teh inherent risk of sinking into the abyss myself.

so, your fourth victim was an eighteen-year-old munich woman, was it not? when you cut her up, did you become sexually aroused?

―doctor...why don't you ask me about my twelfth victim instead? -ドクター…そんなことより、12番目の殺人について聞いてくれ

――no need. i'm sure i'll ask you about it at some point, but right now, i wanted to ask you about the one before, the eleventh case. okay?

―――well then, let me ask you this: did you feel more sexual excitement before killing the victim, or after?

do you believe that i am a serial killer? -私が、連続殺人犯だと思うか?

―i don't know. i can't tell from newspaper articles, stuff on TV, and rumors from former university classmates alone.

but why did you come to visit me, of all people? it's not as though we were particularly good friends. or rather, you looked down on me.

―that's what i thought, every time our eyes met. that you looked down on me. -君と目が合う度、思ったよ。君は私を軽蔑しているとね
335monster19:2005/11/20(日) 00:00:52 ID:???0
oh, i get it now. you want me to repay what i owed you from that time, huh? is it money? -ははあ、なるほど。あの時の借りを返せと言うわけだな。金かい?

―no. that's not it. i hear you're an authority on criminal psychology. i have something i'd like for you to see.

so, is there anything you can figure out from these two messages? -それで、その2つのメッセージから、何かわかることはないか?

―whether he has the multiple personality disorder you spoke of, you mean? -君の言うところの多重人格か?

you want to say that one personality is committing these murders and that a different personality is trying to prevent them.

certainly, there have been serial homicides in which notes like these were left at the crime scene. but, at times, these notes can be an "excuse" in order to escape culpability.

―making the distinction between the two possibilities is where our skills as psychoanalysts come in. -そこを見極めるのが、私達精神分析医の腕の見せ所なんだ

is he...toying with me? -わたしは…彼に弄ばれてるのか…

―well, hang on there. it's unwise to leap to conclusions. can you speak about johan in more detail? -まあ、待ちたまえ。結論を急ぐのは良くない。もっとゆっくりヨハンの話を聞かせてくれないか

what do you think of this man? -この男、どう思う?

―i can understand him well. -よくわかるよ

on what points? -それは、どういう点でだい?

―the..."monster" that he spoke of. -彼の言う…怪物
336monster19:2005/11/20(日) 00:01:22 ID:???0
he will definitely come to see you, i hope? -奴は確実に、あなたの元へやってくるんでしょうな?

―he will. i'll contact you right away when that happens. -必ずきます。その時はただちに、連絡しますよ

――however...i'd like for him to become one of my research subjects after you arrest him. he is an extremely interesting criminal,
that dr.tenma.

what is going on here? it's just like the room he described. -どういうことだ?そのものじゃないか

―did jurgens recreate the storage room from his childhood here? -ユルゲンスはここを自分で、子供時代の物置そっくりに作り変えたというのか?

is the doctor being threatened? -ドクターは脅されているのか?

―well, the people around them are so noisy that we can't pick up their voices... -それが、回りが騒がしくて音声が…

it was in ms.kempf's storage room. ms.kempf didn't have any children. -ケンプ夫人邸の物置にあったものだ。ケンプ夫人に子供はいなかった

the johan you spoke of and the friend jurgens spoke of friend jurgens spoke of are probably the same person. -おそらく君の言っていたヨハンと、ユルゲンスの言っていた友達は同一人物だ

the same messages as johan's were at ms.kempf's mansion. johan lived off of ms.kempf, then killed her when he didn't need her anymore.

―it may be to erase his past, as you said. -君が言うように、過去を消すためかもしれない

――i don't know how, but johan can detect killers. he can infiltrate their solitude and manipulate them. -どうやってかはわからないが、ヨハンは殺人者の匂いを嗅ぎ取る。そして、彼らの孤独に入り込み、操ることができる
337monster19:2005/11/20(日) 00:03:13 ID:???0
also, as to why you haven't found any cases where he murdered the foster parents he had when he was older... -ヨハンには、青年期に寄生した養父母を殺害したケースが、まだ見当たらないということだが…

―it's probably because he is at an age where he no longer needs foster parents. -おそらく年齢的にも、養父母を必要としなくなったからだと思う

there are other possible reasons, though. johan has finally found and joined the ideal family. -しかし、他にも考えられる。ヨハンはついに、理想の家族を見つけ、そこに入り込んだ

―still, why does he try to erase his past? is there a reason he needs to? -だが、なぜ過去を消そうとするんだ?何か理由があってなのか?

――if so, then is he currently with a family for a particular purpose? to accomplish something... -ならば今は、何かの目的のために、その家族に入り込んでいるのか?何かのために…

i wasn't looking down on you. it's the truth. -私は君を軽蔑なんかしてなかった。本当だよ

i thought you looked like an interesting guy, but i didn't get a chance to get to know you. -おもしろそうな奴だと思っていたが、いい機会がなかった。

however, we've finally become friends. -でも、やっとこれで友達になれたな

i was cheating too. -私もあの時、カンニングしてたんだよ
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dammit. where the hell did they wander off to? -たくもう。あいつらどこで油売ってんのよ?

―if they're gonna take off like this, they'd better bring something back! -売ってないで、何か買ってこいっつーの

just who do you think you are? -何なのよ、あんたたち?

―a woman came here, didn't she? -ここに、女が来ただろう?

――i don't know anything about that. -知らないわよ、そんなの

what's with the line? -何の行列だ、こりゃ?

―as you can see, it's a faith test. if you understand, hurry up and step on it. -見ての通りの踏み絵だ。わかったら、さっさと踏むんだ

don't wanna. i can't stand being bossed around. -やだ。俺は指図されんのが大嫌いなんだよ

―don't cause a fuss. step on it so we can leave. -騒ぎを起こすな。踏めばすぐ済む。

then don't step on it. -では踏むな

―well, if you tell me NOT to, it kinda makes me wanna... -踏むなと言われりゃ、踏みたくなるのが…

quit screwing around! take these two into custody! -ふざけるな!コヤツらを連れてけ!

―you wanna go a round? -やんのかオラァ

――are you so eager to expose your stupidity that you're willing to cause unnecessary conflict? tone down your bravado, will you?

you sure she wasn't making it up? -ガセネタじゃねんだろうな?

―she said that she knew the samurai who smells of sunflowers. -言ってたもん。その人、ひまわりの匂いのするお侍さんを知ってるって
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――anyhow, it's late at night. we'll just lose our way if we continue to walk around aimlessly. -いずれにせよ、もう世も更けた。闇雲に歩き回っても、道に迷うだけだ

um...did a woman come to this village? she was being chased by some suspicious men armed with guns. -あの…この村に女の人が来ませんでしたか?銃を持った怪しい男達に追われていて

―you must be mistaken. if someone like that had come here, this whole place would be in an uproar. -何かの間違いでしょう。そのような人が来たとしたら、今頃大騒ぎになってるはずですよ

――you sure you didn't dream the whole thing? -夢でも見たんじゃねえのか?

it's late. if you'd like, why don't you spend the night at my place? -世も更けました。よろしければ、私の家にでもお泊りください

―now, that sounds like a good idea. -ま、そうさせてもらうぜ

it's suspicious. for a village so deep in the mountains, security is too tight. -妙だな。山奥の村にしては、警備がしっかりし過ぎている

―don't you think you're worrying too much? -気にし過ぎじゃねえの?

――i hope you're right... -だといいが…

okay everyone. may i have your attention? -オウケイ、皆さん。聞いてください

until now, it was thought that all you had to do to enter heaven was to believe in god. -今までは、ただ神を信じていれば、天国へ行けると思われてました

however, even heaven has become overpopulated lately. real estate is getting scarce, and not just anyone can get in anymore.

and thus, this gun has become the passport to heaven! -そこで、天国へのパスポートとなるのが、この銃です!

the number of these holy guns that you make will determine whether you can go heaven! -どれだけ、この神の銃を作ったか。その数で、天国へ行けるかどうか決まります