
The magic of the wizard's dreamsは癒されますよ。

2Lyrics:2006/05/19(金) 22:27:16 ID:TWaUgRSE
In those silent shades of grey
i will find a place
to escape the endless night
to find a new sun

i know which is my fate
bond to erian's old tale
i'll be always there
fighting the ancient sin
moon shine in this eternal night

angels are calling
from divine lost crystal realms
riding from heaven
for the magic of the wizard's dream

in the misty lights of dawn
between heart and soul
elgard's calling for new hope
to avoid our fall

i know which is my fate
bond to erian's old tale
i'll be always there
fighting the ancient sin
moon shine in this eternal night

angels are calling
from divine lost crystal realms
riding from heaven
for the magic of the wizard's dream
3癒されたい名無しさん:2006/05/19(金) 22:27:55 ID:V+dLAlcv
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4癒されたい名無しさん:2006/05/19(金) 22:41:48 ID:Ar2wGFmK
                 ヽ ヽ   /゙ヽ、
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                  ヽ ヽ ン, ..: ,::´~,~~~`ヽ、 ソ
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                  /     ヽヽ      ノ::ハ <フルフルフルムーン?
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| {0}  /¨`ヽ {0}, ! 他人さまの板に迷惑はかけちゃいかんよ
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