Single isolated mouse skin cell can generate into variety of epidermal tissues Sheets of stem cells, created in the lab, grow hair, skin and oil glands on hairless mice マウスの一つの皮膚細胞から数々の表皮性皮膚粘膜を作り出すことに成功。実験室で培養した、 毛髪、皮膚、油腺が無毛マウスに定着。
Researchers at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at The Rockefeller University have isolated stem cells from the skin of a mouse, and showed, for the first time, that an individual stem cell can renew itself in the laboratory and then be used in grafts to produce skin, hair and oil glands. The study, published in the September 3 issue of the journal Cell, not only demonstrates for the first time the multipotent power of these stem cells, but also holds promise for possible future application of these techniques for the treatment of human skin and hair conditions, says the study's lead investigator, Elaine Fuchs, Ph.D., professor and head of the Laboratory of Mammalian Cell Biology and Development at Rockefeller and an investigator at HHMI. Fuchs also is a member of the Robert and Harriet Heilbrunn Center for Stem Cell Research at Rockefeller.
"This is the first work that indicates a single skin stem cell can generate both epidermis and hair, even after propagation in the lab," Fuchs says. "The potential of these stem cells is very exciting."
And in the future, she says, it may be possible to test if human skin cells can also be pushed to grow into other epithelial cells, such as eye cornea or tooth enamel, or even different types of tissues. "My interest has always been to understand biology with an eye toward eventual clinical applications," Fuchs says. "So far, this study has provided some of the answers that we will need to make this possible."
One possible application for the findings is to see if these methods can now be adapted to isolate human hair stem cells for developing future treatments for baldness, she says. In the present study, the Fuchs' team of researchers were able to isolate these stem cells from normal mice, graft them on to the backs of hairless mice, and generate luxuriant hair growth, as well as new glands to oil the hair and fresh skin.
In contrast to recent methods published earlier this year by Fuchs's Rockefeller team and George Cotsarelis's group at the University of Pennsylvania, this new methodology for isolating skin stem cells does not require genetic manipulation. "This opens the door for applying this method for isolating human cells," Fuchs explains.
Because they are so powerful, and so few in number, stem cells are used sparingly by the body and are tucked away in protected places. In the skin, cells suspected of having "stemness" because they divided infrequently were found by researchers to reside in a tiny bulge halfway up the side of a hair follicle shaft.
The next step is to try implanting human stem cells, taken from hair follicles, into the hairless mice. If the stem cells grow hair and skin like the mouse cells did, then the researchers will try implanting the cells into humans, Blanpain said.
The possibility that bald heads can be revitalized now looks better, but as cell biologist Elaine Fuchs warned: "Don't hold your breath. You'll still need a hat to disguise your pate for the foreseeable future. I'd love to say a cure is right around the corner, but quite frankly a lot of research needs to be done before we get to that point."
"We are not yet able to achieve such [hair] density 100 percent of the time," Fuchs added. But, "the fact that we do get such density in some cases tells us the system is working well. We just need to tweak it to the point where we can get such results consistently."
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Touted as the holy grail for hair restoration, the term "Hair Multiplication" was first coined by Dr. Coen Gho in The Netherlands whose research has fueled endless controversies all over the world. Nowadays, the term "Hair Multiplication" is commonly used to refer to a cell based, tissue engineered treatment for hair loss. To put it simply, it is a minimally invasive high tech surgical procedure where hair cells are extracted from a small donor site in the scalp, cultured and multiplied in a lab before replanting into the balding areas of the patient for regrowth. The world's obsession with Hair Multiplication lies in the fact that in theory, the procedure will deliver an unlimited supply of donor hair to the patient with little or no complications at all. An international race has been going on for years with top researchers from Canada, England, Mexico, Japan, The Netherlands and United States all trying to be the first to offer a commercial protocol of Hair Multiplication. So will the " trophy" end up in Dr. Bazan's hands this year? It remains to be seen.
The proprietary term for Dr. Bazan's Hair Multiplication procedure is called Scalp Impregnation Therapy (SIT). According to Dr. Bazan, his SIT procedure will be available commercially for both men and women in September 2004 on a first come first serve basis. Patients will have to be at least 30 years old with a Norwood 5 minimum requirement for male subjects and Ludwig 3 minimum requirement for female subjects.
We are unsure how committed Dr. Bazan really is to this self imposed release date of September 2004 for SIT but we feel that even in the unlikely event of a postponement, it will not be far off from September 2004. The treatment is administered to the patients in terms of cultured hair cells suspension quantified in ounces. Just like any medical breakthroughs, the price for SIT is not cheap. It ranges from $22,000 for 1.0 oz to $36,000 U.S. for 2.5 oz.
Fiction meets Reality. Good bye scalpel. Good bye Transplants. Hello petri dish ?
The treatment is expected to be the least invasive of all surgical hair restoration procedures currently available in the world. A 20 minute impregnation session can yield up to 6,000 hairs and the level of discomfort is negligible in comparison with existing surgical procedures. No skin biopsy or patch test is necessary prior to the procedure and no bandages are required post surgery. Patients can resume most activities in as little as 2-3 days after the procedure. A minimum stay of 10 days in Mexico for the initial treatment plus several return visits are usually required. The procedure is 100% performed exclusively by Doctor Bazan and will leave virtually no scars on the patients.
"6,000 thousand, medium-thickness, wavy, brunette hairs for Room 4, please...." Will this be a routine order in hair clinics in the near future?
Not only did Dr. Bazan stun the world with a much sooner than expected release date for his SIT procedure, it is equally fascinating that Dr. Bazan is already talking about allogenic protocols in his hair multiplication research. Up till now, all the researchers in the world have been focusing on autologous procedures where the patient's own cells are used in the hair multiplication process. Allogenic protocols involves donor cells from an individual other than the patient himself. Allogenic procedures can, in theory, give a patient hair color and hair texture that is different from what he or she is born with.
A HairSite EXCLUSIVE Q&A WITH DR. BAZAN - Part I ヘアーサイト、べーゼン博士へ独占インタビューパート1
What are the reasons for only accepting patients who are at least 30 years old ? なぜ治療を30歳以上の患者に限定を?
Dr. Bazan: As per our accepted trial protocol. Age brackets (p>30 / p<55) are temporary. べーゼン博士: 一時的だが、我々独自の調査も含めて30歳から55歳までに限定した。
What are the reasons for only accepting patients who are at least Norwood 5 or for the case of female patients, Ludwig 3? なぜ男性はNorwood 5、女性はLudwig 3以上の患者のみに治療の限定を?
Dr. Bazan: As per our accepted trial protocol class brackets (N>=5) (L>2) are temporary. べーゼン博士: 一時的だが、我々独自の調査も含めて男性はNorwood 5、 女性はLudwig 2(3じゃないの?)に限定させてもらった。
On average how many hairs can a 1 oz. ex-SIT procedure produce? 今までのSIT採取では、一度につき1オンス中最大約何本の髪が作れましたか?
Dr. Bazan: Depending on donor & recipient quality, 1 oz of ex-SIT suspension could produce a range from 3,500 to 7,500 hairs. It will get standardized as we fine tune some technical difficulties. The highest level of standardization will probably come from a-SIT protocol (using "super-donor" hair). べーゼン博士: ドナー部分と患者の質の差で、今までSIT検査液1オンス中で培養 できた範囲は3500から7000本だ。標準本数を定めるのは技術的にまだ難しいが、 「スーパードナー」を使った場合、SIT法で可能な最高水準に設定できる。
Does your September 2004 release date apply to both ex-SIT (autologous) and a-SIT (allogenic) ? 2004年9月の開始については従来のSIT(自系培養)、現在のSIT(他系移植) 両方のことを指すのでしょうか?
Dr. Bazan: Fully open Dp-HM and limited (but still commercially open) ex-SIT. The a-SIT protocols (the most advanced) will be commercially launched in 2005-6. べーゼン博士: Dp-HM(自系の操作による培養?)については全解禁とし、従来のSIT (自系培養)については可能だが条件付きとする。最新のa-SIT(他系による培養?) の実用化については2005〜2006年になる。
In our last interview, you mentioned that all test patients responded to impregnation and different techniques yielded different degree of regrowth for your patients. Can you tell us which of your impregnation technique consistently yields the maximum regrowth for patients ? あなたは前回のインタビューで治療を受けた全ての患者で発毛を確認し、 方法の違いで結果は異なったと言われていたが、どの方法が最も安定して最大の 発毛率となりましたか?
What are the chances that you have to postpone the release date of SIT? Is September 2004 a definite ? あなたが予定している開始を延期する可能性については?2004年9月とは確実な時期ですか?
Dr. Bazan: It is certainly possible, but not probable, as far as we know today. We are trying to avoid certain "external" pressures and difficulties that may compromise the September 2004 launch. べーゼン博士: 開始は確実に可能だ。しかし最近、ある「外部」からの圧力や、その他の 問題の解決にあたっている。開始時期についてはもしかしたら再考せざるを得ないかも しれない。
Does SIT work by rejuvenating existing hair follicles or does it actually create brand new follicles? SITは現在生えている毛髪自体を若返らせることは可能なのですか? それとも新しい細胞を作り出すだけですか?
Dr. Bazan: Both, to a certain extent. However, I cannot elaborate further at this point (classified). べーゼン博士: 両方の効果がある。しかし現段階で詳細は定義できていない。
Now that SIT will be available to the public very soon, does it mean that people with hair loss will no longer need to consider traditional hair transplant or FUE as an option? SITが世間に認知されるまであとわずかとなってますが、これは従来の薄毛の 人達が自毛移植や、FUEを考える必要がなくなるということですか?意見として。
Dr. Bazan: Maybe FUE transplants for the hairline, eyelashes, eyebrows, beards, etc. Remember SIT is not ideal for reconstructing the hairlines. べーゼン博士: SITは理想のヘアラインを作る為には最善の方法ではないと覚えて おいてほしい。FUE移植はヘアライン、まつげ、眉毛、髭への治療向けとなるだろう。
Are the HM hairs all of the same diameter as healthy hair? If there is some level of variation in hair shaft diameter? What is the typical variation (in terms of a ratio of thick: thin in an average responder? 培養による髪は全て健康は髪と同じ太さになるのでしょうか?毛幹に太さの バラつきはある場合、平均的はバラつきの方向性としてはどうでしょうか?
Dr. Bazan: In Dp-HM and ex-SIT the "new" hair is a copied-hair. As normal as the donor is. べーゼン博士: ドナーが正常である限り、Dp-HM(自系の操作による培養?) とex-SIT(自系培養)によって生える髪はコピー元と同じものだ。
According to your website, the research is a joint venture with Itzan Humana Lab. Can you tell us more about Itzan Humana Lab? What is Itzan Humana Lab's role in this joint venture, their background etc ? あなたのウェブサイトによると、この研究はイッゼンハマナ研究所との共同 ベンチャーらしいですが、この研究所の背景、今回の研究に参加した際の役割等 を教えてもらえますか?
Dr. Bazan: Bazan Institute conceptualized and developed the protocols. Itzan HumanaLabs (a branch) funds the projects and launches the trials. More venture funding is needed in order to open more centers to satisfy demand. べーゼン博士: 我がべーゼン研究所はこの治療法を確立し、イッゼンハマナ研究所 の一部が資金援助、臨床試験を行った。需要を満たすにはより多くの施設が必要だし、 そのためのベンチャー資金も必要だ。
Will your SIT procedure be suitable for patients with alopecia areata? Have you successfully treated any patients with alopecia areata, burn patients and other alopecias? SIT治療は円形脱毛症の患者には向いていると考えてよいですか?これまで 火傷等で脱毛した患者の治療に成功した例はありますか?
Dr. Bazan: Classified. べーゼン博士: それは極秘事項です。
Can you provide a list of some of the side effects or possible complications associated with the SIT procedures? For example, shock fallout, possible tumors growth, etc.? SIT治療の副作用による合併症の可能性の例を具体的に挙げてもらえますか? 例えばショックによる脱毛や悪性の腫瘍化等の可能性は?
Dr. Bazan: The global description will be released prior to commercial launch (Sept 2004). べーゼン博士: それについては実際に実用化される前に世界規模で発表されます。 (2004年9月)
Do you have plans to open more clinics or license your technique to other doctors in order to meet the demand? あなたはこの技術ライセンスを他のクリニックや医師達に公開してより多くの 需要に応えようという考えはありますか?
Dr. Bazan: It depends on the demand. We envision multiple impregnation centers (worldwide) but one centralized matrix-culture center and QC in Aguascalientes where the classified reproduction will be performed. Once a-SIT (allogenic-Scalp Impregnation Therapy) protocol is fully ready for release, the serum will be shipped by request to any impregnation center by next-day couriers. There are two very large corporations initially interested in launching the world-wide project. They are not from the USA. We are just studying their presentations. べーゼン博士: 需要が多ければそれはあり得る。我々は世界中にこの治療センターが 出来ることを目標にしているが、品質管理や培養の基幹技術を扱う場所はアグアスカリエンテス (メキシコ中部の都市)で行う。a-SIT(他系頭皮による移植治療)による毛髪繁殖が 完成した時点で、1日で他国の診療所へ血清を輸送できるようにする予定だ。2つの大企業が この世界規模のプロジェクトに当初から関心を示している。ちなみにどちらも米国企業ではない。 目下彼らと調整中だ。
Can we expect to see some before and after photos of your SIT patients? SIT治療患者の治療前、治療後の写真を見るのを着たいしているのですが。
Dr. Bazan: Most certainly yes. For the time being, you can view the world's first hair multiplication photo by clicking here on HairSite or on our website at Other photos will be published in due time (we are still under "X" phase, limited disclosure allowed). べーゼン博士: もちろんOKだ。ここしばらくの間は、この世界初の毛髪繁殖治療の映像は ここ、HairSiteか我々のウェブサイトwww.itzan.comで公開する。その他の映像も来るべきとき が来れば公開されるだろう。(未だ実験はX段階なので、公開は制限されている。)
Can you explain why your SIT procedure is so expensive when it only takes 20 minutes to administer the injection? What are some of the costs involved in administering the SIT treatment to your patients ? なぜSITがたったの20分で注入可能で、かつこれほど高価なものなのでしょうか? これほど高価なのは一体どんな治療工程が原因だからと考えられますか?
Dr. Bazan: The impregnation time is short yet extremely delicate and very complex. But in order to get to that ready-stage, immense work such as tissue sampling etc. has to be completed. They are all very long, difficult and expensive steps. Patient's subsequent visits are already covered with the initial payment so we think this is very cost effective when compared to any other options. We are talking about unlimited donor supply here. Tissue engineering is not a simple, inexpensive hobby that is commonly pursued by people. べーゼン博士: 培養時間は短いが、工程は非常に複雑でデリケートだ。しかし皮膚組織の抽出 のような複雑な工程は完了まで多大な労力を要する。時間と手間が必要だ。患者は最初の来院時 までに全額の治療費を払うので、現在存在する他の育毛治療費と比較すれば、納得できるレベル だと我々は考えます。我々が提供するのは無限に増える毛髪です。皮膚組織工学は単純ではない、 簡単に趣味レベルで行われているその辺のものとは違います。
Can you tell us what types of cells do you extract and culture for the procedure? 具体的にどんな細胞を抽出し、培養するのか工程も含めて説明してもらえますか?
Dr. Bazan: In general they are related to the Dp (Dermal papilla). Further info is highly classified. Good try ! べーゼン博士: 一般的に言われているDp(真皮乳頭)の親戚です。なかなかいい質問ですが、 それ以上は企業秘密です。
Will allogenic hair preserve donor characteristics? 異系毛髪培養をした場合、ドナーの提供者の特徴に似るものでしょうか?
Dr. Bazan: Yes, but we do not know if permanently. A hair is known to mimic surrounding hair. So maybe in the long run it will partially become similar in texture-color-thickness-growth habits (clicling) to pre-existing hairs. In the event that it never changes in characteristics (which is still a probability), we will supervise the patient's choice of new hair to better match characteristics and get a normal looking head of hair. べーゼン博士: ええ、でもそれが恒久的になるものかはまだ不明です。毛髪は周囲の特性を 取り入れて成長するので、時間が経てば患者の本来もっている髪の特徴、(色、質、太さ、生え方) に近づいてくると考えられます。最終的に毛質は元々の特徴と変わらなくなると考えています。 まだ我々は患者が選択した毛質が、その患者にとって将来自然な仕上がりになっていくのか 見ている段階です。
There are rumors you already received some HM.... あなたが既にHM(毛髪操作?)を受けたという噂がありますが・・・・
Dr. Bazan: Yes, I received some HM (successful) and plan for more, budget permitting (I am a known hair-a-holic). べーゼン博士: ええ、私自身も受けて成功していますし、これから予算次第 でもっと受けるつもりです。(私が「髪の毛中毒者」だということはみんな 知っています。)
Will you impregnate patients with no hairloss, like if someone just desires to have more hair (models, etc) ? この治療をフサフサだけど、更に髪が欲しいという人(モデル等)に行う予定はありますか?
Dr. Bazan: Some have already attempted to register with us. But the present protocol has strict age and "Norwood / Ludwig" class brackets, and obviously we must respect them in order to comply with guidelines. べーゼン博士: 何人かは既にコンタクトを求めてきた。でもこの治療は年齢と共にNorwood か Ludwigに限定しているし、そのガイドラインを優先に守るつもりだ。
Dr. Carl Bazan Scalp Impregnation Therapy & Hair Multiplication Procedure Q&A Part II カール・べーザン博士の頭皮受精と毛髪繁殖のプロセスQ&Aパート2
1) Is it true that your Dp-Hair Multiplication procedure is similar to the hair transplant technique commonly known as FUE except that with Dp-Hair Multiplication the donor hair can be multiplied up to 16 times? このDp-毛髪繁殖はドナーが16回まで培養可能な点を除いては、従来の自毛移植のFUEと 考え方が近いという事ですが。
Dr. Bazan: This one is clearly explained on the website, please visit my website again. ベーザン博士:その点については私のウェブサイト、www.itzan.comで述べているので見て欲しい。
2) I understand that you have two separate protocols for the Dp-Hair Multiplication procedure, can you tell us the difference between Dp-HM and s-DpGC? Many of our readers (myself included) are confused by the terminologies. For example, what exactly does s-DpGC stand for? Dp-毛髪繁殖のプロセスにはDp-HMとs-DpGCの2つがあるようですが、それらの違いは? 私を含めて多くの読者が2つの違いを理解できないのです。そもそもs-DpGCとは何の略なのでしょうか?
Dr. Bazan: Too lengthy to get into details here. Better yet, I will post a more elaborate explanation and also a FAQ page in my website soon. ベーザン博士:ここでその説明するのは非常に手間がかかるので、私のウェブサイトにFAQも含め もっと詳しく更新するようにします。そのほうがいいでしょう。
3) How is the donor hair multiplied under either Dp-HM or s-DpGC ? Does it involve dissecting the donor follicle surgically? Dp-HM か s-DpGCではどうやって毛髪は培養されるのでしょうか?毛包を外科的に分解する ような作業は必要ですか?
Dr. Bazan: Dermal papilla based Hair Multiplication involves dissecting Dp with specialized high magnification equipment. Self donated-Dermal papilla + growth centers are identified, isolated, prepared, and then treated & divided. ベーザン博士:培養は真皮乳頭をベースに培養機器をつかって分解する。 ドナーとして提供された真皮乳頭は解析、分別等のプロセスを経て分割される。
4) Can the donor site regenerate after it has been harvested using either of the Dp-Hair Multiplication protocols? ドナーは採取後これらのプロセスを経て前述のどちらかの方法(Dp-HM か s-DpGC) で再生されるのですか?
Dr. Bazan: Possibly in theory but not practical nor probable yet. ベーザン博士:理論上は可能だが、まだ実験段階だ。
5) For patients who are interested in either of your Dp-Hair Multiplication procedures, are multiple visits to your clinic required for EACH treatment? あなたの治療に興味を持ち、受けて見たいという人達はそのどちらかの方法の場合、 何度も通院しなければいけないのですか?
Dr. Bazan: David, ideally the goal is for the patient to use his local dermatologist or hair specialist as much as possible without having to pay multiple visits to my clinic. We would like to establish a "network" of facilitators for the procedures. Culture media and/or cultured pack could be readily shipped frozen to order. We started working (4/04) with a network developer/consultant from Australia to consider different possibilities. We are doing this while under pressure from various sources to halt and desist. ベーザン博士:デビッドさん、わざわざ高い代償を払って私のクリニックまで来てもらう のではなく、理想はあくまで患者が住む近所の皮膚科や毛髪クリニックでの治療を目指しています。 この治療を行える場所と、培養済みのものを冷凍して確実に輸送できるネットワークを 作りたいのです。この試みは2004年の4月からオーストラリアの専門家と、圧力とさまざまな妨害工作 に会いながら進めている状態です。
6) Is there an issue with the new hairs derived from Dp-Hair Multiplication ? Will the new hairs look and feel thinner and smaller than normal terminal hairs? Dp-毛髪培養によって作り出された新しい毛はどんなものでしょう。通常の最後の世代の髪 より細いのでしょうか?
Dr. Bazan: New hair is normal hair. ベーザン博士:作り出されたは普通の状態の髪と同じだ。
7) In our previous interview, you stated that Scalp Impregnation Therapy (SIT) is not suitable for creating hairlines. Do you think if Dp-Hair Multiplication is subject to the same drawback as SIT? 前回のインタビューでは、頭皮受精治療 (SIT)は理想のヘアラインを作り出すための物 ではないとおっしゃっていましたが、これはDp-毛髪培養にもあてはまりますか?
Dr. Bazan: Not to the same extent as SIT, but some direction issues still exist. We still cannot resolve those issues. It might be advisable for patients to get some FUE hair transplants to perfect the resulting hairlines even after having Dp-HM done. ベーザン博士:SITと全く同じではないが、方向性としては同じだし、この問題(ヘアライン形成) に関してはまだ未解決だ。Dp-毛髪培養を受けた患者で、理想のヘアラインを求める人達には FUE毛髪移植を薦めるだろう。
8) Dp-Hair Multiplication sounds like a superior form of FUE. Do you feel that traditional FUE still has a role to play in surgical hair transplantation? Under what circumstances would you still recommend your patients to proceed with a traditional FUE procedure as opposed to a Dp-Hair Multiplication procedure? Dp-毛髪培養は従来のFUE毛髪移植より進んでいるようですが、外科的治療のFUE毛髪移植は それを踏まえた上でまだ有効な分野があるとしたら、どんな分野ですか?
Dr. Bazan: Very likely. Dp-Hair Multiplication will not obsolete FUE. It is just another option for the patient. That we have Mercedes Benz available does not mean that there will be no demand for Volkswagen. My objective is to ultimately make HT more "democratic" (time, place, downtime, price). For some, choices on the table will still be flaps, rugs, plugs, strips, fues, etc. If not for the hairline, I could not come up with a reason to choose FUE over HM (assuming health or money not being an issue). On the other hand, the technique is still early in the development. Let's wait and see what happens. ベーザン博士:Dp-毛髪培養は従来のFUE毛髪移植に完全に取って代わるものではない。薄毛で悩む 人達にとっての新たなオプションであると考えて頂きたい。ベンツが買えるようになっても フォルクスワーゲンのマーケットが消滅する訳ではないのと同じだ。従来のフラップ法、植毛法等の さまざま毛髪治療をもっと、時間的、場所的、コスト的な選択を広げ、大衆化するためだ。しかし、 ことヘアラインの為の治療でないのはら、FUEを選ぶ理由は(金銭的、健康状態を除き) 見当たらないのだが、HM(毛髪操作)はまだ発展段階だし、これからどうなっていくのか 見守る必要がある。
9) Are there any drawbacks or shortcomings of Dp-Hair Multiplication that we should be aware of? このDp-毛髪培養治療の弱点、欠点はどんなものがありますか?
Dr. Bazan: Some direction issues. Some storage issues. Permits still not granted. A strong opposition network. Lack of collaboration. An international team would probably solve issues faster and better. We welcome other researchers to contact us for possible collaboration (with some restrictions, naturally). ベーザン博士:方向性の問題。保存法の問題。未だに許可が下りないという問題。 この治療への強い抵抗勢力が存在する問題。協力体制が不足の問題。国際チームは この問題をきっと解決してくれるだろう。我々に協力してくれる研究機関がもっと 現れてくれると期待している。(もちろん多少の制約を承諾してくれれば)
10) Are you already offering both forms of Dp-Hair Multiplication procedure to the general public now or do we have to wait till September or later this year along with SIT? この2つのDp-毛髪培養治療を現在公的に公表することは可能ですか?9月以降、 または年末まで待たなければなりませんか?
Dr. Bazan: Still do not know. We are working hard on it. Some things depend on us and some do not. However, We are optimistic. ベーザン博士:まだわからない。一生懸命努力している。我々だけの力 ではどうしようもない部分もあるが希望は捨てていない。
In our (fundamental as well as clinical) studies we revealed that the whole follicle is not needed to regenerate hair growth. If a small portion of the follicle remains in the donor area, it can regenerate a new hair, even when the major part of the follicle is removed. The major part, which has been removed, will also produce a hair when transplanted into the recipient area. So, one hair follicle can produce two hairs. The rate of multiplication varies between patients, because we sometimes remove too much follicular tissue from the donor area, so only the graft will generate a new hair. At times we remove insufficient follicular tissue from the donor area, so only the donor area will continue to produce hairs. These are the reasons why the percentage of multiplication・varies for each patient. At the moment we have increased consistency in the multiplication rate (50 to 80%).
Many patients ask us if we have proof of the re-growth in the donor area. At this moment we are preparing another scientific publication besides the publication in the British Journal of Dermatology which contains the proof for the regeneration. Due to publication reasons of the scientific studies in the scientific journals and papers, it is not advisable for us to publish certain findings and revealing information which can decide a journal or paper not to publish our article. However, we would like to show you some pictures of three different patients which shows regeneration of the donor-grafts sites (green arrows) where the grafts where taken 1 week ago.
When you look at these close-up pictures of the donor-site, you still see the red spots where the grafts where taken. In these red spots you see small hairs growing out (green arrows). This is the re-growth of the hairs in the donor graft sites. この至近距離で撮影されたドナー部の写真で赤い穴のようなものをが見えますが、 それが採取された部分です。それらの赤い穴から発毛しているのが見えます。 (緑色の矢印)これがドナー部から再発毛した毛髪です。
You will also notice some red spots which do not contain small hairs (red arrows). In these donor-grafts sites, maybe too much tissue is taken and no there is no re-growth after a week. However, in our experience, there is a possibility that there will be re-growth after months. 赤い穴で発毛していない部分も見えます。(赤色の矢印)この部分は過剰に皮膚を採取 したので1週間経っても発毛していません。しかし数ヵ月後に発毛する可能性があることが 今までの実験で明らかになっています。
This picture also shows that a large percentage of the donor-graft sites shows re-growth, and a small percentage does not. Therefore, we claim 50 to 80% re-growth and not 100% re-growth. この写真で、より多くの確立で発毛し、少ない確立で発毛しなかったかが分かります。 したがって我々は100%とはいきませんが、50〜80%の発毛率としています。
I will contact David to put this information up in a seperate webpage which allows the photos to be shown in higher resolution. 確信を高めてもらう為に、デビッドにたのんで、このことをウェブサイトに 載せてもらおうと思います。
Yours sincerely, 敬具
Coen Gho, MD and the Medical Team at GHO Clinic コーエン・ゴー(ゴー・クリニック医師とそのチームより)
On average how many hairs can a 1 oz. ex-SIT procedure produce? ex-SIT(旧式?)では1オンスにつき約何本の毛髪を作り出すことが可能ですか?
Dr. Bazan: Depending on donor & recipient quality, 1 oz of ex-SIT suspension could produce a range from 3,500 to 7,500 hairs. It will get standardized as we fine tune some technical difficulties. The highest level of standardization will probably come from a-SIT protocol (using "super-donor" hair).
11) Will the discomfort associated with Dp-Hair Multiplication procedures be similar to that of FUE? Dp-毛髪培養手術に関する肉体的、精神的苦痛はFUEによる手術に近いと考えてよろしいですか?
Dr. Bazan: Significantly less. Very much so. ベーザン博士:内容的には近いが、ずっと低い。
12) According to your website ( the cost for Dp-Hair Multiplication is $15,500 for a small session, $18,000 for a medium session and $35,000 for a large session. Does this price list apply to both Dp-HM and s-DpGC? あなたのサイトwww.itzan.comによると、Dp-毛髪繁殖は小規模で1万5千5百ドル、 中規模で1万8千ドル、大規模なものでは3万5千ドルかかるそうですが、 これはDp-毛髪繁殖(自系?)、s-DpGC(他系?)両方にあてはまりますか?
Dr. Bazan: Prices are only estimates, please do not consider them as final for the time being. ベーザン博士:これらの値段はあくまで暫定的なものです。
13) On average, how many individual hair or grafts can a patient get from each of small, medium and large Dp-Hair Multiplication session? 小、中、大規模それぞれのHM治療につき、一人の患者に対して約何本の髪を 作ることが可能なのでしょうか?
Dr. Bazan: Will depend on the donor quality from the samples taken. Numbers on allogenic procedures are still classified. ベーザン博士:それはドナーの質によって異なります。他系細胞から作られる 本数はまだ公開していません。
14) Is either protocol of the Dp-Hair Multiplication procedure performed by technicians? (自系、他系)いずれかのHM培養プロセスは専門の技術者によって行われるのですか?
Dr. Bazan: No technicians. Some lab personnel is needed but I understand you meant regular "hair techs" (endangered species). ベーザン博士:いいえ、当研究所のメンバーによって行われますが、あなたの言わんと していることは従来の業者ですね(滅び行く運命にある人達)。
15) What kind of post operative care is recommended for Dp-Hair Multiplication patients? Are patients required to wear a bandage after the procedure? 術後のケアについてですが、Dp-HMの手術を受けたあと包帯等は必要ですか?
Dr. Bazan: Classified (and not really important now). ベーザン博士:(それほど重要ではないが)まだ極秘です。
16) How soon can a Dp-Hair Multiplication patient return to work after a large session? 大規模はDp-HM手術を受けた後、普通の生活(仕事)に戻るにはどれくらいかかりますか?
Dr. Bazan: It may take take a day or more before the patient can return to work. Still to early to describe the post operative protocols. ベーザン博士:普通の生活に戻るには最低1日かそれ以上必要かもしれないが、今決断を 下すには時期尚早だ。
17) Is a biopsy or pre-screening required before you know if a patient is a good candidate for either protocols of the Dp-Hair Multiplication procedure? (自系、他系)いずれかのHM治療を受ける候補者を選別する過程で事前の生体検査は必要ですか?
Dr. Bazan: Not necessary although some sampling adjustments will be necessary on the autologous procedures. ベーザン博士:自系治療に関しては多少の検査は必要になるが、それ以外は特に必要ない。
18) Assuming there is an infinite number of hair loss sufferers who wish to become your patient, what is the maximum number of Dp-HM patients you can accommodate per week once you start offering this procedure to the general public later this year? 薄毛に悩むかなりの人達があなたの治療を受けることを希望することが予想されますが、 年末にこの治療を開始した場合、一週間で最大約何人の患者を治療することが可能になりますか?
Dr. Bazan: Maybe 3 per week at my clinic or facilities. If we can establish or develop a network with other doctors or researchers, hypothetically hundreds. ベーザン博士:私のクリニックだけでは、せいぜい一週間で3人程度だろう。この治療をしてくれる 他の医師や研究者のネットワークができれば数百人はいきたいところだが。
1) With respect to your SIT procedure, have you noticed any problems or issues with the cycling of the new hairs? For example, do the new hair cycle like normal hair or will they fall out after a couple years? あなたの頭皮培養治療についてですが、毛髪のサイクルに関してはいかがでしょうか?培養された 髪は通常の髪と同じくらいの寿命になるのでしょうか?
Dr. Bazan: My experience is too short to determine for sure. My opinion is normal cycling (as most may be the older hair). ベーザン博士:個人的には通常の髪と同じ寿命だと考えるが、決定を下せるだけの実験が もっと必要だ。
2) Some suggest that culturing Dermal Papilla cells may have a problem with hair cycling in the sense that the new hairs may not last as long as one may hope. Is this true from your experience? 皮膚乳頭の培養は通常の毛髪と比べてサイクル上の問題を抱えているという指摘がありますが、 あなたの実験結果は?
Dr. Bazan: Classified. ベーザン博士:極秘事項です。
3) Are you able to determine if the new hairs generated by SIT are vulnerable to DHT just like our regular hair? Do you think if patients may need SIT maintenance session every 3-5 years? SIT(頭皮培養治療)によって作り出された毛髪は通常の毛髪と 同じようにDHT攻撃に対して弱いということを実験によって確かめる ことは可能ですか?患者が3〜5年おきにSIT治療を繰り返し受ける 必要はありそうですか?
Dr. Bazan: Classified. My opinion is that it may be permanent hair. ベーザン博士:まだ断言できないが、作り出された髪は永続的だと考える。
4) Thank you for allowing HairSite to publish the world's first HM photo online. Some comment that the photo looks like a patient's chin. Could you confirm that the photo is indeed one of your patient's scalp? 我々HairSiteに世界で初めてHMの写真を掲載させてくれてありがとうございます。一部には 顎の写真ではないかという指摘もありますが、これは間違えなく頭皮に写真ですか?
Dr. Bazan: It is an actual unretouched scalp. ベーザン博士:本物の無修正の頭皮の写真です。
5) In the photo, there are some hairs that have more pigmentation and are distinctively longer than others. Can you confirm that these are indeed SIT induced regrowth and not the patient's own hair prior to SIT treatment? 写真では色素が不自然なものや不自然に長いものがありますが、これらはSIT治療 のより作り出されたものであって患者の元々の髪ではありませんよね?
Dr. Bazan: Picture shows early regrowth. Some hairs are new too. Regrown hair have a different (younger?) pigmentation. Some hairs did not have a chance to age as they were deactivated by DHT. ベーザン博士:写真の毛髪は初期の成長段階です。新しく生えてきた毛も混じっていて それらは初期の色素によって見た目が異なります。なかにはDHTによる老化作用を 免れた髪もあります。
6) Assuming there is an infinite number of hair loss sufferers who wish to become your patient, what is the maximum number of SIT patients you can accommodate per week once you start offering this procedure to the general public later this year? (この質問って上の「18」と同じだけど)薄毛に悩むかなりの人達があなたの治療を受ける ことを希望することが予想されますが、年末にこの治療を開始した場合、一週間で最大約何人 の患者を治療することが可能になりますか?
Dr. Bazan: At the stage, assuming no improvements in our logistics and budget, maybe between 1 to 6 per month. With the desired network of providers the number of treatments will certainly be very very large. ベーザン博士:現段階においては我々には設備と予算の限界がある。1ヶ月に1〜6人程度では ないだろうか。協力者が増えれば莫大な人数を治療できるようになるんだが。