
2ゲーム好き名無しさん:05/01/25 18:47:36 ID:???
1よ、これほど痛めつけてもまだキサマには分からんのかっ このバカ弟子がぁ!!
1よ キサマはこの板の断末魔の光景を前に何も学ばなんだのかっ
ワシはなそれに気付いたとき この板の姿を傍観してはおれんようになった
ぬぁっはっはっはっはっはっは・・・・よいかっ ワシの目的はな このスレの抹殺なのだぞっ!!
そうだ・・・償いだ・・・ 犯した罪は償わなければならぬ・・・この手でな
ゴホッゴホッ ええい この体さえまともならなんの苦労もなかったものを・・・・
1・・・まだ分からんのか このワシの気持ちがぁ・・・1・・・・
こっ このうつけ者がぁっ ならばワシが正しいかお前が正しいか決着をつけてくれるわぁっ!!
そこまでか キサマの力など そこまでの物に過ぎんのかぁっ
それでもキング・オブ・ハートかあっ 足を踏ん張り腰を入れんかぁっ
そんなことでは 悪党のワシ一人倒せんぞっ このバカ弟子がぁぁぁぁぁぁっ!!
何をしておるっ 自ら膝をつくなど勝負を捨てた者のっすることぞおおぉぉっ
さあ、立てっ 立ってみせいいいいぃぃ
3ゲーム好き名無しさん:05/01/25 18:49:41 ID:???
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  l     ( _●_)    l   子熊の市場株価に、安定株は無い
 彡、    |∪|    ミ
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   (___/ \___)
4ゲーム好き名無しさん:05/01/25 18:54:31 ID:???
Another prophet of disaster Who says the ship is lost,
Another prophet of disaster Leaving you to count the cost.
Taunting us with visions, Afflicting us with fear,
Predicting War for millions, In the hope that one appears.

No point asking when it is, No point asking who's to go,
No point asking what's the game, No point asking who's to blame.
'cos if you're gonna die, if you're gonna die, if you're gonna die.

If you're gonna die, die with your boots on. If you're gonna try, just stick around,
Gonna cry, just move along, If you're gonna die, you're gonna die.

In 13 the Beast is rising, The Frenchman did surmise,
Through earthquakes and starvation, The warlord will arise.
Terror, death, destruction, Pour from the Eastern Sands,
But the truth of all predictions, Is always in your hands.

No point asking when it is, No point asking who's to go,
No point asking what's the game, No point asking who's to blame.

If you're gonna die, die with your boots on, If you're gonna try, just stick around,
Gonna cry, just move along, If you're gonna die, you're gonna die.

If you're gonna die, die with your boots on, If you're gonna try, just stick around,
Gonna cry, just move along, If you're gonna die, you're gonna die.

No point asking when it is, No point asking who's to go,
No point asking what's the game, No point asking who's to blame.
'cos if you're gonna die, if you're gonna die, if you're gonna die.

If you're gonna die, die with your boots on, If you're gonna try, just stick around,
Gonna cry, just move along, If you're gonna die, you're gonna die.

If you're gonna die, die with your boots on, If you're gonna try, just stick around,
Gonna cry, just move along, If you're gonna die, you're gonna die.

If you're gonna die, die with your boots on, If you're gonna try, just stick around,
Gonna cry, just move along, If you're gonna die, you're gonna die.